Episode eight of Fatal Attraction brings multiple revelations from Alex wild imaginary world to the her real killer, sorry to spoil it for people who haven’t seen this drama series but Dan was never her murder, its shocking the reason why she was murder, Dan had way more reasons to kill Alex from been an abusive stoker, suspect of his mother in law murder, took his daughter not going to say kidnap because se was return but its close, so Dan or even Beth were the ones with true motives to end Alex’s live but they didn’t. The ending of this series felt a bit rush but I guess that’s the problem with most mini series, it does conclude some of the mayor questions, for example:
- Did Dan killed Alex?
- Does Dan wins the case?
- Who killed Alex Forrest?
At the end of episode eight all this questions were answer and may be that’s what matters but there were some other situations that emerge left without resolution, from my point of view it sucks because I know there will never be a second season or additional chapters to this series so this subjects wont be resolved.
Another thing that also got answer is that Beth never stop loving Dan, on this episode that was confirm, there is a scene where Dan is so tired he fall sleep with his cloth still on and Beth enters the room and look at him, she was probably thinking how he destroy his carrier and family because of a mistake but I think it was on a good way, I believe that even though some one makes you any kind of damage good times are never forgotten, you can be mad at the present but the past was probably so good it helps you overcome the current situation, in their case Dan having an affair with a delusional women who needed professional help with her mental health that ends up dead right at the moment her short affair relationship with Dan has ended, Beth tells Dan she doesn’t need a judge to confirm he was innocent as his appeal was denied, the system would never let him win besides that they know he lied to protect his family and not been send to jail for life, Dan was the hero at the bureau so everyone was waiting for the day he gets in trouble to dog pile and get revenge, for some people its more fun to a hero died, even I enjoy it form time to time, its part of human nature.

In an attempt to reason with Alex before she was killed, Beth decided to meet her and talk to her with the goal in mind to make peace with Alex and make her go away but she had no idea who she was dealing with, at this point there was no going back for Alex, that ship has sailed and now she is living in a world of her own imagination, she even say she was pregnant when she was not.

I could tell probably how disappointed but probably relieved in some way Dan felt after his appeal was denied, he did his best effort to get it approve by doing proper investigation with Mike and contrary to what anyone may think he had support from people involve on all this mess that after many years support him like Beth and his daughter Ellen, he probably felt when you are told you are over qualified for the job and you were still the top performer from the company, at this point nothing makes sense anymore and the Alex case story began to faint, it was more about what will Dan do next?

Dan got promoted at the firm he was working at after got out of jail but seems he will have to live with people thinking and even asking how he killed Alex now that he is off the hook he probably tell the “true story” to those who ask for it but he was not Alex murder, there is a lot of people who doesn’t believe him including Earl and those who matter to him like his daughter Dan would still like to prove them he didn’t do it but his opportunity has vanish and will have to deal/live with it, feels like Dan gets bully about Alex murder every day.

This was probably one of the best moments on episode eight, Beth was just thinking out loud and ask if they should have Dan over for dinner, Arthur and Ellen look at her like WTF!!! then Beth ask if it would be weird, one thing is his ex wife and daughter having dinner with Dan but then including Arthur, Beth’s new husband after Dan got to jail, besides Dan knew Arthur and he also paid for a big part of the legal fees for Dan case, this moment did make me laugh.

The opening to what the writers would consider a big finale for the mini series, not sure if its the opening also for another mini series or something else, remember how Ellen was spying on his professor and Stella who was having a relationship with him, not sure if he was married but still, Ellen got Stella kicked out of school when she snitch on her, all this happen after Ellen have already try to convince her professor and Stella to stop seen each other on separate occasions. Stella knew it was Ellen so she confront her but Ellen looked very cold like she could not care less, I found weird why would she spy on them if she had no interest in any of the two unless she did.

Probably the answer everyone was looking for, WHO KILLED ALEX?? well after seven episodes I had no clue but only believe Dan didn’t do it because how he was presented on the series, the moment and motives he had to kill Alex and never did it but seems that Arthur decided to step in at the time either because of friendship, loneliness or love for Beth, at the time all Beth knew about Alex and her mother “accidentally” died, Arthur’s wife was dying because of cancer, Beth called him crying because was was frustrated from all the things going on with Alex, Dan, her mother and daughter, Arthur couldn’t control himself and decided to kill Alex to end Beth’s problems, seems he did a great job because no body knew he was the killer and after Dan goes to jail then he wants to tell the truth but it was too late, the damage was done and his lawyer told him to shut up if he didn’t want to go to jail because him telling the truth wont set Dan free.

Here the part that frustrates me, until the part where Arthur wants to tell everyone he killed Alex I think that was the right ending a classic ending, but this scene comes up, the time Alex took Ellen for a walk without telling her parents decides to give her a small brain wash speech, telling her how his parents were lying to her specially his Dad and she has to learn who to trust, like she could trust Alex and from all the things she tells Ellen I got no clue how we jump into the last scene.

I had this idea that it was possible Ellen was in love with her professor Richard but not to the point she would edit a bunch of audios of him to build up a scene where she could hear him saying how much he wants her, Ellen shows up at his apartment without him knowing not sure for what reason, obviously she wants him but to fuck? to kill him? to kidnap him and lock him down on the basement so only she could some how have him? the guy is shitting bricks he scared and who wouldn’t if a women shows up without permission without you giving her a key and have this look on her face.
The finale of this mini series was truly a surprise, the accusation and proofs against Dan were basically
* Lied about not been at her place
* His fingerprints at Alex place
* He knew Alex
To be honest there was not much, what really put him against the ropes is that he lied about not been at her place and avoid the hole affair situation, justice is not fair all the time, actually I would say that 80% of the time its not, Dan was just the perfect example, the perfect trophy, worst part is that those who were not directly affected and were his “friends” turn their backs on him, his boss, Conchita, the entire building that knew him for so many years but only his wife and Mike, who was like family; never turn his back and they in fact got directly affected, Alex killed Beth’s mother. Fatal Attraction does show you the truth about humans once your ass is on the line and can be affected, everyone turns their back no matter for how long they knew you, most of the time only family stick, not even friends.
I give this show a 7/10, I think score sell out score sites like IMDB and RTT gave it a low score because it didn’t stick to the movie story, they doing the same thing with anything that is a reboot example Dead Ringers, another great mini series and scores are very low.
Episode 1: https://peakd.com/hive-121744/@skiptvads/fatal-attraction-pilot-season-1
Episode 2: https://peakd.com/hive-121744/@skiptvads/fatal-attraction-the-movie-in
Episode 3: https://peakd.com/hive-121744/@skiptvads/fatal-attraction-the-watchful-heart
Episode 4: https://peakd.com/hive-121744/@skiptvads/fatal-attraction-beautiful-mosaics-season
Episode 5: https://peakd.com/hive-121744/@skiptvads/fatal-attraction-medial-woman-season
Episode 6: https://peakd.com/hive-121744/@skiptvads/fatal-attraction-the-dillingers-season
Episode 7: https://peakd.com/hive-121744/@skiptvads/fatal-attraction-best-friends-season
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