Citadel : Time Renders Us Enemies – Season 1 – Episode 5 – RECAP

Citadel : Time Renders Us Enemies - Season 1 - Episode 5 - RECAP -


Citadel : Time Renders Us Enemies - Season 1 - Episode 5 - RECAP INTRODUCTION -

I’m not going to lie that I mainly start watching this movie because of Priyanka Chopra Jonas, when I saw her on Matrix I melted jejeje then when Citadel came out there was a lot of hype behind it because of the trailer, it literally look like a James Bond movie, I have mention this a few times on previous posts (Citadel) and as usual a lot of people came out giving a bad rate to the series because it was not constant action as they thought, even James Bond movies are like that. In my opinion none of the episodes have disappointed, I don’t put Citadel at the top with other series like Sorpanos, Braking Bad, The Last of Us but I would put it on a second tier of series, should make a post about ranking Tv Series and why.

Episode five of Citadel keeps unwinding the entire conspiracy theory of who sold out Citadel and why, at first everyone point their fingers at Nadia but now seems she had their own reasons and part of those reasons were shared with Mason Kane, they had a son but she never told him, he did offer to marry before and she turn him down because he is Mason Kane after all, the guy who you cant trust and is always steps ahead of everyone including Nadia so she knew there was no way even if she love him, problem is she got pregnant and didn’t know at that time, probably she still would not marry him and after Mason Kane said about having a kid with her she would abort it, the guy is very cold thinking for a few things and its always the mission first no matter what, he send Nadia best friend into a program that would wipe out/backup her memories without telling Nadia or Abby, the wipe out girl; meaning that he would do it to anyone just to makes thing work out for him and Citadel. The entire I don’t remember shit plot is falling down and truth is coming up float, its like the Spider Man meme pointing at each other between Mason Kane, Nadia and Carter looking for the agent that was guilty for selling out Citadel but at the end each one had some fault into it, I guess that’s how things work when you are part of a ultra secret operation, probably why its been said that people with this kind of job can have long term relationship or married, reason is they cant trust anyone and no body cant trust them, except Hawk Eye but he kept his family a secret from the secret organization LOL. - tv series divider
Citadel : Time Renders Us Enemies - Season 1 - Episode 5 - RECAP EPISODE DETAILS -

Citadel : Time Renders Us Enemies - Season 1 - Episode 5 - RECAP -


The episode starts with Mason and Nadia at a Hotel, seems things are going great with their latest mission and they now have to pretend to be a married couple, Mason decided would be the best moment to ask her to marry him, she turn him down “this is some part of your playing?” she knows there is always something more to it, Mason is they guy that always has plans but it was not this time, he confess that when he is with her is the only time he can be himself, there is more explanation to this latter on the episode and towards the end of the season, whey Mason behaves like this and why he join Citadel.

Citadel : Time Renders Us Enemies - Season 1 - Episode 5 - RECAP -


I found this part funny, at first was impressive but Anders must had some sort of metal plaque on his head, just when he was going to free Bernard Orlick in exchange for getting him to Celeste Graham, the agent that Mason Kane wipe out, she was Anders love one before the entire story happen, Dahlia Archer put a bullet to his head, Anders manage to walk to her and tried to choke one of her guards before he fall dead.

Citadel : Time Renders Us Enemies - Season 1 - Episode 5 - RECAP -


This is the moment where everything went south for Citadel, Nadia Sinh gets an encrypted message from ID 001, no clue who that is but most be a founder? high rank?, saying Celeste Graham her friend was backstopped, the most obvious reason was that Mason Kane authorize there for she only had to ask one person to verify this info and it was Bernard who didn’t have to say a word when she ask him, this is when the Pandora Box was open, the two mayor spy in the agency going at each other, Mason Kane betray Nadia’s trust but the mission is above friendship for him.

Citadel : Time Renders Us Enemies - Season 1 - Episode 5 - RECAP -


Nadia confronts Mason Kane, most people might think its so simple he betray her trust so fuck him….hold my beer, BIG TWIST, Nadia Sinh was the one who stole The Oz Key, she thought no one knew about it and at some point was true but Mason knew about it and never said or ask her anything so he took out Celeste to protect her from HERSELF, because of her own doing now Nadia was at risk and for Mason Nadia Sinh was above any mission because he loved her, obviously she was blinded because a minor detail, Mason Kane wipe out her friends memory without telling any of them.

Citadel : Time Renders Us Enemies - Season 1 - Episode 5 - RECAP -

Citadel : Time Renders Us Enemies - Season 1 - Episode 5 - RECAP -


With every scene the truth starts to unfold and it look like Nadia Sinh was the one who sold out Citadel and got all those agents around the world killed but something was not clear enough yet, she was even accuse by Carter Spence who was the IT director at Citadel, he mention she was working with a terrorist Rahi Gambhir.

Citadel : Time Renders Us Enemies - Season 1 - Episode 5 - RECAP -

Citadel : Time Renders Us Enemies - Season 1 - Episode 5 - RECAP -


After they recover Carter they felt some one was chasing them but during the entire ride they were discussing who did it, who sold out Citadel, Nadia was under a big pressure from both Carter and Mason until she stops and tells the truth, she ran away because she was pregnant with Mason’s daughter, even on the train mission she said to Mason “I lied to you…”, Rahi Gambhir is her father, the man who Carter Spence said is a terrorist, so she ran away to Valencia to give birth far from Citadel but she DID NOT sold out Citadel, the question remains who did it?

Citadel : Time Renders Us Enemies - Season 1 - Episode 5 - RECAP -


Dahlia had a squad following Mason, Nadia and Carter after they got him out but things turn out worst, a bit too predictable for me that after Nadia Sinh confess she had a daughter with Mason now Dahlia kidnap her and wants them to help her take over a submarine with nuclear weapons.

Citadel : Time Renders Us Enemies - Season 1 - Episode 5 - RECAP -


The submarine shot was very cool, some times depending on the Tv Series I tend to watch them on VR and the submarine closing in was very immersive - tv series divider

Citadel : Time Renders Us Enemies - Season 1 - Episode 5 - RECAP CONCLUSION -

Probably the episodes with the most insights of what really happen with Citadel, why everyone got killed except a few, why Nadia and Mason memories were wipe out, its all very odd but I have my theory that either Bernard Orlick or Mason Kane sold out Citadel because they were dirty and got ties with Manticore either they had family kidnap or something precious like secrets they didn’t want Manticore to expose, there were not a lot of explosions and action as the season trailer suggest but it was very interesting to see the truth unfold besides the actors are good enough to keep me entertain, as I mention keep in mind you are not watching something as good as say Mandalorian, Citadel is not on that league, its a bit lower with the semi pros, I’m really enjoying this tv series and season 2 has been announce so at least it wont leave us hanging.


Citadel : Time Renders Us Enemies - Season 1 - Episode 5 - RECAP PREV Episodes -

Episode 1:
Episode 2:
Episode 3:
Episode 4: - tv series divider


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Citadel : Tell Her Everything – Season 1 – Episode 4 – RECAP

Citadel : Tell Her Everything - Season 1 - Episode 4 - RECAP -


Citadel : Tell Her Everything - Season 1 - Episode 4 - RECAP INTRODUCTION -

For a short season Citadel does pack a lot of action in a Mission Impossible style, not the greatest actors and at times jokes from Stanley are not the best but still entertaining, the series is still in the phase of developing and knowing all the characters and their story before the train accident where Nadia and Mason lost their memory, in the previous episode we find out Abby who is currently Mason’s wife was one under cover and probably in love with Anders Silje who was developing a device that could hijack and entire nation systems but after her mission failed Mason decided to erase her memories and put her on a protection plan although everyone keep saying Nadia is the one who turn her back on Citadel and lead Manticore to take every one down with only a few left out like Carter who was force to keep moving looking for a place to hide, there is more to Abby’s mission failure its not that simple and it involves Nadia, in the present Mason is about to discover this since she got her memories back but he couldn’t as the injection that contain them broke and he is re learning to be Mason Kane again and find out what really happen to Citadel and if Nadia was the mole.

Citadel is one of those series I fall behind although its a very short one with the first season only with six episodes so I’m only two to go, I think this series has to be short in amount of chapter because will all this effects and places where the story happen it does feel like each chapter is part of a James Bond movie or Mission Impossible and I guess that’s not cheap also considering the first season is an experiment for a lot of TV series to figure out if it continues or stops, Citadel didn’t get much love from viewers with a low score of 6.1 on IMDB and each episode around that score too, I think its because how fake the story is, does feel at times like a GI Joe movie although people may score a GI Joe TV series higher just because of the brand, on this series there are a known actors like Richard Madden, Stanley Tucci, Priyanka Chopra Jonas and Roland Møller, they all have done mid tier films nothing spectacular and that’s Citadel too a TV Series with good if not very good action scenes and I think people fail to understand that. - tv series divider
Citadel : Tell Her Everything - Season 1 - Episode 4 - RECAP EPISODE DETAILS -

Citadel : Tell Her Everything - Season 1 - Episode 4 - RECAP -


Nadia and Mason goes to Morocco to a Manticore Black Site, a fancy name for a place where they run operations, they think Carter is there, we can tell Nadia is back on full spy mode while Mason is lagging behind, he is brave and is recovering that muscle memory but still not at Nadia’s level and this him in disadvantage as she can take down enemies like a fucking ninja he still figuring out how not to panic during a shooting, there is a scene where she cuts a guy arm and then when the knife is falling she kicks it Ibrahimović Zlatan style and stab the guys partner on the neck with the knife she kick in the middle of the air, this are some of the things people might find too big of a lie but that’s the charm of the series, come up with this fight scenes that are close to impossible but can happen, that’s why I mention Zlatan, have you see one of this high kick near impossible goals, the guy is a beast so is Nadia.

Citadel : Tell Her Everything - Season 1 - Episode 4 - RECAP -


They were right, Carter was held in that location but right when he sees Mason and Nadia ask them to stay away, Mason look confuse and ask what did he do but then Carter clear things up on the same scene at the end of the episode, “Not you….Her” , there still to be explain if Nadia did all this to keep Citadel alive or it was at a personal interest level, depending on a situation a strategy could be to let the enemy think everything is over and keep the organization alive close to eradicated but with the right agents to rebuild it, they were probably out number and in disadvantage and she was the only who saw it, I still don’t think she betrayed Mason.

Citadel : Tell Her Everything - Season 1 - Episode 4 - RECAP -


Nadia brings in Abby to work with Citadel on a new mission, the mission is to go undercover, find out where is the Oz Key and stole it from the Silje brothers. Mason starts to explain Abby a true spy tells the truth since she needs to get in the role and believe it, believe she is the person she is looking at the mirror in this case Anders Silje girl friend, fall in love with him but just to get close enough to the Oz Key he is working on, stole it and be gone, this is where Mason separates from Nadia, he seem to be the spy that goes by the book and doesn’t trust anyone always living a lie but it looks like at the end between them it doesn’t matter since Nadia out play him bringing down Citadel or at least that’s the side of the story its known until this episode, so Abby was brought in by Nadia then fall in love with Anders Silje to stole the Oz Key and is now Mason’s wife, talk about going in circles.

Citadel : Tell Her Everything - Season 1 - Episode 4 - RECAP -


Abby did everything well, she got Anders to fall in love with her enough to get close to the Oz Key, steal it and replace it with a fake one but Anders brother Davik saw her, follow her and beat her up but Mason already send an Ops team to track her down and figure out what was going on since she went offline for a few weeks and the deal was to keep communication every few weeks with Mason to keep him on the loop of what was going on.

Citadel : Tell Her Everything - Season 1 - Episode 4 - RECAP -


When the Ops team arrive captures Davik and brings Abby back, the most obvious thing happen, they couldn’t find the Oz Key only a fake that was on Abby’s bag, Mason doesn’t trust Abby for her behavior prior as she remain without communication but Nadia keeps saying they can trust Abby, Mason has a higher position within Citadel than Nadia and decides to erase Abby’s memories with they excuse they putting her on a protection plan but he avoid the erase memories part from Nadia, he asks for Bernard help on this, at the time it was a new procedure untested.

Citadel : Tell Her Everything - Season 1 - Episode 4 - RECAP -


Probably the only one with the time and access level to figure out what really happen with the Oz Key and also why he is still alive even though he was capture by Manticore, Carter figure out that the real reason why they couldn’t get the Oz Key when the Ops team came back is because Nadia gave the order to deliver it to her directly, on Citadel they have this encrypted chat where the one receiving the message doesn’t know who is sending, that’s sounds stupid but that’s how it looks on Mason phone, he got a message “CONFIDENTIAL she took the case” probably meaning Nadia took the case, also why Carter either knew this or assume it was Nadia and Mason knew it, Mason is playing double agent here but his heart is with Nadia, he also thinks he got everything under control but we already know at the end he didn’t. - tv series divider

Citadel : Tell Her Everything - Season 1 - Episode 4 - RECAP CONCLUSION -

Despite of what the internet says about this series I really enjoy watching it but there are a few actors I didn’t like their performance for example Dahlia as Lesley, worst villain and there are times I cant stand Bernard jokes and how Stanley perform the character, everything else looks good to me, I love series where you have to pause, read the characters computer screen or phone to figure out whats going on those details that you cant let pass by, this episode I would give it a solid 7+ since it was pure action for the most part even when it slow down during Abby’s interrogation it was intense when Mason was about to kill her brother to get her to talk and better toward the end when Carter join the dots and assume Nadia is behind the missing Oz Key.


Citadel : Tell Her Everything - Season 1 - Episode 4 - RECAP PREV Episodes -

Episode 1:
Episode 2:
Episode 3: - tv series divider


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Citadel : Infinite Shadows – Season 1 – Episode 3 – RECAP

Citadel : Infinite Shadows - Season 1 - Episode 3 - RECAP -
Citadel : Infinite Shadows – Season 1 – Episode 3 – RECAP


Citadel : Infinite Shadows - Season 1 - Episode 3 - RECAP INTRODUCTION -

Bernard has been capture by Manticore and is been torture to try to get as much information from him specially to locate the remaining Citadel agents like Mason and Nadia who at the moment are safe, escape and starting to know each other, the Mason that Nadia once knew is gone but the brain is a huge database that can recover data if stimulated correctly.

On this episodes we get more of the action promised from the trailer, Citadel tries to be a full James Bond style tv series with all kind of tech gadgets at their disposal, translucent touch screens as monitors, agents under cover and a lot of shooting also average villain but its expected, I’m not saying the series is bad but its hard to get actors that can be great bad guys like Heath Ledger to give an example, most of the times actors on espionage movies or tv series are not that good and Citadel is not the exception, I find the character of Dahlia Archer not so good as the main Manticore agent, the actress Lesley Manville is not convincing on this role same go for her goons with the exception of Anders Silje but just because he has a good actions scenes, not so convincing as a villain but better than her. - tv series divider
Citadel : Infinite Shadows - Season 1 - Episode 3 - RECAP EPISODE DETAILS -

Citadel : Infinite Shadows - Season 1 - Episode 3 - RECAP -
Citadel : Infinite Shadows – Season 1 – Episode 3 – RECAP


The episode starts with a scene where they are torturing Bernard that for me is very irrelevant, very dull, how bad villains are on this tv series make me uncomfortable, on every scene they come up I just want to skip forward to any other scene but at least Nadia and Mason save the day, they both are running away from Manticore and are now hiding on a Citadel safe house in Spain, Mason got shot and Nadia is taking care of him, its fun because he is still Mason inside so his subconscious still have some of the old Mason behaviors for example he ask Nadia if he can trust her and its not the first time he has done it, she start to remember many of their moments together. Nadia gets some interest into Mason’s life after the train incident at Italy, even ask him about his family, may be she is a bit jealous she is not the one with him but with their old life style it would be very hard for them to raise a family after all Manticore almost destroy Citadel so its a good thing they didn’t stay together and had a family, kids, because there is a chance they had been hurt during that time.

Citadel : Infinite Shadows - Season 1 - Episode 3 - RECAP -
Citadel : Infinite Shadows – Season 1 – Episode 3 – RECAP


On my previous post from today referring to the Tv Series Class of 09 where they implement technology that in the past looked like Sci Fi although now days most of it is real, we got this translucent big screens as monitors on a meeting room, they do a good job at implementing them with their own interface design, a touch that I like and feel its not over the top, this episodes also brings agent Carter Spence who in actual time is still alive but Mason and Nadia haven’t communicate with him and they also introduce Sandra who looks like the Citadel Director, Bernard is the geek of the team not the boss.

Citadel : Infinite Shadows - Season 1 - Episode 3 - RECAP -
Citadel : Infinite Shadows – Season 1 – Episode 3 – RECAP


Here one of the actions scenes form the trailer, this is the second mayor action scene on the series after the opener of episode one when they had this big fight inside the train that then explodes leaving Mason and Nadia close to death and without memories, in my opinion a very entertaining scene, only thing is that Mason run a bit funny to me but over all I give this action scene a 8/10, its the main attractive of this series so far, watch Nadia and Mason shooting, kicking and fighting. This is when Nadia and Mason are introduce, she was working as an undercover agent and Mason don’t know when or where she will appear to help extract him.

Citadel : Infinite Shadows - Season 1 - Episode 3 - RECAP -
Citadel : Infinite Shadows – Season 1 – Episode 3 – RECAP


This part makes me laugh hard, Mason playing the fool with his wife but this is total cliché, spy loose his memory and then find out he had a girl before the accident, calls the wife to check her and when Abby actual Mason wife ask how things doing, how he is getting along with Nadia he answers seems she didn’t know Mason that much, Abby is like WTF do you think I’m stupid jajajaja, but from another perspective one may say he answer this to avoid getting her involve more than she needs and keep them away from the danger that surrounds him and Nadia.

Citadel : Infinite Shadows - Season 1 - Episode 3 - RECAP -
Citadel : Infinite Shadows – Season 1 – Episode 3 – RECAP


With Bernard capture by Manticore the next only option to understand what the hell happen while they were away, Nadia and Kane decided to rescue agent Carter Spence who has been transmitting help videos through the Citadel network, to do this they would need to hack a mobster phone to get the access codes but access codes for what? I guess to enter the facility where they might have Carter, that part of the script got a bit lost, I guess sometimes writers like to put together the words hack, steal, access codes and what ever comes to their mind to get viewers interested but they have to do better this time because it doesn’t make that much sense but lets buy it steal the access codes to either locate Carter or enter where they got him. Problem is Nadia cant get close to Balduino the mobster running the place where Carter is because she is the one doing the hacking so Mason has to be the old Citadel Spy Mason to pull this off, he actually beg Nadia to teach him how to be Mason at the end it still inside him and it looks like he loves it and lets face it Nadia is very hot so probably he wants part of his old life back, during the meeting Balduino try to brainwash Mason telling him Nadia is the one who snitch Citadel and sold them to Manticore, this confuse Mason since he wants to recover his old life but cant fully trust Nadia.

Citadel : Infinite Shadows - Season 1 - Episode 3 - RECAP -
Citadel : Infinite Shadows – Season 1 – Episode 3 – RECAP


To top it off in everyone forgot who they are, Bernard is about to pull an Ace of Spades he have been saving to get himself free, Mason and Abby both met at a hospital when they were doing therapy because she also forgot her memories after an accident, they haven’t give any specifics but it looks like after all it was Citadel who recover both on purpose even though they didn’t, but how come they met at the same hospital and now turns out Silje ex girlfriend is Abby whose real name is Brielle, Bernard show Silje a picture of here and tells him she is now married to Mason, this is all too much coincidence,  Bernard made a deal with Silje to help him get free in exchange of Brielle info probably location not sure because the episodes ends there. - tv series divider

Citadel : Infinite Shadows - Season 1 - Episode 3 - RECAP CONCLUSION -

This episode was very good, still getting those nice actions scenes but part of the script sometimes doesn’t make too much sense plus the entire Bernard kidnap/interrogatory/torture sux, that aspect of the episode is very bad, only thing keeping this boat at float is Nadia and Mason, I hope villain actors get better after a couple of episodes, also some times it felt like other than the action scenes the rest was there just to feel empty space, probably taking things a bit slower work better for the series, not everything has to be action scenes, I’m sure there will be some episodes that will slow down and give more context to the story, even the Mandalorian that had action on almost every episode during the last season had a few slow episodes so I’m hoping they do the same with Citadel, its like they trying to recover their old life and memories too fast, I get that they have to if not they will get caught or killed by Manticore, lets see how much context Carter brings to the story when they rescue him. When the episode ends there is a coming soon kind of trailer that in my opinion spoil the next episode so my advice is that when credits pop up just stop it right there, trailers on this tv series in my opinion reveal too much before the next episode.


Citadel : Infinite Shadows - Season 1 - PREV Episodes -

Episode 1:
Episode 2: - tv series divider


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Citadel : Spies Appear in Night Time – Season 1 Episode 2 – RECAP

Citadel : Spies Appear in Night Time - Season 1 Episode 2 - RECAP -
Citadel : Spies Appear in Night Time – Season 1 Episode 2 – RECAP


Citadel : Spies Appear in Night Time - Season 1 Episode 2 - RECAP INTRODUCTION -

I think now I know people were expecting too much from this series, the trailer and the “on the next episode” scenes show too much, builds up that expectation, this second episode I think was a bit more mellow than the first but still had a lot of action and more story of what happen and who were Mason and Nadia, the story is still around Mason, Nadia and Bernard, there are no secondary characters with a side story and that’s fine since this episodes are still revealing what happen to them after the train crash in Italy eight years ago, a fact from the series, Mason and Nadia didn’t forget anything, they had this device on their neck that when the Citadel network cant locate them or communicate with them for certain amount of time it activates and delete their memories, once they reconnect upload them to a server to then genetically store into an injection, this is full science fiction so I don’t mind it, sounds way too ahead in time but we are living in a world where AI is present, something that in the 80s thought it was a myth.

Remember, If its on TV they probably already doing it! - tv series divider
Citadel : Spies Appear in Night Time - Season 1 Episode 2 - RECAP EPISODE DETAILS -

Citadel : Spies Appear in Night Time - Season 1 Episode 2 - RECAP -
Citadel : Spies Appear in Night Time – Season 1 Episode 2 – RECAP


After the train crash Nadia fall into the water and got out hurt very bad but a man going down the road stop to help her, he takes care of her but had her handcuff to the bed at his shed, I don’t know if he was Manticore or was just a creepy guy who didn’t trust Nadia because she had a bullet on her, Nadia got mad and fucking up real bad, they had this very nice fight, I’m sure you going to like it, after the fight the device that erase her memory activate and she was aware of it, it was not something new. I remember seen in the comments of a review that the spy was suppose to start working on remembering things about their past, that’s the “standard procedure” that Citadel did it wrong but actually it was planned to delete their memories and the way to recover them was planned too so there is nothing wrong, its just a tech that Citadel use to keep their secrets tight. Nadia wrote on her arm “Go to Valencia Asha” probably Citadel had an HQ over there or its planned for her to be there if her memories are deleted, like a spawning point on a RPG game, don’t matter she didn’t remember anything all she had to do was go to Valencia and see what happen but it was intentional so others from Citadel knew where to look for her, that’s fkn smart, usually when spies loose their memory they don’t know where to fkn go, who they are and what to do, at least on Citadel there is a plan if this happen. The problem with Mason is that when the device deleted his memories probably he was unconscious and didn’t have time to write his clue of what to do when he wakes up.

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Citadel : Spies Appear in Night Time – Season 1 Episode 2 – RECAP


Citadel : Spies Appear in Night Time - Season 1 Episode 2 - RECAP -
Citadel : Spies Appear in Night Time – Season 1 Episode 2 – RECAP


Back in the US, Mason still not sure how he is going to pull the entire spy role, get into a top security facility and come out with the X Case with all Citadel secrets, Bernard is he one pulling the strings and similar to Rabbit Hole Tv Series, Bernard tells the spy what to do and when since he is usually watching CCTV cameras and in constant communication with the agent, this method work out perfectly and they manage to get out with the case, probably just too easy in my opinion. The music, the small fight scenes and the split screens of Bernard watching what was going on and telling Mason what to do were very cool.

Citadel : Spies Appear in Night Time - Season 1 Episode 2 - RECAP -
Citadel : Spies Appear in Night Time – Season 1 Episode 2 – RECAP


After they escape with the X Case, Bernard start telling Mason more about Citadel and how to use the case to locate other agents so it start scanning, Bernard need to find Nadia and get her to work back with Mason, he also explains Mason about why he “lost” his memories and how he have to inject himself the liquid solution with his name that is on the suit case, the coward that Mason is he hesitated and didn’t do it when he could. Andre Silje who work for Manticore was chasing them without them knowing and shot Bernard from the back, he is not dead but the impact was so hard it knock him out, the Van crash and the injection with Mason memories broke so now its all gone, no memories for Mason, but the X Case did locate Nadia in Valencia and that’s where Mason is heading next.

Citadel : Spies Appear in Night Time - Season 1 Episode 2 - RECAP -
Citadel : Spies Appear in Night Time – Season 1 Episode 2 – RECAP


When Mason arrive Valencia he start looking for Nadia and finally locate her at a restaurant, he start telling her who she really is and explaining what Citadel is but she was not having any of that, Mason pull the same throwing a knife at you trick to get her muscle memory react but she didn’t catch it just avoid it and got mad at Mason. I think that’s because Mason is all show off, when he present himself he said “Mason Kane, spy, hot stuff” LOL, Nadia on the other hand is smart so why catching it if she didn’t have to, just avoid it.

Mason gets closer to her with the X Case and when the case detected Nadia it grand access to it that’s when it clicks for her, Mason already explain her about her memories but same as him didn’t inject back her memories.

Citadel : Spies Appear in Night Time - Season 1 Episode 2 - RECAP -
Citadel : Spies Appear in Night Time – Season 1 Episode 2 – RECAP


Andre Silje the Mentacore agent got to the restaurant with another agent and a big fight started, Mason is still not up to speed so his fighting skills are poor to none and Nadia was getting her ass kicked too until she inject back her memories and everything change, it was Nadia Sinh Citadel agent fighting, knocks out Andre and escape. Problem for Nadia and Mason is that Bernard was not dead and now Mentacore has him to interrogate him. - tv series divider

Citadel : Spies Appear in Night Time - Season 1 Episode 2 - CONCLUSION -

I decided to make the Conclusion section a PRO and CONS so it can be easier to explain and others identify what I like about the episode and what I didn’t.


There is something weird to this TV Series, there are constant shooting and kicking action scenes but some how feel distant, I cant complain about the action scenes, special effects are good, I like how Nadia is the though one, the script is not dumb and is funny too, so far I like Citadel, solid 7/10 for me.


What I REALLY DISLIKE is the outro, the “on the next episode scenes” , WHY THE SPOILER, why you have to do that, they gave out probably like 30% if not 50% of the action scenes and probably that’s why people complain, I hope they don’t keep doing this.


Citadel : Spies Appear in Night Time - Season 1 Episode 2 - RECAP PREV Episodes -

Episode 1: - tv series divider


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