Fatal Attraction : The Movie in Your Mind – Episode 2 – Season 1 – Recap

FATAL ATTRACTION S01E02 RECAP - https://skiptvads.blog



After Episode 1 Dan Gallagher gets out of prison on paroled and meets again with his now older daughter Ellen after fifteen years to tell to her face that he didn’t murder Alex Forrest but he had to admit it only to have the chance to get out just as he did, this is all part of his plan to now prove he didn’t do it, its not over yet for him.

The Movie in Your Mind, makes reference to what Ellen, Dan’s daughter is going through now that his dad is out of jail, confess that he didn’t kill Alex and is now going to prove it, ever since this entire situation started for her, probably when she was way younger she has been taking therapy, it looks like it really got to her and she may have some sort of problem to concentrate as she implements a method of transcribe her classes in order to analyze it better, she has also been taking therapy this hole time and its a big part of her life, probably what will help her to overcome the entire mess that is coming up, with Dan now trying to proof he is innocent it wont be easy for Ellen, she might get involve and things could turn ugly, who knows if Dan still has some secrets he never told his family and there still the doubt if Dan really killed her or not, we already know he doesn’t do well with though circumstances, after all getting denied the position for judge is what let him to take bad decisions and ended up with Alex and a very toxic “relationship” at least that’s what Alex thought this was, for her the one night thing was over and now DEMANDS more attention, she wants him to spend the night when she clearly knows he is married and cant do that but its then when her true colors came up, its on this Episode 2 that we see the start of this Fatal Attraction.

Numbers for this series started very low and as I always mention it always looks worst than it really is, not all viewers are motivated to leave a review after watching a movie or a tv series, its only those that either feel passionate about it or felt really disappointed and wants their money and time back, but most reviews are from the second half, on IMDB at the moment of this post the score has climbed to 5.9/10 over all and this Episode 2 got a 7.1/10, over all a total of 1.2k reviews that’s a good amount of people putting their opinion out there.

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FATAL ATTRACTION S01E02 RECAP - https://skiptvads.blog


Dan and Alex are starting by getting to know each other too much, they both already know what they want from each other but they going through that high school romance where they just cant stop talking about their likes, friends, work experience, parents basically about everything that makes them feel good sharing tons of information and just cant stop talking, this scene really annoy me, just too sweet for my taste, for Dan it cant be more perfect because his wife and daughter are out of town on a school activity and he has the entire night for himself. Another lawyer comes next to Dan asking him why he hates him, they seem to have a case in common and Dan is kicking his ass, Dan gets distracted and Alex goes out the restaurant leaving him a note that she is going to another bar, they met over there and just kept talking and talking same thing until she goes to the bathroom and all of the sudden the fire alarm goes off and water rain down on them, I WAS 200% SURE this was her doing.

FATAL ATTRACTION S01E02 RECAP - https://skiptvads.blog


When it comes to this type of situations women are way smart than men, that night after he was talking and laughing that much she knew she had him, he had no chance of getting out of it, she sets the fire alarm and it start spraying water so she knew they would either go some place to get their cloth dry and what other place more convenient than her apartment, besides they are just co workers right? , they do go to her apartment and after an awkward moment for Dan where he didn’t know what to do, he is not getting any younger so not a dating guy, he almost got out of the apartment without a scratch but right the moment he was getting to the elevator after saying good bye, Alex comes out the apartment, it would take a lot of self control, power and focus to not going back into the apartment with her for Dan and most men under that situation, lets make clear I’m not saying its correct or men are just like that, I’m just saying get on the role and try to imagine what would the experience of been there be like. I really like how so far both actors are developing their characters, it really felt like there was a connection between them, so they spend the night, I let the rest to your imagination.

FATAL ATTRACTION S01E02 RECAP - https://skiptvads.blog


The next day Dan comes home and his dog was left alone the entire night, fuck it up everywhere, at this point he probably thought, IF HE WAS THINKING, I fuck it up once but I can control it, right the next they he goes to the beach with Alex and his dog, kept talking and talking about themself until they end up again at her apartment, it was a wild weekend for Dan and his dog.

FATAL ATTRACTION S01E02 RECAP - https://skiptvads.blog


I have never been a fan of going out of having a relationship with someone work related, I have always thought it was bad for business, work environment, either if things go well or not, always consider it a distraction and its true, when you are starting to go out with someone knew, starting a relationship in your work environment it will always be distracting and when things go south can turn really really bad when you mix feelings with work and that’s exactly what is about to happen here with Dan and Alex, as they spend more time together it creates a feeling that they moving forward at least for one of them, its always like that unless the rules has been set from the start but in this case it was not, this is a wild adventure and both are free to take it they way they think it is, for one could be just that an adventure for the other could be something serious in the future. They start to see each other at work, most Dan fault because he assign work to Alex through her boss Conchita, this gives her the perfect excuse to see him and they just cant kept their hands on their pockets, they are now having spicy encounters at work places, savage rabbits fucking everywhere they can.

FATAL ATTRACTION S01E02 RECAP - https://skiptvads.blog


The series move back and forward on the timeline, for now the most relevant part is what happen between Dan and Alex but latter on when the investigation kicks in by Dan his daughter, ex wife and his friend Mike who I think was his defendant lawyer, will become more important to the story. Mike goes to Dan’s ex wife place to let her know and Ellen that he talk to Dan and they going to work on his case again, proof his innocence, Dan’s ex wife, Beth, is not a fan of this and she probably doesn’t want to see him but for sure doesn’t hate him after she mention he shouldn’t loose the rest of his life for this women he already lost fifteen years to her, an ex wife who hate you would say drop dead or go back to jail really doesn’t matter to her.

Elle had a really good relationship with her father, she is confuse and doesn’t know how much close she wants him for now, I think that’s her fear since its one of the things she most discuss with her therapist.

FATAL ATTRACTION S01E02 RECAP - https://skiptvads.blog


Dan keeps fucking Alex like there is no tomorrow, every night, every moment they have alone but the worst is that he didn’t set the rules from the start, if you are not going into a relationship and its just that fucking you need to set the rules at least if this moment comes “what were we doing?” that’s Alex thinking they will now start a relationship or there is already a relationship between them, from here its all fucked up for Dan, Alex knew exactly what she wanted and probably had good intentions but she is not the one who knows how to handle disappointment or rejection.

If you are with a women and the fire alarms goes out, suspiciously after she goes to the bathroom, that’s a BIG RED FLAG, she is manipulating the situation to create an outcome based on what she wants, the problem is that now she is affecting others, its a small detail that could have stop Dan when he had the chance but now its too late, they had this fight because he dress up minutes after they fuck so she felt he was in a hurry, the hole thirty minute fights about why he always have to go after fucking but before he goes she ask him “how many do you think it would take?…Pills” TF she now took a bunch of pills to kill herself because Dan cant stay. Dan takes her to the hospital but she was bluffing, never went in and he took her back to her place, eventually he goes but now with a HUGE problem he will have to deal with, worst part remember how I said things can turn really bad with a toxic relationship at work, well that’s what this is, I’m intrigue on how Dan will handle this, he will probably try to soft things out with Alex and she will turn extremely possessive.

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FATAL ATTRACTION S01E02 CONCLUSION - https://skiptvads.blog

I’m glad to be right about this series, after the Pilot, Episode 1, the rest of the episodes on IMDB have gotten a very good score up to 7.8/10, this is my second episode and find it really interesting, yes its predictable the entire part of Dan and Alex relationship but if this turns out to be a series of more than one season then there will be plenty of story to develop, at some point the series will be more about the present life of Dan trying to proof his innocence and that he didn’t kill Alex, for now I believe him based on Alex actions but this entire situation was his fault, he didn’t know how to handle the turn down of not getting elected judge and start doing stupid shit, this includes start doing Alex or if he is not the type of guy who doesn’t fuck people from work then at least makes things clear for her from the start. Alex show her true colors on this episode, making clear she is not the type of woman who handles very well rejection and her feelings get her to do stupid things like faking she took a bunch of pills only to make a stupid out of herself the moment she is at the hospital door and ask Dan to take her back, very childish from her part but hey that’s what makes this series a classic Fatal Attraction right, I’m very intrigue to what happens next, a bit behind on this series and most since I couldn’t make my daily post regular so far for this month, I will work hard to get back on track.

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Drops of God: Duel – Episode 3 – Recap

Drops Of God - Episode 3 Recap


Drops Of God - Episode 03 Season 01 - Introduction

After on Episode 2, Camille realize what really happen when she was a child, that after all she was the one responsible for her trauma against alcohol, its true that her father shouldn’t leave her alone with wine but he did told her plus she been training for him for quite some time and was aware of the rules, she was not ready yet to drink wine and been a child she decided to try it, it was too much for her body to take it, an entire glass of wine cause her a trauma that all of the sudden seems to be overcome all because of her desire to win the contest for her father inheritance, a trauma that lasted years gone because how excited she is but I wonder if its because of the contest? the inheritance? or perhaps its because of Thomas, there could be multiple motives that take Camille to this extreme decision, I say extreme because the moment she decided to drink wine again she was exposing herself not necessarily to death but serious damage, keep in mind every time she drank wine started to bleed from her nose non stop to the point of black out, there was also pressure from Thomas and his father Phillip who kept saying that just sniffing the wine wont be enough to win this contest against Issei Tomine who was trained by Alexander himself, she is probably facing a top notch sommelier.

Drops Of God - Episode 03 Season 01 - Episode Events


Drops Of God - Episode 03 Season 01


Now that Camille is finally tasting wine again she manage to identify the components or at least what she think the components are, at this point things are very uncertain, Camille just started tasting wine after many years of having this extreme reaction to alcohol, Camille identify the components of the wine she tasted at Tokyo as Mirabelle, blueberry, celery root, cacao, pencil, chalk, fern, clay, licorice, not a very common combination and to a certain point misleading but only Phillip knows this because he has tasted this wine before, a wine from 1986 from a Tourine winegrower called Andre Gigon who used an old grape variety no one has used since World War II, called the Lignage and he manage to both create a red and white wine who very often confuse people, Phillip and Thomas finds out all bottles were sold the last one five years ago at the time of the series at the modes price for $10k per bottle, Camille don’t have that amount of money to spend on a bottle even if she cold find one so Thomas takes the drastic decision to take Camille and pay a visit to Andre but they went bankrupt in 1996 so who knows if they still have any bottles around.

Drops Of God - Episode 03 Season 01


Thomas and Camille make the trip to find Mr. Andre Gigon, when they arrive their was no vineyard, after all they went bankrupt so it was all gone, Camille and Thomas had some time to chit chat during on their way to Mr. Gigon and out of no where Thomas asks Camille if she is seen some one, I think this question confuse her, to this point of the series its no secret she likes him but they haven’t had that alone moment to clear things out. When they arrive Mr. Andre Gigon was old and his son live with him, they seem to be alone and accept to talk to Camille, Gigon’s son talks a bit about how they knew using old grapes that no body knew about was key for the wine to be successful but they were a small company with limited budget for marketing and they didn’t produce large volume neither, at first selling bottles for 40 franks to latter on find out that the last bottles were sold for $10k USD a mind blowing reality, been successful but just too late for them, he and his father had to sell everything to pay debts and close the company. This trip was not so useful for Camille her success on the contest but at least she was explained that from the same vintage they could make either red or white wine meaning both having same aromas despite the color something that may confuse people and Gigon’s son also gave her a hint that the bottle she was probably looking for could be a Lignage, vintage 1987.

Drops Of God - Episode 03 Season 01


One Episode 1 Camille was not ideally pleased of how Luca receive her, he pick her up from the airport on a small white cargo bus and she judge him by his car but now she knows Luca is a baller, big boss restaurant owner but wont “open a bottle worth 12,000 euros just for could be” but Miyabi had an idea of who could open that bottle and then Camille would have to hustle out her way to taste this wine, one of Luca big customer is has reservation for that night and he is known to close deals every time he arrives so he has no weakens to spend large on wine, but the problem for Camille is that Mr. Matsubara never leaves a single drop behind, they going to offer him the bottle and if he agrees then at least Camille will have the chance to figure out how to taste it, Luca will have the bottle send out from Osaka to Tokyo and ready for Mr. Matsubara.

Drops Of God - Episode 03 Season 01


Miyabi who is Lucha Sommelier and Lorenzo his nephew are put in charge of Camille, to “train” her on how to serve the wine and take care of the table for the night without knowing they were wasting her time, Camille was told this ritual by his father when she was eight years old putting them to shame, what a troll Camille can be some times.

The night comes, Mr. Matsubara arrives with his client and Miyabi who is Luca Sommelier introduce Camille as the one in charge to serve Mr. Matsubara wine for the evening, everything goes according to the plan, from now on Miyabi and Lorenzo became part of Camille team to find this mysterious wine she tasted once for the competition, Camille was able to sneak a single drop of Mr. Matsubara wine but it was not, the bottle Luca had was 1990 and Mr. Gigon’s son told her she was looking for a 1987 which could make all kind of difference, Camille start feeling desperate feeling all her effort is a waste of time but then again Thomas comes to the rescue.

Drops Of God - Episode 03 Season 01


Remember this TV Series is based on the popular manga of the same name, at times the decisions and actions that characters take feel like out of a manga, some of them very extreme and laughable at, all it took for Thomas to go to Tokyo is heard Camille sad about the contest over the phone, was as when they went to visit Mr. Gigon for a $10k bottle, he took off with Camille like it was nothing.

Luca gave Camille full access to his cellar without limits to take and taste what ever bottle of wine she needs to and win the contest.



From now on we will see more of Lorenzo and Miyabi, a love story out of a manga, how silly Lorenzo is when it comes to Miyabi and how she clearly feels for him, starting to laugh at the silly lovely things he does for her like in this case they are at a Karaoke drinking to free their mind and help Camille, basically taking the rest of the night off and a break for this quest they are part of now.

Camille keeps getting this mix signals from Thomas, like when he ask her if she is seen someone, taking her to potentially buy a $10k wine bottle and now taking a flight to Tokyo just to help her, I think for at least 70% of human population that’s been way too helpful if there is not some kind of interest or benefit from this contest, besides Thomas is not getting anything from Alexander inheritance so why put so much effort on helping Camille?, he gets a called from his girlfriend and goes out of the bar to talk to her, didn’t look too excited to talk to her, while watching a rusty bike an idea came to him, it was not celery root what Camille taste it was the oxidation of the wine, they were totally off.

Drops Of God - Episode 03 Season 01


After spending the rest of the night trying to find that single bottle of wine it came to Lorenzo, the wine they looking for has to be a great wine over 2006, oxidation is key and only two wines with this characteristics could be the one Camille is looking for but Lorenzo said it would be better to identify what makes them different, its either a Cheval Blanc with classic maturation on new barrels or The Vega Sicilia Unico staying for at least six years in oak old barrels, so she basically screwed without the correct wine and trying to identify this on the fly, with no where to go or ask the day of the contest comes and Camille had it, Cheval Blanc 1999 but at the last minute change her mind for 2000, its worth mentioning that it took Issei just a few minutes to identify the correct wine and didn’t hesitate, he is well trained and has been constantly tasting wine for all those years that Camille didn’t, she could be talented but experience is on Issei side, although his family is not supporting him at all on this quest except his father, that side of the story for me is still not relevant enough but on next episodes its a side story that starts to pick up.

Drops Of God - Episode 03 Season 01 - Conclusion

So far this series is proven to have an awesome story, the manga is so popular so I was not expecting less than this, the story is getting better and better, seems like its that time of the year where very few action TV Series are release and most are drama series, Issei story so far is not that relevant but its starting to be, for now all I know is that his family is rich, he doesn’t want anything to do with it and its trying to create his own company as a great Sommelier. As I mention the story does have that funny way of doing things, where characters take crazy last minute decisions without thinking much about consequences and been able to leave everything behind.

Drops Of God - Trailer


Florida Man : The Chain – Episode 3 – RECAP


I like series that go back and forward in time it makes you try to figure out whats next and some times trick you into assuming things and getting to conclusions that latter on are wrong, the story and the characters are not that interesting, actors are OK but its mostly about figuring out whats going to happen next, almost everyone has a fight with each of the characters, Moss with Mike, Mike with his Dad, Delly with Mike and the most recent Iris with Mike, few of them are actually friends so that’s the part that keeps me watching Florida Man from time to time, a series I basically use to fill gaps anytime I don’t have anything to watch but its still a solid 7/10, Delly is someone who only thinks about what satisfy her, I have never believe she loves Mike for real he is just her escape vehicle from Moss and any other wrong decision she made and now he can help her reset and start from scratch with the gold they are about to scoop, the truck is on a crater under water and everything is setup to have a crane pull it up, one thing they don’t know the guy operating the crane is on bail for robbing a jewelry store.
RTT: https://www.rottentomatoes.com/tv/florida_man

From score on RTT you can tell this is a series that a large average viewer audience would find as a good series to watch on a weekly bases but anyone who is use to watch all kind of tv series who is more constant at looking up whats new and consider it a hobby then would rate it very low and that’s fine, that’s critics territory.


The episodes starts with a crazy story, a guy brakes in the Orange County Jail to recover his cellphone that contain incriminating information from a jewelry robbery he is been investigated for that face is going look very familiar latter on as he is Mike crane operator, the one he hired to help him pull the truck out from the hole under water until he find out about Mike’s plan, that’s where everything went south for them.


On previous episode close the end Delly shows up at Mike’s Dad bar probably asking for his help although they also show the USB she stole from Moss, they didn’t actually mention it was Moss USB but you don’t have to run complex calculations to figure it out, ends up Delly was only asking Sonny to help her find where the gold is, at that very moment Mike haven’t told her he found it, another example how cut scenes without immediate definition leaves the viewer thinking on what happens next because on the previous episode I thought Delly was actually working with Sonny the entire time and I thought it was about whats on the USB not about the gold but the results where totally different, latter on when Mike calls her it turns awkward because now she tells Sonny she doesn’t need his help anymore.

During the episode Moss actually mention the USB and in another scene when talking to one of his guys he said it has work stuff and imagine all the murder, evidence and things he has done that are on that USB, for now its irrelevant since so far its all about the gold but once Mike or Delly get in trouble that USB could turn into a life saver.


After Mike found the truck, well he thinks he found it, there is no evidence there is a truck down there or that there is gold inside, turns out Mike’s brother in law is the contractor in charge to drain the sink hole to turn it into a lake with a bottom of two feet of concrete, would take them about four days and nothing under water has been claim so its an open window for Mike with only one guard at night that could be easily kidnap, distracted or bought although Mike is cheap so he goes the distraction route.


The moment I saw that face I knew things wouldn’t go well for Mike, this guy is the one accuse for braking in jail to recover his phone and bail after the jewelry robbery, he works with Mike’s brother in law, supposedly got him a smart toilet so that’s the excuse Mike use to reach him, on the side offer him cash for someone who can operate a crane and the guy offer himself, it was just a matter of time before he finds out what is on the truck and either take it all or wanted a piece of it.


The night before Mike had planned to pull the job he shows up to the place where the truck is and his father show up too with too of his ex cop partners, they have been following, Sonny was following Mike the entire time anyways because he knew there was something that might interest him from Delly since she is related to Moss but now there is a bigger fish to fry with the gold inside the truck, they start arguing how they will divide the treasure until they figure out an arrangement, that night also Delly finds out of Iris, Mike’s ex wife who happen to be a cop, during a conversation she had with Ray-Ray one of Sonny’s ex cop partner he told her about Iris who ended with Mike as most of the time happens with cops wifes.


For the most part of the series Iris haven’t had an important role on it, by the way Delly got MAD as FUCK when she find out about Iris, I’m not sure if she felt jealous or betrayed or both by Mike, Iris will start getting closer to them and next potentially going to investigate a guy who Moss murder and Delly was part of his alibi, guess what happens when Iris finds out Delly is still alive and she is with Mike.


The night for the job comes and everything is set, Delly had to take care of the guard by faking she has some sort of break down and is about to jump into the sink hole full of water for the guard to convince her to get inside the church next to it and talk about it until she calms down, everything was going well and Mike suit up to go under water, same does Sonny and they trusted Buzz from all to help them with the chain to pull the truck, Buzz had a lot of trouble to concentrate but is loyal to Sonny although not too smart, he mention what he is going to do with the gold to the crane operator before the guy jumps into the crane to start working, after that all is seen is the chain drop on Mike’s head and Sonny had to help him not going deeper into the hole.

I mention at the start that the story is not so interesting and if you don’t pay attention might even get lost with all the going back and forward, scenes sometimes are inconclusive between chapters but at the end makes sense, this is something I think might get viewers off the rails but I still enjoy it, there ware two things I’m looking forward and its Iris going to Florida to investigate the man who Moss murder because he did and how is the crane operator going to betray Mike and the rest of the crew, one detail that fly by during the episode is Delly telling someone over the phone that they will see each other again and she loves him/her , it was a I love you so who knows if its a relative, a lover or even Moss himself, what if this was all a plan to have Mike find the treasure and Moss is using Delly to get to it, see this are the details I like about the series but I’m not anxious to whats going to happen next.


Florida Man : Welcome to Hell, Mike – Episode 2 – RECAP


Florida Man I’m sure is not the most watch TV series online at the moment but its very entertaining, the love / hate story between Mike and Delly will make you laugh here and there, she can really be a pain in the ass for Mike some times but he cant say no to her, good thing is that it doesn’t give me the vibe that she is using him more than that she wants him with her but Mike knows he now has to figure out how to kill her legally. Her body was not found after “she got shoot” , local police is on the case, Mike is a suspect and Delly ex boyfriend Moss isn’t sure if she is dead, if Mike can proof it then Moss could try to kill him, lets not forget that they made a deal if he brings back Delly, Moss would consider Mike’s debt paid in full but now she is dead and there are no proofs so technically Mike didn’t bring her back so the deal is off for now, Mike is now trying to get a new deal where he finds out who did it and brings him to Moss. 6.8/10 with more than 3700 votes on IMDB is very good for this series, plus 83% audience approval on RottenTomatoes.com

In my opinion the most important events



On this episode we get more context on how things really happen, first episode was more of a mystery how Delly manage to fake her death but it look like things didn’t go entirely as she wanted, that’s the entire situation with the ambulance that crash and got stolen, she was suppose to be taken some where else but got thrown out during the crash and that’s how she ends up in Mike’s hotel room without knowing what to do to close things up.

She meets a paramedic, I think he was very low in the paramedic ranks probably been just the guy who drives the ambulance, he looks lonely and she is hot, so Delly flirt with him a bit and then straight up ask him to safe another life by killing her in a figurative way.


I don’t remember his name was mention on this episode but the guys name is Gil Franco, he brings blood from the blood bank at the hospital he works at and a serum that will slow Delly’s heart rate to the point anyone would think she is dead, he shoots twice before leaving and calls the ambulance that will pick her up. After the ambulance picks her up the serum starts to wear off and a guy who stole a cop car crash with the ambulance and then stole the ambulance that’s how she gets thrown out, Delly already knew where was Mike staying since she once saw him talking to his sister outside of Palm’s Hotel.


All Delly had to do is wait for Mike to tell him her plan to go away, basically find a ship underwater full of gold, the golden coin Mike found on her purse, Mike tries to resist but he couldn’t he really likes Delly, he cares for her and its here when he tries to make another deal with Moss, find out who kill Delly as it looks like a “professional hit”, Moss is a bit foolish so he byte it and accept but now Mike needs to proof Delly is dead or find the gold and run far away, keep in mind that the police is investigating the case until now.


That investigation is about to end after officer Andy Boone saw Delly with Mike at the Palm’s Hotel parking lot, I don’t think that’s going to end there because then he will want to know why Delly wanted to fake her death and whats her relation with Mike, anyone who listen to this story knows there is something else building up, until here were are clear on Mike and Delly intentions.


There are other funny side stories that at some point will catch up with Mike like Deputy Ketcher who Mike stole his gun at the airport, until then he has been compulsive to get a gun end up buying a stolen gun and got caught by a trooper patrol after he got stop because of speeding and got the car search, on this scene while at jail his handset broke and had to put her wife on speaker and she snitch on him by accident saying he is a con decorate police man who put lot of criminals behind bars while the rest of the inmates listen LOL.


Close to the end of the episode Delly came back to the place where the ambulance crash, some of her stuff was all over the place, she was looking for a USB thumb drive, they never said whats inside, I guess there must be some data related to the gold they looking for or Moss.

At the same time Mike is looking for a truck where they think the buy who told Moss about the gold before he got killed for owing money to him, Mike got a good hint where the truck is.


While Mike was giving Delly the good news she was actually at Mike’s father bar, I’m sure Mike told her how bad his relationship was, he is going to be mad AF when he finds out about this, they don’t explain why and how she got there, I think its probably because Mike’s father look for her and now helps her to get the gold they looking for, I don’t think Delly did this on purpose but again this is not explain on the episode, it ends right here.

More and more people are getting interested into Delly, we got Moss, Mike’s ex girlfriend Patsy who is looking for Delly as she is Moss alibi for the night a man was found dead who owe money to Moss now Mike’s father is interested on her plus Officer Andy who now knows Delly is alive but wants to know why she fake her death or if there was some one killed that night and the first suspects are Mike and Delly. If you are trying to fake your death and now getting so much attention at some point news will get to Moss that Delly is not death and Mike has been lying to him, ending up Moss trying to kill Mike for the money he owes him and think he has a relation with Delly, Mike is playing with fire here but that’s another theme of the series, gambling, always risking too much expecting to win big.


Florida Man : The Realest Goddamned Place on Earth – Episode 1 – RECAP


A gambler over all then an ex cop, Edgar Ramirez from the epic Hands of Stone film plays Mike Valentine who currently working for a mobster he owns money while fucking his girlfriend on the side now has to go after her when she brakes up with Moss Yankov the mobster Mike owes money to.

Florida Man from my perspective is not a AAA TV Series although very entertain, so far I have only seen the first episode, this Tv Series is part of a nice group of release from last week that I was expecting. Mike has been working on his gambling issue going to meeting and staying away from trouble but at the same time putting his life at risk since he has been sleeping with his boss girlfriend, gambling is not a problem only related to money and casinos, usually people with gambling problems bring the to their regular life and Mike is taking risks every day that can even get him killed.

RTT: https://www.rottentomatoes.com/tv/florida_man






Mike addiction starts after he found a gold coin inside a fish, that’s weird but fish can swallow things, while fishing with his dad caught this fish who had a golden coin inside that I guess he felt it was his lucky day, that probably push him into trying to feel lucky again, that dopamine injection of wining got him for life.


This was an accident, Mike didn’t brake his leg.

Mike owes money to a mobster called Moss Yankov who agree to hire him to drive and collect but Mike is against violence, just intimidation, during the process some end up in violence even braking a leg like the guy on the screenshot who ran away from Mike thinking he was going to brake his leg, Mike has a good hard although his past actions do not back him up. Gambling got him to loose his job and girlfriend, leaving him alone and now having to deal with Moss life.


Here we have Iris, Mikes ex girlfriend who still works on the police force and now is an investigator, she doesn’t seem too confident and eventually ask Mike for help, she knows Mike is on Moss inner circle, Mike agreement has always been no body dies as he collects Moss money but its not for sure Moss kept his side of the agreement.


Meet Delly West, Moss girlfriend who he loves?? I’m not sure about it, she does look like a trophy girlfriend for him, the type of girl you don’t care about she is just too hot you need to have her in your shelf, not that I think that’s the right thing to do but that’s the mentality of a character like Moss.


Delly is a regular girl, yes she likes expensive things and might be superficial but she is tired of Moss business line, at some point for everyone money and possession becomes irrelevant and that’s what happen with Delly after Moss gave her a used necklace. Delly has been fucking Mike every time she gets tired of Moss just to get back at him but without actually telling him, there is revenge that stay silent for a while.




Delly runs away to Florida and Moss asks Mike to go after her and bring her back, she have been trying to get Mike on board to her plan but he didn’t want to , he thought it was too risky and he is just trying to get clean from gambling.

Delly once told Mike they both will never get away from Moss, they took something for him and now wont get away form him, then Mike answer not for ever.

She probably also took money or a big favor from Moss or his family and was force to keep with him, in the meantime as a Mobster girlfriend got use to nice things, expensive lifestyle but as anything in this world at some point you just want peace and silence, she knew with Moss she was not going to get that and decided to run away.


Mike goes back to Florida, he is from Florida, for sometime he has been trying to stay away from Florida, from this episode I can say its mainly because of his past life, he started gambling in Florida and his dad wasn’t the best, a corrupt police man now retired who is kind of a mobster himself.


Sonny Valentine, Mike’s dad, because of him Mikes is recognize around town and was able to pull a favor and locate her very quickly, a local police man who got his job because of Mike’s dad gave him the tip that Delly’s car has been spotted at a local car sales which lead Mike to find her. He found the place and act like he was interested on the car, inspecting the car finds a parking citation that gave him her possible location at Coronado Beach.


Mike gets to the place she was staying in and saw her get to a cabin with a man, after a few minutes heard gun shots to then find Delly laying cover in blood on the bed, he takes her purse and run away but the owner of the place saw him.


Mike starts his investigation, trying to figure out who and why Delly was killed, he is an artist at tricking people into think he is someone else and thats how he got the tip from the cop, now he goes to a local tv station and talks to reporter that could get him information about Delly because after the murder she cant be found, no news, no reports, they police cant find her body and this reporter got him a video of the ambulance where Delly body was suppose to be transfer, for Mike to find out there was no body on that ambulance.


The police now has a drawing of the man who was seen at the crime scene, although there is no crime if they cant find a body, shots were heard and a man was seen last time entering the cabin with Delly, an ambulance came in and pick her up but then no body knows where Delly is meaning even if someone help the police to identify Mike there is nothing they can charge Mike for.

Everything felt so strange to the point that now he thinks it was a professional job to disappear Delly, that’s the extreme way of killing someone, for that to happen there must be a motive and he is trying to figure out, obviously the first suspect is Moss who Mike confront over the phone but he denied it, says he loves her and would never hurt or kill Delly.

Mikes father also give him a hard time because he had him follow and the police approach him to give him a heads up of whats going on with Mike.


Turns out Delly is way smarter and as she was mention, she would never get away from Moss so she decide to reborn, fake her own death and have Moss know about it to be truly free.



Florida Man is just a story, it wouldnt be strange if its a novel, I havent research into it, I find this series very entertaining, the cast is not the best one out there but its enough to keep you wanting to know more about what happens to Delly and if Moss will ever find her. The story of Mike sound insteresting too as he kept saying he was running away from Florida, we part of it is because of his dad but what else is in Florida that Mike doesnt like that much, then we have that Mike will have to choose between his ex girlfriend Iris who he is still trying to get back with and Delly who is/was his boos girlfriend he been fucking on the side. I think the answer is obvious, Mike eventually choose Delly but ends up alone, the story will be interesting of what happens during that process and if he stays in Florida, his ex girlfriend is investigating Moss since she was assign to task force in the local police department, this investigation might get Mike involve and she knows it. Mike again gambling his life away now helping Iris to get Moss.