For All Mankind: Have a Nice Sol – Season 04 – Episode 02 – RECAP

For All Mankind: Have a Nice Sol – Season 04 – Episode 02 – RECAP -
For All Mankind: Have a Nice Sol – Season 04 – Episode 02 – RECAP –


For All Mankind: Have a Nice Sol – Season 04 – Episode 02 – RECAPINTRODUCTION -

Season four rotates around the asteroid they failed to drag to Mars on the first episode but there is more to the asteroid, this is probably the story that will make season four more interesting rather than been just about a space tv series and its how hard life is on Mars specially now that they are starting to build and maintain an infrastructure.

Since the trailer I had that feeling that Miles was probably going to be the star of the show and also a pain in the ass for some at Happy Valey, you obviously got all the space colony story as the main pipe and then branches that develop around it like Miles, Kelly, Aleida, Margo, this other side stories are starting to take shape with Kelly and Aleida potentially teaming, for Aleida looking for a purpose to keep pushing her career as an engineer since she cant stand been at NASA anymore after the bombing and Kelly project open the door for a new opportunity and Margo almost a prisoner at Russia has a lot more to develop and it would not be strange if we see her take more participation at the Russia Space Program under extreme circumstances she gets that call to go work with them meaning she will work with NASA at some point, second attempt to drag the meteoroid to Mars will take a few episodes and its going to be an intense one, they will need their most experience people working on that plus I remember on the trailer Aleida told Dev they just found the biggest asteroid ever so I wonder when will she start to work with Dev?? - tv series divider
For All Mankind: Have a Nice Sol – Season 04 – Episode 02 – RECAP EPISODE DETAILS -

For All Mankind: Have a Nice Sol – Season 04 – Episode 02 – RECAP -
For All Mankind: Have a Nice Sol – Season 04 – Episode 02 – RECAP –


Episode four is not about Edwin or Danielle, actually there is very little they do during this episode. I have to mention at times I really don’t like their make up, that age makeup is bad, its not convincing at all plus their cringe looks and smiles I just hate it but for some people might be iconic and just stick, just my opinion on that. Danielle does go to Mars to get things together and in fact Eli was not wrong, Edwin has been doing a shitty job at Happy Valley, he might bee a talented pilot but when it comes to manage a crew in this case as big as Happy Valley is, he is doing things so wrong, make those who work and maintain the base so shitty with things like food, facilities, even internet bandwidth.

For All Mankind: Have a Nice Sol – Season 04 – Episode 02 – RECAP -
For All Mankind: Have a Nice Sol – Season 04 – Episode 02 – RECAP –


Season Four Mr. Miles Dale hits the wall the moment he gets his first instructions, he was hired to be a fuel tech, working on the surface, but now with the asteroid project on hold they don’t have a place for most of the workers that were suppose to be on that project, this doesn’t necessarily puts him out of job but eventually becomes a problem latter on.

For All Mankind: Have a Nice Sol – Season 04 – Episode 02 – RECAP -
For All Mankind: Have a Nice Sol – Season 04 – Episode 02 – RECAP –


Miles instantly finds out life at Happy Valley is very shitty, things not working for weeks and management doesn’t do shit about it when he and others do have to maintain and repair things for others around the base, he can’t get any emails or videos from his wife and girls since bandwidth is capped with them on the short side of the rope, food is expensive and shitty and since he is not working the position he was hired for he has been relocated leaving him at a job position that is less profitable, he is now making less money than he was doing on Earth, Miles does have a record of not generating enough income to sustain his family and the reason for his marriage to be next to the end, going to Mars was a last resource to get things back together but this situation gets him to the edge of the cliff.

For All Mankind: Have a Nice Sol – Season 04 – Episode 02 – RECAP -
For All Mankind: Have a Nice Sol – Season 04 – Episode 02 – RECAP –


At least Miles makes a few new friends that are in the same situation financially but have enough time at Happy Valley that they have learn how to survive and make the entire situation work for them, Samantha on the left who was friends with Tom who died on the first episode, she is on a more similar situation to Miles since her husband divorce her when she went to Mars, lost a friend at the base already and is financially struggling so its like she has no other place to go, with nothing left at Earth she could easy stay at Mars for ever if you think about it, after all that’s the idea to start a colony at a new planet so for some of the them going back to Earth makes no sense.

For All Mankind: Have a Nice Sol – Season 04 – Episode 02 – RECAP -
For All Mankind: Have a Nice Sol – Season 04 – Episode 02 – RECAP –


Miles roommates show him how to forget his troubles at Mars, Ilya runs an undercover bar where he makes Vodka and runs his smuggling operation, selling better quality items than what the base sell to the workers, one of the reasons Miles is making less money is because he has to pay for everything at the base too, including uniform and other items provided by the base, some of them very basics in terms of quality so Ilya has find a way to bring better quality items form Earth and sell them to the rest of the workers running a highly profitable operation.

For All Mankind: Have a Nice Sol – Season 04 – Episode 02 – RECAP -
For All Mankind: Have a Nice Sol – Season 04 – Episode 02 – RECAP –


Besides the Miles story the only other thing that I found interesting is how Kelly has work for months developing a robot to find micro bacteria in Mars, this would help them find places where life was or is and there they can start research how to make Mars a more pleasant and sustainable planet rather than living inside a can with the rest of the planet outside, at the moment they only have two things in favor and that’s gravity and land but Mars lacks all the other qualities of Earth like breathable air, water, plants, that’s why Kelly research is so important but its put on hold because all resources are into the asteroid project. - tv series divider

For All Mankind: Have a Nice Sol – Season 04 – Episode 02 – RECAP CONCLUSION -

Not a AAA episode but was still good, I give it a 7/10, the Miles story is not hard to figure out how it will develop, its a funny template that I have seen many other times on other TV series and movies, he is not a trouble maker although is a rebel a free soul, he can be instruct what to do but when things do go on his favor he will fight back and find a way to make things work out for him and that is exactly what is going to happen, on episode two after he face the problem that he cant communicate with his family and is been under pay of what he was promise intermediately raise his concern with superiors who didn’t listen to him, its just a matter of time before he starts to look a way out of this situation, lucky him the satellite that handles the comms got fix by Danielle orders because Edwin would never fix it, he had other priorities and since only workers were affected and not higher management talking pilots, engineers, cosmonauts, he was OK with it but Danielle did notice this could affect the base emotionally, Danielle is a better leader than Edwin, he is just a great pilot but has no idea how to manage a crew and not in the long run like he has been doing staying at Mars for two years.

Episode two was not necessary slow but we didn’t get any of the space action, I don’t think there will be any with the asteroid project still on hold, probably just simulations or testing on how to get that project done and for the next two episodes we will see side stories like the ones I mention develop more, Kelly and Aleida finish the episode with the intention to look for private funding for Kelly project and Margo seem to be arrested at Russia but not much details about it on this episode, still very entertaining, when you watch a TV series this good, slow episodes are just fine and are usually a solid 7, still good enough.


For All Mankind: Have a Nice Sol – Season 04 – Episode 02 – RECAP PREV Episodes -

Episode 1: - tv series divider


#skiptvads #tvseries #tvaddicts #tvseriesblog #cinetv #hive #forallmankind #season4 #inleo #waves #ecency #edwardbaldwin #miles #spaceship #mars #moonmining #vodka

For All Mankind: Glasnost – Season 04 – Episode 01 – RECAP

For All Mankind: Glasnost - Season 04 - Episode 01 - RECAP -
For All Mankind: Glasnost – Season 04 – Episode 01 – RECAP –


For All Mankind: Glasnost - Season 04 - Episode 01 - RECAP INTRODUCTION -

I have to say that from a point a view compared to previous season one might think they ran out of ideas but the truth is that I think this is going to be the last season and it would be fine if it is, after all going to Mars has been the ultimate planet to conquer and so far here we are stuck at Earth, after getting to Mars on season three now they want to develop the idea of what would be building up a colony in the red planet for this to happen other tech need to advance exponentially like they engines they constantly talk about since season two because it would not be possible, aka one of the reasons we are still on Earth; on this episode they mention that workers going to Mars is at least a two year tour. So far the main topic of the episode/season is mining the space, most likely on Mars there wont be the same minerals necessary to build infrastructure now the crew that grew into a small town called Happy Valley looks for new options and recently discover a meteorite with tons of minerals mostly metal that would serve to build this infrastructure they talk about, we might think why not import it from Earth or other close planets and I guess transport is a one problem, second importing from Earth would be like exploding one planet that is already hurt to build a second one, the most efficient way to move forward with this is to leave Earth alone and let it heal, at least to me this are they things that make series like this attractive to me, imagine what could be and how may happen, they all using suits at Mars when going outside so when are they going to create an atmosphere? an on going topic on many Sci-Fi series.

On this post I wanted to try something different, I have been looking how to make it more attractive and describe scenes not just with a screenshot and a long text that most people are not interested in reading so I thought make it more visually descriptive, so basically you get the idea right from the images and words remain as my opinion and not necessary describing the entire scene also try to reduce the amount of snapshots on one post, it took me twice the time compare to my previous posts but it was a lot of fun, this are two things I like editing images and writing. - tv series divider
For All Mankind: Glasnost - Season 04 - Episode 01 - RECAP EPISODE DETAILS -

For All Mankind: Glasnost - Season 04 - Episode 01 - RECAP -
For All Mankind: Glasnost – Season 04 – Episode 01 – RECAP –


Happy Valley has grown since season three and now is looking to expand, bringing in workers from Earth to start building that infrastructure, on this episode on a few scenes we an see things like the dorms are like small room of metal and everything is interconnected by cylinders, a small modular city, most likely the big dome the one that looks darker might be the main entrance and to the left another white dome but smaller I guess could be control center, usually all those bigger cylinders to the right are use to grow plants and fish, self sustain quadraphonic systems, I think its very unlikely the season give a tour of Happy Valley but for sure will start to see the different sections through the episodes.

For All Mankind: Glasnost - Season 04 - Episode 01 - RECAP -
For All Mankind: Glasnost – Season 04 – Episode 01 – RECAP –


Main character Edwin Baldwin comes back with his good old soviet cosmonaut friend Grigory, Edwin is now Captain in charge of the ship that will take the asteroid to Mars and Grigory the man who sets food first in the asteroid and start deploying a platform that will anchor the rock to the ship so it can be push to Mars. Edwin looks very old and I have to say for some reason the way he looks old has a vibe like he age under a different environment, I guess if humans every life in another planet at first might live longer because you are not going to get all the pollution, contamination, food probably healthier or at least under a better control, if you look at them both look very old but like they are still rolling and kicking.

For All Mankind: Glasnost - Season 04 - Episode 01 - RECAP -
For All Mankind: Glasnost – Season 04 – Episode 01 – RECAP –


At first things look very simple but from the start I felt this was going to be more complicated than normal, only those you have jerry rig things with duct tape and zip ties will have a better understanding without having to be an engineer, before getting into that part, Grigory from the start turn on Edwin’s yet when he is about to jump to the asteroid he mention how Edwin is always second, this makes reference to the first time Edwin got close to the moon on season one he hesitate and lost the opportunity to be the first man to land on the moon, this open the Pandora Box to a never ending sensation of been second and continuously taking very high risks on missions, some times necessary some other not so much and the outcome of this risk not always pays off but its the times that work make people feel they can get away wit it again.

For All Mankind: Glasnost - Season 04 - Episode 01 - RECAP -
For All Mankind: Glasnost – Season 04 – Episode 01 – RECAP –


The asteroid has a series of cables attack to it with anchors but from the start of the episode you can tell the asteroid is not so compact, when Grigory touch it for the first time or when they set the anchors the surface crumbles also the structure they use to push the asteroid seems to thin and long also small compare to the size of the rock, speculating not that I know anything about space ships you will need a good amount of torque to create momentum to push and then enough tension on the cables for both push and then slow down, the cables work as net that traps the rock, if the cables become loose then the long thin structure that connects the ship with the rock will wobble or even snap.

For All Mankind: Glasnost - Season 04 - Episode 01 - RECAP -
For All Mankind: Glasnost – Season 04 – Episode 01 – RECAP –


As I was watching the episode I started to get the feeling of what was going to happen the excited part was what are they going to do under such circumstances, Edwin is in charge so there is no way he is going to loose the rock, besides they are paying them a bonus to get the rock to Mars, probably big enough to risk their life, cables start to become loose as the asteroid crumbles and anchors detach, the torque generated by the ship makes the platform unstable on the asteroid side.

For All Mankind: Glasnost - Season 04 - Episode 01 - RECAP -
For All Mankind: Glasnost – Season 04 – Episode 01 – RECAP –


Grigory and Tom who work setting up the platform as the asteroid decide to go out and try to set the cables back in place to keep the tension but this was ridiculous, they facing a platform the size of the building, first they need to stop the wobble if the platform doesn’t kill them first and then set the cables back in place, stopping and object in space is not the same as stooping a car, there is no grip so things don’t just stop when propulsion cuts off, not only the structure they build look stupid but now their plan to fix it is worst, that’s exactly what happens, Tom and Gregory didn’t make it to episode two so right from the start they cut off two characters, Tom gets stab from the back by part of the structure that snap and Grigory leg is trapped plus in the process his suit rips and now has a hole in it on top of that he didn’t recharge his oxygen this leaves him with very little oxygen to breath and time to be rescue, Edwin had no other option to detach the ship from the asteroid and let Grigory die.

For All Mankind: Glasnost - Season 04 - Episode 01 - RECAP -
For All Mankind: Glasnost – Season 04 – Episode 01 – RECAP –


NASA is piss off at Edwin, not the first time his risky maneuvers don’t pay off well and now they are looking into replace him, besides he has been for too long, other pilots are either dead or back at Earth and he is the only OG that remain in Mars, his step daughter Kelly and her son are waiting for him but its always excuse after excuse for not coming back, he probably feels there is nothing exciting at Earth besides could also be a bit hurt after his ex wife died on season three when the NASA building suffer a terrorist attack with a bomb that killed her also brought down half of the building. Eli is the man in charge of NASA and calls in Danielle, she is a great pilot that knows the boundaries not like Edwin and for this reasons they had their arguments in the past, Eli calls her to offer Danielle to replace Edwin, she at first didn’t want to but then start to reconsider.

For All Mankind: Glasnost - Season 04 - Episode 01 - RECAP -
For All Mankind: Glasnost – Season 04 – Episode 01 – RECAP –


The Queen of Darkness, as Molly another ex pilot use to call her; Margo, ex NASA director is at Russia, I suspect this after she got blackmail by the Russians because she gave them Aleida engines design in exchange they don’t hurt Sergei the ex Russian Space Program director, probably to avoid been judge for treason too, she move to Russia and is suppose to be a consultant but they don’t want her in the program, she constantly feel some one is after her, watching her, spying on her and seems she was right, every day she goes to the same park and eats at a bench and all of the sudden this lady start talking to her and ends up with “I know you” like we have been watching you, is she with the Russians? is she with a US agency?

For All Mankind: Glasnost - Season 04 - Episode 01 - RECAP -
For All Mankind: Glasnost – Season 04 – Episode 01 – RECAP –


Last but not least, Miles, a man who has been a worker all his life, experience with machines on construction sites, who has financial problems and also problems at home with his wife wanting to divorce due to the chaos that is their financial situation, it looks like she feels Miles either can’t or don’t want to solve this financial problems, in a desperate decision he decides to look for a job at the moon after a friend told him they hiring but when he gets to the interview face the problem that it takes months for him to get trained and go up there to what he can’t wait, as a last resource he is offer a job at Mars, high risk high reward; its more time but few want the job.

For All Mankind: Glasnost - Season 04 - Episode 01 - RECAP -
For All Mankind: Glasnost – Season 04 – Episode 01 – RECAP –


Both Miles an Danielle take the job, Danielle on her way to Happy Valley to get things under control, I don’t think she is going to get there with the I’m The Boss attitude since she knows very well Edwin, she will try to help him get the mining mission complete so he can come back home but I think she doesn’t know she probably traveling with her worst nightmare, Miles gives me the impression is going to become a pain in the ass at first been the new Edwin Baldwin in terms of doing things how he wants to. - tv series divider

For All Mankind: Glasnost - Season 04 - Episode 01 - RECAP - CONCLUSION -

Episode one of season four was mostly focus on a single scene, this is expected because on this type of series is hard you get actions more than two action scenes during the episode after all they are in space, this is not star wars where you got extreme unrealistic ships that move at the speed of light, things happen at a certain pace. Its nice that if this is the last season Edwin the main star of the show close it with his last mission and I hope he doesn’t die, the shots at space look awesome this is a tv series with a good quality both the story and scenes are very good, both on a big screen say 50 inch tv the spaces scenes look awesome and with a VR headset even better, over all this is one of my favorite series in the past five years, top 10 for me.

Not everything is great, there are things I did not enjoy much like both the structure that they build to push the asteroid, it was build to fail; and their plan to get it back together, may be in the moment of the heat you wont notice this things because your dopamine is through the roof, specially using VR headset; with all the space scenes and the depth of things on the black void, but their plan to fix the structure was very stupid, they should have never go out, at best Edwin had to try to stop the asteroid from moving first if not let it go because one way or another the structure was going to break, it flex but the movement was too drastic and the arms snap that’s why Tom was killed.

It took me some time to create this post, a couple of hours; taking all this images, editing, putting them together to make some sense takes way more time than it took me to make a regular post but I do like it and enjoy it more, creating posts for me is the fun part of Hive, I’m not really after getting upvotes but its nice when people do and show appreciation for the time I put on my posts, profits I let that to my investment and up voting others people post. - tv series divider


#skiptvads #tvseries #tvaddicts #tvseriesblog #cinetv #hive #forallmankind #season4 #inleo #waves #ecency #edwardbaldwin #molly #spaceship #mars #moonmining

For All Mankind – Season 4 – TRAILER OPINION


For All Mankind - Season 4 - TRAILER OPINION -
For All Mankind – Season 4 – TRAILER OPINION –



For All Mankind is the series that made realize that most AppleTv+ Series are gold, to start this is not a series based on real events its all fiction, it happens on a “parallel” story where some were similar to what happen on the first mission to the moon but then the story goes further into space hotel, land on mars, arm confrontations in space. Besides the great story one of the things I like the most about this series is the story around each character, anyone who thinks about watching a space TV Series might think everything has to be about space ships and the travel itself but this is not the case, characters down at Earth has a lot to do, couples problems, fights at work because chain of command, espionage because others country want to steal each other tech and make it first to what ever rock in space they planing to go so its not only about space itself, also the cast is not The Avengers and that makes it more interesting to me, ever since Season One I gave this TV Series a 10/10, another great TV Series that I never document but I will still put up my posts about Season Four. - tv series divider

For All Mankind - Season 4 - TRAILER OPINION -
For All Mankind – Season 4 – TRAILER OPINION –


For All Mankind - Season 4 - TRAILER OPINION -
For All Mankind – Season 4 – TRAILER OPINION –


To keep track of things I had to watch Season 3 last episode where they literally pull a stunt that is just ridiculous to think about but thats the kind of things you are going to see on this TV Series, Edward Baldwin, one of the main pilots of the Series; tie up his step daughter to a space shuttle so he could push her to the space station on top of Mars because she is pregnant and there is no facility down on Mars where she can give birth.

For All Mankind - Season 4 - TRAILER OPINION -
For All Mankind – Season 4 – TRAILER OPINION –


Gordo Stevens youngest son Jimmy joins an extremist group that is salty with NASA for things that they have done in the past, come on on the way to success you make a few enemies, on this universe NASA never stop and kept pushing all the time putting peoples life at risk and putting others in jail, they fucking mega bomb the NASA building after the Ed landed back on Mars, his ex wife you he still love very much died during the bombing.

For All Mankind - Season 4 - TRAILER OPINION -
For All Mankind – Season 4 – TRAILER OPINION –


Now that they have been on Mars for a few years they want to start a proper self sustain colony at Happy Valley Camp, they recruiting new people to join at Earth so there will be new characters added to the story, some are willing to take the gamble.

For All Mankind - Season 4 - TRAILER OPINION -
For All Mankind – Season 4 – TRAILER OPINION –


On Season 3 a man who build the most successful private company to start an expedition to Mars almost lost everything but it seems once again he gets lucky after his team locates the biggest asteroid with enough iridium to compare it to what ever has been mine in the history of mankind, so now everyone wants to jump on it, North Korea, Russia, USA, there is this big race to get the asteroid how the fuck do you do that? from a few scenes they literally attack a space ship to one side so they can push it.

For All Mankind - Season 4 - TRAILER OPINION -
For All Mankind – Season 4 – TRAILER OPINION –


While all this is happening there is also a very dorky love story between Margo Madison the NASA director until Season 3 and Sergei Nikulov engineer who was in charge of the Soviet Space Program who was heavily under surveillance and was caught exchanging information with Margo about their programs to a point that Soviets blackmail Margo letting her know that they would send him to one of the worst prisons and I think they were willing to kill him if she didn’t give them their engine blue prints, at the end she did and no body proof it after some heavy suspicious, on the trailer she now wakes up but she is in Russia and from the few shots she look like is been follow probably KGB, most likely she is there looking for Sergei.

For All Mankind - Season 4 - TRAILER OPINION -
For All Mankind – Season 4 – TRAILER OPINION –


For All Mankind - Season 4 - TRAILER OPINION -
For All Mankind – Season 4 – TRAILER OPINION –


The trailer of Season 4 specially shows a new addition to the series, a new character Miles played by Toby Kebbell who was actually exceptional from the TV Series “Servant” that I never finish but want too, Miles is a regular guy with a regular job at Earth but now he feels there is this big opportunity to join the colony at Mars, Happy Valley camp now wants to grow massively so they need more workers to create all this infrastructure, Miles looks like a pain in the ass guy who gets into places no body invite him. - tv series divider


I think Season Four might be the last Season of this TV Series, some of the main characters are aging getting older in the story but still kicking like Ed and Danielle, Margo is out of NASA looking for Sergei in Russia, Bill is taking over as NASA director so its generational moves within different positions in the story from Pilots, NASA director, Engineers at Earth with Aleida finally getting enough credit to her work and from here they are growing the colony at Mars so the story does not move into another race to another planet, all other three season have been ten episode long so that give it enough time to develop the end of the story in a way that it doesn’t feel rush and they can conclude things at Earth and Mars for example we have a couple of topics

  • What happens after the NASA bombing
  • What happens with Margo and Sergie, does she finds him?
  • How is Ed grandson or daughter doing?
  • Will Ed fly to the Asteroid, he is always a captain
  • How Ellen does with her relationship and political position

All this are just a few of the different side stories on the series that will need a proper ending, all other three seasons in my opinion did great, even on season two when they were confine to a very small space for a few episodes so this tells a lot about the script, how good it is that it keeps viewers entertain without much space on the scene.

I totally recommend this series and cant wait to start watching Season Four, first episode comes out on November 10, 2023. - tv series divider


#skiptvads #tvseries #tvaddicts #tvseriesblog #cinetv #hive #forallmankind #season4 #trailer #waves #ecency #edwardbaldwin #molly #spaceship