For All Mankind: Have a Nice Sol – Season 04 – Episode 02 – RECAP

For All Mankind: Have a Nice Sol – Season 04 – Episode 02 – RECAP -
For All Mankind: Have a Nice Sol – Season 04 – Episode 02 – RECAP –


For All Mankind: Have a Nice Sol – Season 04 – Episode 02 – RECAPINTRODUCTION -

Season four rotates around the asteroid they failed to drag to Mars on the first episode but there is more to the asteroid, this is probably the story that will make season four more interesting rather than been just about a space tv series and its how hard life is on Mars specially now that they are starting to build and maintain an infrastructure.

Since the trailer I had that feeling that Miles was probably going to be the star of the show and also a pain in the ass for some at Happy Valey, you obviously got all the space colony story as the main pipe and then branches that develop around it like Miles, Kelly, Aleida, Margo, this other side stories are starting to take shape with Kelly and Aleida potentially teaming, for Aleida looking for a purpose to keep pushing her career as an engineer since she cant stand been at NASA anymore after the bombing and Kelly project open the door for a new opportunity and Margo almost a prisoner at Russia has a lot more to develop and it would not be strange if we see her take more participation at the Russia Space Program under extreme circumstances she gets that call to go work with them meaning she will work with NASA at some point, second attempt to drag the meteoroid to Mars will take a few episodes and its going to be an intense one, they will need their most experience people working on that plus I remember on the trailer Aleida told Dev they just found the biggest asteroid ever so I wonder when will she start to work with Dev?? - tv series divider
For All Mankind: Have a Nice Sol – Season 04 – Episode 02 – RECAP EPISODE DETAILS -

For All Mankind: Have a Nice Sol – Season 04 – Episode 02 – RECAP -
For All Mankind: Have a Nice Sol – Season 04 – Episode 02 – RECAP –


Episode four is not about Edwin or Danielle, actually there is very little they do during this episode. I have to mention at times I really don’t like their make up, that age makeup is bad, its not convincing at all plus their cringe looks and smiles I just hate it but for some people might be iconic and just stick, just my opinion on that. Danielle does go to Mars to get things together and in fact Eli was not wrong, Edwin has been doing a shitty job at Happy Valley, he might bee a talented pilot but when it comes to manage a crew in this case as big as Happy Valley is, he is doing things so wrong, make those who work and maintain the base so shitty with things like food, facilities, even internet bandwidth.

For All Mankind: Have a Nice Sol – Season 04 – Episode 02 – RECAP -
For All Mankind: Have a Nice Sol – Season 04 – Episode 02 – RECAP –


Season Four Mr. Miles Dale hits the wall the moment he gets his first instructions, he was hired to be a fuel tech, working on the surface, but now with the asteroid project on hold they don’t have a place for most of the workers that were suppose to be on that project, this doesn’t necessarily puts him out of job but eventually becomes a problem latter on.

For All Mankind: Have a Nice Sol – Season 04 – Episode 02 – RECAP -
For All Mankind: Have a Nice Sol – Season 04 – Episode 02 – RECAP –


Miles instantly finds out life at Happy Valley is very shitty, things not working for weeks and management doesn’t do shit about it when he and others do have to maintain and repair things for others around the base, he can’t get any emails or videos from his wife and girls since bandwidth is capped with them on the short side of the rope, food is expensive and shitty and since he is not working the position he was hired for he has been relocated leaving him at a job position that is less profitable, he is now making less money than he was doing on Earth, Miles does have a record of not generating enough income to sustain his family and the reason for his marriage to be next to the end, going to Mars was a last resource to get things back together but this situation gets him to the edge of the cliff.

For All Mankind: Have a Nice Sol – Season 04 – Episode 02 – RECAP -
For All Mankind: Have a Nice Sol – Season 04 – Episode 02 – RECAP –


At least Miles makes a few new friends that are in the same situation financially but have enough time at Happy Valley that they have learn how to survive and make the entire situation work for them, Samantha on the left who was friends with Tom who died on the first episode, she is on a more similar situation to Miles since her husband divorce her when she went to Mars, lost a friend at the base already and is financially struggling so its like she has no other place to go, with nothing left at Earth she could easy stay at Mars for ever if you think about it, after all that’s the idea to start a colony at a new planet so for some of the them going back to Earth makes no sense.

For All Mankind: Have a Nice Sol – Season 04 – Episode 02 – RECAP -
For All Mankind: Have a Nice Sol – Season 04 – Episode 02 – RECAP –


Miles roommates show him how to forget his troubles at Mars, Ilya runs an undercover bar where he makes Vodka and runs his smuggling operation, selling better quality items than what the base sell to the workers, one of the reasons Miles is making less money is because he has to pay for everything at the base too, including uniform and other items provided by the base, some of them very basics in terms of quality so Ilya has find a way to bring better quality items form Earth and sell them to the rest of the workers running a highly profitable operation.

For All Mankind: Have a Nice Sol – Season 04 – Episode 02 – RECAP -
For All Mankind: Have a Nice Sol – Season 04 – Episode 02 – RECAP –


Besides the Miles story the only other thing that I found interesting is how Kelly has work for months developing a robot to find micro bacteria in Mars, this would help them find places where life was or is and there they can start research how to make Mars a more pleasant and sustainable planet rather than living inside a can with the rest of the planet outside, at the moment they only have two things in favor and that’s gravity and land but Mars lacks all the other qualities of Earth like breathable air, water, plants, that’s why Kelly research is so important but its put on hold because all resources are into the asteroid project. - tv series divider

For All Mankind: Have a Nice Sol – Season 04 – Episode 02 – RECAP CONCLUSION -

Not a AAA episode but was still good, I give it a 7/10, the Miles story is not hard to figure out how it will develop, its a funny template that I have seen many other times on other TV series and movies, he is not a trouble maker although is a rebel a free soul, he can be instruct what to do but when things do go on his favor he will fight back and find a way to make things work out for him and that is exactly what is going to happen, on episode two after he face the problem that he cant communicate with his family and is been under pay of what he was promise intermediately raise his concern with superiors who didn’t listen to him, its just a matter of time before he starts to look a way out of this situation, lucky him the satellite that handles the comms got fix by Danielle orders because Edwin would never fix it, he had other priorities and since only workers were affected and not higher management talking pilots, engineers, cosmonauts, he was OK with it but Danielle did notice this could affect the base emotionally, Danielle is a better leader than Edwin, he is just a great pilot but has no idea how to manage a crew and not in the long run like he has been doing staying at Mars for two years.

Episode two was not necessary slow but we didn’t get any of the space action, I don’t think there will be any with the asteroid project still on hold, probably just simulations or testing on how to get that project done and for the next two episodes we will see side stories like the ones I mention develop more, Kelly and Aleida finish the episode with the intention to look for private funding for Kelly project and Margo seem to be arrested at Russia but not much details about it on this episode, still very entertaining, when you watch a TV series this good, slow episodes are just fine and are usually a solid 7, still good enough.


For All Mankind: Have a Nice Sol – Season 04 – Episode 02 – RECAP PREV Episodes -

Episode 1: - tv series divider


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Dead Ringers – Season 1 – Episode 4 – RECAP


Dead Ringers - Season 1 - Episode 4 - RECAP INTRODUCTION -

Beverly finally gets pregnant but seems is not good news for everyone, not for Elliot and in a way not even for Genevieve since this news will be the catapult for an entire evening of madness.

On episode four a few theories I had are now proven and openly said by the characters, there was this half lie Beverly said to Genevieve that had a sword hanging over her head, Genevieve once ask her “I have only slept with you rigth?” Beverly said yes but never told her how they actually got together and Elliot finally said it, she is in love with her sister, this is something was assumed but so far she haven’t said it, Beverly been pregnant is them having a baby not just helping her sister to have a baby, Elliot has always been in love with her sister probably since they were Childs and never separated.

I really enjoy this episode format to change a bit, it felt like every day was a sketch, dark humor if I have to describe it to the point they hurt each other but still keep living together, they even do the same thing with their parents, at the end of the episode even their mother told Beverly how bad of a mom she was and that she will be bad at been a mom too, without any remorse just stone cold drop it on her. - tv series divider
Dead Ringers - Season 1 - Episode 4 - RECAP EPISODE DETAILS -


The episode opens up with the twins spending a week with their parents, they have come to visit and seem to be amaze about what the girls have accomplish, at least that’s the concept, if you mute the episode and play this scene that’s what you might think but it felt different either like they disagree on what they doing or even felt its all wrong but they still want to support the girls at least their father wanted them to feel this way. Their parents refuse to get a tour, see the babies and even her mother asks a particular question “what happens to the mothers when they go home?” this clearly tells me they don’t necessarily agree with what the girls doing on the birth center, it would be worst if they knew about Elliot experiments.

The twins parents on this episode for me was just to fill in space, I don’t think they will be relevant for the rest of the story once they go back home, besides the twins are not close to them and that probably has to be with the fact that their mom was not a great mother, latter on the episode she clearly explain how she was never enough for the twins and at a point abandon them with her father but he stand strong and kept them all together, probably why Elliot likes him so much.

Elliot is still living the trauma of killings someone but she never did, she probably got so much coke that night that she remain high, like something broke on her brain that night.


Elliot has been assisting church, even the Devil knows God exist so why not Elliot, she cant get over her recent trauma when she push a neighbor over the balcony but there was no body after, she went down stairs and nothing, it was like she dream it, that night she was extremely high on coke but it keeps hunting her so she goes to church to get rid of this thoughts.


Lots of things happen during this episode but its still heavy on Elliot, Beverly is just part of the crew of the ship and Elliot the captain, Beverly finally gets pregnant and will have a baby with Genevieve but at the same time it looks like Elliot finally did it too, she manage to keep an embryo alive longer than she have been able to in the past, this was suppose to be their baby Elliot and Beverly’s baby and so they would stay together at least that’s how Elliot envision it.




I had to triple stack them, Elliot dropping BOMBS on their birthday party, it was the twins birthday and her mom make cake for them at home, had a few people invited obviously there was Genevieve, Tom and why would they invite Joseph? they hate that guy. as I have been mention everything goes around Elliot and on this party she couldn’t hold it anymore, she had to vent out, most people may thing she was mean to Beverly and the rest but only Beverly knows this is normal Elliot behavior, the truth comes out that everything she does is to please Beverly, the birthing center, the baby, Genevieve and all because she is in love with her own sister. Genevieve always thought Elliot wanted to have her but in reality Elliot got her for Beverly and what she says is true because most of the time its Beverly asking Elliot to cover for her that’s when they loose or tie their hair, the only distinctive between them, Elliot explode after not only discovering Beverly was pregnant and not because of her I mean in terms of procedure plus she is planning to move out with Genevieve so she basically throw her under the bus with their parents and let the world set on fire without clearly thinking the repercussions.

If we think about it a bit Beverly has the same character as Elliot but its hidden, it only comes out when she is really pissed off like when they were asking Rebecca to invest on their project, Beverly snaps and that’s when usually Elliot keeps laughing at the situation but this rarely happens, instead Beverly use Elliot indirectly to get shit out of her bucket, things she is not comfortable with and been Elliot like she is, she doesn’t care doing this things for Beverly but mostly because she loves her, a very toxic love. - tv series divider

Dead Ringers - Season 1 - Episode 4 - RECAP CONCLUSION -

All this drama stories seem to be braking the egg shell on the forth episode, I don’t know if this is a pattern or a technique but same thing happens with A Small Light and The Patient where important events happen that changes everything for example on Dead Ringers now Beverly got pregnant, Elliot embryo at the lab is over 58 days, Genevieve knows Elliot was the one who got her for Beverly, so we are not the suspense of this things to happen anymore so what is going to be the new big thing on the series? because the birthing center is done too something they were fighting for on the first three episodes. The only thing comes to mind is that form now on they probably going to have a ton of problems at work because of their argument with Joseph, I don’t worry about their parents because I think they are irrelevant on this story, the twins like them but don’t need them and that’s the same for their parents. Beverly is going to try to get back with Genevieve but I don’t feel that adds a strong argument to the drama so for me its like part of the series just ended and we starting fresh with the twins both single again and both with baby’s although both babies are Beverly’s.

Dead Ringers - Season 1 PREV Episodes -

Episode 1:
Episode 2:
Episode 3: - tv series divider

ead Ringers - Season 1 TRAILER -

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