The Continental: Theater of Pain – Episode 3 – RECAP

The Continental: Theater of Pain – Episode 3 – RECAP -
The Continental: Theater of Pain – Episode 3 – RECAP –


The Continental: Theater of Pain – Episode 3 – RECAP INTRODUCTION -

Different than popular opinion from Crystal Generation I did enjoy The Continental specially Episode Three for sure was the best, It’s true that it was not so close to John Wick himself but that is the best part because this could the door that opens to other spin off from the same world, I kept saying it on my other two post of episode one and two, it was very little what was known about the High Table not even Charon knew the extend of it I might even dare to say not even Cormac for just thinking he could bring down the High Table, not even John Wick himself was able to bring it down but rather win under their own terms and he still dies on chapter four.

After a very slow episode two as expected the last episode was pure fire with constant action, I really enjoy how not only one character was able to put up some really good shooting and fight scenes, Yen, Miles, KD but the one who really stole the show as Lou, on episode two she did a great display of her fighting skills going against a gang that was bullying her but on the third episode I saw a fight scene I could never imagine.

The Continental: Theater of Pain – Episode 3 – RECAP -
The Continental: Theater of Pain – Episode 3 – RECAP –


I have heard of shooting or fighting inside an elevator but fighting on a fucking phone booth? the greatest part is the balance of this fight, what make it so amazing is that it was not two crazy skill fighters but a man Mayhew who is way bigger and potentially stronger than Lou on that tight space and then Lou who is skinny, less weight, less brute force but she fucking him up so badly all inside of a two by two phone booth, this was only one of the few scenes that made this last episode amazing, on IMDB episode three got a solid eight and that says a lot, over all I give this series an eight out of ten. - tv series divider
The Continental: Theater of Pain – Episode 3 – RECAP EPISODE DETAILS -

The Continental: Theater of Pain – Episode 3 – RECAP -
The Continental: Theater of Pain – Episode 3 – RECAP –


Winston manage to assemble a small crew but he is after something way bigger and that’s Mazie’s army although he haven’t crack her code yet, Love that’s is all she wants but what kind of love exactly? Miles and the rest almost back out when he told them Mazie is not yet with them but he was right they going to war so even with here there is no guaranty that their plan will work out, they are taking over a hotel that is basically a fortress.

The Continental: Theater of Pain – Episode 3 – RECAP -
The Continental: Theater of Pain – Episode 3 – RECAP –


Ray McKinnon was a great addition to this mini series playing as Jenkins, an old sharp shooter who refuse to to recognize he is now old and need glasses, Mile’s old friend still got it and turn out to be a key asset to take over The Continental, McKinnon also adds in my opinion the entire side of the comedy aspect of this mini series.

The Continental: Theater of Pain – Episode 3 – RECAP -
The Continental: Theater of Pain – Episode 3 – RECAP –



On Episode three many are seeking the truth and revenge at the same time and if we pay attention almost every single story goes back to Cormac and the hotel, for example Lou and Mile’s father use to work for Cormac and different to what Lou knows of her father he was another assassin under contract with Cormac, her brother Miles try to protect her from this sad truth but it was a local Asian Gangster name Chen who open her eyes, he gave her the very own gun her dad use to kill many, I’m no gun expert but that’s a big ass gun looks like a .50

The Continental: Theater of Pain – Episode 3 – RECAP -
The Continental: Theater of Pain – Episode 3 – RECAP –


Another revelation from this episode was KD story, she started the series as just investigating gangster that were going in and out of the hotel but she was after Frankie, I think she only mention him twice, after Frankie went MIA for her then she focus on Winston and the Hotel, never understood what truly happen inside the Hotel but she knew they protect all kind of criminals and latter infiltrate with a High Table Coin she got from a dead shooter who work for Cormac, her true story is that she was the only survivor after the fire Winston and Frankie started on an apartment, never told anyone all this time until she finally put her hands on Winston and was ready to pull the trigger and take vengeance by her own hands.

The Continental: Theater of Pain – Episode 3 – RECAP -
The Continental: Theater of Pain – Episode 3 – RECAP –


The Continental: Theater of Pain – Episode 3 – RECAP -
The Continental: Theater of Pain – Episode 3 – RECAP –


Last best fight of the night was between Yen and The Twins, specially the Gretel who shoot Frankie in the head after he gave up and jump from the helicopter, the twins Hansel and Gretel were under contract by Cormac, Yen is a character that carry a lot of fighting power and now is full of rage to the point she doesn’t care about her life anymore all she wants is to kill the twins, she doesnt even care about Winston plan thats why she goes old school when she met Frankie and puts on a C4 vest to blow up when she catch the twins. This was a very freaky fight from Gretel, this is a good example how an actor can be good at performing their role and not saying a word, in my opinion from the two Gretel was the best at it.

The Continental: Theater of Pain – Episode 3 – RECAP -
The Continental: Theater of Pain – Episode 3 – RECAP –


After everything was settle and the fight was over, it’s obvious this was a fight the good guys would win, many died but at the end it was expected for Winston to take over the Hotel, after all on the movies he is the manager of the continental, he faces the Adjudicator who pay him a visit, to a certain point she left Cormac to die because the High Table never send reinforces but Winston was aware she was not the person he would talk to but he had to send a message to those at a higher position within the High Table so he did what no body else would that’s kill the Adjudicator, this action kinda contradicts how Winston behave on the movies when he did what the Adjudicator told him too although he was always trying what Cormac did, try to win using their own rules against the High Table, this was many years before the John Wick movies so probably he was young and wild back then. - tv series divider

The Continental: Theater of Pain – Episode 3 – RECAP CONCLUSION -

The Continental was a mini series that at first I was skeptical about it since it landed on Peacock as its not a a AAA streaming media in terms of the content that is release on this service, another thing that got me worry is that most of the cast was a not very well known except Gibson and many have the opinion he is going down hill on his career, after all this I decided to give it a try for many reasons probably the most important one is that I love the underdog and this was the case, a series with a great story but release on a not popular streaming service with actors that not many know off.

After three good episodes I give The Continental a solid 8/10, the second episodes as expected was the slowest one but the first and third really nail it with a good story and packing a lot of action, many though this was going to be around the story of the High Table and probably John friendship with Winston but it was not the case, it was all about Winston and how he started at the Hotel, how he started doing business with the High Table, if we pay attention not much is reveal about the High Table during the series and this opens the door for some other spin off.

I didn’t want to take the fun out of the action scenes so I didn’t describe them just the final outcome of the different side stories besides Winston, everything on this story happen because of Cormac so it was just a matter of time before people like Winston, Lou, Frankie, KD and even the High Table take revenge.


The Continental: Theater of Pain – Episode 3 – RECAP PREV Episodes -

Episode 1:
Episode 2: - tv series divider

The Continental TRAILER -

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Dead Ringers : Three – Season 1 Episode 3 – RECAP

Dead Ringers : Three - Season 1 Episode 3 - RECAP -
Dead Ringers : Three – Season 1 Episode 3 – RECAP


Dead Ringers : Three - Season 1 Episode 3 - RECAP - INTRODUCTION -

Things between the twins is getting more intense, more tension, more drugs, more selfish, more savage, Elliot just cant stand Beverly having someone she cant and on top takes her away. Elliot is having a very hard time at accepting Beverly could be on a serious relationship, at least for now and this bring her to the border of madness, Beverly on the other hand doesn’t know how to feel now that she has everything, has the lab, the birthing center, has a girlfriend but cant handle been famous and successful, there are fields where you will attract a lot of haters when becoming successful at what you do and Beverly cant handle it but this haters are not far from the truth, now with all the resources she needed Elliot is going full throttle at artificially creating humans, its clone wars all over, Elliot without any type of supervision is working out side of the law, testing and trying all methods she can or want, worst part is that humans tend to do desperate things when there is no other option, failing at procreating is one of them, failing at it for any reason over and over let women and men to take desperate actions to achieve this goal and there are people like Elliot who take advantage of this situation using them for their experiments. Creating humans artificially by some is consider playing at been God, since there is no secret formula for to achieve this or a button that you can press and give life then on the way to achieve this there are all kind of failures, this failures most of the times are consider murder since we talking about a baby, that’s the sad part when this process go bad and takes part of our humanity, until today humans have not approve of find an argument that let humans been produce at a factory because as in any factory there is a margin of error, on a humans factory that margin of error becomes life’s that are lost, in a sense killing other humans. - tv series divider
Dead Ringers : Three - Season 1 Episode 3 - RECAP - EPISODE DETAILS -

Dead Ringers : Three - Season 1 Episode 3 - RECAP -
Dead Ringers : Three – Season 1 Episode 3 – RECAP


Dead Ringers : Three - Season 1 Episode 3 - RECAP -
Dead Ringers : Three – Season 1 Episode 3 – RECAP


The series has jump in time and the Matel’s birthing center and lab are ready to go, they starting to have their first patience and this place doesn’t look cheap or accessible to others at all just as Rebecca told Beverly, she took this decision as an investment not necessarily to change the world. I like how the production have develop the look of futuristic at the same time bizarre looking, just look at the building looks a bit futuristic like in 90s movies and the dressing on this crew, it give me some flash backs of Hunger Games, same goes for the rest of the personal including the twins they all dressing red uniforms, very low lights, the birthing room is basically a cinema with chairs and a big showcase for those invited to see the process. The birthing center is getting lots of guest as they call them, Beverly insisted because they are not sick and that’s true, traditionally calling them patients might put them in the category of been sick but its just a term misunderstood.

Dead Ringers : Three - Season 1 Episode 3 - RECAP -
Dead Ringers : Three – Season 1 Episode 3 – RECAP


This TV series is more about this trio, the birthing center is just the narrative based on their goals and carrier but its about the toxic relationship that the twins have, a toxic relationship that they accept and promote at times for example when Beverly use Elliot as her escape goat when she is not ok at a certain event or handling someone she is not comfortable with, Genevieve had this party after the TV show she work at finish filming and Beverly asks Elliot to be her because she is more fun and loose at this events, but Genevieve catch it and was able to differentiate between the twins, she only ask them to stop it for this time but then Beverly is not willing to share Genevieve with Elliot but aloud Elliot to be her under other circumstances, this is the case where you cant be with God and the Devil at the same time pretending everything will be ok after. At some point Elliot will pretend to be Beverly without letting her know about it and sleep with Genevieve.

Elliot cant stand be without Beverly and Genevieve is getting on their way, soon she will have the need to get rid of Genevieve, Elliot is so possessive but also only because Beverly aloud it, in this occasion Beverly and Genevieve go out for the weekend.

Dead Ringers : Three - Season 1 Episode 3 - RECAP -
Dead Ringers : Three – Season 1 Episode 3 – RECAP


Feeling the need to some how control Beverly, Elliot takes Tom one of the guys at the Lab, basically her right hand and have him jerk off to get his sperms I think some how the act of fertilizing Beverly ovum gives her power over Beverly? she told Elliot she didn’t want to have a baby anymore before this or is she doing it to get Beverly back on having a baby so she can have her attention again? I’m sure is not for the tech since Elliot now has tons of patients who want her to test on them.

Dead Ringers : Three - Season 1 Episode 3 - RECAP -
Dead Ringers : Three – Season 1 Episode 3 – RECAP


After Beverly and Genevieve went out for the weekend Elliot didn’t know what to do with herself, nothing could calm her down, not the lab, not the drugs, not the alcohol, she go out and took a bunch of people from a bar to have a party at her place, the amount of cocaine she was taking in was absurd to the point she start having hallucinations with a neighbor that she hates, they had a fight braking stuff at Elliot’s place and then end up talking in the balcony while Elliot patch her up but then things became twisted, Elliot neighbor who she nick name Skinny start telling her how little she is, how she have to split her life with Beverly but in a bad way like Beverly takes everything from Elliot and that makes her mad, sick to the point she push Skinny off the balcony, realize what she have done but when she goes downstairs into the garbage where Skinny fall there was nothing, no body, then she realize whats going on on her way up to the apartment, Elliot is loosing it, she cant be away from Beverly and certainly not with someone else, Elliot calls Beverly to come back asking for help. - tv series divider

Dead Ringers : Three - Season 1 Episode 3 - RECAP - CONCLUSION -

I really liked this episode, the first part was ok with all the lab stuff, what they doing and the classic fight between Rebecca and Beverly but the really interesting part was when Genevieve takes Beverly how Elliot start to loose it and the end when Elliot, Two Face and Skinny start going at each other making a mess braking stuff and then having a chat but its all result of Elliot imagination, all the drugs and alcohol she did, Elliot couldn’t take the insults and how little Skinny make her feel and now we know Elliot is capable of killing someone for Beverly, she might kill Genevieve at least is on the table to keep Beverly with her, different than SWARM this tv series is creepy and could make you sick but that’s just the lab part, the interesting drama is between the twins.

Dead Ringers : Three - Season 1 Episode 3 - RECAP - PREV Episodes -

Episode 1:
Episode 2: - tv series divider

Dead Ringers : Three - Season 1 Episode 3 - RECAP - TRAILER -

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Dead Ringers: Episode Two – Personal Thoughts

With how things are developing I it looks to me that Eliot enjoy been her and her sister Beverly, imagine if you are a doctor who is doing experiments to procreate life as they are and you have an exact copy of yourself ready to experiment on besides it comes with another personal life that you can swap like turning a switch on and off, Eliot despite that she look like she loves Beverly I think its totally the opposite, she only cares about herself that’s why she got so Mad when Beverly told her Genevieve is only her’s and wont share, Eliot is use to that kind of life when she can be Beverly and herself anytime back an forward and use it as a escape door at the same time enjoying Beverly life and I think she might do it without telling her some times, for sure Eliot is going to take a shot at Genevieve without telling Beverly at some point because that’s how selfish she is, same for the experiments, Eliot doesn’t care if Beverly has a child, all she care is that her experiment works and makes me think that if the experiment works Eliot might even claim the baby as hers too.


As expected Eliot works on the very thin line of legality, after all she is experimenting on her sister’s body she might think basically they were born together so its like she is experimenting on herself what could be wrong about it, without a private lab to move forward seems she grew a sixteen days embryo which based on the show its illegal, anything after fourteen days is illegal, that might change depending on the country but that’s how it goes on the tv series, here she is next to Tom the one in charge for the hospital lab and now they been investigated because of Eliot embryo experiment. Mantels are about to have a meeting to raise those sixteen million dollars they asking for from a family investment group and ask Tom to come to work with her as he answers fuck you but he will, basically after this scandal he has no other place to go.


For Eliot its all about herself, what she wants when she want it, Beverly is just her double a disposable life and body that’s why on these scene she is fantasizing with Genevieve while she is with Beverly having sex, Eliot is outside in the kitchen listening to them, moving her hips, sucking a lemon, she is both angry and horny at the same time, I guess she doesn’t have to imagine that much of what they doing since Beverly is an exact copy, might be easy for her to paint the picture.


Eliot and Beverly have two different perspective of what the Birthing Center mean to them, for Beverly is all about improving women experience and health during the process of getting pregnant to giving birth but for Eliot is about the science and the cash, Beverly perspective is more social and in touch with women feelings while Eliot cant care less of what she thinks, they make it very clear during this scene as the twins are been brief of what and who they will find during dinner they going to have with the family who is willing to invest on their project, Beverly came prepare with a proposal and a printed project plan but Eliot just want to have fun and go wildly geeky when she is ask about what they can do with all this technology they are developing with their experiments and probably thats why they like Eliot and not Beverly.


Back at the apartment while the twins are at their dinner with the interventionist, Greta their maid is taking all kind of DNA samples from hair, residue from teeth brush, used menstruation tampons and a bunch of other samples my guess from Beverly because she is the experiment the question is who she working for? competition trying to steel their experiment? government? or could she be working for Eliot and run a side LAB that Beverly doesn’t know about and experiment without legal boundaries and no remorse?


Some tv series are getting more weird than ever and Dead Ringers is up there with SWARM, this episode was very painful to watch, the dinner scene was so uncomfortable and awkward but I think that’s part of what they trying to make people feel, I couldn’t wait for it to be over, it was literally a blood bath for Beverly, she was also having her period, everyone on that table was against the way she though about their business and were brutally expressive to the point saying fuck you to her face and laugh about it, they criticize her for everything she said while Eliot was trying to fit into their game, been ruthless and not defending Beverly at all, some times even on the same side as the rest of the table against Beverly.


Close to the end things were so bad for the twins in terms of getting the money that Eliot decided to get rid of Beverly for the rest of the night since she was ruining for them, Eliot knew Beverly doesnt fit and at some point will answer with a big fuck you back to the all of them, I would probably do the same, yes Beverly is too purist and naive at some times but she is defending her point of view, others at the table were just a bunch of idiots with the excuse that they are like that to avoid getting fucked for sixteen million dollars that the twins are asking for.


I think Eliot went too far by kidnapping Beverly and lock her up in what looks like the power room for the villa, Beverly had to untie herself and find a way out through a tunnel, when she finally got out look for them and they were all gather next to the pool, some of them high and she can be naive, pacifist, human, very in touch but she snaps and that’s what she did, told everyone the truth to their faces with a big FUCK YOU at the end, Eliot try to stop her but not in a nice way, she was on the money side, I get it its business don’t let them get under your skin but that dinner didn’t look like business it was like the twins had to bend over and get fucked by the ones with the money, that’s how I think Beverly felt and react that way when her own sister took their side and was clearly against them, as on the previous meeting after Beverly snap Rebecca the head investor talk to them and still wanted to make business with them after Eliot told them about a lot of experiments that are illegal but could make them a lot of money like delay menopause for women, Rebecca offer them the money and they had 24 hours to answer which Beverly accept after watching Eliot been all sad about it, thinking that they might loose this opportunity, see Beverly is all about Eliot and Eliot is all about herself. Ce la vie.


This scene was short but I think its very relevant since this right here, Greta unpacking a bag of DNA samples from the twin’s apartment, will take this TV series into some action and not just drama, without action this series might turn into another Hospital drama series and there are a lot of those, who is Greta working for that’s the question?

A Small Light : Welcome to Switzerland - Season 1 Episode 2 - RECAP PREV Episodes -

Episode 1:

There is no doubt that even though they are twins they are totally the opposite with Eliot been self destructive and selfish while Beverly is submissive to others and just want to safe lives,  they already got the money so I next we might have two episodes of them buying things for the lab, getting it ready and probably in two or three episodes have their first client, Rebecca and the rest was pushing for this clinics to be expensive and not for the masses while Beverly was the only one to be the opposite, not exactly free or beneficence but to be accessible to many women and not just a few, I didnt like the middle of the episode as it was extremely awkward seen Beverly destroy and all the crazy shit they were up to like eating one of their race horse, practicing some sort of ritual to put a hole on their skull making them feel relaxing to a picture of Rebecca’s Ex wife vagina a huge easy six foot tall picture.

Dead Ringers: Episode One – Personal Thoughts


Similar to the 1988 Dead Ringers movie with Jeremy Irons playing the male version of the Mantle twins, I say Male because now we have the Female version of the Mantle twins with Dead Ringers TV Series, I never watch the movie didn’t even know it exist, I took interest into this series when the trailer came out, for me it was not clear because it really look like a cult with all the red uniform and women giving birth so I decided to start watching it out of curiosity.

I have only watch the first episode since its a season release I prefer to keep the traditional one episode a week, I find out about the movie when I check the score on IMDB which is solid since its not a series for everybody. Dead Ringers is very graphical and to some point disturbing not only because it shows images of women giving birth that is the main topic of this series, the Mantel twins are trying to change how women are seen and treat during this process, many things in life are evaluated based on society perspective, for many people pregnancy feels awkward, uncomfortable and for some a rough moment necessary to accomplish something bigger. I have two kids and got to say not every pregnancy is the same, in my case my wife was very calm and never had issues during the process, when your wife is pregnant at some point you will see her more beautiful than ever, this are hormones but that’s another topic, that’s they way in my opinion it should feel for everyone, enjoy the process until the day to give birth come but for other women getting pregnant might be a nightmare for both her and her partner, this is the impression most people get of the process and natural because humans are use to remember the bad things only most of the time. This wrong impression and the progress of giving birth making it more human, peaceful and cut down the amount of errors that end up ending lives is what the twins are looking for when they try to build up their own birth center with the most advance technology. That’s the impression I got from the series.







The Mantle Twins, Beverly and Elliot, on the long hair Elliot and Beverly with the hair tied, that’s how you will difference them, works same for everyone who knows them in the series, they constantly team up and swap whenever one of them doesn’t like their patient or any specific situation, they each have different skills when it comes to communicating and handling certain situations.

Beverly is the most affected by how things happen in the hospital, constant delays, errors from both administration and some doctors that on the first episode let to death of a mother who just give birth, there are moments when she snaps because of all this pressure besides that they trying to get their project of the birth center funded, they asking for $16 million, for big investors that’s nothing but its not a amount of cash that you find in every corner.

Eliot on the other hand is more ruthless, she cares about the project too but takes things easier, she is the type of person that can see the world on fire and wouldn’t care much as long as she knows there is a way out, on the first episode it looks like she cares a lot for her sister although this is a twisted TV series, sometimes I feel like more than caring and loving her sister Beverly could be just a very important experiment for her since she cant hold babys, for some reason unknown they keep getting unattached to Beverly and end up loosing them at early stages.


Similar to the movie, the twins are constantly together, this is Beverly asking Eliot if she can go home, both at a club, while Eliot party and do drugs (cocaine) Beverly is studying a case and wants to go home, Eliot is constantly pumping on cocaine


Beverly is under constant pressure form their investors and sometimes she cant hold it to the point of start swearing and telling them to fuck off but when they answer back the same way she just shut up, Beverly have no skin and Eliot loves it, constantly laughing at the situation, the scene above there is Lara patient and investor, the woman in bed Niki who is Lara surrogate for the last six child and ask the twins to close the gap between this and her next son but then that makes Beverly nuts because its not the best for Niki or the child, both start arguing about it until Beverly snaps but then gives up and Eliot had to take control of the conversation, its hilarious every time this happens to Beverly.


First episode is all about introducing the main characters, start to explain their motives, problems, relationships and what the series is about.
Genevieve play by Britne Oldford, I remember her mostly from The Flash TV Series, at actress part of a TV show that Beverly likes end up as one of her patients, Genevieve is exploring the possibility of having a child, Beverly couldn’t handle her because she is bias, likes her and cant take her celebrity status so ask Eliot to swap who is more calm about it, after exams Eliot explains Genevieve that it would be hard for her to get pregnant but not impossible, not the answer she was looking for so gets mad and ask where is the closest bar to get wrecked.
Later on there is an incident with a patient who lost her child giving birth and Eliot felt so depress and guilty she had to go and ask Beverly to cover her, she wants to get drunk and have some fun so she goes to the bar next to the hospital to find Genevieve and get her for her sister, turns out it works, at first it was awkward for Genevieve but then agrees to meet up latter at night in a hotel where she is attending an event.


Latter that night, the twins had dinner with investors, on the left Rebecca on the right Joseph, Joseph is all about progress, feelings, the kids, etc for her is not about the business, Rebecca on the other hand is all about business and passion and give the twins a hard time saying that their pitch was soft and doesn’t trust the project, Beverly again as the most sentimental from the twins reacts emotional and snaps again, ending with fuck off after explaining how important their project is from a technical point. To this Rebecca answer with a fuck yes that’s what I’m looking for but she will be on their neck the entire time, money and family matters a lot for her and wont the twins fuck her, she is all about business.


After dinner, Beverly goes to met with Genevieve as Eliot told her to, they talk on the hotel bar, kiss and end up spending the night together at the twins apartment, the next morning Genevieve sees Greta in the morning and is confuse but Greta is the twins maid, then gest more confuse when she finds out Beverly has a twin sister, later before she goes ask Beverly if she been only with one of them, this make me laugh a bit because I think the twins have done it in the past for sure or will probably do it during the series or probably Eliot is so despicable that she might do it without telling Beverly, the possibilities are infinite.



This is a TV Series I’m sure I will enjoy despite the birthing images that I can stand but make me feel uncomfortable but for me the attraction of the series is the twins, how they handle different situations, they have an asset most humans don’t have an its to be someone else swap their lives in matter of seconds, switching from Eliot and Beverly as they see fit, that helps them a lot mostly Beverly to overcome obstacles in life. Then we have the investors who clearly dont give a shit about the twins, some care about the money, others about the tech and for example Lara cares about producing babies fast for some reason. I give it a solid 7/10 and will keep watching an episode every Friday.