Alan is getting more desperate to get out of Sam house and notice someone is walking upstairs so he obviously start calling for help until Sam’s mother came down, Candace. Sam is not putting any effort into moving forward with the therapy or freeing Alan, I can understand someone can feel that impotent and disturbed by his past, after all it seems Sam’s father did beat him for no reason based on his testimony and now his mother back it up although he lied to Alan the first time so moving with caution is Alan motto from now on until he finds out the truth, Sam just want Alan to fix his brain like a mechanic change a broken part but its not that simple until he put a serious effort into stop killing people, same as his father beat him without a proper reason just because he is the authority now Sam practice the same principle that just because someone acts fishy or think they slick and can do things their way then he thinks he is there to make things right and correct them, the problem is that he takes “justice” by his hand and ends up killing people, plus he has become good at it, on previous episode he show Alan a box full of things he got from other victims like watches, wallets, etc and the police still hasn’t caught them. Alan is trying a new approach bringing his mother in to try to help Sam but I really think he is just trying to manipulate the situation and get out as soon as possible, he knows Sam can kill him in any moment if he feels things are not going his way and diminish or disrespected in any way.

Episode starts with Candace, Sam’s mother, going down stairs and meeting with Dr. Alan after he asks who is walking upstairs, she is aware of what’s going on and knows that Sam kills people from time to time, at first she asks for Mary, I wonder if she is really on Sam’s side or she is also trying to manipulate him some how, when she asks for Mary, Alan tells her he cant discuss that, Candace said she read Alan’s book so who really got Alan into the house was it just Sam idea or was it mainly by Candace, I would ask this questions to myself because under this type of circumstances nothing is safe, a man who kill people just because he doesn’t agree with their behavior, not necessary that they did anything illegal and a mother who is aware of this and let his son chain someone to a bed in her house. Everything on this picture is wrong, from start to finish and Alan’s life is on the line.

Alan constantly keeps trying to convince Sam that at his age he is no thread to him and shouldn’t have him chain to the bed, its obvious that the second he has to escape he will, he even have a vision where he cut Sam’s throat, Alan keep nagging about the chain will eventually get him beat up, Sam wont let him go until he feels that he has been cure and that could take months or most likely will never happen, his brain could be damage to a point of no return, from what I have seen so far more than just therapy he may need medication to cool off for some time and stay away from all that anger and people that may make him feel that way, been on that job expose him to that temptation, he is supervising others, making inspections, meaning he is the one who says what’s don’t right and what not, the only option for Alan is to escape since I don’t think he will be able to make Sam feel he has been cured and who knows if he still kill Alan because he knows everything he has done.

Sam has this trauma that he think having therapy with his mother is not productive but also I sense he feel ashamed of doing therapy with her, may be makes him feel he is not the alpha, after all that’s part of the reason why he kill those who are out of line based on his believes, he is the alpha and have to show them the way, probably same at home he is the alpha and needs to protect his mother and he is the only one responsible for his actions. Candance as a mother she doesn’t want anything bad to happen to Sam but who knows to what level could she over protect him in the past, they both say his dad use to beat him up and one day he left but why did he left? that’s a question without answer so far.

Another reason why Alan wont be able to cure Sam at least for now, its because Sam wants immediate results and he starts to put himself at risk of feeling that anger, during the session with his mother Alan ask Sam when ever he feels that anger and need to kill someone tell himself he wont do it to protect his mother from anything that can hurt her, if he goes away that would hurt her, Alan failed there and I don’t know if it was intentional to expose Sam to get caught but Sam does exactly that, goes to a restaurant where there is this manager he already has his eye on, wait for his food and park outside but the rage is stronger than him and surprise surprise Sam kidnap the restaurant manager, its a no brainer that he need to stop going outside and remain isolated from the world, right now he is a menace for the rest of the world and himself, that’s why people get locked up for the first months when trying to rehabilitate, this is a man who has become good at killing people, hunts them, feel the need to show them a lesson, just talking wont do the trick. Sam brings the restaurant manager to his place and locks him up next to Alan while he watch how Sam drags the guy into the next room and secure him to chair with duct tape.
As short as this episodes are it feels satisfying, there are not many details or characters, so far only what four people but still there is that suspense of what will happen next, some of the things are predictable but in what order will it happen? Alan wants to escape and also kill Sam if he gets the chance, Sam want to stop murdering people right now at least that’s what he says but for how long he can keep up with Alan nagging about the chain, Sam’s mother helping him or he not feeling Alan is trying to cure him if he keeps feeling this way at some point he will snap and think either Alan is treating him like a fool or doesn’t want to help him at all and just trying to manipulate him to escape.