Secret Invasion: Betrayed – Season 1 – Episode 3 – RECAP

Secret Invasion: Betrayed – Season 1 – Episode 3 – RECAP -
Secret Invasion: Betrayed – Season 1 – Episode 3 – RECAP –


Secret Invasion: Betrayed – Season 1 – Episode 3 – RECAP INTRODUCTION -

Compare to other Marvel TV Series Secret Invasion in my opinion is not bad as people might think but for sure not its best work, there is not much action until now, its more about an espionage TV Series and probably the way it should be because besides Skrulls on this story there are no super heroes with powers or a suit and I think that’s the way it was intended just humans against the infiltrated Skrulls from Gravik.

Episode three is just that, start to unveil the traitors on both sides from the Gravik camp and the more divided humans group leading Nick Fury but just way too divided between MI6, US Government, after all Skrulls is probably the main reason humans are so divided, its the result of many years work dividing to conquer that was exactly what Gravik was looking for and he is now Skrull General after getting the full support from the Skrulls counsel after showing he does have what it got to make Earth the home they were looking for and convincing them that it wont be achieve by been friends with humans but by making them go against each other at war while Skrulls just watch humans become extinct, it will be very hard for Nick Fury to stop this plan but he has Talos on his side and I think this war wont be won by force but by out smart the enemy. - tv series divider
Secret Invasion: Betrayed – Season 1 – Episode 3 – RECAP EPISODE DETAILS -

Secret Invasion: Betrayed – Season 1 – Episode 3 – RECAP -
Secret Invasion: Betrayed – Season 1 – Episode 3 – RECAP –


Back when Gravik was chosen as Skrull General there was a few of them that were not too sure of his methods, Skrulls are a pacific species and those who had to fled their home know how bad war could turn out for them, if they loose to humans it could be game over, at the end I think that’s going to be the card that make Nick win this war against Gravik, show other Skrulls how wrong is Gravik at fighting humans instead of living together in peace with the option to stay on Earth or find another planet to claim.

Secret Invasion: Betrayed – Season 1 – Episode 3 – RECAP -
Secret Invasion: Betrayed – Season 1 – Episode 3 – RECAP –


Secret Invasion: Betrayed – Season 1 – Episode 3 – RECAP -
Secret Invasion: Betrayed – Season 1 – Episode 3 – RECAP –


Initially Gravik plan was to infiltrate humans thing that he did perfectly at taking hostage the Captain in charge of a submarine with missiles probably powerful enough to do a lot of damage or at least enough as Nick said to start World War III, with the help of Talos he was able to stop the launch, Talos is a bit against killing people specially Skrulls but this time he was the one pulling the trigger when the Skrull rebel mention his daughter what brings to mind if he knows/suspects G’iah is providing information to Talos then Gravik must too.

Secret Invasion: Betrayed – Season 1 – Episode 3 – RECAP -
Secret Invasion: Betrayed – Season 1 – Episode 3 – RECAP –


Sonya is helping Nick too, they might not be from the same agency or country but its on their best interest win this war against Skrulls, she is aware of whats going on even a few steps against Nick with the intel that she has but is aware that at times they might need to exchange intel to move forward not like Rhodey who thinks Nick needs to stay out of all this situation.

Secret Invasion: Betrayed – Season 1 – Episode 3 – RECAP -
Secret Invasion: Betrayed – Season 1 – Episode 3 – RECAP –


Secret Invasion: Betrayed – Season 1 – Episode 3 – RECAP -
Secret Invasion: Betrayed – Season 1 – Episode 3 – RECAP –


Talos is just too good of a guy but his feelings were hurt on episode two after he had to revile Nick there were a million Skrulls on Earth, he never lied about it to never told Nick, what he did make clear is that Nick would not be promoted or successful as he was at S.H.I.E.L.D if he didn’t have Talos and his network of Skrull spies working with him probably the reason why he was always always miles away up front, I can only imagine how Fury had the agency itself infiltrated because the feeling has always been that Fury is a fucking ghost, a ninja that no body else knows how he is many steps ahead before things happen and now Talos reminds him of this but most important Talos shows Fury he is his true friend, despite him been a Skrull or Human he is his friend before any difference but he wanted to feel special too or at least equal and made Fury beg him for help just a bit to make it fun.

Secret Invasion: Betrayed – Season 1 – Episode 3 – RECAP -
Secret Invasion: Betrayed – Season 1 – Episode 3 – RECAP –


Secret Invasion: Betrayed – Season 1 – Episode 3 – RECAP -
Secret Invasion: Betrayed – Season 1 – Episode 3 – RECAP –


Talos had this meeting with Gravik where they were playing a lot of mind games, I think Gravik has some respect for Talos as he was probably the original Skrull General at Earth when they arrive also Talos was there when Fury brought in Gravik to work for him but from this meeting things definitely going to change, Gravik show Talos how many Skrulls are with him when every single one on that room shape shift into Gravik, this is a way to show Talos who rules now and his last sign of respect to him, Talos was lucky Gravik didn’t kill him on the spot.

Secret Invasion: Betrayed – Season 1 – Episode 3 – RECAP -
Secret Invasion: Betrayed – Season 1 – Episode 3 – RECAP –


Skrulls can regenerate but I think its not instant although before Talos goes he stab Gravik on his hand and left but after Gravik pull his hand from the knife instead of taking it off, spliting his hand in too and then instantly regenerate with his hand glowing like generating energy or fire, sign that he already mutate results of their experiments for Super Skrulls with the machine that appears on this post cover.

Secret Invasion: Betrayed – Season 1 – Episode 3 – RECAP -
Secret Invasion: Betrayed – Season 1 – Episode 3 – RECAP –


Secret Invasion: Betrayed – Season 1 – Episode 3 – RECAP -
Secret Invasion: Betrayed – Season 1 – Episode 3 – RECAP –


Gravik has convince a big part of the Skrulls community on Earth including having the Skrull Counsel on his side either by force or not so this probably puts him in the same position as when Fury had his private Skrull Spies Network, so for sure no body is ahead of him, probably he might not be as sharp as Fury because he is young and lack the same experience, eventually his finds out Ghia was working with her father Talos, after some of the Skrulls got caught in Russia he know someone was feeding information and it was just a matter to use the right bait to get the traitor, the plan to launch the missiles on the submarine was that, the bait to lure out the traitor, he probably did trust Ghia at first but for sure always had that suspicion that she might betray him. When Ghia tries to leave camp he was there waiting for her, he was probably had people monitoring her all day, Gravik shoot Ghia and she falls to the ground, I don’t think she is dead but she makes that sound when they shape shift after falling meaning at least she is knock out.

Secret Invasion: Betrayed – Season 1 – Episode 3 – RECAP -
Secret Invasion: Betrayed – Season 1 – Episode 3 – RECAP –


Secret Invasion: Betrayed – Season 1 – Episode 3 – RECAP -
Secret Invasion: Betrayed – Season 1 – Episode 3 – RECAP –


Last but I think most important I think, its that Fury wife who is a Skrull, who told to his face that she has nothing to do with Gravik is now looking for him and potentially have to do with Gravik plans. She was the one who brought Gravik to Fury back in the day so she probably have some attachment to him since she took him over, probably consider him a son and consider she is a Skrull after all, even though she got involve with Fury they are not the same species, blood calls blood. - tv series divider

Secret Invasion: Betrayed – Season 1 – Episode 3 – RECAP CONCLUSION -

I feel like Secret Invasion is going to ramp up a lot after episode three, Gravik powers and machine has been openly shown and the entire Super Skrulls concept will bring that super power side characteristic of Marvel content but so far I think the lack of action and fantasy that super heroes bring in is what people were expecting this was going to be about, I remember making an article when the trailer came out and so far I dont see it as false advertisement or like it oversold what this series was going to be, probably viewers felt this had to be a longer series and not just a mini series so there was more time to develop the story but all this was about is Fury spies network and how it started, even Gravik I think is a plus because he is also the result of what Fury did before the blip.


Secret Invasion: Betrayed – Season 1 – Episode 3 – RECAP PREV Episodes -

Episode 1:
Episode 2: - tv series divider


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The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon – Paris Sera Toujours Paris – Episode 3 – Season 1 – RECAP

The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon - Paris Sera Toujours Paris - Episode 3 - Season 1 - RECAP -
The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon – Paris Sera Toujours Paris – Episode 3 – Season 1 – RECAP –


The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon - Paris Sera Toujours Paris - Episode 3 - Season 1 - RECAP INTRODUCTION -

I don’t know what is it with this series but we are already in episode three of a six episode season and it feels like for ever, I know I’m only watching one episode per week and probably this short seasons are intended to watch in one or two days, still would not make sense but I can’t think of why it feels so slow, nothing of real context rather than Laurent life is happening, yes everything goes around him on this season but there is not much fighting, shooting, kidnap, bullying, survive, that’s what traditional Walking Dead is, bring out that survivor side of the characters, actually episode one was way better than two and three.

There are a couple of things that need to be clarify for example whats going Genet army, what kind of experiments are they really doing not only on the ship that Daryl escape from but now on this episode we also have the opportunity to look at a facility where they running experiments on Zombies, Walkers, from what I saw its a kind of super strength or rage I say this because there was a Zombie on chains go wild and break loose but then his head explode.

On this episode I think we only get more context of Isabelle and Laurent, where they come from not the country but what was their life before the Zombie outbreak, we already know Laurent is Isabelle nephew but what about Isabelle? first part of episode two was mostly about her and now episode three does a similar thing towards the middle, uncovering part of her past with Quinn her ex boyfriend who survive after she ran away with her sister on Quinn car leaving him behind but let me tell you Quinn is full of surprises. - tv series divider
The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon - Paris Sera Toujours Paris - Episode 3 - Season 1 - RECAP EPISODE DETAILS -

The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon - Paris Sera Toujours Paris - Episode 3 - Season 1 - RECAP -
The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon – Paris Sera Toujours Paris – Episode 3 – Season 1 – RECAP –


The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon - Paris Sera Toujours Paris - Episode 3 - Season 1 - RECAP -
The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon – Paris Sera Toujours Paris – Episode 3 – Season 1 – RECAP –


Daryl has kept his part of the deal, he got Isabelle and Laurent to Paris but it looks like everything is dead, streets are empty, Zombies everywhere like people has loose hope, all you can hear is the Eiffel Tower moving with the wind, that must be impressive all that silence and suddenly listing to that giant rusty metal structure swinging, their home town, initially they were looking for a man who live on a theater, a musician, they have talk over the radio before but it seems he has been alone for too long to the point he has gone mad, crazy, nuts, some how he have tied a bunch of Zombies to instruments and now they play for him as an orchestra, it was very impressive to see all the Walkers “”playing”” the instruments, so there is no radio, no hope of communicating with others, Isabelle is disappointed but Daryl is pissed, he is not a God’s man and hates loosing time specially when he knew it was a waist of time.

The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon - Paris Sera Toujours Paris - Episode 3 - Season 1 - RECAP -
The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon – Paris Sera Toujours Paris – Episode 3 – Season 1 – RECAP –


The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon - Paris Sera Toujours Paris - Episode 3 - Season 1 - RECAP -
The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon – Paris Sera Toujours Paris – Episode 3 – Season 1 – RECAP –


After the disappointing encounter with the mad musician at the theater they start exploring, have no clue where to go but destiny finds them, Fallou a men who knew father Pere Jean cross their way. Fallou runs a small community of survivors, they are pacific, strong and have build a sustainable environment where everyone has a role to play to keep it going, there are workers, teachers, cooks, everything is going smooth, Fallou knows about Laurent, well what father Pere Jean convince them, the prophecy that Laurent will safe the world from this apocalypse but so far he is just a kid that has been lied all this time along and things are going to get bad once he start to learn his true story, on episode two he abandon the idea of going to Paris and wanted to stay with the other kids at the school they found on their way so its just a matter of time before he knows his true story and turn against Isabelle for keeping him in the dark and lying to him all this time.

The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon - Paris Sera Toujours Paris - Episode 3 - Season 1 - RECAP -
The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon – Paris Sera Toujours Paris – Episode 3 – Season 1 – RECAP –


This was funny scene, after they failed at locating a radio now at Fallou’s camp they don’t use radio they use pigeons to communicate so Daryl goes mad again, not only he is among a group of religious people who has silly believes in his opinion but now they want him to stay sitting for days or weeks waiting for a pigeon with a message, that’s IF big IF the pigeon returns.

The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon - Paris Sera Toujours Paris - Episode 3 - Season 1 - RECAP -
The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon – Paris Sera Toujours Paris – Episode 3 – Season 1 – RECAP –


The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon - Paris Sera Toujours Paris - Episode 3 - Season 1 - RECAP -
The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon – Paris Sera Toujours Paris – Episode 3 – Season 1 – RECAP –


In some part of Paris, Codron has finally met Genet, he brings her proof that he knows who Daryl Dixon is, the American who escape from the ship and did some damage to it that cost her time and money to rebuild so she still have on her plans locating Daryl, all Codron wants is to capture him and if possible kill him in revenge of his brother, they go about why she have to trust him to which he doesn’t much context other than he wants revenge and he has seen Daryl before because that’s the truth, he knows nothing about Daryl, this are some of the things that make me feel this episode was vague as fuck and slow too, they spend about five minutes at her office while she tries to light up a smoke and Codron not really proving why he is the man for the task, anyways she put him in charge of finding Daryl.

The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon - Paris Sera Toujours Paris - Episode 3 - Season 1 - RECAP -
The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon – Paris Sera Toujours Paris – Episode 3 – Season 1 – RECAP –


The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon - Paris Sera Toujours Paris - Episode 3 - Season 1 - RECAP -
The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon – Paris Sera Toujours Paris – Episode 3 – Season 1 – RECAP –


After Daryl got pissed about them waiting for a pigeon to carry their message, Fallou offer them the option to look for some one who can help Daryl get into a boat to America, that is a truly fucking task locating a boat to get him from one continent to another, after all he probably got lucky and there is no way he can go back.

They are in Paris, Isabelle home tome and she left a stash at her apartment, money, drugs, jewelry, things they can use to trade, Daryl already kept his part of the deal to bring Laurent safe to Paris, now Isabelle feels she is on Daryls debt list so she is willing to do as much as it takes to keep her part of the deal. Some times Daryl is a fucking bastard, Isabelle was telling him about Quinn but that is part of her stupid past, they he makes fun of her how she upgrade Quinn with God, like that is as stupid as been with Quinn.

Zombies got into the building and got them surrounded at her apartment, while trying to escape Isabelle froze after she saw a little girl who use to life into the same building a as her turn into a Zombie the weird part is that she was not as deteriorated as the other Zombie what makes me think she was probably killed or die of some natural cause, remember in Walking Dead eventually everyone turns into a Zombie after dying unless you stick something through their head right away. The exit was blocked by thick branches that Daryl could not cut and he notice this Zombies were burners too, their touch and insides burn anything, same as they Zombies that he saw on episode one at the warehouse so he use one of the to burn down the branches with their acid insides.

The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon - Paris Sera Toujours Paris - Episode 3 - Season 1 - RECAP -
The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon – Paris Sera Toujours Paris – Episode 3 – Season 1 – RECAP –


The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon - Paris Sera Toujours Paris - Episode 3 - Season 1 - RECAP -
The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon – Paris Sera Toujours Paris – Episode 3 – Season 1 – RECAP –


Daryl, Isabelle, Fallou, Laurent and Silvie got to a club, its the end of the world but seems people in Paris will keep on partying, question is where do they get the drinks, how they get currency, why do they get paid, there has to be some sort of economy to keep the place going, the man in charge was Quinn, Isabelle’s ex boyfriend who safe them from getting robbed from local smart ass you were trying to out play Isabelle and Daryl to keep their drugs as they were trying to make a deal for boat.

The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon - Paris Sera Toujours Paris - Episode 3 - Season 1 - RECAP -
The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon – Paris Sera Toujours Paris – Episode 3 – Season 1 – RECAP –


I really thought Quinn was going to be pissed and lock them down, after all he runs the place, got a crew and out power them but he wanted to play the big boy card, the play boy card, he owns the place, has money, power so Quinn takes Isabelle and Daryl to his office where he has everything from paints, antiques, champagne, offers them a drink but they just want to make a deal and get out.

Doubt if its true or not but after Isabelle tells him she is nun now and refuse to stay with him he reveal to her that Laurent is most likely his son, that her sister Lily was carrying his son so he was fucking her at the same time he was dating Isabelle, he wants Laurent to know the truth in exchange of getting a boat for Daryl but Daryl refuse and leaves then Isabelle gets pissed at Daryl, I didn’t get that right was it either Quinn just wanted Laurent to know he is his father or is it also that he wants Quinn to stay?? I think was just Laurent know the truth.

The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon - Paris Sera Toujours Paris - Episode 3 - Season 1 - RECAP -
The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon – Paris Sera Toujours Paris – Episode 3 – Season 1 – RECAP –


The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon - Paris Sera Toujours Paris - Episode 3 - Season 1 - RECAP -
The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon – Paris Sera Toujours Paris – Episode 3 – Season 1 – RECAP –


Cordon is after Daryl, some how he knows he was at Quinn place, back at Fallou’s camp Quinn and Isabelle kept talking about Laurent and her destiny, but Daryl is still pissed at how she lies to the kid, his father now, his entire life, Daryl had enough with his failed attempts to get a boat helped by Isabelle, Laurent heard them and tries to run away after telling them he hates them.

Cordon got to the camp and starts chasing Daryl, before he left the camp Daryl tells Isabelle to meet her at the apartment, some lame chasing starts, then Cordon and Daryl got into a fight but nothing impressive, it was a very dark scene with both dress in black, the music was lame too, very bad ending for the episode in my opinion. - tv series divider

The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon - Paris Sera Toujours Paris - Episode 3 - Season 1 - RECAP CONCLUSION -

This episode was not bad but at best I give it a 7/10 and that’s been generous, its on the verge of a six, there were a few interesting scenes like the musician with the Zombie band playing, Quinn’s underground bar but then it raise the question of how he keeps the place running, the small drama that he is Laurent father was a good twist but nothing really interesting or impressive on this episode, what I really want to know is the purpose of Genet experiments with Zombies and why Daryl was a prisoner at her ship, eventually he will kill Codron that’s for sure, the Laurent story I cant really care less, in my opinion is all about if and how Daryl gets back home, very lame episode, I hope the other three pack some punch.


The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon - Paris Sera Toujours Paris - Episode 3 - Season 1 - RECAP PREV Episodes -

Episode 1:
Episode 2: - tv series divider

The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon - SEASON 1 TRAILER -

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The Wheel of Time: What Might Be – Season 2 – Episode 3 – Recap

The Wheel of Time: What Might Be - Season 2 - Episode 3 - Recap -
The Wheel of Time: What Might Be – Season 2 – Episode 3 – Recap –


The Wheel of Time: What Might Be - Season 2 - Episode 3 - Recap INTRODUCTION -

The Wheel of Time is picking up pace, after two episodes of watching Moiraine complaining about how Lan fail her and does not need him anymore, even after he safe her life one more time; way more important to her now because she got no powers, the story is starting to move more than before, also Nynaeve and Egwene has build up some context at The White Tower of what they have been up to and what others expect from them.

I would say the second most powerful character in the story Nynaeve is put up to a task that not all Aes Sedai take on the first try but as reckless as she is took it as soon as Liandrin and the others Aes Sedai ask her too, she wants to demonstrate and become as powerful as they say, I think Nynaeve is tired of taking crap from others, this task will take her through three arch each will show her worst fears and nightmares that she will have to face, not only face but walk away from them, similar to a parallel world, inside this other world she can still be hurt or killed if not careful enough, some of this fears and nightmares is to leave what she loves the most and if she doesn’t will stay inside this world for ever. - tv series divider
The Wheel of Time: What Might Be - Season 2 - Episode 3 - Recap EPISODE DETAILS -

The Wheel of Time: What Might Be - Season 2 - Episode 3 - Recap -
The Wheel of Time: What Might Be – Season 2 – Episode 3 – Recap –


Liandrin is in a rush to make Nynaeve into an Aes Sedai, also would love her to be a red; she push other two of her sisters to take Nynaeve to the Archers, there are many other Arch, some have been explore, some have burn Aes Sedai but this inside the tower will show her fears, to become a sister Nynaeve will have to face her worst fears and come back to them, if she refuse three times then will be kick out of the tower but if she starts she cant stop, it takes three Aes Sedai combine power to activate The Archers.

The Wheel of Time: What Might Be - Season 2 - Episode 3 - Recap -
The Wheel of Time: What Might Be – Season 2 – Episode 3 – Recap –
The Wheel of Time: What Might Be - Season 2 - Episode 3 - Recap -
The Wheel of Time: What Might Be – Season 2 – Episode 3 – Recap –


Each arch she goes in is a different reality, on the first one Nynaeve goes back to the moment she was a child, here she meets with her father and mother, there was something interesting that her father told her “remember red is dead” , could this make reference to the red Aes Sedai? after all Liandrin would love Nynaeve to become a red, usually the most aggressive and radical Aes Sedai, inside this Arch Nynaeve and her family are attacked by a large group of raiders, its weird because for some reason they want to kill them like twenty arm men against a child and her parents, they are corner inside their house until they raiders brake in, last thing Nynaeve saw of their parents was them been slaughter while she hide in the basement looking up, at that moment the Arch show up inside the basement and she have to come back to the tower.

The Wheel of Time: What Might Be - Season 2 - Episode 3 - Recap -
The Wheel of Time: What Might Be – Season 2 – Episode 3 – Recap –


As part of the ritual every time she comes back from an Arch, an Aes Sedai throws water on her head saying “you are washed clean of you sins and the sins committed against you…” and Leane would heal her if she was hurt. After the first Arch Nynaeve was panicking, she could not understand how it felt so real even when she knows it was not, each Arch she gets in looks like it felt more real since on the second one kept complaining more telling the rest that they need to go to the Two Rivers because there is a lot of people that need help, friends of her.

The Wheel of Time: What Might Be - Season 2 - Episode 3 - Recap -
The Wheel of Time: What Might Be – Season 2 – Episode 3 – Recap –


The first two Arch were less difficult than the last one, the third Arch seem to be impossible to escape from, on this last one trip she fall into a world full of shadow, she was dress in red and comes back to the room with the other Aes Sedai with Lan’s hair on her hand and all cover in blood, blood was not hers, she thinks she hurt Lan and got piss off at the Aes Sedai wanting to leave the tower, it even look like it was the real deal until she meets with Lan and the Arch in the back shows up but she could not come back this time. At least not on this try, I’m sure she is not lost on this world and some how will return, you can’t killed the second main character of the story so early.

The Wheel of Time: What Might Be - Season 2 - Episode 3 - Recap -
The Wheel of Time: What Might Be – Season 2 – Episode 3 – Recap –
The Wheel of Time: What Might Be - Season 2 - Episode 3 - Recap -
The Wheel of Time: What Might Be – Season 2 – Episode 3 – Recap –


On the other side of the world, one of the less but still part of the puzzle characters, Perrin is about to find out what his power really are, he and the rest of the warriors he was marching with, lead by Ingtar Shinowa are no prisoners of High Lady Suroth but specially Ishamael, who I had my doubts if he was really helping Lady Suroth or he had his own agenda and the second answer seems to be the case, High Lady Suroth came to conquer and Ishamael is after unleashing a bigger power, he is interested on Perrin so he must be the key to something Ishamael is after.

The tracker that once help Perrin and the other warriors locate the town that was attacked, named Elias, already know who he was, the moment Perrin and other prisoners were transported, he appear with a wolf pack an attack the caravan, free Perrin, helping him to escape to latter on regroup.

The Wheel of Time: What Might Be - Season 2 - Episode 3 - Recap -
The Wheel of Time: What Might Be – Season 2 – Episode 3 – Recap –
The Wheel of Time: What Might Be - Season 2 - Episode 3 - Recap -
The Wheel of Time: What Might Be – Season 2 – Episode 3 – Recap –


There is some disappointment and sadness in The White Tower after Nynaeve didn’t came back from the last Arch, Egwene find out about the news after she went looking for her and found Aes Sedai Sheriam picking up Nynaeve things and let her know what happen. For the first time we see Egwene mad, she was piss off, she went looking for Liandrin because she thinks either she wanted Nynaeve dead or gone when it was the opposite, Liandrin always wanted Nynaeve to become Aes Sedai to weaponize her, Egwene confronts Liandrin and as she is walking away she lights up in fire, very similar to what Brand has done in a few occasions, its strange that so far other characters rather than Rand have shown part of their power before him, sometimes I wonder if we will ever see them fight with their full powers or may be not, at the current pace of the series if they do not crunch the story this might take another season for them to show their full potential.

The Wheel of Time: What Might Be - Season 2 - Episode 3 - Recap -
The Wheel of Time: What Might Be – Season 2 – Episode 3 – Recap –
The Wheel of Time: What Might Be - Season 2 - Episode 3 - Recap -
The Wheel of Time: What Might Be – Season 2 – Episode 3 – Recap –


Rand keeps wasting his time with Logain, a trickster who is drunk in pain after the Aes Sedai took his powers, Rand finally find his way up to Logain in the Asylum, he has ask for a specific wine bottle in exchange to show Rand how to control his powers, Selene, the mysterious woman who look like she has everything and enough time to fool around with Rand every night helps him get this bottle. Logain is only selling him smoke, he is just mad with the world after loosing his powers and is probably jealous of Rand, after Rand gave him the wine all he tells him is that he can’t control it, he can’t stop it, all he can do is embrace it, it will eventually spills out.

The Wheel of Time: What Might Be - Season 2 - Episode 3 - Recap -
The Wheel of Time: What Might Be – Season 2 – Episode 3 – Recap –


Rand is starting to manifest more his powers, I think Selene knows this and thats exactly what she is looking for but so far doesn’t reveal who she really is and what does she wants from Rand, sure thing is that some how she wants to manipulate him but with what purpose and who is she?

The Wheel of Time: What Might Be - Season 2 - Episode 3 - Recap -
The Wheel of Time: What Might Be – Season 2 – Episode 3 – Recap –
The Wheel of Time: What Might Be - Season 2 - Episode 3 - Recap -
The Wheel of Time: What Might Be – Season 2 – Episode 3 – Recap –


In a desperate attempt to bring Nynaeve back from the third Arch, Egwene tries to power the Arch by herself, desperate actions for desperate times seems to be forcing everyone to show their powers, this includes Rand, Perrin, Nynaeve and Egwene has show part of their powers that they haven’t in previous episodes, finally its starting to get interesting.

Egwene is stop by Elayene, her novice companion, tells her that it takes three Aes Sedai to power the Arches and that in a thousand years many have try to bring back friends, lovers, that have been lost in the Arches with no luck. All they could do is sit there and hope, Nynaeve was deep on that dream, the first chance she had to come back she didn’t, no body knows what happens on the other side so no body knows if the Arches gives you more than one chance to come back, as any other of this kind of test is up to the one been tested to decide what to do but as I though they could not get rid of the second main character so early in the series. While Egwene and Elayne were sitting there, tired, she finally came back crying for all the pain she went through on that last trip where she was with Lan and even had a daughter, lost them all to Trollocks. - tv series divider

The Wheel of Time: What Might Be - Season 2 - Episode 3 - Recap CONCLUSION -

I’m going to have to take a day in advance to write this WOT recaps, with so many side stories at the same time, this are long ones, way over 1500 words from all what is happening, probably one of the most exciting episodes, the first two I agree were very slow and boring but they had a purpose, season one left us with everyone going into different directions, defeated, so characters had to regroup, from now on I think we will see more of their powers and probably who the hell is Selene and what she wants with Rand, also Moiraine didn’t show on this episode I’m sure on next episode will come up telling everyone what to do and when.

A character I haven’t cover that much is Mat, same as Perrin they are not that interesting from me, Nynaeve, Egwene and Rand can channel and are very powerful but what does Perrin and Mat does? what is their purpose on the series, Min did see Mat killing or at least stabbing Rand but what else is about it, this are things that has not unfold yet and why the story remains interesting.

As some good things in life you need to have some patience, same goes for some TV Series, few weeks ago I saw online how people were saying that season 2 of The Wheel of Time (WOT) was just too slow, it was not interesting, was nothing like the books and to that I have to say a few things.

– None of these series based on books or novels will be some times even 80% like the books, the amount of things they have to adjust because of time, budget, TV restrictions, etc do change an entire season, all the cut scenes, so don’t expect it to be like the book
– If you read the books, I have not; I’m sure you will spend more time waiting for some action than in the TV Series
– It took the season three episodes to pic up some pace and do something different than not just Moiraine arguing with Lan, latter on you will find out why, there was a reason for those to first episodes.


The Wheel of Time: What Might Be - Season 2 - Episode 3 - Recap PREV Episodes -

Episode 1:
Episode 2: - tv series divider


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Class of 09: Thank You for Not Driving – Season 1 Episode 3 – RECAP



Class of 09 Episode 3 brings the beginning of what will become Tayo’s real problem, in 2023 we are in the times when Artificial Intelligence finally reach average internet users with applications like Chat GPT and also those who are more familiar with the tech are starting to thinker with Artificial Intelligence models to generate text, images or even music. Agent Hour with a crew of talented engineers has develop this massive tool to keep agents in contact with all evidence possible and case files so they can come up with suspects faster than usual, its purpose was not to replace agents but to unite them in technology, the idea is to have one agent working on a case but with the help of all the data other agents have compile from similar cases having it available as fast an efficient as possible but no body in the Bureau sees it that way, most think that this new system will replace agents and make decisions for them although Hour’s system wont, even Lennix who seems to be a very smart guy on the series thinks this way, I think he probably did because it was others perspective too, group pressure.

Tayo on episode 3 was against the wall, he is facing a man that already try to kill him and is on the run, hurt badly his partner at the moment and all they got is one guy who wont say anything, his partners at the FBI pressure him at not using Hour system but he had no choice, they going no where with the only lead they have, here is when it starts, Tayo will become a victim of his own success, we have seen before a scene where he asks another ten years as FBI director to continue with his AI system, as any other Sci-Fi theme movie/series Artificial Intelligence finally understands humans are the problem and need to be stop. - tv series divider


Tayo is hunting, looking for Mark Tupirik, a man who runs a criminal/terrorist network who is willing to do anything he can to hurt the FBI, on previous episode he already demonstrate that no one is above his mission, killed his wife, almost killed an FBI agent (Tayo’s partner) and now is on his way to complete his plan, both Mark and Tayo are fearless.


Class of 09 moves back and forward through its time line, in the future after the AI system Tayo implemented and eventually mutate into something that goes out of control, totally different than what Hour and Amos wanted it to be, Poet visits Hour seeking for her help to stop the system, before Amos was killed at Poet’s apartment he gave her a card that might be the key to stop it. Poet at this point on her life is facing that she have been left alone in the world, no Hour, no Lennix and now no Bureau since this last thing that she loved too is gone after the AI system has replaced agents almost completely.


True friendship is very hard to find and some times people become blind because of their line of work, for Poet the FBI was everything back then, she always show it to everyone, that’s why she and Lennix were not together and why she accept to spy on Hour and eventually be the one who puts a stop to her program, Lennix on the other hard who had no attachment to Hour also follow orders and gets Poet to work with Hour as under cover so she could never see it coming, the entire project was Doom from the start, not because it works or what ever any one else though on the FBI but because Hour profile results say she might trust more technology than people or at least that’s the perspective the FBI has from her, unless humans find out a way to create conscious mind then AI will always be just a vast library of data with extremely fast access, AI wont be able to take that away from humans the decision making factor under certain circumstances where human emotions are involve, some times science can choose a total different outcome but doesn’t mean is the right one. In the case of Lennix, Poet and the FBI they were wrong about Hour program.


At first Hour new system was suppose to help agents, meaning they wont get the answers right away, they still had to investigate, Hour make it that way so it doesn’t replace agents but the agents perspective was different, although they had a hunch that if it end up as they thought, eventually AI will replace them, at the moment Tayo was desperate to put Mark behind bars, not only they were going no where with the suspect but also Mark just execute an attack to kill either Tayo or his wife so he decided to open the Pandora Box and go full send with Hour system.


Since Tayo use the system for the first time it work as intended, took the hours to get something of value form their suspect, there are theories that under pressure humans indirectly tend to give themselves out, under situations like this its either because they think can out smart the law or they so nervous eventually crack to move on to what’s next, took Tayo and the system with a room full of people analyzing the situation meaning it was working as intended, until they find a clue that puts them on the right track, the suspect was constantly drawing what looks like just lines but it was a logo at the center. After trying all kind of operation they could with the help of the state police like road blocks, they finally got to a truck where Mark was hiding a moving around, a truck from a Construction Company that the suspect was drawing during the interrogatory.


Going back to the future, after Hour accept to help Poet, after all they were best friends and it was obvious she had something for Poet, they go back to Amos place where they use the card he left Poet and start his system, the AI system in place, in the future, was taking decisions by its own, making arrests based on suspicious without prove just because someone could commit a crime, its not the same as stopping some one, if you haven’t done anything even though you can, that doesn’t mean you are guilty, on episode 3 also officially start the quest to stop Tayo’s AI system in the future time line.


Tayo finally gets Mark behind bars, he is now in what seems to be a ultra max security prison, cameras every corner analyzing his reactions and trying to read him, again the system is working as design, agents are not predicting the future, the system will only assist them based on their request and inputs, there is more to Mark’s plan, even though Tayo caught him, the plan still rolling and who knows what will happens next, agents are still in danger, Tayo thought stopping Mark was enough but its bigger than just him. - tv series divider

A Small Light : Welcome to Switzerland - Season 1 Episode 2 - RECAP PREV Episodes -

Episode 1:
Episode 2: - tv series divider


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Citadel : Infinite Shadows – Season 1 – Episode 3 – RECAP

Citadel : Infinite Shadows - Season 1 - Episode 3 - RECAP -
Citadel : Infinite Shadows – Season 1 – Episode 3 – RECAP


Citadel : Infinite Shadows - Season 1 - Episode 3 - RECAP INTRODUCTION -

Bernard has been capture by Manticore and is been torture to try to get as much information from him specially to locate the remaining Citadel agents like Mason and Nadia who at the moment are safe, escape and starting to know each other, the Mason that Nadia once knew is gone but the brain is a huge database that can recover data if stimulated correctly.

On this episodes we get more of the action promised from the trailer, Citadel tries to be a full James Bond style tv series with all kind of tech gadgets at their disposal, translucent touch screens as monitors, agents under cover and a lot of shooting also average villain but its expected, I’m not saying the series is bad but its hard to get actors that can be great bad guys like Heath Ledger to give an example, most of the times actors on espionage movies or tv series are not that good and Citadel is not the exception, I find the character of Dahlia Archer not so good as the main Manticore agent, the actress Lesley Manville is not convincing on this role same go for her goons with the exception of Anders Silje but just because he has a good actions scenes, not so convincing as a villain but better than her. - tv series divider
Citadel : Infinite Shadows - Season 1 - Episode 3 - RECAP EPISODE DETAILS -

Citadel : Infinite Shadows - Season 1 - Episode 3 - RECAP -
Citadel : Infinite Shadows – Season 1 – Episode 3 – RECAP


The episode starts with a scene where they are torturing Bernard that for me is very irrelevant, very dull, how bad villains are on this tv series make me uncomfortable, on every scene they come up I just want to skip forward to any other scene but at least Nadia and Mason save the day, they both are running away from Manticore and are now hiding on a Citadel safe house in Spain, Mason got shot and Nadia is taking care of him, its fun because he is still Mason inside so his subconscious still have some of the old Mason behaviors for example he ask Nadia if he can trust her and its not the first time he has done it, she start to remember many of their moments together. Nadia gets some interest into Mason’s life after the train incident at Italy, even ask him about his family, may be she is a bit jealous she is not the one with him but with their old life style it would be very hard for them to raise a family after all Manticore almost destroy Citadel so its a good thing they didn’t stay together and had a family, kids, because there is a chance they had been hurt during that time.

Citadel : Infinite Shadows - Season 1 - Episode 3 - RECAP -
Citadel : Infinite Shadows – Season 1 – Episode 3 – RECAP


On my previous post from today referring to the Tv Series Class of 09 where they implement technology that in the past looked like Sci Fi although now days most of it is real, we got this translucent big screens as monitors on a meeting room, they do a good job at implementing them with their own interface design, a touch that I like and feel its not over the top, this episodes also brings agent Carter Spence who in actual time is still alive but Mason and Nadia haven’t communicate with him and they also introduce Sandra who looks like the Citadel Director, Bernard is the geek of the team not the boss.

Citadel : Infinite Shadows - Season 1 - Episode 3 - RECAP -
Citadel : Infinite Shadows – Season 1 – Episode 3 – RECAP


Here one of the actions scenes form the trailer, this is the second mayor action scene on the series after the opener of episode one when they had this big fight inside the train that then explodes leaving Mason and Nadia close to death and without memories, in my opinion a very entertaining scene, only thing is that Mason run a bit funny to me but over all I give this action scene a 8/10, its the main attractive of this series so far, watch Nadia and Mason shooting, kicking and fighting. This is when Nadia and Mason are introduce, she was working as an undercover agent and Mason don’t know when or where she will appear to help extract him.

Citadel : Infinite Shadows - Season 1 - Episode 3 - RECAP -
Citadel : Infinite Shadows – Season 1 – Episode 3 – RECAP


This part makes me laugh hard, Mason playing the fool with his wife but this is total cliché, spy loose his memory and then find out he had a girl before the accident, calls the wife to check her and when Abby actual Mason wife ask how things doing, how he is getting along with Nadia he answers seems she didn’t know Mason that much, Abby is like WTF do you think I’m stupid jajajaja, but from another perspective one may say he answer this to avoid getting her involve more than she needs and keep them away from the danger that surrounds him and Nadia.

Citadel : Infinite Shadows - Season 1 - Episode 3 - RECAP -
Citadel : Infinite Shadows – Season 1 – Episode 3 – RECAP


With Bernard capture by Manticore the next only option to understand what the hell happen while they were away, Nadia and Kane decided to rescue agent Carter Spence who has been transmitting help videos through the Citadel network, to do this they would need to hack a mobster phone to get the access codes but access codes for what? I guess to enter the facility where they might have Carter, that part of the script got a bit lost, I guess sometimes writers like to put together the words hack, steal, access codes and what ever comes to their mind to get viewers interested but they have to do better this time because it doesn’t make that much sense but lets buy it steal the access codes to either locate Carter or enter where they got him. Problem is Nadia cant get close to Balduino the mobster running the place where Carter is because she is the one doing the hacking so Mason has to be the old Citadel Spy Mason to pull this off, he actually beg Nadia to teach him how to be Mason at the end it still inside him and it looks like he loves it and lets face it Nadia is very hot so probably he wants part of his old life back, during the meeting Balduino try to brainwash Mason telling him Nadia is the one who snitch Citadel and sold them to Manticore, this confuse Mason since he wants to recover his old life but cant fully trust Nadia.

Citadel : Infinite Shadows - Season 1 - Episode 3 - RECAP -
Citadel : Infinite Shadows – Season 1 – Episode 3 – RECAP


To top it off in everyone forgot who they are, Bernard is about to pull an Ace of Spades he have been saving to get himself free, Mason and Abby both met at a hospital when they were doing therapy because she also forgot her memories after an accident, they haven’t give any specifics but it looks like after all it was Citadel who recover both on purpose even though they didn’t, but how come they met at the same hospital and now turns out Silje ex girlfriend is Abby whose real name is Brielle, Bernard show Silje a picture of here and tells him she is now married to Mason, this is all too much coincidence,  Bernard made a deal with Silje to help him get free in exchange of Brielle info probably location not sure because the episodes ends there. - tv series divider

Citadel : Infinite Shadows - Season 1 - Episode 3 - RECAP CONCLUSION -

This episode was very good, still getting those nice actions scenes but part of the script sometimes doesn’t make too much sense plus the entire Bernard kidnap/interrogatory/torture sux, that aspect of the episode is very bad, only thing keeping this boat at float is Nadia and Mason, I hope villain actors get better after a couple of episodes, also some times it felt like other than the action scenes the rest was there just to feel empty space, probably taking things a bit slower work better for the series, not everything has to be action scenes, I’m sure there will be some episodes that will slow down and give more context to the story, even the Mandalorian that had action on almost every episode during the last season had a few slow episodes so I’m hoping they do the same with Citadel, its like they trying to recover their old life and memories too fast, I get that they have to if not they will get caught or killed by Manticore, lets see how much context Carter brings to the story when they rescue him. When the episode ends there is a coming soon kind of trailer that in my opinion spoil the next episode so my advice is that when credits pop up just stop it right there, trailers on this tv series in my opinion reveal too much before the next episode.


Citadel : Infinite Shadows - Season 1 - PREV Episodes -

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Episode 2: - tv series divider


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Dead Ringers : Three – Season 1 Episode 3 – RECAP

Dead Ringers : Three - Season 1 Episode 3 - RECAP -
Dead Ringers : Three – Season 1 Episode 3 – RECAP


Dead Ringers : Three - Season 1 Episode 3 - RECAP - INTRODUCTION -

Things between the twins is getting more intense, more tension, more drugs, more selfish, more savage, Elliot just cant stand Beverly having someone she cant and on top takes her away. Elliot is having a very hard time at accepting Beverly could be on a serious relationship, at least for now and this bring her to the border of madness, Beverly on the other hand doesn’t know how to feel now that she has everything, has the lab, the birthing center, has a girlfriend but cant handle been famous and successful, there are fields where you will attract a lot of haters when becoming successful at what you do and Beverly cant handle it but this haters are not far from the truth, now with all the resources she needed Elliot is going full throttle at artificially creating humans, its clone wars all over, Elliot without any type of supervision is working out side of the law, testing and trying all methods she can or want, worst part is that humans tend to do desperate things when there is no other option, failing at procreating is one of them, failing at it for any reason over and over let women and men to take desperate actions to achieve this goal and there are people like Elliot who take advantage of this situation using them for their experiments. Creating humans artificially by some is consider playing at been God, since there is no secret formula for to achieve this or a button that you can press and give life then on the way to achieve this there are all kind of failures, this failures most of the times are consider murder since we talking about a baby, that’s the sad part when this process go bad and takes part of our humanity, until today humans have not approve of find an argument that let humans been produce at a factory because as in any factory there is a margin of error, on a humans factory that margin of error becomes life’s that are lost, in a sense killing other humans. - tv series divider
Dead Ringers : Three - Season 1 Episode 3 - RECAP - EPISODE DETAILS -

Dead Ringers : Three - Season 1 Episode 3 - RECAP -
Dead Ringers : Three – Season 1 Episode 3 – RECAP


Dead Ringers : Three - Season 1 Episode 3 - RECAP -
Dead Ringers : Three – Season 1 Episode 3 – RECAP


The series has jump in time and the Matel’s birthing center and lab are ready to go, they starting to have their first patience and this place doesn’t look cheap or accessible to others at all just as Rebecca told Beverly, she took this decision as an investment not necessarily to change the world. I like how the production have develop the look of futuristic at the same time bizarre looking, just look at the building looks a bit futuristic like in 90s movies and the dressing on this crew, it give me some flash backs of Hunger Games, same goes for the rest of the personal including the twins they all dressing red uniforms, very low lights, the birthing room is basically a cinema with chairs and a big showcase for those invited to see the process. The birthing center is getting lots of guest as they call them, Beverly insisted because they are not sick and that’s true, traditionally calling them patients might put them in the category of been sick but its just a term misunderstood.

Dead Ringers : Three - Season 1 Episode 3 - RECAP -
Dead Ringers : Three – Season 1 Episode 3 – RECAP


This TV series is more about this trio, the birthing center is just the narrative based on their goals and carrier but its about the toxic relationship that the twins have, a toxic relationship that they accept and promote at times for example when Beverly use Elliot as her escape goat when she is not ok at a certain event or handling someone she is not comfortable with, Genevieve had this party after the TV show she work at finish filming and Beverly asks Elliot to be her because she is more fun and loose at this events, but Genevieve catch it and was able to differentiate between the twins, she only ask them to stop it for this time but then Beverly is not willing to share Genevieve with Elliot but aloud Elliot to be her under other circumstances, this is the case where you cant be with God and the Devil at the same time pretending everything will be ok after. At some point Elliot will pretend to be Beverly without letting her know about it and sleep with Genevieve.

Elliot cant stand be without Beverly and Genevieve is getting on their way, soon she will have the need to get rid of Genevieve, Elliot is so possessive but also only because Beverly aloud it, in this occasion Beverly and Genevieve go out for the weekend.

Dead Ringers : Three - Season 1 Episode 3 - RECAP -
Dead Ringers : Three – Season 1 Episode 3 – RECAP


Feeling the need to some how control Beverly, Elliot takes Tom one of the guys at the Lab, basically her right hand and have him jerk off to get his sperms I think some how the act of fertilizing Beverly ovum gives her power over Beverly? she told Elliot she didn’t want to have a baby anymore before this or is she doing it to get Beverly back on having a baby so she can have her attention again? I’m sure is not for the tech since Elliot now has tons of patients who want her to test on them.

Dead Ringers : Three - Season 1 Episode 3 - RECAP -
Dead Ringers : Three – Season 1 Episode 3 – RECAP


After Beverly and Genevieve went out for the weekend Elliot didn’t know what to do with herself, nothing could calm her down, not the lab, not the drugs, not the alcohol, she go out and took a bunch of people from a bar to have a party at her place, the amount of cocaine she was taking in was absurd to the point she start having hallucinations with a neighbor that she hates, they had a fight braking stuff at Elliot’s place and then end up talking in the balcony while Elliot patch her up but then things became twisted, Elliot neighbor who she nick name Skinny start telling her how little she is, how she have to split her life with Beverly but in a bad way like Beverly takes everything from Elliot and that makes her mad, sick to the point she push Skinny off the balcony, realize what she have done but when she goes downstairs into the garbage where Skinny fall there was nothing, no body, then she realize whats going on on her way up to the apartment, Elliot is loosing it, she cant be away from Beverly and certainly not with someone else, Elliot calls Beverly to come back asking for help. - tv series divider

Dead Ringers : Three - Season 1 Episode 3 - RECAP - CONCLUSION -

I really liked this episode, the first part was ok with all the lab stuff, what they doing and the classic fight between Rebecca and Beverly but the really interesting part was when Genevieve takes Beverly how Elliot start to loose it and the end when Elliot, Two Face and Skinny start going at each other making a mess braking stuff and then having a chat but its all result of Elliot imagination, all the drugs and alcohol she did, Elliot couldn’t take the insults and how little Skinny make her feel and now we know Elliot is capable of killing someone for Beverly, she might kill Genevieve at least is on the table to keep Beverly with her, different than SWARM this tv series is creepy and could make you sick but that’s just the lab part, the interesting drama is between the twins.

Dead Ringers : Three - Season 1 Episode 3 - RECAP - PREV Episodes -

Episode 1:
Episode 2: - tv series divider

Dead Ringers : Three - Season 1 Episode 3 - RECAP - TRAILER -

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