In my opinion the most important events
On this episode we get more context on how things really happen, first episode was more of a mystery how Delly manage to fake her death but it look like things didn’t go entirely as she wanted, that’s the entire situation with the ambulance that crash and got stolen, she was suppose to be taken some where else but got thrown out during the crash and that’s how she ends up in Mike’s hotel room without knowing what to do to close things up.
She meets a paramedic, I think he was very low in the paramedic ranks probably been just the guy who drives the ambulance, he looks lonely and she is hot, so Delly flirt with him a bit and then straight up ask him to safe another life by killing her in a figurative way.
I don’t remember his name was mention on this episode but the guys name is Gil Franco, he brings blood from the blood bank at the hospital he works at and a serum that will slow Delly’s heart rate to the point anyone would think she is dead, he shoots twice before leaving and calls the ambulance that will pick her up. After the ambulance picks her up the serum starts to wear off and a guy who stole a cop car crash with the ambulance and then stole the ambulance that’s how she gets thrown out, Delly already knew where was Mike staying since she once saw him talking to his sister outside of Palm’s Hotel.
All Delly had to do is wait for Mike to tell him her plan to go away, basically find a ship underwater full of gold, the golden coin Mike found on her purse, Mike tries to resist but he couldn’t he really likes Delly, he cares for her and its here when he tries to make another deal with Moss, find out who kill Delly as it looks like a “professional hit”, Moss is a bit foolish so he byte it and accept but now Mike needs to proof Delly is dead or find the gold and run far away, keep in mind that the police is investigating the case until now.
That investigation is about to end after officer Andy Boone saw Delly with Mike at the Palm’s Hotel parking lot, I don’t think that’s going to end there because then he will want to know why Delly wanted to fake her death and whats her relation with Mike, anyone who listen to this story knows there is something else building up, until here were are clear on Mike and Delly intentions.
There are other funny side stories that at some point will catch up with Mike like Deputy Ketcher who Mike stole his gun at the airport, until then he has been compulsive to get a gun end up buying a stolen gun and got caught by a trooper patrol after he got stop because of speeding and got the car search, on this scene while at jail his handset broke and had to put her wife on speaker and she snitch on him by accident saying he is a con decorate police man who put lot of criminals behind bars while the rest of the inmates listen LOL.
Close to the end of the episode Delly came back to the place where the ambulance crash, some of her stuff was all over the place, she was looking for a USB thumb drive, they never said whats inside, I guess there must be some data related to the gold they looking for or Moss.
At the same time Mike is looking for a truck where they think the buy who told Moss about the gold before he got killed for owing money to him, Mike got a good hint where the truck is.
While Mike was giving Delly the good news she was actually at Mike’s father bar, I’m sure Mike told her how bad his relationship was, he is going to be mad AF when he finds out about this, they don’t explain why and how she got there, I think its probably because Mike’s father look for her and now helps her to get the gold they looking for, I don’t think Delly did this on purpose but again this is not explain on the episode, it ends right here.

More and more people are getting interested into Delly, we got Moss, Mike’s ex girlfriend Patsy who is looking for Delly as she is Moss alibi for the night a man was found dead who owe money to Moss now Mike’s father is interested on her plus Officer Andy who now knows Delly is alive but wants to know why she fake her death or if there was some one killed that night and the first suspects are Mike and Delly. If you are trying to fake your death and now getting so much attention at some point news will get to Moss that Delly is not death and Mike has been lying to him, ending up Moss trying to kill Mike for the money he owes him and think he has a relation with Delly, Mike is playing with fire here but that’s another theme of the series, gambling, always risking too much expecting to win big.