Usually on Saturday I only post once but today I wanted to do a back to back Walking Dead Spin Off post since there is the Mexico GP I want to write about but also want to continue this two series I’m about to finish specially because there is another spin off about to start next year.
Episode three of Dead City was pack with action when Maggie, Negan, Tomaso and Amaia try to take over the stadium where The Croat was but it all look odd how nothing went according to their plan, I get that Ginny fucked up half of the plan but still it was like The Croat had everything plan to slip away leaving them behind fighting a mass of Zombies inside the stadium, main characters got away but the rest of the crew that was with them not, Negan end up splitting because after been the bait to lure The Croat out he ended as the prey, he is an old silver fox so he knows how to defend himself and survive but it was a different story for Amaia and Tommaso who took the sewers as their route to escape from the stadium, it was full of Zombies but there were some really weird things down there like an entire wall of flesh and fat don’t know from what exactly and then this three on one Zombie on the cover image, on this episode a couple of things that were reveal start to give closure and sense to season one of Dead City, opening the door to Season Two that has been approve already coming up next year but it would depend if Hollywood strike ends.

After everyone try to look their way out of the stadium Negan end up been prisoner of Marshal Armstrong who even after he safe him from the void, The Croat throw Perlie of the stairs to the void showing some good faith to Negan; I mention on my previous post that it was like he wanted to be friends with Negan but you never know with this crazy bastards it might all be a trick to get you, thats how you survive.
Negan tries to get into Perlie good side, remind him how he safe him from The Croat, how he can get a boat so both get out of the island but Perlie has everything figure out, after all he knows very well New York, he was from the Bronx and knew he need no boat, all the need was the dock that floats, he is getting Negan justice one way or another.

They kept going on their way to the dock so they could get out of the island but at a point they were cornered by Zombies, force them to get into what looks like a school, inside the find the remaining of a person who suicide, most likely was alone and could not handle the situation, either out of food, water, alone and setup a stand with books that held an ax, there was a bottle probably of some kind of booze next the corps on a table, this remind Perlie of his brother who he recently discover dead in his old apartment, his brother did something similar and left back a letter. It must be a very exhausting situation living like this, you don’t know when its going to end, you constantly have to look for food, watch out for your safety because not only Zombies want to eat you but humans might want to eat you too or raid your place, probably worst than living in a place at war.

Negan has change and its not the same man he once was, I kept saying this through all episodes, he tries to escape from Perlie but at some point he catch up although was not in a position to fight Negan, Perlie is hurt badly on a leg and might get caught easy by Zombies, Negan stops and help him, not been the man he use to be is going to become a problem for him soon, I think this might happen sooner on episode six.

Tommaso, Amaia, Maggie and Ginny are walking through the sewers, trying to get as far as possible form the stadium and here is where everything comes to light, on second image above Tommaso goes behind one of this barrels, take of his backpack to pull something out of it.

Turns out he is now the luckiest man in the entire Zombie Apocalypse, he just found two full bottles of oxygen with their mask and everything but he didn’t count that Maggie was way more sharp than he is and saw him taking the oxygen bottles out of his backpack, then she starts connecting the dots and figure out it was him who told The Croat about the plan, it was Tommaso all this time and that’s how The Croat got away and they stay trapped, when they were all corner at the stadium inside the octagon he was the only one missing at some point and came from the back to help them, this was no coincidence, he might not know exactly how things were going to happen but was way more steps ahead than the rest so that make him look like the mighty hero of the night, saving everyone ass. Maggie end his theater and take off the mask, letting Amaia know all the truth but latter on her pants got on fire too liar liar, pants on fire.

They had no other option and kept going, is not like they would go back or stay there, on this series every single man or women that act as a cheap bitch, a sell out, a snitch dies one way or another and some times pay back is so sweet, the sewers not only were full or dead bodies but some of them were Zombies, they walk and walk without finding any troubles until they took a rest because of all the methane. While they were taking a rest there was another big revelation, Tommaso told Maggie the truth about why he did it, The Croat promise him a place to stay in mainland, a place where everything was made of brick, guess what that place is? Hill Top, now Maggie has no other option to get Hershel and fly out of there is possible as fast as she can to get everyone ready at home to defend themself.

It was there when the took a rest when they got attacked, Tommaso and Amaia got the worst part of it, Tommaso got Amaia killed because if it wasn’t for him then probably the would not be down the sewers, he also got attacked and bitten on his neck badly, it was only Ginny and Maggie left but then Mr. Zombie, the one at the cover of this post; show up while Maggie got her foot stuck inside one of the corps laying down, leaving her still and all he could do was lay on her back and try to defend from this mutated Zombie, it look like someone put it together but would not be strange if Zombies remains could get stuck between them, its like there is a pile of them and they are so rotten they can go through each other but at some point get stuck inside another Zombie’s body, at least that’s how I think it could happen because Zombies do not grow or regenerate, all they can do is disintegrate, rot or turn apart.

All this time I have been thinking that Ginny only came back for Negan to be with him because she didn’t like Hill Top but that was not the only reason, when she was escaping Ginny was near a Silo and Maggie kept telling Negan how The Croat tool all their grain but at the Hill Top when she arrive they had food so before she hop on the dirt bike an escape she check the Silo and it was full. Maggie kills the six foot tall Zombie but she was exhausted and out of oxygen until she got out of a tunnel to escape, same tunnel that Ginny took and wrote on the wall LIAR, it was at this moment that Ginny knows something, probably not everything but something that can lead Negan to the real reason she wanted Negan to help her.

I really like this kind of scenes where you don’t know what the fuck is going on but something is cooking. The Croat gave Maggie the Wanted Man flyer where Negan show up, he took Hershel; her son so she get him Negan, this is still and unknown reason for me same way as he visits this women who was inside a theater with another bunch of people, she looks like the one running town and both want Negan although I cant figure out why. Its like she wants Negan to lead her people or an army, she was reading a book of The European Conquest of Native American, so that takes me to this conclusion, she is preparing for something big, probably to defend themself from getting conquered from mainland.
Different than Daryl Dixon spin off, Dead City is turning to be very good TV Series, entertain, traitors left and right, people lying to each other to try to survive thinking they have an advantage to the guy next to them but its actually not the case, that’s how so far has been between Maggie and Negan, also Tommaso and Amaia close to the end but they were not lucky enough to survive, The Croat has been playing all of them all this time and the one that knows the less out of all of them is Negan so I guess how is he going to react once he discover the truth, at least Maggies real plan, at some point the good old Negan is coming back and who knows if Lucile shows up too, that would be a proper ending to this season or start for season two.
Episode 1: https://ecency.com/hive-121744/@skiptvads/the-walking-dead-dead-city
Episode 2: https://ecency.com/hive-121744/@skiptvads/the-walking-dead-dead-city-bfb148430be3
Episode 3: https://ecency.com/hive-121744/@skiptvads/the-walking-dead-dead-city-866d68c6c6a62
Episode 4: https://ecency.com/hive-121744/@skiptvads/the-walking-dead-dead-city-1c9782843a9c3
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