There are moments in life where we have everything to be happy, nothing else matter, everything fits, nothing else is need but there is always a situation that makes you feel the total opposite for a moment that can make you change your mind and feel the total opposite like you still don’t have what you need to be happy. Most people when they finally make it with time then forget how it was before they make it.
Dan Gallagher had everything he needed to be happy, very often we confuse what we need with what we want, he had a good job, great carer, people respect him at his job, had a great family, lovely wife even a good dog with a very nice house but it was just that moment when he didn’t get what he wanted, named judged! that tip him over, blind folded and forget what he had, making one of his worst mistakes, having an affair but unlucky him with the wrong person, Alexa Forrest.
The series keep unfolding and now I don’t think it will ever stop going back and forward between time lines because after all Dan and Mike will try to proof again that he is innocent of murder Alexa Forest, the first clues that might help him are starting to show up, you can tell when a man fear a women because of what she knows and what she can do with that information, that guard who Alex brought fritters and told her to stop, the therapist who lived across the hall who didn’t want to talk to her anymore, turns out he was dealing drugs and she knew, Alex was a menace, she needed therapy and men where her target by now I know she didn’t have limits not even Dan family.

This is exactly how lives works, for now reason Dan’s wife Beth started to find things around the house, one by one, first when Dan went with Alex to the beach she lost an earring and this was not planted literally fall and Dan’s dog eat it, Beth found it on her dogs pop one night talking to him she was like ok you eat it whose earring would it be, meh silly dog, next doing laundry she found a single sock that was not Dan’s he took it from a closet with lost cloth they had at work after he came back from spending the night with Alex, next that night he got a ton of calls and kept hanging up, putting it on silence when he NEVER does that, he is the kind of guy who is always on call. Beth knew Dan was having an affair even before she start to really investigate whats going on, that’s just life for everything that you are not suppose to be doing, that is wrong, that makes you ungrateful.

That time Alex went to Dan’s house she wasn’t there to threaten him, she was actually doing recon, it seems she wanted to hurt him, remember we talking about someone who hurt herself in front of others but making sure they don’t notice, Alex is not good with rejection and Dan was trying to stay away from her as much as he could after he ended their affair, bad part for him is that he never explicitly told her it was just an affair and she thought it was something more serious. On episode four there is an incident where Beth’s mom stayed at home after she and his dad went shopping, she was suppose to keep the dog in and receive Ellen from school but when Beth got back found her face down drowning on the pool, Dan review the scene and how things probably happen, he thinks it was Alex, I also think its very likely, expect anything from Alex, from now on everything goes for her.

This was telegraphed from miles away probably but its worth to mention that the first person Dan told he had an affair with Alex was Mike after they try to look up for the CCTV footage when she trow acid to his car but he was parked in a place that the camera didn’t cover, Dan was concern of what she could do and wanted to put a stop to all this but had no proof and she kept calling him so Mike advice him to let her be, stay away and do not respond, confront Alex would make things worst.

Now that Dan is out he needs to get a job, get back into society and prove he is worth of staying out of prison, he is on paroled, he has been looking for any firm that could accept him with his record but no one would take him, those who could make fun of him and get some payback did, Dan was not every ones friend and was very successful so he had made a few enemies back in the day but at least he had very few friends, Jorge an old colleague he helped back in the day got his back and welcome him immediately after he step foot on the law firm he was working at. Dan is starting to organize his life again because besides proving he is innocent he wants to get back to his daughter Ellen who for now play a secondary role far in the distance on this story but I’m sure that will change latter on.

Dan is going to have a very hard time trying to control himself when he face what potentially proofs he was innocent and was not the only one been harassed by Alex, he is going back to old co workers in this case Conchita, like her some talk to him out of respect for who he was, his reputation and his word for most means nothing because he admit to be guilty, Conchita told him about the guard (bailiff), Gabriel Ibarra from courtroom M71, he also had an affair with Alex but end it although she though different and made a unofficial complain about Alex harassing him and Conchita knew but kept it for herself, she have this train of thought that if Dan knew he would use it to make Alex look guilty and him get of the hook so Conchita never believe Dan didn’t killed her, I’m hungry to know how things went down during court for everyone to think Dan did it, seems a lot of people believe it before he admit it and turn their backs on him.
I like how the story is getting into a second phase, its only four episodes but we already went from having an affair, finish it, Alex start harassing, it is not a secret anymore because Dan tells Mike so someone else besides Alex and Dan knows and we getting into the part where Alex wants to hurt Dan but there still not solid proof of that yet, soon Dan will have to break the truth to his wife Beth because one thing is having an affair and you don’t want them to know but when they are in danger that’s something you cant take chances with just come clean, admit guilty and life with the consequences but keep your family safe, I think women in the state of mind where Alex is are far more dangerous than men and Alex is going to proof it.
For what the tv series is I feel its a great story, at first I remember there were tons of bad reviews, people saying it deviate so much from the movie but for me that’s the entire point, its not going to be the same as the movie if they want to make multiple seasons or at least I would like it to be three seasons, right now it has a 7.8/10 on IMDB and 68% of average audience on RTT.
Episode 1: https://skiptvads.blog/fatal-attraction-pilot-season-1-personal-thoughts/
Episode 2: https://skiptvads.blog/fatal-attraction-the-movie-in-your-mind-episode-2-season-1-recap/
Episode 3: https://skiptvads.blog/fatal-attraction-the-watchful-heart-season-1-episode-3-recap/
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