Silo : The Relic – Season 1 – Episode 6 – RECAP

Silo : The Relic - Season 1 - Episode 6 - RECAP -


Silo : The Relic - Season 1 - Episode 6 - RECAP INTRODUCTION -

Episode 6 of The Silo, Season One, reveals the Silo Monitor Center, Jules has a very different perspective from the Silo than many of the people living in it, since she met George she got sucked into this conspiracy that George was trying to unveil but unfortunately for both he ran out of time after he was found dead, allegedly he either jump from one of the stairs rails or someone pushes him; Jules lost interest on the conspiracy theory, the conspiracy has been proven to get you killed after George died and Holston was sent out to clean, but she did step in as a Sheriff initially with the intentions to find out what really happened to George not because Holston ask her too or because it was the right thing to do, serve when duty calls, it was mainly to figure out who killed George but recent events like the death of the Mayor and Deputy Marnes have actually put work on her hands and a motive to be a real Sheriff trying to find out if this conspiracy George was obsessed to reveal also killed this two characters that now were so close to her, down the road this events also push Juliette away from persuing her first goal letting her to think its time to go back home and forget everything that happen but she has a great mentor in Martha who tells her to stay firm on her believes and finish what she started, the seek for the truth of George death and indirectly figure out if there is really something more than the Silo itself out there, it took Juliette a few minutes to put her shit together and move forward, she is after all a women with a very strong character and mind of her own who rarely let others influence on her believes but its hard not to when others are one or two step ahead, on this episode its confirm that everyone on the Silo is been watched both by video and audio, they can see you and listen to your conversations, they know what you did, where you at and what you said, this circuanstances will make you doubt and probably whats exactly what happen to Juliette, yes at first she was chocked by what Kathleen told he about George but she should probably trust more George if she really knew him and think that some things he did he had to do in order to move forward with his investigation, he was constantly walking out of the Silo Law line and probably could not be as straight forward as Kathleen or Juliette may wanted too, women more often than men are hardly impact on their decisions by love, it can even make Juliette doubt about her believes after all she is human, mixed feelings almost tip her over. - tv series divider
Silo : The Relic - Season 1 - Episode 6 - RECAP EPISODE DETAILS -

Silo : The Relic - Season 1 - Episode 6 - RECAP -

Silo : The Relic - Season 1 - Episode 6 - RECAP -


From all these DOOMS DAY TV series I think Silo gets very close to what will happen to the planet and the human race if things go south with the climate, humans might be forced to live underground, it really surprises me how on the series things like this candy dispenser, at least that’s what it looks like, is banned, Judicial make it illegal for anyone to have something like it, there is a lot of truth on George words when he said: “why do they make it a risk to our lives to have them?”, the answer to that question is that it sparks to more questions like from where did it come from, are there any more like it? when and why is it here? , these are questions that lead to the main question, why are we hiding on this Silo? because so far nobody mentions why they lived inside the Silo, the only thing close to a reason is that the “founders” knew better and put them there but who are the founders and why did they build the Silo, Curious George knew better and was working on answering this question, the big question.


Silo : The Relic - Season 1 - Episode 6 - RECAP -


That same little plastic ducky started an investigation and almost broke apart Juliette and Billings, even on the pact they had those things like this are the gateway to criminal activity but it’s not the object the problem it’s the questions that it raises among the people on the Silo, plus if we think about it there must be a lot of people that is not sane inside that enclosure, yes the Silo is very big and sometimes looks like a very small city on the inside it still a close environment.

Silo : The Relic - Season 1 - Episode 6 - RECAP -


In episode six we get to see Judge Meadows, the person who is “supposed” to be in charge of the Judicial department but in fact, it’s very clear that its all an illusion, Robert Sims is clearly who dictates the tone of the conversation in the room, she clearly looks manipulated by Sims and also looks sick, wouldn’t be strange that in the future she dies because she was slowly poison.


Silo : The Relic - Season 1 - Episode 6 - RECAP -


A living example of someone who probably almost got killed because of having or dealing with relics in the past and has now stopped caring about them is Patrick, he has the look of a guy who is trying to change his life, not the most honest man on the Silo probably but for sure looks afraid of having anything to do with relics as he explains how it destroy his life, he gave Juliette the only name he could, the only dealer he could rat out but in fact, it was because Judicial already knew about her, Juliette is looking for answers behind the plastic duck relic, answers that could lead her to the murder of the mayor but in fact takes her to a dark corner.

Silo : The Relic - Season 1 - Episode 6 - RECAP -


Silo : The Relic - Season 1 - Episode 6 - RECAP -


When Juliette took the Sheriff’s job she did it for love, she wanted to figure out who killed George as she was so sure he didn’t commit suicide, a recent event especially starting the investigation of where this relic came from, got her to almost change her mind, take in consideration she wanted to know because initially, George gave it to her so she knew anyone who got it after that probably got it from George, Julliete fix George watch because she truly loves him and makes her feel special but finding out that he used other people to continue his quest to unveil the answer to the big question got her think twice if he really love her or was she just part of his quest? Kathleen, the woman on the second picture, almost got Juliette doubt of George’s true motives, Juliette almost quit and went back to mechanical.

Silo : The Relic - Season 1 - Episode 6 - RECAP -


Silo : The Relic - Season 1 - Episode 6 - RECAP -


The minute Juliette talk to Kathleen, Sims got notified, Sims brings Bernard (temporary mayor) to question her motives because they knew Kathleen hold some information that might raise the same questions George had about the Silo. Juliette manages to shake them off for the time but after a second visit to Kathleen, she gave Juliett a book that not even Sims knew about, a relic before the Silo, until now civilians don’t know they are been watched including Juliette. - tv series divider

Silo : The Relic - Season 1 - Episode 6 - RECAP CONCLUSION -

Silo is a great series, from episode one it got me hooked, on every episode we get more details about the conspiracy that the management of the Silo runs, and it’s not regular management, its those behind the curtain moving the strings like Bernard and Sims, now when know how they are always a step ahead of everyone but Juliette is slick and will find her way out, it incredible how everything goes back to George, the relic she is investigating might take her to solve three murders but I think Sims is going to stop her, it’s hard for Juliette to do her job when there is a monitoring center with multiple employees watching and listen to her. Episode six also shows Juliette’s decision to find out who killed George and that she really loves him, sometimes you just have to believe in your judgment, even though Kathleen told her he probably used them both Juliette still went back to find out the truth because she loved George, it didn’t matter if he used her, what matter is the moment she spend with him and what she felt when they were together, like when she fix the watch just because watching him happy make her feel the same, that’s true love.


A Small Light : Welcome to Switzerland - Season 1 Episode 2 - RECAP PREV Episodes -

Episode 1:
Episode 2:
Episode 3:
Episode 4: - tv series divider


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Silo : Truth – Season 1 – Episode 4 – RECAP

Silo : Truth - Season 1 - Episode 4 - RECAP -
Silo : Truth – Season 1 – Episode 4 – RECAP


Silo : Truth - Season 1 - Episode 4 - RECAP INTRODUCTION -

Major Ruth has been murder, poison, they mention rat poison and that she was NOT the target. Jules gets involve in the case as a new Sheriff this is her first murder case officially, saying officially because she is after George murder too, Marnes is devastated by Major Ruth death but if Major Ruth was not the target and it was Marnes who from all the people he has pissed off in the past wants him death, if I have to take a quick guess is Robert Sims, remember how he wanted to put some one on Jules Sheriff position but Major Ruth intervene then the next vacancy would be Marnes because killing Jules could be hard to pull besides its too obvious.

After three episodes we already know enough about Jules, about her family, how she started her career on engineering and never came back to the upper floors of the Silo until now that she have been given the job of Sheriff, who is her father but on this episode its also mention how her brother dies and the impact it had on her family reducing it to she and her father only. On episode four I think concludes the story of Jules as a kid, how she stay on deep in the Silo shadowing engineers, starting from picking up scraps, repair them, all the way up in ranks to the point she was trusted with the Silo generator, its an interesting story and its like and episodes that holds up a lot of action for the next one, there is a lot of story from when she was a kid but also the start of an entire drama that is the conspiracy of Major Ruth accidental death because the real target was Manes, in the mean time Bernard is assign as temporary mayor but on whose side is him? also he and Jules have some story. - tv series divider
Silo : Truth - Season 1 - Episode 4 - RECAP EPISODE DETAILS -

Silo : Truth - Season 1 - Episode 4 - RECAP -
Silo : Truth – Season 1 – Episode 4 – RECAP


Marnes is totally broken by Major Ruth death, they were lovers but had to hide it to the public because of their roles in the Silo, he explains Bernard and Sims how when you walk the Silo people usually drink from each other bottles because its easier to reach from others back pack but Major Ruth bottle had a leak so he didn’t drink any water from her bottle, raising the question was she the target? was she the only target? probably the murder didn’t think about it and poison Marnes bottle only thinking he would drink from his own water bottle or was Major Ruth the real target? I already mention that I think Sims wanted Marnes Sheriff position open to give it to one of his own people, I always felt suspicious about Bernard and Sims, each with their own agenda within the Silo and probably know the truth about why and how all this people got into the Silo.

Since Marnes cant be rational at the moment Jules gets the case assign to her by Bernard acting as proxy Major, Marnes is pissed and has no hope on Jules but at least she can act rational and be proactive.

Silo : Truth - Season 1 - Episode 4 - RECAP -
Silo : Truth – Season 1 – Episode 4 – RECAP


Its no secret that only Sheriff Holston wanted Juliette as a Sheriff and that was because he had other personal reasons and probably not because she was capable of pulling the job, she has everyone against her including Mandy who use to be Holston’s assistant, but Jules knows how to be a real pain the ass so she pulls the I’m The Boss card on Mandy and get her to look for George’s file, problem is that its no where to be found.

Silo : Truth - Season 1 - Episode 4 - RECAP -
Silo : Truth – Season 1 – Episode 4 – RECAP


Jules have some big shoes to fill in and her first day at the job has been a nightmare, not only Major Ruth dies after putting Jules as the new Sheriff but she now has to baby sit Marnes who started his own witch hunt, he is not a popular guy around the Silo but people respect him although he got a few grudge here and there that got him his nose broken after insulting some ones wife to not get into unnecessary details, Marnes just went rouge and is getting peoples attention and hate making him a target again, before things go south for him Jules was able to explain him her relation with Holston how he was working on George case but she cant figure out where the case file is, all she knows is that the word Truth on Holston badge was the sign she was waiting for as the last time she saw Holston he said “when I find the truth I will send you a sign” that was the key worth Truth on the back of his badge so they agree to help each other.

Marnes has been constantly drinking since Major Ruth death, he cant help himself, after a visit from Sims he gets another visit but this time from and unknown uninvited guess whose mission is to kill him, if judicial aka Sims was the one who wanted him dead then now is the chance with him all drunk and not be able to fight back.

Silo : Truth - Season 1 - Episode 4 - RECAP -
Silo : Truth – Season 1 – Episode 4 – RECAP


Jules got very lucky when she found George files inside an air vent on Holston apartment, he knew they were going to clean it up after he goes out to clean and “die” so he hide it inside an air duct, as we confirm on prev episode the Silo is govern by a conspiracy, the outside world is not what it seems from the inside but its hard to believe or prove it if you have never been outside and there is a pact with tons of restrictions to figure this out making it almost illegal to know more about it and that is the reason why George was murder, it would be very hard that he commit suicide, he was killed after finding something that he shouldn’t and was about to tell Jules but it was too late when she arrive, Holston also find out the truth about the outside but why he haven’t come back knocking on the door or probably he did but upper management wont reveal it, anything outside the Silo and how they got into the Silo is a mystery, soon all the characters will get involve into the conspiracy story and this story time episodes will be over. - tv series divider

Silo : Truth - Season 1 - Episode 4 - CONCLUSION -

This episode at times felt boring but also like is setting up for something bigger now that we know the real target was Marnes and his killer accomplish the mission after the first attempt but ended up killing Major Ruth creating a bigger buzz around the Silo, so far it doesn’t look that this mistake would change their plans, I’m sure soon Jules will become a target as she starts to get deeper into George case and discover the same thing got him killed, there is a lot of screen time dedicated to Jules story as when she was a kid and how she started on the scraps yard recycling Silo trask, looking for things to fix and send them back up, how she and her father never had a good relationship after her mother died pushing her to isolated into tech, fixing and repairing things, leading to going deep into the Silo and end in charge of the Silo generator.


Silo - Season 1 - PREV EPISODES -

Episode 1:
Episode 2:
Episode 3: - tv series divider


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Silo : Machines – Episode 3 – Recap

SILO : Machines - Season 1 Episode 3 RECAP -
SILO : Machines – Season 1 Episode 3 RECAP


SILO : Machines - Season 1 Episode 3 RECAP INTRODUCTION -

Juliette has a lot on her plate now been offered the job as a Sheriff after Holston wanted her to be her successor and both dead Holston and George, to that add she may need to shut down the Silo generator for the first time in Silo history to repair it without room for failure or live in darkness.

On Episode 2 had enough of the Silo and decided to go out but before he took such a light decision he had two entire years after George died and Juliette show him everything George have discover so far, he must have discover the truth about the Silo but probably was a bit selfish at not telling anything to Juliette but after all going out its a one shot decision, all they see from the inside its what shown from a camera that IS controlled by the Silo, the outside looks doomed and everyone who goes out dies by the “poison”, its a gamble that on this episode is revealed for a very brief time, Holston left behind a signal that Juliette understood and make her take the decision to take the Sheriff job but only after she becomes the first woman and engineer to shut down the generator for the first time in Silo history and get it repaired, she is going in basically blind folded without knowing whats wrong with generator and with very limited time before things go BOOM!! - tv series divider
SILO : Machines - Season 1 Episode 3 RECAP EPISODE DETAILS -

SILO : Machines - Season 1 Episode 3 RECAP -
SILO : Machines – Season 1 Episode 3 RECAP


Juliette is still grieving for George, on episode 2 she did try to reach the bottom of the cave where George mention there is a tunnel with a door at the end but the amount of water down there is massive besides who knows what is down there, water is life and all of the sudden there is some creature down there or the water could be toxic, water in the dark is very scary too and for someone who has never seen the ocean or even a full size Olympic pool imagine how hard it could be to take a big ass rope and go down about twenty meters to then jump into that massive amount of water, also consider that the rest of the excavator that was use to made the Silo is under water too so for all she knows she can dive into the water and hit the excavator right away all that and alone in the dark, she cant tell anyone else, if that information goes into the wrong hands Juliette can easily get killed.

She gets so drunk Shirley has to come to her place, its been two hours and she haven’t reported yet but when Juliette was waking up and recovering the Silo started shaking, the generator has been having issues, big vibrations that can make it explode so they both run down to the machine room and see whats going on, after kicking and screaming, Juliette rule is no body else goes into the generator but her, they figure out the diagnostic was wrong, the vibration is getting worst and its on the opposite direction so they have to shut it down to repair it before its too late. Knox chief of engineering has to come up with a plan to do this, Juliette is pushing for this but soon will get all the backup she needed to make it happen.

SILO : Machines - Season 1 Episode 3 RECAP -
SILO : Machines – Season 1 Episode 3 RECAP


Mayor Ruth and Deputy Marnes are heading down to the machine room to talk to Juliette and offer her the job of Sheriff, its a tradition to offer the job no matter what after a Sheriff retire or pass out and leaves a candidate behind, first they stop by IT to try to get more information about her and ask Bernard head of IT, Juliette and him had some history after she took some heat resistant tape without permission but basically thats all she has on her to call her a thief.

Bernard must be part of the conspiracy, as head of IT he most likely knows the image on the screen is hijacked, what they showing is not the truth about the outside conditions, it shows a doom land but its the total opposite, on episode two I thought Holston was hallucinating when he saw clear sky, plants and trees but on this episode part of the truth is reveal although seem no body pay attention for this quick blip on the system.

Mayor Ruth also stop by to talk with Julitte’s father, Dr. Pete Nichols about her but as expected they don’t talk that much, they haven’t seen each other since she left to engendering when she was thirteen years old, since then not a word.

SILO : Machines - Season 1 Episode 3 RECAP -
SILO : Machines – Season 1 Episode 3 RECAP


Finally Mayor Ruth and Deputy Marnes get to the machine room and explain everything is going in the upper part of the Silo to Juliette, Holston left her as his Sheriff candidate and no body wants her, not IT, not the judge, even if they ask her father that’s a solid no, at first she even say no, it look like it was a done deal, she knows its more important for everyone for her to stay down there at least until the generator gets repaired but for some reason Mayor Ruth wants her to take the job, she didn’t say it directly but at least thinks if Holston leave her as his successor has to be for a good reason and probably also wants to respect his last wish. Before they go back to the upper part of the Silo, Deputy Marnes gave Julitte Holston batch and that’s when it kicks in, Hank saw something on the back of the batch that make Juliette change her mind, it said “Truth” but there is only one condition, she first has to repair the generator, after some back and forward with the Mayor it gets approve, no body likes it and its a big gamble. There are a lot of things that can go wrong, they got less than thirty minutes before the steam that moves the generator make the steam container blow up.

SILO : Machines - Season 1 Episode 3 RECAP -
SILO : Machines – Season 1 Episode 3 RECAP


The picture above shows the screen in the cafeteria, with the generator ON and then when they shut it down to transition into backup power, for a quick second the true image goes on but people were so scare, they have never been in the dark that probably not many notice, if you really zoom in you can see that on the first imagine there is Holston body on the ground, dead, but on the second one there is nothing.

SILO : Machines - Season 1 Episode 3 RECAP -
SILO : Machines – Season 1 Episode 3 RECAP


Nobody like that the Silo went into backup power but it seems Benard head of IT specially took it personal, but Juliette is now officially the new Sheriff in town, she took the job but only to keep working on finding the truth about the Silo and George death, Holston once told her he will send word when he finds something and him sending for her as Sheriff was that signal plus the word truth at the back of his batch, now Juliette knows there is more to why Holston decided to go out, for Holston it was a gamble but for Juliette its less, time will tell if she runs with same luck as George and someone attempt to kill her when she gets too close to the truth.

SILO : Machines - Season 1 Episode 3 RECAP -
SILO : Machines – Season 1 Episode 3 RECAP


For some very strange reason Mayor Ruth dies after she goes back to her office with Deputy Marnes, I cant figure out how they killed her, for sure she didn’t die because something was wrong with her, I never saw her eating anything during the episode she only drank water, probably her water was poison when lights went out, after all she was making some noise by not stooping to visit the judge and went directly to offer Juliette the Sheriff position against all the people she ask about Juliette. - tv series divider

SILO : Machines - Season 1 Episode 3 CONCLUSION -

This was a great episode with a lot of action, Juliette put her life on the line to get the generator fix, she knew it was now or never plus there is much more for her to discover now that Holston has send for her after selecting her to replace him but things wont be easy, the entity or people behind the truth of the Silo will do anything to keep things like they are, keep tight control of the people and the Silo, they can also quickly end anyone life just look at what happen to Mayor Ruth, they just filed a Sheriff vacancy now there is one for Mayor and I think the next Mayor wont be Juliette’s favorite.

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