The Wheel of Time: Damane – Season 2 – Episode 5 – RECAP

The Wheel of Time: Damane - Season 2 - Episode 5 - RECAP -
The Wheel of Time: Damane – Season 2 – Episode 5 – RECAP –


The Wheel of Time: Damane - Season 2 - Episode 5 - RECAP INTRODUCTION -

From time to time there is that TV Series that I enjoy watching a lot, I do like fantasy theme TV Series although at a adult age not young kids discovering magic, for example The Magicians was a TV Show I enjoy same as The Rings of Power but I’m not a such a fan of other fantasy stories like Harry Potter.

Season two of WOT is in full force and introducing new characters or catching up with story lines is over, the fourth episode introduce its last main character with Selene now known as Lanfear, she was a mystery at first during the season but now she is pissed, not only now we know that she is a forsaken but we are starting to understand her interest to Rand, she is basically in love with him, he is too precious for him but she wants him to join her, she doesn’t want to force him this is why so far she haven’t hurt him, it will remain a mystery what she was going to do when she started channeling. Rand finally meet her real personality, Lanfear on his dreams, she is a dream walker, she can get into others people mind when they are dreaming without been invited, once she is in you are on her world with her rules and you can die on that world too.

On episode five we also get to know a bit more about Seanchan too, a city that looks a lot like Constantinople to be honest, Damane another term on their thong use to those women who can channel, they are not free they are leash by Seanchan and are use as a weapon by their controller or master in this case known as Sul’dam using a collar known as a’dam, all women who can channel including Aes Sidai are consider a marath’damane, an abomination of nature and need to be controlled, similar to how Aes Sidai think of men who can channel although they have this though because men who can channel usually go mad including the Dragon Reborn. - tv series divider
The Wheel of Time: Damane - Season 2 - Episode 5 - RECAP EPISODE DETAILS -

The Wheel of Time: Damane - Season 2 - Episode 5 - RECAP -
The Wheel of Time: Damane – Season 2 – Episode 5 – RECAP –


The Wheel of Time: Damane - Season 2 - Episode 5 - RECAP -
The Wheel of Time: Damane – Season 2 – Episode 5 – RECAP –


Moiraine got just in time when Selene was on top of Rand, she was about to channel after she tied him to the bed and Moiraine cut her throat but this was just a temporary solution and to loose her they had to pull a few old tricks like getting on horses and then leave them going into an opposite direction on foot but this was just to gain some time before Lanfear figure it out. Moiraine plan didn’t work as she thought because Logain was suppose to teach Rand how to explode his power but that never happen, now he is unprepared and Lanfear is after them, she also told him the truth, this is just starting and a higher dark power has been unleash.

The Wheel of Time: Damane - Season 2 - Episode 5 - RECAP -
The Wheel of Time: Damane – Season 2 – Episode 5 – RECAP –


The Wheel of Time: Damane - Season 2 - Episode 5 - RECAP -
The Wheel of Time: Damane – Season 2 – Episode 5 – RECAP –


Perrin finally gets some good amount of screen time, we already know he is a tracker but for some reason he is having a hard time to accept what he is, Elyas tries to guide him although he is not a big help since he is of the mind that the pack has to stay together and all Perrin can think about is his friends who have been capture by the Seachan Army, one of them Uno Modesta killed when he revise to swear loyalty.

Eamon Valda and the White Cloaks, children of the light, a blast form the past season one, Eamon torture Perrin because he is consider a monster, anyone who can channel is a monster for the White Cloaks, they have now take over the small village that Seachan Army and High Lady Suroth attacked.


The Wheel of Time: Damane - Season 2 - Episode 5 - RECAP -
The Wheel of Time: Damane – Season 2 – Episode 5 – RECAP –


When Perrin return to the Village with the intention of finding some of his friends or where they were taking, he free Aviendha who is a Maidem of the Spear, a great fighter that was capture by the White Cloaks and put on a cage, Perrin who has a great heart free her without knowing who she is but soon she show him her skills as a fighter, a fucking John Wick of the Spear putting down a good amount of White Cloaks when they surround them after Perrin free her, she is now in debt with him so she follow him where ever he goes.

The Wheel of Time: Damane - Season 2 - Episode 5 - RECAP -
The Wheel of Time: Damane – Season 2 – Episode 5 – RECAP –


The Wheel of Time: Damane - Season 2 - Episode 5 - RECAP -
The Wheel of Time: Damane – Season 2 – Episode 5 – RECAP –


Things start to unfold at The White Tower when Verin Mathwin gets back, there are rumors of Aes Sidai missing, she also went looking for Egwene and Nynaeve but they were no where to be found at the tower, she seek information on her two friends at the library who can get her more information about this reports, who got in and out of the tower but something is odd about the reports, like either someone fake the reports or use some sort of spell what they call a weave, in this case on Sheriam Sedai who wrote the report. This would only mean that there is a traitor between the lines of the Aes Sidai, someone join the dark power, one of her sisters.

The Wheel of Time: Damane - Season 2 - Episode 5 - RECAP -
The Wheel of Time: Damane – Season 2 – Episode 5 – RECAP –


At this point no body knows at The White Tower but the traitor is Liandrin, I have been thinking why she did it and there is only one answer, her son who is dying, she actually explain this to Nynaeve before knock her out and deliver her with Egwene and Elayne to High Lady Suroth by orders of Ishamael, Liandrin had some compassion for Nynaeve and before she left cut her ropes so they could have a chance to escape. This shows how Liandrin is not that bad but still a selfish traitor after all.


The Wheel of Time: Damane - Season 2 - Episode 5 - RECAP -
The Wheel of Time: Damane – Season 2 – Episode 5 – RECAP –


Verin Sedai caught Liandrin when she was coming back, of course Liandrin had alibi and brought some white asparagus to try to sweet Verin wiith but she already know something is cooking and is after the traitor, she doesn’t know yet Liandrin is guilty.


The Wheel of Time: Damane - Season 2 - Episode 5 - RECAP -
The Wheel of Time: Damane – Season 2 – Episode 5 – RECAP –


The Wheel of Time: Damane - Season 2 - Episode 5 - RECAP -
The Wheel of Time: Damane – Season 2 – Episode 5 – RECAP –


High Lady Suroth is just part of the army, she is not the one in power to dictate what their people do or not, in fact Ishamael is using her, High Lady Suroth doesn’t seem she can channel, nos sure how then they get to such high power probably just been part of a royal family. Ishamael was after the Horn of Valere and deliver it to the High Lord Turak who is commander for the Seachan Army, I dont know what is up with this people and long nails but it seems a symbol of high power among them, High Lady Suroth nails get trim because she disobey orders at invading land she was not suppose to but this was Ishamael plan all this time.

The Wheel of Time: Damane - Season 2 - Episode 5 - RECAP -
The Wheel of Time: Damane – Season 2 – Episode 5 – RECAP –


To calm down things and get on High Lord Turak good side, Ishamael not only offer The Horn of Valere as a gift but also brought a very powerful women, this was Egwene who gets put on a’dam, a very powerful collar and then a leach by her new master, I like this scene very much since Madeleine Madden did a great job at showing Egwene pain when she was put on the collar, it has some sort of power over those who can channel that makes Egwene scream in pain and put her on her knees without giving her any orders, just looks insane, also the way the collar turns into a half chest piece in a transformer way look so sick.

The Wheel of Time: Damane - Season 2 - Episode 5 - RECAP -
The Wheel of Time: Damane – Season 2 – Episode 5 – RECAP –


The Wheel of Time: Damane - Season 2 - Episode 5 - RECAP -
The Wheel of Time: Damane – Season 2 – Episode 5 – RECAP –


During the entire episode Moiraine and Rand were running from Lanfear until they got back to her home, at home was her sister and nephew who welcome both, Moiraine was running out of time and knew it was only a few days or hours before Lanfear find them, she once gave her sister an advice and that is to truly think if things are necessary, in this case means “Does Rand really needs to be protected from Lanfear?” even though he is not in control of his powers Lanfear would have kill him long time ago, been with Rand for three months and it was just fucking around, literally, so Moiraine throw him into the lion den, let Rand sleep so Lanfear can come to him that way they will find out her real plan, that’s the cover image for this post. - tv series divider

The Wheel of Time: Damane - Season 2 - Episode 5 - RECAP CONCLUSION -

There is really no excuse to think this TV Series is crap, its true that season two started very slow but it was necessary, even though the TV Series is not probably word by word close to the books they at least taking some time to not rush things, make it last as much as possible to develop the story at a pace that doesn’t feel they cutting corners like for example the Perrin story, it was about time his character get a bit more of screen time, same goes for Mat and I think they will on the next episodes, it cant be always Egwene, Nynaeve and Rand, so to balance things some episodes need to be a bit slower, for example episode five there was not much fighting but there was a lot of good drama and unfolding more of what Ishamael and High Lady Suroth want, that’s to take over Seachan, he is expecting Rand to join them at their city and be on their side too, WOT is just getting better and better.

I know I’m behind on this series but I love it and prefer to take my time to enjoy it, not staying up late during weekdays, I usually load up everything into my VR setup and watch all this TV Series on Saturdays when I stay home, relaxing.


The Wheel of Time: Damane - Season 2 - Episode 5 - RECAP PREV Episodes -

Episode 1:
Episode 2:
Episode 3:
Episode 4: - tv series divider

The Wheel of Time SEASON 2 TRAILER -

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Secret Invasion: Promises – Season 1 – Episode 2 – RECAP

Secret Invasion: Promises – Season 1 – Episode 2 – RECAP -
Secret Invasion: Promises – Season 1 – Episode 2 – RECAP –


Secret Invasion: Promises – Season 1 – Episode 2 – RECAP INTRODUCTION -

Until Episode Two I don’t see why Secret Invasion got so many bad reviews although considering how it did episode by episode on IMDB I’m probably soon to find out and already have that hunch that they rush the story to keep it short for who knows what reason, this min series only has six episodes why not make it ten if the problem was time but also have to consider how much did the Hollywood Strike affect the production of Secret Invasion, right now compare to the rest of the MCU TV Series is not that bad considering that there are two heavy hitters at the top with Loki and Moon Knight, been my favorite so far.

Episode two right out of the gate reveal me a few things I already had a suspicion, first is how Gravik and Nick Fury met, Gravik has this revolutionary mindset that usually comes from some one that has suffer a lot but also is brave enough to stand up and take the justice by his hands because that’s exactly what he has been doing so far, after Gravik lost his parents he was brought to Fury as a refugee at a young age, at the moment Fury saw Skrulls as agents with their special capability of shape shifting could be a great asset for his cause. Fury invites them to join him, this Skrulls were lead by Talos; and told them if they kept their promise to help him he will keep his side of the deal to make Earth their home too, this is were everything started with a promise that was never fulfill that’s when Gravik feels he was betrayed by Fury. - tv series divider
Secret Invasion: Promises – Season 1 – Episode 2 – RECAP EPISODE DETAILS -

Secret Invasion: Promises – Season 1 – Episode 2 – RECAP -
Secret Invasion: Promises – Season 1 – Episode 2 – RECAP –


Secret Invasion: Promises – Season 1 – Episode 2 – RECAP -
Secret Invasion: Promises – Season 1 – Episode 2 – RECAP –


“..keep my home safe…we will find you a new one” this is what Fury told this group of Skrulls when he invite them to his cause but Fury is a bag full of tricks, he never said Earth was going to be their home and also never mention how long it would take, I don’t want to say he took advantage of their need to stay safe at Earth and not be hunted but they probably underestimate the situation and didn’t know exactly who they were making a deal with, Fury is a SPY, you can’t fully trust him, its all over the problem that Banner had with Natasha even if they love each other, even Natasha would not trust herself, that’s how you need to treat anyone working for a government or special agency. Skrulls probably wanted faster results than what he was delivering, after the blip Fury was one of the many Thanos made disappear and it took time for the Avengers to bring everyone back plus when Fury was back he started on a new project to build a space station so consider the was gone for over six years, during that time Gravik kept growing wit the uncertainty that his people will ever find a planet they could call home so why not take over Earth?

Secret Invasion: Promises – Season 1 – Episode 2 – RECAP -
Secret Invasion: Promises – Season 1 – Episode 2 – RECAP –



After the bombing in Russia Talos safe Fury, latter on revelations kept coming up and during a train ride they were both in Fury start talking about a game he play with his mom as a kid “Tell me somthing I dont know”, from that moment Talos should know better, Fury was about to brake him in pieces before he knew it and ask the key question “Tell me something I dont know about the Skrulls that fled” to what Talos answer they are all here a million Skrulls, obviously there must be more than a million now so the real question is how many are with Gravik and what is their current power position in human society. We already saw there are some powerful Skrulls that could get their hands on bombs and who knows what else, they had the time and special skills to infiltrate humans to the point they could even infiltrate governments deeply, but Skrulls are not violent by nature so they try to coexist with humans.

Secret Invasion: Promises – Season 1 – Episode 2 – RECAP -
Secret Invasion: Promises – Season 1 – Episode 2 – RECAP –


From what I have seen so far it seems that G’iah is not on Gravik’s close group, even though he does not trust anyone he does have some Skrulls who he assign important missions, G’iah is basically running errands him some of them important but she is not in charge of anything very important, on this episode she starts to get a grip of how dangerous he can be, so far she only imagine but now starts to see from first hand how Gravik would go to kill their own kind if he feels there is a slight chance they lying to him, on Gravik mission there is no room for treason.

Secret Invasion: Promises – Season 1 – Episode 2 – RECAP -
Secret Invasion: Promises – Season 1 – Episode 2 – RECAP –


Secret Invasion: Promises – Season 1 – Episode 2 – RECAP -
Secret Invasion: Promises – Season 1 – Episode 2 – RECAP –


G’iah is willing to work with her father Talos after there last chat but that is something I not a fan of because at first she was all revolutionary and had a fix mind of new Skrullos and after one meeting with Talos she has now change sides and is trying to play the double agent, sneaking around Gravik’s base and got the room where scientist are trying to work on a DNA to make Skrulls stronger, this is the same room we see Gravik throw Furry in.

Secret Invasion: Promises – Season 1 – Episode 2 – RECAP -
Secret Invasion: Promises – Season 1 – Episode 2 – RECAP –


Secret Invasion: Promises – Season 1 – Episode 2 – RECAP -
Secret Invasion: Promises – Season 1 – Episode 2 – RECAP –


Having Fury on every camera when the bombing in Russia happen was not the best advertisement for the USA, they now after his ass and the only reason he is not in jail or dead is because Talos safe him but it seems that the US Goverment also wants him out of the equation, in a meeting with Rhodey; Fury try to explain things of how everything really went down but the political damage is done and there is no way to erase it, so Fury play his last card telling Rhodey about the Skrulls and how an invasion is going on but he didn’t care, remember Rhodey is a soldier who obey orders but only at extreme during extreme circumstances bend but not break the rules same thing happen in Avengers: End Game. Rhodey notify Fury he is out but he didn’t like the news and went all Nick Fury on Rhodey “Even when I’m out I’m In”. I think its understandable he feels this way because he has no control of whats going on, that’s his thing been steps ahead of everyone but he is fighting an enemy that he can’t see, a million shape shifters that could be Rhodey himself.

Secret Invasion: Promises – Season 1 – Episode 2 – RECAP -
Secret Invasion: Promises – Season 1 – Episode 2 – RECAP –


Secret Invasion: Promises – Season 1 – Episode 2 – RECAP -
Secret Invasion: Promises – Season 1 – Episode 2 – RECAP –


Closing the episode another great scene from the trailer happen, that’s when Sonya from MI6 shows up to a Butcher Shop where Russians held a Skrull inside the freezer at the back of the Shop good old fashion scene with the pigs hanging cut in half but they could not make the guy talk, this is a Skrull they caught after the bombing, so first thing Sonya does is make sure he is a Skrull by cutting a finger, the moment the finger is separated from the body it turns to its natural skin so now that she knows who she is dealing with next is to use an injection that will raise his blood temperature, as a reptile or human this is NO BUENO but I guess for a reptile might be worst and thats the guy at the top on the post cover boiling from the inside.
Eventually Gravik shows up to the place to rescue him but it was too late, he could not resist to Sonya torture and didn’t want her to inject him anymore but at that point he already gave the names of the scientist behind the experiments to create a new generation of Skrulls, Super Skrulls, G’iah also did some digging on the name Rosa Dalton at their local database, she found experiments with roots, beasts but could not continue reading since Gravik came into the room at that moment, its like he feels when someone is lying to him but still doesn’t caught G’iah.

Secret Invasion: Promises – Season 1 – Episode 2 – RECAP -
Secret Invasion: Promises – Season 1 – Episode 2 – RECAP –


Like it was not enough about the lying to each other species, Fury comes back home his very own house on Earth and he is married to a Skrull, nothing against that but if it wasn’t for Talos they would never met now the question is, is that really Nick Fury holding his weeding ring next to his Skrull wife or is he another Skrull? for now I will keep it simple and believe that is Fury. - tv series divider

Secret Invasion: Promises – Season 1 – Episode 2 – RECAP CONCLUSION -

In my opinion great episode but keep in mind I am NOT a Marvel geek so I do not now if this story is close to the comics or not, still great episode now that we get to know a few more things about Talos and Fury, those were the two characters that reveal the most important information in this episode because with a million Skrulls, starting number; how many is Fury facing? and Fury’s wife been a Skrull that even make me doubt on what side will Fury be at the end of the battle, but that was just the last scene so we don’t know if she knows anything about the invasion and what is her stand about it.

Everything else was just drama about what happen in Russian, pure speculation and aftermath of countries debate if USA had anything to do with the bombing or not just because Fury was there and then USA giving Fury its back, trying to shut him down, probably on episode three and four we get more information about this experiments and the Super Skrulls, probably even see them battling, we already know Gravik is one of them from the trailer.

Secret Invasion: Promises – Season 1 – Episode 2 – RECAP PREV Episodes -

Episode 1: - tv series divider

Secret Invasion Mini Series TRAILER -

#skiptvads #tvseries #tvaddicts #tvseriesblog #cinetv #hive #ecency #waves #secretinvasion #marvel #mcu #nickfury #shield #talos #skrulls