Its the story of Camille Leger play by Fleur Geffrier who to be honest I have never seen before but she is great, Camille is daughter of Alexander Leger a very strict man with a extremely high passion for wine and oenology the science and study of wine and wine making. Alexander started training Camille since she was very little, I really like how she builds up a world inside her mind, she organize all flavors and smells inside this world sometimes as she is going around the woods remembering how things smell other times running around an abandon building with all this compartments where she have all this information organize, on any story detail is king and Camille story has a ton of details when it comes to identify wine but there is one problem, at a very early age Camille took a full glass of wine to her head after she was left alone during a training session with a glass of wine, she ask her father when she would be aloud to drink wine Alexander said not yet and when she was left alone drank the entire glass creating a trauma, now she cant even have a drop of alcohol because she starts bleeding and some times blacks out. Her parents split apart when she was little, her relationship with her father was mislead and now he is dying, she goes to Tokyo to visit him but it was too late and now have to deal with entire funeral process and her father’s will reading that bring up a lot of surprises to her life.

8.4/10 on IMDB and 100% on RottenTomatoe, this series I think is going under the radar but is getting a very good response from viewers, but there is a reason for this.
Drops of God TV Series is based on the very popular Manga of the same name with 439 chapters on 44 Volumes, can you imagine if Apple+ brings in all this episodes, this thing is going to be eternal, the only fear I have if it doesnt meet the expectations of people who read the manga.
Drops of God,

This is Camille, story starts with her at a bar, she seems to be looking for someone and just ask a bar tender for a glass of water, when I started to watch this TV series I had no idea what to expect, it was new so I wanted to try it, I prefer this approach to avoid spoils and make it more interesting, it was after I watch the first two episodes that I did some research. I had no idea about her condition, she ask for water probably because she is not there to party or do molly IDK, a guy start talking to her about how he is a fan since 15 years old of her book and after some talking he offers her a shot, she refuse and he is ok took both shots but then tries to kiss her and spit a mix of vodka, tequila and gin into her mouth, this is her just after tasting alcohol, Camille pass out eventually wakes up bleeding none stop and gets back home.
Camille lives with her mom and tells her about her father, he is very bad close to die and send for her, her mom thinks he is manipulative but who would do that close to dying, Camille accept her father invitation to Tokyo and took a flight, Alexander is a baller, sends her a car to pick her up and then she flight to Tokyo on a private yet.
Meet Issei Tomine play by Tomohisa Yamashita
who I remember from Tokyo Vice another series I’m waiting on the next season but I’m not sure that’s going to happen.
Issei is Alexander most talented student, although on the manga it says its his step son but probably its too early to reveal that on the series, on the TV series he is the son of Honoka and Tomine Hirokazu, his mother very strict and his father a little bit loose but both very strict to their roots and family, Issei on the other hand is an entrepreneur exploring the world trying to build up a company around oenology and sommelier but more incline into sommelier a person who is trained professionally to identify wine and evaluate it, but he is too young, his family think its a waist of time, lots of obstacle for him to make his dream come true.
When Camille gets to Tokyo she is welcome by Lucas a good friend of her father who takes her to her fathers place to spend the night and the next day to the lawyer who will read the will, here she find out about Issei, describe by her father last words “his spiritual son” , Alexander net worth between his house and wine collection, the biggest and most value wine collection in the world, is around $155 Million USD but there is a catch on his will, he wants some one who could appreciate his lifetime work so he comes up with a test for Camille and Issei.
They have to taste a bottle of wine Alexander left for them to taste blindfolded and will have exactly one month to identify grape, estate, vintage, they both very familiar with the process, after a month they will taste it again, Issei has a huge advantage since he is well trained and constantly tasting wine when in the other hand Camille cant even have a drop of alcohol without passing out.
I laugh at this scene because at first she and her mother wants nothing to do with her father but now that she knows his father inheritance is over $150 Million she feels disrespected because she have to battle it out and is about to try wine that might kill her.
Camille taste the wine and her brain immediately explodes because all the flavors and her intolerance for alcohol, she have gift that we saw on the first scenes that she can identify many flavors and smells but lives with that trauma from the first time she had a glass of wine.
Camille gets so mad she tells Lucas to fuck off and wants nothing to do with her father inheritance, she just want to get over all this process and go back home. They go to her father funeral and cremation ritual that she knew nothing about, it was a traditional Buddhist burial, I hope that’s the term.
After all the ceremonies, Lucas takes Camille back to her fathers place and show her the private wine collection, here she finds a box with wine that her father had specially to drink with her when she turn 18 but that never happen because of their bad communication, besides Lucas insist she must see a video he left for her before he pass out where he explain how important she was for him, he accept was not the best father and ask for her forgiveness.

After watching the first episode I was hooked, I thought this was a season release, thought it was a Netflix series but it was Apple+, their format to release episodes is different and I prefer the weekly episodes so I was lucky they release the first to episodes, as I mention I really like the combination of cultures, the details of how Camille has this talent that she can identify flavors and smells like she has a huge library inside her brain with everything identify running around as a kid and the other hand the story of Issei who is trying to build up his own company despite of been from a wealthy family, he is very determine to succeed in his field but on this story its consider a waist of time.