Florida Man : The Chain – Episode 3 – Personal Thoughts


I like series that go back and forward in time it makes you try to figure out whats next and some times trick you into assuming things and getting to conclusions that latter on are wrong, the story and the characters are not that interesting, actors are OK but its mostly about figuring out whats going to happen next, almost everyone has a fight with each of the characters, Moss with Mike, Mike with his Dad, Delly with Mike and the most recent Iris with Mike, few of them are actually friends so that’s the part that keeps me watching Florida Man from time to time, a series I basically use to fill gaps anytime I don’t have anything to watch but its still a solid 7/10, Delly is someone who only thinks about what satisfy her, I have never believe she loves Mike for real he is just her escape vehicle from Moss and any other wrong decision she made and now he can help her reset and start from scratch with the gold they are about to scoop, the truck is on a crater under water and everything is setup to have a crane pull it up, one thing they don’t know the guy operating the crane is on bail for robbing a jewelry store.

RTT: https://www.rottentomatoes.com/tv/florida_man

From score on RTT you can tell this is a series that a large average viewer audience would find as a good series to watch on a weekly bases but anyone who is use to watch all kind of tv series who is more constant at looking up whats new and consider it a hobby then would rate it very low and that’s fine, that’s critics territory.


The episodes starts with a crazy story, a guy brakes in the Orange County Jail to recover his cellphone that contain incriminating information from a jewelry robbery he is been investigated for that face is going look very familiar latter on as he is Mike crane operator, the one he hired to help him pull the truck out from the hole under water until he find out about Mike’s plan, that’s where everything went south for them.


On previous episode close the end Delly shows up at Mike’s Dad bar probably asking for his help although they also show the USB she stole from Moss, they didn’t actually mention it was Moss USB but you don’t have to run complex calculations to figure it out, ends up Delly was only asking Sonny to help her find where the gold is, at that very moment Mike haven’t told her he found it, another example how cut scenes without immediate definition leaves the viewer thinking on what happens next because on the previous episode I thought Delly was actually working with Sonny the entire time and I thought it was about whats on the USB not about the gold but the results where totally different, latter on when Mike calls her it turns awkward because now she tells Sonny she doesn’t need his help anymore.

During the episode Moss actually mention the USB and in another scene when talking to one of his guys he said it has work stuff and imagine all the murder, evidence and things he has done that are on that USB, for now its irrelevant since so far its all about the gold but once Mike or Delly get in trouble that USB could turn into a life saver.


After Mike found the truck, well he thinks he found it, there is no evidence there is a truck down there or that there is gold inside, turns out Mike’s brother in law is the contractor in charge to drain the sink hole to turn it into a lake with a bottom of two feet of concrete, would take them about four days and nothing under water has been claim so its an open window for Mike with only one guard at night that could be easily kidnap, distracted or bought although Mike is cheap so he goes the distraction route.


The moment I saw that face I knew things wouldn’t go well for Mike, this guy is the one accuse for braking in jail to recover his phone and bail after the jewelry robbery, he works with Mike’s brother in law, supposedly got him a smart toilet so that’s the excuse Mike use to reach him, on the side offer him cash for someone who can operate a crane and the guy offer himself, it was just a matter of time before he finds out what is on the truck and either take it all or wanted a piece of it.


The night before Mike had planned to pull the job he shows up to the place where the truck is and his father show up too with too of his ex cop partners, they have been following, Sonny was following Mike the entire time anyways because he knew there was something that might interest him from Delly since she is related to Moss but now there is a bigger fish to fry with the gold inside the truck, they start arguing how they will divide the treasure until they figure out an arrangement, that night also Delly finds out of Iris, Mike’s ex wife who happen to be a cop, during a conversation she had with Ray-Ray one of Sonny’s ex cop partner he told her about Iris who ended with Mike as most of the time happens with cops wifes.


For the most part of the series Iris haven’t had an important role on it, by the way Delly got MAD as FUCK when she find out about Iris, I’m not sure if she felt jealous or betrayed or both by Mike, Iris will start getting closer to them and next potentially going to investigate a guy who Moss murder and Delly was part of his alibi, guess what happens when Iris finds out Delly is still alive and she is with Mike.


The night for the job comes and everything is set, Delly had to take care of the guard by faking she has some sort of break down and is about to jump into the sink hole full of water for the guard to convince her to get inside the church next to it and talk about it until she calms down, everything was going well and Mike suit up to go under water, same does Sonny and they trusted Buzz from all to help them with the chain to pull the truck, Buzz had a lot of trouble to concentrate but is loyal to Sonny although not too smart, he mention what he is going to do with the gold to the crane operator before the guy jumps into the crane to start working, after that all is seen is the chain drop on Mike’s head and Sonny had to help him not going deeper into the hole.

I mention at the start that the story is not so interesting and if you don’t pay attention might even get lost with all the going back and forward, scenes sometimes are inconclusive between chapters but at the end makes sense, this is something I think might get viewers off the rails but I still enjoy it, there ware two things I’m looking forward and its Iris going to Florida to investigate the man who Moss murder because he did and how is the crane operator going to betray Mike and the rest of the crew, one detail that fly by during the episode is Delly telling someone over the phone that they will see each other again and she loves him/her , it was a I love you so who knows if its a relative, a lover or even Moss himself, what if this was all a plan to have Mike find the treasure and Moss is using Delly to get to it, see this are the details I like about the series but I’m not anxious to whats going to happen next.

Florida Man : The Chain – Episode 3 – RECAP


I like series that go back and forward in time it makes you try to figure out whats next and some times trick you into assuming things and getting to conclusions that latter on are wrong, the story and the characters are not that interesting, actors are OK but its mostly about figuring out whats going to happen next, almost everyone has a fight with each of the characters, Moss with Mike, Mike with his Dad, Delly with Mike and the most recent Iris with Mike, few of them are actually friends so that’s the part that keeps me watching Florida Man from time to time, a series I basically use to fill gaps anytime I don’t have anything to watch but its still a solid 7/10, Delly is someone who only thinks about what satisfy her, I have never believe she loves Mike for real he is just her escape vehicle from Moss and any other wrong decision she made and now he can help her reset and start from scratch with the gold they are about to scoop, the truck is on a crater under water and everything is setup to have a crane pull it up, one thing they don’t know the guy operating the crane is on bail for robbing a jewelry store.
RTT: https://www.rottentomatoes.com/tv/florida_man

From score on RTT you can tell this is a series that a large average viewer audience would find as a good series to watch on a weekly bases but anyone who is use to watch all kind of tv series who is more constant at looking up whats new and consider it a hobby then would rate it very low and that’s fine, that’s critics territory.


The episodes starts with a crazy story, a guy brakes in the Orange County Jail to recover his cellphone that contain incriminating information from a jewelry robbery he is been investigated for that face is going look very familiar latter on as he is Mike crane operator, the one he hired to help him pull the truck out from the hole under water until he find out about Mike’s plan, that’s where everything went south for them.


On previous episode close the end Delly shows up at Mike’s Dad bar probably asking for his help although they also show the USB she stole from Moss, they didn’t actually mention it was Moss USB but you don’t have to run complex calculations to figure it out, ends up Delly was only asking Sonny to help her find where the gold is, at that very moment Mike haven’t told her he found it, another example how cut scenes without immediate definition leaves the viewer thinking on what happens next because on the previous episode I thought Delly was actually working with Sonny the entire time and I thought it was about whats on the USB not about the gold but the results where totally different, latter on when Mike calls her it turns awkward because now she tells Sonny she doesn’t need his help anymore.

During the episode Moss actually mention the USB and in another scene when talking to one of his guys he said it has work stuff and imagine all the murder, evidence and things he has done that are on that USB, for now its irrelevant since so far its all about the gold but once Mike or Delly get in trouble that USB could turn into a life saver.


After Mike found the truck, well he thinks he found it, there is no evidence there is a truck down there or that there is gold inside, turns out Mike’s brother in law is the contractor in charge to drain the sink hole to turn it into a lake with a bottom of two feet of concrete, would take them about four days and nothing under water has been claim so its an open window for Mike with only one guard at night that could be easily kidnap, distracted or bought although Mike is cheap so he goes the distraction route.


The moment I saw that face I knew things wouldn’t go well for Mike, this guy is the one accuse for braking in jail to recover his phone and bail after the jewelry robbery, he works with Mike’s brother in law, supposedly got him a smart toilet so that’s the excuse Mike use to reach him, on the side offer him cash for someone who can operate a crane and the guy offer himself, it was just a matter of time before he finds out what is on the truck and either take it all or wanted a piece of it.


The night before Mike had planned to pull the job he shows up to the place where the truck is and his father show up too with too of his ex cop partners, they have been following, Sonny was following Mike the entire time anyways because he knew there was something that might interest him from Delly since she is related to Moss but now there is a bigger fish to fry with the gold inside the truck, they start arguing how they will divide the treasure until they figure out an arrangement, that night also Delly finds out of Iris, Mike’s ex wife who happen to be a cop, during a conversation she had with Ray-Ray one of Sonny’s ex cop partner he told her about Iris who ended with Mike as most of the time happens with cops wifes.


For the most part of the series Iris haven’t had an important role on it, by the way Delly got MAD as FUCK when she find out about Iris, I’m not sure if she felt jealous or betrayed or both by Mike, Iris will start getting closer to them and next potentially going to investigate a guy who Moss murder and Delly was part of his alibi, guess what happens when Iris finds out Delly is still alive and she is with Mike.


The night for the job comes and everything is set, Delly had to take care of the guard by faking she has some sort of break down and is about to jump into the sink hole full of water for the guard to convince her to get inside the church next to it and talk about it until she calms down, everything was going well and Mike suit up to go under water, same does Sonny and they trusted Buzz from all to help them with the chain to pull the truck, Buzz had a lot of trouble to concentrate but is loyal to Sonny although not too smart, he mention what he is going to do with the gold to the crane operator before the guy jumps into the crane to start working, after that all is seen is the chain drop on Mike’s head and Sonny had to help him not going deeper into the hole.

I mention at the start that the story is not so interesting and if you don’t pay attention might even get lost with all the going back and forward, scenes sometimes are inconclusive between chapters but at the end makes sense, this is something I think might get viewers off the rails but I still enjoy it, there ware two things I’m looking forward and its Iris going to Florida to investigate the man who Moss murder because he did and how is the crane operator going to betray Mike and the rest of the crew, one detail that fly by during the episode is Delly telling someone over the phone that they will see each other again and she loves him/her , it was a I love you so who knows if its a relative, a lover or even Moss himself, what if this was all a plan to have Mike find the treasure and Moss is using Delly to get to it, see this are the details I like about the series but I’m not anxious to whats going to happen next.


Silo : Freedom Day – Episode 1 – Personal Thoughts


Silo a post apocalyptic TV series where an entire society lives inside a Silo that goes many floors down having all kind of crops necessary to survive, with water and a sustainable environment, Silo has very high scores on review sites like IMDB and RTT, I haven’t done any research if this is based on any video game that it actually looks like but it kinda remind me of the game Fallout, the inmates or citizens depending on how you look at it live with a very strict set of rules after all living in a confine space no matter how big it is still difficult to adapt, not many people can overcome this so a strict set of rules with enforcers is necessary but it seems not everything is what it looks like inside the Silo.

I got a great impression from Silo episode one, the production looks great, the music really sets the mood, the cast is great with actors really adding feelings to their character

  • Rebecca Ferguson, from Dune, playing Juliet
  • Rashida Jones, playing Alison Becker
  • David Oyelowo, from Interstellar, playing Sherriff Holston, Alison’s Husband
  • Will Patton, from the 90’s Armageddon, play Deputy Marnes

and the cast list goes on with a great set of actors, I can really see this becoming a triple A series, it would depend on the script if it doesn’t get too boring at times, after all they are lock down on a Silo under ground, it is huge though, from the shots it looks like an entire city every floor, similar to Zion from The Matrix Revolution movie, I have no complains from episode one, releasing two episodes at once seem to be a trend that I think the intention is to have the series stick right from the go, I have mention before that sometimes for me to get hooked I need to watch at least three episodes depending on how good or bad this series is but Silo gets your from episode one.

RTT: https://www.rottentomatoes.com/tv/silo




The story gives context at the very scene where Sheriff Holston lock himself up in a cell and then ask to go out, there is this “freedom” within the Silo that anyone who ask to go out wont be stop but I think that’s after the “government” the ones who enforce and create the rules made sure to paint a very horror picture of what is outside. He ask to go out and says he should have listen to her and then Alison comes up on the screen before she went out, you don’t have to be a genius to see it, she is on some kind of suit and on the same cell, so we immediately know he lost her and wants to be with her again but how if she died? or at least that’s what show up on the screen, every screen on the Silo is a mirror of a single camera upstairs at the front entrance of the Silo so its fully underground, this screens are not windows of the Silo.



I really like their old computers and the sounds they make remind me of Windows 98, the rules are very strict, this is similar to communism and a bit worst, the Holston’s are giving a window of one year to have a baby because all women who can still get pregnant are under a strict birth control with a device they implant inside them, Holston is a man of law and he obey them all as he is the enforcer.


There is still a small population that remembers or have an idea what the old times look like when they had more freedom, there was this revolution that the Silo Government calls extremest and radical, until now we don’t know if that’s true, Gloria is part of that old school conspiracy, she believes the Silo Government wants to keep them inside and is not telling them truth, why not all women are giving the chance to get pregnant? why they destroy all books and computers older than hundred and forty years, but she is treated as a fraud.


Alison been a more wild spirit than his husband thinks people need access to information, she made a post about how to recover lost data but that is not aloud and her boss Bernard remind he of that after he delete the post, Alison works on the IT support section for the Silo and also creates content for their intranet system. Alison talk about this with her husband and immediately without noticing he took his posture as law enforcer and she notice it, for Sheriff Holston the only thing that keeps them together and alive inside the Silo is the law and nothing is above it, not even his wife.




Either this was intentional or its just Alison destiny to become part of the rebellion, may be there is a rebellion working in the background and notice Alison, first Gloria ask her for a talk and tells here things like they are listening everywhere and why she couldn’t get pregnant that latter on Alison cut herself and took out the real birth control device, then George a local IT guy sends a ticket on a holiday trying to get someone from IT to come down and help him with some task they don’t describe but he found what they call a relic, in this case a hard drive older than hundred and forty years that probably has data they shouldn’t be look it at because they Silo Government do not allow it.


At first she was afraid but didn’t rat George, just ask him to get rid of it but then the closer she gets to her deadline to get pregnant without success plus Gloria told her why this is, Alison start skipping work reporting sick, stop having sex with her husband after they were doing it like rabbits every time they could after all EVERYONE on the Silo knows when you get the chance to get pregnant, she start visiting George and help him recover the data from the drive, it seems the Rebellion didn’t destroy all hard drives, well that’s what the Silo Government wants people to think, this is classic on post apocalyptic theme series.



Alison knew that Holston wont believe her without proof so she does two things, took a knife and takes out her birth control device and show it to him and then on a moment of desperation after her husband didn’t believe her she goes to the main cafeteria and start telling everyone what she believes is the truth, the entire conspiracy theory of the Silo keeping them inside and publicly ask to go out in front of her husband and everyone else in there, after this an investigation starts and they get Gloria and George, I don’t know what happens to Gloria but George pivot to another work like and years latter suicide.


The last time Alison and Holston where together she explain him how everything on the screen is a lie and says that if that’s the case that everything is green with clear sky she will clean the camera lens “the screen” but if its not if it is like what they say the she will just walk away and say good bye because she was wrong, this can still be manipulated, no days digital proof can be alter very easy with AI so probably they can do the same.

Holston is heart broken for whats going on, everything that is happening goes against his believes and his job, after all Alison cleans the lens and walk away but the video shows she dies after a few meters, the crowd joins and cheer for her like it was a spectacle, reminds me of the “are you not entertained” from Gladiator.


After two years George commit suicide but its not clear, there is the possibility he was murder by someone and Sheriffs will investigate, Holston and Marnes go to the morgue to interview the Engineer supervisor of George but she couldn’t make it because she was dealing with the Silo generator, so they make her a visit, this is when Holston meets Juliet Nichols, everything change for Holston that day, after grieving his wife for a long time, it was like he finally open his eyes and start listening as he describe it himself.

Its like Apple Tv+ only release AAA series, Silo so far is great, it gives context right away and its full of little details most viewers wont get at first like messages that show up on the computers you have to pause and read closely and Holston also ask Marnes to “Double the flowers in front of the mirror” I’m not sure what it means but for sure will figure out latter on when Marnes or some one else goes after Holston papers, the cast is great I cant ask for a better one plus production and music are very fit to the theme of this series, I give an 8/10 to the first episode, more details about the rebellion is what I really want to know before they reveal the truth of the outside world, I don’t think that will happen soon.

Obsession (2023) – Episode 3 – Personal Thoughts


Obsession for me turn out to be a very entertaining mini series, I’m really not into drama stories, the internet as in other type of reviews has a very harsh opinion on this series basically because it drift from other stories like Damage and Fatal Attraction, the irony the TV Series Fatal Attraction just came out a few days ago, three first episodes drop and guess what, the reviews are not so good neither but for anyone who think you can make an opinion out of other peoples review online I have to say it wont work, anything with an online score of five is worth giving a shot because for you it could turn into a seven plus, there is people who score Obsession with a 1 that’s just ridiculous, this story has very good amount of suspense moments, some other are very predictable but for example on this episode when Peggy start talking about Anna mom I really make me want to see her on the series and I was prepare for things to go wrong, nothing spectacular happen but how about Jay remind her of his son and caught William craving Anna that scene was great, plus the production of the series is good quality, short story take online reviews just as a low score opinion and then watch the series and make an opinion out of your experience, I’m one chapter away from finish Obsession and so far I cant complain and I think I’m glad is only four chapters, its like watching a very long movie.



We are getting closer to the end of this short interesting story, it gets more intense as now someone knows about Anna and William, he is getting text messages from an anonymous source who says she/he knows everything he is doing yet both Anna and William still have the nerves of steel to sit down at the same table with William’s family for an engagement dinner, the first suspect who is sending the text messages has to be Peggy unless William has open his mouth at work or somewhere else.


I think I would not be capable to even sit down at that table and yet they still sneak to the bathroom to fool around, Anna is crystal clear on her rules like she have done worst than this in the past but William has no clue of what is an affair and how to have one successfully, Anna even know how to play with encrypted messages telling William if she touch her hair at the table means she is thinking of how the going to fuck next time they see in private but Williams intermediately ask when, so needy.

William tells Anna about the messages and she acts like she have been there before, she also think its Peggy who is tormenting William and decides to confront her.


Anna goes to Peggy after dinner, Jay is with her on the car and waited downstairs since Anna told him she didn’t want to meet Peggy tonight, for sure Peggy and Anna were or are lovers, Anna has a harem of people on her sex life, turns out Peggy confess its not her and some one else knows about them, got to say that makes things great, more suspense, more intense and few candidates come to mind like Williams wife for example, she even mention to him once that she wouldn’t see him having an affair so why not her.

Peggy latter calls Anna and said “you have done so fucked up things in the past” what does that mean? how fucked up? even paint a scene that Anna will need Peggy when her mom meet Jay at the engagement party. That really make me want to meet Anna’s mom.


The moment comes and Anna’s mother said Jay looks like Aston, Anna’s brother, she ones told William about how Aston was in love with her and latter on kills himself after she puts him down, Anna’s mother sounded dilutional and very unstable, I thought she would be the over protective powerful woman or someone who rejects her daughter for all the crazy and bad things she have done but it was totally different.


During the party Anna talk to a few people trying to find out who is sending William all those text but no luck, then the speech time comes up, one of the text William got that night said that he got until the speech was over or she will tell the truth that added way more suspense to the situation and then the MOTHER of suspense comes to stage, Ingrid during her speech mention she has been spying on William, right there I’m sure many thought she was the one sending the texts but NO again fool everyone, she ended talking about some pictures of William and her and how much they still love each other bla bla bla love speech …Jay and Anna be happy, sometimes there are moments with a lot of expectations that last for very short time and then fall real quick during the series, I think some people may not like that, I still do. During the speech William got extremely tense to the point he broke his champagne gas and cut his hand, Anna’s mom catch him looking at Anna and then told her she hopes William is nothing to her, so her mom knows there might be something between them.


Anna and Sally, Jay’s sister, go out shopping for Sally’s dress and she confess she was the one sending the messages because she found the page William stole from Anna’s diary, some how Anna pulls this ninja move and confess its her hand writing, that she feels ashamed because she forgot her diary at Hartley and William found it and hold it for her, she was afraid he would read it but not only that, now Sally read a page out of her personal thoughts, off course Sally felt sorry for her, still think his dad did something wrong but indirectly shuts down the affair possibility. Anna is a menace.



William and Anna keeps seen each other, she again remind him of the rules now that she got back the page he stole from her diary but that wouldn’t end their affair. Jay is having his bachelor party with some friends and William shows up,  after a few drinks he decides to go not before having a talk to Jay about marriage, women, how difficult it is but then ends with “learn to love the questions” after Jay said he doesn’t know what he mean with all this random conversation about Anna been a challenge for Jay. William said it on purpose to tip him off, he doesn’t want to share Anna with Jay and she told him once, it doesn’t end with just him, William.

Jay decides to follow William because only Anna have said that phrase to him before, the obvious is that he will caught William with Anna and I’m sure what ever happens next wont be a surprise but might be explosive.

I don’t know others but I have really enjoy Obsession so far, yes has a lot of cliche and things that are predictable but there is more to it, parts of the story that adds more spice to the moment, production is great, actors are fine, they develop the character they were given, this is no video game AAA+ story with a huge fan base, this is a drama story that could not be so much different than any other cheating story we have seen before, there are elements good to the story but nothing that is ground braking. Its good to watch to fill in when there is nothing else interesting to watch.

Dead Ringers: Episode Two – Personal Thoughts

With how things are developing I it looks to me that Eliot enjoy been her and her sister Beverly, imagine if you are a doctor who is doing experiments to procreate life as they are and you have an exact copy of yourself ready to experiment on besides it comes with another personal life that you can swap like turning a switch on and off, Eliot despite that she look like she loves Beverly I think its totally the opposite, she only cares about herself that’s why she got so Mad when Beverly told her Genevieve is only her’s and wont share, Eliot is use to that kind of life when she can be Beverly and herself anytime back an forward and use it as a escape door at the same time enjoying Beverly life and I think she might do it without telling her some times, for sure Eliot is going to take a shot at Genevieve without telling Beverly at some point because that’s how selfish she is, same for the experiments, Eliot doesn’t care if Beverly has a child, all she care is that her experiment works and makes me think that if the experiment works Eliot might even claim the baby as hers too.


As expected Eliot works on the very thin line of legality, after all she is experimenting on her sister’s body she might think basically they were born together so its like she is experimenting on herself what could be wrong about it, without a private lab to move forward seems she grew a sixteen days embryo which based on the show its illegal, anything after fourteen days is illegal, that might change depending on the country but that’s how it goes on the tv series, here she is next to Tom the one in charge for the hospital lab and now they been investigated because of Eliot embryo experiment. Mantels are about to have a meeting to raise those sixteen million dollars they asking for from a family investment group and ask Tom to come to work with her as he answers fuck you but he will, basically after this scandal he has no other place to go.


For Eliot its all about herself, what she wants when she want it, Beverly is just her double a disposable life and body that’s why on these scene she is fantasizing with Genevieve while she is with Beverly having sex, Eliot is outside in the kitchen listening to them, moving her hips, sucking a lemon, she is both angry and horny at the same time, I guess she doesn’t have to imagine that much of what they doing since Beverly is an exact copy, might be easy for her to paint the picture.


Eliot and Beverly have two different perspective of what the Birthing Center mean to them, for Beverly is all about improving women experience and health during the process of getting pregnant to giving birth but for Eliot is about the science and the cash, Beverly perspective is more social and in touch with women feelings while Eliot cant care less of what she thinks, they make it very clear during this scene as the twins are been brief of what and who they will find during dinner they going to have with the family who is willing to invest on their project, Beverly came prepare with a proposal and a printed project plan but Eliot just want to have fun and go wildly geeky when she is ask about what they can do with all this technology they are developing with their experiments and probably thats why they like Eliot and not Beverly.


Back at the apartment while the twins are at their dinner with the interventionist, Greta their maid is taking all kind of DNA samples from hair, residue from teeth brush, used menstruation tampons and a bunch of other samples my guess from Beverly because she is the experiment the question is who she working for? competition trying to steel their experiment? government? or could she be working for Eliot and run a side LAB that Beverly doesn’t know about and experiment without legal boundaries and no remorse?


Some tv series are getting more weird than ever and Dead Ringers is up there with SWARM, this episode was very painful to watch, the dinner scene was so uncomfortable and awkward but I think that’s part of what they trying to make people feel, I couldn’t wait for it to be over, it was literally a blood bath for Beverly, she was also having her period, everyone on that table was against the way she though about their business and were brutally expressive to the point saying fuck you to her face and laugh about it, they criticize her for everything she said while Eliot was trying to fit into their game, been ruthless and not defending Beverly at all, some times even on the same side as the rest of the table against Beverly.


Close to the end things were so bad for the twins in terms of getting the money that Eliot decided to get rid of Beverly for the rest of the night since she was ruining for them, Eliot knew Beverly doesnt fit and at some point will answer with a big fuck you back to the all of them, I would probably do the same, yes Beverly is too purist and naive at some times but she is defending her point of view, others at the table were just a bunch of idiots with the excuse that they are like that to avoid getting fucked for sixteen million dollars that the twins are asking for.


I think Eliot went too far by kidnapping Beverly and lock her up in what looks like the power room for the villa, Beverly had to untie herself and find a way out through a tunnel, when she finally got out look for them and they were all gather next to the pool, some of them high and she can be naive, pacifist, human, very in touch but she snaps and that’s what she did, told everyone the truth to their faces with a big FUCK YOU at the end, Eliot try to stop her but not in a nice way, she was on the money side, I get it its business don’t let them get under your skin but that dinner didn’t look like business it was like the twins had to bend over and get fucked by the ones with the money, that’s how I think Beverly felt and react that way when her own sister took their side and was clearly against them, as on the previous meeting after Beverly snap Rebecca the head investor talk to them and still wanted to make business with them after Eliot told them about a lot of experiments that are illegal but could make them a lot of money like delay menopause for women, Rebecca offer them the money and they had 24 hours to answer which Beverly accept after watching Eliot been all sad about it, thinking that they might loose this opportunity, see Beverly is all about Eliot and Eliot is all about herself. Ce la vie.


This scene was short but I think its very relevant since this right here, Greta unpacking a bag of DNA samples from the twin’s apartment, will take this TV series into some action and not just drama, without action this series might turn into another Hospital drama series and there are a lot of those, who is Greta working for that’s the question?

A Small Light : Welcome to Switzerland - Season 1 Episode 2 - RECAP PREV Episodes - www.skiptvads.blog

Episode 1: https://skiptvads.blog/dead-ringers-episode-one-personal-thoughts/

There is no doubt that even though they are twins they are totally the opposite with Eliot been self destructive and selfish while Beverly is submissive to others and just want to safe lives,  they already got the money so I next we might have two episodes of them buying things for the lab, getting it ready and probably in two or three episodes have their first client, Rebecca and the rest was pushing for this clinics to be expensive and not for the masses while Beverly was the only one to be the opposite, not exactly free or beneficence but to be accessible to many women and not just a few, I didnt like the middle of the episode as it was extremely awkward seen Beverly destroy and all the crazy shit they were up to like eating one of their race horse, practicing some sort of ritual to put a hole on their skull making them feel relaxing to a picture of Rebecca’s Ex wife vagina a huge easy six foot tall picture.

Drops of God: Sky, Earth, Humans – Episode 2 – Personal Thoughts


Before I start I have to say the last couple of days have been very hard for me in terms of time management, lots of adversity have come with a lot of work, having to deal with two office locations of a new client where everything was a mess, missing passwords, things that didn’t work, server that blue screens and to make things worst yesterday the computer that I use as my NAS died after I shut down, Motherboard and CPU dead, lucky me I had another with the same parts and swap them but now I’m one computer down so time for a new/used one, took me three hours to troubleshoot and this takes time from my schedule, such things are not plan and some times make me feel stress, loose sleep and concentration but I wont give up, at some point things calm down and I can reset, for example today post is coming a bit late than I plan it but then had things to take care at work today and went to sleep late yesterday after troubleshooting the computer that went down.

After a little venting lets get back to topic, Drops Of God, its only the second episode, on Friday will air the fourth episode, I’m one episode behind but that’s fine I will catch up, this is a series I’m really enjoying and that is obvious after I read about the success of this story on its manga edition, on the second episode we get a bit more context of Camille and the story with her father and that basically she created her existing trauma for alcohol, living an entire live thinking that it was her fathers fault when it was her, I think his father knew this and created this contest to push her to over come it as his last wish, like ok you wont do it for yourself then how about do it for all this millions I’m leaving behind, Alexander, her father, recognize her talent and had plans for her, after all she was very lucky to have Phillip and Thomas, at first the relationship was very hard but mostly because Camille had this hate relationship with everything that reminds her Wine or her father and I guess Phillip took that as an insult to his work and to his friend Alexander.


Episode two had a great start, on the first scene we see Camille drinking her first ever full glass of Wine after Alexander, her father, told her she was not ready yet to drink but she wanted to take it farther and experiment the taste of Wine, so far she was only tasting different flavors and smelling all the components that might be on a bottle of Wine, after she drink the Wine she immediately pass out and that’s when her parents call the paramedics, she is taken on an ambulance in the meantime her parents kept arguing about what just happen, her mother I think was never ok with the training she was getting and eventually that lead to Camille drinking wine in a moment she was not supervised by her father.



Camille arrives to one of his fathers friend, Phillips Vineyard, where she spend time very little went there with her father and got trained for many days before the accident, when she drank wine at a young age, there she met Phillip that she didnt remember at all and his son Thomas who works at the vineyard too. Its amazing all the machinery, the process, the chemistry and how little details can have big impacts on Wine, I think anyone who watches this series will eventually start to learn more and more about wine, that’s very interesting for me, for what I have research about the manga that was very little because I’m sure if I start reading it will spoil the tv series, Camille latter on goes deep into searching for different types of wines and every time they talk about it they explain details of how its preserve, for how long, its components, its an entire world and now I understand how in some parts of the world wine tasting Oenology is consider a professional carrier, its like someone who identify gold for example but in this case its more of talent that takes time, science and skills that goes into taste, smell and sight, they identify the taste, the smell and how the wine looks to tell everything about it.


After Thomas show Camille they place the went down to business because Camille doesn’t have much time, she needs to get good at tasting wine but there is one big problem, she cant drink a single drop of alcohol without passing out and start bleeding through her nose, at the moment Phillip still pissed by the entire situation, its like she is an inconvenience for him besides how she express from her father, all this had Phillip in a very bad mood.


The most obvious solution for Camille trauma is to use science to overcome it so they go and ask an expert, a doctor had her get certain exams to find out what’s wrong with her, during this exams they did a few test and notice Camille brain activity at smelling and tasting things, well over average but the problem is alcohol, the Dr is not there to have Camille pursue her father inheritance but to look after her safety, based that her problem is psychological she suggest Camille to stop her training or something can go wrong with her.


During this episode the entire time since she met Phillip they have been exchanging blows and he had enough but there was a surprise, during one of their arguments she start talking about how bad of a father Alexander was, keep in mind Phillip was a close friend and knew him very well, turns out Cecile, Camille’s mother send Alexander an email pretending to be Camille where she basically told him never look for me and die alone, not necessary in that context but that was her intention, Cecile though Alexander was a bad influence for Camille, I don’t necessary think that’s true but when a couple who share kids go separate ways 80% there is one side who is never ok or overcome the situation and always keep the wound open. I think Cecile is going to have a very short lifespan on this series as Camille immediately after she read the email Phillip was talking about dispatch her mother, ask her to leave.



Even dealing with all the adversity with her mother, father, trauma Camille decides to keep going and since she cant have any alcohol decides to smell wine, but first had to identify its components to then move into the hard stuff identifying wine by just smelling it, become good at identifying wine with all your senses and capabilities is hard already and she wanted to do it by smelling only, I never thought that was going to work and her competition is top of the line at it, when they move into identifying wine she had no chance at it, here comes Thomas girlfriend Juliette who thinks same as I, she is the Sales Director for Phillip Vineyard a very educated woman who I’m sure we will see in the future, Camille is wasting Thomas time and I think Phillip though so too but he was supporting her because she is Alexander daughter after all.


After three weeks of training Phillips perspective for Camille is different, he recognize her effort and talent but its not enough, she needs more than just smelling wine as he explains a good Sommelier (a trained and knowledgeable wine professional) can notice the different age, taste, smell, look of wine and tell from where it is and many more things that can get to a very specific description but she is not there, as a move of desperation she asks if she can taste it, she basically asking for Phillip permission which he has no right answer, Camille smells a glass of wine that was serve and remembers the entire episode of when she taste wine for the first time figuring out it was her fault and no one else, she went through her entire life hating her father, having a trauma for alcohol and now he is dead, all because of her innocent action that lead to other events that change her life not specifically for better, Camille drinks the entire glass and only said “Its so good” I was laughing because both Phillip and Thomas were worried about what was going to happen after she had wine again.

The story behind this TV Series is amazing, episode two is all about Camille and her training with Thomas, there were smalls scenes of Issei I didn’t mention because its not much about him, basically same as in episode one, so far Issei side story is not as interesting but if I’m not mistaken latter on they become partners and from then he will have a primary role on the series, so far its all about Camille and Thomas, on this episode we get to know exactly why Camille cant tolerate alcohol same as certain small details of wine components, I’m sure there is a universe of things but for someone like me who knows NOTHING about wine its a lot of knowledge, probably enough to have a conversation about it, Drops of God is for sure a TV Series drama to watch with your partner, wife, girlfriend since there are so many details of the story to share, each character have a lot of feelings about the entire Camille/Alexander/Contest/Issei situation that can generate different perspectives, it also tells how toxic it can be when a couple separate without equally agree with the terms and what it involves for the future of their child. 7/10 for this episode.


SWARM : Fallin Through the Cracks – Episode 6 – Personal Thoughts


Episode 6 is a fake documentary, when I started to watch the episode I was so happy finally there is some light into the tunnel when Detective Loretta Greene comes up trying to explain how she figure out the hole thing, at first a girls name Andrea Greene pops up and I had to Google it, I knew that had to be Dre in “real life” but turns out its fake, Janine Nabers told the LA Times its a fiction story based on real events, meaning some of the events on this series did happen but not in the exact order or not all murders were done by the same person, as I watch the episode it feels like a fake documentary, like a parody at some point that’s when but it was still a good one as it gives more context to Dre story, one thing is certain that its possible this kind of murder happen within the fan culture that exist for mayor artist in real life, I’m talking about big celebrities, for the most part I think its women, I don’t remember the last man that show on the internet guilty for murder because someone insulted Snoop or 50 Cent, men who let influence them by rap music that’s another thing but what Dre. did during the series is a different motive. During the documentary there are a few things that were discover for example the different cars, she was robbing cars left and right, she stay at peoples house after she kill them eating their food and it wouldn’t be strange if she rob them their cloth, money because the only time I saw Dre during the series working was at the strip club. I really like they did an episode as a documentary because it clears up things, I think thats why I like this series that for some might look foolish but its different thats for sure, sometimes you get tired of always watching the same thing, same format, same context, Swarm is different and probably thats why viewers enjoy it. At the end Andrea Greene is not real but on this episode they did make it look like so, even gave out a phone number to call during the documentary I thought that was funny, Im sure someone is going to try to call.

RTT: https://www.rottentomatoes.com/tv/swarm


At first Detective Loretta Greene is investigating a random murder that the local police was attending, they had no clue or a process to figure how things happen, Loretta with more experience doesn’t look like you classic movie’s detective with a leather jacket or a suit, she just look like any regular average person, she seems funny too but did show a set of skills that let her think and imagine how the woman was murder, by the direction and amount of blood on the wall and then on the floor, looking around for clues that let the person to murder this woman so violently, she mentions usually there is an event that gives motive but this was not the case so she had to dig deeper.


Loretta asks for the victim social media credentials, Tiffany Long was her name, she starts looking around at her Twitter account. Loretta explain how often people give in themselves posting the evidence on social media but this time she was looking for people who may be didn’t like her or what was Tiffany talking about that could trigger some one else to murder her.


Another murder case pops up and people who knew this victim had a tight alibi so Loretta goes back to the evidence that’s when she figure out based on what the person eat and how the place look that it was no white murder, had to be a soul sister based on the things laying around the house, there still no connection between the first two cases probably because Loretta didn’t look deeper into who was interacting with the Tiffany Twitter which I find naïve, if Dre killed her then for sure she probably answer something back after she talk shit about NihJa, accounts within a platform become a chain once they start interacting.


On episode two Dre killed a man called Reggie, a man who talk shit about Marissa and NihJa on Twitter, Dre was working at a strip club because she was after him, he mention on Twitter it was his second home, so when Dre and four other strippers from coming back from a party Dre’s car broke and Reggie shows up who had a repair shop at home and tow them, it was like he show up at the perfect time for Dre to kill him, one of the strippers was MAD AF with Dre, at the moment they knew her as Carmen and that’s when things start to fall apart for Dre, she was sold out by one of the strippers but they had the wrong identity, no body knew who Dre really was, after all Dre didn’t kill Regggie she try and failed and it was one of the other four strippers who pull the trigger trying to defend Dre, she got rid of Reggie for free. Loretta got interested on similar cases with the same trauma and that’s when one case pops up, its Khalid case, from here it was just a matter of time before Loretta finds out about who is Dre in real life.


Loretta visits Khalid house and talk to his brother, after asking him a few questions he talks about Marissa, didn’t say her name as he had no clue who she was on real life but knew she killed herself a few days before Khalid was killed, Loretta visits the Jackson’s house and here is where she finds out about the connection between Dre and Marissa, then subsequently the connection with Khalid, she also figure out how other victims were related to Dre and its because of the SWARM Twitter community, that’s when things started to click for Loretta. On this scene it was also explain how Marissa and Dre because step sisters, the Jacksons adopt Andrea Green aka Dre. They explain the entire process how Dre became this aggressive since very early age, how she was bully at school, how close Dre and Marissa were and that the Jackson’s return Dre to the foster house like she was an object, there were a lot of cool details about Dre relation with the Jacksons and how everything started.



At the end of the documentary Loretta got Dre, the woman on the picture really looks like Dre on the series, probably Dominique with different make up, it seems Loretta found Dre, they got her after she jump on stage at a concert, I knew she would try to get to Nihja again by the easy way or the hard way, remember this person Andrea Green doesn’t exist but I can GUARANTEE there is people who call that number to give information.

A very different episode, as I mention that’s probably I end up liking this series, at some point it can turn gross and a bit hard to digest when Dre start killing people, its not graphic with the murder scene but the amount of blood on the floor and how she starts eating after is disturbing, same as how she reacts when becomes desperate without a place to look up for answers that makes me feel sick, some times ashamed for her, but over all a very clever way to give context to the story, it couldn’t keep up with so many things without explanation like the cars, money, cloth, how was Dre surviving, this episode also reveals that she probably killed more people that the ones shown during the episodes, Dre easy has more than ten murders under her belt, I give this episode a solid 7+/10

Rabbit Hole : Episode 7 – Personal Thoughts


This is the first episode where the inception effect felt the most, through the entire episode John felt paranoiac having a hard time to figure out whats real and whats not, him and Valence after cracking Ben safe box were together for life, both have unique skills and John was good at identifying different possibilities to the point that he would have a great guess at what others where thinking, its kinda what Dr Strange did at end game see the different outcomes but in John’s case he was just guessing to identify probabilities, sometimes he fall into this mix of realities and even put words on others people mouth when they didn’t but its all on his head, most of this thought process was based on experience and always be prepare for the worst outcome, he cant tell the future, but during this process sometimes he takes it to the extreme to the point he cant identify whats real and whats not that’s when he starts falling into the Rabbit Hole and Valence was the one bringing him back to reality, in his absence Ben is the closest to Valence but John doesn’t trust him at all. For me its still not clear what Hailey wants or where she is coming from and now seems that the old guy with silver hair and no name is not Crowley as I thought, this episode was great, not the best of the season but still close to the top.



After they manage to pull the briefcase Senator Evers wanted the crew finds out its all numbers that could take them ages to figure out, they start arguing why did she wanted so bad the content of the briefcase, they thought there would be something more clear to the naked eye like a USB with a bunch of emails, photos or videos that incriminate her and this is when John starts to fall through the Rabbit Hole trying to figure out the reason why it was so important and what the numbers could mean but during this process same as when he was a kid starts to imagine people saying or thinking things they haven’t so its like he repeat the same scene many times in his head like a time loop but with different outcomes and sometimes this lead him to the truth and other times he gets lost in this case without Valence to pull him out, this is when he told Ben he is the one who want the Data Act to pass, but Ben never said that and its Hailey who pull Weir from the Rabbit Hole.


Homm #edisnotdead stays at the safe house with Ben as John and Hailey have other plans, well at first it was just John going after the possibility that Valence could still be alive since he was still getting chats on this online game they use to play, John was not sure about it so decided to go out without telling the rest this is when Hailey thought it was a good idea to go after him, see this are the things that get me thinking she got good intentions with John but then she does other things like hiding the fact she stole crypto from her previous boss, the story she find out about John on a dating app I still don’t buy it and on previous episode she was getting between Ben and John to the point telling John he doesn’t have to listen to Ben, I get Ben sometimes is too hard with John but he still his father and a fkn spy, their job is to be hard on others and trust no body. John is not thinking clear and goes out in plain day light because he thinks his link at the safe house is compromise, but the guy who I thought is Crowley already had face recognition cameras after John the moment he goes public, his data collection company already has a lot of power over the city with cameras and all kind of monitoring services at his disposal.



John goes to this electronics store to enter a chat session on one of the computers for sale, some one might do that to connect from a outside internet source although its not the safe option for many reasons but I think at this point it doesnt really matter, all eyes are on John the minute he goes out, on this chat session he continues the conversation with a user who is suppose to be Valence and starts writing on encrypted code, alpha numeric where a combination of numbers would give him the real message, the person on the other side wants John to betray Ben pretending that Ben is with Crowley, then John is given a very long message that he didnt have time to decode while on site or at least he didnt show it on camera. John figure out a guy from the shop is about to rat him out and police will be there any minute so decided to walk away from the store and Hailey found him, she called John a record the call to figure out where he was, this was very clever from her, it here when John explains how his method of figuring out things work but sometimes its too dangerous putting him on a spot he cant come back and usually is Valence who help him out to stay focus.


John gets rid of Hailey with the old trick of getting together into a bus and then he goes out at the last second leaving her trap on the bus so she goes back to the safe house, where Homm has figure out everything, same as he did before the guy is a genius with numbers and finds out everything is connected, he did it in a very short time but there were a couple of USB with all the data, don’t know how much data it could be but still he figure out that ll the numbers represent accounts that were connected receiving payments probably as bribes and who ever got this information would control everyone on the list, this was Crowley operation, Senator Evers wanted the information for herself not because she was been blackmail, Evers most likely work with Crowley but now she is dead so we will never knew what was her connection with the man.




After everything Homm and Ben explain to Hailey she still took the stupid decision to take the data to agent Jo Madi, I really don’t understand why she would do that if the real enemy or the ones shooting at John or trying to get him is not the Federals, they don’t even have a clue where he is at, its Crowley that is after him and trying to kill them all, when Jo Madi show the files to his boss he intermediately bribe her because he knows the magnitude if this data goes out, probably he is with Crowley without even knowing it, Jo Madi either is naive or she is in it too, asks for her old job posision and be the head of the task force after John, either she is obsess with John or at some point will do the right thing and help him out, I still believe at the end she could work with him against Crowley.




John picks up a package at his ex wife house that Valance schedule to send him before he died, it was this old stone he had at his office, at first John thought it was an encrypted message so he takes it his safe house but on the way the intern shows up again and takes him to “Crowley” or at least the old guy I thought it was Crowley, actually had a hinge he was but they never confirm his name, the guy is sitting in the middle of a plaza trying to brain wash John until he snaps and found a microphone on his ear, it was some one else watching them and telling this guy what to say. Obviously that brain wash session had some effect on John so when he gets back to the safe house with Valence package it takes it on Ben and had one of those paranoia episodes again thinking that Ben is with Crowley, John is not sure if to kill Ben but then Homm was playing around with the old stone inside the package and found a USB with Valence last message to John before he died.


After Valence died things between Ben and John were very turbulent because none of them knew why Valence kill himself and John always blame Ben for Valence death, on this video that Valence took with his cell phone before he died, Valence clear things out of John, it was obvious that Crowley had something over him but all Valence said he infiltrate Arda and he was going to kill John and Valence, Valence decides to kill himself but why not tell John and run away with him? what difference does it make him jumping out of a balcony to put more heat over John, not only Crowley wants to kill him but now the police thinks John killed Valence, everything started with the case Homm was working on that Ben and Valence knew about that’s why they kidnap Homm to safe him but still I’m not sure if Valence killing himself helps John at all, finally John makes peace with Ben for good and they plan to do what ever it takes to stop Crowley.

Hailey haven’t told everyone she gave all this valuable data to Jo Madi I wonder what will be John and Ben answer to that, on this episode a lot of information is reveled, things that were a mystery like why Valence kill himself, he did it to safe John since he was too comprise by Crowley knowing everything about his plan and no matter where he goes he would find him, its like having an infected computer sometimes its just better to get a new one but since you cant get a new body and transfer your conscience yet, he decided to end it but I still think he could have run away with John and figure out how to get Crowley, with Valence video we also confirm that Ben is on John’s side because there were a few moments that it wasn’t clear enough with Ben hiding things from John, also its confirm that the old man with grew hair is not Crowley just another of his employee. Great episode, I got no complains and never felt things were rush or too easy, loving this tv series, would give this episode an 8 / 10, based on IMDB there are two more episodes to go.

Obsession (2023) – Episode 2 – Personal Thoughts


Its a shame that this Mini Series has so low rate 5.7/10 on IMDB and only be four episodes but I guess the amount of episodes is to keep things as intense as possible. On episode two the craziness really boils up from both part from William and Anna, this might not be 50 shades of gray but for sure is half of it, there is the dominant and the dominated but Ana likes to play both roles while for William he is the dominated for the most part even when Anna wants to be told what to do he cant, at first I thought Anna would be the one obsess with William but its totally the opposite, Anna likes to do what ever she wants without barriers or boundaries and William he is just a bastard, who needs enemies when your father is fucking your girlfriend and having a weird as fuck relationship with her and same for Anna, she is no wife material I can tell you that. This has nothing to do with liberalism or what people can do or don’t with their love lives, this is totally wrong in every possible way, there is nothing positive from what Anna and William are doing with their lives, the only positive thing would be learn what not to do when all this blow up, nothing good can come out of it and William is now taking this to a higher level stocking Anna and Jay, going after them, wanting to be more special than Jay for Anna, does William even likes or care for Jay? this is so fucking wrong. The only satisfaction I take from this series is waiting for the moment William gets caught, I really don’t care about what happens with Anna, she is just a crazy bitch, for sure a bad bitch because she is having for sure more than two relations, she has William, Jay and Peggy who I guess is also in love with her and knows Anna is not hers but Jay’s, contrary to William who want to be the number one in her life.


Here are the rules,
You wait for me to say when
You do not turn up uninvited
Nothing happens beyond these walls without my permission
Is my choice to surrender to you
Do you understand?
I give you your power
And you accept that
Then in this room we can be who ever we want to be

This two love to fuck in very uncomfortable surfaces, flat on the floor, against walls, at William age that cant be pleasant, but he is so crazy for Anna probably he doesn’t care, once or twice is enough but on this episode they do it several times besides first episode, its like there is no bed on the apartment, couch or even chairs, William take Anna’s proposition and accept the rules, but for someone obsess as he is this rules are meant to be broken.


Every time William look at his wife Ingrid there is that awkwardness, that moment of tension and she is starting to think William has an affair although he said it joking but when he looks or talk to Jay there is nothing, its like nothing concerning to Jay is happening, they both at home talking about Anna and William can care less about Jay.


Im sure this was William first test to the rules Anna impose him, when it comes to Anna there is no schedule, family or work, nothing else really matter. On this scene Anna text him “6 P.M My flat” which eventually is not actually hers, its Peggy place that he use as a motel room to fuck who ever she wants.


Anna for sure already calculate the outcomes of this moment, minutes before William shows up she text him “DON’T COME” knowing Peggy is there and probably he will anyways, obviously William failed this test, he was ready to fuck and all of the sudden Anna put a stop to horniness freaking him out and wanting explanations which Anna didn’t have to give him based on the rules he agree at first.


The man seem to have everything, successful at his profession, great wife, kids are old enough with one about to probably marry, but he is probably bored of his life, when a man or a woman has all this and ends up having an affair they probably bored of the same, I don’t want to talk about what’s right or wrong but in Williams case the leas he can do is not have an affair with his son’s girlfriend and if you are going to have an affair treat it as such, nothing can replace your family, you cant become attach to that second woman in your life she is there to fuck, laugh and have a good time and both must be on the same plan. William on the other hand looks like he wants Anna only for him, he becomes obsess to be more special than Jay to her, wants to know things he doesn’t, wants to read her diary which at first she didn’t let him but then agree during sex, he even takes a page out of her diary just to keep something of hers with him, the craziness doesn’t stop here.


Ingrid became worry that Jay will ask Anna to marry him, Jay is taking Anna to Paris for a romantic weekend, when Ingrid and William talk about this matter for some twisted reason he decides to go after them, stocking Anna outside of their hotel from a restaurant, calling the hotel reception to find out if they are there, insist to call her cellphone, even call their room, been Anna the silver fox she is, she picks up the phone talk to William and agree to meet outside without having Jay to suspect anything.


According to Wikipedia of soft-porn this series is right there, you will see nudity, ass, tits and them having sex but no penetration so this is a series only for adults.

After a quick fuck on a alley, Anna gets pissed because William clearly broke the rules and have no control over himself, putting her relationship with Jay at risk but I think that’s not really what concern her, she doesn’t care about Jay she only cares about getting caught, if she cared about Jay she wouldn’t be doing any of this, Anna goes back to the hotel and pretend to have a headage so she end up staying with Jay at the hotel to leave the next morning. Weird they only went to Paris for one day?


Right after they left, FREAKY WILL decides to rent the same room they were staying at, praying they havent change the sheets or pillows, looking for her smell to then jerk off on the same bed his son and Anna slept.


After all this event Anna had to vent out, goes to a bar with Peggy and they talk about it, Peggy is worried about Anna getting caught and ruining he relation with Jay to the point Anna only worry about that, getting caught and stays firm on the idea she wont.



The next day Jay invited Anna for dinner at the same time an unknown / hidden phone number text William “I know what you are doing, Stop now pervert” while he is having dinner with Ingrid, he freaks out goes to the backyard to call Anna and tell her but she interrupts him before he can talk and to let HIM continue to fuck her she demands to from him to give her permission to say yes when Jay ask her to marry him.



This two bastards are twisted as fuck, none of them cares for others besides themselves, Anna can easily change roles from be the dominant to dominated but William cant and he is trap on his obsession for Anna, I’m sure someone will die at the end, when they find out about Anna and William, he will end up loosing everything, the amount of bad outcomes from this situation is countless, there is only two episodes left and for a mini series I don’t find it rush and also I’m not having the need to watch a hole season, really liking this drama.



The Flash (2023) Trailer 2 – Personal Thoughts – We are not going to be able to fix this

The Flash (2023) Trailer 2 has drop and here are my personal thoughts about it, I’m familiar with The Flash story, not at the comic level but did grew up watching the original 90s series and then the more extensive series that cross over with other super hero series like super girl and green arrow

This is a short video less than 10 minutes, a format Im still working on, gettin confortable at recording my voice and giving an opion of movies and tv series that may release soon

The flash is schedule for June 16, a movie I’m really looking forward, I hope is not all vapor as Ant Man Quantum Realm was.

IMDB: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0439572