Hirozaku is missing and Issei his son just got the news, him and his dad are very close but Issei cant keep asking himself why is he on this competition with Camille, he starts to question what could be the ties between him and Alexander Ledger rather than been just his student and its here when he discover he was more than just a regular student, after his dad disappear and his family officially turning his back on him Issei feels very low, lost stamina, out of strength. The story of Issei is finally getting stronger and starting to take shape, took it five episodes and it feels great because at this point we know a lot about Camille and here role on this series and I knew at some point Issei part of the story will become important, will be given more screen time, this episode is mostly about Issei and his family different than the first four when he was just on the side lines been the great Sommelier he is and stepping over Camille on the contest but not given that much screen time as he got on this episode.
At the moment of writing this episode I already saw episode six and I think for the rest of the season Honoka is going to get trashed badly, on episode four we learn how she and Alexander became lovers and Hirozaku save her reputation at taking Issei as his own son, making everyone think he is the father of a Tomine Diamond, the father of Honoka son when actually Issei is Alexander Ledger son, Camille step brother and the second reason he is on the contest, other than Honoka and Hirozaku no body else knows, at least until now her father Noboru Tomine haven’t show signs he knew so the moment this goes out to light because it will, at some point Issei is going to reveal this secret and bring it to the press, at least for now he just discover the real connection between Alexander and his mother but doesn’t have like real strong proof he is Alexander son, who knows if Honoka even kill herself the moment this news go out, we have seen on most Japaneses stories how some times the characters commit suicide when their honor gets beaten so hard and that’s whats going to happen with her and unfortunately with Hirozaku too because lets not forget that even though he did a great thing at taking care of Issei he also lied to the Tomine family for many many years.
Camille is evolving, now she has been offered to take care of his father book, The Ledger Guide, a wine guide that in the series represent basically the bible of wine, if your vineyard, your wine, and the editor talks well about it, it becomes and automatic success, Luca owns 45% of the Guide, it feels they want to use Camille because of her image, because of her last name but not really because they believe she can do same or better than her father after all Issei is way better than her on the technique and knowledge but she has this rare talent for wine tasting.

Until now Luca has been too good of a friend to Camille as he was to her father Alexander but if we look back is a man who is all about business and money, for example how Thomas offer to buy a $10k bottle of wine and took Camille to the vineyard that was miles away but when ask Luca he said he cant and wont open a $10k bottle just to wonder and ifs, all this time he has offer Camille his help, his nephew and Miyabi but this will change soon when Luca stakes on the Ledger and the contest itself look at risk by Camille actions.

Honoka seriously is so selfish, for her everything is in second place even her son and husband, she calls Issei to inform him that his father ran away and left behind his wallet, keys and personal things without saying he was going, even try to make Issei responsible for it after he mention they had this argument before he ran away but the truth is Hirozaku ran away because he couldn’t take Honoka rudness on how she treat him, they had a date and she never went, it was the drop that spilled the glass. During the argument when Honoka try to put this on Issei he clearly said it back “You are the one who always humiliate him”, it is about time that people around Honoka stops thinking she is this golden women just because she is part of the Tomine Diamond family and it starts with her son and husband, this is just the beginning, soon all the dirty cloth will be out.

Different than Honoka, her father Noboru is a bad ass and said things to your face, this is the moment when Issei is no longer part of the Tomine family, his grand father tells him he now MUST WIN, he has his support as grand father but Issei been on that contest discredit the Tomine family because he is or was the future of his family and didn’t need to compete for a inheritance, he already had one, Issei been on that contest is an insult that his grand father wont take, at least that’s his perspective, I’m not saying its my opinion, competing for Alexander wine collection is a huge price, Issie could do it for that reason and not because of the rest of the money but still that’s his grand father point of view and he is officially out of the family, the press conference was just a PR move from the family since Issei was getting so much attention on the news. Imagine, your father is missing, your own mother doesn’t support you and is a lying bitch and now your grand father kicks you out of the family, with a family like that you needs enemies.

Issei is getting all the love on this episode, he is now getting a lot of screen time and we starting to learn more of him as a person not just what a great Sommelier he is and that his family has money but more about how he is, why he was so arrogant at first, lets face it look at his mother and grand father, Issei for sure inherit that attitude from them. With his father missing and all this troubles with the rest of this family plus the contest pressure he is very down and look for someone who can listen to him, he has to vent out and choose Yurika Katase a journalist who he has been talking to in the past to get the contest covered, when they start talking about his father missing he still have the idea he ran away because of the argument the had but Yurika as a journalist see things different, why disappear now? he must have a secret? this is when Issei took interest on learning how his parents met at the university and whats really their story, he knew they both study together and met Alexander, he goes to the university to get more information about it with the excuse he wants to throw a party for his parents and bring this professor too. He ask her to help him find his father and she agrees with the condition that she gets an exclusive interview, Issei agree and she did help him, at least got a clue where his father went after he took the train.

I was so curious and excited about Issue story on this episode that Luca offering Camille the Ledger Guide was like Meeeh, btw Camille throw herself at Thomas and he reject her one night the got drunk, this was telegraphed from far away. Luca, business, The Ledger Guide, Luca and the publisher lure Camille to continue with the Guide but why putting so much pressure into it? they had her taste a wine her father like very much and Luca said its that easy just your opinion the wine you try but who knows if that’s really what will appear on the Guide after it gets edited, she doesnt look interested.

Issei kept his word and gave Katase the interview she ask for, on that interview he recognize how his grand father support is real and how he can understand one thing is family business and another thing is him supporting him as his grand father, at the end of the interview makes clear he will never take the Tomine Diamond family business no matter the results of the contests for Alexander Ledger inheritance, this was public strike one for Honoka. When Issei went to the university to get info on his parents and Alexander he got the name of Alexander translator, she is now old and very kind and knew the truth about Honoka and Alexander, Issei was talking about his father Hirozaku but for the translator it was a different man, it was Alexander and here when she slip and mention “….giving the class just for her” Issei was like WTF my father Hirozaku was a student, wasn’t he?
Mic drop….. she reveal the true story of how Hirozaku became his father but his biological father is Alexander, now a lot of things make sense for Issei.
This episode was a blast from start to finish, it shows now Noburu really likes his grand son but has a family name to defend, Honoka house of cards is about to go down and Issei has no mercy to her, Issei is opening up and starting to realize he cant win this contest alone not with all this problems he is having at his family after all he is wining the contest and has a lot of tools and experience Camille doesn’t but all that stress generated by family problems might tip him over, Camille was basically irrelevant to this episode but the next episodes will be fireworks now that Issei might look at Camille different and become more friendly even try to get closer to her, this tv series is awesome so far 8/10 and how knows it could probably get a 9/10 with upcoming seasons.
Episode 1: https://skiptvads.blog/drops-of-god-a-father-episode-1-personal-thoughts-2/
Episode 2: https://skiptvads.blog/drops-of-god-sky-earth-humans-episode-2-personal-thoughts/
Episode 3: https://skiptvads.blog/drops-of-god-duel-episode-3-recap/
Episode 4: https://skiptvads.blog/drops-of-god-foundation-episode-4-recap/
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