The Wheel of Time: Daes Dae’Mar Pity – Season 2 – Episode 7 – RECAP

The Wheel of Time: Daes Dae'Mar Pity – Season 2 – Episode 7 – RECAP -
The Wheel of Time: Daes Dae’Mar Pity – Season 2 – Episode 7 – RECAP –


The Wheel of Time: Daes Dae'Mar Pity – Season 2 – Episode 7 – RECAP INTRODUCTION -

Episode Seven has start an event I was waiting for some time, everyone including Rand and Egwene start using their powers at will, there is one thing I never consider is that Moiraine will recover her ability to connect again with the one power, not only that its exciting to see all this characters using their powers there is also Lanfear trying to show Rand she cares for him although it is still not clear when and where her “love” for Rand, The Dragon; goes off the cliff, they keep saying its always the same story that never ends and never change, Lanfear herself mention it “after 3000 years here I am…” when she was trying to help Rand escape, she is so powerful she feels been there creating a distraction for Rand is a waste of her time but she still did it because she loves Rand although he doesn’t remember anything from his previous life.

There is also a good amount of the episode that gives more details about Siuan and Moiraine love story, on season one there was an episode that shows them sneaking out to a small house next to the river, I always ask myself why was that and where was that, but this episode gives more context of why they sneak out and where, things have change drastically when Siuan finds out Rand is the Dragon and Moiraine kept him from her and The White Tower, Siuan is piss at her badly to the point she demands as her superior and not as the women once loved her.


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The Wheel of Time: Daes Dae'Mar Pity – Season 2 – Episode 7 – RECAP EPISODE DETAILS -

The Wheel of Time: Daes Dae'Mar Pity – Season 2 – Episode 7 – RECAP -
The Wheel of Time: Daes Dae’Mar Pity – Season 2 – Episode 7 – RECAP –


Let me tell you Moiraine looks so weird smiling, specially with such a big simile, all her teeth showing, for the most part on season one and two she have never laugh or smile like that I can remember, her dream and hope was to be with Siuan, get out of the tower and start a life together now that the ongoing war is over, Siuan thought the same but something more quiet, a house next to the river like she had when she was child, her dad’s house, Moiraine even call herself Siaun Fishwife, I really don’t give two fucks if the series was trying to push a message or not, it is very entertaining. It was at this point on her life that Moiraine would be destine to find the Dragon after she hold on her hands Sister Gitara, Ais Sedai; who had a vision of The Dragon Reborn, it was Rand’s mother giving birth after battling for her life caring him inside.

The Wheel of Time: Daes Dae'Mar Pity – Season 2 – Episode 7 – RECAP -
The Wheel of Time: Daes Dae’Mar Pity – Season 2 – Episode 7 – RECAP –


This scene they divided in like three parts but mostly was Rand trying to be tough but at the same time docile, he finally meet with Amyrlin Seat, Siuan Seday, after all this entire party is for him, I wonder how much of his power will he be using on this season because he has no control over it, he is suppose to be the most powerful of them all but when ever he tries to use his powers it consume him, in this scene Siuan cut the bullshit and tells him straight up that The White Tower has rules and procedures, one of them put The Dragon in a cage and use him as a weapon to this Rand tries to fight back but it only took her a single wave of her hand to put him on his knees, at his point he has the potential but no control over his powers I think he cant even beat Moiraine on a one on one fight.

Moiraine is called by Siuan, she kept Rand from everyone else with the assumption that The White Tower was corrupt so she must kept him out of danger until he was ready, this got her no where, she “lost” her powers, Rand was found first by Lanfear and he cant even beat Siuan so they have got no where and Siuan feels the same, its time for things been done The White Tower way.

The Wheel of Time: Daes Dae'Mar Pity – Season 2 – Episode 7 – RECAP -
The Wheel of Time: Daes Dae’Mar Pity – Season 2 – Episode 7 – RECAP –


It is true that I have mention on this post how Rand has no control over his powers but he now has discover a way to communicate with Lanfear without having to actually sleep?? Lanfear is a dream walker, she can enter anyone’s dream and kill him if she wanted. Rand is send to the dungeon to keep prisoner until Siuan says, he is been watch by Leane Sedai and at this point Moiraine still can’t use her powers so there is no way out for Rand until he ask for Lanfear help, she is so fkn hot on her leather dress, obviously she accept to help him escape but not after a little foreplay, she likes to be “manipulated” by him like she wants him to be in charge but its not his time, things might be different in the future and this is when I think Rand will be tempted by the dark side, once he is able to fully control his powers, makes me think that at some point he will have his doubts and might side with Lanfear.

The Wheel of Time: Daes Dae'Mar Pity – Season 2 – Episode 7 – RECAP -
The Wheel of Time: Daes Dae’Mar Pity – Season 2 – Episode 7 – RECAP –


After I’m done with this season I might rewatch the entire thing including season one because I think I’m missing when may be Moiraine or some one else explain why Lanfear wants Rand so badly, at first I thought it was for his powers or to kill him but that was never the case, that time Moiraine cut Lanfear throat at the cabin she was about to do something with Rand, he was tied up to the bed but then Moiraine show up and ruin the hole thing, Lanfear creates the perfect distraction and set the town on fire so Rand could escape, Siuan had to team up with other sisters and create rain to put off the fire.

The Wheel of Time: Daes Dae'Mar Pity – Season 2 – Episode 7 – RECAP -
The Wheel of Time: Daes Dae’Mar Pity – Season 2 – Episode 7 – RECAP –


For the most part this episode was pure action, it was all about Lanfear, Rand, Moiraine and Siuan trying to make things work out, well except Lanfear she will just go with Rand but things went south when Siuan got Moiraine against the wall.

When Rand finally got the time to look at Moiraine and knew that her powers were taking he saw something in her, Ishamael put some sort of tie, a spell; that limits her so she could not use the one power and he had to gently destroy it, as they explain it was risky because if he use too much power could kill her but that was the boring part, it was Moiraine reaction to feel the power again that was really cool, it was a mid point of happy, cry and laughing at the same time, she opens a gateway, portals to travel through space and time; old dark passage, the moment Siuan caught them she force Moiraine to close it against her will using her power but everything came down for Siuan when Lanfear appears, I think Siuan is been blind by the fact that she is the Amyrlin Seat and by the White Tower laws, I don’t want to say power got her overestimate Rand and Lanfear but its actually lack of understanding of what she is dealing, who she is dealing with, she thought could beat Lanfear and got drag around like it was nothing, falling and had to watch Lanfear open the gateway with Rand and Moiraine following her, WTF she must be thinking at that moment, who would have knowing a forsaken, the dragon and Aes Sedai getting into a gateway.

The Wheel of Time: Daes Dae'Mar Pity – Season 2 – Episode 7 – RECAP -
The Wheel of Time: Daes Dae’Mar Pity – Season 2 – Episode 7 – RECAP –


In between this entire awesome episode that got an 8.2/10, anything above 8 is fucking great; the cherry on top was Egwene, Rena and her got to a training session, there were a few things that got my attention, when they were about to execute an attack Rena told her “don’t worry for this one I dont need anything from you” then Egwene explodes in power creating a huge expansion wave but the BEST part probably from the entire episode is when Egwene told Rena TO HER FACE, wearing her collar “I will kill you”, this is HUGE, the reason is because women wearing the A’dam can not even THINK about hurting the one holding the leach, the fact that Egwene was able to do this says a lot of her power, how she had dominate and control her feelings, mind and powers is insane. - tv series divider

The Wheel of Time: Daes Dae'Mar Pity – Season 2 – Episode 7 – RECAP CONCLUSION -

As usual WOT episodes end up on long posts, there were a few things that I try to resume from this one, now that I’m changing the format of my posts I try to bring a more graphic representation of my writing and I really enjoy but its way more work than previous posts, for those who support my content I really appreciate it.

This episode was crazy and from what I have seen the next, last episode is probably even better; finally every one is going to meet at Falme for the final of this season, I wonder who dies, I have to assume Lanfear doesn’t because I think she will stay close to Rand until he is able to control his powers, so far seems that season three is on its way for 2024, now that Moiraine has her powers back things are going to change drastically but for how long she will stay close to Rand, after all Lanfear hates her.

Perry side story is still very insignificant for the main story but has become way more interesting than it was, same goes for Mat but those two are characters to fill up.

From all the TV series of 2023, WOT season two had the most dramatic come back in a season after people were constantly complaining for the first half how slow, boring, it was, while I was on the other side of the fence thinking this is going to get wild towards the end and it did.


The Wheel of Time: Daes Dae'Mar Pity – Season 2 – Episode 7 – RECAP PREV Episodes -

Episode 1:
Episode 2:
Episode 3:
Episode 4:
Episode 5:
Episode 6: - tv series divider

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The Wheel of Time: Damane – Season 2 – Episode 5 – RECAP

The Wheel of Time: Damane - Season 2 - Episode 5 - RECAP -
The Wheel of Time: Damane – Season 2 – Episode 5 – RECAP –


The Wheel of Time: Damane - Season 2 - Episode 5 - RECAP INTRODUCTION -

From time to time there is that TV Series that I enjoy watching a lot, I do like fantasy theme TV Series although at a adult age not young kids discovering magic, for example The Magicians was a TV Show I enjoy same as The Rings of Power but I’m not a such a fan of other fantasy stories like Harry Potter.

Season two of WOT is in full force and introducing new characters or catching up with story lines is over, the fourth episode introduce its last main character with Selene now known as Lanfear, she was a mystery at first during the season but now she is pissed, not only now we know that she is a forsaken but we are starting to understand her interest to Rand, she is basically in love with him, he is too precious for him but she wants him to join her, she doesn’t want to force him this is why so far she haven’t hurt him, it will remain a mystery what she was going to do when she started channeling. Rand finally meet her real personality, Lanfear on his dreams, she is a dream walker, she can get into others people mind when they are dreaming without been invited, once she is in you are on her world with her rules and you can die on that world too.

On episode five we also get to know a bit more about Seanchan too, a city that looks a lot like Constantinople to be honest, Damane another term on their thong use to those women who can channel, they are not free they are leash by Seanchan and are use as a weapon by their controller or master in this case known as Sul’dam using a collar known as a’dam, all women who can channel including Aes Sidai are consider a marath’damane, an abomination of nature and need to be controlled, similar to how Aes Sidai think of men who can channel although they have this though because men who can channel usually go mad including the Dragon Reborn. - tv series divider
The Wheel of Time: Damane - Season 2 - Episode 5 - RECAP EPISODE DETAILS -

The Wheel of Time: Damane - Season 2 - Episode 5 - RECAP -
The Wheel of Time: Damane – Season 2 – Episode 5 – RECAP –


The Wheel of Time: Damane - Season 2 - Episode 5 - RECAP -
The Wheel of Time: Damane – Season 2 – Episode 5 – RECAP –


Moiraine got just in time when Selene was on top of Rand, she was about to channel after she tied him to the bed and Moiraine cut her throat but this was just a temporary solution and to loose her they had to pull a few old tricks like getting on horses and then leave them going into an opposite direction on foot but this was just to gain some time before Lanfear figure it out. Moiraine plan didn’t work as she thought because Logain was suppose to teach Rand how to explode his power but that never happen, now he is unprepared and Lanfear is after them, she also told him the truth, this is just starting and a higher dark power has been unleash.

The Wheel of Time: Damane - Season 2 - Episode 5 - RECAP -
The Wheel of Time: Damane – Season 2 – Episode 5 – RECAP –


The Wheel of Time: Damane - Season 2 - Episode 5 - RECAP -
The Wheel of Time: Damane – Season 2 – Episode 5 – RECAP –


Perrin finally gets some good amount of screen time, we already know he is a tracker but for some reason he is having a hard time to accept what he is, Elyas tries to guide him although he is not a big help since he is of the mind that the pack has to stay together and all Perrin can think about is his friends who have been capture by the Seachan Army, one of them Uno Modesta killed when he revise to swear loyalty.

Eamon Valda and the White Cloaks, children of the light, a blast form the past season one, Eamon torture Perrin because he is consider a monster, anyone who can channel is a monster for the White Cloaks, they have now take over the small village that Seachan Army and High Lady Suroth attacked.


The Wheel of Time: Damane - Season 2 - Episode 5 - RECAP -
The Wheel of Time: Damane – Season 2 – Episode 5 – RECAP –


When Perrin return to the Village with the intention of finding some of his friends or where they were taking, he free Aviendha who is a Maidem of the Spear, a great fighter that was capture by the White Cloaks and put on a cage, Perrin who has a great heart free her without knowing who she is but soon she show him her skills as a fighter, a fucking John Wick of the Spear putting down a good amount of White Cloaks when they surround them after Perrin free her, she is now in debt with him so she follow him where ever he goes.

The Wheel of Time: Damane - Season 2 - Episode 5 - RECAP -
The Wheel of Time: Damane – Season 2 – Episode 5 – RECAP –


The Wheel of Time: Damane - Season 2 - Episode 5 - RECAP -
The Wheel of Time: Damane – Season 2 – Episode 5 – RECAP –


Things start to unfold at The White Tower when Verin Mathwin gets back, there are rumors of Aes Sidai missing, she also went looking for Egwene and Nynaeve but they were no where to be found at the tower, she seek information on her two friends at the library who can get her more information about this reports, who got in and out of the tower but something is odd about the reports, like either someone fake the reports or use some sort of spell what they call a weave, in this case on Sheriam Sedai who wrote the report. This would only mean that there is a traitor between the lines of the Aes Sidai, someone join the dark power, one of her sisters.

The Wheel of Time: Damane - Season 2 - Episode 5 - RECAP -
The Wheel of Time: Damane – Season 2 – Episode 5 – RECAP –


At this point no body knows at The White Tower but the traitor is Liandrin, I have been thinking why she did it and there is only one answer, her son who is dying, she actually explain this to Nynaeve before knock her out and deliver her with Egwene and Elayne to High Lady Suroth by orders of Ishamael, Liandrin had some compassion for Nynaeve and before she left cut her ropes so they could have a chance to escape. This shows how Liandrin is not that bad but still a selfish traitor after all.


The Wheel of Time: Damane - Season 2 - Episode 5 - RECAP -
The Wheel of Time: Damane – Season 2 – Episode 5 – RECAP –


Verin Sedai caught Liandrin when she was coming back, of course Liandrin had alibi and brought some white asparagus to try to sweet Verin wiith but she already know something is cooking and is after the traitor, she doesn’t know yet Liandrin is guilty.


The Wheel of Time: Damane - Season 2 - Episode 5 - RECAP -
The Wheel of Time: Damane – Season 2 – Episode 5 – RECAP –


The Wheel of Time: Damane - Season 2 - Episode 5 - RECAP -
The Wheel of Time: Damane – Season 2 – Episode 5 – RECAP –


High Lady Suroth is just part of the army, she is not the one in power to dictate what their people do or not, in fact Ishamael is using her, High Lady Suroth doesn’t seem she can channel, nos sure how then they get to such high power probably just been part of a royal family. Ishamael was after the Horn of Valere and deliver it to the High Lord Turak who is commander for the Seachan Army, I dont know what is up with this people and long nails but it seems a symbol of high power among them, High Lady Suroth nails get trim because she disobey orders at invading land she was not suppose to but this was Ishamael plan all this time.

The Wheel of Time: Damane - Season 2 - Episode 5 - RECAP -
The Wheel of Time: Damane – Season 2 – Episode 5 – RECAP –


To calm down things and get on High Lord Turak good side, Ishamael not only offer The Horn of Valere as a gift but also brought a very powerful women, this was Egwene who gets put on a’dam, a very powerful collar and then a leach by her new master, I like this scene very much since Madeleine Madden did a great job at showing Egwene pain when she was put on the collar, it has some sort of power over those who can channel that makes Egwene scream in pain and put her on her knees without giving her any orders, just looks insane, also the way the collar turns into a half chest piece in a transformer way look so sick.

The Wheel of Time: Damane - Season 2 - Episode 5 - RECAP -
The Wheel of Time: Damane – Season 2 – Episode 5 – RECAP –


The Wheel of Time: Damane - Season 2 - Episode 5 - RECAP -
The Wheel of Time: Damane – Season 2 – Episode 5 – RECAP –


During the entire episode Moiraine and Rand were running from Lanfear until they got back to her home, at home was her sister and nephew who welcome both, Moiraine was running out of time and knew it was only a few days or hours before Lanfear find them, she once gave her sister an advice and that is to truly think if things are necessary, in this case means “Does Rand really needs to be protected from Lanfear?” even though he is not in control of his powers Lanfear would have kill him long time ago, been with Rand for three months and it was just fucking around, literally, so Moiraine throw him into the lion den, let Rand sleep so Lanfear can come to him that way they will find out her real plan, that’s the cover image for this post. - tv series divider

The Wheel of Time: Damane - Season 2 - Episode 5 - RECAP CONCLUSION -

There is really no excuse to think this TV Series is crap, its true that season two started very slow but it was necessary, even though the TV Series is not probably word by word close to the books they at least taking some time to not rush things, make it last as much as possible to develop the story at a pace that doesn’t feel they cutting corners like for example the Perrin story, it was about time his character get a bit more of screen time, same goes for Mat and I think they will on the next episodes, it cant be always Egwene, Nynaeve and Rand, so to balance things some episodes need to be a bit slower, for example episode five there was not much fighting but there was a lot of good drama and unfolding more of what Ishamael and High Lady Suroth want, that’s to take over Seachan, he is expecting Rand to join them at their city and be on their side too, WOT is just getting better and better.

I know I’m behind on this series but I love it and prefer to take my time to enjoy it, not staying up late during weekdays, I usually load up everything into my VR setup and watch all this TV Series on Saturdays when I stay home, relaxing.


The Wheel of Time: Damane - Season 2 - Episode 5 - RECAP PREV Episodes -

Episode 1:
Episode 2:
Episode 3:
Episode 4: - tv series divider

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The Wheel of Time: What Might Be – Season 2 – Episode 3 – Recap

The Wheel of Time: What Might Be - Season 2 - Episode 3 - Recap -
The Wheel of Time: What Might Be – Season 2 – Episode 3 – Recap –


The Wheel of Time: What Might Be - Season 2 - Episode 3 - Recap INTRODUCTION -

The Wheel of Time is picking up pace, after two episodes of watching Moiraine complaining about how Lan fail her and does not need him anymore, even after he safe her life one more time; way more important to her now because she got no powers, the story is starting to move more than before, also Nynaeve and Egwene has build up some context at The White Tower of what they have been up to and what others expect from them.

I would say the second most powerful character in the story Nynaeve is put up to a task that not all Aes Sedai take on the first try but as reckless as she is took it as soon as Liandrin and the others Aes Sedai ask her too, she wants to demonstrate and become as powerful as they say, I think Nynaeve is tired of taking crap from others, this task will take her through three arch each will show her worst fears and nightmares that she will have to face, not only face but walk away from them, similar to a parallel world, inside this other world she can still be hurt or killed if not careful enough, some of this fears and nightmares is to leave what she loves the most and if she doesn’t will stay inside this world for ever. - tv series divider
The Wheel of Time: What Might Be - Season 2 - Episode 3 - Recap EPISODE DETAILS -

The Wheel of Time: What Might Be - Season 2 - Episode 3 - Recap -
The Wheel of Time: What Might Be – Season 2 – Episode 3 – Recap –


Liandrin is in a rush to make Nynaeve into an Aes Sedai, also would love her to be a red; she push other two of her sisters to take Nynaeve to the Archers, there are many other Arch, some have been explore, some have burn Aes Sedai but this inside the tower will show her fears, to become a sister Nynaeve will have to face her worst fears and come back to them, if she refuse three times then will be kick out of the tower but if she starts she cant stop, it takes three Aes Sedai combine power to activate The Archers.

The Wheel of Time: What Might Be - Season 2 - Episode 3 - Recap -
The Wheel of Time: What Might Be – Season 2 – Episode 3 – Recap –
The Wheel of Time: What Might Be - Season 2 - Episode 3 - Recap -
The Wheel of Time: What Might Be – Season 2 – Episode 3 – Recap –


Each arch she goes in is a different reality, on the first one Nynaeve goes back to the moment she was a child, here she meets with her father and mother, there was something interesting that her father told her “remember red is dead” , could this make reference to the red Aes Sedai? after all Liandrin would love Nynaeve to become a red, usually the most aggressive and radical Aes Sedai, inside this Arch Nynaeve and her family are attacked by a large group of raiders, its weird because for some reason they want to kill them like twenty arm men against a child and her parents, they are corner inside their house until they raiders brake in, last thing Nynaeve saw of their parents was them been slaughter while she hide in the basement looking up, at that moment the Arch show up inside the basement and she have to come back to the tower.

The Wheel of Time: What Might Be - Season 2 - Episode 3 - Recap -
The Wheel of Time: What Might Be – Season 2 – Episode 3 – Recap –


As part of the ritual every time she comes back from an Arch, an Aes Sedai throws water on her head saying “you are washed clean of you sins and the sins committed against you…” and Leane would heal her if she was hurt. After the first Arch Nynaeve was panicking, she could not understand how it felt so real even when she knows it was not, each Arch she gets in looks like it felt more real since on the second one kept complaining more telling the rest that they need to go to the Two Rivers because there is a lot of people that need help, friends of her.

The Wheel of Time: What Might Be - Season 2 - Episode 3 - Recap -
The Wheel of Time: What Might Be – Season 2 – Episode 3 – Recap –


The first two Arch were less difficult than the last one, the third Arch seem to be impossible to escape from, on this last one trip she fall into a world full of shadow, she was dress in red and comes back to the room with the other Aes Sedai with Lan’s hair on her hand and all cover in blood, blood was not hers, she thinks she hurt Lan and got piss off at the Aes Sedai wanting to leave the tower, it even look like it was the real deal until she meets with Lan and the Arch in the back shows up but she could not come back this time. At least not on this try, I’m sure she is not lost on this world and some how will return, you can’t killed the second main character of the story so early.

The Wheel of Time: What Might Be - Season 2 - Episode 3 - Recap -
The Wheel of Time: What Might Be – Season 2 – Episode 3 – Recap –
The Wheel of Time: What Might Be - Season 2 - Episode 3 - Recap -
The Wheel of Time: What Might Be – Season 2 – Episode 3 – Recap –


On the other side of the world, one of the less but still part of the puzzle characters, Perrin is about to find out what his power really are, he and the rest of the warriors he was marching with, lead by Ingtar Shinowa are no prisoners of High Lady Suroth but specially Ishamael, who I had my doubts if he was really helping Lady Suroth or he had his own agenda and the second answer seems to be the case, High Lady Suroth came to conquer and Ishamael is after unleashing a bigger power, he is interested on Perrin so he must be the key to something Ishamael is after.

The tracker that once help Perrin and the other warriors locate the town that was attacked, named Elias, already know who he was, the moment Perrin and other prisoners were transported, he appear with a wolf pack an attack the caravan, free Perrin, helping him to escape to latter on regroup.

The Wheel of Time: What Might Be - Season 2 - Episode 3 - Recap -
The Wheel of Time: What Might Be – Season 2 – Episode 3 – Recap –
The Wheel of Time: What Might Be - Season 2 - Episode 3 - Recap -
The Wheel of Time: What Might Be – Season 2 – Episode 3 – Recap –


There is some disappointment and sadness in The White Tower after Nynaeve didn’t came back from the last Arch, Egwene find out about the news after she went looking for her and found Aes Sedai Sheriam picking up Nynaeve things and let her know what happen. For the first time we see Egwene mad, she was piss off, she went looking for Liandrin because she thinks either she wanted Nynaeve dead or gone when it was the opposite, Liandrin always wanted Nynaeve to become Aes Sedai to weaponize her, Egwene confronts Liandrin and as she is walking away she lights up in fire, very similar to what Brand has done in a few occasions, its strange that so far other characters rather than Rand have shown part of their power before him, sometimes I wonder if we will ever see them fight with their full powers or may be not, at the current pace of the series if they do not crunch the story this might take another season for them to show their full potential.

The Wheel of Time: What Might Be - Season 2 - Episode 3 - Recap -
The Wheel of Time: What Might Be – Season 2 – Episode 3 – Recap –
The Wheel of Time: What Might Be - Season 2 - Episode 3 - Recap -
The Wheel of Time: What Might Be – Season 2 – Episode 3 – Recap –


Rand keeps wasting his time with Logain, a trickster who is drunk in pain after the Aes Sedai took his powers, Rand finally find his way up to Logain in the Asylum, he has ask for a specific wine bottle in exchange to show Rand how to control his powers, Selene, the mysterious woman who look like she has everything and enough time to fool around with Rand every night helps him get this bottle. Logain is only selling him smoke, he is just mad with the world after loosing his powers and is probably jealous of Rand, after Rand gave him the wine all he tells him is that he can’t control it, he can’t stop it, all he can do is embrace it, it will eventually spills out.

The Wheel of Time: What Might Be - Season 2 - Episode 3 - Recap -
The Wheel of Time: What Might Be – Season 2 – Episode 3 – Recap –


Rand is starting to manifest more his powers, I think Selene knows this and thats exactly what she is looking for but so far doesn’t reveal who she really is and what does she wants from Rand, sure thing is that some how she wants to manipulate him but with what purpose and who is she?

The Wheel of Time: What Might Be - Season 2 - Episode 3 - Recap -
The Wheel of Time: What Might Be – Season 2 – Episode 3 – Recap –
The Wheel of Time: What Might Be - Season 2 - Episode 3 - Recap -
The Wheel of Time: What Might Be – Season 2 – Episode 3 – Recap –


In a desperate attempt to bring Nynaeve back from the third Arch, Egwene tries to power the Arch by herself, desperate actions for desperate times seems to be forcing everyone to show their powers, this includes Rand, Perrin, Nynaeve and Egwene has show part of their powers that they haven’t in previous episodes, finally its starting to get interesting.

Egwene is stop by Elayene, her novice companion, tells her that it takes three Aes Sedai to power the Arches and that in a thousand years many have try to bring back friends, lovers, that have been lost in the Arches with no luck. All they could do is sit there and hope, Nynaeve was deep on that dream, the first chance she had to come back she didn’t, no body knows what happens on the other side so no body knows if the Arches gives you more than one chance to come back, as any other of this kind of test is up to the one been tested to decide what to do but as I though they could not get rid of the second main character so early in the series. While Egwene and Elayne were sitting there, tired, she finally came back crying for all the pain she went through on that last trip where she was with Lan and even had a daughter, lost them all to Trollocks. - tv series divider

The Wheel of Time: What Might Be - Season 2 - Episode 3 - Recap CONCLUSION -

I’m going to have to take a day in advance to write this WOT recaps, with so many side stories at the same time, this are long ones, way over 1500 words from all what is happening, probably one of the most exciting episodes, the first two I agree were very slow and boring but they had a purpose, season one left us with everyone going into different directions, defeated, so characters had to regroup, from now on I think we will see more of their powers and probably who the hell is Selene and what she wants with Rand, also Moiraine didn’t show on this episode I’m sure on next episode will come up telling everyone what to do and when.

A character I haven’t cover that much is Mat, same as Perrin they are not that interesting from me, Nynaeve, Egwene and Rand can channel and are very powerful but what does Perrin and Mat does? what is their purpose on the series, Min did see Mat killing or at least stabbing Rand but what else is about it, this are things that has not unfold yet and why the story remains interesting.

As some good things in life you need to have some patience, same goes for some TV Series, few weeks ago I saw online how people were saying that season 2 of The Wheel of Time (WOT) was just too slow, it was not interesting, was nothing like the books and to that I have to say a few things.

– None of these series based on books or novels will be some times even 80% like the books, the amount of things they have to adjust because of time, budget, TV restrictions, etc do change an entire season, all the cut scenes, so don’t expect it to be like the book
– If you read the books, I have not; I’m sure you will spend more time waiting for some action than in the TV Series
– It took the season three episodes to pic up some pace and do something different than not just Moiraine arguing with Lan, latter on you will find out why, there was a reason for those to first episodes.


The Wheel of Time: What Might Be - Season 2 - Episode 3 - Recap PREV Episodes -

Episode 1:
Episode 2: - tv series divider


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