The first two episode of Class of 09 show that future where humans stop trusting on what they can do or not and decide to base human behavior on possibilities, Teyo is a master at doing this and the results are positive although is a practice that may create the wrong impression for those affected by the system, those who either get arrested or some how halt before they could commit a crime, in present days that method doesn’t exist, you cant get arrested for a crime you haven’t commit yet, for Teyo is pure mathematics and profiling people and there is a long line of people after him, those who have been intervene by the system and they think its unfair for them but Teyo thinks about the effectiveness and the victims the FBI can safe, its all Minority Report from the start.
The interesting part will be how all this characters build up their stories, Teyo, Poet, Nazari, Lenix, how they all graduate and start their carriers from the bottom all the way to the top, going back and forward between three timelines might be confusing for some people but I find it interesting, makes you to connect dots as you are watching the episode, this TV series has good acceptance by the audience usually with over 7/10 per episode on IMDB.
Episode 6 is more about the struggles of Tayo to start at the FBI, make it and stay a the top, he is not the gym type of guy so it was obvious he would have troubles passing the physical test to become an FBI special agent he was probably ashamed of his shape because all the other guys on the locker room were fit and he was a bit over weight but he has a lot of determination, a very analytic guy, study people, profile them to stay steps ahead somethings showing he is too cold as time goes by specially when he is at the top as FBI director.

Its only the second episode so its normal that we still have some of this first episodes focus on giving background of the main characters, in this case its Teyo everywhere, it starts with his class taking the physical exam, one and a half mile under twelve minutes and twenty four seconds for the men and fourteen minutes for the women, he is out of shape and initially failed, its true that some agents will become very important desk agents, them do most of their work with their brain and field agents are usually in better shape but when they are starting at the academy its the same rules for everyone, doesn’t matter what they want for them in the future they all have to go through the same training, Teyo shows since the first episode he is a desk agent, how he profile people and understands how the system works, that’s is his best skill analyze others and try to predict what will be the outcome of a situation, he does something similar with one of his college how tries to bring him down after he failed the test basically telling him to quit but Teyo knew there was something more to it.

Teyo is send out with Agent Nuñez to visit Mark Turpirik a wealthy man who lives in the country side, this was in the present of the story line 2023, Mark has a large amount of followers, in his defense all he is doing a great service to the community by joining all this broken men who lives and work their farms, mostly forgotten by the society but he brings them together and gives them a place and purpose to keep going, it seems that part of the country side has a lot of suicides and homicides, he even compare his movement with the natives who have their reservation a share of the country their own space.
Teyo knows why the are there and his mission, as I mention he is very good at profiling people, Mark was already interviewed by the FBI and the previous agents found nothing, agent Nuñez went with Teyo without knowing why they are really visiting Mark if they have no warrant and previous agents found nothing, not that they had to tell her the mission but she didn’t get it, Teyo mention they can be provocative and reveal things just by showing up, he is hoping to make Mark nervous for a second visit from the FBI provoke him to make a mistake because the FBI thinks this movement could be harmful and probably under the hood is a conspiracy against the FBI, turns out they were right, agent Nuñez help by Mark’s wife finds a basement full of proof that Mark is about to hit the FBI. The cover of this post is Teyo after a shooting with Mark’s people, while they were leaving him and agent Nuñez were shoot at and he had to go all Die Hard to save his ass and Nuñez.

There was a little bit about Poet on this episode but a very interesting comment from Nazari who Poet will have to spy on in the present timeline 2023 it seems that doesnt end well since on a conversation with Lennix she mention it has been nine years since she talk to Nazari and now she might need her help with a key card that Amons left her with some code on it, Nazari told Poet her thing is saving people, she lend her money to stay and now wants to help Teyo train for his next physical exam, this might be true and probably why Amos Garcia was looking for her, choose her to bring out the truth about the FBI department, this in the future timeline 2034.

This is the guy who try to make Teyo quit, well it seems Teyo profile him correctly, they guy had a racist attitude after attempting to brake a sprint record saying he is now the fastest “white trainee”, you cant come up with that attitude at the FBI specially if you are just a trainee, Teyo pick it up fast and told him he has now been reveal basically saying he expose himself, the FBI is constantly after any kind of racist supremacy movement and this guy behavior fits the profile.

Humans tend to get cocky when they are at the top, we usually think nothing can bring us down and its worrying how Teyo while talking to a senator about the system compares it to something send from heaven like it was created by God himself, he has no hope in humans or even the law, for him profiling people before they could or try to commit a crime is more important than law itself as long as the system keeps bringing positive results, on the other hand the senator tells him not everyone sees the system as a savior.
From what I have seen so far the hero might turn into a villain, Teyo might get consume by power in the future, he is so good at his job that he could turn to be a victim of his own success, can you imagine him getting arrested by the system he created, Teyo becomes a prodigy at the FBI and goes up all the way to the top, on his way up he makes more enemies than friends, the only two that kind of stay close are Lennix and Poet but they had a relationship at some point that didn’t end bad so that’s probably why but it looks like work and success got Teyo away from everyone leaving him alone. If its true that the FBI has turn against the people and might be corrupt or manipulated as Amos says then in the future probably Nazir, Poet and Lennix might go after Teyo to reveal the truth, I’m very exited to what comes next.
Episode 1: https://peakd.com/hive-121744/@skiptvads/class-of-09-part-of
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