The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon – La Dame de Fer – Episode 4 – Season 1 – RECAP

The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon - La Dame de Fer - Episode 4 - Season 1 - RECAP -
The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon – La Dame de Fer – Episode 4 – Season 1 – RECAP –


The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon - La Dame de Fer - Episode 4 - Season 1 - RECAP INTRODUCTION -

La Dame de Fer, the title of this episode that I assume makes reference to the Eiffel Tower that swings with the wind and the noise made by the rusted metal is heard all over the city of Paris, I guess most names are in French because where the story develops but I would rather like the tittle to be “Squeal Piggy” since Daryl use a common reference of how load pigs squeal when they are been killed while he was torturing one of Quinn’s goons.

The series remains strong in the ball part of a solid +7, its not boring although there is one thing that annoys me a bit and that’s how episodes mostly happen in close spaces and the camera has to go back and forward to register characters expression since there is very few open shots and also I think it has to do with light since most part of the series is very dark and I guess it has to do with the fact that there is no light, it keeps moving, entertain, zombies are still relevant since on this side of the world there are variants of Zombies, the series is more about a country that is starting to re establish their society, some just taking care of their people peacefully and others trying to build a regime as they think what the world need now is order and control, both sides might be right but forcing things as Genet wants its just too extremist besides all the experiments she is doing with Zombies has nothing to do with rebuilding society she is just playing to be a Commander and doing what she wants, so far we haven’t got any background of her, how she got into that position its interesting to me how she got all that power. - tv series divider
The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon - La Dame de Fer - Episode 4 - Season 1 - RECAP EPISODE DETAILS -

The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon - La Dame de Fer - Episode 4 - Season 1 - RECAP -
The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon – La Dame de Fer – Episode 4 – Season 1 – RECAP –


At the end of episode three Daryl falls down from a roof made of wood during the rain, it was rotten so his weigh broke it and he falls, he had this dream where he and Laurent are in a tunnel but separated by a gate, Zombies start to surround Laurent but they don’t touch him after he start to pray, what this dream might mean is that they are officially saying Laurent can communicate with Zombies?? I though this could also be a scene latter on during the episode but at least it was not on this episode, Laurent’s mother died during birth and she was bitten hours before giving birth so he probably has it on his DNA, the genetic mutation of Zombies mix with his human side.

The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon - La Dame de Fer - Episode 4 - Season 1 - RECAP -
The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon – La Dame de Fer – Episode 4 – Season 1 – RECAP –


After Daryl fall through the root he almost drawn, he falls into a place that was probably flooded and there were Zombies under water, I don’t know how they got to attack him if Zombies don’t know how to swim and they didn’t fall from the roof with him so that got me thinking for a minute, lucky for Daryl there were just a few and he manage to kill them, kill zombies hmmm.

The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon - La Dame de Fer - Episode 4 - Season 1 - RECAP -
The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon – La Dame de Fer – Episode 4 – Season 1 – RECAP –


Another Dame de Fer, Genet; visits Fallou camp after Cordon raid it last night, Isabelle, Laurent and Daryl manage to escape but the rest stay after all they were not the ones been chased, on this scene two things are confirm, Genet wants nothing to do with the Messiah story surrounding Laurent as that divides the people that she is trying to control, all she wants is them been under her command and not a religious story, nobody gives out Laurent besides none of them knows where they are.

The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon - La Dame de Fer - Episode 4 - Season 1 - RECAP -
The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon – La Dame de Fer – Episode 4 – Season 1 – RECAP –


The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon - La Dame de Fer - Episode 4 - Season 1 - RECAP -
The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon – La Dame de Fer – Episode 4 – Season 1 – RECAP –


I have thought since episode two that there is probably something cooking between this two but so far nothing, Daryl told Isabelle to meet at her apartment after the camp got raided, problem is where the fuck is Laurent. Daryl keeps telling Isabelle all this happen because she keeps lying to him about everything, if she really believes Laurent been the Messiah I think it should be the other way, she should have him inform as much as possible to avoid this mental break downs, Laurent has grown extremely naive.

The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon - La Dame de Fer - Episode 4 - Season 1 - RECAP -
The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon – La Dame de Fer – Episode 4 – Season 1 – RECAP –


The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon - La Dame de Fer - Episode 4 - Season 1 - RECAP -
The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon – La Dame de Fer – Episode 4 – Season 1 – RECAP –


Daryl been the good old tracker he is, has a good idea of where Laurent might be, at first I thought he was at Quinn’s bar since now he knows who his father and mother are but Laurent actually went to the Eiffel Tower, here the name of the episode La Dame Fer; there were a lot of Zombies trapped and when the saw Laurent they ran towards him, at first I thought ok if the first scene that makes reference he can some how talk to Zombies then this might be the moment Laurent shines but he panic and hide, he didn’t, lucky him Isabelle and Daryl found him, they try to take care of the Zombies around but at the same time Quinn’s goons snatch Laurent.

The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon - La Dame de Fer - Episode 4 - Season 1 - RECAP -
The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon – La Dame de Fer – Episode 4 – Season 1 – RECAP –


After a Zombie apocalypse, Isabelle leaving Quinn behind and now knowing Laurent is Lily’s son, his son, I can relate how he might feel the need to be a dad for Laurent, problem is that he has grown too naive but at the same time too cold, cold in the sense that he haven’t live enough to be scared or worry about things the same way the rest do, its like when a baby does something risky, they don’t know fear until they get hurt, Laurent has not been hurt, he is what 15 years old and never knew his mother and father until now so for him probably doesn’t make that much difference.

The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon - La Dame de Fer - Episode 4 - Season 1 - RECAP -
The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon – La Dame de Fer – Episode 4 – Season 1 – RECAP –


Genet is going around Paris tracking down Daryl and Laurent, Quinn ask her to come to his place because he wants to negotiate and here is the part that I think will cost him a lot in the future, not only he is asking for a bounty in exchange of Daryl but he also lie to her face after she ask her if he has Laurent that is at his office in the same bar they are at that moment, in exchange for Daryl he asks for a Monet, a painting. I think Quinn is a visionary, at some point in time he believes society can be similar to what it was, the world and he wants to be in control of the many things people value in the past like art, he is a collector and has a lot of art that could be very valuable once again.

The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon - La Dame de Fer - Episode 4 - Season 1 - RECAP -
The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon – La Dame de Fer – Episode 4 – Season 1 – RECAP –


Now probably my favorite part of the episode, Isabelle and Daryl manage to get one of Quinn’s goon while they put Laurent in a car and ran away with him, that scene was a bit stupid since I only saw one guy driving and Laurent alone in the back seat and Daryl still couldn’t get him out of the car, but at least the next scene when they try to get some intel from the one they caught was worth it. Isabelle try her nun way, been patient, nice, just talking while Daryl he brought a very dark story of a kid and his pet piglet, Daryl kept stabbing the guy on his torso, I don’t know how deep it was but he took about five or six to he body and was still taking, Daryl did get that piglet to squeal, he told them how to get into Quinn’s bar from a back door.

The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon - La Dame de Fer - Episode 4 - Season 1 - RECAP -
The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon – La Dame de Fer – Episode 4 – Season 1 – RECAP –


It was funny to me how Isabelle thought Daryl was the kid of the story he told and Daryl sarcastic that he is answer her no, but I do think it was him, on the original Walking Dead he constantly tell stories about bad his childhood was, his father was a drunk, kids use to bully him until he became a bad ass and no body mess with him anymore so I do think it was a true story, with the info on how to get into Quinn’s bar without him notice they plan a distraction.

The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon - La Dame de Fer - Episode 4 - Season 1 - RECAP -
The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon – La Dame de Fer – Episode 4 – Season 1 – RECAP –


The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon - La Dame de Fer - Episode 4 - Season 1 - RECAP -
The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon – La Dame de Fer – Episode 4 – Season 1 – RECAP –


Fallou and the rest attack the entrance of the bar as a distraction so all the guards go to that side of the building while Daryl gets from the back and takes Laurent with him, the distraction scene was not so interesting, I just mention it to give some context.

The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon - La Dame de Fer - Episode 4 - Season 1 - RECAP -
The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon – La Dame de Fer – Episode 4 – Season 1 – RECAP –


Anna will turn into Quinn demise, all this time before Isabelle and Laurent show up Anna was there for him, it looks like she is in love with Quinn but he is a selfish man that only cares about what he wants so at the moment he doesn’t want her anymore, when Daryl got to the place he found Laurent and Anna let them go in purpose just to screw with Quinn. Daryl had to fight Quinn on the way out, it was a short irrelevant fight, they try to make it interesting with them fighting on a suspended runway so viewers might think like ooohhh what if one of them fall? but they never did, I knew it would not happen.

The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon - La Dame de Fer - Episode 4 - Season 1 - RECAP -
The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon – La Dame de Fer – Episode 4 – Season 1 – RECAP –


The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon - La Dame de Fer - Episode 4 - Season 1 - RECAP -
The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon – La Dame de Fer – Episode 4 – Season 1 – RECAP –


They manage to get Laurent out of Quinn’s bar, no body from Fallou camp died and now Laurent is on his way to the nest with Daryl, it was actually very easy since there were not too many guards at the moment and the only person that could have really stop Daryl was Anna but she let them go, question is why the FUCK did Isabelle came back to Quinn, I would guess she went there to offer herself in exchange Quinn leaves Daryl and Laurent alone, trying to buy protection but in my opinion that only make things worst because when Genet finds out she is going to doubt Quinn and if that happens then going back with Quinn is worthless, Quinn can only protect Daryl and Laurent until Genet allow it. - tv series divider

The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon - La Dame de Fer - Episode 4 - Season 1 - RECAP CONCLUSION -

When I look back to episode four nothing really important happen, it was a transition episode after Fallou camp was raided, Laurent got lost, then caught by Quinn and then Daryl got him back end of the episode, I don’t want to make it boring but it was literally what happen, the good part about the series is the details scenes they put in the middle so it doesn’t feel that way, they had to fight Zombies to get Laurent at the Tower but no luck, then they had to fight Quinn to get Laurent and the only true obstacle, Anna; let them go like it was nothing but what really makes up for this episode is how cruel Daryl was during the interrogation scene, things I already mention, what I want to see is if Laurent is the real Zombie Pied Pipper and I think that is the entire reason why others think he is the Messiah who safes the world, also we got pending the reason for Genet’s experiments with Zombies something that was not mention during this episode but its ok since this was the one very slow episode of the series.

I feel this episode took me more than usual to write bu I wanted to do something different with the images, I don’t want to just take screenshots and past them so I try to add more to it to explain the scene, I have even consider making gifts for key scenes or just the cover image, something I will do in the future, all this details take time, an entire post can take me between two to three hours depending how long is it and how concentrated I’m.


The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon - La Dame de Fer - Episode 4 - Season 1 - RECAP PREV Episodes -

Episode 1:
Episode 2:
Episode 3: - tv series divider

The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon - SEASON - TRAILER -

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Secret Invasion: Betrayed – Season 1 – Episode 3 – RECAP

Secret Invasion: Betrayed – Season 1 – Episode 3 – RECAP -
Secret Invasion: Betrayed – Season 1 – Episode 3 – RECAP –


Secret Invasion: Betrayed – Season 1 – Episode 3 – RECAP INTRODUCTION -

Compare to other Marvel TV Series Secret Invasion in my opinion is not bad as people might think but for sure not its best work, there is not much action until now, its more about an espionage TV Series and probably the way it should be because besides Skrulls on this story there are no super heroes with powers or a suit and I think that’s the way it was intended just humans against the infiltrated Skrulls from Gravik.

Episode three is just that, start to unveil the traitors on both sides from the Gravik camp and the more divided humans group leading Nick Fury but just way too divided between MI6, US Government, after all Skrulls is probably the main reason humans are so divided, its the result of many years work dividing to conquer that was exactly what Gravik was looking for and he is now Skrull General after getting the full support from the Skrulls counsel after showing he does have what it got to make Earth the home they were looking for and convincing them that it wont be achieve by been friends with humans but by making them go against each other at war while Skrulls just watch humans become extinct, it will be very hard for Nick Fury to stop this plan but he has Talos on his side and I think this war wont be won by force but by out smart the enemy. - tv series divider
Secret Invasion: Betrayed – Season 1 – Episode 3 – RECAP EPISODE DETAILS -

Secret Invasion: Betrayed – Season 1 – Episode 3 – RECAP -
Secret Invasion: Betrayed – Season 1 – Episode 3 – RECAP –


Back when Gravik was chosen as Skrull General there was a few of them that were not too sure of his methods, Skrulls are a pacific species and those who had to fled their home know how bad war could turn out for them, if they loose to humans it could be game over, at the end I think that’s going to be the card that make Nick win this war against Gravik, show other Skrulls how wrong is Gravik at fighting humans instead of living together in peace with the option to stay on Earth or find another planet to claim.

Secret Invasion: Betrayed – Season 1 – Episode 3 – RECAP -
Secret Invasion: Betrayed – Season 1 – Episode 3 – RECAP –


Secret Invasion: Betrayed – Season 1 – Episode 3 – RECAP -
Secret Invasion: Betrayed – Season 1 – Episode 3 – RECAP –


Initially Gravik plan was to infiltrate humans thing that he did perfectly at taking hostage the Captain in charge of a submarine with missiles probably powerful enough to do a lot of damage or at least enough as Nick said to start World War III, with the help of Talos he was able to stop the launch, Talos is a bit against killing people specially Skrulls but this time he was the one pulling the trigger when the Skrull rebel mention his daughter what brings to mind if he knows/suspects G’iah is providing information to Talos then Gravik must too.

Secret Invasion: Betrayed – Season 1 – Episode 3 – RECAP -
Secret Invasion: Betrayed – Season 1 – Episode 3 – RECAP –


Sonya is helping Nick too, they might not be from the same agency or country but its on their best interest win this war against Skrulls, she is aware of whats going on even a few steps against Nick with the intel that she has but is aware that at times they might need to exchange intel to move forward not like Rhodey who thinks Nick needs to stay out of all this situation.

Secret Invasion: Betrayed – Season 1 – Episode 3 – RECAP -
Secret Invasion: Betrayed – Season 1 – Episode 3 – RECAP –


Secret Invasion: Betrayed – Season 1 – Episode 3 – RECAP -
Secret Invasion: Betrayed – Season 1 – Episode 3 – RECAP –


Talos is just too good of a guy but his feelings were hurt on episode two after he had to revile Nick there were a million Skrulls on Earth, he never lied about it to never told Nick, what he did make clear is that Nick would not be promoted or successful as he was at S.H.I.E.L.D if he didn’t have Talos and his network of Skrull spies working with him probably the reason why he was always always miles away up front, I can only imagine how Fury had the agency itself infiltrated because the feeling has always been that Fury is a fucking ghost, a ninja that no body else knows how he is many steps ahead before things happen and now Talos reminds him of this but most important Talos shows Fury he is his true friend, despite him been a Skrull or Human he is his friend before any difference but he wanted to feel special too or at least equal and made Fury beg him for help just a bit to make it fun.

Secret Invasion: Betrayed – Season 1 – Episode 3 – RECAP -
Secret Invasion: Betrayed – Season 1 – Episode 3 – RECAP –


Secret Invasion: Betrayed – Season 1 – Episode 3 – RECAP -
Secret Invasion: Betrayed – Season 1 – Episode 3 – RECAP –


Talos had this meeting with Gravik where they were playing a lot of mind games, I think Gravik has some respect for Talos as he was probably the original Skrull General at Earth when they arrive also Talos was there when Fury brought in Gravik to work for him but from this meeting things definitely going to change, Gravik show Talos how many Skrulls are with him when every single one on that room shape shift into Gravik, this is a way to show Talos who rules now and his last sign of respect to him, Talos was lucky Gravik didn’t kill him on the spot.

Secret Invasion: Betrayed – Season 1 – Episode 3 – RECAP -
Secret Invasion: Betrayed – Season 1 – Episode 3 – RECAP –


Skrulls can regenerate but I think its not instant although before Talos goes he stab Gravik on his hand and left but after Gravik pull his hand from the knife instead of taking it off, spliting his hand in too and then instantly regenerate with his hand glowing like generating energy or fire, sign that he already mutate results of their experiments for Super Skrulls with the machine that appears on this post cover.

Secret Invasion: Betrayed – Season 1 – Episode 3 – RECAP -
Secret Invasion: Betrayed – Season 1 – Episode 3 – RECAP –


Secret Invasion: Betrayed – Season 1 – Episode 3 – RECAP -
Secret Invasion: Betrayed – Season 1 – Episode 3 – RECAP –


Gravik has convince a big part of the Skrulls community on Earth including having the Skrull Counsel on his side either by force or not so this probably puts him in the same position as when Fury had his private Skrull Spies Network, so for sure no body is ahead of him, probably he might not be as sharp as Fury because he is young and lack the same experience, eventually his finds out Ghia was working with her father Talos, after some of the Skrulls got caught in Russia he know someone was feeding information and it was just a matter to use the right bait to get the traitor, the plan to launch the missiles on the submarine was that, the bait to lure out the traitor, he probably did trust Ghia at first but for sure always had that suspicion that she might betray him. When Ghia tries to leave camp he was there waiting for her, he was probably had people monitoring her all day, Gravik shoot Ghia and she falls to the ground, I don’t think she is dead but she makes that sound when they shape shift after falling meaning at least she is knock out.

Secret Invasion: Betrayed – Season 1 – Episode 3 – RECAP -
Secret Invasion: Betrayed – Season 1 – Episode 3 – RECAP –


Secret Invasion: Betrayed – Season 1 – Episode 3 – RECAP -
Secret Invasion: Betrayed – Season 1 – Episode 3 – RECAP –


Last but I think most important I think, its that Fury wife who is a Skrull, who told to his face that she has nothing to do with Gravik is now looking for him and potentially have to do with Gravik plans. She was the one who brought Gravik to Fury back in the day so she probably have some attachment to him since she took him over, probably consider him a son and consider she is a Skrull after all, even though she got involve with Fury they are not the same species, blood calls blood. - tv series divider

Secret Invasion: Betrayed – Season 1 – Episode 3 – RECAP CONCLUSION -

I feel like Secret Invasion is going to ramp up a lot after episode three, Gravik powers and machine has been openly shown and the entire Super Skrulls concept will bring that super power side characteristic of Marvel content but so far I think the lack of action and fantasy that super heroes bring in is what people were expecting this was going to be about, I remember making an article when the trailer came out and so far I dont see it as false advertisement or like it oversold what this series was going to be, probably viewers felt this had to be a longer series and not just a mini series so there was more time to develop the story but all this was about is Fury spies network and how it started, even Gravik I think is a plus because he is also the result of what Fury did before the blip.


Secret Invasion: Betrayed – Season 1 – Episode 3 – RECAP PREV Episodes -

Episode 1:
Episode 2: - tv series divider


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