Monarch: Legacy of Monsters (2023) – TRAILER OPINION

Monarch: Legacy of Monsters (2023) - TRAILER OPINION -
Monarch: Legacy of Monsters (2023) – TRAILER OPINION –


Monarch: Legacy of Monsters (2023) INTRODUCTION -

Technology is making possible for studios to create all this shows that I would only dream off, I was born in the 80’s a generation that have probably have seen the most advance in technology from phone land lines to smart phones, from manual special effects to now AI generated scenes.

I was never a fan of monsters movies because I had this bad impression from Godzilla (1998), I remember everyone had high hopes on this movie but eventually it was so dark and very few times Godzilla appear full body, all this recent advance in tech lead to some of the best Godzilla movies ever in terms of how the monsters look example Godzilla (2014) and Godzilla: King of The Monsters (2019) two of my favorite Monster after my number one monster movie Cloverfield (2008). After many years of not watching this type of Monster Titan movies or in terms of Monarch language MUTOS (Massive Unidentified Terrestrial Organism) Cloverfield pick my interest because of how the movie was film in First Person so the monster itself was more of a mistery but for some reason got me interested enough so I gave a chance to Godzilla (2014) end up liking it and the watch the 2019 movie, end up loving and wanted more of what is now days called the Monster Verse, as always I don’t want to pretend I’m an expert but took some time to read about Monarch and the Godzilla chronology.

Monarch: Legacy of Monsters (2023) - TRAILER OPINION -
Monarch: Legacy of Monsters (2023) – TRAILER OPINION –

That order is how I remember things work out for me from bad to great impression of Monsters movies, so far the only one I’m not that excited are Kong Movies, mostly because they are all the same but now that they making a series out of the movies it intrigue me to watch Godzilla vs Kongo (2021) and Kong: Skull Island (2017) since from my understanding they are related to the upcoming TV Series too. - tv series divider

Trailers at times might be either misinterpret ended or misleading, this TV Show wont be the exception as most people will want to watch Godzilla fighting from the first episode and I even doubt we will see it on the first episode. Apple TV had an early release and the embargo just ended so first comments without reaction or spoilers are coming up. From what I have seen on the trailers and what has been said its going to be very different than what everyone is expecting, this series at least season one will be about Monarch itself, from how it started, what happen in San Francisco on the 2014 movie to the 2019 movie so more than one time line going back and forward.

I really like how at least Godzilla itself looks but I think the 2019 movie was the final proof that tech is there to make this cool monsters come alive with their full blown powers. As any other story adapted to TV it wont be straight up close to say the “canonical” version of the story since they have to include the drama and sell the product, it is not to be a nerd out COJI TV Series but I’m sure will give more details of how everything started and might even turn into what UMBRELLA was to Resident Evil was the entire structure for most of the movies, everything happen around the corporation, similar might be with MONARCH, make the TV series relate the movies is what most viewers will want but but that could be hard to do for all Godzilla movies since there are so many with different Godzilla and some of the more traditional to the original story so even if they do manage to get the TV series close to a group set of this movies there will always be a few things that wont match as I mention because of all the Godzilla versions through the years.

Monarch: Legacy of Monsters (2023) - TRAILER OPINION -
Monarch: Legacy of Monsters (2023) – TRAILER OPINION –


Above a comparison of different Godzilla versions through the years, some of them are similar but things like legs, chest, arm length, back arch are very different between them.

Monarch: Legacy of Monsters (2023) - TRAILER OPINION -
Monarch: Legacy of Monsters (2023) – TRAILER OPINION –


From what I can tell the series will start with character Keiko, a women who was there at San Francisco 2014 when the Godzilla attack happen, she lost her father so the movie will work with probably different time lines going back and forward, to connect dots you will have to pay attention to details, it looks like her father was always working for MONARCH but she has no clue what is was so after he died she started to investigate what is this corporation. - tv series divider

Monarch: Legacy of Monsters (2023) TRAILER CONCLUSION -

This is just a trailer so the main target is to get people all hype about it but I expect the first season to be very slow with flash backs from others movies and scenes related to that timeline probably scenes that never make it to the movies, if we see Godzilla fighting twice is a win because if its going into every episode then I don’t see it going more than two seasons and that will suck although it all depends if viewers stay interested, from what I have read and seen online from the director, on an interview he mention how the TV Series is trying to create a story around all the movies, essentially tell how MONARCH start to discover all this monsters give more details about them and probably not let things just to the imagination, how they are born, how they stay hidden and probably most important the reason for the attacks, all this keeping the spectacle the big show of Godzilla fights but also make it interesting at the people around MONARCH.

First episode will air on November 17, 2023

The main reason for this post is to actually give you my bad experience with this type Monster movies and how have been getting better through the years thanks to technology and better story, but mostly it is wise to keep expectation at a safe level with this type of content. - tv series divider

Monarch: Legacy of Monsters (2023) TRAILER -

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