SWARM : Only God Make Happy Endings – Episode 7 – Personal Thoughts


Pure disappointment, for everything else that happen before episode 6 this is probably the worst finish they can give to this short series because I am almost sure there is no season two after this ending, besides the special effect putting Marissa face on NiJah was terrible, this entire series felt lest say unique at first, the documentary episode is something I don’t remember seen before but after episode 5 everything went down hill, gets me to think that this was a MASSIVE TROLL to the Beehive community LOL, if you have watch all previous episodes then episode 7 became very predictable and I most likely knew what was going to happen.

– Already know Dre roles with the name Tony
– She will go to a concert and jump to the stage
– Soon or latter would kill Rashida after she said didn’t like Nijah

Its seriously like Glover and Nabers ran out of ideas and let his assistant finish the series, what kind of message you give viewers explaining that for Dre, Marissa and Nijah were at the same level of person for her because she love them the same and that’s how she found acceptance for been different, because after all Dre was like she was after she was return and everyone including Marissa parents gave her the back, I can understand that but you cant let slide the fact that Dre was killing people left and right just because they didn’t like Nijah which is twice twisted, killing because they disagree, killing because they don’t like Nijah, killing because make her feel powerful so you overlook all that because Dre needed acceptance?? this series navigate behind the narrative that society is guilty for creating monsters like Dre? they had the perfect opportunity to let Dre get caught and may be do like a flash back to the moment everything went wrong for her and introduce a character that protects her and comfort her, provide her guidance and let know society how this kind of problems can be avoided from start not with this bullshit of final episode.

RTT : https://www.rottentomatoes.com/tv/swarm

At Rottentomatoes it still has an 86% but no wonder why average audience consider its not worth more than 72% and the question is how many of this viewers really saw the entire season and catch the message?? I personally give it a 6/10


Dre in this case Tony meets Rashida out side of a club, Tony for some reason was smoking weed, chilling out side, Rashid and her roommate were trying to get home and couldnt get a driver so Tony offer to, Rashida is very beautiful and she knows it also she is a woman who feels powerful taking decisions, staying above others, brutally honest and do what she wants.


Whats that meme…..silly ways to die?? yup Rashida tells Tony to her face that she hates Nijah after she was going to play some music to chill and Nijah song came up. Joking Rashida said Tony is too chill and could be a good serial killer, Dre: hold my beer, death to you, incoming!!! from this point it was obvious Rashida would not change her way to think about Nijah for the reasons I mention, the way she is.


After Detective Green said they found Tony, the police was on her ass all the time, kept robbing cars, killing people, taking their cloth, credit cards, identities, latter on Rashida said how Tony change cars three times in the last month, those were three cars she robbed.


Tony and Rashida start dating to the point Tony meet her parents, they had lunch, Tony said a bunch of lies, their parents believe all her bullshit, they kept seen each other to eventually start living together but the strong hand on the relationship was Rashida, this are the moments a serial killer can stop because they finally find something that satisfy them, in this case seems Tony/Dre felt good with Rashida that make her forget about the Nijah thing, besides Rashida was very explicit with how she doesn’t like Nijah at all, the think its just a money grab artist.


Until this moment they have been together for an entire year and Dre/Tony bought front row tickets for Nijah concert for them to go as a present, “I know. I’m not going” with following statements are you dumb? I dont like Nijah! is this why you cant make rent? if you throw it to the toilet would be better! …I work two jobs so we dont end up on the street….you selfish asshole…. at a point Rashida was really abusing Dre when she talk about how Dre has this look “safe me please”


Predictable as fuck, Dre kills Rashida after she abuse her psychologically, I agree this shouldn’t happen but that’s human nature, some can control the things we say when we are mad and others don’t ending up saying and doing things they might regret… but that NEVER gives the right for the victim to end the life of the aggressor.

Dre had the wonderful idea to set Rashida on fire, kinda of a funeral?? she got her all wrapped in white sheets and was dress white and remember Rashida put the tickets inside her pants pocket so now she got no tickets, got to the concert and a ticket reseller agree to sell her some tickets but she got no money so she decided to stab the guy to death cold blood inside a car again that’s fucking messed up, just to see Nijah Dre kills a man, just because Rashida disagree with her about Nijah she kills her knowing from day one after a year dating that she doesnt like her so she again tries to force her in Nijah, Rashida snaps and now she dead.


Eventually Dre gets into the concert and jumps to the stage where security stops her and Nijah told them to stop and let Dre free, this is what she sees Marissa on Nijah face, wtf is this bullshit visual effect, after all the killing, after robbing people, spending there money, staying at their homes, stealing their identity, its all fine because Dre found closure on Nijah, fuck off.

If you read my recaps from episode one to five you will see I really enjoy the series, how different it is, the format, the production, the gore side, Dre insanity, there were many things I like even episode six I consider it good but this last episode was a bunch of bullshit, for this episode only I would give it a five if not a four out of ten, there were million other positive ways to end the series, I understand there is a message behind it but letting Dre go without consequences was the worst ending they could come up with, you cant kill people and all the rest of crimes Dre committed with the excuse that you have been abused and had a bad childhood, because that’s the message most people will get out of it.

Episodes Recap:
-Episode 1: https://ecency.com/hive-121744/@skiptvads/swarm-stung-episode-1-personal
-Episode 2: https://ecency.com/hive-121744/@skiptvads/swarm-honey-episode-2-personal
-Episode 3: https://ecency.com/hive-121744/@skiptvads/swarm-taste-episode-3-personal
-Episode 4: https://ecency.com/hive-121744/@skiptvads/swarm-running-scared-episode-4
-Episode 5: https://ecency.com/hive-121744/@skiptvads/swarm-girl-bye-episode-5
-Episode 6: https://ecency.com/hive-121744/@skiptvads/swarm-fallin-through-the-cracks