The Patient: Company – Episode 4 – RECAP


The Patient - Company - Episode 4 RECAP INTRODUCTION -

I think Alan is starting to make some progress with Sam, on this episode Alan tries his best to keep Sam distant from his victim, I think I mention this on the previous episode, to overcome this kind of impulse you need to physically stay away from it, confront it doesn’t work for everyone at first, some times confront it make it worst since not everybody works the same and the subject may lack the strength to prevent himself to fall into the same steps, for Sam staying away from the victim, staying busy works the best. Alan is starting to test the waters of trust with Sam to the point where he tells Sam what to do and then flinch but the second time comes with more authority when he tells Sam to go to work and he notice how Sam took his direction, for Sam to get better he needs to obey Alan instructions since he is the expert and Alan reminds him of that “you brought me in because I’m the expert, trust me” that was Alan words when Sam was getting very very close to loose it. There are times when I see the episode from another perspective and think Sam is a bitch, needy mf who probably like to bully others, he says that he wants to punish them for how they do things like the guy he has right now he bend a few rules so he needs to be punish but Sam probably either attack him from the back or the guy cant defend himself so he is this kind of avenger on his head but he is just a abusive guy who makes an excuse that his father beat him up when he was a kid and now has this compulsive disorder to kill people who are out of line on this world but at the same time he just keep bitching about it and the way he walks or how he stop for a min when Alan ask him to go to work, open his mouth and stop like “OMG OMG I CANT OMG I CANT”, different than other three episodes I’m starting not to like the way Domhnall is developing the Sam character at least for now.

Another thought about Alan, he is really starting to struggle with how Sam at times could be some calm, smile and openly talk about other things like music but then be so violent and abusive, how he brought Elias Petraki his victim to the point it disturb him and cant rest, I could think his Sam’s mother might have to do with it too because how could you live with a serial killer even though its your son without stopping him or at least get someone to help him but not like they have Alan chain to the floor. - tv series divider
The Patient - Company - Episode 4 RECAP EPISODE DETAILS -



Time locked up and chain to the floor plus Sam behavior where some times eh can be gentle, funny, talk about community, love, have fun, all those things that contradict what he is currently doing, systematically killing people, planing how to do it without remorse, all that is taking the best part of Alan to the point he cant sleep he cant rest well and who can when you are kidnap, force to provide therapy to a guy that is only bitching about how he cant stop killing people and how he is the judge of those out of line in life who are bending rules or not doing things as he see fit.


Inside Sam twisted mindset he must be very tough to kill a guy who only took advantage of the system without really making any harm to him, that’s not an excuse to kidnap someone and wanting to kill him besides they guy is tight up blind folded so how is he going to kill him, at such disadvantage I don’t see how that goes hand to hand with though man Sam. Alan still finds the patience and time to focus on the things that matter and tries to control Alan, he is making progress by keeping him away from his victim, at least this time as describe by Sam, he did stop before killing his victim and that’s why he brought it home although this is the clear scenario of someone who is only looking for attention, a man who only seeks blood would not act like this although he is looking for help that’s a positive sign, we might argue that’s how and unbalance person acts and why he is mentally sick.


Alan convince Sam to go to work he try to give him an order and felt scared of how Sam would react, he at first flinch but then repeat himself when he notice it did work. Sam goes to work kicking and bitching how he cant do it, Alan is now talking with Elias, Sam’s victim, they restaurant manager that he kidnap, they talking about whats going to happen, the guy is shitting bricks and crying, then this is another twisted character that needs therapy or be in jail, Sam’s mother comes down probably heard them talking but she comes down with a metal bar, looks like fire place poker if that’s the name, what are her intentions to wack them? shut them off? defend herself? after all they just talking no direct harm to her, could we see her attack Alan in the future? She keeps talking about how Sam feels sorry, how he wants to stop but that’s not of Alan interest, he keeps sucking information out of her trying to understand why Sam feels and acts this way to guide him or even “cure” him and may be get out of this situation alive.


Something that I like about this mini series is the format, this are very short episodes but for it to work it has to be intense when the main characters are on the same room, that is Sam and Alan, every time Sam shows up its either Alan wanting to kill him or Sam wanting to kill Elias, after a few sentences some one has to think or talk about murder and be very close to it and then stop, at some point this is going to change, from pictures and the trailer I know Sam beat up Alan once but I don’t want to spoil it, this is why this mini series is good although as you can tell on this episode I had enough of Sam complains.

Sam comes back from work and he looks tired, Alan had this call with him a the moment he wanted to come back home and killed Elias but Alan manage to keep him at work that probably took some effort from Sam, like controlling himself is taking a lot of his energy but at least he keeps coming back to talk to Alan so all this effort of Alan keeping him away from the victim is taking effect.


Towards the end of the episode Alan confirm a few theory I had about Sam and its that he attack people from the back so the though guy story falls down here, Alan is now ordering Sam to do things to keep him away from Elias, just as he order him to go to work he now told him to go see his ex wife since that might keep his mind distracted away from Elias and at the end tells him to trust him because he is the expert.

Elias once told Alan “this guy must really trust you” since he mention his hands were free, Alan has been trying to get Sam to unchain him since day one and tell him to trust him this time but I don’t think he will ever do it, Sam knows the minute he unchain Alan that bird goes out the window. - tv series divider

The Patient - Company - Episode 4 RECAP CONCLUSION -

Alan therapy and guidance is starting to take effect on Sam, he is now ordering Sam to do things to keep his mind busy and away from Elias, the restaurant manager he kidnap and want to kill, not only Alan is telling Sam what to do to avoid killing Elias but also tells him to TRUST HIM!! this is going to be a key factor so he can make his attempt to escape, to be honest I don’t think he will be able to, I haven’t finish the end of this mini series at the moment I write this post but I think the odds are not in Alan favor, he is older, its two against one, Sam and his mother, plus he is chained to the floor, I don’t see how he can escape alive alone, probably if he helps Elias they can join forces to get out but someone is going to die at the end, also I don’t see this as a gore series so I don’t think Sam is going to be doing the killing because if he does it has to be very very violent although a Alan character would be tone down and more suited to the mood of the series. - tv series divider


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