Drops of God: Sky, Earth, Humans – Episode 2 – Personal Thoughts


Before I start I have to say the last couple of days have been very hard for me in terms of time management, lots of adversity have come with a lot of work, having to deal with two office locations of a new client where everything was a mess, missing passwords, things that didn’t work, server that blue screens and to make things worst yesterday the computer that I use as my NAS died after I shut down, Motherboard and CPU dead, lucky me I had another with the same parts and swap them but now I’m one computer down so time for a new/used one, took me three hours to troubleshoot and this takes time from my schedule, such things are not plan and some times make me feel stress, loose sleep and concentration but I wont give up, at some point things calm down and I can reset, for example today post is coming a bit late than I plan it but then had things to take care at work today and went to sleep late yesterday after troubleshooting the computer that went down.

After a little venting lets get back to topic, Drops Of God, its only the second episode, on Friday will air the fourth episode, I’m one episode behind but that’s fine I will catch up, this is a series I’m really enjoying and that is obvious after I read about the success of this story on its manga edition, on the second episode we get a bit more context of Camille and the story with her father and that basically she created her existing trauma for alcohol, living an entire live thinking that it was her fathers fault when it was her, I think his father knew this and created this contest to push her to over come it as his last wish, like ok you wont do it for yourself then how about do it for all this millions I’m leaving behind, Alexander, her father, recognize her talent and had plans for her, after all she was very lucky to have Phillip and Thomas, at first the relationship was very hard but mostly because Camille had this hate relationship with everything that reminds her Wine or her father and I guess Phillip took that as an insult to his work and to his friend Alexander.


Episode two had a great start, on the first scene we see Camille drinking her first ever full glass of Wine after Alexander, her father, told her she was not ready yet to drink but she wanted to take it farther and experiment the taste of Wine, so far she was only tasting different flavors and smelling all the components that might be on a bottle of Wine, after she drink the Wine she immediately pass out and that’s when her parents call the paramedics, she is taken on an ambulance in the meantime her parents kept arguing about what just happen, her mother I think was never ok with the training she was getting and eventually that lead to Camille drinking wine in a moment she was not supervised by her father.



Camille arrives to one of his fathers friend, Phillips Vineyard, where she spend time very little went there with her father and got trained for many days before the accident, when she drank wine at a young age, there she met Phillip that she didnt remember at all and his son Thomas who works at the vineyard too. Its amazing all the machinery, the process, the chemistry and how little details can have big impacts on Wine, I think anyone who watches this series will eventually start to learn more and more about wine, that’s very interesting for me, for what I have research about the manga that was very little because I’m sure if I start reading it will spoil the tv series, Camille latter on goes deep into searching for different types of wines and every time they talk about it they explain details of how its preserve, for how long, its components, its an entire world and now I understand how in some parts of the world wine tasting Oenology is consider a professional carrier, its like someone who identify gold for example but in this case its more of talent that takes time, science and skills that goes into taste, smell and sight, they identify the taste, the smell and how the wine looks to tell everything about it.


After Thomas show Camille they place the went down to business because Camille doesn’t have much time, she needs to get good at tasting wine but there is one big problem, she cant drink a single drop of alcohol without passing out and start bleeding through her nose, at the moment Phillip still pissed by the entire situation, its like she is an inconvenience for him besides how she express from her father, all this had Phillip in a very bad mood.


The most obvious solution for Camille trauma is to use science to overcome it so they go and ask an expert, a doctor had her get certain exams to find out what’s wrong with her, during this exams they did a few test and notice Camille brain activity at smelling and tasting things, well over average but the problem is alcohol, the Dr is not there to have Camille pursue her father inheritance but to look after her safety, based that her problem is psychological she suggest Camille to stop her training or something can go wrong with her.


During this episode the entire time since she met Phillip they have been exchanging blows and he had enough but there was a surprise, during one of their arguments she start talking about how bad of a father Alexander was, keep in mind Phillip was a close friend and knew him very well, turns out Cecile, Camille’s mother send Alexander an email pretending to be Camille where she basically told him never look for me and die alone, not necessary in that context but that was her intention, Cecile though Alexander was a bad influence for Camille, I don’t necessary think that’s true but when a couple who share kids go separate ways 80% there is one side who is never ok or overcome the situation and always keep the wound open. I think Cecile is going to have a very short lifespan on this series as Camille immediately after she read the email Phillip was talking about dispatch her mother, ask her to leave.



Even dealing with all the adversity with her mother, father, trauma Camille decides to keep going and since she cant have any alcohol decides to smell wine, but first had to identify its components to then move into the hard stuff identifying wine by just smelling it, become good at identifying wine with all your senses and capabilities is hard already and she wanted to do it by smelling only, I never thought that was going to work and her competition is top of the line at it, when they move into identifying wine she had no chance at it, here comes Thomas girlfriend Juliette who thinks same as I, she is the Sales Director for Phillip Vineyard a very educated woman who I’m sure we will see in the future, Camille is wasting Thomas time and I think Phillip though so too but he was supporting her because she is Alexander daughter after all.


After three weeks of training Phillips perspective for Camille is different, he recognize her effort and talent but its not enough, she needs more than just smelling wine as he explains a good Sommelier (a trained and knowledgeable wine professional) can notice the different age, taste, smell, look of wine and tell from where it is and many more things that can get to a very specific description but she is not there, as a move of desperation she asks if she can taste it, she basically asking for Phillip permission which he has no right answer, Camille smells a glass of wine that was serve and remembers the entire episode of when she taste wine for the first time figuring out it was her fault and no one else, she went through her entire life hating her father, having a trauma for alcohol and now he is dead, all because of her innocent action that lead to other events that change her life not specifically for better, Camille drinks the entire glass and only said “Its so good” I was laughing because both Phillip and Thomas were worried about what was going to happen after she had wine again.

The story behind this TV Series is amazing, episode two is all about Camille and her training with Thomas, there were smalls scenes of Issei I didn’t mention because its not much about him, basically same as in episode one, so far Issei side story is not as interesting but if I’m not mistaken latter on they become partners and from then he will have a primary role on the series, so far its all about Camille and Thomas, on this episode we get to know exactly why Camille cant tolerate alcohol same as certain small details of wine components, I’m sure there is a universe of things but for someone like me who knows NOTHING about wine its a lot of knowledge, probably enough to have a conversation about it, Drops of God is for sure a TV Series drama to watch with your partner, wife, girlfriend since there are so many details of the story to share, each character have a lot of feelings about the entire Camille/Alexander/Contest/Issei situation that can generate different perspectives, it also tells how toxic it can be when a couple separate without equally agree with the terms and what it involves for the future of their child. 7/10 for this episode.
