Secret Invasion: Home – Season 1 – Episode 6 – RECAP

Secret Invasion: Home – Season 1 – Episode 6 – RECAP -
Secret Invasion: Home – Season 1 – Episode 6 – RECAP –


Secret Invasion: Home – Season 1 – Episode 6 – RECAP - INTRODUCTION -

How did Secret Invasion went so wrong?

Not only me but many had high hopes on Secret Invasion, things on the MCU were going from bad to worst but there was still some hope but it all make sense when they announce the MCU reboot my first impression was like OK they ran out of ideas but the truth is that I think they already knew how fucked up it was going to get after End Game, seems that Secret Invasion was one of those last fucked up productions that had a big chance of been great, I also have to admit that there is a slight probability that the Hollywood strike had a big impact on it but still the right decision was probably to wait and do things right but on the entertainment industry this is the example of taking the hit and move on, this is nothing for them so it is easy to just release a mini series with a crappy ending, because its the last two episodes that fuck it up, that is how it got such low scores everywhere, even someone who some what enjoy the first five episodes they got to the last one and think WTF just happen?? The worst mistake on this episode was the fact that they constantly interrupt the main fight that had good special effects, kept pause/play with a stupid argument between Fury and Rhodey at the hospital when Fury was trying to safe the president, I think their intention was to increase the dopamine levels of viewers, like who is going do die first?? Giah at the fight? the president at the hospital? c’mon the fight between G’iah and Gravik was the main event of the evening how could you just kept interrupting, this let to very confusing and blurry scenes during the fight, If you take the entire fight alone without the interruptions it was not bad.

I love doing this kind of recaps because it helps me to not let slide those details you usually miss because of the dopamine rush but I do hate when the flow of the story gets interrupted so much becoming erratic.

Platform: Disney - tv series divider
Secret Invasion: Home – Season 1 – Episode 6 – RECAP - EPISODE DETAILS -

Secret Invasion: Home – Season 1 – Episode 6 – RECAP -
Secret Invasion: Home – Season 1 – Episode 6 – RECAP –


Even after we already know the outcome of this episode if you still decide to give it a try like me, after all I had to close this chapter I’m not the type of person that build my opinion on what others say or think, I might watch the worst movie ever but if I like it still say it.

Episode started OK, Fury went to Skrullos, Gravik’s HQ, consider that everyone on that compound is a Skrull so for Fury they were all enemies, no hostages, anyone on his way is going down, things between Priscilla and him are a bit sour after he find out she was in contact with Gravik, true she is a Skrull but Fury decided to become his husband no matter the species differences, we are not talking anymore culture or religion, she is from another planet so that’s a lot of trust from him and she decided to stay in contact with his enemy and even denied so he is on the fence if trust her again or not.

Secret Invasion: Home – Season 1 – Episode 6 – RECAP -
Secret Invasion: Home – Season 1 – Episode 6 – RECAP –


The only thing that I like from this dialogue up here was how Rhodey was dropping bombs on the Admiral, it was also disturbing since if you have watch other movies when he shows up you know that’s not him, the way he was pushing the bombing on Skrullos forcing the president to take action, but I still like this Rhodey with a lot of attitude not the passive guy we see on Avengers, always a secondary character, he was still on Secret Invasion but had that I Dont Give a Fuck attitude, at the end he ran out of time since Sonya set him up, messing with his mind, making him think Fury was after him and the President so they had to scramble and try to take the President out of the hospital.

Secret Invasion: Home – Season 1 – Episode 6 – RECAP -
Secret Invasion: Home – Season 1 – Episode 6 – RECAP –


This was probably my favorite part of the episode, it was not all bad, the range of the score was from 5 – 7 out of 10, so you can still watch it and say meh could have been better, I have seen worst. This series look like a fucking movie, it had everything to be great, you got Fury trying to out smart a Skrull general who have millions of them on earth and just Fury without any supper powers but very slick. Truth is that Fury is a selfish mother fucker, but I think there are some professions that you have to be like that if not you wont make it to the top, this time been like that was about to byte his ass, Gravik pull up with a lot of revelations like the skin he was wearing was the first human he killed working for Fury and how that consume him and how Fury basically pimped them as a cheap whore, all Skrulls, so this make Talos his main bitch?? massive mic drop.

Secret Invasion: Home – Season 1 – Episode 6 – RECAP -
Secret Invasion: Home – Season 1 – Episode 6 – RECAP –


I bet this is not how things happen but its a mediocre TV adaptation so you can’t ask much, but it was this moment when Super Skrull was going to become a reality, the possibilities were infinite and the way they try to setup a trap I think was good, before it happen I knew Fury was not giving the Harvest that easy, it had all DNA samples from Thanos, Hulk, Captain America, all DNA that was not human was there but still the concept to have it on a single bottle I think made no sense, besides who could take that kind of mutation on a single hit, this was probably worst than trying to handle all the infinity stones, it would never be as easy as I gave you the Harvest you get the fuck out of planet Earth.

Secret Invasion: Home – Season 1 – Episode 6 – RECAP -
Secret Invasion: Home – Season 1 – Episode 6 – RECAP –


The fight was wild, well if it was not getting interrupted every two minutes, I think if you take all the fight scene and put it together would then be a great fight, but again all that interruption cut a lot of cool scenes, I realize this when I was taking all the screenshots for this post from the video, there were scenes that left a lot on the table since you could not really appreciate the punches and wounds, but the fact that Gravik was no match for G’iah also got me thinking that they put it easy for her, on a situation when both have the same powers, too many to use at the same time because G’iah even pull a Mantis move and put Gravik to sleep; this fight was more about who was more creative to combine all this powers, Gravik for the most part was all brute force and G’iah was way smarter to use other powers like the frost blade, she also went all Captain Marvel first and then he imitate her. - tv series divider

Secret Invasion: Home – Season 1 – Episode 6 – RECAP - CONCLUSION -

Unfortunately the episodes was some what ok until the end of the fight, the rest was very vague and felt the most rush it has been from all other five episodes, party is over everyone home just like that, Fury goes back to space now with Pricilla, Sonya is now working with G’iah but everything is presented in small snippets scenes, this is why I keep saying at least two more episodes and the outcome of this mini series would have been different, been a mini series is something that piss off viewers who at first thought this would be a full TV series with probably two seasons not every one has time to be checking the Twitter MCU account to know what to expect from this Movies and Series, I started posting about tv series and movies about a year ago, nothing journalistic about it but just putting my opinion as a normie viewer and I have no clue what to expect after the trailer came out, I thought it would be a great watch but the last two episodes destroy it.

I have been giving more though about why things like this happen and I landed on the idea that scrapping out a show like this is nothing for the entertainment industry, unless its on very early stages they stop it without releasing a crappy show but when there already episodes film and some what marketing out they go with it despite it been a low effort production, I wont say its the actors fault because I felt actors were fine, the Gravik part at the reactor with Fury, expressing how he felt about him, how Fury pimped them LOL that was funny, that entire scene was great from Gravik so it was more of a moronic production decision to rush things out instead of finding the budget and time to give it a few more episodes and let the story spread its wings a bit more.


Secret Invasion: Home – Season 1 – Episode 6 – RECAP - PREV Episodes -

Episode 1:
Episode 2:
Episode 3:
Episode 4:
Episode 5: - tv series divider


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Secret Invasion: Harvest – Season 1 – Episode 5 – RECAP

Secret Invasion: Harvest – Season 1 – Episode 5 – RECAP -
Secret Invasion: Harvest – Season 1 – Episode 5 – RECAP –


Secret Invasion: Harvest – Season 1 – Episode 5 – RECAP INTRODUCTION -

Episode five of Secret Invasion gives me a good idea of why viewers and fans were so mad about this series because you don’t necessary need to be a hard core fan to get to that conclusion, things really pick up a pace here and it was just too fast, the series at least might need another two episodes so it doesn’t feel that way, things did happen but they were closing matters scene after scene, probably concluding things just too fast.

Gravik is still after the Avengers DNA, he has a couple of abilities so far like transforming his lengths, arms; into roots so he can massively extend himself, pierce and make them also way bigger and heavy, another power he has is to regenerate himself from creating energy and what looks like super strength beast type but he still after other super powers but if you actually think about it Iron Man is very smart, Gravik is already strong as Hulk, may be control lighting like Thor but is that an ability of the hammer or himself?, the rest of the Avengers they all have suits or some other weapon except Captain Marvel and Captain America so what would he really need? only one I can think of is Captain Marvel’s powers so he could fly? he keeps talking about the Harvest but not Gravik or Fury go deeper of why unless they only fear/want the outcome mix of powers that could end up into something extraordinary, I feel like the episode has lack of meaning or motivation because the war between humans ain’t happening at this point after Fury clear things up by rescuing the President and soldiers saw Skrulls on the field, is up to Rhodey try to convince the president to start war against Russians. - tv series divider
Secret Invasion: Harvest – Season 1 – Episode 5 – RECAP EPISODE DETAILS -

Secret Invasion: Harvest – Season 1 – Episode 5 – RECAP -
Secret Invasion: Harvest – Season 1 – Episode 5 – RECAP –


I found really cringe how after saving the President Fury feels all tough takes a chair and puts in front of the hall door where the president’s room is at the hospital, not only because I knew he was not going to do shit, after all he is just human and for sure would not kill Rhodey on the spot if he comes close, besides he is never alone.

Secret Invasion: Harvest – Season 1 – Episode 5 – RECAP -
Secret Invasion: Harvest – Season 1 – Episode 5 – RECAP –


I suspected right, Rhodey did show up and was not alone, he is a Skrull, has the government infiltrated so either all the agents with are human tricked thinking Rhodey is himself a human or a bunch of Skrull that are up to date of whats really going on, he has Fury by the balls with the video that shows up him killing Maria at the Russia Bombing trying to put more dirt on Fury, he had no other option to leave before getting killed of before people come after him when the video goes public so yes Fury didn’t do shit and that’s why the scene of him sitting at the hospital looking all mean was worthless. I don’t appreciate when writers take a character and make it look what he is not, Fury has only one super power, same as Batman, Iron Man, that’s his mind so been tough is not it.

Secret Invasion: Harvest – Season 1 – Episode 5 – RECAP -
Secret Invasion: Harvest – Season 1 – Episode 5 – RECAP –


At Skrullos, Gravik is back and desperate, his plan to attack the US President and make it look like it was the Russian failed, although he did kill Thalos but Pagon, we can say Gravik second Skrull in command; was kind of mad at him and call him out because he had the chance to kill Fury and never did like he still a child waiting for Fury approval of attention. I have to give it to Gravik, Pagon was not looking at the big picture, Fury is the only one who knows where is the Harvest. To give a bit more of context, The Harvest is the recollection of the Avenger’s DNA after the New York attack, Gravik knows of its existence because he was one of the Skrulls that work on that mission, lead by Fury a group of Skrulls were send out to collect and clean up Avenger’s DNA from the battle field, I can’t imagine how they did that, the reason? not sure either because as I mention only a few really has super powers, the rest are humans with great skills using special suits or weapons.

Secret Invasion: Harvest – Season 1 – Episode 5 – RECAP -
Secret Invasion: Harvest – Season 1 – Episode 5 – RECAP –


At MI6 Sonya is cleaning up the house, taking down every Skrull she can find starting with the SIS chief Derrik, at first even Fury himself though that governments infiltrated by Skrulls was very unlikely although not impossible but after Thalos told him there were a million Skrulls at Earth, that number change things for him and put him and Sonya on alert that anyone could be a Skrull, but Sonya was a bit ruthless, shooting first and asking question after, its like she can smell them, latter on you will see why I say this.

Secret Invasion: Harvest – Season 1 – Episode 5 – RECAP -
Secret Invasion: Harvest – Season 1 – Episode 5 – RECAP –


Secret Invasion: Harvest – Season 1 – Episode 5 – RECAP -
Secret Invasion: Harvest – Season 1 – Episode 5 – RECAP –


Back at Skrullos after Gravik kill Pagon in front of the rest of his soldiers a revolution started, a group of other Skrulls understood Gravik was wrong, only those who were brave try to take him down but it was too much for them, Skrulls special ability is to shape shift, they are stronger than humans but not at Super Skrull, not at Gravik’s level, when they jump Gravik and he loose his human form intermediately he got a bit taller and bigger, everything about him compared to other Skrulls that have show up so far look stronger, eventually he beat up everyone and make an example out of Beto, a Skrull who G’iah got into the camp; cuts his throat in front of everyone. I know this series could be intended for teenagers too but the fighting and killing scenes are just a bit turn down, there is not much blood, after fights characters don’t look beat up and specially with Gravik fight scene there is something that I constantly criticize and that’s how the transformation scenes are soo short you cant really appreciate it, its just seconds until he turns back to normal, that’s really disappointing.

Secret Invasion: Harvest – Season 1 – Episode 5 – RECAP -
Secret Invasion: Harvest – Season 1 – Episode 5 – RECAP –


On her journey to clear up MI6, Sonya now locates Dr. Rosa Dalton, who is the lead scientist of Gravik’s Super Skrull experiments, she was working with her husband but here jumps in Sonya who right away knew Dr. Dalton is not himself anymore neither, after taking all the info that Sonya need she burn down their house and took them with her but Dalton attempt to take his “wife” Rosa as hostage and put a gun to her head trying to escape, little did he know and Sonya puts a bullet to his head some how she knew he was a Skrull. At fist I thought I would not like Sonya, this was back when she came up on episode one and had a conversation with Fury but I really like her, she is funny AF and always ahead of others.

Secret Invasion: Harvest – Season 1 – Episode 5 – RECAP -
Secret Invasion: Harvest – Season 1 – Episode 5 – RECAP –


In his attempt to get the Harvest, Gravik tries to use Skrullos as leverage, ordering Rhodey to get the president to bomb Skrullos with the excuse that its a Skrull hideout at Russian soil, only problem is that the right way to proceed is to have the Russians work with US to take out the Skrulls but then again who is not a Skrull? they just hold this scene and nothing really happens about it on this episode, I’m ok with that, I don’t think they are going to blow up Skrullos, not because there are Skrulls but because that would be start a war with Russia at the same time.

Secret Invasion: Harvest – Season 1 – Episode 5 – RECAP -
Secret Invasion: Harvest – Season 1 – Episode 5 – RECAP –


There was a very cool shooting scene at Priscilla’s place, G’iah goes looking for her to bury her father Thalos, Skrulls has certain ways and traditions, some of them G’iah didn’t know about but she wanted to give her father a traditional Skrull funeral, G’iah might disagree with her father believes but still love him very much and now feels she must avenge him, bring down Gravik, after all Thalos was the OG Skrull general on Earth but he became old and soft.

Secret Invasion: Harvest – Season 1 – Episode 5 – RECAP -
Secret Invasion: Harvest – Season 1 – Episode 5 – RECAP –


This last scene with Fury and Sonya getting up to date after she picks him up from the air port was cool, it gives more context to the Harvest, he gave her more details on how things really happen and why Gravik knows about it, but the part that I like the most is how Fury explains his only super power is his mind and that he doesn’t need anything else to beat Gravik here comes the phrase “We cant keep depending on these superheroes” - tv series divider

Secret Invasion: Harvest – Season 1 – Episode 5 – RECAP CONCLUSION -

First four episodes of secret invasion were fine, I didn’t see any problem that was critical to me, the story was at an ok pace and not many details were lost but episode five turn things around, as I mention there was a void like some scenes needed more time to digest, I also think that from the start some how the story should make clear that the Avengers were not coming to help period, I think that probably mislead some viewers but not necessary the reason why I feel things start to rush, the Sonya scenes trying to clean up the UK and their agencies felt bit short, now that I think about it, it has been the same every time she shows up, the Fury scene at the start of the episode didn’t help at all, I would prefer if it was the opposite saying he go and look for Rhodey and face him or something different but sitting there like he is Captain America make his character look stupid.
I look up the ratings per episode at IMDB and you can tell how episode five and six are what took Secret it Invasion from a solid seven to a six down the drain, so I do not expect things to get better, some say its super hero exhausted but its really not, its the attention to detail and taking the time to explain things at a pace that viewers don’t feel things are rushing up, this are the moment I would expect them to milk the story and they don’t, if it had to do with lack of time because they were short on staff, Hollywood strike; then it was better just not to release and do it properly,


Secret Invasion: Harvest – Season 1 – Episode 5 – RECAP PREV Episodes -

Episode 1:
Episode 2:
Episode 3:
Episode 4: - tv series divider


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Secret Invasion: Promises – Season 1 – Episode 2 – RECAP

Secret Invasion: Promises – Season 1 – Episode 2 – RECAP -
Secret Invasion: Promises – Season 1 – Episode 2 – RECAP –


Secret Invasion: Promises – Season 1 – Episode 2 – RECAP INTRODUCTION -

Until Episode Two I don’t see why Secret Invasion got so many bad reviews although considering how it did episode by episode on IMDB I’m probably soon to find out and already have that hunch that they rush the story to keep it short for who knows what reason, this min series only has six episodes why not make it ten if the problem was time but also have to consider how much did the Hollywood Strike affect the production of Secret Invasion, right now compare to the rest of the MCU TV Series is not that bad considering that there are two heavy hitters at the top with Loki and Moon Knight, been my favorite so far.

Episode two right out of the gate reveal me a few things I already had a suspicion, first is how Gravik and Nick Fury met, Gravik has this revolutionary mindset that usually comes from some one that has suffer a lot but also is brave enough to stand up and take the justice by his hands because that’s exactly what he has been doing so far, after Gravik lost his parents he was brought to Fury as a refugee at a young age, at the moment Fury saw Skrulls as agents with their special capability of shape shifting could be a great asset for his cause. Fury invites them to join him, this Skrulls were lead by Talos; and told them if they kept their promise to help him he will keep his side of the deal to make Earth their home too, this is were everything started with a promise that was never fulfill that’s when Gravik feels he was betrayed by Fury. - tv series divider
Secret Invasion: Promises – Season 1 – Episode 2 – RECAP EPISODE DETAILS -

Secret Invasion: Promises – Season 1 – Episode 2 – RECAP -
Secret Invasion: Promises – Season 1 – Episode 2 – RECAP –


Secret Invasion: Promises – Season 1 – Episode 2 – RECAP -
Secret Invasion: Promises – Season 1 – Episode 2 – RECAP –


“..keep my home safe…we will find you a new one” this is what Fury told this group of Skrulls when he invite them to his cause but Fury is a bag full of tricks, he never said Earth was going to be their home and also never mention how long it would take, I don’t want to say he took advantage of their need to stay safe at Earth and not be hunted but they probably underestimate the situation and didn’t know exactly who they were making a deal with, Fury is a SPY, you can’t fully trust him, its all over the problem that Banner had with Natasha even if they love each other, even Natasha would not trust herself, that’s how you need to treat anyone working for a government or special agency. Skrulls probably wanted faster results than what he was delivering, after the blip Fury was one of the many Thanos made disappear and it took time for the Avengers to bring everyone back plus when Fury was back he started on a new project to build a space station so consider the was gone for over six years, during that time Gravik kept growing wit the uncertainty that his people will ever find a planet they could call home so why not take over Earth?

Secret Invasion: Promises – Season 1 – Episode 2 – RECAP -
Secret Invasion: Promises – Season 1 – Episode 2 – RECAP –



After the bombing in Russia Talos safe Fury, latter on revelations kept coming up and during a train ride they were both in Fury start talking about a game he play with his mom as a kid “Tell me somthing I dont know”, from that moment Talos should know better, Fury was about to brake him in pieces before he knew it and ask the key question “Tell me something I dont know about the Skrulls that fled” to what Talos answer they are all here a million Skrulls, obviously there must be more than a million now so the real question is how many are with Gravik and what is their current power position in human society. We already saw there are some powerful Skrulls that could get their hands on bombs and who knows what else, they had the time and special skills to infiltrate humans to the point they could even infiltrate governments deeply, but Skrulls are not violent by nature so they try to coexist with humans.

Secret Invasion: Promises – Season 1 – Episode 2 – RECAP -
Secret Invasion: Promises – Season 1 – Episode 2 – RECAP –


From what I have seen so far it seems that G’iah is not on Gravik’s close group, even though he does not trust anyone he does have some Skrulls who he assign important missions, G’iah is basically running errands him some of them important but she is not in charge of anything very important, on this episode she starts to get a grip of how dangerous he can be, so far she only imagine but now starts to see from first hand how Gravik would go to kill their own kind if he feels there is a slight chance they lying to him, on Gravik mission there is no room for treason.

Secret Invasion: Promises – Season 1 – Episode 2 – RECAP -
Secret Invasion: Promises – Season 1 – Episode 2 – RECAP –


Secret Invasion: Promises – Season 1 – Episode 2 – RECAP -
Secret Invasion: Promises – Season 1 – Episode 2 – RECAP –


G’iah is willing to work with her father Talos after there last chat but that is something I not a fan of because at first she was all revolutionary and had a fix mind of new Skrullos and after one meeting with Talos she has now change sides and is trying to play the double agent, sneaking around Gravik’s base and got the room where scientist are trying to work on a DNA to make Skrulls stronger, this is the same room we see Gravik throw Furry in.

Secret Invasion: Promises – Season 1 – Episode 2 – RECAP -
Secret Invasion: Promises – Season 1 – Episode 2 – RECAP –


Secret Invasion: Promises – Season 1 – Episode 2 – RECAP -
Secret Invasion: Promises – Season 1 – Episode 2 – RECAP –


Having Fury on every camera when the bombing in Russia happen was not the best advertisement for the USA, they now after his ass and the only reason he is not in jail or dead is because Talos safe him but it seems that the US Goverment also wants him out of the equation, in a meeting with Rhodey; Fury try to explain things of how everything really went down but the political damage is done and there is no way to erase it, so Fury play his last card telling Rhodey about the Skrulls and how an invasion is going on but he didn’t care, remember Rhodey is a soldier who obey orders but only at extreme during extreme circumstances bend but not break the rules same thing happen in Avengers: End Game. Rhodey notify Fury he is out but he didn’t like the news and went all Nick Fury on Rhodey “Even when I’m out I’m In”. I think its understandable he feels this way because he has no control of whats going on, that’s his thing been steps ahead of everyone but he is fighting an enemy that he can’t see, a million shape shifters that could be Rhodey himself.

Secret Invasion: Promises – Season 1 – Episode 2 – RECAP -
Secret Invasion: Promises – Season 1 – Episode 2 – RECAP –


Secret Invasion: Promises – Season 1 – Episode 2 – RECAP -
Secret Invasion: Promises – Season 1 – Episode 2 – RECAP –


Closing the episode another great scene from the trailer happen, that’s when Sonya from MI6 shows up to a Butcher Shop where Russians held a Skrull inside the freezer at the back of the Shop good old fashion scene with the pigs hanging cut in half but they could not make the guy talk, this is a Skrull they caught after the bombing, so first thing Sonya does is make sure he is a Skrull by cutting a finger, the moment the finger is separated from the body it turns to its natural skin so now that she knows who she is dealing with next is to use an injection that will raise his blood temperature, as a reptile or human this is NO BUENO but I guess for a reptile might be worst and thats the guy at the top on the post cover boiling from the inside.
Eventually Gravik shows up to the place to rescue him but it was too late, he could not resist to Sonya torture and didn’t want her to inject him anymore but at that point he already gave the names of the scientist behind the experiments to create a new generation of Skrulls, Super Skrulls, G’iah also did some digging on the name Rosa Dalton at their local database, she found experiments with roots, beasts but could not continue reading since Gravik came into the room at that moment, its like he feels when someone is lying to him but still doesn’t caught G’iah.

Secret Invasion: Promises – Season 1 – Episode 2 – RECAP -
Secret Invasion: Promises – Season 1 – Episode 2 – RECAP –


Like it was not enough about the lying to each other species, Fury comes back home his very own house on Earth and he is married to a Skrull, nothing against that but if it wasn’t for Talos they would never met now the question is, is that really Nick Fury holding his weeding ring next to his Skrull wife or is he another Skrull? for now I will keep it simple and believe that is Fury. - tv series divider

Secret Invasion: Promises – Season 1 – Episode 2 – RECAP CONCLUSION -

In my opinion great episode but keep in mind I am NOT a Marvel geek so I do not now if this story is close to the comics or not, still great episode now that we get to know a few more things about Talos and Fury, those were the two characters that reveal the most important information in this episode because with a million Skrulls, starting number; how many is Fury facing? and Fury’s wife been a Skrull that even make me doubt on what side will Fury be at the end of the battle, but that was just the last scene so we don’t know if she knows anything about the invasion and what is her stand about it.

Everything else was just drama about what happen in Russian, pure speculation and aftermath of countries debate if USA had anything to do with the bombing or not just because Fury was there and then USA giving Fury its back, trying to shut him down, probably on episode three and four we get more information about this experiments and the Super Skrulls, probably even see them battling, we already know Gravik is one of them from the trailer.

Secret Invasion: Promises – Season 1 – Episode 2 – RECAP PREV Episodes -

Episode 1: - tv series divider

Secret Invasion Mini Series TRAILER -

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