Wow this is going to be a long post, there is so many details and so much to say about Fallout and in my case the best part is that I know NOTHING about the game and really don’t care about it because everything I have to talk about is the series itself and not if its related to the game or not, in fact on my PREVIEW POST I did mention that the series was not going to be canon and it would feel like a new game story for those who have played the game.
Season 1 release all at once, seems that Prime Video is taking a page out of Netflix and not sure why, they didn’t do this with Halo and I think it work out fine, releasing all at once leave many viewers with a lot of spoilers, no rest between episodes and takes out the suspense in between.
After watching episode one I really like it an enjoy it, this is NOT a TV series for kids to watch as a fact I would not recommend it for anyone who is not an adult, there are certain things that are kinda bizarre and out of place but I don’t mind since this is not educational content, just entertaining, there is sex, drugs, bullying and possible deviation when it comes to the sex of a person and about that I also don’t mind and don’t care.
– IMDB: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt18177528/
– Platform: Prime Video

The series is develop around the 60s similar as the game suggest, USA is at the border of nuclear war while Cooper Howard a well known actor who mostly played on Western Movies and seem to have served in the army is in some financial trouble so he does kids party shows dress as a cowboy, at the moment when all bombs drop he was with his daughter Janey Howard who I though was a survivor when latter on Lee Moldaver appear I thought it was her but she is not, so far on episode one its not mention if she survive or not, wonder how many will say how come the girl has dark light skin and curly hair and his dad is a white men, well mother is dark so what?
The bombing scene I really enjoy it, specially how they drop more than one nuclear bomb, on my cheap VR Setup look so cool so if anyone had the chance watching this series give it a try on SBS format, this scene was a royal rumble free for all so many people running around like chickens without a head.
Main character on this story steps up, Lucy MacLean, she was born and raise inside Vault 33 and has now come to an age to get married, to a certain point inside each vault they are just to close to each other when it come to family and can’t couple between them so I guess the best option is to exchange with another Vault in this case number 32, her brother Norm reminds her it could be anybody, she has no clue how the guy looks but thats fine with her, Lucy is actually the best of the best, well trained and thought. On the images above we see how she signs her weeding dress same as every other women has done it for many years, there were more than ten signatures on that dress.
Until this point there was nothing strange, both vault open up and the ceremony was happening on Vault 33, in many cultures is a custom for the fathers bride to throw the weeding party so all from Vault 32 came in, Vault 33 residents are pacifist, it was a very tight community who help each other. On the series many times we will have sex talk and jokes around it, in this case Lucy was talking about her new husband sperm count to make sure they could reproduce like it was normal small talk while they eat with the rest of the table.
Lucy’s brother Norm sense something was off and decided to take a peek at Vault 32, when he arrive it was totally destroy, look like no body have been there for many years, there was dead body who look like they were even eaten, it was the first shots that warn her so she puts on her Pip-Boy a type of hand held bracelet? and detect radiation coming from him, they were raiders but so far it is not well explained how they got there and the radiation, are they from the outside world? it is suppose that until now nobody has been out side the Vault but this proof different.
Big fight starts at Vault 33, raiders mostly killing everyone, Lucy had a fight with her “husband” who end up stabbing her but she survive and safe her brother but the raiders leader, Lee Moldaver had plans for them. Lee is a bombing survivor although bombs happen 219 years ago so how did she survive this long? usually when this kind of apocalyptic scenario happen there is a new world order and some one to blame, Lee seem to be part of that new world order and had Lucy’s father to choose between her and the Vault 33 survivors, he choose Lucy so Lee had a bomb explode and kill some other Vault 33 hostages but not everyone died, Lee takes Lucy father to the surface as a hostage this is what force Lucy to go outside. There are details that I try to avoid so I mainly talk about the character motives and not the entire episode, this episodes are 1 hour long.
At first the series will be divided into three stories, there is Cooper Howard who I barley touch since his character The Ghoul appears towards the end without much context, we got Lucy and then there is Maximus. I have to be honest, I did not enjoy much this part of the episode for a few reasons and its not about Dane, I remember Xelia Mendez from The Wheel of Time, she did great as Renna, its about Maximus. Maximus is an aspirant, he is at a camp of the Brotherhood of Steel, its a kind of military organization the most advance with tech pre war era.
Going back with Maximus and Dane, Dane is refer probably as a non binary gender person from what I could find online, obviously this is not part of the game original story but I wonder how this would add anything to the series and if this character will re appear down the line, both are aspirants but lucky Dane was name Squire, each knight of the Brotherhood get a squire just like in medieval times who assist them on the field. Maximus was so jealous he actually put a razor on Dane’s boot so gets injure and sabotage the promotion wondering if he was next on the line but someone rat him out, Maximus is bully by everyone and always mad about it but he does nothing about it too, basically a coward and a cheater too, until that moment I seriously could not deal with him until he was interview Elder Cleric Quintus who gave him a chance after he kinda confess sabotaging Dane but at this moment Maximus kinda man up and told him he would give his life for the Brotherhood the is so much doubt from his character, he is a big guy who could defend himself but until now he was just the total opposite, I hope once he gets out on the field things change out if not he will be really annoying.

Its been a while since I had to write about a series with so many things going on at the same time and this posts really turn into long ones so I try to keep them as short as possible, I seriously do not believe online rating at the moment, feel the series is just too new and many people have not seen it yet, there will be those who will massively criticize it for multiple gender topic and how off its from the original story but to be honest if you are just like me and all you want is an action series with some drama and jokes then this is for you, besides Maximus I enjoy episode one and pretend to keep watching it, will try to fit recaps within the week depending on what else I’m watching.
The series has many details specially on Lucy side, all the things she knows and does, all the rules inside the Vault will be a perfect contrast with the outside world, the waste land, outlaws who are the total opposite and then comes in the Brotherhood with their advance tech and weapons who are probably trying to keep things in order as possible, they have a target, they looking for a men who has a dog but so far no explanation of who he is, its possible that the Brotherhoo Knights are just soldiers while others do the intel.

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