Secret Invasion is a Mini Series I had in mind watching, I got no clue if this is an adaptation of the story or not but I thought it might be entertaining, its probably just me that love to watch all this stories but sometimes feels like slowly building a library in my mind of all this TV series, I was a bit skeptical to watch Secret Invasion since rating on score sites like RTT and IMDB are not that high with scores of 6/10 or less, for me this is just the first episode and found it entertaining enough, very cinematic, most actors are already known to the MCU but I’m not sure if people were expecting a show stopper, I remember making a short post of the trailer when it came out, most of this trailers look like an actual MCU movie so may be that’s why people were expecting so much of it. To be honest from all the Marvel Studios TV series there are very few banger, there is Loki, Moon Knight, Daredevil and then you can argue if any of the others are hits for me I can include WandaVision just because I really like her devilish style but the rest were No Bueno. Marvel Studios probably have thousands of projects to work with and not all with be hits, they know they also have a very large loyal amount of fans so as long as Movies stay blockbusters TV Series can take a few hits here and there.
Secret Invasion is the story of Gravik, Nick Fury and Talos. Nick Fury comes back to Earth from S.A.B.E.R the international space station project he is working on because rumors of a Skrull secret rebellion has spread, his old Skrull friend Talos welcomes him back and confirm that after he was gone things have change and that Gravik another Skrull Nick was related too and feels some what responsible for everything that is happening so he has come back down to earth to make things right and take care of this suppose Skrull rebellion, mix into all this events is Talos daughter G’iah who is on Gravik’s side.

From the trailers I know that the earth is flooded with Skrulls to the point that agents can’t trust each other, imagine a world like this were you just don’t know who is human or not, you will never know if you are giving the information to the enemy directly, that’s exactly what happens at first between Agent Prescod who is paranoid about the threat from this new Skrull movement by Gravik, there are rumors that a bomb attack is going to happen, Agent Evertt Ross who for the most part has been on Fury’s and Avengers side, told Prescod he needs evidence and will bring it to Fury end up been another Skrull playing the double agent game, kills Prescod after he found out.
I was watching this scene a couple of times trying to find out how Prescod figure out Ross was a Skrull, some other times its very evident but this time it didn’t seem, it would be great if there was a real reason why he figure this out, all Ross said “I will give this information to Fury” I don’t see how that is a detonator unless because he already said Fury was in space, but he could send the files or a report.

Before I continue I have to ask WHAT THE FUCK is this, was Fury at a lan party, is he playing new CS2? he shows up with, exit what is suppose to be some sort of space ship with a couple of gaming chairs in the back?

Former Deputy Director of S.H.I.E.L.D, Maria Hill welcomes Fury back to earth, Talos and Maria give evidence and details to Fury of Gravik’s plan. Talos talks to Fury because a lot have change starting with him, after The Blip, that’s when Thanos make disappear half of the universe population including Fury; Fury was not the same and then went into space leaving a lot of people behind including Skrulls that have been working with humans thats when Talos got kicked of the Council, G’iah went MIA and now Gravik took control creating a sort of regime to protect their own behind a feeling of abandon and revenge against Fury and humans.

The moment Fury sets foot into the Earth everyone starts talking about it, at the White House and now MI6, Sonya Falsworth did a mini kidnap on Fury for a private meeting, they try to get information from each other but no luck, for sure she is more aware of whats really happening but seems that she only wanted to look at Fury and see if he is really the man he use to be, everyone keeps saying after the Blip he change but no one so far said how did he change, he does look old, even Sonya tells him straight to his face that he is out of shape probably meaning she knows he can deal with Gravik but not on his current shape.

G’iah, Talos daughter is working at Gravik’s camp a place they call Skrullos; she brings in new members but also manage other tasks that require someone loyal and that is up to it like buying bombs from another Skrull, behind whats going on this shows the possible amount of Skrulls in the world, how is it that Gravik the one who runs the show for Skrulls on Earth has to buy his bombs from another Skrull?
Maria and Talos caught G’iah in the act, she was transporting the bombs, Talos chase her to a moment when they stop and have a talk, they havent seen each other in a long time, I feel that G’iah join Gravik because she believes in his cause of making Earth a place for Skrulls but if humans wont accept them for what they are then they will claim Earth by force, in this conversation Talos had with his daughter he manager soft her up and help them stop the bombing, this shows that G’iah still loves his father and is on the good guys side but it was not that easy, Gravik knew this could happen and had plans for it.

Gravik took Fury shape

Even with G’iah helping Fury and Talos they had no chance against Gravik. Along the episode while Fury was talking a walk he was watching people on the street, one time went into a bar with Maria and talk to local Russian guy, during the bombing Gravik change into all this different persons meaning he was watching Fury all the time, he knew where he was, who he was with and probably next to him. Everyone starts running after three bombs detonate and Gravik takes Fury shape to shoot Maria Hill, real Fury shows up too late to only grap Maria on his arms and watch her die after Gravik shoot her.
I have to say this episode was not bad, it was a solid 7, very entertaining, we already know most of the actors and they deliver, the pace of the story look fine to me and this was just the usual first episode to show each main character of the season or in this case the mini series.
Mini series, a concept that some times is hard to develop when you have a story that could bring in a lot of details, I always bring the example of the last Ant Man movie how I thought they would exploit more the Quantum Realm but they didn’t so the movie falls short, at least for now Secret Invasion doesn’t feel crunch and vague, also I have notice that people including myself think they watching a season to latter on discover it was JUST a mini series and you wont know anything else about it when its done that can upset the audience too, I mention this because it could be a reason why people were expecting more out of this mini series.
The Earth is full of Skrulls no doubt and Gravik control most of them, its such a vast power to know when and where are your enemies all the time, Gravik has Skrulls secret agents that not even the Skrulls in the compound know who their real identities are, such an inception, you can be a Skrull thinking that you are out smarting the human next to you when it could also be another Skrull, we still early and a lot to develop, only six episodes that is starting to be a new format but I can say so far so good.
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