The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon – Coming Home – Episode 6 – Season 1 – RECAP

The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon - Coming Home - Episode 6 - Season 1 - RECAP -
The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon – Coming Home – Episode 6 – Season 1 – RECAP –


The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon - Coming Home - Episode 6 - Season 1 - RECAP - INTRODUCTION -

Going Home, Episode Six of Daryl Dixon, Season 1; in my opinion almost fall too simple towards the end too predictable but its expected that they reach their destiny but when Carol show up probably because I have seen her from the OG series it was a rush got to say, as always she looks so calm and now older that you would never expect her to kick your ass but also out smart you but she can. The episodes starts where it left with Daryl facing Zombies in an arena now that Genet got them all including Laurent, her main idea is to show off her power and make others believe Laurent and her are working together to unite people but that’s just not true, she is really looking to establish her regime all over France and Daryl has become a stone on the road after he single handed almost destroy one of her ship with a ton of Zombies they were running experiments on, particularly one who was very strong and agile to be a Zombie, I wonder were this experiments go on season two if she will finally raise a Zombie army and it is already known that Laurent has some sort of influence over Zombies most likely because when his mother was on labor she was already bitten, infected with the virus but it never fully went into Laurent, reason why they kept saying he is a miracle, his mother turns into a Zombie right after labor when she died.

Compare to Dead City, Daryl Dixon was way better probably because it was a bit more rudimentary not sure if that’s the word, Dead City was in Manhattan and Daryl Dixon happens on so many places, the go through France to reach The Nest, from open fields to a rusty Paris with the Eiffel Tower swinging from side to side almost singing, really enjoy this series and now finally make my last post about season one.

Platform: Amazon - tv series divider
The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon - Coming Home - Episode 6 - Season 1 - RECAP - EPISODE DETAILS -

The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon - Coming Home - Episode 6 - Season 1 - RECAP -
The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon – Coming Home – Episode 6 – Season 1 – RECAP –


The fight scene was a great opening to the last episode of season one, at first Genet thought she was going get away with killing Daryl in front of all this people and show off her power to increase the support from Paris population, how many times have we seen Daryl fight more than three Zombies at the same time although this are not normie Zombies, Genet had her scientist develop some kind of drug that jap the Zombies making them go 0 to 100 real quick, more like Zombies from World War Z, if we can get those in masses for season two would be sick!!!

Probably Genet best chance was to tire Daryl fighting Quinn and then let go the Zombies but she was so sure her plan was going to work, look at her smug smile, well that change real quick after Daryl and Quinn started to work together and annihilate her Zombies, there was one with metal around his head that even attack another Zombie, its still very grey area how to control them properly to know who the enemy is.

The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon - Coming Home - Episode 6 - Season 1 - RECAP -
The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon – Coming Home – Episode 6 – Season 1 – RECAP –


So far Daryl Dixon has another thing that is very similar to the OG series and that’s the tones and colors of scenes, its always that dark greenish theme on all scenes, I remember with the OG series at some point the intro made me sad just listening to the song and all the dark green color makes you feel sad about the thing but you still wanted to watch it, obviously Daryl was not going to die on season one there still gas in the tank but who did had to die Quinn, after all he was brought from the death after Isabelle abandon him when Zombies started to pup up, Quinn had to pay a high price.

The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon - Coming Home - Episode 6 - Season 1 - RECAP -
The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon – Coming Home – Episode 6 – Season 1 – RECAP –


Karma, Irony and Coincidence kick in hard on episode six, this is when I think the episode started to became too predictable and then what are the odds some of this things to happen to Quinn? probably was the perfect Karma payback

  • Zombie bites him in the back
  • He agree to Daryl cut his hand off to get free
  • Laurent stab him in the head after he turn

Karma is a bitch!! the amount of payback in a single episode, consider he confess Isabelle he was fucking her sister, Laurent’s mother; he also told Isabelle to get rid of her sister and drop her at a near hospital so they can move on to then many years latter when he realize who Laurent is try to claim him as his son and asks Isabelle to be with him, even force her to do it leaving her without many options in exchange for a ticket on a ship or some how get Daryl into a ship to USA, the irony on all this was that Laurent had to kill him and that sux because imagine a kid under that circumstances he basically killed both his parents, his mom during labor and then had to stab Quinn on the head to protect Isabelle, none of those were his fault but still if we go to numbers he is 2-0.

I didn’t like how easy Daryl escape the compound, that’s the magic of TV; the first car he check on he finds his back with all his stuff even his blade and “medieval flail”, I had to look that up lol; on top meters close to him was Fallou to help him get a truck running, he knows mechanic because his uncle had a shop??; it became so predictable and unreal at this point, who didn’t imagine Quinn was going to turn and attack them I think that was obvious.

The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon - Coming Home - Episode 6 - Season 1 - RECAP -
The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon – Coming Home – Episode 6 – Season 1 – RECAP –


I always like to think that every TV series and even episodes themself have a gas pedal that writers and directors use to control the excitement, you cant keep people producing dopamine indefinitely during 45 minutes episodes, you might be able to do it on one episode and not at 100%, after Daryl escape with Isebelle and Laurent their truck broke down and Codron track them down, when he had Daryl at his mercy he could not kill Daryl or Laurent for some reason, Laurent did told him “God loves you” but still I don’t think that mean anything to  Codron, he kills the rest of Genet’s goons and let Daryl go away, even figure out where the nest is and told them to walk north, less than a day, Mont Saint Michel after he picks up Daryl watch from the floor and he kept it, I wonder if latter on Genet will figure out that’s the Nest??, at Mont Saint Michael the entire town was expecting Laurent. Not much happen after they arrive but to me this part of the episode was not boring since the place, the castle, the scenery was beautiful, sometimes I imagine all the people that work to build places like that and even live for so long there while my country still had nothing similar, this is for many other countries, Europe was WWWAAAYYYY more advance back then.

The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon - Coming Home - Episode 6 - Season 1 - RECAP -
The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon – Coming Home – Episode 6 – Season 1 – RECAP –


Codron was stupid enough to go back alone to Genet with the story on his hand that everyone got killed except him because he was chasing Laurent and Daryl killed the rest of Genet’s goons, cmon that was stupid as fuck, she came up with this story of how she work for a long time as security at a museum and learn to read paintings, who was lying just by looking at their eyes.

At The Nest, the got Daryl a ride back home and he decided it was time to go home, on his way he found the his grand father tomb, he was a soldier who died in France during war, close to that field Daryl had to fight Zombies and from there with the episode so close to finish if you look at the time left it was uncertain was going to happen but those Zombies were really looking for him because of Laurent, he was close and Zombies following WTF!! after all the kid does seem to have some power or control over Zombies that he has not develop obviously because no body have though of that, to make things even better there is a small scene when Carol shows up after following a biker who had Daryl’s bike, he never saw it coming but in matter of minutes she already had him tight down in the trunk of her car, he tells where he got the bike and now she is on her way to the same guys who put Daryl on the ship in the first place.

Episode six left us with a couple of hot topics hanging for next season

  • Laurent powers over Zombies, what they really are? will he develop it?
  • Genet caught Cordon who has Daryl pocket watch, will she figure out where is the Nest and attack?
  • Carol is on her way to the camp where Daryl got imprison, will she fucked up? - tv series divider

The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon - Coming Home - Episode 6 - Season 1 - RECAP - CONCLUSION -

Season one of Daryl Dixon was just awesome, the entire season got an average of 7.7/10 with the last episode an 8.6/10 at IMDB and numbers do make sense compare to what I saw, it was way better than Dead City, more action, more similar to the OG series from the theme of the scenes, colors, even the intro was on a similar vibe and that is very important for the brand to go on and keep fans interested, I think that’s probably why Dead City didn’t got that much acceptance and to be honest Daryl Dixon spinn off at first I was a bit skeptical because are they really going to release two spinn off the same year so close to each other considering Fear The Walking Dead was still running but it turn out to be more successful than I expected, this series goes against what I have mention of a minimum of 8 episodes but it is very rare to be this successful with very little episodes, consider it had one of the bad ass characters from the OG series, on 2024 there will be the continuation of Dead City and Daryl Dixon plus there will be another spinn off “The Ones Who Live” where there will be Rick and Michonne as main characters, I have higher expectations for this next spinn off.


The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon - Coming Home - Episode 6 - Season 1 - RECAP - PREV Episodes - - tv series divider

The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon - SEASON 1 - TRAILER -

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The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon – Alouette – Episode 2 – Season 1 – RECAP

The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon - Alouette - Episode 2 - Season 1 - RECAP -
The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon – Alouette – Episode 2 – Season 1 – RECAP –


The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon - Alouette - Episode 2 - Season 1 - RECAP INTRODUCTION -

After a week of recovery and weekend full of Formula 1 is time for me to go back to one of my favorite hobbies, that’s watching TV Series, there are a couple I’m trying to finish before I start some others like The Fall of the House of Usher and some others, I have even though of posting twice a day but I don’t want to burn out, this time I try to kill some hours on Daryl Dixon. Second episode the story is still building up, this time it tells us a bit more about Isabelle and Laurent, from episode one I knew there had to be some sort of connection between them, she was not a nun like the rest she even probably got into religion as an escape route to all her bad habits, after all zombie apocalypse hits so there is no place to party, do drugs, her life stile was done.

Over all I’m still finding the series a bit vague, not necessarily bad but still havent feel it kicking in, may be on episode three and four things will pick up the pace, Dead City started with a little bit more energy although different personalities, on Dead City we got Negan and Maggie a couple that talks and do a lot more, Daryl is more of a quite guy, if it was for him he probably stay alone.

This post most likely will be almost nothing about Zombies, all this spin off that are coming up have nothing to do with it, - tv series divider
The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon - Alouette - Episode 2 - Season 1 - RECAP EPISODE DETAILS -

The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon - Alouette - Episode 2 - Season 1 - RECAP -
The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon – Alouette – Episode 2 – Season 1 – RECAP –


Isabelle was in Paris the moment that everything went down, seems that her thing was to go out, get men to buy her drinks, drugs in the back she was taking from the what ever else she can take from them, wallets, watches, money, anything she could get her hands on that had value.

The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon - Alouette - Episode 2 - Season 1 - RECAP -
The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon – Alouette – Episode 2 – Season 1 – RECAP –


When the world went up side down Isabelle was living with her sister, little sister Lily, not only that they are running away with who I assume is Isabelle friend/boyfriend? this was not detail but he seems to like Isabelle, his name was Quinn; Lily was pregnant had seven months and no body knew anything about it they both Isabelle and Quinn find out about it at a gas station where they stop, Lily was feeling sick. Quinn immediately thought of Lily as a liability, he told Isabelle there is no room for babies where we going and this was a big NO NO for her it was her sister after all so in a good old Isabelle fashion Quinn was just another men she tricked, took the keys of the car from him as she gives him a hug and ran away with Lily.

The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon - Alouette - Episode 2 - Season 1 - RECAP -
The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon – Alouette – Episode 2 – Season 1 – RECAP –


Lily was hurting all along, it was the baby, something was wrong so they kept going looking for help, a hospital, doctor, who ever can help her until they stop to an ambulance that was parked on the side of the road but it was a pack of zombies already, they got too close and one of the zombies got Lily, not badly to the point she was bleeding but enough to get her infected. Different than the zombie that got Daryl this was a direct bite, Daryl got burn by one of the acid/burner zombies, I guess he didn’t turn because the nuns burn his wound on time before the virus spread.

The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon - Alouette - Episode 2 - Season 1 - RECAP -
The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon – Alouette – Episode 2 – Season 1 – RECAP –


The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon - Alouette - Episode 2 - Season 1 - RECAP -
The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon – Alouette – Episode 2 – Season 1 – RECAP –


As in most stories the mother died at giving birth during this hard circumstances, Isabelles is facing a part of life that she never thought of, not only her sister Lily dies but now she turns into a Zombie, now she also has to take care of her nephew in a more than ever dangerous world, they had not place to go so it makes sense for them to stay at the convent, we are still yet to know from where did the entire story of Laurent been the savior of Earth came from.

The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon - Alouette - Episode 2 - Season 1 - RECAP -
The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon – Alouette – Episode 2 – Season 1 – RECAP –


Worst part for Laurent is that he is growing up without knowing where he came from, who are his parents, for sure he will never know who his father is, I don’t think Lily and Isabelle had enough time to have that conversation and I’m also sure Isabelle have never told Laurent she is her aunt, everybody else in the convent probably knew the truth except him, and some of the youngest or newer nuns even believe he is the savior, Isabelle might have other personal reasons to go back to Paris but not because she thinks Laurent will save them all. - tv series divider

The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon - Alouette - Episode 2 - Season 1 - RECAP CONCLUSION -

As you can tell episode two of Daryl Dixon had nothing to do with him and I think that’s fine, it’s very important to know the background and details of the main characters, Laurent and Isabelle are two of them, basically its them and Daryl those are the stories we really need to know, there will be other small side stories but for now it was necessary to know from where they come from and who they were before this all started, before they met Daryl and why is it so important for them to get to Paris, we already know that Laurent has no clue of what is going on and knows nothing about the world only math and literature, rather than that the kid doesn’t know how savage and ruthless life can be specially on the environment he is growing up, on episode two there was more than the story of Isabelle but I think they made up the rest of the episode to push the narrative of who was Isabelle and Laurent and from where they come from, I think this because on their way to Paris they were caught by a tribe of kids that were left behind in a school but survive this kicks in Isabelle flash backs of where she was when everything started and how Laurent came to her life. Good episode, I give it a 7/10.


The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon PREV Episodes -

Episode 1: - tv series divider

The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon SEASON 1 TRAILER -

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