Silo : Freedom Day – Episode 1 – Personal Thoughts


Silo a post apocalyptic TV series where an entire society lives inside a Silo that goes many floors down having all kind of crops necessary to survive, with water and a sustainable environment, Silo has very high scores on review sites like IMDB and RTT, I haven’t done any research if this is based on any video game that it actually looks like but it kinda remind me of the game Fallout, the inmates or citizens depending on how you look at it live with a very strict set of rules after all living in a confine space no matter how big it is still difficult to adapt, not many people can overcome this so a strict set of rules with enforcers is necessary but it seems not everything is what it looks like inside the Silo.

I got a great impression from Silo episode one, the production looks great, the music really sets the mood, the cast is great with actors really adding feelings to their character

  • Rebecca Ferguson, from Dune, playing Juliet
  • Rashida Jones, playing Alison Becker
  • David Oyelowo, from Interstellar, playing Sherriff Holston, Alison’s Husband
  • Will Patton, from the 90’s Armageddon, play Deputy Marnes

and the cast list goes on with a great set of actors, I can really see this becoming a triple A series, it would depend on the script if it doesn’t get too boring at times, after all they are lock down on a Silo under ground, it is huge though, from the shots it looks like an entire city every floor, similar to Zion from The Matrix Revolution movie, I have no complains from episode one, releasing two episodes at once seem to be a trend that I think the intention is to have the series stick right from the go, I have mention before that sometimes for me to get hooked I need to watch at least three episodes depending on how good or bad this series is but Silo gets your from episode one.





The story gives context at the very scene where Sheriff Holston lock himself up in a cell and then ask to go out, there is this “freedom” within the Silo that anyone who ask to go out wont be stop but I think that’s after the “government” the ones who enforce and create the rules made sure to paint a very horror picture of what is outside. He ask to go out and says he should have listen to her and then Alison comes up on the screen before she went out, you don’t have to be a genius to see it, she is on some kind of suit and on the same cell, so we immediately know he lost her and wants to be with her again but how if she died? or at least that’s what show up on the screen, every screen on the Silo is a mirror of a single camera upstairs at the front entrance of the Silo so its fully underground, this screens are not windows of the Silo.



I really like their old computers and the sounds they make remind me of Windows 98, the rules are very strict, this is similar to communism and a bit worst, the Holston’s are giving a window of one year to have a baby because all women who can still get pregnant are under a strict birth control with a device they implant inside them, Holston is a man of law and he obey them all as he is the enforcer.


There is still a small population that remembers or have an idea what the old times look like when they had more freedom, there was this revolution that the Silo Government calls extremest and radical, until now we don’t know if that’s true, Gloria is part of that old school conspiracy, she believes the Silo Government wants to keep them inside and is not telling them truth, why not all women are giving the chance to get pregnant? why they destroy all books and computers older than hundred and forty years, but she is treated as a fraud.


Alison been a more wild spirit than his husband thinks people need access to information, she made a post about how to recover lost data but that is not aloud and her boss Bernard remind he of that after he delete the post, Alison works on the IT support section for the Silo and also creates content for their intranet system. Alison talk about this with her husband and immediately without noticing he took his posture as law enforcer and she notice it, for Sheriff Holston the only thing that keeps them together and alive inside the Silo is the law and nothing is above it, not even his wife.




Either this was intentional or its just Alison destiny to become part of the rebellion, may be there is a rebellion working in the background and notice Alison, first Gloria ask her for a talk and tells here things like they are listening everywhere and why she couldn’t get pregnant that latter on Alison cut herself and took out the real birth control device, then George a local IT guy sends a ticket on a holiday trying to get someone from IT to come down and help him with some task they don’t describe but he found what they call a relic, in this case a hard drive older than hundred and forty years that probably has data they shouldn’t be look it at because they Silo Government do not allow it.


At first she was afraid but didn’t rat George, just ask him to get rid of it but then the closer she gets to her deadline to get pregnant without success plus Gloria told her why this is, Alison start skipping work reporting sick, stop having sex with her husband after they were doing it like rabbits every time they could after all EVERYONE on the Silo knows when you get the chance to get pregnant, she start visiting George and help him recover the data from the drive, it seems the Rebellion didn’t destroy all hard drives, well that’s what the Silo Government wants people to think, this is classic on post apocalyptic theme series.



Alison knew that Holston wont believe her without proof so she does two things, took a knife and takes out her birth control device and show it to him and then on a moment of desperation after her husband didn’t believe her she goes to the main cafeteria and start telling everyone what she believes is the truth, the entire conspiracy theory of the Silo keeping them inside and publicly ask to go out in front of her husband and everyone else in there, after this an investigation starts and they get Gloria and George, I don’t know what happens to Gloria but George pivot to another work like and years latter suicide.


The last time Alison and Holston where together she explain him how everything on the screen is a lie and says that if that’s the case that everything is green with clear sky she will clean the camera lens “the screen” but if its not if it is like what they say the she will just walk away and say good bye because she was wrong, this can still be manipulated, no days digital proof can be alter very easy with AI so probably they can do the same.

Holston is heart broken for whats going on, everything that is happening goes against his believes and his job, after all Alison cleans the lens and walk away but the video shows she dies after a few meters, the crowd joins and cheer for her like it was a spectacle, reminds me of the “are you not entertained” from Gladiator.


After two years George commit suicide but its not clear, there is the possibility he was murder by someone and Sheriffs will investigate, Holston and Marnes go to the morgue to interview the Engineer supervisor of George but she couldn’t make it because she was dealing with the Silo generator, so they make her a visit, this is when Holston meets Juliet Nichols, everything change for Holston that day, after grieving his wife for a long time, it was like he finally open his eyes and start listening as he describe it himself.

Its like Apple Tv+ only release AAA series, Silo so far is great, it gives context right away and its full of little details most viewers wont get at first like messages that show up on the computers you have to pause and read closely and Holston also ask Marnes to “Double the flowers in front of the mirror” I’m not sure what it means but for sure will figure out latter on when Marnes or some one else goes after Holston papers, the cast is great I cant ask for a better one plus production and music are very fit to the theme of this series, I give an 8/10 to the first episode, more details about the rebellion is what I really want to know before they reveal the truth of the outside world, I don’t think that will happen soon.