Winning Time:The Magic Is Back – Season 2 – Episode 2 – RECAP


Winning Time:The Magic Is Back - Season 2 - Episode 2 - RECAP INTRODUCTION -

I’m not sure if this TV Series was ever intended to be make for real NBA fans or just to bring more exposure to the league and the L.A Lakers, after many articles online criticizing the way some of their characters are develop like Jerry West or Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, even on some of the game play there is a double that looks totally different than the actor Solomon Hughes and that’s confusing, makes me think how much of the story is real, even though they do present some facts like “this was real or this really happen”; clear proof that it was never meant to be hundred percent attach to how everything happen, so lets take it for what it is, a fiction story, not saying that everything is false but also I’m not an NBA or Lakers expert so I’ll keep my comments based on the TV Series, after all this is not a review and just my comments on it, I do not consider my posts reviews since I got no position of expert, just blogging and having some fun.

On this episode Magic Johnson comes back after a knee injure, he got surgery; he is playing but it still doesn’t feel right plus the team has change its tactics, coach Paul Westhead implement “The System” and players are having a hard time to adapt but it is getting a certain percent of acceptance among players and its giving good results, problem is at the time they had two players each as good going for the same position that’s Nixon and Magic, usually in futbol you cant have that unless one of those two players can go for other positions and if you bench one usually it has less talent than the starting line but this was not the case between Nixon and Johnson, playing over and over The System also expose them and eventually other teams will figure this out, Paul Westhead didn’t think so and force the team to always go for his plan, to make things worst the hole hollywood and power went to his head believing he was all mighty and only he had a saying on what can be done or not with the team. - tv series divider
Winning Time:The Magic Is Back - Season 2 - Episode 2 - RECAP EPISODE DETAILS -


After Magic got back he was out of rhythm, not only physically but psychologically, it lower performance was expected and everyone notice it but during this time the offense of the team was going through changes, one of them Nixon replacing him, for coach Westhead he was a more moldable player, Magic on the other hand was more use to improvise, something at the time their coach was trying to change, his direct approach was more production of hoops at the places each player was the most effective.


Magic love the press and the press love him, seems he always had something to entertain them with, it was either his performance of the drama around him, a young start who at first thought he could carry the hole team but latter on learn the hard way, after he came back he understood how others could take charge of his spot on the starting line and Kareem remaining the captain without a doubt, they were performing better than when he left.


Coach assistant Pat Riley at the time figure out Magic’s problem, he was worried that it would happen again and probably be done for good from playing, Pat was a player too so he went through this stages, anyone who do any sport at a competitive level will go through rough times or injuries, some take more time than others to heal, some need external assistance and that what Pat was intending do, help Magic get back in shape, not with the purpose to take Nixon out or gain power over the team, although this was not how coach Westhead saw it.


Nixon was as great player that was giving great results for coach Westhead but as any other professional level sport sometimes you have to trade players or buy players, the world keeps spinning so the league, rumors run around that they are going to trade Nixon for a new player David Thompson, this got leak to the press some how and that’s how Nixon finds out.


On the series Lakers had a huge problem at management, players had direct line with the team owner and I think that is probably still the case on many sports, it happens at many companies, rumors were killing them and Westhead would not allow other players think Magic’s opinion had some influence over their fates, that I give it to him although this phrase had double intention because he thought HE was almighty. Coach ends up killing the trade but I’m not sure if that was the best interest for the team.


Lakers start fighting for the ball between each other, actually Nixon and Magic, during the series the nights that they were playing together no one could beat them but when they fighting it was easy to turn them apart, Kareem always took the wheel and kept the team in check when it was necessary, but that direct line that Magic had with Dr. Buss plus rumors kept leaking mad a big damage to the team, I think after all this drama best thing to do was take off magic from the starting line for some time, let things cool down. All this also directly affect Pat’s relationship with coach Westhead as he thought Pat was going behind his back to make deals and gain power over the team like helping Magic get better by training him or knowing about the trade before him this gave coach more energy to show everyone he is in charge and he will take the team to the finals his way; what it looks is that it was never Pat’s intention to take glory from Westhead but keep in mind there is a lot of fiction on this story.


Lakers were having a hard time, ups and downs, as it has happen on most of this stories, they are on the line for elimination, fifteen seconds on the clock, Lakers down by one. Coach strictly tells Magic “no hero ball” but then Pat tells Magic “You are the guy”, I wonder if he did it for revenge against Westhead, both him and Magic were risking a lot instead of going for the play he went for a solo shot and ends up loosing the game. - tv series divider

Winning Time:The Magic Is Back - Season 2 - Episode 2 - RECAP CONCLUSION -

On all sports franchise there are rivalries behind the curtains either between players or at the administration level, Lakers had a great time probably to at least be at the finals but all the rumors, glory and fame kill them, Dr. Buss did change the game when he bought the Lakers he turn it into a show something more appealing and attractive to investors at the same time giving something more to the audience than just two teams going at each other but this for good or bad got the players and staff, from there starts the power hunger Westhead plus the rival vary between Nixon and Magic for the starting line spot, keeping in mind that coach also make drastic changes after wining the finals, now forcing the players to perform an offense they were not comfortable with. I have to give it to this series, as a comedy is great in my opinion but the more I watch this last seasons the more I want to find out how much of this was truth to make a comparison, may be when I’m done watching the series will continue to do some digging and do a post between what was fiction and whats not, good episode solid 7/10.

Winning Time:The Magic Is Back - Season 2 - Episode 2 - RECAP PREV Episodes -

Episode 1: - tv series divider

Winning Time SEASON 2 TRAILER -

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Winning Time: One Ring Dont Make a Dynasty – Season 2 – Episode 1 – RECAP

Winning Time: One Ring Dont Make a Dynasty - Season 2 - Episode 1 - RECAP -
Winning Time: One Ring Dont Make a Dynasty – Season 2 – Episode 1 – RECAP –


Winning Time: One Ring Dont Make a Dynasty - Season 2 - Episode 1 - RECAP INTRODUCTION -

This is a TV Series that I would love to have been posting when it started to cover it and today after its second season HBO decided to cancel it, I haven’t seen how it ends but did had a blast watching season one so no complains, I will probably comment about why it got cancel latter on LeoThreads.

Second mention before I start, this is not a documentary, this is a TV Show, meaning that I expect a lot of it not been as close to real story, although this might have to do why they cancel it shortly after two seasons since the LA Lakers story I’m sure is more than just two season, so DO NOT expect this TV Show to cover every single character exactly as they were in real life.

I believe Winning Time is that type of series that you can watch right from season two and still have fun with it as it is mostly a comedy, characters like Jerry Buss, Magic Johnson, Norm Nixon, Michael Cooper, during the entire TV series they would always put a smile on your face, specially Jerry Buss.

This Tv Series covers a mix of different characters specially on season one when the entire structure of the story is created, season two is the continuation after the Jerry Buss bought the LA Lakers, change the business for ever turning NBA games into a party, he wanted people to come to The Forum (La Lakers Stadium at the time) to watch the game, come to the bar, spend time there watching the game and then party after Lakers win, that was the plan but not always work. This change the perception of a basketball game into a show with more attractions than just the game or the players, creating a bigger audience, building revenue (not always, at least was the idea) and trying to turn The Forum into a successful business, a place that can host more than just NBA games.

I not going to pretend to be the biggest NBA fan and know all the details about its story but I do know when to appreciate a good TV Show. I’m from the 80’s and my two bigger cousins were hard core NBA fans, Michael Jordan fans, I saw the greatest player in history play the game latter on saw other players like Kobe Bryant, Shaquile Oneal, Karl Malone and extensive list of great players so I became a fan too, specially Michael Jordan fan. I do remember one of the most hardcore cities in NBA was Boston, during the times of this TV Show it was LA Lakers vs Boston Celtics, on season two the Lakers just won their first title and are looking to repeat the story, every time they face the Celtics it was war, specially if the Lakers win the game they were chase to their bus and had to run away before they were run down by the fans. - tv series divider
Winning Time: One Ring Dont Make a Dynasty - Season 2 - Episode 1 - RECAP EPISODE DETAILS -

Winning Time: One Ring Dont Make a Dynasty - Season 2 - Episode 1 - RECAP -
Winning Time: One Ring Dont Make a Dynasty – Season 2 – Episode 1 – RECAP –


Episode two starts with Magic Johnson having some troubles for not been careful enough, during the TV Show he was presented as a young man, with a lot of talent, who started making a ton of money at the Lakers and love to party and was very smooth with the ladies, this got him into hot water, one of this ladies insist he got her pregnant and now Magic face a though decision, to not “stain” his image now his legal council wants to make a deal with this woman so she never speaks about it and in exchange will receive “financial assistance” in exchange for silence, Magic found this cold at first but lawyers sweet talk him to believe he cant afford a scandal not now that big sponsors are after him.

Latter on down the line Kareem, his mother and ex girlfriend had Magic change his mind about been a father, he was a good guy in a world full of snakes trying to stay feeding of his success so from time to time he got blind but all this fame and money that comes with success.

Winning Time: One Ring Dont Make a Dynasty - Season 2 - Episode 1 - RECAP -
Winning Time: One Ring Dont Make a Dynasty – Season 2 – Episode 1 – RECAP –


Ever since Magic got into the team he was a revolutionary and most of the time step out his boundaries, he was special player, one of the best on the team but he was no captain although he though he was, constantly he was trying to convince the other players, but for years before him Kareem got the Lakers lock down, he was the captain that all players respect and would not turn their backs on him for no body specially not for Magic.

Winning Time: One Ring Dont Make a Dynasty - Season 2 - Episode 1 - RECAP -
Winning Time: One Ring Dont Make a Dynasty – Season 2 – Episode 1 – RECAP –


Jerry Buss, one of the main characters, one of my favorites, was a man with a lot of vision, he knew that the future was not the games but the show, the different attractions that he could build around the game, Celtics already got the game but he was after something bigger than just winning the season, he wanted to revolutionize the sport and in the way make a ton of money. He knew that in order to win again one of the first things he had to do was to lock down the team, keep his players, now some of them have become starts others went up in value so he decided to skyrocket their contracts into the thousands, something that again change the story and was consider insanity by any other person within the NBA business.

Winning Time: One Ring Dont Make a Dynasty - Season 2 - Episode 1 - RECAP -
Winning Time: One Ring Dont Make a Dynasty – Season 2 – Episode 1 – RECAP –


Jeanie Buss, Jerry’s daughter, was the only one in the family with his father vision, she support him in every single crazy idea he had, she also had his ambition for making The Forum something bigger than just NBA games, also had a strong temper to keep up with his father something her brothers didn’t, they were too soft for Jerry, this eventually brakes the family apart.

Winning Time: One Ring Dont Make a Dynasty - Season 2 - Episode 1 - RECAP -
Winning Time: One Ring Dont Make a Dynasty – Season 2 – Episode 1 – RECAP –


Kareem was going through a rough time, he look out of shape, but not necessarily physically, probably it was the fact that he was about to be a father, Magic saw the opportunity and tried to take over the team but Kareem would not go down without a fight, also the rest of the team including the coach respect him and knew he is the cap, not Magic, this would not stop Magic from trying at least to show others he can be better than Kareem, at the same time he still fear Kareem too in a funny way.

Winning Time: One Ring Dont Make a Dynasty - Season 2 - Episode 1 - RECAP -
Winning Time: One Ring Dont Make a Dynasty – Season 2 – Episode 1 – RECAP –


The thing about skyrocket players contract, made Jerry West go nuts, Buss was about to pay players what he earn almost in their entire carrier, but again there was that Jerry Buss vision of revolutionize the sports business.

Winning Time: One Ring Dont Make a Dynasty - Season 2 - Episode 1 - RECAP -
Winning Time: One Ring Dont Make a Dynasty – Season 2 – Episode 1 – RECAP –


Karma is a bitch, the moment Magic though he could take over the team, complaining about Kareem shape, he gets his knew injured and cant play for three months, this obviously makes everybody on the team go crazy because Magic is not just a good player anymore, he is one of their biggest stars, they feel their chances of keeping the title diminish with Magic absence.

Winning Time: One Ring Dont Make a Dynasty - Season 2 - Episode 1 - RECAP -
Winning Time: One Ring Dont Make a Dynasty – Season 2 – Episode 1 – RECAP –


Lakers start to loose a good amount of games but head coach Paul Westhead comes with “The System”, he had this idea to get all his five starting players to move fast down the court and shoot as soon as they get the back, from specific places where they are the most effective, something that players didn’t agree with since in a bad night shutting that fast would make them loose the game, they were more use to build up their game, improvising but with Magic out of the team due to his injure it was hard for them to win this way, at first the players denied to play as Paul ask them but down the line agree to give it a try, Kareem took the lead and a few games before Magic was ready to at least walk again they started to win games.

Winning Time: One Ring Dont Make a Dynasty - Season 2 - Episode 1 - RECAP -
Winning Time: One Ring Dont Make a Dynasty – Season 2 – Episode 1 – RECAP –


Magic becomes a father, get his cast off his leg, comes back as spectator after so long just to watch Larry Bird beat their ass like it was nothing, there was bad blood between Magic and Bird from way before they got into NBA. - tv series divider

Winning Time: One Ring Dont Make a Dynasty - Season 2 - Episode 1 - RECAP CONCLUSION -

At the moment of this post I have not read the article about why HBO decided to cancel the show but as you can tell is a very entertaining story that I know any NBA fan after the 90’s would love, I say this because for those who know the exact story might not be as pleasant since I’m sure the TV Show is not exactly as it happen in real time, as a TV Show is very entertaining and could get new eyes into the sport. The story covers a lot of characters that had a lot of material to probably produce five seasons out of it, only two seasons will probably be too short depending on how they decide to end it, just season one was great and it tries to cover their first title win and I don’t think a bad job at it, also consider that Winning Time: The Rise of the Lakers Dynasty got 8.3/10 on IMDB. - tv series divider

Winning Time SEASON 2 TRAILER -

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The Wheel of Time: A Taste of Solitude – Season 2 – Episode 1 – RECAP

The Wheel of Time: A Taste of Solitude - Season 2 - Episode 1 - RECAP
The Wheel of Time: A Taste of Solitude – Season 2 – Episode 1 – RECAP


The Wheel of Time: A Taste of Solitude - Season 2 - Episode 1 - RECAP INTRODUCTION -

The Wheel of Time, probably my favorite TV series with House of The Dragon, the second one soon to have its second season but be sure that The Wheel of Time doesn’t fall short. The Wheel of Time is a now a TV Series based on the book series of the same name by Robert Jordan, as most of the time I have not read any of the books, from what I have look up on its Fandom page its a fifteen book series that started back on 1990, a world full of magic where women for the most part are the ones in control of the power, the ones that can wild The One Power, men are usually the destructive side of the story, the very few men that can wild the power usually end up corrupt close to destroying everything on their path and its the mission of the Aes Sedai, to stop this men drunk in power but there is a prophesy that the Dragon will be reborn, the Dragon is the champion of light that will fight against The Dark One who has come to earth to destroy it.

Moiraine Damodred (the women in blue) took Rand al Thor (top right white bold guy) to The Eye of The World to fight the dark one, she thought that the Rand was the Dragon, the chosen one, it seem that the five kids she took under her wing back on season one they are all powerful but who is the real Dragon, Rand tried to fight Ishmael but he doesn’t have the experience, training or power to do so, after the encounter with Ishamael they all split and are now on their own path. Moiraine was probably the one who took the worst part as she cant not touch the power anymore and her Warder, Lan Mandragoran, the warrior who protects her, each Aes Sedai usually has a Warder to protect her but there are few exceptions, their bond has been broken leaving Lan with a lot of questions and Moiraine in solitude as she now feels empty inside. - tv series divider
The Wheel of Time: A Taste of Solitude - Season 2 - Episode 1 - RECAP EPISODE DETAILS -

The Wheel of Time: A Taste of Solitude - Season 2 - Episode 1 - RECAP
The Wheel of Time: A Taste of Solitude – Season 2 – Episode 1 – RECAP


At the beginning of season 2, Ishamael is seen with a girl who was initially running away from three Trolloc that were in the yard of the place she was staying, inside there was a meeting from different people who were cover up in black ropes, the Dark Social meeting. Ishamael takes the girl outside and show her that the Trolloc is probably afraid, he is not a monster and both pet the Trolloc.

Latter during the episode the same girl was been chase by Padan Fain who was seen at the Dark Social meeting, he smile at her but latter on he was seen chasing her, I wonder if she is the Dragon or this are scenes from another time and the girl is just a representation of a future Aes Sedai.

The Wheel of Time: A Taste of Solitude - Season 2 - Episode 1 - RECAP
The Wheel of Time: A Taste of Solitude – Season 2 – Episode 1 – RECAP


Egwene (left in white) Nynaeve (middle in white) form part of the five potential Dragons that Moiraine took under her wing, after season one they both went back to The White Tower to become novice and learn how to control their powers, both usually can only wild their power when they are under a lot of pressure, fear, anger, they has to start from the bottom as most Aes Sadai do, Egwene has all the willing to learn but Nynaeve on the other hand refuse, she is hard headed and feels she do not belong there but at the same time wont leave because she is there to protect Egwene, latter on we will find out that this is not so true and that formula doesn’t work anymore.

The Wheel of Time: A Taste of Solitude - Season 2 - Episode 1 - RECAP
The Wheel of Time: A Taste of Solitude – Season 2 – Episode 1 – RECAP


Moiraine has been looking for a sign, she has been meditating and figuring a way to get back in touch with the source, trying to figure out what will be the next move and if the battle between Rand and Ishamael was the last or the first one, she talk to a sailor who brought her a poem and a rock, a heart stone, the power was found next to the heart stone written in blood, the sailor is been follow by Shadow Spawns, creatures of The Dark One.

Things between Moiraine and Lan are very tense, she doesn’t tell him much and he is lost without her, for some inexplicably reason she keeps pushing him away, not sure if she feels he will die for nothing protecting her or if she doesn’t need him to protect her anymore, the bond between Warder and Aes Sadai is close to what loves feels, its said that the Warder can feel everything his Aes Sedai does, if she is afraid, sick, in pain, worry, not been able to know all this things from Moiraine is killing Lan and he is doesn’t seem to be patient enough to know that Moiraine doesnt want him close for now, he thinks he know her because they had this bond before but you never stop knowing a person, you cant go through all circumstances in life with everyone you think you know.

The Wheel of Time: A Taste of Solitude - Season 2 - Episode 1 - RECAP
The Wheel of Time: A Taste of Solitude – Season 2 – Episode 1 – RECAP
The Wheel of Time: A Taste of Solitude - Season 2 - Episode 1 - RECAP
The Wheel of Time: A Taste of Solitude – Season 2 – Episode 1 – RECAP


At The White Tower Aes Sedai fight for power, they all do in some way, Liandrin Guirale is part of the Red Ajah, those Aes Sedai who police the misuse of the power, they have no Warder and are very powerful, Liandrin has shown in season one how she show no mercy for the enemy, she is trying to show Nynaeve her true power because she thinks she is the best weapon that has come to their door step in over a thousand years, the perfect weapon against The Dark One, she tries to make Nynaeye to focus her anger and wild the power but she sort of understand Liandrin just wants to manipulate her.

The Wheel of Time: A Taste of Solitude - Season 2 - Episode 1 - RECAP
The Wheel of Time: A Taste of Solitude – Season 2 – Episode 1 – RECAP


Next to Liandrin is Mat, who is in a very comfortable “jail” because he has a history of taking a dagger from a place that was full of shadows, shadows that belong to The Dark One, he got posses by this dark power that was on the dagger but at the same time he was feeding from it becoming more powerful like he was destine to use the dark power, now Mat is under observation, prisoner at The White Tower, seems that Liandrin is the one in charge to watch him. - tv series divider

The Wheel of Time: A Taste of Solitude - Season 2 - Episode 1 - RECAP CONCLUSION -

I didn’t expect episode one to be full of action, this are very sad moments for Moiraine and Lan, moments to meditate and figure out whats coming next now that she is in disadvantage since she cant wild the power, we don’t know where all other five main characters are so there are five stories to talk about probably during the first three episodes, we get close to four of them but mainly just Egwene and Nynaeve the most part, there still Rand, Mat and Perrin story after Rand went to The Eye of The World, Moiraine has been exile from The White Tower but she has decided to go back even if she dies trying and that’s what almost happen close to the end of episode one, I’m sure she wont die that easy but Land had some work to do, I didn’t want to spoil the only action scene of the episode. - tv series divider

The Wheel of Time - SEASON 2 TRAILER -


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