The Crowded Room : Exodus – Episode 1 – RECAP

The Crowded Room : Exodus - Episode 1 - RECAP -
The Crowded Room : Exodus – Episode 1 – RECAP


The Crowded Room - Episode 1 - Recap INTRODUCTION -

An introverted, unpopular, shy, frustrated and scared of the world young Dany gets arrested for a crime during the 70’s but its possible he didn’t do it and the police fears he was controlled by the real killer that might strike back.

I’m a sucker for serial killer movies, investigations and movies from other eras like in this case the 70’s, the moment I saw the trailer remind me of Mindhunter when Holden Ford a detective who started a thesis on how to build serial killer profile visited Charles Manson, the room, the fact that Dany was probably used as a tool to commit a crime I also like Tom Holland on the role of Dany, people are use to see him as Spider Man since that’s what he has been doing for the most part in the last six years he did Uncharted too but that was still an action movie, on Crowded Room is more about the mind game rather than an action movie for teen ager like Spiderman, Crowded Rom seems to be about exploring Dany’s thoughts about how lot of people that he knows tend to disappear but he is the only one staying, the first episode makes me curious and believe that he probably has two personalities and could be the reason why is not so easy to figure out what happen to everyone who disappear and why he was found on a house with blood on the walls and the floor, whose blood is that?.

The series will probably go back and forward on the time line to describe Dany before all this happen, the first episode started with him and Ariana chasing a guy who they want to kill but at the last moment when Dany had him in front of him he couldn’t pull the trigger and Ariana took the gun to blast the guy but only got her on the shoulder, at first I thought he got caught because of that murder attempt but it goes deeper than that and there is a lot he is not revealing yet during the interview with the agents at the police station.

The person doing the interview is Rya Goodwin, on the first episode it is not explain much who is her and why her but looks like she is a professor or that’s how she is known at the police station, still don’t know but she is in charge of interview Dany and profile him, figure out what really happen, the who and the why. - tv series divider
The Crowded Room - Episode 1 - Recap EPISODE DETAILS -

The Crowded Room : Exodus - Episode 1 - RECAP -
The Crowded Room : Exodus – Episode 1 – RECAP


Just looking at Dany makes me feel uncomfortable, the guy looks really troubled, like something deranged him, there is something that wont let him sleep, this is a shot at the train with Arianna before they try to murder a guy in the middle of the city in front of a lot of people, it almost look like he is on drugs at the moment to look that disturbed, many people do drugs before comiting a crime, the drug make them numb to the idea of what they are about to do

The Crowded Room : Exodus - Episode 1 - RECAP -
The Crowded Room : Exodus – Episode 1 – RECAP



This is Danny’s face, he froze when he saw the guy him and Arianna were going to kill, I’m sure he knew the guy something happen on that very moment, I’m starting to think this person could be his step dad that he had so many troubles with growing up he basically abuse him mentally or a friend from school, it had to be someone he thought he could kill and then when the moment came he couldn’t, I don’t think it had to do anything with the fact itself nothing to do with killing a person.

Arianna was more cold blooded and took the gun from Dany then starts shooting at the guy until she ran out of bullets, I think she ran out of bullets because she shoot the guy six times only one got him, people start screaming, sirens in the background and it seems Danny never saw Ariana again.


The Crowded Room : Exodus - Episode 1 - RECAP -
The Crowded Room : Exodus – Episode 1 – RECAP


Another very important character on all this is Yitzhak, he is from Israel and became neighbor with Dany a few years ago, the first time they met Dany and his friends from school came to Yitzhak house to say hi as the house was empty for some time but everything change for Dany the day some bully was kicking his ass, Dany was always picked at school by everyone even adults so he saw a kinda of father figure on Yitzhak, not much has been said about Yitzhak or Ariana so far but that’s just my first impression of him. Latter and I say latter because I do not know exactly how things happen after Dany and Arianna failed to kill their target, how things went down but looks like Yitzhak didn’t approve what they did, the police probably follow Dany to the house and he gave in after they surround the house.

The Crowded Room : Exodus - Episode 1 - RECAP -
The Crowded Room : Exodus – Episode 1 – RECAP


Besides Dany there is this other character I’m very interested in, her name Rya Goodwin, she is the one working with the police to figure out what happen, where is Ariana and why a lot of people close to Dany disappear too? did he kill them?. The interviews go for days, they didn’t mention it but you can see Ryan with different cloth between scenes, she also mention that the year Yitzhak move to the neighborhood there were some assaults.

There are several scenes, memories that go through Dany’s mind as the interviews continues, mostly things that he is not telling Rya yet or he straight up says he doesn’t want to talk about, on the first interview Rya starts with Dany from scratch because he is no snitch so he wont rat on Ariana or Yitzhak, thats clear for her and keep pushing or threating Dany with jail wont do the trick so she decides to psychoanalyze Dany and his story, they start from zero, how and when did he met Ariana and Yitzhak, there starts the story of how he was picked at school, how things were very bad at home with his step father, his childhood story but nothing really relevant to the murder attempt, Ariana or Yitzhak.

The Crowded Room : Exodus - Episode 1 - RECAP -
The Crowded Room : Exodus – Episode 1 – RECAP


The Crowded Room : Exodus - Episode 1 - RECAP -
The Crowded Room : Exodus – Episode 1 – RECAP


Dany and his friends were selling weed to make some money and basically sustain their vice, but one day he got caught with a joint at school so he ran home as fast as he could to hide and a group of bully led by a guy who try to snitch on Dany but then got suspended when it didn’t work was looking for him and start chasing him until they caught him on the street in front of Yitzhak house, they start beating him to the ground until Yitzhak came up and safe him, then invite Dany in to clean up and that day he also met Ariana.

Everything is narrated by Dany and Rya, when they get to this part there were a few key questions that Rya ask Dany, why would you think Yitzhak help you? what was your first impression of Ariana? Rya through the entire interview is trying to insinuate that they use Dany for their own benefit, to accomplish certain task on their agenda, there are some flash back pictures one was Ariana playing with a gun in the house with Dany and another Yitzhak covering Dany mouth so he shut up probably some one was in the house looking for them so there is a lot to discover.

Dany keeps telling Rya he doesn’t know where is Ariana or Yitzhak but for sure there is a lot of blood and killing he knows about but probably Rya is not asking the right questions yet, she again threaten Dany with jail but he is no fool, he knows they cant do that, yes they found blood and a bullet hole on a window but there is no gun, but he did admit he was with Ariana and attempt to kill that man although he point the gun at him but never pull the trigger, I’m not sure if that’s consider murder attempt hmmm - tv series divider

The Crowded Room - Episode 1 - Recap CONCLUSION -

The Crowded Room is doing great at tv series sites like IMDB or RTT, so far a 7/10 on IMDB that’s very good considering that in real life that’s an 8/10, because its Tom Holland the main actor I think this is going to take a lot of positive reviews and people wont be bitching that much about the time line, going back and forward, Class of 09 is the same thing and the internet bitch about it so hard so who knows why, the production and music are very good at setting the tone of the series, I like how from episode one a lot of things are hiding its like little crumbs that you need to put together and then you get to know the truth and some times during the way things shift, you cant watch this series without been focus because you will get lost easy and end up rewinding to understand what’s happening, the first three episodes where release but as usual I like to watch one episode per day or week depending on the format of the tv series, totally recomend The Crowded Room, Apple+ keeps releasing bangers. - tv series divider


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The Patient: Alan Learns to Meditate – A Rocket Pocket – Personal Opinion


Sam delves more deeply into the reason he entered therapy, but he encounters resistance from Dr. Strauss as he attempts to continue their sessions. A gathering sense of not being alone leads to a revelation about the house. Source

Each episode on this series is twenty three minutes long, I think that’s a great approach compare to other TV shows because if you somehow manage to get 100% of someone’s attention for that amount of time they you did a great job with the script and there is no reason why they wont keep watching the series, instead of spending more resource like time and money better just focus on that short amount of time, its like having a good espresso than a large cup mediocre coffee when all you want is to wake up. There is another factor that comes up on this episode, now that everyone knows what’s what, Alan knows he is captive and Sam that he is control there is a sense of dark humor that comes up on both sides and I couldn’t stop laughing at some one else pain, that’s inevitable.

On episode two of The Patient Alan is still in disbelieve of the situation that he is in, he denies to start therapy with Sam while Sam just keeps almost begging with good deeds like bringing food everyday, establish conversation, coming up with more revealing truth that he is a real serial killer and for what I can tell he is the author of more than one serial killer, I mean more than one serial killer because he is known for individual victims and victims under a patter like the John Doe killer. I mention there is dark humor on this episode as the cover of this post shows where Sam brings a box and put it on his lap while Alan is thinking GOOD LORD!!! who is on that box, but Sam answers back “Don’t worry its not a head” I couldn’t stop laughing to then Alan answer “Oh that’s a relief”, we will probably see more of this during the rest of the episodes.


But at a point in the episode Alan finally realize he has no other option, he is a well known therapist and now he is playing chess, he will have to figure out a way probably not to cure Alan from his twisted reality where he is God and can kill anyone that goes against his believes but figure out the way how either he can brake him or manipulate him so he can get out of his captivity alive. As Alan keeps having flashbacks of his wife, he remembers how he was trying to learn to meditate and in his current situation would help a lot.
Hunger is something that nobody can avoid, yes people can stay without eating for sometime against their will but if you have the choice at some point everyone brakes down, under captivity that’s the first sign of either two things survival or acceptance of where you are and the situation, when I saw Alan eating I thought ok he is going to take some action, his first decision was to open a lock with a plastic fork, really?? so smart to think he could pull that off and then the fork brakes so immediately realize that if Sam finds out he would be in trouble, this is the first time we see Alan analyzing what would be Sam reaction because until this point Sam was in full denial that he would have to interact with Sam.
Eventually Sam comes home and finds out about the fork, I really thought he would react with violence but he didn’t, calmly just explain Alan how foolish was that and that he wont be able to escape by using a plastic fork, Sam has experience killing people so he might have already kidnap a few so this is not his first rodeo.


After Sam asking many times Alan to help him with therapy he finally accepts and decides to move on, here comes some dark humor again, Alan explain him in short words that he cant be violent during therapy and that they both need to feel safe and then says “I don’t know what to do about that…” meaning he doesn’t feel safe, MF Sam only smiles at first, this is they guy that kidnap Alan I told him “I know this is not normal but its ok”


Sam doesn’t look like a violent guy so far, mostly looks broken, if I could take a guess his father was a very strict person that wouldn’t cut corners and hate people who did and thought the same to Sam as kid but then as Sam mention he use to beat him down every time he wanted specially if he has memories of that room where they are so there could attachment to the house, probably not the best place for therapy since it can bring flashbacks of how his father hurt him many times.


So they keep therapy sessions and so far Alan is just listening, I can tell Alan is a very calm and probably naïve guy because so far I don’t see any moves trying to manipulate Sam. Sam keeps talking about his work and how he had this episode with a restaurant manager who had a few violations to an inspection and the guy basically manipulate the system, cut corners to get his way and Sam hate him for that, he cant stop thinking about it, essentially he wants to teach the guy a lesson, Sam has dis obsession that things are either white or black and in his book if you don’t do things right he ends up killing you. Sam has been “trying” to stop and that’s tormenting him from the inside, somehow this time he manage so far not to kill the guy from the restaurant and now decided to seek or professional help of a therapist to stop feeling that way and stop ending up killing people, to make it worst as any other human in life he wants results in a matter of two sessions and start feeling its not helping, Sam is going to kill someone very soon, hope its not Alan.
Alan constantly heard someone walking while Sam was away so he figure out someone has to be upstairs, he kept asking until that someone came down, I guess is an old person as they went down with one of those metal things to move carbon while its on fire and was also walking slowly like he/she is afraid, Alan politely smile.

On this episode we see how the mind games begin, we still see Alan weak, no plan, no intentions to escape but to help Sam, I guess at some point that will stop because when Sam becomes violent, feels therapy is not helping and Alan wants to escape, how long it will take I don’t know but for sure this series is a rocket pocket, its short but kept you glued to the screen in those 20 minutes of suspense.