The Wheel of Time: Damane – Season 2 – Episode 5 – RECAP

The Wheel of Time: Damane - Season 2 - Episode 5 - RECAP -
The Wheel of Time: Damane – Season 2 – Episode 5 – RECAP –


The Wheel of Time: Damane - Season 2 - Episode 5 - RECAP INTRODUCTION -

From time to time there is that TV Series that I enjoy watching a lot, I do like fantasy theme TV Series although at a adult age not young kids discovering magic, for example The Magicians was a TV Show I enjoy same as The Rings of Power but I’m not a such a fan of other fantasy stories like Harry Potter.

Season two of WOT is in full force and introducing new characters or catching up with story lines is over, the fourth episode introduce its last main character with Selene now known as Lanfear, she was a mystery at first during the season but now she is pissed, not only now we know that she is a forsaken but we are starting to understand her interest to Rand, she is basically in love with him, he is too precious for him but she wants him to join her, she doesn’t want to force him this is why so far she haven’t hurt him, it will remain a mystery what she was going to do when she started channeling. Rand finally meet her real personality, Lanfear on his dreams, she is a dream walker, she can get into others people mind when they are dreaming without been invited, once she is in you are on her world with her rules and you can die on that world too.

On episode five we also get to know a bit more about Seanchan too, a city that looks a lot like Constantinople to be honest, Damane another term on their thong use to those women who can channel, they are not free they are leash by Seanchan and are use as a weapon by their controller or master in this case known as Sul’dam using a collar known as a’dam, all women who can channel including Aes Sidai are consider a marath’damane, an abomination of nature and need to be controlled, similar to how Aes Sidai think of men who can channel although they have this though because men who can channel usually go mad including the Dragon Reborn. - tv series divider
The Wheel of Time: Damane - Season 2 - Episode 5 - RECAP EPISODE DETAILS -

The Wheel of Time: Damane - Season 2 - Episode 5 - RECAP -
The Wheel of Time: Damane – Season 2 – Episode 5 – RECAP –


The Wheel of Time: Damane - Season 2 - Episode 5 - RECAP -
The Wheel of Time: Damane – Season 2 – Episode 5 – RECAP –


Moiraine got just in time when Selene was on top of Rand, she was about to channel after she tied him to the bed and Moiraine cut her throat but this was just a temporary solution and to loose her they had to pull a few old tricks like getting on horses and then leave them going into an opposite direction on foot but this was just to gain some time before Lanfear figure it out. Moiraine plan didn’t work as she thought because Logain was suppose to teach Rand how to explode his power but that never happen, now he is unprepared and Lanfear is after them, she also told him the truth, this is just starting and a higher dark power has been unleash.

The Wheel of Time: Damane - Season 2 - Episode 5 - RECAP -
The Wheel of Time: Damane – Season 2 – Episode 5 – RECAP –


The Wheel of Time: Damane - Season 2 - Episode 5 - RECAP -
The Wheel of Time: Damane – Season 2 – Episode 5 – RECAP –


Perrin finally gets some good amount of screen time, we already know he is a tracker but for some reason he is having a hard time to accept what he is, Elyas tries to guide him although he is not a big help since he is of the mind that the pack has to stay together and all Perrin can think about is his friends who have been capture by the Seachan Army, one of them Uno Modesta killed when he revise to swear loyalty.

Eamon Valda and the White Cloaks, children of the light, a blast form the past season one, Eamon torture Perrin because he is consider a monster, anyone who can channel is a monster for the White Cloaks, they have now take over the small village that Seachan Army and High Lady Suroth attacked.


The Wheel of Time: Damane - Season 2 - Episode 5 - RECAP -
The Wheel of Time: Damane – Season 2 – Episode 5 – RECAP –


When Perrin return to the Village with the intention of finding some of his friends or where they were taking, he free Aviendha who is a Maidem of the Spear, a great fighter that was capture by the White Cloaks and put on a cage, Perrin who has a great heart free her without knowing who she is but soon she show him her skills as a fighter, a fucking John Wick of the Spear putting down a good amount of White Cloaks when they surround them after Perrin free her, she is now in debt with him so she follow him where ever he goes.

The Wheel of Time: Damane - Season 2 - Episode 5 - RECAP -
The Wheel of Time: Damane – Season 2 – Episode 5 – RECAP –


The Wheel of Time: Damane - Season 2 - Episode 5 - RECAP -
The Wheel of Time: Damane – Season 2 – Episode 5 – RECAP –


Things start to unfold at The White Tower when Verin Mathwin gets back, there are rumors of Aes Sidai missing, she also went looking for Egwene and Nynaeve but they were no where to be found at the tower, she seek information on her two friends at the library who can get her more information about this reports, who got in and out of the tower but something is odd about the reports, like either someone fake the reports or use some sort of spell what they call a weave, in this case on Sheriam Sedai who wrote the report. This would only mean that there is a traitor between the lines of the Aes Sidai, someone join the dark power, one of her sisters.

The Wheel of Time: Damane - Season 2 - Episode 5 - RECAP -
The Wheel of Time: Damane – Season 2 – Episode 5 – RECAP –


At this point no body knows at The White Tower but the traitor is Liandrin, I have been thinking why she did it and there is only one answer, her son who is dying, she actually explain this to Nynaeve before knock her out and deliver her with Egwene and Elayne to High Lady Suroth by orders of Ishamael, Liandrin had some compassion for Nynaeve and before she left cut her ropes so they could have a chance to escape. This shows how Liandrin is not that bad but still a selfish traitor after all.


The Wheel of Time: Damane - Season 2 - Episode 5 - RECAP -
The Wheel of Time: Damane – Season 2 – Episode 5 – RECAP –


Verin Sedai caught Liandrin when she was coming back, of course Liandrin had alibi and brought some white asparagus to try to sweet Verin wiith but she already know something is cooking and is after the traitor, she doesn’t know yet Liandrin is guilty.


The Wheel of Time: Damane - Season 2 - Episode 5 - RECAP -
The Wheel of Time: Damane – Season 2 – Episode 5 – RECAP –


The Wheel of Time: Damane - Season 2 - Episode 5 - RECAP -
The Wheel of Time: Damane – Season 2 – Episode 5 – RECAP –


High Lady Suroth is just part of the army, she is not the one in power to dictate what their people do or not, in fact Ishamael is using her, High Lady Suroth doesn’t seem she can channel, nos sure how then they get to such high power probably just been part of a royal family. Ishamael was after the Horn of Valere and deliver it to the High Lord Turak who is commander for the Seachan Army, I dont know what is up with this people and long nails but it seems a symbol of high power among them, High Lady Suroth nails get trim because she disobey orders at invading land she was not suppose to but this was Ishamael plan all this time.

The Wheel of Time: Damane - Season 2 - Episode 5 - RECAP -
The Wheel of Time: Damane – Season 2 – Episode 5 – RECAP –


To calm down things and get on High Lord Turak good side, Ishamael not only offer The Horn of Valere as a gift but also brought a very powerful women, this was Egwene who gets put on a’dam, a very powerful collar and then a leach by her new master, I like this scene very much since Madeleine Madden did a great job at showing Egwene pain when she was put on the collar, it has some sort of power over those who can channel that makes Egwene scream in pain and put her on her knees without giving her any orders, just looks insane, also the way the collar turns into a half chest piece in a transformer way look so sick.

The Wheel of Time: Damane - Season 2 - Episode 5 - RECAP -
The Wheel of Time: Damane – Season 2 – Episode 5 – RECAP –


The Wheel of Time: Damane - Season 2 - Episode 5 - RECAP -
The Wheel of Time: Damane – Season 2 – Episode 5 – RECAP –


During the entire episode Moiraine and Rand were running from Lanfear until they got back to her home, at home was her sister and nephew who welcome both, Moiraine was running out of time and knew it was only a few days or hours before Lanfear find them, she once gave her sister an advice and that is to truly think if things are necessary, in this case means “Does Rand really needs to be protected from Lanfear?” even though he is not in control of his powers Lanfear would have kill him long time ago, been with Rand for three months and it was just fucking around, literally, so Moiraine throw him into the lion den, let Rand sleep so Lanfear can come to him that way they will find out her real plan, that’s the cover image for this post. - tv series divider

The Wheel of Time: Damane - Season 2 - Episode 5 - RECAP CONCLUSION -

There is really no excuse to think this TV Series is crap, its true that season two started very slow but it was necessary, even though the TV Series is not probably word by word close to the books they at least taking some time to not rush things, make it last as much as possible to develop the story at a pace that doesn’t feel they cutting corners like for example the Perrin story, it was about time his character get a bit more of screen time, same goes for Mat and I think they will on the next episodes, it cant be always Egwene, Nynaeve and Rand, so to balance things some episodes need to be a bit slower, for example episode five there was not much fighting but there was a lot of good drama and unfolding more of what Ishamael and High Lady Suroth want, that’s to take over Seachan, he is expecting Rand to join them at their city and be on their side too, WOT is just getting better and better.

I know I’m behind on this series but I love it and prefer to take my time to enjoy it, not staying up late during weekdays, I usually load up everything into my VR setup and watch all this TV Series on Saturdays when I stay home, relaxing.


The Wheel of Time: Damane - Season 2 - Episode 5 - RECAP PREV Episodes -

Episode 1:
Episode 2:
Episode 3:
Episode 4: - tv series divider

The Wheel of Time SEASON 2 TRAILER -

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The Wheel of Time: Strangers and Friends – Season 2 – Episode 2 – Recap

The Wheel of Time: Strangers and Friends - Season 2 - Episode 2 - Recap -
The Wheel of Time: Strangers and Friends – Season 2 – Episode 2 – Recap


The Wheel of Time: Strangers and Friends - Season 2 - Episode 2 - Recap INTRODUCTION -

After season one it was hard to know what really happen to Rand al Thor, doubly but probably the main character on the series I say doubly because it was Moiraine who choose him to be the most powerful out of the five she took from The Two Rivers, after all the one who did show her powers but could not control them as most was Nynaeve, on top of looking, describe by Liandrin

The most powerful weapon they got in the last thousand years against The Dark One.

Rand was the one chosen to travel The Eye of The world and meet The Dark One, at that point The Dark One vanish, the heart stone brakes and team WOT (Rand, Moiraine, Lan) are disoriented now knowing what all this means and what will happen next, Rand looks back like “I’m getting the fuck out of here” and walks back into the forest. After his encounter with The Dark One he started dreaming, nightmares, things from the future, that could not let him sleep, besides he now works at an asylum, he is probably trying to get away from reality because he fears what he could do with this power that he posses but cant control and doesn’t understand, on his dreams he kill all his friends and wakes up with blood in his hands not knowing what he did or why.

The situation between Moiraine and Lan is not getting any better, Episode One describe the silence and treatment Moiraine has against Lan, after she lost her powers is like she turn into a sad women who just wants to be alone and Lan cant sense her anymore so he has no idea whats going on with her.

Egwene finally understands why she cant move forward why she cant keep developing her powers and is probably envy and jealousy for Nynaeve, but she could not get to this conclusion alone, we most of the time cant see things from a different perspective and its her new partner at The White Tower who open her eyes and made her understood she has to stop and reorganize her thoughts if she wants to continue and success. - tv series divider
The Wheel of Time: Strangers and Friends - Season 2 - Episode 2 - Recap EPISODE DETAILS -

The Wheel of Time: Strangers and Friends - Season 2 - Episode 2 - Recap -
The Wheel of Time: Strangers and Friends – Season 2 – Episode 2 – Recap


Far away from everyone else Perrin is having an adventure of his own, he and Loial became very close, both join a quest to find The Horn of Valere, a horn use to call heroes to battle when the time comes, with him are Loial, Uno Monesta and Lord Yakota, on season one Perrin as the rest of this friends started to wake up his powers but doesn’t control them or understand them, from what I can tell he is what they call a tracker, he can sense when things had happen and for now he can see the past, not sure if he could see the future like Min Farshaw does. Perrin and the group of warriors he is with arrive to a place that seem to be raided by someone or something, they are guided by a tracker just like him, on this place is the second time Perrin show his powers, he sees exactly what happen but was confuse, he could not distinct from reality at first until he wakes up and find himself with the rest of the guys in the same room instead of the people he watch sitting at the table, on episode one not only the same thing happen but he also saw the girl that was with Ishamael and now he sees how a Shadowspawn was at the same room killing everyone.

The Wheel of Time: Strangers and Friends - Season 2 - Episode 2 - Recap -
The Wheel of Time: Strangers and Friends – Season 2 – Episode 2 – Recap


What ever was on that place also killed the Shadowspawn, what makes me think it was probably Padin Fain, Im not sure exactly what is his purpose but he does seem to do erratic things like chasing the girl that was with Ishamael or playing been friends with Perrin at the Two Rivers, he reminds me a lot to Loky, does have that trickster vibes.

The Wheel of Time: Strangers and Friends - Season 2 - Episode 2 - Recap -
The Wheel of Time: Strangers and Friends – Season 2 – Episode 2 – Recap


Rand working at the asylum is a way of escaping his reality, his life has change a lot since he got out of Two Rivers with the rest of his friends, discover his powers that he had no idea it exist but now the very same powers makes him violent at times, loose control of himself, this is something Liandrin mention on season one, male who can touch the power usually go insane, the case of who they called The False Dragon, a man Logain Ablar who I thought we would never see again on the series.

The Wheel of Time: Strangers and Friends - Season 2 - Episode 2 - Recap -
The Wheel of Time: Strangers and Friends – Season 2 – Episode 2 – Recap


There are a few things on this episode that you might think are coincidence but in my opinion they were perfectly planned mostly by Liandrin, she have been talking to Nynaeve and Mat, trying to sweet their ears with different agendas for both, she thinks Mat is the Dragon and will loose himself again and in the case of Nynaeve she wants to weaponize her.

The Wheel of Time: Strangers and Friends - Season 2 - Episode 2 - Recap -
The Wheel of Time: Strangers and Friends – Season 2 – Episode 2 – Recap


Mat block cell neighbor was Min Farshaw a women who can have visions about peoples future, describe by herself sometimes they can change and sometimes end up been real, in my opinion Liandrin did this on purpose to figure out what will Mat be capable in the future, Mat open a hole on the wall and got Min to spend some time with him and before she left had this vision of Mat stabbing Rand with the same blade consume him on season one, there are a lot of things making reference to season one.

I plan on covering season one latter down the line, I also had to pull some of season one episodes to remember how things happen, this series cover different stories at the same time, not only from the main characters.

The Wheel of Time: Strangers and Friends - Season 2 - Episode 2 - Recap -
The Wheel of Time: Strangers and Friends – Season 2 – Episode 2 – Recap
The Wheel of Time: Strangers and Friends - Season 2 - Episode 2 - Recap -
The Wheel of Time: Strangers and Friends – Season 2 – Episode 2 – Recap


Liandrin has not only been sweet talking to Nynaeve but also the other Aes Sedai to stop wasting her time and powers as a novice and get her right into training to expand and control her powers, Nynaeve has a very peculiar power that she can regenerate from others Aes Sedai power, on season one she almost turn into dust after getting hit by their collective power and then regenerate herself.

The rest of Liandrin sisters have agree to this except Alanna Mosvani who still believe that there is a process and reason why Nynaeve should not take short cuts with her training but the truth is that Nynaeve has no interest to be novice so she also agree with Liandrin to move forward, she is taken to a cave, a room that holds what looks like a portal.

The Wheel of Time: Strangers and Friends - Season 2 - Episode 2 - Recap -
The Wheel of Time: Strangers and Friends – Season 2 – Episode 2 – Recap
The Wheel of Time: Strangers and Friends - Season 2 - Episode 2 - Recap -
The Wheel of Time: Strangers and Friends – Season 2 – Episode 2 – Recap


Far away from the rest of his friends, Perrin and the other warriors with him looking for the Horn of Valere face the army of High Lady, Ishamael is next to her, we saw this army at the end of season one on the last episode, their ships arriving, lot of ships, High Lady Suroth has brought what seems to be a very powerful army, different that the Aes Sedai she brought soldiers, similar to the movie 300 where Leonidas brings warriors and Xerxes slaves, in the case of the Aes Sedai they dont bring slaves but most of their women are not as ready for battle and are probably out number, when High Lady Suroth arrives reminds me of Xerxes with the exception that she might be very powerful, I’m probably just talking shit because I know nothing else about this story rather than what I have seen so far, probably the one good thing about my blog, I’m telling things as I see them without trying to compare the series with the books.

Perrin and the rest of the crew had no chance, they were out number and out power, High Lady Suroth asks Ishamael “are they ready?” , he answers “they have to be” , ready for what? are they going to be transform into their slave army? what are their real porpuse? are they really the bad ones? because even the Aes Sedai at The White Tower in season one question Moiraine motives and goals thinking that she and her agenda could be a threat to all.

The Wheel of Time: Strangers and Friends - Season 2 - Episode 2 - Recap -
The Wheel of Time: Strangers and Friends – Season 2 – Episode 2 – Recap


This episode is full of season one reference, Rand again lost control and killed a man, Yann; who work with him at the asylum, this guy use to mock one of Rand favorite patients so one night Rand follow the guy and beat him up to dead, during that moment he lost control of his powers and beat him up to death to then run away, this guy he just killed was in charge of taking care of Logain Ablar, The False Dragon, a man who Liandrin and other Aes Sedai track down and defeat before he raise an army large enough, this man was able to touch the power but based on the Aes Sedai experience he would eventually turn insane so he had to be stop, they took his powers and ends up on the same asylum Rand is working at, I don’t think this was a coincidence, once Logain shows up I thought none of this was a coincidence and Rand had an agenda at been there - tv series divider

The Wheel of Time: Strangers and Friends - Season 2 - Episode 2 - Recap CONCLUSION -

WOT episodes are a hand full sometimes, episode two is full of references to season one, tons of characters that take time to remember, I have been back linking to WOT fandom page so readers can have a background of the characters besides my opinion, for some reason I have seen people making posts about how boring this season is but I think after episode three it will stop making reference and getting viewers to catch up so the story can move on, at least there was some action and drama at the same time, lot of drama at The White Tower, probably what really bored me is the story between Lan and Moiraine they can get along anymore even though he keeps putting his life at risk for her, Lan could eventually get tired of been push away and move on, dont think thats going to happen but its a possibility in my opinion, I had a blast watching episode two and I’m eager to watch The White Tower fight High Lady Suroth army, while I was going through the fandom page find out they want to conquer and expand their kingdom, Seanchan; this gives me GOT vibes where Seanchan and Westlands might have to unite powers to fight a bigger threat, this are just speculations of my own at trying to figure out whats next, hope you enjoy this series as much as I do.


The Wheel of Time: Strangers and Friends - Season 2 - Episode 2 - Recap PREV Episodes -

Episode 1: - tv series divider

The Wheel of Time - SEASON 2 TRAILER -


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