Masters Of The Air: Part Six – E06 – RECAP


The show is currently on episode 8 about to finish this Friday 15, I have been keeping up with the episodes but had delays as usual to post recaps, it has been a blast for the most part but as any other mini series there are a few slow episodes. Episode six in my opinion doesn’t fall into the full hype episodes and I think from here one the story is about giving some closure to all the characters, specially Crosby, Buck and Bucky. There is something unusual on this mini series, having some other strong characters like Captain Rosie who are so strong but not given enough screen time, the entire problem is that there is too much to the story that does not fit into one season and its a shame AppleTV didn’t think this way, there is so much potential and they decided to make it a mini series.

Episode six is a drama episode but starts with some action, Buck is alive, landed in Germany after he had to jump ship but he was quickly capture by locals and then detain by the Military, this episode is all about Buck. There are other characters who keep developing the story like Crosby and Rosie, both send to rest and clear their minds out of base.

– Platform: AppleTV+

In times of war must be a constant adrenaline rush to be in the middle of enemy territory, alone with just your pistol and trying to stay hidden from any pair of eyes that come across, you have to assume everyone is the enemy but can’t take defense actions because you will be quickly out number, you might take out a few but once their bodies are discover a lot of heat will be after you, in a very short term this is what happen to Buck, he was found by locals and then detain.

After the last very rough mission some of the personnel were send out to clear their mind, Crosby was send to Oxford for a conference where there would be all kind of members from the Allies Military Forces, he gets letters from his wife and before Bubbles died he was a bit dry when ever talking about her. Rosie and his crew were send out directly to a resting place, not a spa but all kind of activities to relax, as a fact that was the direct order relax, they were the only survivor of their last mission and the scene where all they see were airplane parts falling from the sky must put a lot of weigh on their shoulders, who would want to go up in the sky again after what they saw? but after all they were the only ones who came back so there must be something special about that Rosie and his crew, Co. want them back sharp as fuck but understood they have to calm down and relax after all the carnage they went through.

Allies are starting to bomb Germany, they going deep and cities are starting to fall, Buck and some other pilots that were capture were been transport by train until they got to a point were the city was destroy and the train had to stop, from there they had to walk but the main problem were the people around them at the moment, the city just got bombarded by the Royal Air Force at night, the minute people saw American Pilots they brought down the hammer, attacking them, stab them, German Soldiers allow all this until it was enough mayhem and started to put them down one by one with a bullet to their heads, I guess it was a dramatic cliche scene but when the German Soldier tries to kill Buck, he ran out of bullets.

Buck instead got knock out and though dead, the group of pilots were going to be burred in the outsides of the city but Buck was still alive and try to escape, he was just too weak and now military caught him again, this was the best outcome because he was either going to be burred alive or shot before been 7ft under ground.

There were all kind of spies on both sides during war, we have seen this many times on WWII TV series recently like A Small Light, The New Look, All the Light We Cannot See, spies was a thing, probably not the James Bond type of spies just regular people that were a sell out, Germany had a lot of intel on American pilots and the moment Buck was capture they knew a lot about him, he was brought to interrogation although he as many others refuse to answer any questions other than his name, rank and serial number.

This last four episodes of Masters of The Air I think will mostly touch on other topics than air battle, they will probably be more about the physical and psychological struggles of pilots and soldiers during war, in the case of Crosby and Rosie who have gone through so much and they are still free and alive, others with less fortune like Buck were send out to camps where all American Soldiers capture went to, on this series the camp was mostly full of Air Force members, they also show a scene how civilians were taken to work camps it was brutal to see all that people asking for help, I always see the educational side of this scenes, many jump the gun into conclusions like its propaganda on any of the two sides although all I can think is that no body should be treated this way but we also have to realize during war times this things are going to happen or worst.

Part Six brings a now well known actress Bel Powley, from A Small Light, she now plays the role of Sandra Westgate who ends up to be Crosby roommate at the Oxford conference and they build a bond, I do not applaud cheating on your wife just for been out of the country for that long but we can’t denied that the women is a key component of all adult men, some cant be without one at least for closure for a companion, Crosby has gone through so much and probably after a long time he found something of this on Sandra; their moment ended quickly this time since she was called back to HQ and had to go leaving Crosby hanging.

As you can tell from the cover image Bucky is alive, Buck is capture and during an escape attempt re capture but it was the best it could happen to him after locals try to finish him on the streets and German soldiers participate too, the series is starting to fall mainly into drama of what the Pilots, Soldiers and regular people went through during the war, since Bucky and Buck are back together we will see the rest of the episodes leaning more into their release, escape or death, I have keep up with watching the episodes every week but this are the type of posts that takes me the most to write and haven’t had the proper time, I think I might just speed run the next episodes for the rest of the week so I can finish the episode recaps on Saturday.

It has been a blast so far watching this series, I think most people had a good time specially during the first five episodes when it was full of air battle action, sadly NOW that the allies fighters show up they will have very few minutes of screen, I kept asking to watch a battle with fighters as escorts of the bombers but so far never got it, for the ending of the series I’m open for anything, after all a lot of people were send send to death march where they either die marching on the snow or they got killed by soldiers, sad episodes but again that’s how brutal war is and there is nothing we can do about it just avoid it at all costs because there is no good outcome out of war, never is.

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Tv Series I’ll be watching on January 2024

After a never ending December Holidays as usual I’m behind a lot of content but I’m always looking forward since all it takes is a weekend night to put on the VR headset and burn through a few hours of TV series to catch up, there are a few series that will air on January that are worth watch in my opinion, there is a bit of everything from action, comedy, comic related, even some witchcraft. Here some of the TV series I will be watching on January, 2024 is set to be a great year for content after the Hollywood Strike is over now with writers, actors and studios in full force to pump out the backlog of productions and those that were patiently waiting their turn.
Some of the series I mention are on their first trailer so there will be more scenes and I will keep covering them and add more details to them on my profile at Micro Blogging platforms Inleo and Ecency. - tv series divider


The Brothers Sun

I think Netflix have made a name when it comes to bring great Asian actors to expand their work across the globe,
The Brothers Sun is a comedy about a Taipei Gangster family, Charles Sun and his mother Eileen Sun have to deal with others Gangsters who are now trying to take power back after his father was shoot without anyone knowing the truth behind it, in the middle is his little brother Bruce who lives in L.A and has no clue about his family business, Charles and his mother are though but Bruce is nothing like them and wants nothing to do with this life style, just by looking at the trailer you can tell there will be a lot of action, blood and laughs, this is another one I plan to watch, probably not on January as I’m behind schedule most of the time.

Air: Jan 4, 2024
Platform: Netflix
Trailer: - tv series divider


Sanctuary (2024)

Sanctuary a series based on a novel written by V.V. James from 2020, to start with I know nothing about the novel but when I saw the trailer immediately remember “A Discovery of Witches” a great series were we had Elaine Cassidy who in this case play the role of Sarah Fenn is the main character. Sanctuary is a story based in the UK where witchcraft is real and is a common thing among residents but everything goes south when there is an accident and the main character Sarah Fenn becomes the main suspect about the death of a teenager who died on this accident, murder by witchcraft, probably dark magic and people start to go against it, the series develops in modern times, so I expect this series to look more “unreal” or say less traditional witch TV series like “Salem” or the very well “A Discovery of Witches”. Going through some comments online this is the very thing some fans of the Novel are already talking about that it goes far from the original story and it’s a common problem with book adaptations so if you have read the novel don’t expect it to be exactly the same word by word but I do think can be entertaining if you are a fan of witchcraft series.

Air: Jan 4, 2024
Platform: AMC+
Trailer: - tv series divider


ECHO (2024)

This is a series I have been expecting from some time since I heard about it, not necessarily because of ECHO herself but Dare Devil but know I got a bundle pack, got ECHO whose power is to copy any action or skill she sees, she is deaf and have a prosthetic leg; Kingpin and Dare Devil. ECHO character make it first appearance on Hawkeye the series that I haven’t watch reason I was not aware of it, after a rough season in New York she now comes back home and try to reconnect with her community and family but there is an entire war going on, this involves the ruthless Kingpin played by Wilson Fisk and you CAN NOT have the Kingpin without Dare Devil, by Matt Murdock; same as the Netflix series, the main reason I found out about ECHO, I have been waiting for a Dare Devil series after the Netflix version, this mini series is based on the comic although I do not know how close it is, five episodes only so it is very short and I fear the story gets crunch and feels too short for what it should be, PLEAS GOD this don’t be another “Secret Invasion”.

Air: Jan 9, 2024
Platform: Disney+9
Trailer: - tv series divider


Ted (2024)

A six episode Mini Series, comedy; by Seth MacFarlane a guy behind exits like Family Guy, American Dad just to mention two great animated comedy, its true that this will be streaming on Peacock and yes they are not known for putting out AAA content but its entertaining most of the time so this is a watch in my opinion as long as the keep the bear personality from the movies, I know its the same voice but what makes me laugh about the 2012 and 2015 movies was its personality, this time the story goes way back to its original owner John Bennett who wished his teddy bear friend Ted life, John Bennett character is been played by Max Burkholder who also work with Seth on Family Guy and American Dad so I think this could be a little gem in the rough that will make you laugh some.

Air: Jan 11, 2024
Platform: Peacock
Trailer: - tv series divider


Masters of the Air (2024)

I’m in that group of people who are suckers for anything war related TV series, not that I promote war but because of all the drama and action it provides, its entertainment, comes Masters of The Air; I think this is going to be a banger, first of most of the series that Apple+ puts out are great and on top you got Steven Spielberg, Tom Hanks producing a World War II drama series based on the book by Donald L. Miller, a series about the brave men of the 100th Bomb Squad during the Nazi War. Last war theme TV series I watch was “A Small Light” and I’m still pending on “All The Light We Cannot See”, two great productions that brought the drama of going through a war a civilian but this time we wont only have that perspective but from thousands of feet above on a bomber, back in the day there was not that much tech, things were very rough and different. The Cast in my opinion is OK, we got familiar faces, when I say OK I mean they are not ultra well known but have seen them in other movies and series, Austin Butler, Callum Turner, Anthony Boyle, Nate Mann, Barry Keoghan.
This series is dropping two episodes on January 26, followed by a weekly release schedule until March 15, 2024, meaning this will make Friday nights special.

Air: January 26, 2024
Platform: Apple+
Trailer: - tv series divider

I think this will be enough to keep me entertain on those days where I have spare time to burn some hours, some others will be a must, I can see that already with Masters of the Air, ECHO and The Brothers Sun, I’m glad there is a mix on how the episodes will drop since it’s not my style of watching the entire series in two days, I’m a bit old school in that aspect back from the days we watch TV series from cable tv one episode per week but 2024 is set to be a great year in my opinion for entertaining and for crypto, most of my content is on the Hive blockchain using platforms like Inleo and Ecency, both great in their own way were you can actually own your data and can not be shut down so if you see this post on my blog feel free to contact and jump in to real Web3 platforms.

#skiptvads, #tvseries, #tvaddicts, #tvseriesblog, #inleo, #hive, #netflix, #comedy, #apple+, #mastersoftheair, #war, #ted, #stream