Special Ops: Lioness – The Choice of Failure – Season 1 – Episode 4 – RECAP

Special Ops: Lioness – The Choice of Failure – Season 1 – Episode 4 – RECAP - www.skiptvads.blog
Special Ops: Lioness – The Choice of Failure – Season 1 – Episode 4 – RECAP – www.skiptvads.blog



Special Ops: Lioness – The Choice of Failure – Season 1 – Episode 4 – RECAP - INTRODUCTION - www.skiptvads.blog

Slowly but surely I’m almost done with Special Ops Lioness, I got so use to watch content on VR that either sometimes I’m too tired to put on the headset when I have time to watch series or I’m lazy and just don’t but watching at my computer is not the same anymore besides a very long time I stop using Tv’s I just don’t anymore, probably should buy a big ass TV this year and get use more to it.

Special Ops Lioness is a little under cover agent/army drama series that will most likely will get a second season, haven’t seen any news saying that it has been cancel or there wont be a season two although the mission does complete from what I have seen on IMDB episodes descriptions, anyways it should get a season two after such good performance through rating sites but it could also be a one season deal, that would sux but that just how it is with the industry, never get to attach to series although some times its inevitable.

Second episode pick up some action towards the end but for the most part its just fun to see Joe mad for the most episode, she is mad because how her team got heat on their ass because of the ops at the south on top Cruz gets into a mess situation at a bar, other than that it was a very girly episode, btw Joe’s daughter broke her deal of top off only.

IMDB: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt13111078/
Platform: Amazon

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Special Ops: Lioness – The Choice of Failure – Season 1 – Episode 4 – RECAP EPISODE DETAILS - www.skiptvads.blog

Special Ops: Lioness – The Choice of Failure – Season 1 – Episode 4 – RECAP - www.skiptvads.blog
Special Ops: Lioness – The Choice of Failure – Season 1 – Episode 4 – RECAP – www.skiptvads.blog


I can see how the girly scenes between Cruz and Aaliyah can ruin the episode but lucky it doesn’t repeat that often and its the only way the series can represent how Cruz takes information from her, for the most part the entertaining side of the episode is when Joe, her team members and Kaitlyn her boss jump into the scene, so far Joe had now clue who Aaliyah was getting marry with but since Cruz is getting closer to the group they have manage to get some intel on the guy although the are been extra careful since she already experience how fast Cruz can fuck things up and this was not the exception, on previous episodes Aaliyah would prefer to chose who to marry with but that’s just a cliche of this kind of story, not saying its fair or not but you know what I mean, again the boring side of the episode.


Special Ops: Lioness – The Choice of Failure – Season 1 – Episode 4 – RECAP - www.skiptvads.blog
Special Ops: Lioness – The Choice of Failure – Season 1 – Episode 4 – RECAP – www.skiptvads.blog


Even Joe and her crew felt the same way about them monitoring the marker, “spying on spring break”, Aaliyah had everything she could dream about except “freedom”, many would think different since there are levels of money that can buy you happiness but we are still human and at the end its the simple things that matter the most, this scene was the ramp up of the shit storm that was coming to Joe, not only the one she knows about this is with the shitty work Kyle pull with her team on the south. I like the tough attitude of Joe but some times Zoe Saldana exaggerate a bit and goes over board making it look force, some might consider this show silly or waste of time because of the girly scenes and its a cliche to see undercover operations happen overseas when it comes to Arabic characters, IMO I think it does make it more entertain, watching a totally different culture and not the American way makes it more interesting.


Special Ops: Lioness – The Choice of Failure – Season 1 – Episode 4 – RECAP - www.skiptvads.blog
Special Ops: Lioness – The Choice of Failure – Season 1 – Episode 4 – RECAP – www.skiptvads.blog


Exactly as Tex describe it to Joe, the job at the south was a shit show and I got a problem with this, I still don’t know why the hell Joe accept to lend Kyle part of her crew, been a special ops team already working on a mission, so far they haven’t give any background between Kyle and Joe, they both are special agents who met at a restaurant, well Kyle was following her and she agree to give him a few men for his unplanned suicide mission?? makes complete no sense, Kyle almost pull the job but the EMP bomb was not big enough to shut down cameras around him so how his ass is on the line and by consequence he sets Joe ass on fire too, it seems like the asset had some good intel on terrorist but until that’s proven they both Kyle and Joe are deep on this, if the media gets the footage.


Special Ops: Lioness – The Choice of Failure – Season 1 – Episode 4 – RECAP - www.skiptvads.blog
Special Ops: Lioness – The Choice of Failure – Season 1 – Episode 4 – RECAP – www.skiptvads.blog


Liar Liar Pants on Fire, since when the fuck that’s a good advice, top off is fine just keep your pants on when dry humping?? does that really work now days?? for sure never work with any of the women when I was young that’s just how a young human brain works, selfish ass Kate got into a car wreck badly, not her fault but my mom always told me at the end the truth comes to the light, always. Sadly for her his dad not only finds out she is pregnant and she is very very fucked up, but she also betray his trust that’s probably that hurts the most when you are a father but he was very naive too, Kate been pregnant is on him, he knew who Joe was when they got together and her work line so Joe not been at home is not the excuse, that’s the problem with anyone who works with that kind of confidential information for security agencies.


Special Ops: Lioness – The Choice of Failure – Season 1 – Episode 4 – RECAP - www.skiptvads.blog
Special Ops: Lioness – The Choice of Failure – Season 1 – Episode 4 – RECAP – www.skiptvads.blog


Remember how I said Joe knows Cruz can fuck up things any moment, well she did again, this is becoming a thing, Cruz getting in trouble during the mission for any random reason and I feel its not the last time it will happen, although Joe did got her once on a tough situation at Aalyah house the first visit, this time Cruz went to bar with Aalyah and her friends, there she meet a guy who drug her and almost rape her if it was not for Joe who thought it would be good idea to keep close to Cruz, I wanted to put the scene when Joe caught the guy, Cruz was laying on the floor in the woods, think about it Joe was already pissed at Kyle and her daughter Kate got into a bad car wreck, she busted the guy badly, went all savage mode destroying the guy balls, then brought Cruz back to the hotel where she is still trying to fight the drug effect to wake up and Kailtlyn just arrive to talk to Joe about the Extraction Ops at the South between Kyle and her team, this episode was a total shit storm for Joe.


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Special Ops: Lioness – The Choice of Failure – Season 1 – Episode 4 – RECAP - CONCLUSION - www.skiptvads.blog

I’m still on Episode four with another four to go, this are not very long episodes so probably I will just keep charge my VR headset with my headphones and burn down four hours of Special Ops next week since this weekend is Xmas, for far a series that I have really enjoy, I hope all episodes were like the first one but its kind of a good contrast and I hope one or two episodes get to that level of dopamine, if not it will feel like they burn all their gunpowder on the first episode, yeah the girly scenes kill the excitement but it also feels nice that not much character introduction has happen, they cut it out on the first two episodes and that gives more room for the rest of the story to spread its wings, you get more for your time invested on watching the series, others are slower at first a good example this year was Wheel of Time Season two was extremely slow at first to then blow your brains out with the last three episodes, Special Ops Lioness seem to be a more leveled series in terms of pace of the story, really enjoy this episode.


Special Ops: Lioness – The Choice of Failure – Season 1 – Episode 4 – RECAP - PREV Episodes - www.skiptvads.blog

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Special Ops: Lioness - SEASON 1 - TRAILER - www.skiptvads.blog

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Fallout Tv Series 2024 – Fails before start?

Fallout Tv Series 2024 - Fails before start? - www.skiptvads.blog
Fallout Tv Series 2024 – Fails before start? – www.skiptvads.blog


Fallout Tv Series 2024 - Fails before start? - INTRODUCTION - www.skiptvads.blog

Its not very often that I make a post about a trailer although this is a game adaptation to a TV series that many have been waiting for and past weekend drop a few trailer from other very popular TV Series, I have recently read a few post online and watch videos about how good or bad could this series be, for me it has not started so I can not tell if it will be any of the two, although I can give my opinion of my first impression and how I think some people feel about it based on what I have read or watch.

Fallout TV Series might fit, didn’t want to say fall; into a problem that seem to be eating alive all kind of good story or character now days, for example very recent Bob Iger from Disney said about their productions

“movies should “entertain first, not [push] messages”

Fans, that’s not me; want to watch a production as close as possible to the original story, Fallout has six games in total with probably plenty of material to make more than three seasons but there are already signs that the story is far from what the games are on top signs that the TV series will be pushing messages of awareness instead of focus on a post apocalyptic fiction story at the same time making it as close to what the game is.

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Fallout Tv Series 2024 - Fails before start? - www.skiptvads.blog
Fallout Tv Series 2024 – Fails before start? – www.skiptvads.blog


From my understanding and it makes sense to give that suspense to the story no body knows who drop the first nuclear bomb but as it is shown on the trailer it was not one but many of them, by now nuclear shelters were a thing that there were many faults, on the TV series the main character Lucy, was on Vault 33, number on their uniforms and at the end on first image; I don’t know if the first episode starts with her going out because latter on the trailer she is shown inside the vault, probably they tell the story with a moving time line going back and forward, that is a common thing now days, point is she wants out and some of her partners did not like the idea, probably try to stop her as there is a guy on the floor and her lip has blood, this tells us Lucy probably knows how to throw her hands.

Fallout Tv Series 2024 - Fails before start? - www.skiptvads.blog
Fallout Tv Series 2024 – Fails before start? – www.skiptvads.blog


Different that most vault or silo TV series, Lucy makes it out of the Vault and starts exploring the Earth, everything is destroy, almost a huge desert although there is still water oceans exist, anything that remain out of the Vaults was most likely affected by radiation or climate, this is going to be a creepy show, look at the size of that cockroach, that’s what they call a rat-cockroach, things are the size of a Dog, there will be all kid of mutant creatures, some bigger, some totally different, production will let their creation fly with this creatures for entertainment purpose.

These scene right here is suppose to be off the game timeline, the explanation for this is that California can’t be this bad at the time the TV Series is happening, this speculations come from the fact that at the time of the series there is already a new order taking place, the NCR (New California Republic); trying to reestablish society, Fallout world is full of multiple tribes or groups of people from raiders, mutants and there is the NCR trying to bring everyone together under one regime, we won’t know if there is a timeline issue until the series release on April 2024 but fans need to understand and this is for everyone watching anything on TV, if its not a documentary it won’t be 200% accurate or not even close, that seem to be a new trend, I understand those who dream about watching their favorite character on a Movie or TV series but entertainment is first and by entertainment I mean money for the studios who produce them, I don’t make the rules.

Fallout Tv Series 2024 - Fails before start? - www.skiptvads.blog
Fallout Tv Series 2024 – Fails before start? – www.skiptvads.blog


There is going to be a lot of shooting on this series, from scenes inside the vault, things are not great, people are loosing their minds, not sure if its because they are sick of been lock down because everyone goes wild, like the women on this picture with a fork on her eye shooting at everyone, this images gives me vibes that this will be a very cynic type of series meaning might be the perfect scenario to push “messages” even during the trailer Lucy mention how she never imagine things would be like that outside the vault, she always had everything to survive inside and things are very different outside. For me most of this behaviors from a character don’t matter as long as its entertaining but the problem with that is they tend to deviate from the original story and that’s when true fans who have play the game in this case get piss off because the character is not acting as on the game, this is the production using the movie as a way to promote certain social messages trying to fix the world but shitting on the TV Series that is suppose to be a Game adaptation.

Fallout Tv Series 2024 - Fails before start? - www.skiptvads.blog
Fallout Tv Series 2024 – Fails before start? – www.skiptvads.blog


The Steel Brotherhood look very bad ass, this probably going to be one of the great attractions of the series, seen them shooting massive guns, fighting all kind of bandits, mutants and raiders, with their main porpuse as describe on Fallout Fandom Page, paramilitary order with chapters operating across the territory of the former United States … core purpose is to preserve advanced technology and regulate its usage; so I’m not sure if they are going to make tech illegal for others to use, after a nuclear war, holocaust like what is shown when all the Nukes hit USA, tech will become rare and powerful to have, most people will be riding animals or walking while the Steel Brotherhood transport using vehicles like the Vertibird.

Fallout Tv Series 2024 - Fails before start? - www.skiptvads.blog
Fallout Tv Series 2024 – Fails before start? – www.skiptvads.blog


The men or in this case based on game description Ghoul above, describe as The Ghoul on IMDB; might turn to be one of the main characters, hard to say if he will be friendly to Lucy but he will have his own story of how was his past life before the holocaust, there is a scene of him riding a horse wearing a Cowboy uniform yellow and blue with a girl most likely his daughter, the moment nukes hit the ground, on the game Ghoul are describe as men who survive the wasteland, feeding from radiation.

Bellow The Ghoul they show Maximus, at first he is seen flying on a Vertibird and now running after they get attack, he is the only one not wearing a Steel Armor, that factor makes him special to the story, as a regular viewer and not a fan who knows the story this tells me right from the start there will be multiple stories that at some point come together, so going back and forward on different timelines means to understand the series you will have to pay attention to it.

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Fallout Tv Series 2024 - Fails before start? - CONCLUSION - www.skiptvads.blog

From the point of average viewer the series seems great, I expect a lot of comedy since when things are over exaggerated tend to funny and some times gross, action scenes look very cinematic, on the trailer its mention that the studios behind The Boys, if they can tone down the series it probably gets to that perfect balance where anyone can watch the show and don’t feel like its too cynic because that’s the main topic here, its everything goes on the wastelands and Lucy now has to survive, she wanted out and now has to learn this new world and find a safe place to stay to adapt, my opinion is DO NOT expect Fallout to be a top tier series like The Last of Us or House of Dragon.

  • The story might not be 100% as the games
  • They probably will rush things out

But if you are only looking for a series to kill time, laugh, a few dopamine rush and have that desire of exploring a new place, what would be Earth after a world wide nuclear bombing then I think Fallout will be an ok show, from the start a 7/10 its not crazy, probably a similar case like The Rings of Power where its not 100% as the original story but the action scenes, the production, the actors make it up to be an ok series.

Personally I don’t care if a Movie or a TV Series is “Canon” or not, I’m a fan of many stories and characters and if someone makes content that is good, entertaining out of this character and changes a couple of things as long as I have a good time I personally I’m fine with it, people have to accept, they don’t have to understand but to accept that is how the entertainment business works, games, comics, most adaptations wont be exactly as the original story for many factors, budget, time but a the same time producers, writers, they have to be very cautious not to rush things or deviate too much, for example Secret Invasion to me was an ok TV Series until episode five, shit hit the fan on episode five, they totally screw up the ending and I’m sure many Fallout fans will be led down by this tv series because the script and the story might not be the same as the games, six games that’s a lot to digest.

IMDB: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt12637874/
Fandom Wiki: https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Fallout_Wiki

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Secret Invasion: Resurrection – Season 1 – Episode 1 – RECAP

Secret Invasion: Resurrection - Season 1 - Episode 1 - RECAP - www.skiptvads.blog
Secret Invasion: Resurrection – Season 1 – Episode 1 – RECAP – www.skiptvads.blog


Secret Invasion: Resurrection - Season 1 - Episode 1 - RECAP INTRODUCTION - www.skiptvads.blog

Secret Invasion is a Mini Series I had in mind watching, I got no clue if this is an adaptation of the story or not but I thought it might be entertaining, its probably just me that love to watch all this stories but sometimes feels like slowly building a library in my mind of all this TV series, I was a bit skeptical to watch Secret Invasion since rating on score sites like RTT and IMDB are not that high with scores of 6/10 or less, for me this is just the first episode and found it entertaining enough, very cinematic, most actors are already known to the MCU but I’m not sure if people were expecting a show stopper, I remember making a short post of the trailer when it came out, most of this trailers look like an actual MCU movie so may be that’s why people were expecting so much of it. To be honest from all the Marvel Studios TV series there are very few banger, there is Loki, Moon Knight, Daredevil and then you can argue if any of the others are hits for me I can include WandaVision just because I really like her devilish style but the rest were No Bueno. Marvel Studios probably have thousands of projects to work with and not all with be hits, they know they also have a very large loyal amount of fans so as long as Movies stay blockbusters TV Series can take a few hits here and there.

Secret Invasion is the story of Gravik, Nick Fury and Talos. Nick Fury comes back to Earth from S.A.B.E.R the international space station project he is working on because rumors of a Skrull secret rebellion has spread, his old Skrull friend Talos welcomes him back and confirm that after he was gone things have change and that Gravik another Skrull Nick was related too and feels some what responsible for everything that is happening so he has come back down to earth to make things right and take care of this suppose Skrull rebellion, mix into all this events is Talos daughter G’iah who is on Gravik’s side.

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Secret Invasion: Resurrection - Season 1 - Episode 1 - RECAP - www.skiptvads.blog
Secret Invasion: Resurrection – Season 1 – Episode 1 – RECAP – www.skiptvads.blog
Secret Invasion: Resurrection - Season 1 - Episode 1 - RECAP - www.skiptvads.blog
Secret Invasion: Resurrection – Season 1 – Episode 1 – RECAP – www.skiptvads.blog


From the trailers I know that the earth is flooded with Skrulls to the point that agents can’t trust each other, imagine a world like this were you just don’t know who is human or not, you will never know if you are giving the information to the enemy directly, that’s exactly what happens at first between Agent Prescod who is paranoid about the threat from this new Skrull movement by Gravik, there are rumors that a bomb attack is going to happen, Agent Evertt Ross who for the most part has been on Fury’s and Avengers side, told Prescod he needs evidence and will bring it to Fury end up been another Skrull playing the double agent game, kills Prescod after he found out.

I was watching this scene a couple of times trying to find out how Prescod figure out Ross was a Skrull, some other times its very evident but this time it didn’t seem, it would be great if there was a real reason why he figure this out, all Ross said “I will give this information to Fury” I don’t see how that is a detonator unless because he already said Fury was in space, but he could send the files or a report.

Secret Invasion: Resurrection - Season 1 - Episode 1 - RECAP - www.skiptvads.blog
Secret Invasion: Resurrection – Season 1 – Episode 1 – RECAP – www.skiptvads.blog


Before I continue I have to ask WHAT THE FUCK is this, was Fury at a lan party, is he playing new CS2? he shows up with, exit what is suppose to be some sort of space ship with a couple of gaming chairs in the back?

Secret Invasion: Resurrection - Season 1 - Episode 1 - RECAP - www.skiptvads.blog
Secret Invasion: Resurrection – Season 1 – Episode 1 – RECAP – www.skiptvads.blog


Former Deputy Director of S.H.I.E.L.D, Maria Hill welcomes Fury back to earth, Talos and Maria give evidence and details to Fury of Gravik’s plan. Talos talks to Fury because a lot have change starting with him, after The Blip, that’s when Thanos make disappear half of the universe population including Fury; Fury was not the same and then went into space leaving a lot of people behind including Skrulls that have been working with humans thats when Talos got kicked of the Council, G’iah went MIA and now Gravik took control creating a sort of regime to protect their own behind a feeling of abandon and revenge against Fury and humans.

Secret Invasion: Resurrection - Season 1 - Episode 1 - RECAP - www.skiptvads.blog
Secret Invasion: Resurrection – Season 1 – Episode 1 – RECAP – www.skiptvads.blog


The moment Fury sets foot into the Earth everyone starts talking about it, at the White House and now MI6, Sonya Falsworth did a mini kidnap on Fury for a private meeting, they try to get information from each other but no luck, for sure she is more aware of whats really happening but seems that she only wanted to look at Fury and see if he is really the man he use to be, everyone keeps saying after the Blip he change but no one so far said how did he change, he does look old, even Sonya tells him straight to his face that he is out of shape probably meaning she knows he can deal with Gravik but not on his current shape.

Secret Invasion: Resurrection - Season 1 - Episode 1 - RECAP - www.skiptvads.blog
Secret Invasion: Resurrection – Season 1 – Episode 1 – RECAP – www.skiptvads.blog
Secret Invasion: Resurrection - Season 1 - Episode 1 - RECAP - www.skiptvads.blog
Secret Invasion: Resurrection – Season 1 – Episode 1 – RECAP – www.skiptvads.blog


G’iah, Talos daughter is working at Gravik’s camp a place they call Skrullos; she brings in new members but also manage other tasks that require someone loyal and that is up to it like buying bombs from another Skrull, behind whats going on this shows the possible amount of Skrulls in the world, how is it that Gravik the one who runs the show for Skrulls on Earth has to buy his bombs from another Skrull?

Maria and Talos caught G’iah in the act, she was transporting the bombs, Talos chase her to a moment when they stop and have a talk, they havent seen each other in a long time, I feel that G’iah join Gravik because she believes in his cause of making Earth a place for Skrulls but if humans wont accept them for what they are then they will claim Earth by force, in this conversation Talos had with his daughter he manager soft her up and help them stop the bombing, this shows that G’iah still loves his father and is on the good guys side but it was not that easy, Gravik knew this could happen and had plans for it.

Secret Invasion: Resurrection - Season 1 - Episode 1 - RECAP - www.skiptvads.blog
Secret Invasion: Resurrection – Season 1 – Episode 1 – RECAP – www.skiptvads.blog

Gravik took Fury shape

Secret Invasion: Resurrection - Season 1 - Episode 1 - RECAP - www.skiptvads.blog
Secret Invasion: Resurrection – Season 1 – Episode 1 – RECAP – www.skiptvads.blog


Even with G’iah helping Fury and Talos they had no chance against Gravik. Along the episode while Fury was talking a walk he was watching people on the street, one time went into a bar with Maria and talk to local Russian guy, during the bombing Gravik change into all this different persons meaning he was watching Fury all the time, he knew where he was, who he was with and probably next to him. Everyone starts running after three bombs detonate and Gravik takes Fury shape to shoot Maria Hill, real Fury shows up too late to only grap Maria on his arms and watch her die after Gravik shoot her.

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Secret Invasion: Resurrection - Season 1 - Episode 1 - RECAP CONCLUSION - www.skiptvads.blog

I have to say this episode was not bad, it was a solid 7, very entertaining, we already know most of the actors and they deliver, the pace of the story look fine to me and this was just the usual first episode to show each main character of the season or in this case the mini series.

Mini series, a concept that some times is hard to develop when you have a story that could bring in a lot of details, I always bring the example of the last Ant Man movie how I thought they would exploit more the Quantum Realm but they didn’t so the movie falls short, at least for now Secret Invasion doesn’t feel crunch and vague, also I have notice that people including myself think they watching a season to latter on discover it was JUST a mini series and you wont know anything else about it when its done that can upset the audience too, I mention this because it could be a reason why people were expecting more out of this mini series.

The Earth is full of Skrulls no doubt and Gravik control most of them, its such a vast power to know when and where are your enemies all the time, Gravik has Skrulls secret agents that not even the Skrulls in the compound know who their real identities are, such an inception, you can be a Skrull thinking that you are out smarting the human next to you when it could also be another Skrull, we still early and a lot to develop, only six episodes that is starting to be a new format but I can say so far so good.


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Secret Invasion Mini Series TRAILER - www.skiptvads.blog

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