Alex has started to create her own world after not dealing well with rejection from Dan, in her world only what she wants matter, only what makes her happy and have proven to do what ever needed to be done to get Dan do her will the easy way or the hard way.
Episode five drop bombs from start to finish, lot of things are reveled and some of my theories are proven by Mike and by Ellen, this episodes name Medial Woman comes from a paper Ellen is writing about “Structural Forms of The Feminine Psyche” by Toni Wolff and there is a quote that fits almost perfect to Alex
She must for instance express or act what is “in the air,” what the environment cannot or will not admit, but what is nevertheless a part of it. It is mostly the dark aspect of a situation or of a predominant idea, and she thus activates what is negative and dangerous. In this way she becomes the carrier of evil
Alex is creating this world where she wants to live in, she wanted to be pregnant from Dan to the point where she start to believe her own lie, she is living between both world the real world and her fantasy world, she think she feels pregnant and seems “happy” about it but then takes a test, came out negative and took it on Beth burning down a house she was in. Then tries to bring in Dan closer to her the hard way, threatening with an anonymous letter to his boss, a letter that relates to HR matters who start an investigation on Dan at the end been release from it not before HR mention that Alex safe his ass so she wants him to feel like he owe her something to feel an obligation to say thanks or something. On this reality that Alex is living in every time it doesn’t turn out her way she just end up hurting people or in the case of Beth mom, killing innocent people but Dan draw then line when it comes to Ellen.
Mike and Ellen both come to the same conclusion that Dan didn’t cheat on Beth because there was something about Alex, he did it because he couldn’t handle the fact that he was not getting the judge position after many years, he felt his carrier was a failure and he didn’t have enough time to wait for the next opening in four years like he ran out of time and Alex was his escape route, unlucky Dan he mess with the wrong person, Alex mentally unhealthy besides him not telling her the rules of the game from the start letting her believe there was something between them but Mike said it once, that’s all Dan, he always put up the show so people like him, at least those that matter for him because there were a few that now turn their backs on him because he treat them like shit, sometimes they deserve it and sometimes it was just Dan under pressure not knowing how to deal with it. Dan goes all out on Alex, day at the beach with the dog, ran away with her late night to a restaurant, sneaking to see fuck her, four times was enough to make Alex believe there was something growing and look probably like a long time for her, even though Alex needed therapy and was not very well balanced this was Dan’s fault most of it.

A lot of things come to light on episode five, Alex did murder Beth mother, she was still around their place after visiting and saw the backyard gate open, comes in and found Dan’s dog then came out Beth mother to thank her to get the dog before he went out, she invites her for a coffee that turns into a cup of wine and after a few minutes of chatting she mention how Beth and her father sometimes live their own separate world that probably they wouldn’t notice if she was missing, I think this makes Alex angry either feeling the same way with Dan like he doesn’t notice her anymore and probably angry at Beth for been ungrateful with her mother, at least from Alex perspective, Beth mother wanted to close the pool cover and she falls into the pool at that moment Alex decide to close the cover making Beth mother drowned, then she ran away after cleaning everything to make it look like she was never there but Dan knew, he had that suspicion that it was Alex who did it.

Dan tells his wife Beth the truth about Alex, this one was painful to watch, the day Beth mother dies, Alex killed her, Dan tells her whats happening but the real bad part is not the why he is telling her but that he is forced to tell her by the events happening, soon or latter he would tell Beth because Alex was putting too much pressure with what she have been doing but killing Beth mother was the drop spilled the glass although he didn’t have any concrete proof, it was devastating for Beth facing her mother death and that her husband cheat on her and is only telling her now because he feels they are in danger because of something that he did, something that he didn’t need to do, something no body force him to do and something he did without measuring the consequences, that’s the main problem form acting on impulse.

A written letter is send to Dan’s boss that accuse him of “things” they never said about what exactly but this opens an investigation that involve HR and puts Dan on halt until is over, he is send home and on the way took it on Earl, a detective who Dan treat like crap most of the time and things very little of his work, no wonder why when Dan gets out of jail and ask for his help, Earl tells both Mike and Dan to fuck off, Dan probably look over a few people when he was all mighty Dan Gallagher and now all those people are taking cheap shot at him when ever he ask for help. Alex is interview by HR and talk all this wonderful things about Dan and when the interview is done she makes this show like she felt dizzy and mention she probably pregnant, TF

Dan wants to spend time with Ellen his daughter but at doing this with Dan’s record he expose himself to hard truth and mixed feelings, there can be times that she understand him but others where she puts herself first, she didn’t grow up with her dad next to her so this person who came out of jail is not her dad, just someone who has the title of been her dad but they don’t know each other, didn’t took her too long to understand Dan didn’t cheat because he wanted Alex but he didn’t know how to deal with his problems, something that lead him to his worst mistake in a life time.

Dan is already suspicious that Alex killed his mother in law plus he knows she trow acid at his car and is harassing him constantly but he doesn’t know she also set on fire a house Beth was remodeling, while Beth and him were at the hospital got a call that Ellen cant be found after she came form school was suppose to go with their neighbors but nothing and he immediately thought this was Alex, Mike found her but even though without proofs and no plan to bring the case to the police Dan makes the same mistake again, wait for Alex out of her apartment and jump her from the back, throw her around even started to choke her but stop when she just let him do it, then he tells her he is going to the feds and don’t care about anything anymore and came up wit this brilliant phrase “if you want to die, you better hurry up” this was the perfect time to set him up after he put his hands on her, there is probably some soft of finger prints, hair, dna what ever that can proof he was there and put his hand on her, the episodes ends with a lot of blood on the floor, probably Alex’s blood, she killed herself and frame Dan.
I have a feeling there wont be Season 2 and this is just another mini series although its not describe as a mini series, this was so far the best episode of the season, everything comes to light, Dan tells Beth the truth and now we know Alex was out there trying to hurt not only Dan but his family even killing his mother in law on its way but at the same time trying to get closer to him by “helping” him at work with the HR investigation, she doesn’t know whats black or white anymore and is fully tilted but Dan gave her the worst idea, to kill herself and frame him.
Episode 1: https://skiptvads.blog/fatal-attraction-pilot-season-1-personal-thoughts/
Episode 2: https://skiptvads.blog/fatal-attraction-the-movie-in-your-mind-episode-2-season-1-recap/
Episode 3: https://skiptvads.blog/fatal-attraction-the-watchful-heart-season-1-episode-3-recap/
Episode 4: https://skiptvads.blog/fatal-attraction-beautiful-mosaics-season-1-episode-4-recap/
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