Reacher: ATM – Season 2 – Episode 1 – RECAP

Reacher: ATM – Season 2 – Episode 1 – RECAP -
Reacher: ATM – Season 2 – Episode 1 – RECAP –


Reacher: ATM – Season 2 – Episode 1 – RECAP - INTRODUCTION -

REACHER season two brings more context to the story, it feels nice when you watch a TV series with proper story structure, season one was full of action with very little of who Reacher really is, all we knew was that he was in the army, he is fucking tank you don’t mess with and is one of the good guys, but there were a few questions like why really he stop giving a fuck about everything and decided to disappear, no phone, no address, travel light, on his own words that is all Reacher was.

Season 2 brings more context by starting to develop what that part of his life was, Mayor Reacher had a crew, he was running a team of special investigators who he selectively hand pick, at first things did not make sense to most of the but everyone was there for a reason and not just random guys from all over the army, Reacher is like the final version of the Hulk, when Bruce Banner finally understood Hulk as an improvement and not a disease, that’s Reacher, the final version of the Hulk and it would be nice to see him working hard than usual, suffer a bit, may be would be nice to see some one giving him a proper fight one to one, season two starts with the death of Calving Franz, member of this old crew the 100th unit, Franz was torture and then thrown off a helicopter, not a cheap death so must be a high profile case he was after, Reacher now comes in to get to the bottom of this murder and make sure justice is serve in the name of his friend.


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Reacher: ATM – Season 2 – Episode 1 – RECAP - EPISODE DETAILS -

Reacher: ATM – Season 2 – Episode 1 – RECAP -
Reacher: ATM – Season 2 – Episode 1 – RECAP –


It would not be a Reacher episode without a proper kick ass, Reacher was minding his own business, buying a change clothe at a local store by the pound, it was funny that he even change clothe there and the puts the old one on the counter LOL, he sees this women doing multiple withdraws from an ATM and simple ask her if she has been carjacked, not sure how he got to that conclusion but most of the time you don’t care, when you watch this type of series or movies like John Wick all you want is massive shooting, kick ass fights, break some stuff and that’s is what Reacher is all about, they complement with a story but this is the perfect sample of a proper Reacher kick ass scene, if not the series would be very boring watch a big guy like him just doing investigator job. Reacher is like Bruce Banner transform into the Hulk but with a bit more of attitude and sarcasm, at the end he ask the kid if he wants to see his mom? jajajaja very funny scene.


Reacher: ATM – Season 2 – Episode 1 – RECAP -
Reacher: ATM – Season 2 – Episode 1 – RECAP –


An old friend and crew member, Frances Neagley; was trying to reach him since he had no where to be contacted at, as a last resource she use a clever way to send a distress call using his bank account, so when he pick up the recipe from the ATM, a deposit of $1.10 and then balance went to $1,030, this are the kind of things only people from the army of where the use this codes frequently are aware of on their daily routine, its like if I see on my mind that’s HOME. Neagley the women with Reacher at the phone wanted to notify him Franz was murdered.


Reacher: ATM – Season 2 – Episode 1 – RECAP -
Reacher: ATM – Season 2 – Episode 1 – RECAP –


Episode one brings Mayor Reacher, Special Investigator crew to the scene, they were few but very well selected by Reacher himself, trying to be as efficient as possible, some of the them like young blood David O’Donell had no clue how such team will work out, Reacher had his doubts too but things started on the right foot after they all witness Reacher had their back no matter what.


Reacher: ATM – Season 2 – Episode 1 – RECAP -
Reacher: ATM – Season 2 – Episode 1 – RECAP –


Reacher catch up with Neagley during breakfast after he flight to New York where she is at, a lot has happen since he has been out, this crew probably understood he wanted to be alone or that he didn’t care anymore, its either one of the two so they didn’t put that much effort to contact him but this time was different, one of them has been torture and murdered, not an event to swallow that easy so Neagley did everything she could to contact him. Episode one was either very predictable or its a trap for the viewer, right out of the start they are been follow everyone and two guys monitoring them, we see the one following them with the list of Reacher crew members, who do they work for? are they government? are they with the people who kill Franz? who the fuck they are?, if you ask any viewer the first though would be they are with the bad guys.

On top, Reacher calls O’donnell and told him where is he and Neagley are staying, latter on he shows up after Neagley’s room was turn apart, so it’s either some one else who is listening to their calls who did it or O’donnel is with the bad guys? see all the possibilities and outcomes of episode one? I’m 200% sure we will see some sort of treason against Reacher in the upcoming episodes, because some one who knows him and his ex crew is after them, Franz was the first victim.


Reacher: ATM – Season 2 – Episode 1 – RECAP -
Reacher: ATM – Season 2 – Episode 1 – RECAP –


Reacher is all about been just and defending the little one, even though the entire crew is mention on episode one there is very little known about them besides Neagley and O’donnell, she even mention Karla Dixon from Reacher crew that he liked her but never had anything with her because he was running the team, seem wrong for him, that kind of just guy. The rest of the crew only fill the space even Franz didn’t said much during the episode.

Remember how I said Reacher had their back? it was this scene where they got into a bar fight because it was a “officers only” bar and Neagley was Sergeant, that evening started boring, they didn’t know each other, O’donnell was constantly running his mouth about the rest, even Dixon said leaving after her first beer but it was that fight that make the crew stick together and bond at a camp fire, singing, drinking, that night Neagley probably became Reacher right hand, after all that is what he was looking for, a tight crew that stick together not a bunch of military police doing what they were told to do at the military.


Reacher: ATM – Season 2 – Episode 1 – RECAP -
Reacher: ATM – Season 2 – Episode 1 – RECAP –


Within the possible bad guys there is Mr. Mount who is always reading a comic book, using fake passports as he burn the one he was holding during this scene to then buy a few more from a random guy who makes them, it even makes me think he he has nothing to do with the other two guys from before, on this episode their names were not mention but I look them up on IMDB, there is also O’donnell who for the time is with Reacher but I don’t trust anyone other than Neagley for now.

After some data they found on a USB that Franz left behind, btw the USB had a password and it was Reacher, Franz always wanted to be like him. Reacher comes to the conclusion that they are after his old crew so they decided to get in contact with who ever they could, decided to visit Swan and found his dog Maisi dead, dehydrated, makes Reacher think Swan is dead too because he would not let this happen if he was able to come home. - tv series divider

Reacher: ATM – Season 2 – Episode 1 – RECAP - CONCLUSION -

Episode 1 of Reacher, Season 2; was great, not only we got two short kick as fight scenes, I would like the bar fight to show more but it was only to make a point, there is even a third fight, not really fight, where Reacher jump some local drug dealers just to release some steam, still great episode and I think the rating of 8.5/10 talks by itself, the entire season two has been release and most episodes have high scores, for me it is only and indicative although I don’t make my opinion out of review scores, after all something that I think can be solve if this sites run on a blockchain but that is a project I have in mind for the future since I’m not a developer.

Going back to the episode since I was getting out of track, this episode leaves a lot of questions, different than your traditional first episode where new characters are presented properly with some background, this time its a bit different since they were all mention but besides Neagley we are left knowing very little about the rest, it was a nine member crew, there is a lot to be unfold for the next seven episodes and this is something I have been thinking about, the amount of episodes for a good story is at minimum eight, best if its a ten episode season but I have notice that anything below six sux most of the time. I’m glad season two is this good, yes it still has that cliche of the big dumb guy who brakes stuff but not really, its different, smart big good guy who brakes stuff, not your usual army related tv series. - tv series divider


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The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon – La Dame de Fer – Episode 4 – Season 1 – RECAP

The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon - La Dame de Fer - Episode 4 - Season 1 - RECAP -
The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon – La Dame de Fer – Episode 4 – Season 1 – RECAP –


The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon - La Dame de Fer - Episode 4 - Season 1 - RECAP INTRODUCTION -

La Dame de Fer, the title of this episode that I assume makes reference to the Eiffel Tower that swings with the wind and the noise made by the rusted metal is heard all over the city of Paris, I guess most names are in French because where the story develops but I would rather like the tittle to be “Squeal Piggy” since Daryl use a common reference of how load pigs squeal when they are been killed while he was torturing one of Quinn’s goons.

The series remains strong in the ball part of a solid +7, its not boring although there is one thing that annoys me a bit and that’s how episodes mostly happen in close spaces and the camera has to go back and forward to register characters expression since there is very few open shots and also I think it has to do with light since most part of the series is very dark and I guess it has to do with the fact that there is no light, it keeps moving, entertain, zombies are still relevant since on this side of the world there are variants of Zombies, the series is more about a country that is starting to re establish their society, some just taking care of their people peacefully and others trying to build a regime as they think what the world need now is order and control, both sides might be right but forcing things as Genet wants its just too extremist besides all the experiments she is doing with Zombies has nothing to do with rebuilding society she is just playing to be a Commander and doing what she wants, so far we haven’t got any background of her, how she got into that position its interesting to me how she got all that power. - tv series divider
The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon - La Dame de Fer - Episode 4 - Season 1 - RECAP EPISODE DETAILS -

The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon - La Dame de Fer - Episode 4 - Season 1 - RECAP -
The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon – La Dame de Fer – Episode 4 – Season 1 – RECAP –


At the end of episode three Daryl falls down from a roof made of wood during the rain, it was rotten so his weigh broke it and he falls, he had this dream where he and Laurent are in a tunnel but separated by a gate, Zombies start to surround Laurent but they don’t touch him after he start to pray, what this dream might mean is that they are officially saying Laurent can communicate with Zombies?? I though this could also be a scene latter on during the episode but at least it was not on this episode, Laurent’s mother died during birth and she was bitten hours before giving birth so he probably has it on his DNA, the genetic mutation of Zombies mix with his human side.

The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon - La Dame de Fer - Episode 4 - Season 1 - RECAP -
The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon – La Dame de Fer – Episode 4 – Season 1 – RECAP –


After Daryl fall through the root he almost drawn, he falls into a place that was probably flooded and there were Zombies under water, I don’t know how they got to attack him if Zombies don’t know how to swim and they didn’t fall from the roof with him so that got me thinking for a minute, lucky for Daryl there were just a few and he manage to kill them, kill zombies hmmm.

The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon - La Dame de Fer - Episode 4 - Season 1 - RECAP -
The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon – La Dame de Fer – Episode 4 – Season 1 – RECAP –


Another Dame de Fer, Genet; visits Fallou camp after Cordon raid it last night, Isabelle, Laurent and Daryl manage to escape but the rest stay after all they were not the ones been chased, on this scene two things are confirm, Genet wants nothing to do with the Messiah story surrounding Laurent as that divides the people that she is trying to control, all she wants is them been under her command and not a religious story, nobody gives out Laurent besides none of them knows where they are.

The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon - La Dame de Fer - Episode 4 - Season 1 - RECAP -
The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon – La Dame de Fer – Episode 4 – Season 1 – RECAP –


The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon - La Dame de Fer - Episode 4 - Season 1 - RECAP -
The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon – La Dame de Fer – Episode 4 – Season 1 – RECAP –


I have thought since episode two that there is probably something cooking between this two but so far nothing, Daryl told Isabelle to meet at her apartment after the camp got raided, problem is where the fuck is Laurent. Daryl keeps telling Isabelle all this happen because she keeps lying to him about everything, if she really believes Laurent been the Messiah I think it should be the other way, she should have him inform as much as possible to avoid this mental break downs, Laurent has grown extremely naive.

The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon - La Dame de Fer - Episode 4 - Season 1 - RECAP -
The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon – La Dame de Fer – Episode 4 – Season 1 – RECAP –


The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon - La Dame de Fer - Episode 4 - Season 1 - RECAP -
The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon – La Dame de Fer – Episode 4 – Season 1 – RECAP –


Daryl been the good old tracker he is, has a good idea of where Laurent might be, at first I thought he was at Quinn’s bar since now he knows who his father and mother are but Laurent actually went to the Eiffel Tower, here the name of the episode La Dame Fer; there were a lot of Zombies trapped and when the saw Laurent they ran towards him, at first I thought ok if the first scene that makes reference he can some how talk to Zombies then this might be the moment Laurent shines but he panic and hide, he didn’t, lucky him Isabelle and Daryl found him, they try to take care of the Zombies around but at the same time Quinn’s goons snatch Laurent.

The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon - La Dame de Fer - Episode 4 - Season 1 - RECAP -
The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon – La Dame de Fer – Episode 4 – Season 1 – RECAP –


After a Zombie apocalypse, Isabelle leaving Quinn behind and now knowing Laurent is Lily’s son, his son, I can relate how he might feel the need to be a dad for Laurent, problem is that he has grown too naive but at the same time too cold, cold in the sense that he haven’t live enough to be scared or worry about things the same way the rest do, its like when a baby does something risky, they don’t know fear until they get hurt, Laurent has not been hurt, he is what 15 years old and never knew his mother and father until now so for him probably doesn’t make that much difference.

The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon - La Dame de Fer - Episode 4 - Season 1 - RECAP -
The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon – La Dame de Fer – Episode 4 – Season 1 – RECAP –


Genet is going around Paris tracking down Daryl and Laurent, Quinn ask her to come to his place because he wants to negotiate and here is the part that I think will cost him a lot in the future, not only he is asking for a bounty in exchange of Daryl but he also lie to her face after she ask her if he has Laurent that is at his office in the same bar they are at that moment, in exchange for Daryl he asks for a Monet, a painting. I think Quinn is a visionary, at some point in time he believes society can be similar to what it was, the world and he wants to be in control of the many things people value in the past like art, he is a collector and has a lot of art that could be very valuable once again.

The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon - La Dame de Fer - Episode 4 - Season 1 - RECAP -
The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon – La Dame de Fer – Episode 4 – Season 1 – RECAP –


Now probably my favorite part of the episode, Isabelle and Daryl manage to get one of Quinn’s goon while they put Laurent in a car and ran away with him, that scene was a bit stupid since I only saw one guy driving and Laurent alone in the back seat and Daryl still couldn’t get him out of the car, but at least the next scene when they try to get some intel from the one they caught was worth it. Isabelle try her nun way, been patient, nice, just talking while Daryl he brought a very dark story of a kid and his pet piglet, Daryl kept stabbing the guy on his torso, I don’t know how deep it was but he took about five or six to he body and was still taking, Daryl did get that piglet to squeal, he told them how to get into Quinn’s bar from a back door.

The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon - La Dame de Fer - Episode 4 - Season 1 - RECAP -
The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon – La Dame de Fer – Episode 4 – Season 1 – RECAP –


It was funny to me how Isabelle thought Daryl was the kid of the story he told and Daryl sarcastic that he is answer her no, but I do think it was him, on the original Walking Dead he constantly tell stories about bad his childhood was, his father was a drunk, kids use to bully him until he became a bad ass and no body mess with him anymore so I do think it was a true story, with the info on how to get into Quinn’s bar without him notice they plan a distraction.

The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon - La Dame de Fer - Episode 4 - Season 1 - RECAP -
The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon – La Dame de Fer – Episode 4 – Season 1 – RECAP –


The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon - La Dame de Fer - Episode 4 - Season 1 - RECAP -
The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon – La Dame de Fer – Episode 4 – Season 1 – RECAP –


Fallou and the rest attack the entrance of the bar as a distraction so all the guards go to that side of the building while Daryl gets from the back and takes Laurent with him, the distraction scene was not so interesting, I just mention it to give some context.

The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon - La Dame de Fer - Episode 4 - Season 1 - RECAP -
The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon – La Dame de Fer – Episode 4 – Season 1 – RECAP –


Anna will turn into Quinn demise, all this time before Isabelle and Laurent show up Anna was there for him, it looks like she is in love with Quinn but he is a selfish man that only cares about what he wants so at the moment he doesn’t want her anymore, when Daryl got to the place he found Laurent and Anna let them go in purpose just to screw with Quinn. Daryl had to fight Quinn on the way out, it was a short irrelevant fight, they try to make it interesting with them fighting on a suspended runway so viewers might think like ooohhh what if one of them fall? but they never did, I knew it would not happen.

The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon - La Dame de Fer - Episode 4 - Season 1 - RECAP -
The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon – La Dame de Fer – Episode 4 – Season 1 – RECAP –


The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon - La Dame de Fer - Episode 4 - Season 1 - RECAP -
The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon – La Dame de Fer – Episode 4 – Season 1 – RECAP –


They manage to get Laurent out of Quinn’s bar, no body from Fallou camp died and now Laurent is on his way to the nest with Daryl, it was actually very easy since there were not too many guards at the moment and the only person that could have really stop Daryl was Anna but she let them go, question is why the FUCK did Isabelle came back to Quinn, I would guess she went there to offer herself in exchange Quinn leaves Daryl and Laurent alone, trying to buy protection but in my opinion that only make things worst because when Genet finds out she is going to doubt Quinn and if that happens then going back with Quinn is worthless, Quinn can only protect Daryl and Laurent until Genet allow it. - tv series divider

The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon - La Dame de Fer - Episode 4 - Season 1 - RECAP CONCLUSION -

When I look back to episode four nothing really important happen, it was a transition episode after Fallou camp was raided, Laurent got lost, then caught by Quinn and then Daryl got him back end of the episode, I don’t want to make it boring but it was literally what happen, the good part about the series is the details scenes they put in the middle so it doesn’t feel that way, they had to fight Zombies to get Laurent at the Tower but no luck, then they had to fight Quinn to get Laurent and the only true obstacle, Anna; let them go like it was nothing but what really makes up for this episode is how cruel Daryl was during the interrogation scene, things I already mention, what I want to see is if Laurent is the real Zombie Pied Pipper and I think that is the entire reason why others think he is the Messiah who safes the world, also we got pending the reason for Genet’s experiments with Zombies something that was not mention during this episode but its ok since this was the one very slow episode of the series.

I feel this episode took me more than usual to write bu I wanted to do something different with the images, I don’t want to just take screenshots and past them so I try to add more to it to explain the scene, I have even consider making gifts for key scenes or just the cover image, something I will do in the future, all this details take time, an entire post can take me between two to three hours depending how long is it and how concentrated I’m.


The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon - La Dame de Fer - Episode 4 - Season 1 - RECAP PREV Episodes -

Episode 1:
Episode 2:
Episode 3: - tv series divider

The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon - SEASON - TRAILER -

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The Wheel of Time: Daughter of the Night – Season 2 – Episode 4 – RECAP

The Wheel of Time: Daughter of the Night - Season 2 - Episode 4 - RECAP -
The Wheel of Time: Daughter of the Night – Season 2 – Episode 4 – RECAP –


The Wheel of Time: Daughter of the Night - Season 1 - Episode 4 - RECAP INTRODUCTION -

For anyone that doubt WOT season two because of it’s very slow first two episodes I have to say things are starting to turn up and everything starts to make sense, on episode four more about Ishamael and Selene or by her real name Lanfear, Daughter of The Night the most dangerous Forsaken finally we get to know who this mysterious women who does nothing during the day and only fuck Rand’s brains out at night and who Moiraine fears a lot, but it still yet to know what are her motive and reasons to be after Rand? the most obvious reason that comes to mind is that she either wants to drain his powers, use him to do something for her or just kill him and as a last crazy idea is that she is truly in love with him. Moiraine has mention before that what they living right now has happen before many times through the centuries, meaning that Rand or The Dragon Reborn is an entity that comes to the world many times and even dies but always the story is very similar so there must be a connection between LanfeAr and Rand so yes probably she is in love with him but he doesn’t remember, the difference between them even if they met before is that Rand is a new men when Lanfear was awaken so she was probably a prisoner of some spell. - tv series divider
The Wheel of Time: Daughter of the Night - Season 1 - Episode 4 - RECAP EPISODE DETAILS -

The Wheel of Time: Daughter of the Night - Season 2 - Episode 4 - RECAP -
The Wheel of Time: Daughter of the Night – Season 2 – Episode 4 – RECAP –


Episode four keeps telling us more and more about the past of some of the characters, in this case a bit more about Moiraine Damodred, she goes back to her home town where her little sister Anvaere Damodred lives and haven’t seen in many years, Aes Sedai live longer than other mortals because they are connected to the true power so they will age slower and see friends and entire family die before them, that’s the case of Liandrin and her son, same case between Moiraine and her little sister Anvaere.

The Wheel of Time: Daughter of the Night - Season 2 - Episode 4 - RECAP -
The Wheel of Time: Daughter of the Night – Season 2 – Episode 4 – RECAP –


The Wheel of Time: Daughter of the Night - Season 2 - Episode 4 - RECAP -
The Wheel of Time: Daughter of the Night – Season 2 – Episode 4 – RECAP –


Its on Episode Four when we see Moiraine change her clothes into what she is wearing on the Season Two Cover Poster so probably from now on she means business.

The reason for Logain to be in this town same where Rand is, all that happen because Moiraine wanted so, she is looking for Rand around town and visit the Asylum he is was working at where Logain is but can’t find him, goes and visit Logain who wants to kill her if he could, keep in mind that may be he can since Moiraine has no powers but she wont let him besides she has a dagger, she offers it to Logain and what I can interpret from their conversation is that she will either let him kill her or give him the dagger so he can kill himself, she mentions “…what all those cut off from the One Power desire most of all”

The Wheel of Time: Daughter of the Night - Season 2 - Episode 4 - RECAP -
The Wheel of Time: Daughter of the Night – Season 2 – Episode 4 – RECAP –


Perrin and Mat are two of the least important of the main five characters so far with very little screen time plus I still don’t know how their powers help or relate to Rand, they cant channel but still have to do with The Story that repeats over and over.

Perrin was help to escape by the pack of wolfs and Elyas who serve him as a guide to discover his powers, most of the things that they talk about are very vague, like Elyas doesn’t want to talk to Perrin about his powers but let him discover them by instinct.

The Wheel of Time: Daughter of the Night - Season 2 - Episode 4 - RECAP -
The Wheel of Time: Daughter of the Night – Season 2 – Episode 4 – RECAP –


The Wheel of Time: Daughter of the Night - Season 2 - Episode 4 - RECAP -
The Wheel of Time: Daughter of the Night – Season 2 – Episode 4 – RECAP –


Liandrin has been trying to bond with Nynaeve for her own benefit, she has been talking about how great it will be to use her as the biggest wepon The White Tower has ever had but now she tricked her, sitting at the Arches Liandrin tells Nynaeve that there was an invasion on the west, a black smith from The Two Rivers traveling with an Ogier were caught prisoner, this is a lie because at this point because they WERE capture and then Perrin got away but that’s not the point, Liandrin knows Nynaeve can’t get out of the tower without reporting and if she does then she has to sneak out, Liandrin knows exactly what escape route she will take so she ambush her and knock her out, to make things worst Nynaeve was not alone she was with Egwene and Elayne who probably where not part of Liandrin plan. It is still yet to know why Liandrin ambush them and I think this time it has nothing to do with The White Tower and Nynaeve becoming an Aes Sedai.

The Wheel of Time: Daughter of the Night - Season 2 - Episode 4 - RECAP -
The Wheel of Time: Daughter of the Night – Season 2 – Episode 4 – RECAP –


Moiraine keeps looking for Rand every where but can’t find him, she is starting to worry Lanfear will got him first but she has been with him all this time, none of the things that she plan for happen, Logain have not train Rand at all and Lanfear has been with Rand all this time.

Rand is starting to manifest his powers but only when he is under a lot of pressure, meaning when he is mad, angry and this makes him dangerous because this are the moments he has less control of himself but I wonder if this is exactly what Landfear wants, for some mysterious reason a Fade or Myrddraal appears and tries to attack Rand from the back, when they were together out side of Selene cabin at the top of the hill and Rand display his powers burning the Fade to aches.

The Wheel of Time: Daughter of the Night - Season 2 - Episode 4 - RECAP -
The Wheel of Time: Daughter of the Night – Season 2 – Episode 4 – RECAP –


This seem to be a turn on for Selene because very casual they go into the cabin, she wants more of Rand but this time not only sex, she ties him to the bed and confess to him that she is also a monster, Rand can’t get out of his head that he will eventually go mad and kill everyone he loves with this power so he thinks he is a monster too and just in time but I’m not sure if this is good, Moraine cut her through from the back leaving Selene laying on the floor all bloody, what a mess.

The Wheel of Time: Daughter of the Night - Season 2 - Episode 4 - RECAP -
The Wheel of Time: Daughter of the Night – Season 2 – Episode 4 – RECAP –


Moiraine keep saying Lanfear/Selene is not good for Rand but so far he has done nothing to hurt him, the moment Moiraine shows up Selene was starting to channel and now I’m wondering what exactly she was going to do THANKS MOIRAINE!!! At first Rand gets mad as fuck with her and puts her against the wall because lucky for him Moiraine has no powers at the moment, if Moiraine had her powers she would probably kick Rand ass in a second, yes he is The Dragon but he has no training, similar Liandrin knock out Nynaeve, Egwene and Elayne all at the same time. - tv series divider

The Wheel of Time: Daughter of the Night - Season 1 - Episode 4 - RECAP CONCLUSION -

What annoys me of this episode is how many dark scenes there were, you really need a good video source and good definition screen to see all the dark colors and go through this scenes, but we are starting to see more characters channel for example Rand, Selene, Ishamael, I hope it comes to that and more characters channeling at the main battle of this series since at some point Rand will face Ishamael again either alone or with the rest of his friends. Another thing that bugs me is that Mat is set to some how kill Rand like its destiny so may be the same thing has happen over and over through their history, remember all this characters have reincarnate.

Finally knowing who Selene is, that’s a great relieve, watching her doing nothing during the day and just fucking Rand at night was not fun for me, I knew there was something else than that but never thought she was a Forsaken, based on Moiraine one of the worst, the first scene when Ishamael wakes up a women cover in blood did make me think about Selene also Moiraine kept saying since episode one that their encounter with him was not the last battle and she was wrong, it was the start of everything and that he was going to awake a higher power. Season two is turning into a banger, I really like this series and would like to see at least five seasons if possible out of it, I don’t know how far advance the story is at the moment compare to the books but over three seasons is a win. I give this episode a solid 8/10.


The Wheel of Time: Daughter of the Night - Season 1 - Episode 4 - RECAP PREV Episodes -

Episode 1:
Episode 2:
Episode 3: - tv series divider


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The Patient: Alan Learns to Meditate – A Rocket Pocket – Personal Opinion


Sam delves more deeply into the reason he entered therapy, but he encounters resistance from Dr. Strauss as he attempts to continue their sessions. A gathering sense of not being alone leads to a revelation about the house. Source

Each episode on this series is twenty three minutes long, I think that’s a great approach compare to other TV shows because if you somehow manage to get 100% of someone’s attention for that amount of time they you did a great job with the script and there is no reason why they wont keep watching the series, instead of spending more resource like time and money better just focus on that short amount of time, its like having a good espresso than a large cup mediocre coffee when all you want is to wake up. There is another factor that comes up on this episode, now that everyone knows what’s what, Alan knows he is captive and Sam that he is control there is a sense of dark humor that comes up on both sides and I couldn’t stop laughing at some one else pain, that’s inevitable.

On episode two of The Patient Alan is still in disbelieve of the situation that he is in, he denies to start therapy with Sam while Sam just keeps almost begging with good deeds like bringing food everyday, establish conversation, coming up with more revealing truth that he is a real serial killer and for what I can tell he is the author of more than one serial killer, I mean more than one serial killer because he is known for individual victims and victims under a patter like the John Doe killer. I mention there is dark humor on this episode as the cover of this post shows where Sam brings a box and put it on his lap while Alan is thinking GOOD LORD!!! who is on that box, but Sam answers back “Don’t worry its not a head” I couldn’t stop laughing to then Alan answer “Oh that’s a relief”, we will probably see more of this during the rest of the episodes.


But at a point in the episode Alan finally realize he has no other option, he is a well known therapist and now he is playing chess, he will have to figure out a way probably not to cure Alan from his twisted reality where he is God and can kill anyone that goes against his believes but figure out the way how either he can brake him or manipulate him so he can get out of his captivity alive. As Alan keeps having flashbacks of his wife, he remembers how he was trying to learn to meditate and in his current situation would help a lot.
Hunger is something that nobody can avoid, yes people can stay without eating for sometime against their will but if you have the choice at some point everyone brakes down, under captivity that’s the first sign of either two things survival or acceptance of where you are and the situation, when I saw Alan eating I thought ok he is going to take some action, his first decision was to open a lock with a plastic fork, really?? so smart to think he could pull that off and then the fork brakes so immediately realize that if Sam finds out he would be in trouble, this is the first time we see Alan analyzing what would be Sam reaction because until this point Sam was in full denial that he would have to interact with Sam.
Eventually Sam comes home and finds out about the fork, I really thought he would react with violence but he didn’t, calmly just explain Alan how foolish was that and that he wont be able to escape by using a plastic fork, Sam has experience killing people so he might have already kidnap a few so this is not his first rodeo.


After Sam asking many times Alan to help him with therapy he finally accepts and decides to move on, here comes some dark humor again, Alan explain him in short words that he cant be violent during therapy and that they both need to feel safe and then says “I don’t know what to do about that…” meaning he doesn’t feel safe, MF Sam only smiles at first, this is they guy that kidnap Alan I told him “I know this is not normal but its ok”


Sam doesn’t look like a violent guy so far, mostly looks broken, if I could take a guess his father was a very strict person that wouldn’t cut corners and hate people who did and thought the same to Sam as kid but then as Sam mention he use to beat him down every time he wanted specially if he has memories of that room where they are so there could attachment to the house, probably not the best place for therapy since it can bring flashbacks of how his father hurt him many times.


So they keep therapy sessions and so far Alan is just listening, I can tell Alan is a very calm and probably naïve guy because so far I don’t see any moves trying to manipulate Sam. Sam keeps talking about his work and how he had this episode with a restaurant manager who had a few violations to an inspection and the guy basically manipulate the system, cut corners to get his way and Sam hate him for that, he cant stop thinking about it, essentially he wants to teach the guy a lesson, Sam has dis obsession that things are either white or black and in his book if you don’t do things right he ends up killing you. Sam has been “trying” to stop and that’s tormenting him from the inside, somehow this time he manage so far not to kill the guy from the restaurant and now decided to seek or professional help of a therapist to stop feeling that way and stop ending up killing people, to make it worst as any other human in life he wants results in a matter of two sessions and start feeling its not helping, Sam is going to kill someone very soon, hope its not Alan.
Alan constantly heard someone walking while Sam was away so he figure out someone has to be upstairs, he kept asking until that someone came down, I guess is an old person as they went down with one of those metal things to move carbon while its on fire and was also walking slowly like he/she is afraid, Alan politely smile.

On this episode we see how the mind games begin, we still see Alan weak, no plan, no intentions to escape but to help Sam, I guess at some point that will stop because when Sam becomes violent, feels therapy is not helping and Alan wants to escape, how long it will take I don’t know but for sure this series is a rocket pocket, its short but kept you glued to the screen in those 20 minutes of suspense.