A Small Light : Scheißfeld – Season 1 – Episode 5 – RECAP

A Small Light : Scheißfeld – Season 1 – Episode 5 – RECAP - www.skiptvads.blog
A Small Light : Scheißfeld – Season 1 – Episode 5 – RECAP


A Small Light : Scheißfeld – Season 1 – Episode 5 – RECAP INTRODUCTION - www.skiptvads.blog

World War II and the German occupation of Amsterdam is taking the best out of Jan and Miep, it starts to separate them as they try to do their best at keeping friends and family safe but Jan feels that his country needs him.

From the little I know from the book Margo and Anne are big part of it and on this episode we get more about Anne with Miep, how Miep not only keep them safe she also keep the girls hopes and dreams alive but there are stressful moments more now that Jan is getting sucked in into the resistance and this feeling that his country is calling for his service like he has an obligation to stand up against the abusement of the German soldiers against everyone but Miep has a good heart and always find the way to keep things balanced and the right words to give the girls hope that one day things will go back to normal and they will enjoy again their freedom and will have all this opportunities to be independent and in the case of this episode be in love and get married.

Its natural for humans to develop feelings when they are confined to the same space, it can go both ways either love or hate depending on how compatible are, in the case of Anne she is just too young and don’t know what love is same as she doesn’t know what is rejection and failure, things that anyone will experience through life as you get in love with someone until you find the correct match, Anne could be too intense some times and this tip over Miep in a moment of stress and bring her back down to earth in desperation of seen how her husband barely talk to her anymore and just disappear during the day knowing he might be working on dangerous missions for the resistance but to protect her cant give her any details, her worst fear is that one day Jan never comes back home.

Jan proves to the resistance how determine he is and committed this cause to the point that he is willing to kill enemies in cold blood, so is that the resistance members put him to the task and he pass, he is now a valuable asset who not only will do anything to protect his country but has also collected important intel for the resistance.

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A Small Light : Scheißfeld – Season 1 – Episode 5 – RECAP - www.skiptvads.blog
A Small Light : Scheißfeld – Season 1 – Episode 5 – RECAP


Anne has her first crush, her first love, she has a crush on Peter a kid living with them, the Van Pels son, but she is too young to know what is true love so this could mean nothing just that she is spending too much time with him on a very close space problem is that Anne doesn’t have the best communication with her mother Edith not because they cant stand together but Anne is too wild some times and doesn’t want to listen to her mother, she only wants to protect her, Miep gets put in charge by Edith, Anne’s mother, to control and guide Anne on this matter making sure that she doesn’t get crushed by deception when things doesn’t go they way she think love is.

It must be hard, crushing to be that age and not only get in love but everything, stay under lock down for so long, not been able to be a teenager, know more people, develop, expand their minds, live life, because a war they didn’t ask for and have no involvement prevent them from all this, confinement can turn the most fierce lion into a kitten.

A Small Light : Scheißfeld – Season 1 – Episode 5 – RECAP - www.skiptvads.blog
A Small Light : Scheißfeld – Season 1 – Episode 5 – RECAP


Jan is deep with the resistance now and Miep starts to feel that they don’t share anymore, Jan goes out comes back late and fall asleep, not because he doesn’t love Miep anymore but he has been blind folded by his hate against the German invasion to his country, Jan feels the need to do something important for his country and help defeat them, the problem is that he doesn’t see that this is bigger than him, bigger than a small resistance group and he should evaluate his priorities, without knowing he is moving away from his wife, anyone who is married or has been on a serious relationship knows that this type of conversations most of the time are the tip of the iceberg, this is the signal when your wife tells you “we never spend time or talk about….” red flag and needs attention.

A Small Light : Scheißfeld – Season 1 – Episode 5 – RECAP - www.skiptvads.blog
A Small Light : Scheißfeld – Season 1 – Episode 5 – RECAP


Miep is a very straight forward women, she doesn’t hide her feelings, she doesn’t hide when she doesn’t like something or some one, she is in your face all times but cant handle Jan’s silence anymore, she is afraid to loosing him and this is one of the many times she comes straight up and ask him to cut the bullshit and talk to her, she wants her husband back.

A Small Light : Scheißfeld – Season 1 – Episode 5 – RECAP - www.skiptvads.blog
A Small Light : Scheißfeld – Season 1 – Episode 5 – RECAP


Jan and Miep must be the most in love couple during World War II, since Miep is an immigrant to The Netherlands, she was considered undesirable by the Germans and her passport was revoked so her only chance to stay legally was to get married, she was desperate and didn’t want to leave Amsterdam, she ask Mr. Frank for his advice and it was obvious, marry the dutch, marry Jan. In Miep style she runs where Jan is working, fertilizing a field with manure, a shit field, there she ask Jan to marry him and explain him the situation too, they were both on the same plan but she thought he was fooling around with her to a point when she told him she can do better than him, it was all crazy but crazy love for each other. Big problem, they got married after her passport was revoked basically committing fraud but the judge who marry them didn’t notice the seal on her passport as in the last minute Jan distract him so he didn’t notice and get them legally married. This shows how close Miep and Jan are, no wonder why she is desperate to get Jan back and focus on their life and not on the war or the resistance.

A Small Light : Scheißfeld – Season 1 – Episode 5 – RECAP - www.skiptvads.blog
A Small Light : Scheißfeld – Season 1 – Episode 5 – RECAP


One night after having an argument with Jan after she found a pistol on his underwear drawer, Miep comes back and Anne as usual had an argument with her mother about what she feels for Peter, Miep that night had no patience for Anne and blew up, crushing poor Anne’s dream of love, telling her the truth of why she married Jan so quick and that love could fail her as its failing for her and Jan, latter Anne’s mother Edith talk to Miep and she vents out about whats going on at home. That night during the argument Jan told Miep they were going to execute a plan that was dangerous and he could never come home to that she ask him to don’t go if he loves her, Jan goes out anyway.

A Small Light : Scheißfeld – Season 1 – Episode 5 – RECAP - www.skiptvads.blog
A Small Light : Scheißfeld – Season 1 – Episode 5 – RECAP


A Small Light : Scheißfeld – Season 1 – Episode 5 – RECAP - www.skiptvads.blog
A Small Light : Scheißfeld – Season 1 – Episode 5 – RECAP


He had enough of the Germans and want to hurt them, Jan cant stand the soldiers on the street and how they treat Jews so he asks Willem the leader of the resistance group is working with to give him a meaningful task, he wants to hurt them, he wants to stop them so Willem comes with this mission to kill a important German soldier but it was a setup to see if Jan was for real willing to do anything for his countrymen.

Going back to the cover image of this picture, the night Anne was arguing with Miep a big explosion, it was the resistance who blew up the Civil Registry Office to get rid of all the records, names, address of their countrymen, Jews and immigrants so it was harder for the Germans to go after them, that night Miep could not find Jan and was desperate, Casmir takes Miep to the bar where the resistance hang out but everyone they ask for Jan said they didn’t know him, news came out that many have been arrested, killed and sentence to death but now news about Jan.

A Small Light : Scheißfeld – Season 1 – Episode 5 – RECAP - www.skiptvads.blog
A Small Light : Scheißfeld – Season 1 – Episode 5 – RECAP


Next day when Miep came to work, hopeless, desperate, devastated, there was a one word letter on her desk, it was in German, Scheißfeld, she knew it was Jan telling her where he was, when she got there the field was now full of flowers, the same shit field where she/he propose to get married, Jan didn’t go to the mission because she ask him but now has to lay low, many have been arrested that can snitch on him

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A Small Light : Scheißfeld – Season 1 – Episode 5 – RECAP CONCLUSION - www.skiptvads.blog

What a great story, this is one of the best drama tv series I have seen, none of the episodes disappoint so far, the production is exceptional, the actors that do Miep, Anne, Otto, Jan are great, there is nothing I can say I don’t like about this series and this episode certainly is one of the best, from time to time you get this series like the Mandalorian where all episodes are a bomb, on this episode the story diverts more to Jan and Miep instead of the Franks and the war, we get more details about this couple, about their struggle, about how much they willing to risk for their friends and their love, incredible story, anyone who reads the plot might think that there will be a lot of talking about the war and the Germans but its not, this is the story of how a couple who fall in love during war and is willing to do anything to help those who are innocent and persecuted by the Germans.


A Small Light : Season 1 - PREV Episodes - www.skiptvads.blog

Episode 1: https://skiptvads.blog/a-small-light-pilot-episode-1-personal-thoughts/
Episode 2: https://skiptvads.blog/a-small-light-welcome-to-switzerland-season-1-episode-2-recap/
Episode 3: https://skiptvads.blog/a-small-light-motherland-season-1-episode-3-recap/
Episode 4: https://skiptvads.blog/a-small-light-the-butterfly-season-1-episode-4-recap/

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A SMALL LIGHT - SEASON 1 TRAILER - www.skiptvads.blog

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A Small Light : Motherland – Episode 3 – RECAP

A Small Light : Motherland - Episode 3 - RECAP - www.skiptvads.blog
A Small Light : Motherland – Episode 3 – RECAP


A Small Light : Motherland - Episode 3 - RECAP - INTRODUCTION - www.skiptvads.blog

Miep and her husband Jan have become really good at hiding people, they have now added to their belt hiding their tenant’s grand kids after their father got arrested at the train station but they have also got very good at taking risks, the nerves you need to have to do what they have done so far, sneaking people and supplies right in front of German Officers, lying to their face but I think the most dangerous thing they have done is trust other people that help them, that first step is the most dangerous having to trust someone you don’t know, someone who could be working for the Germans and putting everything at risk with a single decision.

I sense soon Jan is going to become more than just a messenger for the resistant, I think during those times it all works like a ladder that he climb with every mission he accomplish, he has now gather papers and even safe kids that are not his because he was ask to cooperate, soon he might have to do something more risky all this without telling Miep, if things go south for him the moment Miep finds out she will be devastate feeling helpless because she didn’t know anything of what he was doing and for who.

Like it was not enough that they taking all this risks for Mr. Frank, friends and family now a wolf step to their door, Mr. Tony Ahlers shows up, a man who is part of the German Party NSB has come to collect after he heard Mr. Frank talking about the the war and how bad it would end for Germans, basic blackmail but Mr. Frank cant pay him now, Tony is putting pressure on Miep and the rest of her co workers to give in Mr. Frank, things will get intense soon, this man wont go away that easy.

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A Small Light : Motherland - Episode 3 - RECAP EPISODE DETAILS - www.skiptvads.blog

A Small Light : Motherland - Episode 3 - RECAP - www.skiptvads.blog
A Small Light : Motherland – Episode 3 – RECAP


Jan has officially started working with the resistance, this is making him become more comfortable at taking risks but there are times when he just want to shit bricks of how scare he is, after watching today episode I think it would not be strange for him to get killed since he is getting more expose going out there getting things done for the resistance this increase the possibility of him getting caught, as he become more effective his boss will assign new missions to him probably more difficult than the previous one but Jan is also taking benefits from the resistance so you can say its a fair trade? not sure because he we think about it Miep and Jan had no obligation to help others, they doing it because they want it and is the right thing to do but its very rare the people that will put their life on the line just to help others and do the right thing, that’s quality in a human but some times taking excessive risk can be foolish.

A Small Light : Motherland - Episode 3 - RECAP - www.skiptvads.blog
A Small Light : Motherland – Episode 3 – RECAP


At the Frank’s hiding place things are not going very well, confinement is taking the best out of them, in my case during the pandemic having my two kids with us at the apartment was not hard because they are still little but having two teenagers in such small place might be harder, been on house arrest plus the fear that you put yourself there because they are looking for you makes it harder for everyone, there is also the fact that they have a guess family and a friend so every fight or argument is heard by everyone, there is no privacy and at some point someone will give their opinion on the matters discuss without been ask too, making things harder for everyone, its just pure madness and chaos, Anne is constantly arguing with her mother and Mr. Frank have to deal with them the best he can.

A Small Light : Motherland - Episode 3 - RECAP - www.skiptvads.blog
A Small Light : Motherland – Episode 3 – RECAP


Going through the line of events, remember how dangerous is to trust people you don’t know but have no option because you are desperate and need help, this is Jan who was send to pick up some papers from an apartment raided by German Officers, the guy who send him to pick up the papers is suppose to help him hiding his tenant grand kids, see how none of this people are friends or family or had no tights to them but he is still a good man trying to safe lives, he was told papers, a package in a drawer but actually was a kid, this entire saga of taking risks at some point will led him to think he can do things and that could get him caught, lucky for him this time he wasn’t and was able to retrieve the package.

A Small Light : Motherland - Episode 3 - RECAP - www.skiptvads.blog
A Small Light : Motherland – Episode 3 – RECAP


Hermine, that’s Miep real name, she was also rescue given to a Dutch family to hide her, when she arrive she knew no Dutch and that’s one of the reasons she was so close to Casmir one of her step brothers, funny how her step parents at the start of the series wanted her to marry Casmir, he was the only one who speak German at the house when she arrive and gave her the name Miep because Hermine sounded like an old lady name, they became very close and only talk German at home so others cant understand them, Casmir is having a hard time with the Germans too as he is homosexual, German regime is also against homosexuals at the time so he may have to go in hiding if he cant control himself, Miep tries to explain him this but he doesn’t want to listen reason, he knows Miep has a secret but she wont tell, not even Casmir, must be hard to lie to love ones and keep such secret but then its your and others lives on the line.

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A Small Light : Motherland - Episode 3 - RECAP CONCLUSION - www.skiptvads.blog

This is one of those series I have no complains at all, usually I’m a fan of long series where you have five to eight seasons but with this couple of Mini Series I have been watching like Florida Man, Swarm, The Patient, Obsession I’m starting to like the format, is mostly pure action packed on each episode, not necessarily kicking and shooting action but on A Small Light is the constant suspense of whats going to happen next and if things will continue end in favor of the good guys, how Miep and Jan start to get all this value contacts, people form the resistance but their first German threat has knock on their door with Mr. Tony Ahlers looking for Mr. Frank to collect.

I just notice I have been using Season 1 on previous two episodes and their cover image, Im still working on formats and getting use to blog, only my fourth month.

A Small Light : Motherland - Episode 3 - RECAP PREV Episodes - www.skiptvads.blog

Episode 1: https://skiptvads.blog/a-small-light-pilot-episode-1-personal-thoughts/
Episode 2: https://skiptvads.blog/a-small-light-welcome-to-switzerland-season-1-episode-2-recap/

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A Small Light : Motherland - Season 1 - TRAILER - www.skiptvads.blog

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