Sylvia and Will two high school best friends who got disconnected for many years after Will marry a women Sylvia didn’t approve, the marriage doesn’t end well after a couple of years so she feels Will might need someone and she is there for him although many years have pass and now they are two perfect strangers.
I don’t actually write about comedy, its hard to capture the best moments of the episode and the traditional comedy doesn’t have that much continuation, most of the time its a new day and everyone wakes up to be funny and give a hard time to each other, I know Seth Rogen work from many other movies for example Super Bad, Neighbors 1 & 2, This is the end, he is so funny and very smart from some other interviews I have seen from him, then there is Rose Byrne who is as funny as Seth and have work together on many of his productions. What I like form Platonic is that each episode is like an adventure similar vibe to The Hang Over there is also continuation to the story not just wake up and lets be fun which I have no problem with but I enjoy more this type of story line.
I think its not new that when you grow up and have a family friends from school get distanced and some totally separated that you never see again for many different reasons, the main one is time consuming, you get so deep into work and family that there is not much time left to spend with friends, there are people who need this because that’s who they are and others just get pass it and move on to a family and work life style, both can be happy its something that is not for everyone, the hard part is when they try to get back to hang out and party with friends but time and age pass you the bill, you cant stay awake too long, feel tire fast, don’t drink as much anymore and things end in disappointment because nothing as you use to remember, it happen to me once and I understood that life style is not for me anymore, call be boring but no days I would prefer to stay home and have a few drinks with my wife look at a tv series like Platonic and have a few laughs rather than staying very late out, leave my kids with the baby sitter and be all hangover next day, it doesn’t work anymore.

Episode one starts with Sylvia who notice that Will got divorced because his ex wife posted on her Instagram, she was actually looking for a movie to watch with the family on movie night but stumble to the notification of her post, Sylvia’s husband Charlie is very supportive and knows Will from many years ago when Sylvia and Will were still best friends, sometimes its not normal for the wife to have male friends to hang out same goes for men to have female friends with hang with but in this case its the exception, Charlie doesn’t see Will as any kind of threat to his marriage, Will was Sylvia maid of honor at their wedding so you can imagine how close they were. The title of the series Platonic for me doesn’t mean that Sylvia and Will are going to end up together or have an affair
A platonic relationship is one with no romantic or sexual features, but it means more than “just friends.” According to the ancient philosopher Plato
That’s probably exactly what is between Sylvia and Will, they always had this relationship that represent more than friends but without any sexual or romantic involvement, I don’t think that’s bad as long as their bodies keep the distance, no holding hands or hugging, just be regular people but care a lot or too much some times for each other, the problem is when one of the two person decide to be more than Platonic, none the less that’s what I think this is it and probably why her husband recognize she should call Will to see how he is doing.

I love the many awkward moments Sylvia and Will have, mostly Sylvia because of her age, they both around 40 ish but Sylvia has three kids and dress well and Will has a brewing bar, drinks every day and dress hip, in a way Will tries to stay young and Sylvia on the other hand is going, as one of her friend describe, a middle age women crisis where no one notice her anymore in the outside world but at home she is the lovely mom, people need to embrace age and make the bets out of it don’t feel old, I still do a lot of things I use to do when I was younger, even dress kind of the same, listen to the same music, feeling old is different than been old, your body can become old but your soul and mind remain the same.
Sylvia and Will meet and she tries to be a good friend pretending she didn’t know he just got divorced, that sux because true friends come up straight no matter how bad is the truth, Will invite her to a party on the weekend at his bar and she agrees, the meeting was so awkward after so many years without seen or talk to each other that it didn’t last more than ten minutes.

Sylvia makes it to the party at Will’s the bar, there she meet Will and his friends but it was too late for her to stay which make no sense, why would she go, she was overwhelm by the place, it was very loud, there was people way younger than her and her friend Katie that she went with so after some cheap chatting with Will and his partner Andy they decided to go home and call it a night, standing across the streen Sylvia notice Will was arguing with his ex wife because she brought her new boyfriend to the bar, bar that was founded with her step brother money but after Will make a scene they decided to go, Sylvia went over there to support him and this is when the night got started, they went through some really funny events that I lough a lot, wont describe it since its better for you to watch it, Sylvia feelings and intentions were right but the timing was wrong.

They went for a drink, try to pick up a girl for Will at a bar, bough a dog collar for Will and got chased by a Doberman inside a Pawn Shop it was a crazy night that ended with them high eating at a Denny’s arguing because Will didn’t like the idea that Sylvia only got in contact back because se was pity about him, he just got out of very bad divorced for him so he was probably too sensitive at the moment, doesn’t look like that was Sylvia intentions she really likes Will but he wanted to continue parting but she is now a married women with a husband and three kids, staying up all night to the wake up early and take care of the family is not an option anymore is not like party all night and then go to class next morning, doesn’t work like that anymore but Will haven’t go through that process.
I really enjoy watching the first episode of Platonic and will continue with the rest, not sure if this will turn into a multi season comedy, probably just a very long comedy movie split into episodes, so far at the moment of writing this post its already five episodes with five more to go with more night adventures and awkward moments, if you have seen this two work in the past you know what I’m talking about, probably not a comedy for all ages, might only apply for people who are close to 30 and up that have gone through such change in life where staying out late is more of a punishment to the body next day than remembering how fun it was, the series for far its a solid 7/10 and I agree on that, its more about their story and laughing from time to time not just trying to been fun all the time say like The Big Bang Theory or Two and Half Men to give a few quick examples
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