Silo : The Janitor’s Boy – Season 1 – Episode 5 – RECAP

Silo : The Janitor's Boy - Season 1 - Episode 5 - RECAP -


Silo : The Janitor's Boy - Season 1 - Episode 5 - RECAP INTRODUCTION -

Episode 5 of Silo : The Janitor’s Boy really tells how the administration, sheriffs and judicial have different interest and agendas for the Silo, for their people, for the structure and the future. The entire plot about the internal conspiracy from why they are really inside the Silo and if the outside is really safe or not is very interesting but every time they mention how they are confine to this space and how its an eternal circle of people been born and die inside the Silo without really seen the outside world, without experiencing what is to be free makes me sad and claustrophobic, the Silo does look big and when they go through the apartments looks like small corridors of a small city within the Silo so its very big although you can go from top to bottom in a single day as they have mention before so compare to been free outside and travel to any country or place you want makes a lot of difference, you are still limited to planet earth but its way more bigger and you get to meet different people every day, see the world, the landscapes, different cities, been free is just more than what they consider free on the Silo, besides they are not really free as George Wilkins thought and probably discover the reason why there is a conspiracy and why they are all tricked into thinking the outside is not safe and how the Silo population is manipulated by those in high hierarchy charges like judicial or the mayor.

On this episode we also know more about Robert Sims from judicial and his ambition, at the end he tells Trumbull how hard was life for him as a kid, as the Janitor Son, his father was a janitor who was proud of his job and how important it was for the Silo despite of what other said but Robert as a kid probably didn’t think the same and grew up with that ambition of been important and have power to step over those who look him and his father over the shoulder, now as part of judicial he has got part of that power that he wanted but his ambition is bigger than that, Bernard is there to remind him he is in charge and not Robert, as an intern mayor, I think this intern position was all planed and we are soon to discover how they did it, there has to be a network of spies, mics and cameras around the Silo and probably secret passages, rooms and doors that aloud them to control and do things without people noticing. - tv series divider
Silo : The Janitor's Boy - Season 1 - Episode 5 - RECAP EPISODE DETAILS -

Silo : The Janitor's Boy - Season 1 - Episode 5 - RECAP -


It seems that the Mayor and Judicial always have plans to been steps ahead of the Silo sentiment, right now after the murder of the mayor and a sheriff people are scared to go out, kids to go to school, adults to go to work because they think a murder is loose out there and they could be next, after all there is not much room to run away, to prevent this chaos the mayor and judicial have come up with ideas to distract people, Sims idea (judicial) is to offer a holiday, Forgiveness Day although Bernard is more creative and came up with a celebration to commemorate Marnes and Ruth as an in love couple who were murder but the narrative is to talk about how great their last years together were, how much they love each other and on that day do things they “like” , for example having a race to the top in honor of Marnes, Robert disagree with the idea but Bernard idea generates a story, more than just giving a day off to the Silo and keep people thinking about a murder that is still out there, this two are going to clash in the future but Bernard is in charge, Robert cant step over him.

Silo : The Janitor's Boy - Season 1 - Episode 5 - RECAP -


As the clever man Bernard is, he tries to guide Jules around Judicial, not for them to be friends but to keep her alive, Im sure he already knows why she took the Sheriff job and wants her to also stay distracted thinking she can solve George murder case but at the same time keeping her away from the truth that might involve either him or Sims, keeping here running in circles but Jules is too smart to fall on that game, she is going to become a problem for Bernard and Sims.

Silo : The Janitor's Boy - Season 1 - Episode 5 - RECAP -


I would say that the first ten minutes of the episode was the interesting part where you have to analyze how Bernard, Robert and Jules think, how they react to each other, Paul Billings was there too but more like a compliance auditor since he knows so much the pact but the real talk and tension was between this all three, Bernard thinking he is the smart one on the room and have everyone figure out, Sims trying to step over Jules and Jules not giving a fuck about anyone and determine to discover what really happens with George.

This scene shows how Ruth and Marnes are buried together as a couple something that was just for married couples based on the pact but Bernard made an exception as the mayor, this was part of his plan for people to think about a couple in love and not about a couple with high hierarchy jobs murder, that was smart.

Jules gives a small speech that really reminds how sad is living within the Silo, how they are all trap without knowing why, how there a large population that knew Ruth as their only Mayor since they were born, this shows the monarchy and monopoly of politics within the Silo.

They are buried at a very low depth in a field of apple threes, everyone bites an apple an throw it at them because they will now serve as fertilizer for the apple threes and all those apples they bite are the seeds, the cycle of life and death within the Silo.

Silo : The Janitor's Boy - Season 1 - Episode 5 - RECAP -

Silo : The Janitor's Boy - Season 1 - Episode 5 - RECAP -


Its all about distractions, shining things and mirrors, but this time Jules caught it right, she front runs Judicial and got Patrick Kennedy under her custody without telling anyone else, few days after Ruth was murder Marnes visit Patrick as a suspect of his witch hunt and got his ass kicked, he was the last person to have an altercation with Marnes and now Judicial wants to incriminate him, Jules picked up that thought fast enough to safe his Patrick’s live but also putting her own at risk, she was going after someone with way more power than her, Sims, who mention at the first scene of the episode how he was visit Marnes the night he died to convince him to make Paul Billings Sheriff so he could have inside man of his own. Jules takes Patrick and then stay around his apartment waiting for someone from Judicial to show up and she was right, Douglas Trumbull a man who was mislead by Sims under the impression he was a candidate to be Sims shadow, he was doing the dirty work for Sims and when Jules caught him in the act of planting false evidence on Patrick’s apartment there was a chase that ends on him pushing Jules over the stairs railing where she almost fall, same as George died, it was an intense scene.

Silo : The Janitor's Boy - Season 1 - Episode 5 - RECAP -


After Douglas failed to plant false evidence on Patrick’s apartment, got discovered by Jules and failed to murder her after he got caught, it was evident that he was a threat to Sims, its here where Sims shows how drunk with power he is and his complex of been the Janitor’s Boy, he gives Douglas a pep talk about how hard was for him to be the Janitor’s Son and how after all the limitations he got to the point he is, even tells Douglas that he is going to be his shadow, the man smiles at Sims of happiness because it but Sims throws him to the bottom of the Silo, this shows how twisted and sick Sims is and he will anything to stay in his position of power, but I’m sure there is more to it, how he kills a man publicly and gets away wit it, there must be an insurance system that lets him manipulate the stories. - tv series divider

Silo : The Janitor's Boy - Season 1 - Episode 5 - RECAP CONCLUSION -

I got to say I really enjoy Episode 5 of the Silo: The Janitor’s Boy, there was a lot of suspense and the action scenes were intense, on this Episode Sims starts to become an important character of the story, I remember how I mention this before, we start to see how Bernard and Sims are the ones really in charge of the Silo, from the first two episodes when Bernard was introduce he look like a robot, never thought he could be so sleek, sharp and manipulative, how he came up with the story of Ruth and Marnes been in love to change the narrative around the Silo, Sims show his true colors manipulating Paul, Douglas and telling Jules straight to her face how he is going to work to get rid of her and send her back to mechanical. I still don’t know who killed Ruth and Marnes, going to watch the episode again if cant figure out then probably on the next episode they will figure out the murder.

Silo : The Janitor's Boy - Season 1 - Episode 5 - RECAP PREV Episodes -

Episode 1:
Episode 2:
Episode 3:
Episode 4: - tv series divider


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