Drops of God: All or Nothing – Season 1 – Episode 8 – Recap

Drops of God: All or Nothing – Season 1 – Episode 8 – Recap - www.skiptvads.blog


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Episode 8 of Drop Of Gods leave me mad but at the same time was a great episode, I don’t want to discourage you from this episode because it was GOOD, I’m more mad about the ending of the series/season, I say this because I doubt there will be a second season, if we think about it Issei is with Yurika and can now start his Sommelier business with the vast collection of Wine he got from his sister Camille, Camille is with Thomas and put to sale her part of his father Wine collection, the contest for Alexander Ledger inheritance is finish, Lorenzo and Miyabi will continue the Ledger Guide after Camille ask them to, the “villains” Luca and Honoka are alone after failing their motives, what is to do next on the series? I really think they F it up and crunch too much of the story in eight episodes, unless a new challenge comes up that expand the TV series there probably wont be a second season, worst part is if they decouple it from the manga story line but it feels this was the happy ending for everyone and went separate ways. I did some research online wondering if there will be a second season but there is no official announcement or even rumor’s just dumb speculation saying there will “probably” be a second season because the series did so good.

With the speculation of season 2 aside, it was a great episode, although a resume of episode 7 or a bit predictable since it was a happy ending episode, everyone got what they wanted and the truth about Issei real father came up but between Camille and Issei I don’t understand why Alexander gave her the advantage on the last test, he send them to find the Drops of God in his cellar, a “wine” that he have chosen, I say a Wine because he says “my cellar is yours, explore it” but then it was never a bottle of wine, Drops of God was a memory from Camille childhood, so why giving her an advantage on the last test, Issei would never find out about that, Alexander train Issei because he couldn’t train Camille her mother got between them so its not like he choose Issei to be the one, at the end got them both into this quest, I wonder if he did it assuming Issei would crush Camille from the start and her only hope to win was the last test?? This is the reason why I think they mess up the series if there is no continuation, there are a lot of questions after the end of why Alexander came up with the contest, it was never about the wine it was about his children but did he really had a preference between them? or did he only wanted to mess up with their mothers? Honoka and Marianne make Alexander life impossible at some point.

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Drops of God: All or Nothing – Season 1 – Episode 8 – Recap EPISODE DETAILS - www.skiptvads.blog

Drops of God: All or Nothing – Season 1 – Episode 8 – Recap - www.skiptvads.blog


Yurika finally found Hirokazu, Issei’s step father; working in construction at this time, he has been wondering from one place to another trying to survive in the country side, away from the Tomine family and his past, Japanese is a very proud culture and he was a bit down because he felt like an impostor who doesn’t fit in Issei life, although Yurika make him understand that’s not the case, old fox Hirokazu notice she and Issei are together.


Drops of God: All or Nothing – Season 1 – Episode 8 – Recap - www.skiptvads.blog

Drops of God: All or Nothing – Season 1 – Episode 8 – Recap - www.skiptvads.blog


Before he died, Alexander left a letter to Phillipe asking him to host one of the last contest he had for Camille and Issei, twisted scenario where Honoka, Marianne, Hirokazu and Alexander met, the test was not the important part of this scene but the place and circumstances, after they test was over they had dinner, Issei catch and cook fish for them and Philippe tells them the story of how their parents met on that very same place but he already knew Alexander was his father, latter on to avoid making a scene or having Camille make a scene he tells her everything and she assume the obvious that Alexander knew they were both his, Issei kept feeling down about Alexander probably just seen him as a bastard and she kept thinking Alexander was a bastard for putting his children on a contest to compete over his inheritance. For the most part of the series every time Camille thought about his father or Issei that infuriate her very much.

Drops of God: All or Nothing – Season 1 – Episode 8 – Recap - www.skiptvads.blog

Drops of God: All or Nothing – Season 1 – Episode 8 – Recap - www.skiptvads.blog


Drops of God, finally is not just a metaphor anymore, the test at Philippe vine yard was to find the perfect mix to make a wine he have chosen, a wine Philippe made, but then Alexander pull another test from his ass, find the Drops of God, explore my cellar, Camille got mad as fuck, she now knows Issei is her brother so she took him to Alexander place and both got drunk not giving a fuck about the last test but still care because if they both quit which was Camille premature decision everything would go to Luca and she would not aloud it.

Drops of God: All or Nothing – Season 1 – Episode 8 – Recap - www.skiptvads.blog

Drops of God: All or Nothing – Season 1 – Episode 8 – Recap - www.skiptvads.blog


Drops of God was just a memory from Camille childhood, the correct answer to the test was The Rain, I think that stab Issei again, why would Alexander do that to him? but again it was probably to balance the scale if Camille ever get so far on the contest against Issei, Camille never really wanted the inheritance at first then finds out about how much is it so obviously decided to participate on the contest but still towards the end never really wanted to follow Alexander steps so she sold probably half of the wine collection making Luca go to the auction and fight against others buyers and seems she sends half of the collection to Issei, she probably still felt it was unfair what Alexander did so at the end she gave the finger to Luca and Alexander, Issei on his part also rebelled against his mother and told her the only reason he would not make the truth public is because Alexander was never his father, his real father is Hirokazu.


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Drops of God: All or Nothing – Season 1 – Episode 8 – Recap CONCLUSION - www.skiptvads.blog

After eight episodes of multiple test its finally over, to me it looks like a happy ending with Camille and Issei been brothers and friends but the truth is that their father Alexander had a preference for her, on the last wine they had to discover and the meaning of Drop of God, Camille always had an advantage, Issei also mention it that he was next to Alexander but never show him affection any type, not as a teacher obviously not as his father its like the entire story was made to develop a happy ending at expenses of Issei suffering, at least he has his step father that loves him and now a girlfriend.

Today I’m feeling very sick but still wanted to show up, had this post in the bag waiting to release, the strategy is working, having posts ready to go in case something comes up.

Drops of God: All or Nothing – Season 1 – Episode 8 – Recap PREV Episodes - www.skiptvads.blog

Episode 1: @skiptvads/drops-of-god-a-father
Episode 2: @skiptvads/drops-of-god-sky-earth
Episode 3: @skiptvads/drops-of-god-duel-episode
Episode 4: @skiptvads/drops-of-god-foundation-episode
Episode 5: @skiptvads/drops-of-god-the-link
Episode 6: @skiptvads/drops-of-god-legacy-season
Episode 7: @skiptvads/drops-of-god-food-and
Episode 8: @skiptvads/drops-of-god-food-and

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