From score on RTT you can tell this is a series that a large average viewer audience would find as a good series to watch on a weekly bases but anyone who is use to watch all kind of tv series who is more constant at looking up whats new and consider it a hobby then would rate it very low and that’s fine, that’s critics territory.
The episodes starts with a crazy story, a guy brakes in the Orange County Jail to recover his cellphone that contain incriminating information from a jewelry robbery he is been investigated for that face is going look very familiar latter on as he is Mike crane operator, the one he hired to help him pull the truck out from the hole under water until he find out about Mike’s plan, that’s where everything went south for them.
On previous episode close the end Delly shows up at Mike’s Dad bar probably asking for his help although they also show the USB she stole from Moss, they didn’t actually mention it was Moss USB but you don’t have to run complex calculations to figure it out, ends up Delly was only asking Sonny to help her find where the gold is, at that very moment Mike haven’t told her he found it, another example how cut scenes without immediate definition leaves the viewer thinking on what happens next because on the previous episode I thought Delly was actually working with Sonny the entire time and I thought it was about whats on the USB not about the gold but the results where totally different, latter on when Mike calls her it turns awkward because now she tells Sonny she doesn’t need his help anymore.
During the episode Moss actually mention the USB and in another scene when talking to one of his guys he said it has work stuff and imagine all the murder, evidence and things he has done that are on that USB, for now its irrelevant since so far its all about the gold but once Mike or Delly get in trouble that USB could turn into a life saver.
After Mike found the truck, well he thinks he found it, there is no evidence there is a truck down there or that there is gold inside, turns out Mike’s brother in law is the contractor in charge to drain the sink hole to turn it into a lake with a bottom of two feet of concrete, would take them about four days and nothing under water has been claim so its an open window for Mike with only one guard at night that could be easily kidnap, distracted or bought although Mike is cheap so he goes the distraction route.
The moment I saw that face I knew things wouldn’t go well for Mike, this guy is the one accuse for braking in jail to recover his phone and bail after the jewelry robbery, he works with Mike’s brother in law, supposedly got him a smart toilet so that’s the excuse Mike use to reach him, on the side offer him cash for someone who can operate a crane and the guy offer himself, it was just a matter of time before he finds out what is on the truck and either take it all or wanted a piece of it.
The night before Mike had planned to pull the job he shows up to the place where the truck is and his father show up too with too of his ex cop partners, they have been following, Sonny was following Mike the entire time anyways because he knew there was something that might interest him from Delly since she is related to Moss but now there is a bigger fish to fry with the gold inside the truck, they start arguing how they will divide the treasure until they figure out an arrangement, that night also Delly finds out of Iris, Mike’s ex wife who happen to be a cop, during a conversation she had with Ray-Ray one of Sonny’s ex cop partner he told her about Iris who ended with Mike as most of the time happens with cops wifes.
For the most part of the series Iris haven’t had an important role on it, by the way Delly got MAD as FUCK when she find out about Iris, I’m not sure if she felt jealous or betrayed or both by Mike, Iris will start getting closer to them and next potentially going to investigate a guy who Moss murder and Delly was part of his alibi, guess what happens when Iris finds out Delly is still alive and she is with Mike.
The night for the job comes and everything is set, Delly had to take care of the guard by faking she has some sort of break down and is about to jump into the sink hole full of water for the guard to convince her to get inside the church next to it and talk about it until she calms down, everything was going well and Mike suit up to go under water, same does Sonny and they trusted Buzz from all to help them with the chain to pull the truck, Buzz had a lot of trouble to concentrate but is loyal to Sonny although not too smart, he mention what he is going to do with the gold to the crane operator before the guy jumps into the crane to start working, after that all is seen is the chain drop on Mike’s head and Sonny had to help him not going deeper into the hole.
I mention at the start that the story is not so interesting and if you don’t pay attention might even get lost with all the going back and forward, scenes sometimes are inconclusive between chapters but at the end makes sense, this is something I think might get viewers off the rails but I still enjoy it, there ware two things I’m looking forward and its Iris going to Florida to investigate the man who Moss murder because he did and how is the crane operator going to betray Mike and the rest of the crew, one detail that fly by during the episode is Delly telling someone over the phone that they will see each other again and she loves him/her , it was a I love you so who knows if its a relative, a lover or even Moss himself, what if this was all a plan to have Mike find the treasure and Moss is using Delly to get to it, see this are the details I like about the series but I’m not anxious to whats going to happen next.