Dead Ringers – Season 1 – Episode 6 – RECAP



Dead Ringers is probably one of the few series that watching an episode every week will get you lost, from the fact that you have twins that switch places at will depending how well they feel with their current situation, to the delusional state of Elliot, one of the twins; sometimes you end up without knowing how to difference from their reality to the effect of drugs and alcohol, I’m sure this is a Mini Series because I don’t know how they would fit another season after the last episode. This TV Show needs to be watch either during a day or at least sperate them in two parts, three episodes each, so its easy to keep up. I never saw the original movie and now have a perfect excuse, Dead Ringers from 1988 plus I still have to watch Fatal Attraction from 1987 so I can compare their two modern versions. One thing I would advice is not to compare them as in a heads up race because this series are not intend to be the same, they are similar, adapted to modern tv guidelines and meta, trying to take a movies from the 80’s and adapt them into a TV Show as Mini Series so comparing them will ruin the experience.

Episode six brings the end to this Mini Series, an end that I was not expecting, by this episode Elliot is lost, devastated, at times I thought she was going to kill someone, its very little what’s known about her during the previous and this episode. Beverly is pushed to destroy Elliot after Silas a writer covering their story and their birthing center got them against the wall, threatening to destroy everything with what he found about Elliot, all I’m saying might make sense if both twins, Elliot and Beverly are alive, living the during the same space and time but it doesn’t seem to be that way, in just the very last minutes of the series, everything is changed and there are a few things that will make no sense anymore, its like they give you two separate endings or two separate stories, the ending was Epic. - tv series divider


After Beverly decided to move out and start a life with Genevieve, Elliot is no where to be found or at least next to Beverly, this kind of make sense to what could be an alternate ending for the series, Beverly has everything she wanted, when they started all she wanted was getting pregnant, have their birthing center running with them having total control of it, at first Rebecca their mayor investor was always on their way but towards the end with their success she gave them more freedom. Everything looks great for Beverly, clear skies but it looks like she cant be happy, she probably does not know what that is like. From the start I have been thinking they are in love with each other, the Twins, they cant be far from each other and this is killing Beverly on the inside even though she doesn’t express it.


Rebecca and her wife Susan invite Beverly and Genevieve to dinner at a restaurant, they are nominated for “The Karlovich Institute Award” so they gather to celebrate their success in science and the business, the techniques that they have develop within the birthing center has help many women so its becoming very popular, at the same time the business side is thriving, they must be making a killing from all this patients, at the end Beverly seem to accept that the birthing center is not for the masses, is not for poor people, she tried to fight this concept at first but this kind of boutique clinics are for a wealthy sector.

After celebrating, the real reason why they were their, the reason everyone knows about except Beverly, even Genevieve talk to Susan and Rebecca behind her back, they want Beverly to publicly recognize Elliot has nothing else to do with the business from no on, the dinner was an ambush, Beverly only had two options, be loyal to her twin sister or burn her to the ground after Silas has written a very well article explaining all Elliot’s abuse, miss behave, drugs addiction and potentially murder accusation, this could end everything Beverly dream of.


After the dinner the thought that she doesn’t know and cant be happy was born on Beverly’s mind and coincidence a patient came back to the clinic who is having a very hard time with been a mother and describe it as “awful mistake that I can’t figure out how to take back” similar to what Beverly is experiencing after she have finally achieve everything she always dream the only problem is that Elliot is not there with her making her feel sad, empty, like no matter how much success she has if its not with Elliot its pointless, until this point there is all kind of proof that Elliot is real, she still alive, she appears on a few scenes during episode six, doesn’t say or interact much but she still there.



The night of the award comes, Beverly is under a lot of group pressure and she gives in, throws Elliot under the bus in front of everyone and there is only one person who still probably cares and tries to safe Elliot, that’s Elliot’s right arm at the lab, Tom, he is a bit less devilish when it comes to science but still walk the same path as Elliot, he confronts Beverly and I like how from one second from another he looks totally drunk, wasted but suddenly starts talking perfectly fine telling Beverly how Elliot did all this for her and this is how she pays her own sister, its like Beverly is living in two realities, this is the first time that looks like Beverly is experiencing things from another reality, she constantly hear the word “Baby Sister” and feels like Elliot is next to her but scene with Tom as creepy.


After the event Silas went to visit a gallery where Greta, the twins maid, was performing, she is a very talented artist, drawing, paints and even acting, during all the episodes she took thinks from the twins and even their parents, all kind of objects from clothes, trash, tampons,  and use it for their art, I thought initially she was another scientist trying to steal their experiments although she did have a lot of information about the Twins, including most Elliot’s crazy adventures and Silas tries to exploit that, but we most likely wont know what’s next since this is a mini series from my understanding.


This is not the first time that Beverly gets mad at her sister and distance from her but this is the first time she hurt Elliot so bad, the first time Elliot end up so high she actually killed a women throwing her out of the balcony and then thought she hallucinate it, eventually Beverly came back and so she did this time, Genevieve went out on a business trip and Beverly took the chance to visit Elliot, the apartment was a total mess but Elliot was not there. Beverly goes to the only place she could be and that was her lab, there was Elliot with two big babies artificially grown waiting for Beverly. This is where the story start to shift into possible endings.


At the lab the twins have this conversation where Beverly decides to die so her sister can live on as Beverly, Elliot injects her and cut her open taking out the babies, its impressive and gore, lots of blood, the scene was very savage so I didn’t want to post pictures. I remember Rebecca saying at the start of the episode during the dinner, Elliot was her favorite of the two, Elliot is now at a bed sitting with Susan and Rebecca and you can tell how Rebecca knows she is Elliot and Elliot gets it but tries to cover up. - tv series divider


Its a very twisted ending because what happen with Beverly? we see Tom crying leaving the city but is he caring Beverly body in the trunk of his car? or is he caring the two babies that Elliot grew on the lab? because those are never mention.

The episode DOES NOT END when credits come up, there are a few more minutes with Beverly/Elliot sitting at the park where a women stop to talk to her and in the exchange she mention it must be hard for her to talk about her DEAD sister, Elliot/Beverly has NO RECORD, NO MEMORY of this happening so was Elliot or Beverly part of her imagination, she as Beverly says how when they were 10 she says

Do you remember when we went swimming and I could not find you or you could not find me?? ….I couldn’t get back to the boat or you couldn’t ….

Elliot says that didn’t happen, but Beverly describe it as she doesn’t know who is talking is it either Beverly or Elliot?? makes me think that this entire time most of the story was part of Beverly imagination, besides they are genius Beverly and Elliot so may be everyone around her learn to deal with her double personality but at the end only one survive, the end will make your brain explode if you saw the entire series. I give this series a solid 7.5


A Small Light : Welcome to Switzerland - Season 1 Episode 2 - RECAP PREV Episodes -

Episode 1:
Episode 2:
Episode 3:
Episode 4:
Episode 5: - tv series divider


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What to watch on September 2023

September is going to be fire with the upcoming Tv Series, at the moment of this post one of them already roll out, two of this five tv series come from solid background that is Daryl Dixon from The Walking Dead and The Continental from the John Wick Universe, The Wheel of Time after a solid season one comes back plus two series that I’m sure wont disappoint they are The Changeling and Gen V, I’m all in on the first four although Gen V doesn’t excite me that much since its a spin off from The Boys a series that I don’t like that much due to its dark humor, sadistic and a bit extra violent.


Prime Video ordered a second season of their epic series a half year before the first season premiered. That should tell you something about the streamer’s investment in Rafe Judkins’ fantasy juggernaut. Word has it, these new episodes will have bigger action, set pieces, and emotional stakes.


The Wheel of Time

The first season was fire, so far I have seen the first to episodes and they were a bit slow although we coming from Moraine loosing her ability to touch the source, all her powers are gone and the five kids the once took under her wing are spread out each living their own path but soon with meet once again, so don’t expect action right out of the back of the first episode on season 2, I have not read any of the books, if Im not mistaken its a 15 books story that started back on 1990, I’m sure they have more details that are not into the TV series so for sure worth the reading for any book worm, season one receive high scores around internet starting at 7.1/10 on IMDB probably the site that most people criticize without much base IMO so consider it a very high score, release date September 1. - tv series divider


The Changeling

From what I have read about this series it has some vibe like Servant (2019), “fairies” take a mans kid and left back a creature that looks like his baby, its a Victor LaValle’s novel adaptation, at times I feel it might sound ridiculous them trying to pretend nothing is wrong with the kid just like in Servant but I hope the story around the other characters keep the series alive, this kind of confusing stories are not successful all of the time and it could be worst if they move back and forward in the time line of events, just speculating on what might happen, release date September 8. - tv series divider


The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon

BAD ASS Daryl Dixon comes back to the screen, I never finish watching The Walking Dead, at the moment don’t even remember why but I think I got tired, to be honest at times it was depressing but I’m willing to watch it all over, the Daryl Dixon is one of the many spin off that will come out from the original Walking Dead, just as recently came out The Walking Dead: Dead City, the story is post the eleven seasons of the main series, I guess Daryl split out to continue his journey, I’m probably going to spoil the seasons I never finish but it is what it is for me, release date September 10. - tv series divider


The Continental: From the World of John Wick 

If you saw any of the John Wick movies you must be very familiar with The Continental, a network of hotels around the world that operate as neutral ground for criminals, mostly bounty hunters, professional assassins, in the image above young Winston Scott who turn out to be a great friend of John Wick, same as Constantine this is another series that every Keanu Reeves fan would love to see more of it, even Keanu admit that if there is a role he wants to play again is John Constantine but who knows if we will ever see him again as John Wick, at least this time there were four movies and the last one put up a good ending to the story, although having tv series from the John Wick Universe is a great addition to the fans, release date September 22. - tv series divider


September is going to be full of great series, this are just a few and for me the ones I will be looking for three of them will be great to watch with VR googles only to keep 100% focus plus they will be full of action, I already start The Wheel of Time Season two and planing to release my recap of episodes 1 and 2 before the end of this week, Gen V is a wild card I will give it a try to not too excited about it.

This is probably a series of articles that I will keep posting at the beginning of each month, I also got a few tech related post that can help other manage their video library and have a better experience at consuming online content too. From the time I was away working on a set of content I’m behind on other series that I plan to post the rest of the episodes RECAP.

Dead Ringers : Three – Season 1 Episode 3 – RECAP

Dead Ringers : Three - Season 1 Episode 3 - RECAP -
Dead Ringers : Three – Season 1 Episode 3 – RECAP


Dead Ringers : Three - Season 1 Episode 3 - RECAP - INTRODUCTION -

Things between the twins is getting more intense, more tension, more drugs, more selfish, more savage, Elliot just cant stand Beverly having someone she cant and on top takes her away. Elliot is having a very hard time at accepting Beverly could be on a serious relationship, at least for now and this bring her to the border of madness, Beverly on the other hand doesn’t know how to feel now that she has everything, has the lab, the birthing center, has a girlfriend but cant handle been famous and successful, there are fields where you will attract a lot of haters when becoming successful at what you do and Beverly cant handle it but this haters are not far from the truth, now with all the resources she needed Elliot is going full throttle at artificially creating humans, its clone wars all over, Elliot without any type of supervision is working out side of the law, testing and trying all methods she can or want, worst part is that humans tend to do desperate things when there is no other option, failing at procreating is one of them, failing at it for any reason over and over let women and men to take desperate actions to achieve this goal and there are people like Elliot who take advantage of this situation using them for their experiments. Creating humans artificially by some is consider playing at been God, since there is no secret formula for to achieve this or a button that you can press and give life then on the way to achieve this there are all kind of failures, this failures most of the times are consider murder since we talking about a baby, that’s the sad part when this process go bad and takes part of our humanity, until today humans have not approve of find an argument that let humans been produce at a factory because as in any factory there is a margin of error, on a humans factory that margin of error becomes life’s that are lost, in a sense killing other humans. - tv series divider
Dead Ringers : Three - Season 1 Episode 3 - RECAP - EPISODE DETAILS -

Dead Ringers : Three - Season 1 Episode 3 - RECAP -
Dead Ringers : Three – Season 1 Episode 3 – RECAP


Dead Ringers : Three - Season 1 Episode 3 - RECAP -
Dead Ringers : Three – Season 1 Episode 3 – RECAP


The series has jump in time and the Matel’s birthing center and lab are ready to go, they starting to have their first patience and this place doesn’t look cheap or accessible to others at all just as Rebecca told Beverly, she took this decision as an investment not necessarily to change the world. I like how the production have develop the look of futuristic at the same time bizarre looking, just look at the building looks a bit futuristic like in 90s movies and the dressing on this crew, it give me some flash backs of Hunger Games, same goes for the rest of the personal including the twins they all dressing red uniforms, very low lights, the birthing room is basically a cinema with chairs and a big showcase for those invited to see the process. The birthing center is getting lots of guest as they call them, Beverly insisted because they are not sick and that’s true, traditionally calling them patients might put them in the category of been sick but its just a term misunderstood.

Dead Ringers : Three - Season 1 Episode 3 - RECAP -
Dead Ringers : Three – Season 1 Episode 3 – RECAP


This TV series is more about this trio, the birthing center is just the narrative based on their goals and carrier but its about the toxic relationship that the twins have, a toxic relationship that they accept and promote at times for example when Beverly use Elliot as her escape goat when she is not ok at a certain event or handling someone she is not comfortable with, Genevieve had this party after the TV show she work at finish filming and Beverly asks Elliot to be her because she is more fun and loose at this events, but Genevieve catch it and was able to differentiate between the twins, she only ask them to stop it for this time but then Beverly is not willing to share Genevieve with Elliot but aloud Elliot to be her under other circumstances, this is the case where you cant be with God and the Devil at the same time pretending everything will be ok after. At some point Elliot will pretend to be Beverly without letting her know about it and sleep with Genevieve.

Elliot cant stand be without Beverly and Genevieve is getting on their way, soon she will have the need to get rid of Genevieve, Elliot is so possessive but also only because Beverly aloud it, in this occasion Beverly and Genevieve go out for the weekend.

Dead Ringers : Three - Season 1 Episode 3 - RECAP -
Dead Ringers : Three – Season 1 Episode 3 – RECAP


Feeling the need to some how control Beverly, Elliot takes Tom one of the guys at the Lab, basically her right hand and have him jerk off to get his sperms I think some how the act of fertilizing Beverly ovum gives her power over Beverly? she told Elliot she didn’t want to have a baby anymore before this or is she doing it to get Beverly back on having a baby so she can have her attention again? I’m sure is not for the tech since Elliot now has tons of patients who want her to test on them.

Dead Ringers : Three - Season 1 Episode 3 - RECAP -
Dead Ringers : Three – Season 1 Episode 3 – RECAP


After Beverly and Genevieve went out for the weekend Elliot didn’t know what to do with herself, nothing could calm her down, not the lab, not the drugs, not the alcohol, she go out and took a bunch of people from a bar to have a party at her place, the amount of cocaine she was taking in was absurd to the point she start having hallucinations with a neighbor that she hates, they had a fight braking stuff at Elliot’s place and then end up talking in the balcony while Elliot patch her up but then things became twisted, Elliot neighbor who she nick name Skinny start telling her how little she is, how she have to split her life with Beverly but in a bad way like Beverly takes everything from Elliot and that makes her mad, sick to the point she push Skinny off the balcony, realize what she have done but when she goes downstairs into the garbage where Skinny fall there was nothing, no body, then she realize whats going on on her way up to the apartment, Elliot is loosing it, she cant be away from Beverly and certainly not with someone else, Elliot calls Beverly to come back asking for help. - tv series divider

Dead Ringers : Three - Season 1 Episode 3 - RECAP - CONCLUSION -

I really liked this episode, the first part was ok with all the lab stuff, what they doing and the classic fight between Rebecca and Beverly but the really interesting part was when Genevieve takes Beverly how Elliot start to loose it and the end when Elliot, Two Face and Skinny start going at each other making a mess braking stuff and then having a chat but its all result of Elliot imagination, all the drugs and alcohol she did, Elliot couldn’t take the insults and how little Skinny make her feel and now we know Elliot is capable of killing someone for Beverly, she might kill Genevieve at least is on the table to keep Beverly with her, different than SWARM this tv series is creepy and could make you sick but that’s just the lab part, the interesting drama is between the twins.

Dead Ringers : Three - Season 1 Episode 3 - RECAP - PREV Episodes -

Episode 1:
Episode 2: - tv series divider

Dead Ringers : Three - Season 1 Episode 3 - RECAP - TRAILER -

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