Fatal Attraction : The Movie in Your Mind – Episode 2 – Season 1 – Recap

FATAL ATTRACTION S01E02 RECAP - https://skiptvads.blog



After Episode 1 Dan Gallagher gets out of prison on paroled and meets again with his now older daughter Ellen after fifteen years to tell to her face that he didn’t murder Alex Forrest but he had to admit it only to have the chance to get out just as he did, this is all part of his plan to now prove he didn’t do it, its not over yet for him.

The Movie in Your Mind, makes reference to what Ellen, Dan’s daughter is going through now that his dad is out of jail, confess that he didn’t kill Alex and is now going to prove it, ever since this entire situation started for her, probably when she was way younger she has been taking therapy, it looks like it really got to her and she may have some sort of problem to concentrate as she implements a method of transcribe her classes in order to analyze it better, she has also been taking therapy this hole time and its a big part of her life, probably what will help her to overcome the entire mess that is coming up, with Dan now trying to proof he is innocent it wont be easy for Ellen, she might get involve and things could turn ugly, who knows if Dan still has some secrets he never told his family and there still the doubt if Dan really killed her or not, we already know he doesn’t do well with though circumstances, after all getting denied the position for judge is what let him to take bad decisions and ended up with Alex and a very toxic “relationship” at least that’s what Alex thought this was, for her the one night thing was over and now DEMANDS more attention, she wants him to spend the night when she clearly knows he is married and cant do that but its then when her true colors came up, its on this Episode 2 that we see the start of this Fatal Attraction.

Numbers for this series started very low and as I always mention it always looks worst than it really is, not all viewers are motivated to leave a review after watching a movie or a tv series, its only those that either feel passionate about it or felt really disappointed and wants their money and time back, but most reviews are from the second half, on IMDB at the moment of this post the score has climbed to 5.9/10 over all and this Episode 2 got a 7.1/10, over all a total of 1.2k reviews that’s a good amount of people putting their opinion out there.

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FATAL ATTRACTION S01E02 RECAP - https://skiptvads.blog


Dan and Alex are starting by getting to know each other too much, they both already know what they want from each other but they going through that high school romance where they just cant stop talking about their likes, friends, work experience, parents basically about everything that makes them feel good sharing tons of information and just cant stop talking, this scene really annoy me, just too sweet for my taste, for Dan it cant be more perfect because his wife and daughter are out of town on a school activity and he has the entire night for himself. Another lawyer comes next to Dan asking him why he hates him, they seem to have a case in common and Dan is kicking his ass, Dan gets distracted and Alex goes out the restaurant leaving him a note that she is going to another bar, they met over there and just kept talking and talking same thing until she goes to the bathroom and all of the sudden the fire alarm goes off and water rain down on them, I WAS 200% SURE this was her doing.

FATAL ATTRACTION S01E02 RECAP - https://skiptvads.blog


When it comes to this type of situations women are way smart than men, that night after he was talking and laughing that much she knew she had him, he had no chance of getting out of it, she sets the fire alarm and it start spraying water so she knew they would either go some place to get their cloth dry and what other place more convenient than her apartment, besides they are just co workers right? , they do go to her apartment and after an awkward moment for Dan where he didn’t know what to do, he is not getting any younger so not a dating guy, he almost got out of the apartment without a scratch but right the moment he was getting to the elevator after saying good bye, Alex comes out the apartment, it would take a lot of self control, power and focus to not going back into the apartment with her for Dan and most men under that situation, lets make clear I’m not saying its correct or men are just like that, I’m just saying get on the role and try to imagine what would the experience of been there be like. I really like how so far both actors are developing their characters, it really felt like there was a connection between them, so they spend the night, I let the rest to your imagination.

FATAL ATTRACTION S01E02 RECAP - https://skiptvads.blog


The next day Dan comes home and his dog was left alone the entire night, fuck it up everywhere, at this point he probably thought, IF HE WAS THINKING, I fuck it up once but I can control it, right the next they he goes to the beach with Alex and his dog, kept talking and talking about themself until they end up again at her apartment, it was a wild weekend for Dan and his dog.

FATAL ATTRACTION S01E02 RECAP - https://skiptvads.blog


I have never been a fan of going out of having a relationship with someone work related, I have always thought it was bad for business, work environment, either if things go well or not, always consider it a distraction and its true, when you are starting to go out with someone knew, starting a relationship in your work environment it will always be distracting and when things go south can turn really really bad when you mix feelings with work and that’s exactly what is about to happen here with Dan and Alex, as they spend more time together it creates a feeling that they moving forward at least for one of them, its always like that unless the rules has been set from the start but in this case it was not, this is a wild adventure and both are free to take it they way they think it is, for one could be just that an adventure for the other could be something serious in the future. They start to see each other at work, most Dan fault because he assign work to Alex through her boss Conchita, this gives her the perfect excuse to see him and they just cant kept their hands on their pockets, they are now having spicy encounters at work places, savage rabbits fucking everywhere they can.

FATAL ATTRACTION S01E02 RECAP - https://skiptvads.blog


The series move back and forward on the timeline, for now the most relevant part is what happen between Dan and Alex but latter on when the investigation kicks in by Dan his daughter, ex wife and his friend Mike who I think was his defendant lawyer, will become more important to the story. Mike goes to Dan’s ex wife place to let her know and Ellen that he talk to Dan and they going to work on his case again, proof his innocence, Dan’s ex wife, Beth, is not a fan of this and she probably doesn’t want to see him but for sure doesn’t hate him after she mention he shouldn’t loose the rest of his life for this women he already lost fifteen years to her, an ex wife who hate you would say drop dead or go back to jail really doesn’t matter to her.

Elle had a really good relationship with her father, she is confuse and doesn’t know how much close she wants him for now, I think that’s her fear since its one of the things she most discuss with her therapist.

FATAL ATTRACTION S01E02 RECAP - https://skiptvads.blog


Dan keeps fucking Alex like there is no tomorrow, every night, every moment they have alone but the worst is that he didn’t set the rules from the start, if you are not going into a relationship and its just that fucking you need to set the rules at least if this moment comes “what were we doing?” that’s Alex thinking they will now start a relationship or there is already a relationship between them, from here its all fucked up for Dan, Alex knew exactly what she wanted and probably had good intentions but she is not the one who knows how to handle disappointment or rejection.

If you are with a women and the fire alarms goes out, suspiciously after she goes to the bathroom, that’s a BIG RED FLAG, she is manipulating the situation to create an outcome based on what she wants, the problem is that now she is affecting others, its a small detail that could have stop Dan when he had the chance but now its too late, they had this fight because he dress up minutes after they fuck so she felt he was in a hurry, the hole thirty minute fights about why he always have to go after fucking but before he goes she ask him “how many do you think it would take?…Pills” TF she now took a bunch of pills to kill herself because Dan cant stay. Dan takes her to the hospital but she was bluffing, never went in and he took her back to her place, eventually he goes but now with a HUGE problem he will have to deal with, worst part remember how I said things can turn really bad with a toxic relationship at work, well that’s what this is, I’m intrigue on how Dan will handle this, he will probably try to soft things out with Alex and she will turn extremely possessive.

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FATAL ATTRACTION S01E02 CONCLUSION - https://skiptvads.blog

I’m glad to be right about this series, after the Pilot, Episode 1, the rest of the episodes on IMDB have gotten a very good score up to 7.8/10, this is my second episode and find it really interesting, yes its predictable the entire part of Dan and Alex relationship but if this turns out to be a series of more than one season then there will be plenty of story to develop, at some point the series will be more about the present life of Dan trying to proof his innocence and that he didn’t kill Alex, for now I believe him based on Alex actions but this entire situation was his fault, he didn’t know how to handle the turn down of not getting elected judge and start doing stupid shit, this includes start doing Alex or if he is not the type of guy who doesn’t fuck people from work then at least makes things clear for her from the start. Alex show her true colors on this episode, making clear she is not the type of woman who handles very well rejection and her feelings get her to do stupid things like faking she took a bunch of pills only to make a stupid out of herself the moment she is at the hospital door and ask Dan to take her back, very childish from her part but hey that’s what makes this series a classic Fatal Attraction right, I’m very intrigue to what happens next, a bit behind on this series and most since I couldn’t make my daily post regular so far for this month, I will work hard to get back on track.

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