Episode six wakes up real Mason Kane, Carter find out a way to rebuild the backup that he had of Mason’s memory, on episode one or two Mason recover a briefcase that contain two injections, one was Nadia Sinh memories and the other one was his but his got damage and everyone thought his memories were gone, well things turn out to be worst than I thought and real Mason Kane is sneaky, selfish and will betray anyone who is not on his best interest, seems that he haven’t forgotten what has happen all this time he was living his second life, with Celeste as his wife and having a daughter with her, when he match both lifes together it seems he doesn’t like himself, he cant stand what he did in the past and how things turn out to be, he would have never thought Celeste Graham who he intentionally wipe out her memory knowing Nadia was the one who took the Oz key, he never thought she would end up as his wife, if he ever tells her the truth probably Nadia and Celeste would team up and kill him.
This episode did had a lot of action, nuclear submarine, sky diving, shooting inside the submarine, disarm nuclear rockets before you run out of air, it was very intense towards the end plus most of the conspiracy finish unfolding, its reveal who Mason was working with and what he would do to get what he wants in this case was Nadia, Mason is a control freak and once took Citadel as hostage when he setup the submarine access with his own bio-metric finger print, no body else but only him could access just to have leverage over Citadel and made them tell him where was Nadia and bring her back, seems she dodge a bullet not marrying him.

This episode is mostly about Mason, after all he recover his memory on this episode, he explains how he became a spy, he wanted to be some one but not for fame, when he was a kid his dad died and his mother left him so he was a man without country without flag, the only person he had was his grand mother, turns out his grand mother was Dahlia Archer the very same person who run Manticore so you probably have an idea who sold out Citadel.

Dahlia has Mason daughter and is using her to get him take control of the submarine since she wants the nuclear missiles, during their interaction she never calls him son or show any kind of affection, that would reveal her cards

Eight years ago, Citadel plan to hack into a Russian nuclear submarine that was fully automated, inside there were nuclear missiles so the target was to install a backdoor into the submarine system so if it was necessary any Citadel agent with enough access could stop the Russians from launching this nuclear weapons, Mason saw this as an opportunity to turn the submarine into his personal gadget to force Citadel bring back Nadia Sinh, this guy is not a force to be reckoned with.

Bernard once told Mason, even he doesn’t remember who he is all his training and skills are still there, its all muscle memory, he had to jump from a plain and land on a moving submarine for sure no one including Nadia have faith he would nail it, and he almost didn’t but Davik was with him and help him at first, only because he needed Mason to access the submarine.

Nadia smell that something was wrong when Mason was not answering communication, Davik almost got him killed so she jump to the submarine and took control of the situation, after she and Mason got Davik under control she had to now disarm the nukes although to get into the room had to lower her both temperature and there was not enough air in the room for her to disarm all missiles, she pull it out seconds before she pass out. They were now on their way to exchange the nukes cores for the Nadias daughter, Dahlia try to setup them but Nadia and Mason out smart her team.

Probably every man who has a family and a mistress, they are all back into Citadel old HQ, there is Nadia and her daughter, Masons daughter; also Celeste/Abby now Mason’s wife with their daughter too, but he still doesn’t have his memories back as Mason Kane, the only one who caught the flow of the room was Carter like damn this guy.

Once Mason recover his memories everything came to the light, he was Dahlia grand son who wanted to destroy Citadel for what they did to her and her son, Mason’s father, she describe how they kill him, how they kill an entire building with UN workers, infants, all innocent, how they destroy the evidence and every confession, but Mason was at Citadel for other reasons, not help Dahlia, but once he could not make Citadel do as he wanted, locate Nadia and bring her back, he went to his grand mother for help to locate her, only problem is that she ask him in exchange to infiltrate Citadel and give her Citadel secrets, lets make clear there is no scene where he accepts but Dahlia shows up next talking with some one reveling all Citadel agents location and to take them out, I cant confirm it was Mason who sold out Citadel but we can confirm it was not Nadia.

At the end of the episode there is Mason Kane in what looks like an interrogation room, Nadia on the other side of the mirror, Celeste comes in an ask Mason “Do you remember?” , with a despicable look he answers I don’t know, Nadia turns back with a look, on her mind she was like this MF again with his mind games, its worst now because they don’t know for sure if he remembers anything.
After this episode I give Citadel season one a solid 7.5/10 , lot of action, actors are not the best but good enough to keep me glue to the screen for the entire episode, wanting to know more about Mason past and what he did to get to Nadia, episode six was a great ending for the first season, I hope this story goes for another two or three seasons if possible, the production, music, everything feels exactly like that European spy style movie, if you are realistic with your expectations Citadel wont disappoint you, towards the end there is a scene with a woman who looks like Celeste but I’m not sure if that’s a scene from their past life before everyone got their memories wipe out. Mason turn out to be the worst of all of them, they were all sneaky spies but he had this ability to lie, manipulate people and been the bad ass of the series, he almost got the beautiful Nadia under his control but she knew better, she was not as easy as he wanted, I like the love story between them how she never fall into his trap and always knew she could not trust Mason Kane.
Episode 1: @skiptvads/citadel-the-human-enigma-season
Episode 2: @skiptvads/citadel-spies-appear-in-night
Episode 3: @skiptvads/citadel-infinite-shadows-season-1
Episode 4: @skiptvads/citadel-tell-her-everything-season
Episode 5: @skiptvads/citadel-time-renders-us-enemies
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