The Walking Dead – Dead City: Stories We Tell Ourselves – Season 1 – Episode 5 – RECAP

The Walking Dead - Dead City: Stories We Tell Ourselves - Season 1 - Episode 5 - RECAP -
The Walking Dead – Dead City: Stories We Tell Ourselves – Season 1 – Episode 5 – RECAP –


The Walking Dead - Dead City: Stories We Tell Ourselves - Season 1 - Episode 5 - RECAP INTRODUCTION -

Usually on Saturday I only post once but today I wanted to do a back to back Walking Dead Spin Off post since there is the Mexico GP I want to write about but also want to continue this two series I’m about to finish specially because there is another spin off about to start next year.

Episode three of Dead City was pack with action when Maggie, Negan, Tomaso and Amaia try to take over the stadium where The Croat was but it all look odd how nothing went according to their plan, I get that Ginny fucked up half of the plan but still it was like The Croat had everything plan to slip away leaving them behind fighting a mass of Zombies inside the stadium, main characters got away but the rest of the crew that was with them not, Negan end up splitting because after been the bait to lure The Croat out he ended as the prey, he is an old silver fox so he knows how to defend himself and survive but it was a different story for Amaia and Tommaso who took the sewers as their route to escape from the stadium, it was full of Zombies but there were some really weird things down there like an entire wall of flesh and fat don’t know from what exactly and then this three on one Zombie on the cover image, on this episode a couple of things that were reveal start to give closure and sense to season one of Dead City, opening the door to Season Two that has been approve already coming up next year but it would depend if Hollywood strike ends. - tv series divider
The Walking Dead - Dead City: Stories We Tell Ourselves - Season 1 - Episode 5 - RECAP EPISODE DETAILS -

The Walking Dead - Dead City: Stories We Tell Ourselves - Season 1 - Episode 5 - RECAP -
The Walking Dead – Dead City: Stories We Tell Ourselves – Season 1 – Episode 5 – RECAP –


After everyone try to look their way out of the stadium Negan end up been prisoner of Marshal Armstrong who even after he safe him from the void, The Croat throw Perlie of the stairs to the void showing some good faith to Negan; I mention on my previous post that it was like he wanted to be friends with Negan but you never know with this crazy bastards it might all be a trick to get you, thats how you survive.

Negan tries to get into Perlie good side, remind him how he safe him from The Croat, how he can get a boat so both get out of the island but Perlie has everything figure out, after all he knows very well New York, he was from the Bronx and knew he need no boat, all the need was the dock that floats, he is getting Negan justice one way or another.

The Walking Dead - Dead City: Stories We Tell Ourselves - Season 1 - Episode 5 - RECAP -
The Walking Dead – Dead City: Stories We Tell Ourselves – Season 1 – Episode 5 – RECAP –


The Walking Dead - Dead City: Stories We Tell Ourselves - Season 1 - Episode 5 - RECAP -
The Walking Dead – Dead City: Stories We Tell Ourselves – Season 1 – Episode 5 – RECAP –


They kept going on their way to the dock so they could get out of the island but at a point they were cornered by Zombies, force them to get into what looks like a school, inside the find the remaining of a person who suicide, most likely was alone and could not handle the situation, either out of food, water, alone and setup a stand with books that held an ax, there was a bottle probably of some kind of booze next the corps on a table, this remind Perlie of his brother who he recently discover dead in his old apartment, his brother did something similar and left back a letter. It must be a very exhausting situation living like this, you don’t know when its going to end, you constantly have to look for food, watch out for your safety because not only Zombies want to eat you but humans might want to eat you too or raid your place, probably worst than living in a place at war.

The Walking Dead - Dead City: Stories We Tell Ourselves - Season 1 - Episode 5 - RECAP -
The Walking Dead – Dead City: Stories We Tell Ourselves – Season 1 – Episode 5 – RECAP –


Negan has change and its not the same man he once was, I kept saying this through all episodes, he tries to escape from Perlie but at some point he catch up although was not in a position to fight Negan, Perlie is hurt badly on a leg and might get caught easy by Zombies, Negan stops and help him, not been the man he use to be is going to become a problem for him soon, I think this might happen sooner on episode six.

The Walking Dead - Dead City: Stories We Tell Ourselves - Season 1 - Episode 5 - RECAP -
The Walking Dead – Dead City: Stories We Tell Ourselves – Season 1 – Episode 5 – RECAP –


The Walking Dead - Dead City: Stories We Tell Ourselves - Season 1 - Episode 5 - RECAP -
The Walking Dead – Dead City: Stories We Tell Ourselves – Season 1 – Episode 5 – RECAP –


Tommaso, Amaia, Maggie and Ginny are walking through the sewers, trying to get as far as possible form the stadium and here is where everything comes to light, on second image above Tommaso goes behind one of this barrels, take of his backpack to pull something out of it.

The Walking Dead - Dead City: Stories We Tell Ourselves - Season 1 - Episode 5 - RECAP -
The Walking Dead – Dead City: Stories We Tell Ourselves – Season 1 – Episode 5 – RECAP –


The Walking Dead - Dead City: Stories We Tell Ourselves - Season 1 - Episode 5 - RECAP -
The Walking Dead – Dead City: Stories We Tell Ourselves – Season 1 – Episode 5 – RECAP –


Turns out he is now the luckiest man in the entire Zombie Apocalypse, he just found two full bottles of oxygen with their mask and everything but he didn’t count that Maggie was way more sharp than he is and saw him taking the oxygen bottles out of his backpack, then she starts connecting the dots and figure out it was him who told The Croat about the plan, it was Tommaso all this time and that’s how The Croat got away and they stay trapped, when they were all corner at the stadium inside the octagon he was the only one missing at some point and came from the back to help them, this was no coincidence, he might not know exactly how things were going to happen but was way more steps ahead than the rest so that make him look like the mighty hero of the night, saving everyone ass. Maggie end his theater and take off the mask, letting Amaia know all the truth but latter on her pants got on fire too liar liar, pants on fire.

The Walking Dead - Dead City: Stories We Tell Ourselves - Season 1 - Episode 5 - RECAP -
The Walking Dead – Dead City: Stories We Tell Ourselves – Season 1 – Episode 5 – RECAP –


They had no other option and kept going, is not like they would go back or stay there, on this series every single man or women that act as a cheap bitch, a sell out, a snitch dies one way or another and some times pay back is so sweet, the sewers not only were full or dead bodies but some of them were Zombies, they walk and walk without finding any troubles until they took a rest because of all the methane. While they were taking a rest there was another big revelation, Tommaso told Maggie the truth about why he did it, The Croat promise him a place to stay in mainland, a place where everything was made of brick, guess what that place is? Hill Top, now Maggie has no other option to get Hershel and fly out of there is possible as fast as she can to get everyone ready at home to defend themself.

The Walking Dead - Dead City: Stories We Tell Ourselves - Season 1 - Episode 5 - RECAP -
The Walking Dead – Dead City: Stories We Tell Ourselves – Season 1 – Episode 5 – RECAP –


The Walking Dead - Dead City: Stories We Tell Ourselves - Season 1 - Episode 5 - RECAP -
The Walking Dead – Dead City: Stories We Tell Ourselves – Season 1 – Episode 5 – RECAP –


It was there when the took a rest when they got attacked, Tommaso and Amaia got the worst part of it, Tommaso got Amaia killed because if it wasn’t for him then probably the would not be down the sewers, he also got attacked and bitten on his neck badly, it was only Ginny and Maggie left but then Mr. Zombie, the one at the cover of this post; show up while Maggie got her foot stuck inside one of the corps laying down, leaving her still and all he could do was lay on her back and try to defend from this mutated Zombie, it look like someone put it together but would not be strange if Zombies remains could get stuck between them, its like there is a pile of them and they are so rotten they can go through each other but at some point get stuck inside another Zombie’s body, at least that’s how I think it could happen because Zombies do not grow or regenerate, all they can do is disintegrate, rot or turn apart.

The Walking Dead - Dead City: Stories We Tell Ourselves - Season 1 - Episode 5 - RECAP -
The Walking Dead – Dead City: Stories We Tell Ourselves – Season 1 – Episode 5 – RECAP –


All this time I have been thinking that Ginny only came back for Negan to be with him because she didn’t like Hill Top but that was not the only reason, when she was escaping Ginny was near a Silo and Maggie kept telling Negan how The Croat tool all their grain but at the Hill Top when she arrive they had food so before she hop on the dirt bike an escape she check the Silo and it was full. Maggie kills the six foot tall Zombie but she was exhausted and out of oxygen until she got out of a tunnel to escape, same tunnel that Ginny took and wrote on the wall LIAR, it was at this moment that Ginny knows something, probably not everything but something that can lead Negan to the real reason she wanted Negan to help her.

The Walking Dead - Dead City: Stories We Tell Ourselves - Season 1 - Episode 5 - RECAP -
The Walking Dead – Dead City: Stories We Tell Ourselves – Season 1 – Episode 5 – RECAP –


The Walking Dead - Dead City: Stories We Tell Ourselves - Season 1 - Episode 5 - RECAP -
The Walking Dead – Dead City: Stories We Tell Ourselves – Season 1 – Episode 5 – RECAP –


I really like this kind of scenes where you don’t know what the fuck is going on but something is cooking. The Croat gave Maggie the Wanted Man flyer where Negan show up, he took Hershel; her son so she get him Negan, this is still and unknown reason for me same way as he visits this women who was inside a theater with another bunch of people, she looks like the one running town and both want Negan although I cant figure out why. Its like she wants Negan to lead her people or an army, she was reading a book of The European Conquest of Native American, so that takes me to this conclusion, she is preparing for something big, probably to defend themself from getting conquered from mainland. - tv series divider

The Walking Dead - Dead City: Stories We Tell Ourselves - Season 1 - Episode 5 - RECAP CONCLUSION -

Different than Daryl Dixon spin off, Dead City is turning to be very good TV Series, entertain, traitors left and right, people lying to each other to try to survive thinking they have an advantage to the guy next to them but its actually not the case, that’s how so far has been between Maggie and Negan, also Tommaso and Amaia close to the end but they were not lucky enough to survive, The Croat has been playing all of them all this time and the one that knows the less out of all of them is Negan so I guess how is he going to react once he discover the truth, at least Maggies real plan, at some point the good old Negan is coming back and who knows if Lucile shows up too, that would be a proper ending to this season or start for season two.


The Walking Dead - Dead City: Stories We Tell Ourselves - Season 1 - Episode 5 - RECAP PREV Episodes -

Episode 1:
Episode 2:
Episode 3:
Episode 4: - tv series divider

The Walking Dead - Dead City - SEASON 1 TRAILER -

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The Walking Dead – Dead City : Who’s There? – Season 1 – Episode 2 – RECAP

The Walking Dead - Dead City : Who's There? – Season 1 – Episode 2 – RECAP -
The Walking Dead – Dead City : Who’s There? – Season 1 – Episode 2 – RECAP –


The Walking Dead - Dead City : Who's There? – Season 1 – Episode 2 – RECAP INTRODUCTION -

This is one of those series where people will be expecting for it to be as good as the original, The Walking Dead; but everything is different on its own way, some of the characters might be the same but there are new stories, new motives, now zombies are not the topic at hand but people themself, I think for the most part of the original series, the last seasons; most likely were not about the Zombies and that’s when part of the audience abandon the series but those who were fan of the charterers carry on. Starting next month October I’m planing on starting to watch a few long series like The Walking Dead, series I never finish mostly due to the amount of episodes but its been years trying to appreciate TV Series and I think I can now finish it.

That is Dead City, its about the characters and not about the Zombies anymore, its very unlikely that characters on the series will be killed because Zombies got them, for the most part it will be because they were betray, left behind, were hurt, many other reasons but not because they got chase and trap by Zombies. Negan and Maggie are going and learning this jungle that is Manhattan but at the same time they are going to know each other better, they got a lot of story between them but have never work as a team, like now; both with a common goal and assets on the line like the kids they want to protect, but Maggie probably didn’t know both sides of Negan, she only knew the monster who killed her husband.

Negan is and old dog now, he was retired, but still has a bag full of tricks, Maggie and him are after The Croat, in a city that is not their own, they don’t know it but as he once mention, he knows how The Croat operates, after all it was him who train him, he had one chance to put him down once he saw what a savage he was but he miss, he also shows on a few scenes, when Esther was killed Negan didn’t went nuts and blew his brains out mediated but instead he did what he does best, put up a show for his friends and let them know who is the big dog. - tv series divider
The Walking Dead - Dead City : Who's There? – Season 1 – Episode 2 – RECAP EPISODE DETAILS -

The Walking Dead - Dead City : Who's There? – Season 1 – Episode 2 – RECAP -
The Walking Dead – Dead City : Who’s There? – Season 1 – Episode 2 – RECAP –


The Walking Dead - Dead City : Who's There? – Season 1 – Episode 2 – RECAP -
The Walking Dead – Dead City : Who’s There? – Season 1 – Episode 2 – RECAP –


On Dead City there is a zip line system between buildings that people use to move from one to another, Maggie stuff was taking by a strange lady and they don’t know where they going, they just start chasing her but at the same time Zombies are getting closer, here hit me a original series flash back, was the perfect opportunity for Negan to stab her in the back and not throw her back the slider and let her probably get eaten or just ran away but he didn’t, Negan has no agenda on this series, he just want to stay away from the Marshall that is after him and go back with Giny and make sure she is safe.

The Walking Dead - Dead City : Who's There? – Season 1 – Episode 2 – RECAP -
The Walking Dead – Dead City : Who’s There? – Season 1 – Episode 2 – RECAP –


Esther was the first person who was friendly to them in Manhattan, once they got to her now they met Tommaso and Amaia, at that point they don’t know what to think about them but have a feeling they are not with The Croat, Amaia is the brains, Tommaso the muscle and both are leader to a small group of survivors against The Croat but this Negan and Maggie don’t know yet.

The Walking Dead - Dead City : Who's There? – Season 1 – Episode 2 – RECAP -
The Walking Dead – Dead City : Who’s There? – Season 1 – Episode 2 – RECAP –


Maggie and Negan are put into time out until Tommaso and Amaia figure out who they really are, Maggie is on a hurry because she wants to get Hershel, her son; back from The Croat and Negan he already know how this works, he invented the game, so patiently waits and avoid confrontation as they were disarm and out number. In this room Negan explains Maggie who The Croat was, how he took him into his brother hood, called him Buraz (brother), but Negan had no idea the monster that The Croat was, Negan different than him was a man who only act when it was necessary but The Croat was different, he knew to sniff people and figure out what they were after if not he would make them speak one way or another, methods that Negan didn’t agree at first but were useful in the world they were living until one day The Croat went too far, a girl, a drifter who Negan felt was not a threat to them but The Croat felt different and despite Negan direct order he killed her, a kid, in his own words “rabid dog that needed to be put down” that’s when Negan knew this man was a train wreck, tried to put a bullet to his head but he missed and only blew up his ear.

The Walking Dead - Dead City : Who's There? – Season 1 – Episode 2 – RECAP -
The Walking Dead – Dead City : Who’s There? – Season 1 – Episode 2 – RECAP –


The Walking Dead - Dead City : Who's There? – Season 1 – Episode 2 – RECAP -
The Walking Dead – Dead City : Who’s There? – Season 1 – Episode 2 – RECAP –


The Burazi (The Croat’s people) got to their place so Nega, Maggie, Tommaso and Amaia had to pick up things and run away but Esther got caught by one of them and killed by one of the Burazi, don’t what their orders were but kept repeating “Doma smo”, in Croatian (Google translate) “We are at home”, this is when Negan knew it was time to play some mind games.

The Walking Dead - Dead City : Who's There? – Season 1 – Episode 2 – RECAP -
The Walking Dead – Dead City : Who’s There? – Season 1 – Episode 2 – RECAP –


The Walking Dead - Dead City : Who's There? – Season 1 – Episode 2 – RECAP -
The Walking Dead – Dead City : Who’s There? – Season 1 – Episode 2 – RECAP –


Negan takes the Burazi that killed Esther, kick his ass and went to the room the rest of them were, starts a knock knock joke and then cut his neck and guts out, creating a thunderstorm of blood on top of the Burazi, you really need to be a bad ass to not get intimidated by Negan’s actions, a man who can cut up some one this easy without thinking twice is dangerous and wont stop until he gets what he wants. This is what Negan meant when he told Maggie he knew when he had to act to protect his people, in this moment he was at work performing to protect Maggie and the rest, this shocked her since she was looking when Negan cut up the Burazi.

The Walking Dead - Dead City : Who's There? – Season 1 – Episode 2 – RECAP -
The Walking Dead – Dead City : Who’s There? – Season 1 – Episode 2 – RECAP –


The Walking Dead - Dead City : Who's There? – Season 1 – Episode 2 – RECAP -
The Walking Dead – Dead City : Who’s There? – Season 1 – Episode 2 – RECAP –


While Maggie and Negan were risking their lives at Manhattan there was Giny, who was staying safe at Hiltop, Maggie’s home town; but she was not feeling welcome neither ok staying there, she wants to be with Negan for some reason and there is something on Giny probably learn from Negan, to read people and I think there is something more than what Maggie said about The Croat, Maggie at first mention The Croat took all their grain and her son to make sure Hiltop keeps bringing in more supplies to when ever the Burazi comes back, Giny runs away and is now on her way to Negan. I wonder how she going to locate them, they are in Manhattan, had to cross a big river, may be she finds a boat too but in such large city how she going to find them? its TV after all so anything can happen. - tv series divider

The Walking Dead - Dead City : Who's There? – Season 1 – Episode 2 – RECAP CONCLUSION -

The Walking Dead - Dead City : Who's There? – Season 1 – Episode 2 – RECAP -
The Walking Dead – Dead City : Who’s There? – Season 1 – Episode 2 – RECAP –

I like how the city is presented, looks like a jungle that will eat you up, just like most cities in Asia with dense population, except here the population is dead but can still eat you, reminds me The Last of Us where the city was also infected and cover up with vegetation. This episode is the clear example of how the story rewinds and start to unfold what probably many didn’t think about, why Negan was the man he was, what happen to him that he turn that way because on The Walking Dead when he killed Maggie’s husband that was probably one of the coldest scenes ever on the series, slam him with the bat right on the head in front of the rest of the prisoners, Maggie been one of them, but he did all this to protect his people. Even after all this years while Maggie has also become more strong and though than others she is not a Negan level, she saw how the big dog turns on the switch and step up when needed, we now have to sides at war, Amaia and Tommaso will most likely take in Maggie and Negan, help them to kill The Croat or at least try because I’m sure wont be that easy. Spin off are hard to accept, they need to bring in something new to the story and I think Dead City does, brings in the true Negan and not just more Zombies or side stories, at least I’m interested to know The Croat and Negan story, how they started, things that happen in between and how this ends for both.

The Walking Dead - Dead City - Season 1 PREV Episodes -

Episode 1: - tv series divider

The Walking Dead - Dead City SEASON 1 TRAILER -

Odysee – Skiptvads

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The Walking Dead – Dead City : Old Acquaintances – Season 1 – Episode 1 – RECAP

The Walking Dead - Dead City : Old Acquaintances – Season 1 – Episode 1 – RECAP -


The Walking Dead - Dead City : Old Acquaintances – Season 1 – Episode 1 – RECAP INTRODUCTION -

I didn’t finish watching the Walking Dead and I have been planning on retake it but from the start, same as its parallel series Fear The Walking Dead, I remember those times, those were great times for Tv Series and everyone was into it for many months just waiting for the next episode to air but I have to say it is one of those series that can make you feel sad for everything that the characters go through, The Walking Dead – Dead City is more of an action series, even without knowing the end of the original series it doesn’t surprise me that she make it alive, after all she went through but the real twist is that now she have to work with the man who savagely killed the man she loved, Negan smash Glenn head with his bat in front of her and now she is asking for his help to rescue her child from a man who use to work for Negan, The Croat.

Zombies on this series are more like an accessory, yes there are still a lot to kill but they are not the main issue, although are a great problem considering Maggie and Negan went to the place with the most dense Zombie population, Manhattan was one of the epicenter of the Zombie Apocalypse there for there are millions of them on a small place, they still slow and weak, humans have develop a kind of of rope system that helps them travel from one building to another without touching ground so you can say the ground is dominated by the Zombies and humans travel through roof tops, society is also emerging again with new states or populations with Marshalls who enforce their laws, Negan is a wanted man and it seems this Marshalls wont stop until they get him so we have the zombies, the marshals and the Croat going after Negan and Maggie while they try to get her son back

I’m not sure how long this series will be in terms of how many seasons, but it already has a 7.9 rating on IMDB and would help to last for a few good seasons. It has to do a lot with its predecessor series that ended last year. The Walking Dead was a great series with a lot of fans that will follow any sequel as long as it is at least half as good as the original series, some of this actors made a decade out of Walking Dead and some keep pushing, you definitely have to be very talented to stay relevant for so long, the past two months after The Last of Us and Mandalorian season ended there was nothing exciting to watch but now Tv series are starting to pile up, great things coming up. - tv series divider
The Walking Dead - Dead City : Old Acquaintances – Season 1 – Episode 1 – RECAP EPISODE DETAILS -

The Walking Dead - Dead City : Old Acquaintances – Season 1 – Episode 1 – RECAP -


The first episode starts with Maggie tracking down first her son who got kidnap and then Negan but not necessary for pay back, Maggie is on a very desperate situation and got now choice but to ask for the help of the man who killed the man she loved very much, she is looking for him to ask for his help but on a world with a vast population of Zombies and humans trying to bounce back as a society no body likes outsiders sniffing around the place, Maggie gets to a motel’s bar to have a few drinks with the excuse she got robbed at her place and the bar tender tells her there is a guy at who lives at the motel who can help her, Maggie already knows who is he talking about, its Negan and she came for him but a local gal put her eye on her and caught Maggie at Negan’s room, but this woman is confuse she thinks Maggie came in behalf of some one else so they pin her down on a table and try to cut her face as a message, Maggie is a though fighter and after many years running away from Zombies and Negan she learn very well how to fight so she fuck them up and start chasing Negan who ran away with a little girl after he finds out Maggie is after him.

The Walking Dead - Dead City : Old Acquaintances – Season 1 – Episode 1 – RECAP -


Maggie gets Negan down the road after chasing him, they are not friends, for now, and Negan thinks she wants pay back but he has no fear for her. They sit down and talk about the real reason why she is looking for him, few weeks back her place was raided, those who assault her took all her food and said will come back a few months latter for more but as collateral to make sure Maggie gets more food and resource for them they took her son Hershel, Negan is an old fox who wrote the book of how to extort people during Zombie Apocalypse so he quickly finds out the real reason why she is looking for him, the raiders took her kid and the guy who did it probably has something to do with him, a blast form the past. Negan agrees to help Maggie but only if she takes Ginny, the girl he is now protecting, to her place at the Hill Top where she will be protected, feed and go to school.

The Walking Dead - Dead City : Old Acquaintances – Season 1 – Episode 1 – RECAP -


This Marshalls from New Babylon, a new independent state that is trying to build up society again and have put this men in charge to enforce their laws, they are no joke, they know how to track down guys, are well train and are good shooters. They are looking for Negan for murdering a magistrate and a few more, they don’t want to put him in jail, they looking to execute him but when the Marshall show up and start telling his part of the story something doesn’t match because he said Negan has build an empire like he still roles with his old crew but he is now alone, no a threat anymore to any large group of people. The same woman who had Maggie pin down to the table at the bar was questioned by the Marshall until she gave up and rat out Negan, to make an example out of her the Marshall throw her to a group of Zombies outside of the motel’s fence while the rest of the people was looking.

The Walking Dead - Dead City : Old Acquaintances – Season 1 – Episode 1 – RECAP -


Maggie and Negan got to a boat to cross the Hudson and land on Manhattan but right at that moment Marshalls arrive, a young one tries to sneak on them and Maggie got him, she brings him with them as insurance, not that she cares what happens to Negan but for now she needs him, been Negan he wants to throw him to the river as he will latter on become a liability, I don’t think this guy has a very long life with them but she refuse to kill him and its here where Negan starts to preach truth and let her know its just survival and he is one of the best at doing it not because he is a bad guy but because he does what ever he needs to do to survive and keep those with him alive while Maggie is still thinking about good and bad guys, Negan has a wider way of thinking and how to navigate the world they living in to stay alive.

The Walking Dead - Dead City : Old Acquaintances – Season 1 – Episode 1 – RECAP -


I don’t remember see The Walking Dead develop inside a city with tall buildings and for sure not inside an island, in the case of this scene Walkers heard Jano, the Marshall apprentice fall and since there are Walkers everywhere there are Walkers on the roof top so they start falling like its raining Walkers, we also see the water infested with floating Walkers and I’m sure there must be those that have sink for some reason wondering at the bottom.

The Walking Dead - Dead City : Old Acquaintances – Season 1 – Episode 1 – RECAP -


This is the main villain of the story so far, The Croat, as describe by Negan one of the most crazy psycho that use to work with him back in the day, it seems that he now runs Manhattan with a new crew with similar practices to what he use to do back in the day when he was part of Negan’s crew, he loves torturing people and play mind games, on this scene he let a guy escape but only to cut the rope he use to slide from one building to another and see him fall from twenty floors, after seen the guy fall and scream, The Croat just laugh and said that has to be a new record, he does have Hershel and is still alive, if The Croat is anything or worst than Negan this is going to be a very interesting story because it wont be easy to surprise him. - tv series divider

The Walking Dead - Dead City : Old Acquaintances – Season 1 – Episode 1 – RECAP CONCLUSION -

I’m loving this series, it puts a smile on my face on every episode, either excitement for all the action or Negan dark humor, having characters like Negan and Maggie as main really keeps the original series alive with now another battle field, a big city with tall buildings infested with walkers and with a similar threat like Negan was, audience support so far has been great with 82% on RTT and 7.9 on IMDB, at the moment of writing this post I have seen two episodes and the next episodes keeps reveling who Negan is, there is a lot I ignore about the original series as I never finish watch it but its also great they bring this part of him for new viewers to get interested and probably go and watch the original series, bring questions like “Was this guy so bad?” besides Maggie cant stop having flash backs from when he smash Glenn skull with his bat, that episode I saw and remember how cruel was it, there were moments that I close my eyes and cringe. I have to watch The Walking Dead again and Fear The Walking Dead too, this are two series that are as good as The Godfather or Braking Bad and it is still relevant, I’m not a comic guy but there is a Walking Dead universe that for sure will pump out more Tv series. - tv series divider

The Walking Dead - Dead City SEASON 1 TRAILER -

#skiptvads #tvseries #tvaddicts #tvseriesblog #cinetv #hive #thewalkingdead #deadcity #manhattan #thecroat