That is how it feels sometimes, Mike is almost under water with very little space to breathe, his plan lacks execution, so far we know his that kinda was never there for him when he was little and his dad does seem to lack those parenting skills this tip him over and is constantly arguing with him making things difficult to move forward besides they really fucked up putting responsibility on Buzz, the guy can barely talk and gets distracted with a fucking plane besides letting him carry a gun, at some point things would go wrong.
Mike also is now getting chase by Moss since he haven’t give him any solid evidence on Delly murder, Moss could be as stupid as Buzz but he had to learn one or two things about been a gangster from his father so he is starting to lose trust on Mike, after all Mike owe him a lot of money and the only reason why he took the job to find Delly is to get of the hook from those gambling debts and start fresh but since she was “murder” then he is now in charge to find who killed her, he came up with all this bullshit story that someone is trying to send a message to Moss, probably rival gang but that’s just to stay with Delly until the find the gold, at this point they still do not know for sure there is gold on that truck and I think they will end up with empty hands, not like its enough pressure from finding the gold, Moss, his dad but now Iris is in town and she is on duty as a cop, this going to get really tight for Mike and Delly.

This is Buzz, as always fucking things up, Sonny trust him because he is loyal and I get that but letting the guy not only carry a gun but also having the guy around was a big red flag, he is constantly talking none sense and this time happen with the crane operator, Buzz was so excited about the Porsche at the bottom that when the operator arrive start talking about the Porsche and eventually mention the gold, operator thought he was slick and try to pull a new deal but Buzz felt like the boss man, pulls the gun and couldn’t take the operator mocking him so shut him without thinking about the consequences.
Cleaning up a murder scene is a lot of work, getting rid of the body, cleaning everything, not leaving anything behind that can turn into a clue and that team alone is not going to pull it, they are very close to get caught either by the police or someone else who finds out about the gold, like the crane operator.

More heat coming up for Mike and Sonny, Moss got tired of listening to Mike excuses and not coming up with any real evidence that Delly is dead, who killed her and why she got murder, the only reason could be to her relationship with Moss but it was very unlikely so Moss is starting to lose faith on that story that Mike came up with and now sends to Florida a guy called Dutch, one of his father old goons, his mission is to locate Mike and find out what he is up to.
Sonny had a deal with Officer Andy after he retire, Sonny seem to do things close to the edge of illegal and the deal with Andy was to stay out of his business because he kept him on that job even gave him the job at the police office but he also haven’t been patient with him and some times even diminish him so Andy is starting to have enough of it. Sonny still feels like he is the big boss to some of the police officers but the truth is that he is not, after he retire he turn into another civilian.

During the series mike gambling addiction has not been explain into details but he and Iris split for this reason, they were married and now she is investigating a case that definitely involve Mike, not that he has been doing a bunch of illegal stuff but he did cover up Moss plus Mike been with Delly doesn’t help neither, sometimes even if you don’t do anything wrong just by been with the wrong people at the wrong time could create a bad impression for who is judging and they bring you into the case just for the doubt, not exactly whats going with Mike because after all he is the driver of a gangster involve on a murder case plus he is fucking that gangster girl friend. I’m sure Iris wont be happy when she uncover the truth and her past with Mike wont matter to her, what we see on the image above is the raw truth of an addict, emerge into gambling so bad its 3 a.m and Mike was at the Casino during vacations with Iris while she was basically begging him to stay with her at the room and he didn’t, when Mike talks about gambling he does regret been an addict and tries to stay away but he haven’t really meditate enough of everything else he lost or destroy because of his addiction, I don’t see this story ending with Mike in jail or even dead.

Iris knows Mike too well and already got him before she even starts investigating, she goes to his family and got a solid answer that Mike is in town but his sister wont sell him out and now she is at the dock where the boat Mike and Delly where after initially for the gold, all it takes is Iris to find footage of Mike with Delly to get the police after him just for the fact he is with Delly.

Dutch, Moss’s guy, finds Mike and cut a deal with him, he doesn’t like Moss neither but this deal had a short life time after Ray Ray comes in and I’m not sure why he went into search and destroy mode immediately because he didn’t know who Dutch is and right away mention he will do it to protect Patsy and Sonny, this felt a bit rush but the end was great, Mike push Dutch into a portable toilet and Dutch light up his lighter making the entire thing explode, the problem is now Dutch wont be able to report back to Moss so soon he will send more people after Mike, Mike is running out of time and he knows it, he is getting desperate and wont let this go no matter who is on the line, there is that gambler mentality because he is not thinking he is putting a lot of people at risk Patsy, Delly, Iris some of them can take care of themself but others cant, Sonny is on this too so basically Mike is just like his father.
Everything is against Mike, he is running out of time, Iris is getting close now that she knows Mike is in Florida with Delly, the reporter he once to get information on Delly, Kaitlin Fox now find out he doesn’t work at the Department of Transportation so now she is also investigating him, with Dutch dead Moss will send more people after Mike, officer Andy just turn his back on Sonny now going after Mike and Sonny not to forget the mess that Buzz did by killing the crane operator at the start of the episode, so many people after Mike that its just a matter of time before he gets caught.
Episode 1: https://skiptvads.blog/florida-man-the-realest-goddamned-place-on-earth-episode-1-recap/
Episode 2: https://skiptvads.blog/florida-man-welcome-to-hell-mike-episode-2-recap/
Episode 3: https://skiptvads.blog/florida-man-the-chain-episode-3-recap/
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