Asphalt City (2024) : Raw Realities of New York City’s Emergency Services


The movie follow Ollie Cross in his new life as a paramedic, he decided to do this job because is going to help him in paying his studies, he want to be a doctor and to gained experience. Cross is presenting with Gene Rutkovsky that man that is going to be his partner in the night shift, Rutkovsky better know as Rut is a veteran paramedic that has seen everything and nothing can surprise him anymore for that reason Rut decided to say to Cross “Beware of black flies, they the first to smell death”, Cross didn’t quite understand what was Rut trying to say to him but life is going to show him that lesson. The first call of the night was received and the team of paramedics prepared to attend the call, a moments late they arrived in a abandoned apartment where unfortunately they couldn’t do much because the person was already dead, they then start the process of removed the movie and take it to the morgue in the ambulance Rut asked to Cross if that was the first time that he ever watched someone he knew actually die and Cross replies yes, his own mother that committed suicide when he was a child. The story will continue showing the colleagues in his job every night trying to do the best they can in situation such as the abused and beaten wives, the drug addicted, the ignored immigrants and the though gang members that sometimes make they job more difficult. Cross is living all this during the night but during the day he is struggle to commit with his studies and the exams that he has to present. Every night for Cross is apparently a challenge but Rut is there to guide the newbie in hardly job, something things can escalated and touch deeply in Cross like a badly beaten wife that is still threatened by her husband even thought the paramedics try to take her to the hospital or an scene were apparently a pregnant heroin user gave birth but the baby born dead, this case of scenarios continue every night making Cross realized the New York is not what is seems in the surface in the darker halls exist a different world, a world full of cruelty, suffering, people trying to survive and two paramedics trying to save the most people the can. Also the movie will show a little of the personal life of each character Cross with his girlfriend and Rut struggling with the decision of his ex wife of moving to another city with his daughter.

Asphalt City is an intense movie that is going to show scenarios one after another of chaos, lost, pain and cruelty of society, director Jean-Stéphane Sauvaire want to show a different perspective of a big city that is glorify for many but is a hell for others and a perspective from a paramedic that work in the night shift is the way that he decided to show the audience that New York is not perfect and that reality could be cruel. Asphalt City premiered on March 29th in theaters.

– Platform: Theaters
– Release: March 29, 2024


Critics: Too much exaggerated

The movie Asphalt City was premiered in the Cannes Film Festival in 2023 with the name of Black Flies for the adaptation of Shannon Burke’s 2008 novel Black Flies. Critics have acclaimed the performance of Sean Penn and Tye Sheridan, giving emotion and reality to their characters but critics has also dislike for the cruelty and the exaggeration of the job that a real paramedic has to do mention that in the movie they seems to be more like two cops in every crime scene, despite all that the director vision is accepted and the movie is side of a city that also needs to be known.


Director’s Vision: Reality at the big screen

Jean-Stéphane Sauvaire is a French filmmaker, producer and screenwriter that is best known for the films Johnny Mad Dog 2008, A Prayer Before Dawn 2017 and now Asphalt City 2024. The career of the director started in 1991 as a first assistant director of the film Les Nuits Fauves By Cyril Collard and continue doing that job until 2000, after gained experience he decided to give a step on his directorial career and directed three short films La Mule, A Dios and Matalo later in 2008 he made the movie Johnny Mad Dog which one that was presented in the Cannes Film Festival winning the Prix de L’Espoir. Sauvaire is a director that is not afraid to show the dark side of society and dig into the characters psyche until they reveal their deepest fears and desires.


A veteran and a rookie: Showing the Cast of Asphalt City

The cast of Asphalt city is lead by Sean Penn as Gene Rutkovsky, Penn is an American actor and director, as an actor he won an Academy Award for his roles in the movie Mystic River 2003 and in Milk 2008, Penn has a long filmography that reflect his expertise and great work. Tye Sheridan plays Ollie Cross, Sheridan is an American actor that made his debut in the film The Tree of Life 2001, in 2016 he take the role of Scotter Summer known as Cyclope in X-Mex Apocalypse and In Ready Player One of 2018 he performed Wade Owen. Gbenga Akinnagbe is an American actor and writer, Akinnagbe is known for his role in the series The Wire of 2002 as Chris Partlow and in the series The Deuce of 2017 as Larry Brown. Katherine Waterston as Nancy, Waterson is an British actress that made her debut in the movie Michael Clayton 2007 but she is known for her performance in the movie Inherent Vice 2014, she also portrayed Chrisann Brennan in the movie Steve Jobs 2015 and take the role of Tina Goldstein in Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them 2016. Mike Tyson is in the role of Chief Burroughs, Tyson is a former boxer that make his appearance in this movie.


Production Challenges

The movie Asphalt City at the beginning was titled with the name Black Flies that was because it is an adaptation of Shannon Burke’s Novel with the same name Black Flies, due to it is an adaptation director was more careful in the process of scripting and directing to capture the essence of the original story, despite that the filming process was pleasant with a cast that gave everything to deliver great performances. Asphalt City is a movie that is going to give to the audience many emotions thanks to the great performances and the view of director Jean Stéphane Sauvaire about a dark New York City.

Based on Shannon Burke’s 2008 novel Black Flies, Asphalt City wants to reflect in this movie the vision of a director who has live for many years in the great city of New York, with the story of two paramedics, one as the rookie and the second a veteran that nothing impress him anymore, is a plot of a dark city full of crime, drugs, abuse, gangs members that is reflecting a different and also a real perspective of a city that is glorify by many but as is also a hell for others, at the same is the place were the devil walk between everyone and we don’t if this destiny but Ollie Cross is the person chose in this life that is going to feel all the pain and frustration of every call he received and must attend all this to confirm if he is strong enough to pass through all those challenges and can pass with success all the test that life is going to force him to face.

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Tokyo Vice: The Noble Path – Season 02 – Episode 08 – RECAP

Tokyo Vice: The Noble Path - Season 02 - Episode 08 - RECAP
Tokyo Vice: The Noble Path – Season 02 – Episode 08 – RECAP


I believe Tokyo Vice is a very underrated series and not because it has a low rating, reason why is because not many people knows about it or talks about but, at times it can be a bit slow as any other police / journalist tv series who are after the bad guys but then it picks up very quickly.

On season one for me it was always Jake, Samantha and Sato the main characters but on season two things have change a bit but always with Jake in the middle of the storm, Samantha has turn into a disposable character with her moments but not as focus as in first season, Sato has probably remain at the top three but now Tozawa and Katagari next to Jake all the time.

Episode eight was every exiting to watch with a lot of retaliation specially at Chihara-Kai ever since Hayama took over after their Oyabun death, the monster that Tozawa has turn in after he came back is expanding rapidly starting to control not only the streets but high power inside the government and probably the US embassy.

– Platform: MAX

Tokyo Vice: The Noble Path - Season 02 - Episode 08 - RECAP
Tokyo Vice: The Noble Path – Season 02 – Episode 08 – RECAP

Episode starts with a Yakuza arrest in the the US while they were having a good time in Hawaii, after they got busted its not known if they are part of Tozawa clan, this arrest seem very random without much details like Yakuza overall is expanding in the US without limits, similar to the wave of violence that is happening in Japan at the moment with Tozawa just watching from the distance like he is promoting all this without been directly involve.

Tokyo Vice: The Noble Path - Season 02 - Episode 08 - RECAP
Tokyo Vice: The Noble Path – Season 02 – Episode 08 – RECAP

Jake return from the US early because he found evidence that can tie Tozawa to a case of corruption, how he got to the US and got a liver transplant along with many other charges, Katagiri is now pushing Jake to publish but Meisho won’t allow it mainly because he doesn’t have much proof and besides it seems someone inside is working for Tozawa ever since the evidence tape at Meisho burn down, video tape that involve the Transport Minister in a murder case.

Tokyo Vice: The Noble Path - Season 02 - Episode 08 - RECAP
Tokyo Vice: The Noble Path – Season 02 – Episode 08 – RECAP

Samantha as usual hits rock bottom again but she is not alone this time, Sato is back with her out of nothing and it sucks because he was always there for her and only after her club got shut down and she needed a shoulder to cry she let in Sato knowing one of her models was going out with him, what a bitch. Sato also needs a shoulder and some support because he was thrown out of Chihara Kai after Hayama took over, to make things worst his brother join Chihara Kai and most likely will be abuse or end up dead very quick, Sato is looking for a way to get his brother back, there is a lot of revenge going on in this episode because Sato does get what he is looking for and what his Oyabun Ishida wanted all the time if he ever died.

Tokyo Vice: The Noble Path - Season 02 - Episode 08 - RECAP
Tokyo Vice: The Noble Path – Season 02 – Episode 08 – RECAP

Jake came early to Japan, at Meisho there were a lot of people mad at him after his last tantrum before he left, the reason he left; brought them some gift and try to make amends although Tin Tin deserve it after acting like a cry baby when he got played by the Minister and blame Jake for it. That story about the Yakuza bust just came up at Meisho, Trendy and Jake are assign to it and this could serve as a piggy back for Jake so he can keep digging although he already got his answers, now he has to some how connect them to hard prove to publish, once again he gets shut down by the corrupt system who latter on will slap everyone on their faces.

Tokyo Vice: The Noble Path - Season 02 - Episode 08 - RECAP
Tokyo Vice: The Noble Path – Season 02 – Episode 08 – RECAP

Jake’s boss, Emi; has been instructed to investigate the Meisho current director Baku after the video tape evidence burn down, they are suspecting that Baku is working for Tozawa because if they had publish that story it would connect the Minister of Transport and Tozawa to a murder case and some one would have talk to safe their ass, specially Minister of Transport who already told the truth of what was going on between him and Tozawa after one night Katagiri got tired of playing by the rules and went down ninja style into his place, treating to cut his finger off. After all Tin Tin did found and old article from Tozawa home town where Baku interview him directly so this is a start, some how Baku and Tozawa know each other.

Tokyo Vice: The Noble Path - Season 02 - Episode 08 - RECAP
Tokyo Vice: The Noble Path – Season 02 – Episode 08 – RECAP

There is constant humor into this series specially coming from Tozawa, the guy is constantly making fun of people because he can basically do what ever the fuck he wants, this time comes into the room after his wife was trying to sneak around a deal with the Transport Minister behind his back but Tozawa has eyes and ears every where so he got there to remember the Minister of certain video tape that could come back at any moment and destroy his career, he does not want a Transport Minister, he needs the Minister of Justice on his side.

Tokyo Vice: The Noble Path - Season 02 - Episode 08 - RECAP
Tokyo Vice: The Noble Path – Season 02 – Episode 08 – RECAP

Tozawa again displaying his power, Katagiri new boss Nagata was making a lot of progress busting Yakuza left and right, now getting closer to Tozawa thanks to Jake and Katagiri but the moment she got too close to the sun her wings burn down, there is a new Justice Minister, Nagata gets replaced, Jake had a meeting with Yabuki, Tozawa’s right hand; to let him know if he continues with his story they going to kill him.

Sato getting back to Chihara Kai does not surprise me I really though he would eventually but how Tozawa start to control everything and kill Ishida shows a lot of power out of him right now, when he left he was very ill and didn’t have this much power on the government and the streets but after killing Ishida and taking over his Wife’s family organization he got stronger than ever been able to pull strings everywhere and cover things up so he doesn’t get involve, even showing up at the police station to proof his innocence, its just ridiculous.

Question at hand is, will Sato retaliate and go after Tozawa? will Jake work with him? its going to be war in the streets and Tozawa has a lot of enemies after him, also those who work for him like Baku and the new Justice Minister are been secretly investigated, there are a lot of twist to this series although it looks very basic from the outside, I give Episode 8 a 7.5/10.

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Special Ops: Lioness – Truth Is the Shrewdest Lie – Season 1 – Episode 5 – RECAP


Special Ops: Lioness – Truth Is the Shrewdest Lie – Season 1 – Episode 4 – RECAP INTRODUCTION -

In the spirit of conclusion I have decided that there are a few series I’m going to finish before moving forward, Special Ops: Lioness is one of them, I have recently been putting out other type of content that I wanted to start cover like articles about the Film Industry, Trailer reviews and soon I’ll be indexing data different but I still want to post my regular episodes recaps although they take me about four hours to do because of all the screenshots I take to put them into a “graphic representation” of the scene describing, at times it can be an exhausting hobby but I still like it or hate it depending on the day.

This series moves into split episodes, things never actually get to a conclusion in a single episode, they split the story here and there and episode five is the conclusion of four and opens the door to a situation I didn’t though at first but I think there is something going on between Cruz and Aaliyah, there is also the situation that Joe has been dealing with at home with her daughter Kate that got into a car wreck, part of the truth start go comes out like what her daughter really thinks about her and she also came up front with the reality that she is not the best mother but her reasons have valid grounds, she is a soldier after all and Joe’s husband has his own problems with that too, he can’t stand been with or without her, with actually turns a bit ironic because for been with Joe that’s her been on a mission she can’t talk about and that is killing Neal, looks like he can’t stand that situation anymore. Not much happen between Cruz and Aaliyah on this episode until the end they pick up on face time call where Aaliyah express herself/body just too much to Cruz and she notice it was too much so step back a bit, there might be a relationship brewing here but after all Aaliyah is like a bird on a cage made out of gold, she has everything she ever dream but at the same time has doesn’t own anything, not even her freedom. - tv series divider
Special Ops: Lioness – Truth Is the Shrewdest Lie – Season 1 – Episode 4 – RECAP EPISODE DETAILS -


On episode four Cruz went to a bar to party with Aaliyah and her friends where she got picked up by a guy who was a rapist, the guy drug her and pick her up after a fight started, Joe team got to her just in time on the woods where the guy was going to finish her on the spot, Joe took care of him and make him remember that moment for ever and think twice before raping another girl, Joe almost rip his balls apart, one kick after another. He never touch Cruz but she also didn’t remember a thing so she is was still confuse of what really happen but her team got there on time, well it was really close.


As I mention Joe’s daughter Kate got into a car wreck, so at the moment she had to deal with Kaitlyn , Kate and Neal at the same time, traveling from one place to another, Kaitlyn took her to the hospital but made sure she didn’t over extend her staying since there was business to take care of after she lend her team to Kyle, well not really her team.


Kaitlyn has been very supportive with Joe, this entire story is making me think that Joe is either the first or only Lioness that actually survive a mission, on first episode when she had to pull the trigger and drop a missile on a terrorist camp after her asset got discovered she ask Kaitlyn for advice like they have been on the same situation before and most of the Lioness doesn’t make it back. While at the hospital Joe and her daughter Kate finally got that conversation that settle things between them, she is not a kid anymore, got pregnant and almost die on a car wreck on top she lost the baby, at that moment Kate went through life time experience, got her ahead in time so fast that her life has fast forward almost ten years because how she knows what is to be pregnant and loose a baby, may be she didn’t go through the entire experience but for sure will never forget, Joe also comes forward and admit she is a shitty mother for not been there for her but it is what it is, she is a soldier. Lastly but still an important part of the drama Kaitlyn asks Neal not to give up on Joe, he still loves her but Kaitlyn knows its not an easy task to deal with Joe and her line of work.


Both Joe and Kyle gets their asses set on fire by Westfield, who is really the man behind the Lioness program and Kyle was something that should have never happen, Joe’s team is not hers it is lend by Westfield who is way higher on the government rank but Kyle intel was good so there is still a way to cover the shit show that they did on episode four after getting Kyle informant out of custody.


After Kyle intel was confirm they get lets say “yellow” light?” they can proceed with the capture mission but can shoot back if they get attacked? it was a capture mission only all this because no weapons or explosives have been confirm so far but once the targets get to the house they got monitor Two Cups and the rest of the team saw things were getting way hotter than they thought.


This scene where the get to the house was very cool, the shooting, bit dark but it was fast and clean, after confirm guns and explosives they finally get green light so its a capture/kill mission but no body is going to capture anyone besides they lack man power, as Bobby mention its a two squad mission and they are probably out number by two, got to mention that Cruz job was on point so at least she didn’t mess up, well she confirm it herself “this I know” before they went out.


Mission over, Kyle mess has been covered, Joe knows her daughter is alive but will take time to recover there are a few scars from all this, Kaitlyn thinks its a matter of time before another terrorist attack in US soil and Joe kinda mess up when she went back to the hospital, she was probably in a rush and didn’t clean up her face she still had blood and softy Neal notice getting all fired up asking her if she is now a hitman, WTF?? she is a soldier he knows it deal with it, he sees blood every day at the hospital but when his soldier-wife have some on her face then he goes all drama queen? - tv series divider

Special Ops: Lioness – Truth Is the Shrewdest Lie – Season 1 – Episode 4 – RECAP - CONCLUSION -

I would really enjoy a second season of this series, from what I have found online there is actually nothing about it, the series had good rating for what it is, this is not a AAA series although came together very well, there is some cliche here and there but nothing that makes you want to shut down the TV, action scenes so far have been on point, not every episode had them but I can say episode 1, 2, 4 and 5 had been the best at least for me, all episodes have over 7.5 on IMDB.

Episode five I thought was going to be a bit softy like Neal but that action scene pick up the speed of the episode very well, the drama at home with Joe is almost done with only Neal left so I think we wont have to listen to her daughter nagging anymore how bad of a mother she is, that was very annoying for a viewer who wants to see action and not a spoil child so I think for the last three episodes action is going to pick up a lot, I hope they don’t get to finish the mission yet because that would give us more chances of a second season.


Special Ops: Lioness – Truth Is the Shrewdest Lie – Season 1 – Episode 4 – RECAP - PREV Episodes - - tv series divider

Specialo Ops: Lioness - SEASON 1 TRAILER -

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Tv Series I’ll be watching on January 2024

After a never ending December Holidays as usual I’m behind a lot of content but I’m always looking forward since all it takes is a weekend night to put on the VR headset and burn through a few hours of TV series to catch up, there are a few series that will air on January that are worth watch in my opinion, there is a bit of everything from action, comedy, comic related, even some witchcraft. Here some of the TV series I will be watching on January, 2024 is set to be a great year for content after the Hollywood Strike is over now with writers, actors and studios in full force to pump out the backlog of productions and those that were patiently waiting their turn.
Some of the series I mention are on their first trailer so there will be more scenes and I will keep covering them and add more details to them on my profile at Micro Blogging platforms Inleo and Ecency. - tv series divider


The Brothers Sun

I think Netflix have made a name when it comes to bring great Asian actors to expand their work across the globe,
The Brothers Sun is a comedy about a Taipei Gangster family, Charles Sun and his mother Eileen Sun have to deal with others Gangsters who are now trying to take power back after his father was shoot without anyone knowing the truth behind it, in the middle is his little brother Bruce who lives in L.A and has no clue about his family business, Charles and his mother are though but Bruce is nothing like them and wants nothing to do with this life style, just by looking at the trailer you can tell there will be a lot of action, blood and laughs, this is another one I plan to watch, probably not on January as I’m behind schedule most of the time.

Air: Jan 4, 2024
Platform: Netflix
Trailer: - tv series divider


Sanctuary (2024)

Sanctuary a series based on a novel written by V.V. James from 2020, to start with I know nothing about the novel but when I saw the trailer immediately remember “A Discovery of Witches” a great series were we had Elaine Cassidy who in this case play the role of Sarah Fenn is the main character. Sanctuary is a story based in the UK where witchcraft is real and is a common thing among residents but everything goes south when there is an accident and the main character Sarah Fenn becomes the main suspect about the death of a teenager who died on this accident, murder by witchcraft, probably dark magic and people start to go against it, the series develops in modern times, so I expect this series to look more “unreal” or say less traditional witch TV series like “Salem” or the very well “A Discovery of Witches”. Going through some comments online this is the very thing some fans of the Novel are already talking about that it goes far from the original story and it’s a common problem with book adaptations so if you have read the novel don’t expect it to be exactly the same word by word but I do think can be entertaining if you are a fan of witchcraft series.

Air: Jan 4, 2024
Platform: AMC+
Trailer: - tv series divider


ECHO (2024)

This is a series I have been expecting from some time since I heard about it, not necessarily because of ECHO herself but Dare Devil but know I got a bundle pack, got ECHO whose power is to copy any action or skill she sees, she is deaf and have a prosthetic leg; Kingpin and Dare Devil. ECHO character make it first appearance on Hawkeye the series that I haven’t watch reason I was not aware of it, after a rough season in New York she now comes back home and try to reconnect with her community and family but there is an entire war going on, this involves the ruthless Kingpin played by Wilson Fisk and you CAN NOT have the Kingpin without Dare Devil, by Matt Murdock; same as the Netflix series, the main reason I found out about ECHO, I have been waiting for a Dare Devil series after the Netflix version, this mini series is based on the comic although I do not know how close it is, five episodes only so it is very short and I fear the story gets crunch and feels too short for what it should be, PLEAS GOD this don’t be another “Secret Invasion”.

Air: Jan 9, 2024
Platform: Disney+9
Trailer: - tv series divider


Ted (2024)

A six episode Mini Series, comedy; by Seth MacFarlane a guy behind exits like Family Guy, American Dad just to mention two great animated comedy, its true that this will be streaming on Peacock and yes they are not known for putting out AAA content but its entertaining most of the time so this is a watch in my opinion as long as the keep the bear personality from the movies, I know its the same voice but what makes me laugh about the 2012 and 2015 movies was its personality, this time the story goes way back to its original owner John Bennett who wished his teddy bear friend Ted life, John Bennett character is been played by Max Burkholder who also work with Seth on Family Guy and American Dad so I think this could be a little gem in the rough that will make you laugh some.

Air: Jan 11, 2024
Platform: Peacock
Trailer: - tv series divider


Masters of the Air (2024)

I’m in that group of people who are suckers for anything war related TV series, not that I promote war but because of all the drama and action it provides, its entertainment, comes Masters of The Air; I think this is going to be a banger, first of most of the series that Apple+ puts out are great and on top you got Steven Spielberg, Tom Hanks producing a World War II drama series based on the book by Donald L. Miller, a series about the brave men of the 100th Bomb Squad during the Nazi War. Last war theme TV series I watch was “A Small Light” and I’m still pending on “All The Light We Cannot See”, two great productions that brought the drama of going through a war a civilian but this time we wont only have that perspective but from thousands of feet above on a bomber, back in the day there was not that much tech, things were very rough and different. The Cast in my opinion is OK, we got familiar faces, when I say OK I mean they are not ultra well known but have seen them in other movies and series, Austin Butler, Callum Turner, Anthony Boyle, Nate Mann, Barry Keoghan.
This series is dropping two episodes on January 26, followed by a weekly release schedule until March 15, 2024, meaning this will make Friday nights special.

Air: January 26, 2024
Platform: Apple+
Trailer: - tv series divider

I think this will be enough to keep me entertain on those days where I have spare time to burn some hours, some others will be a must, I can see that already with Masters of the Air, ECHO and The Brothers Sun, I’m glad there is a mix on how the episodes will drop since it’s not my style of watching the entire series in two days, I’m a bit old school in that aspect back from the days we watch TV series from cable tv one episode per week but 2024 is set to be a great year in my opinion for entertaining and for crypto, most of my content is on the Hive blockchain using platforms like Inleo and Ecency, both great in their own way were you can actually own your data and can not be shut down so if you see this post on my blog feel free to contact and jump in to real Web3 platforms.

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On 2024 Marvel better come up with something good to re vindicate, this new miniseries called “ECHO” will premiere on Disney+ and Hulu on January 9, and it is causing some what “sensation”, if they are any good, fans are in luck because the studio plans launch several television series, where we will see action, drama and also a lot of violence, I hope so. This miniseries shows us Kingpin and a Daredevil rivalry once again since ECHO actually show up from from Hawkeye and focuses on the character Echo from the Marvel comics. She’s a deaf Native American with an incredible gift, she can copy any move or skill she sees. As always this is my opinion from a regular viewer perspective not from a comic or Marvel expert.

Release Date: January,9,2024
Platforms: Huly, Disney+
IMDB: - tv series divider


Alaqua Cox plays Echo an actress I haven’t seen much before, went through her IMDB page and found nothing than Hawkeye and ECHO probably I didn’t look enough on top I’m not a Hawk eye fan so this is my first time, on the other side we have to well known actors Vincent D’Onofrio as Wilson Fisk playing Kingpin and Charlie Cox known for his role as Matt Murdock aka Daredevil, well known duo, blast from the past.


I’m the type of viewer that don’t like to spoil things before hand but I got to say I know nothing about the ECHO story just few details that she can basically mimic or learn powers just by watching them? interesting Skrull type?. There is not much that the trailer explains about her story but seems she had a rough time at New York and now is coming back home to Oklahoma trying to embrace her roots and grip some of that power, find a place for herself between her community, I wonder if that’s where her powers comes from if its some kind of powers she inherited from her ancestors?.

After a rough 2023 for Marvels, Disney put their hopes on producers Marion Dayre and Sydney Freeland for this miniseries, from interviews I found online seems like they are looking for that fresh start, a fresh vision focusing on the theme, identity, culture, but I hope they don’t go the woke path trying to propagate “messages”. ECHO begins phase five of the MCU called Marvel Spotlight.

Launching this mini series or any other production on 2023 was not an easy task at all with the Hollywood Strike full force for the most part of the year, the uncertainty of writers, actors, studios it was a mess. Both Disney and producer Marion Dayre had obstacles along the way too keeping the mini series delayed, it was originally planned to be released in the summer of 2023 and then date moved to January, 9,2024, I have seen some trailers and websites saying its the 10th although IMDB says its the 9th. Dayre commented on a podcast “The Writers Panel” how she became the head writer and how hard it was to deal with all the delays and Marvel itself, sounds like Marvel is the Diva type IMO.


To me Alaqua Cox brings authenticity to her role since she have quite the similarities to the ECHO character been both deaf and use a prosthetic leg so this is no joke, me myself I’m deaf on my right ear btw so can only imagine what is to be fully deaf, think about it a deaf super women and a blind agile no fucks given Dare Devil, she have not publicly reveal how she lost her leg, quite interesting she still keep it a secret but that is great in my opinion, everyone has the right for personal life no matter how famous you are.


ECHO went through so many changes during 2023 and one of the was Daredevil, at first it was so fucking weird and different from, IMO; its best version that’s the Netflix version, both now played by Charlie Cox but still quite different from the exterior, there is public reason why? is this a better improve version of Daredevil?. On Netflix version he was younger, probably a less polished version but it does intrigue me how close their stories are and which is the one closer to the comic or is this kind of situation where the same character can have different versions? I will give it a watch to Netflix version in the coming days just to have a familiar image before watching ECHO, probably even watch Hawkeye for some background.

The trailer looks cool and as most Marvel productions it promises a lot of action, there is some excitement behind it and I hope it is one of those side small stories that kick ass and not many knew about, as mention there is also this Daredevil “new version” and obviously cant leave behind Kingpin, big bad ass gangster. - tv series divider


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The Wheel of Time: What Was Meant to Be – Season 2 – Episode 8 – RECAP

The Wheel of Time: What Was Meant to Be – Season 2 – Episode 8 – RECAP -
The Wheel of Time: What Was Meant to Be – Season 2 – Episode 8 – RECAP –


The Wheel of Time: What Was Meant to Be – Season 2 – Episode 8 – RECAP - INTRODUCTION -

What Was Meant to Be, episode eight of The Wheel of Time Season Two, for me; could be the best episode of a TV series on 2023, everything that was meant to be happen, not necessary as Moiraine thought it would happen since Selene (Lanfear) had a lot to do with it, in fact she was the reason all this happen, she fool Ishamael all the time, she rescue Rand from Amyrlin Seat setting on fire the town as a distraction, took Moiraine and Lan to the exact spot where she could attack Lady Surtoh ships and all this because she loves Rand, really the OG dragon; this time seems she is focus more than ever to help him but at the end her goal is to have him for her but this is something not clear for me because when she was going to do something about it a few episodes back Moiraine show up and cut her through, I have not read the books so all I know is what I have seen so far. Another interesting topic is how Ishamael was imprison with the rest of the forsaken by Lews who was the reincarnation of The Dragon, they were “friends” but had different opinions about The Wheel, Ishamael wanted to distroy it probably he has a similar kind of though like Thanos, why suffer when he can end it all while Lews knew this was not the way, season leaves me with quite a few questions of whats next on season three, at this point everyone has a good control of their power including Perrin, Mat never had any powers he was just destine to do certain things since he was part of Rand inner circle.

Season two started very slow for that getting some what low scores of 7/10 but after episode three things started to pick up the pace rapidly to the point that every episode was a hit, out of the eight episodes it average a score of 8/10 on IMDB, considering the first episode got a 7.1 and the last episode a 9/10 showing in numbers how good this episode was its just pure and constant dopamine rush that kept me to the edge, it is in fact so good of an episode and has so many details that I saw it more than twice.



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The Wheel of Time: What Was Meant to Be – Season 2 – Episode 8 – RECAP - EPISODE DETAILS -

The Wheel of Time: What Was Meant to Be – Season 2 – Episode 8 – RECAP -
The Wheel of Time: What Was Meant to Be – Season 2 – Episode 8 – RECAP –


To this day I don’t know who free Ishamael but at least now I know who imprison him, good old Dragon back in the day who was his “friend” knew Ishamael was a serious problem to deal with and the rest of the forsaken so he put them inside rocks that serve as prison where they will be alive but not aware of time, this seal was suppose to be so strong that not even Lews would be able to break it so how Ishamael got out and then how did he free the rest of the forsaken including Lanfear??

The Wheel of Time: What Was Meant to Be – Season 2 – Episode 8 – RECAP -
The Wheel of Time: What Was Meant to Be – Season 2 – Episode 8 – RECAP –


Once again Lanfear shows Rand she is the only one who really care for him but specifically told him the rest only care for what he can do when she doesn’t so this clear out the question she is not after his powers? because that would be the most obvious answer, during this entire process as I mention, Lanfear was the one pulling the strings and putting all the pieces in place so Rand can win this battle, Lanfear still have bone to pick with Moiraine, if she provoke Lanfear and Rand is not there to get in the middle I’m sure she would not hesitate to take Moirinae life, once again Lanfear helps Moiraine and Rand, dropping Moiraine close to Falme but far enough so she could claim the Dragon with a fire banner on the sky as she mention but this distance also gave her the perfect strategy to attack the city from far away, on top she now has Lan to cover her back again.

The Wheel of Time: What Was Meant to Be – Season 2 – Episode 8 – RECAP -
The Wheel of Time: What Was Meant to Be – Season 2 – Episode 8 – RECAP –


I just love how Lanfera manipulate Ishamael, he knows it but has no other option on the other hand Rand tries to manipulate her with cheap tricks and even having all that power she agrees every time he ask for help and she likes it, so hilarious. Now I understand Ishamael wanted more time, from the start he was trying to make Rand feel everyone abandon him because that story that the Dragon eventually kills everyone so far doesn’t fit with Rand, he was not going to kill his friends so Ishamael had no other option to separate them, for some time it work but Ishamael worst mistake was to awake Lanfear thinking she was going to kill Rand.

The Wheel of Time: What Was Meant to Be – Season 2 – Episode 8 – RECAP -
The Wheel of Time: What Was Meant to Be – Season 2 – Episode 8 – RECAP –


This is one of the best Karma scenes I have seen this year, on previous episode Egwene told Renna, “I’m going to kill you” and Renna did nothing, but the worst of not doing anything is that she didn’t realize Egwene just went over the adam, she though of ways to hurt her suldam, that’s rule number one you cant hurt your suldam or even think about it. Renna keeps provoking Egwene, the city is under attack and all suldam and damane need to defend it, when a damane refuse orders during battle first punishment is cut her tongue and second her hands, Renna cut Egwene hair to show off her power while still holding the leach, Egwene was like bitch did you just cut my hair?? That look on Egwene before she start attacking the white cloaks who are invading the city said it all.

The Wheel of Time: What Was Meant to Be – Season 2 – Episode 8 – RECAP -
The Wheel of Time: What Was Meant to Be – Season 2 – Episode 8 – RECAP –


Ishamael is highly suspicious that Lanfear is going to betray him mainly because he feels she is rushing things and been so sure that Rand is going to switch sides on top of that Turak the leader of seanchan was murder by Rand but he has an ace with him, Mat is “suppose” to kill Rand but Kim did said many times that her visions not always become true, temptation knocks at Mat’s door, Padan Fain brought him the dagger that once posses him and the one he will use to kill Rand, Mat knows he is not strong enough not to touch it so went around and made a spear out of it, problem solved right? not really.

The Wheel of Time: What Was Meant to Be – Season 2 – Episode 8 – RECAP -
The Wheel of Time: What Was Meant to Be – Season 2 – Episode 8 – RECAP –


The Wheel of Time: What Was Meant to Be – Season 2 – Episode 8 – RECAP -
The Wheel of Time: What Was Meant to Be – Season 2 – Episode 8 – RECAP –


The episode is about Rand been declare as The Dragon but in my opinion this was Egwene episode, Nynaeve is suppose to be way stronger than Egwene something that might come up on season three but for how the one that has shown her powers more than anyone else is Egwene, she is not only strong and pretty but so fucking smart, the tower gets hit badly by the White Cloak army, a big rock hit them and some suldam and damene die but not Renna and Egwene, she use the opportunity to gram an adam collar from a dead sedai and wait for the exact moment to put it on Renna’s neck, so they are both suldam and damane, takes the big risk to hang Renna by the collar and waits to find out who will die first or who forfeit and release the other from the adam, eventually Renna accept because she doesn’t want to die expecting Egwene to release her from the adam and to my joy she doesn’t and watch Renna die kicking and screaming while hanging from pilar.

The Wheel of Time: What Was Meant to Be – Season 2 – Episode 8 – RECAP -
The Wheel of Time: What Was Meant to Be – Season 2 – Episode 8 – RECAP –


During previous episodes I constantly complain about some characters that basically do shit, two of them are Mat and Perrin, well Mat in fact hurt Rand badly, it did not play out exactly as Ishamael though but he did set a trap so Mat tries to kill him from behind but Ishamael some how predict it and it was an ilusion, ends up stabing Mat and almost kill him if it wasn’t by Egwene, Perrin and Elayne, btw Nynaeve did’t do shit during this episode, yes its me complaining again but its just so stagnating with some of this characters, I wonder if on the books its like this?

Egwene stand against Ishamael taking almost all his attacks so thats shows she might go hand to hand with some of the forsaken, until Perrin shows up with a shield that was giving to him by Uno who is now one of the Heroes of the Horn so there must be something special about that help Egwene hold the attacks until Elayne is healing Rand, there is a scene I did not show and thats Moiraine attacking the Seanchan ships with damane holding down Rand, after the ships are destroy and Elayne heal Rand he was then able to kill Ishamael.

The Wheel of Time: What Was Meant to Be – Season 2 – Episode 8 – RECAP -
The Wheel of Time: What Was Meant to Be – Season 2 – Episode 8 – RECAP –


The scene that sets Season 3, the seals for the rest of the forsaken are broken, every single one is free now, Lanfear is the only one on Rand side, she is suppose to be the strongest one of all them but there was something about Moghedien, another forsaken; that scare the shit out of her or was it the fact that they are all free against Rand? Lanfear thought everything went according to her plan but she never thought Ishamael could or would free the rest of the forsaken. - tv series divider

The Wheel of Time: What Was Meant to Be – Season 2 – Episode 8 – RECAP - CONCLUSION -

Ishamael is gone now, Seachan’s are done too but there is a bigger threat and that is the other forsaken together after The Dragon now that everyone knows its Rand, truth is that Rand and his friends now know how to control their powers way better that the start of the season but how powerful the forsaken are? Egwene and Rand can exchange blows with them but is the White Tower and Aes Sedais be on their side too? considering Moiraine and the Amyrlin Seat are not in good terms? this puts Rand in the middle of multiple battles on top of this a small civil war against the White Cloaks, this make think they might be surrounded, more powerful than before but more direct enemies than before so it won’t be easy to stay alive, another question that is left hanging is on what side will Lanfear be? what are her true motives to be with Rand? she keeps saying she loves him and is the only one not after his powers? I’m sure season three will be as explosive as season two.

There are some TV series and movies that when it comes to make my post about it, a recap trying to narrate the events that I consider the most important or make the more impact for me, there could be so many details that I kind of hate the process of creating the post although once it is done it feels very satisfying, WOT is one of those TV series probably why it took me some time to create the post, didn’t want it to be short and cover my favorite events during this episode, same thing happens to me with For All Mankind.

The Wheel of Time: What Was Meant to Be – Season 2 – Episode 8 – RECAP - PREV Episodes - - tv series divider

The Wheel of Time - SEASON 2 - TRAILER -

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The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon – Coming Home – Episode 6 – Season 1 – RECAP

The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon - Coming Home - Episode 6 - Season 1 - RECAP -
The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon – Coming Home – Episode 6 – Season 1 – RECAP –


The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon - Coming Home - Episode 6 - Season 1 - RECAP - INTRODUCTION -

Going Home, Episode Six of Daryl Dixon, Season 1; in my opinion almost fall too simple towards the end too predictable but its expected that they reach their destiny but when Carol show up probably because I have seen her from the OG series it was a rush got to say, as always she looks so calm and now older that you would never expect her to kick your ass but also out smart you but she can. The episodes starts where it left with Daryl facing Zombies in an arena now that Genet got them all including Laurent, her main idea is to show off her power and make others believe Laurent and her are working together to unite people but that’s just not true, she is really looking to establish her regime all over France and Daryl has become a stone on the road after he single handed almost destroy one of her ship with a ton of Zombies they were running experiments on, particularly one who was very strong and agile to be a Zombie, I wonder were this experiments go on season two if she will finally raise a Zombie army and it is already known that Laurent has some sort of influence over Zombies most likely because when his mother was on labor she was already bitten, infected with the virus but it never fully went into Laurent, reason why they kept saying he is a miracle, his mother turns into a Zombie right after labor when she died.

Compare to Dead City, Daryl Dixon was way better probably because it was a bit more rudimentary not sure if that’s the word, Dead City was in Manhattan and Daryl Dixon happens on so many places, the go through France to reach The Nest, from open fields to a rusty Paris with the Eiffel Tower swinging from side to side almost singing, really enjoy this series and now finally make my last post about season one.

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The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon - Coming Home - Episode 6 - Season 1 - RECAP - EPISODE DETAILS -

The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon - Coming Home - Episode 6 - Season 1 - RECAP -
The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon – Coming Home – Episode 6 – Season 1 – RECAP –


The fight scene was a great opening to the last episode of season one, at first Genet thought she was going get away with killing Daryl in front of all this people and show off her power to increase the support from Paris population, how many times have we seen Daryl fight more than three Zombies at the same time although this are not normie Zombies, Genet had her scientist develop some kind of drug that jap the Zombies making them go 0 to 100 real quick, more like Zombies from World War Z, if we can get those in masses for season two would be sick!!!

Probably Genet best chance was to tire Daryl fighting Quinn and then let go the Zombies but she was so sure her plan was going to work, look at her smug smile, well that change real quick after Daryl and Quinn started to work together and annihilate her Zombies, there was one with metal around his head that even attack another Zombie, its still very grey area how to control them properly to know who the enemy is.

The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon - Coming Home - Episode 6 - Season 1 - RECAP -
The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon – Coming Home – Episode 6 – Season 1 – RECAP –


So far Daryl Dixon has another thing that is very similar to the OG series and that’s the tones and colors of scenes, its always that dark greenish theme on all scenes, I remember with the OG series at some point the intro made me sad just listening to the song and all the dark green color makes you feel sad about the thing but you still wanted to watch it, obviously Daryl was not going to die on season one there still gas in the tank but who did had to die Quinn, after all he was brought from the death after Isabelle abandon him when Zombies started to pup up, Quinn had to pay a high price.

The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon - Coming Home - Episode 6 - Season 1 - RECAP -
The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon – Coming Home – Episode 6 – Season 1 – RECAP –


Karma, Irony and Coincidence kick in hard on episode six, this is when I think the episode started to became too predictable and then what are the odds some of this things to happen to Quinn? probably was the perfect Karma payback

  • Zombie bites him in the back
  • He agree to Daryl cut his hand off to get free
  • Laurent stab him in the head after he turn

Karma is a bitch!! the amount of payback in a single episode, consider he confess Isabelle he was fucking her sister, Laurent’s mother; he also told Isabelle to get rid of her sister and drop her at a near hospital so they can move on to then many years latter when he realize who Laurent is try to claim him as his son and asks Isabelle to be with him, even force her to do it leaving her without many options in exchange for a ticket on a ship or some how get Daryl into a ship to USA, the irony on all this was that Laurent had to kill him and that sux because imagine a kid under that circumstances he basically killed both his parents, his mom during labor and then had to stab Quinn on the head to protect Isabelle, none of those were his fault but still if we go to numbers he is 2-0.

I didn’t like how easy Daryl escape the compound, that’s the magic of TV; the first car he check on he finds his back with all his stuff even his blade and “medieval flail”, I had to look that up lol; on top meters close to him was Fallou to help him get a truck running, he knows mechanic because his uncle had a shop??; it became so predictable and unreal at this point, who didn’t imagine Quinn was going to turn and attack them I think that was obvious.

The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon - Coming Home - Episode 6 - Season 1 - RECAP -
The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon – Coming Home – Episode 6 – Season 1 – RECAP –


I always like to think that every TV series and even episodes themself have a gas pedal that writers and directors use to control the excitement, you cant keep people producing dopamine indefinitely during 45 minutes episodes, you might be able to do it on one episode and not at 100%, after Daryl escape with Isebelle and Laurent their truck broke down and Codron track them down, when he had Daryl at his mercy he could not kill Daryl or Laurent for some reason, Laurent did told him “God loves you” but still I don’t think that mean anything to  Codron, he kills the rest of Genet’s goons and let Daryl go away, even figure out where the nest is and told them to walk north, less than a day, Mont Saint Michel after he picks up Daryl watch from the floor and he kept it, I wonder if latter on Genet will figure out that’s the Nest??, at Mont Saint Michael the entire town was expecting Laurent. Not much happen after they arrive but to me this part of the episode was not boring since the place, the castle, the scenery was beautiful, sometimes I imagine all the people that work to build places like that and even live for so long there while my country still had nothing similar, this is for many other countries, Europe was WWWAAAYYYY more advance back then.

The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon - Coming Home - Episode 6 - Season 1 - RECAP -
The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon – Coming Home – Episode 6 – Season 1 – RECAP –


Codron was stupid enough to go back alone to Genet with the story on his hand that everyone got killed except him because he was chasing Laurent and Daryl killed the rest of Genet’s goons, cmon that was stupid as fuck, she came up with this story of how she work for a long time as security at a museum and learn to read paintings, who was lying just by looking at their eyes.

At The Nest, the got Daryl a ride back home and he decided it was time to go home, on his way he found the his grand father tomb, he was a soldier who died in France during war, close to that field Daryl had to fight Zombies and from there with the episode so close to finish if you look at the time left it was uncertain was going to happen but those Zombies were really looking for him because of Laurent, he was close and Zombies following WTF!! after all the kid does seem to have some power or control over Zombies that he has not develop obviously because no body have though of that, to make things even better there is a small scene when Carol shows up after following a biker who had Daryl’s bike, he never saw it coming but in matter of minutes she already had him tight down in the trunk of her car, he tells where he got the bike and now she is on her way to the same guys who put Daryl on the ship in the first place.

Episode six left us with a couple of hot topics hanging for next season

  • Laurent powers over Zombies, what they really are? will he develop it?
  • Genet caught Cordon who has Daryl pocket watch, will she figure out where is the Nest and attack?
  • Carol is on her way to the camp where Daryl got imprison, will she fucked up? - tv series divider

The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon - Coming Home - Episode 6 - Season 1 - RECAP - CONCLUSION -

Season one of Daryl Dixon was just awesome, the entire season got an average of 7.7/10 with the last episode an 8.6/10 at IMDB and numbers do make sense compare to what I saw, it was way better than Dead City, more action, more similar to the OG series from the theme of the scenes, colors, even the intro was on a similar vibe and that is very important for the brand to go on and keep fans interested, I think that’s probably why Dead City didn’t got that much acceptance and to be honest Daryl Dixon spinn off at first I was a bit skeptical because are they really going to release two spinn off the same year so close to each other considering Fear The Walking Dead was still running but it turn out to be more successful than I expected, this series goes against what I have mention of a minimum of 8 episodes but it is very rare to be this successful with very little episodes, consider it had one of the bad ass characters from the OG series, on 2024 there will be the continuation of Dead City and Daryl Dixon plus there will be another spinn off “The Ones Who Live” where there will be Rick and Michonne as main characters, I have higher expectations for this next spinn off.


The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon - Coming Home - Episode 6 - Season 1 - RECAP - PREV Episodes - - tv series divider

The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon - SEASON 1 - TRAILER -

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Special Ops: Lioness – The Choice of Failure – Season 1 – Episode 4 – RECAP

Special Ops: Lioness – The Choice of Failure – Season 1 – Episode 4 – RECAP -
Special Ops: Lioness – The Choice of Failure – Season 1 – Episode 4 – RECAP –



Special Ops: Lioness – The Choice of Failure – Season 1 – Episode 4 – RECAP - INTRODUCTION -

Slowly but surely I’m almost done with Special Ops Lioness, I got so use to watch content on VR that either sometimes I’m too tired to put on the headset when I have time to watch series or I’m lazy and just don’t but watching at my computer is not the same anymore besides a very long time I stop using Tv’s I just don’t anymore, probably should buy a big ass TV this year and get use more to it.

Special Ops Lioness is a little under cover agent/army drama series that will most likely will get a second season, haven’t seen any news saying that it has been cancel or there wont be a season two although the mission does complete from what I have seen on IMDB episodes descriptions, anyways it should get a season two after such good performance through rating sites but it could also be a one season deal, that would sux but that just how it is with the industry, never get to attach to series although some times its inevitable.

Second episode pick up some action towards the end but for the most part its just fun to see Joe mad for the most episode, she is mad because how her team got heat on their ass because of the ops at the south on top Cruz gets into a mess situation at a bar, other than that it was a very girly episode, btw Joe’s daughter broke her deal of top off only.

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Special Ops: Lioness – The Choice of Failure – Season 1 – Episode 4 – RECAP EPISODE DETAILS -

Special Ops: Lioness – The Choice of Failure – Season 1 – Episode 4 – RECAP -
Special Ops: Lioness – The Choice of Failure – Season 1 – Episode 4 – RECAP –


I can see how the girly scenes between Cruz and Aaliyah can ruin the episode but lucky it doesn’t repeat that often and its the only way the series can represent how Cruz takes information from her, for the most part the entertaining side of the episode is when Joe, her team members and Kaitlyn her boss jump into the scene, so far Joe had now clue who Aaliyah was getting marry with but since Cruz is getting closer to the group they have manage to get some intel on the guy although the are been extra careful since she already experience how fast Cruz can fuck things up and this was not the exception, on previous episodes Aaliyah would prefer to chose who to marry with but that’s just a cliche of this kind of story, not saying its fair or not but you know what I mean, again the boring side of the episode.


Special Ops: Lioness – The Choice of Failure – Season 1 – Episode 4 – RECAP -
Special Ops: Lioness – The Choice of Failure – Season 1 – Episode 4 – RECAP –


Even Joe and her crew felt the same way about them monitoring the marker, “spying on spring break”, Aaliyah had everything she could dream about except “freedom”, many would think different since there are levels of money that can buy you happiness but we are still human and at the end its the simple things that matter the most, this scene was the ramp up of the shit storm that was coming to Joe, not only the one she knows about this is with the shitty work Kyle pull with her team on the south. I like the tough attitude of Joe but some times Zoe Saldana exaggerate a bit and goes over board making it look force, some might consider this show silly or waste of time because of the girly scenes and its a cliche to see undercover operations happen overseas when it comes to Arabic characters, IMO I think it does make it more entertain, watching a totally different culture and not the American way makes it more interesting.


Special Ops: Lioness – The Choice of Failure – Season 1 – Episode 4 – RECAP -
Special Ops: Lioness – The Choice of Failure – Season 1 – Episode 4 – RECAP –


Exactly as Tex describe it to Joe, the job at the south was a shit show and I got a problem with this, I still don’t know why the hell Joe accept to lend Kyle part of her crew, been a special ops team already working on a mission, so far they haven’t give any background between Kyle and Joe, they both are special agents who met at a restaurant, well Kyle was following her and she agree to give him a few men for his unplanned suicide mission?? makes complete no sense, Kyle almost pull the job but the EMP bomb was not big enough to shut down cameras around him so how his ass is on the line and by consequence he sets Joe ass on fire too, it seems like the asset had some good intel on terrorist but until that’s proven they both Kyle and Joe are deep on this, if the media gets the footage.


Special Ops: Lioness – The Choice of Failure – Season 1 – Episode 4 – RECAP -
Special Ops: Lioness – The Choice of Failure – Season 1 – Episode 4 – RECAP –


Liar Liar Pants on Fire, since when the fuck that’s a good advice, top off is fine just keep your pants on when dry humping?? does that really work now days?? for sure never work with any of the women when I was young that’s just how a young human brain works, selfish ass Kate got into a car wreck badly, not her fault but my mom always told me at the end the truth comes to the light, always. Sadly for her his dad not only finds out she is pregnant and she is very very fucked up, but she also betray his trust that’s probably that hurts the most when you are a father but he was very naive too, Kate been pregnant is on him, he knew who Joe was when they got together and her work line so Joe not been at home is not the excuse, that’s the problem with anyone who works with that kind of confidential information for security agencies.


Special Ops: Lioness – The Choice of Failure – Season 1 – Episode 4 – RECAP -
Special Ops: Lioness – The Choice of Failure – Season 1 – Episode 4 – RECAP –


Remember how I said Joe knows Cruz can fuck up things any moment, well she did again, this is becoming a thing, Cruz getting in trouble during the mission for any random reason and I feel its not the last time it will happen, although Joe did got her once on a tough situation at Aalyah house the first visit, this time Cruz went to bar with Aalyah and her friends, there she meet a guy who drug her and almost rape her if it was not for Joe who thought it would be good idea to keep close to Cruz, I wanted to put the scene when Joe caught the guy, Cruz was laying on the floor in the woods, think about it Joe was already pissed at Kyle and her daughter Kate got into a bad car wreck, she busted the guy badly, went all savage mode destroying the guy balls, then brought Cruz back to the hotel where she is still trying to fight the drug effect to wake up and Kailtlyn just arrive to talk to Joe about the Extraction Ops at the South between Kyle and her team, this episode was a total shit storm for Joe. - tv series divider

Special Ops: Lioness – The Choice of Failure – Season 1 – Episode 4 – RECAP - CONCLUSION -

I’m still on Episode four with another four to go, this are not very long episodes so probably I will just keep charge my VR headset with my headphones and burn down four hours of Special Ops next week since this weekend is Xmas, for far a series that I have really enjoy, I hope all episodes were like the first one but its kind of a good contrast and I hope one or two episodes get to that level of dopamine, if not it will feel like they burn all their gunpowder on the first episode, yeah the girly scenes kill the excitement but it also feels nice that not much character introduction has happen, they cut it out on the first two episodes and that gives more room for the rest of the story to spread its wings, you get more for your time invested on watching the series, others are slower at first a good example this year was Wheel of Time Season two was extremely slow at first to then blow your brains out with the last three episodes, Special Ops Lioness seem to be a more leveled series in terms of pace of the story, really enjoy this episode.


Special Ops: Lioness – The Choice of Failure – Season 1 – Episode 4 – RECAP - PREV Episodes - - tv series divider

Special Ops: Lioness - SEASON 1 - TRAILER -

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Monarch: Legacy of Monsters – Departure – Season 01 – Episode 02 -RECAP

Monarch: Legacy of Monsters - Departure - Season 01 - Episode 02 -RECAP -
Monarch: Legacy of Monsters – Departure – Season 01 – Episode 02 -RECAP –


Monarch: Legacy of Monsters - Departure - Season 01 - Episode 02 -RECAP - INTRODUCTION -

MONARCH could easy be one of the best TV series of 2023, the scores are not crazy high across sites like TMDB, IMDB and RTT but it has been everything I hope from the start, that was introduce a good story about all the characters this means Keiko, Shaw Lee, Cate, Bill and now their grand child and on top good monsters with an S scenes and not just Godzilla, this TV series has also push me to watch the three movies related to it so I could have a better understanding of why things happen in certain way and there is still one scenes I cant get why, that’s when Bill is been chase by a giant spider filming ask someone to forgive him for all he “Bill” took from him.. still probably one of the best TV series of 2023 with great contenders like Silo and The Wheel of Time, no doubt the Hollywood Strike hit hard the industry but there are still some gems from 2023 and MONARCH is one of them.

Episode two Departure is still part of that stage of knowing why things are happening and it will be like that probably until episode four when things settle down and it covers for the most part the present time, but I think this season main focus is to explain how things started back on the 50’s with Kieko, Bill and Shaw, that is exactly what MONARCH is after now, the youngsters Cate, Kentaro and his ex-girlfriends May have discover some files from audio and video at his father office, Hiroshi is suppose to be missing or dead but it might not be the case and there is only one person alive that might help them figure out exactly what happen and that Shaw Lee.

Recently read about an interview that was done some time ago to Wyat Russell and how he didn’t want to work with his father until he makes it out by himself, they both are very similar and I guess many other productions have though about them to be included for the same purpose of going back and forward in time lines of the same character, it work out great for MONARCH.

Platform: Apple+ - tv series divider
Monarch: Legacy of Monsters - Departure - Season 01 - Episode 02 -RECAP - EPISODE DETAILS -

Monarch: Legacy of Monsters - Departure - Season 01 - Episode 02 -RECAP -
Monarch: Legacy of Monsters – Departure – Season 01 – Episode 02 -RECAP –


It was the late 50’s in Japan, Dr. Keiko Miura was probably not taken serious by many for a couple of reasons, I guess men were very dominant on her field of work and second she was basically chasing a ghost so when Shaw Lee the III was assign to her as military escort he didn’t take her serious neither and paid a great price right from the start, not only he was cocky but he was kind of pissed been assign as an escort probably as punishment after getting into a bar fight, he even though she was trying to hook up with him when they met, he thought Dr. Miura had to be a men and he was so wrong, this got him more than once to be ashamed of his actions until he started to understand what was going on and why her work was so important despite been almost along on this journey.

Monarch: Legacy of Monsters - Departure - Season 01 - Episode 02 -RECAP -
Monarch: Legacy of Monsters – Departure – Season 01 – Episode 02 -RECAP –


Moving into the present we know Kentaro and Cate found some files at their father office in Japan but had no clue what they were about, Kentaro ex-girlfriend knew how to handle some of this old format of data storage and decided to dig into it but this alert MONARCH about it, this are probably OG Bill Randall and Keiko Miura files, how everything started, this documents are important and MONARCH want them back.

On a second trip to his father office Kentaro started to look at some files and found a video tape too, between the files came up Shaw Lee and a document that mentions how he has been admitted at a retiring community that latter on end up been a prison for MONARCH related people, they need to keep their secrets tight even though G-day already happen they don’t want the population know that there are more than just one massive monster going around, this would cause huge panic. Kentaro latter on said his mom told him about how to locate Shaw but it is not true, he got the place name from the documents at his father office.

The entire Kentaro / May relationship is kind of boring and annoying because it has not been properly explain, we know he dump her but why? besides she is hiding something and that could be the reason why he dump her but he was not brave enough to call her out? this is just me making conclusions.

Monarch: Legacy of Monsters - Departure - Season 01 - Episode 02 -RECAP -
Monarch: Legacy of Monsters – Departure – Season 01 – Episode 02 -RECAP –


Cate is traumatize by what she went through on G day at San Francisco, I mean who would not if you see face to face good old GOJI!!! she had front row seats at the San Francisco Bridge when Godzilla show up and start screaming its lungs away so now every time she starts feeling claustrophobic her first though is GOJI is coming, that’s what happen when Tim try to soft kidnap her after she denied to talk to him, Cate starts to scream and scramble inside the car and kick the Duval in the face who was driving and then crash badly, not sure how Duval and Tim got out of that crash like it was nothing.

Monarch: Legacy of Monsters - Departure - Season 01 - Episode 02 -RECAP -
Monarch: Legacy of Monsters – Departure – Season 01 – Episode 02 -RECAP –


That same night after the crash they raided May apartment and went looking for Kentaro, not only they were very close one place to the other but Duval and Tim look fresh, not like they have gotten out of a bad car crash something I find annoying after watching the episode again, making this post makes me realize things I didn’t on the first watch, that’s another reason I like this posts recaps. Again WTF is May hiding and why she look like running away from something, she catch Cate out of her apartment and brought her to a restaurant where she is hiding a bag with supplies, money and multiple passports like she is ready to disappear anytime if needed. I also like how Kentaro mom help him to escape, was very cool how she look all naive even asking Duval if she was single an available for Kentaro LOL, making time for Kentaro to run away.

Monarch: Legacy of Monsters - Departure - Season 01 - Episode 02 -RECAP -
Monarch: Legacy of Monsters – Departure – Season 01 – Episode 02 -RECAP –


Episode Two explain how the three person who started MONARCH met, Keiko, Bill and Shaw, latter on Bill and Keiko become a couple, not sure if they get married because how long did it pass after they met and episode one when Keiko die? weird, I like Randal always creative and running his mouth, but he did see things different than others and had a big imagination, and Shaw as sarcastic as usual.

Monarch: Legacy of Monsters - Departure - Season 01 - Episode 02 -RECAP -
Monarch: Legacy of Monsters – Departure – Season 01 – Episode 02 -RECAP –


This pattern right here will come up multiple times on the series, same as Skull Island was a mythical place surrounded by a storm it seems this side of the Philippines has host for very long time a monster that only natives talk about but why governments haven’t notice, it was late 50’s so I guess nobody give a shit about it, G-day only happen until 2014 so the public didn’t know about titans until then, everything else that happen was just stories and legends that no body believe, Bill describe this as a migration pattern.

Monarch: Legacy of Monsters - Departure - Season 01 - Episode 02 -RECAP -
Monarch: Legacy of Monsters – Departure – Season 01 – Episode 02 -RECAP –


It feels nice how the series presents a goal, that is looking for monsters and right there they find what they were looking for, the scenery on VR is awesome, the rusted big ship in the middle of a field, the dark scenes thanks to the vintage camera stile of Bill make it look cool since it was not your classic dark scene I can’t see shit and suddenly monsters pop up, you could see details of the ship from inside and what look like the crew who was some how turn into solid material cover by mucus?? or saliva?? This ship was the Lawton that sink close to Pearl Harbor on 1943 more than seven years ago and Bill was on that ship, he didn’t know it was going to be there but he hope for it, this time was also when Shaw started to believe on Bill and Keiko theory about this monsters when he was driving away after been dismissed by Keiko from his duty when he try to tell her what to do, Shaw saw on the sky exactly what Bill describe as “path of fire in the sky” or a path of radiation left behind, so he drives back as fast as he could and help them out of a hairy situation, present to you The Dragon, at the cover image. - tv series divider

Monarch: Legacy of Monsters - Departure - Season 01 - Episode 02 -RECAP - CONCLUSION -

This episode was great, just the second episode and we already have another monster that has been reveal, I doubt it will be the same on every episode but this ramps up the hype when finally glorious GOJIRA shows up to wreck one of them, may be not may be on season one it doesn’t fight anyone and they show Keiko study its behavior, on previous movies Godzilla has been describe as the Titan that brings balance to the system thats why Dr. Ishiro on Godzilla 2014 ask the admiral to let them fight and figure it out, something that for MONARC was a bit dumb. The Russell duo works great for MONARCH and now we are going to watch Shaw Lee in the present reveal some of this secrets Keiko and Bill kept with them so it makes easier for the story to unfold and faster, Kentaro and Cate doesn’t have to look for their father along wondering but now they have Shaw help so I think the balance between characters story and monsters showing up is working out great, from the start the main thing I kept reading was people saying it was going to suck if Godzilla didn’t show up or fight but with all this monsters been reveal I think is crafting more the tittle of the series “Legacy of Monsters” in plural and not just Godzilla.


Monarch: Legacy of Monsters - Departure - Season 01 - Episode 02 -RECAP - PREV Episodes - - tv series divider

Monarch: Legacy of Monsters - SEASON 1 - TRAILER -

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Reacher: ATM – Season 2 – Episode 1 – RECAP

Reacher: ATM – Season 2 – Episode 1 – RECAP -
Reacher: ATM – Season 2 – Episode 1 – RECAP –


Reacher: ATM – Season 2 – Episode 1 – RECAP - INTRODUCTION -

REACHER season two brings more context to the story, it feels nice when you watch a TV series with proper story structure, season one was full of action with very little of who Reacher really is, all we knew was that he was in the army, he is fucking tank you don’t mess with and is one of the good guys, but there were a few questions like why really he stop giving a fuck about everything and decided to disappear, no phone, no address, travel light, on his own words that is all Reacher was.

Season 2 brings more context by starting to develop what that part of his life was, Mayor Reacher had a crew, he was running a team of special investigators who he selectively hand pick, at first things did not make sense to most of the but everyone was there for a reason and not just random guys from all over the army, Reacher is like the final version of the Hulk, when Bruce Banner finally understood Hulk as an improvement and not a disease, that’s Reacher, the final version of the Hulk and it would be nice to see him working hard than usual, suffer a bit, may be would be nice to see some one giving him a proper fight one to one, season two starts with the death of Calving Franz, member of this old crew the 100th unit, Franz was torture and then thrown off a helicopter, not a cheap death so must be a high profile case he was after, Reacher now comes in to get to the bottom of this murder and make sure justice is serve in the name of his friend.


Platform: Amazon - tv series divider
Reacher: ATM – Season 2 – Episode 1 – RECAP - EPISODE DETAILS -

Reacher: ATM – Season 2 – Episode 1 – RECAP -
Reacher: ATM – Season 2 – Episode 1 – RECAP –


It would not be a Reacher episode without a proper kick ass, Reacher was minding his own business, buying a change clothe at a local store by the pound, it was funny that he even change clothe there and the puts the old one on the counter LOL, he sees this women doing multiple withdraws from an ATM and simple ask her if she has been carjacked, not sure how he got to that conclusion but most of the time you don’t care, when you watch this type of series or movies like John Wick all you want is massive shooting, kick ass fights, break some stuff and that’s is what Reacher is all about, they complement with a story but this is the perfect sample of a proper Reacher kick ass scene, if not the series would be very boring watch a big guy like him just doing investigator job. Reacher is like Bruce Banner transform into the Hulk but with a bit more of attitude and sarcasm, at the end he ask the kid if he wants to see his mom? jajajaja very funny scene.


Reacher: ATM – Season 2 – Episode 1 – RECAP -
Reacher: ATM – Season 2 – Episode 1 – RECAP –


An old friend and crew member, Frances Neagley; was trying to reach him since he had no where to be contacted at, as a last resource she use a clever way to send a distress call using his bank account, so when he pick up the recipe from the ATM, a deposit of $1.10 and then balance went to $1,030, this are the kind of things only people from the army of where the use this codes frequently are aware of on their daily routine, its like if I see on my mind that’s HOME. Neagley the women with Reacher at the phone wanted to notify him Franz was murdered.


Reacher: ATM – Season 2 – Episode 1 – RECAP -
Reacher: ATM – Season 2 – Episode 1 – RECAP –


Episode one brings Mayor Reacher, Special Investigator crew to the scene, they were few but very well selected by Reacher himself, trying to be as efficient as possible, some of the them like young blood David O’Donell had no clue how such team will work out, Reacher had his doubts too but things started on the right foot after they all witness Reacher had their back no matter what.


Reacher: ATM – Season 2 – Episode 1 – RECAP -
Reacher: ATM – Season 2 – Episode 1 – RECAP –


Reacher catch up with Neagley during breakfast after he flight to New York where she is at, a lot has happen since he has been out, this crew probably understood he wanted to be alone or that he didn’t care anymore, its either one of the two so they didn’t put that much effort to contact him but this time was different, one of them has been torture and murdered, not an event to swallow that easy so Neagley did everything she could to contact him. Episode one was either very predictable or its a trap for the viewer, right out of the start they are been follow everyone and two guys monitoring them, we see the one following them with the list of Reacher crew members, who do they work for? are they government? are they with the people who kill Franz? who the fuck they are?, if you ask any viewer the first though would be they are with the bad guys.

On top, Reacher calls O’donnell and told him where is he and Neagley are staying, latter on he shows up after Neagley’s room was turn apart, so it’s either some one else who is listening to their calls who did it or O’donnel is with the bad guys? see all the possibilities and outcomes of episode one? I’m 200% sure we will see some sort of treason against Reacher in the upcoming episodes, because some one who knows him and his ex crew is after them, Franz was the first victim.


Reacher: ATM – Season 2 – Episode 1 – RECAP -
Reacher: ATM – Season 2 – Episode 1 – RECAP –


Reacher is all about been just and defending the little one, even though the entire crew is mention on episode one there is very little known about them besides Neagley and O’donnell, she even mention Karla Dixon from Reacher crew that he liked her but never had anything with her because he was running the team, seem wrong for him, that kind of just guy. The rest of the crew only fill the space even Franz didn’t said much during the episode.

Remember how I said Reacher had their back? it was this scene where they got into a bar fight because it was a “officers only” bar and Neagley was Sergeant, that evening started boring, they didn’t know each other, O’donnell was constantly running his mouth about the rest, even Dixon said leaving after her first beer but it was that fight that make the crew stick together and bond at a camp fire, singing, drinking, that night Neagley probably became Reacher right hand, after all that is what he was looking for, a tight crew that stick together not a bunch of military police doing what they were told to do at the military.


Reacher: ATM – Season 2 – Episode 1 – RECAP -
Reacher: ATM – Season 2 – Episode 1 – RECAP –


Within the possible bad guys there is Mr. Mount who is always reading a comic book, using fake passports as he burn the one he was holding during this scene to then buy a few more from a random guy who makes them, it even makes me think he he has nothing to do with the other two guys from before, on this episode their names were not mention but I look them up on IMDB, there is also O’donnell who for the time is with Reacher but I don’t trust anyone other than Neagley for now.

After some data they found on a USB that Franz left behind, btw the USB had a password and it was Reacher, Franz always wanted to be like him. Reacher comes to the conclusion that they are after his old crew so they decided to get in contact with who ever they could, decided to visit Swan and found his dog Maisi dead, dehydrated, makes Reacher think Swan is dead too because he would not let this happen if he was able to come home. - tv series divider

Reacher: ATM – Season 2 – Episode 1 – RECAP - CONCLUSION -

Episode 1 of Reacher, Season 2; was great, not only we got two short kick as fight scenes, I would like the bar fight to show more but it was only to make a point, there is even a third fight, not really fight, where Reacher jump some local drug dealers just to release some steam, still great episode and I think the rating of 8.5/10 talks by itself, the entire season two has been release and most episodes have high scores, for me it is only and indicative although I don’t make my opinion out of review scores, after all something that I think can be solve if this sites run on a blockchain but that is a project I have in mind for the future since I’m not a developer.

Going back to the episode since I was getting out of track, this episode leaves a lot of questions, different than your traditional first episode where new characters are presented properly with some background, this time its a bit different since they were all mention but besides Neagley we are left knowing very little about the rest, it was a nine member crew, there is a lot to be unfold for the next seven episodes and this is something I have been thinking about, the amount of episodes for a good story is at minimum eight, best if its a ten episode season but I have notice that anything below six sux most of the time. I’m glad season two is this good, yes it still has that cliche of the big dumb guy who brakes stuff but not really, its different, smart big good guy who brakes stuff, not your usual army related tv series. - tv series divider


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