Tv Series I’ll be watching on November

As I’m trying to write other content than recaps of TV Series episodes here some info about the TV Series I’m looking for on November, some of them just started and others about to, there are a few in particular that I’m excited about like MONARCH that I recently made a post about the trailer and the first movie related to the TV Series, Kong: Skull Island (2017); same goes for For All Man Kind, I remember this was the series that got me to love most of the content that Apple TV+ puts out, I dare to say that over 80% of their content is good, For All Man Kind ends on Season 4 since some of the characters are presented as very old and some others are not even in NASA anymore or any other space program, the show adds new characters too on Season 4. From this six series that I mention there is one a Mini Series I’m a bit skeptical and that’s the Anderson Silva mini series, I think it’s going to be a kind of documentary style and not exactly as a drama/fight TV series, its going to be on Paramount so I don’t expect it to be trash, and last but still excited about it since I’m just a casual and very commercial Anime viewer I got on my radar Onimusha, an adaptation of the game, from what I have read online this is a classic with a big fan base behind that probably going to think the series is trash as most of 90% game adaptations out there, not necessarily that they are trash but most doesn’t stick to the story at 100%.

Today I give out my personal ignorant opinion as a regular viewer, I’m not or pretend to be an expert or critic, I’m just giving out my opinion of what I see without judging who made it or what is is based on, for me TV and Movies are just media for entertainment and not educational. - tv series divider


Air: November, 2, 2023

From what I have seen online without spoiling anything from the show I have to say if you play the game the story is inconsistent compare to the original, for me this is something it doesnt bother anymore and the reason for this is because anything that shows up on TV is mainly to MAKE MONEY, it doesn’t matter if its a Movie, Tv Series, unless it is presented as a Documentary do not expect things to match exactly to every single scene, this is something I have been thinking about writing a post because it happens so often and to be honest I think there is market for this for example people that have never play the game but the story is so good it can be “adapted” usually this means improve or manipulate to appeal for this market who would eventually buy the game who knows.

Im a sucker for anything Capcom most things they touch become gold, on top of that Onimusha as the game is based on a swordsman who always look tired like he is about to retire, he is giving an ancient gaunlet that he use to lock down the souls of demons he start to put away but with every soul he locks down the darkness starts to take over him, the fight scenes remind me a lot of Rourouni Kenshin that recently got a new version, cant wait to watch it on VR (SBS). - tv series divider


Lawmen: Bass Reeves
Air: November, 5, 2023

“You are a law men or outlaw” bit of both… it was about time David Oyelowo get his own TV Series, this guy was great on Silo, Interstellar, Jack Reacher, not the first time he turns out to be the one in charge of the law, I like a good Gun Man story during the times of the Wild West in this case Bass Reeves was on the side of the law, last similar TV series I saw was Billy The Kid that is actually on its second season, I missed this blog post for October thats why I havent mention it, another TV Series based this time on a true story since Bass Reeves was one of the first Black deputy US Marshal in American history, this based on what I have found online, he was most likely trying to do his best job during times he had everything against him including the system itself but he was one of the best man hunters (fugitives/outlaws) for three decades, one of the most deadly men in the frontier. - tv series divider


For All Mankind – Season 4
Air: November, 10, 2023

If you havent seen the first three series I suggest you fucking do, this is one of my favorites series hands down, every single series is great, the story, the action, there is shooting in the MOON, astronauts stay months inside a tiny room at the moon and all because they are pushing to be the first to get to the Moon, then to Mars and now they are building the first sustainable colony at Mars, bringing people from Earth who had regular jobs to help build the infrastructure on Mars but now they found a gigantic metorite with an insane amount of metal, more than it has been mine in the entire history of mankind, now they fighting for it, China, Russia, NASA, they are all going for it, all this happen in a paralell world as none of the story is based on real events, its the vision of what would have happen of probably NASA had done everything what Space X is doing now but years ago, not going to get into that topic but this is a great Space TV Series. - tv series divider


A Murder at the End of the World
Air: November, 14, 2023

This is a drama that I dont really know what to expect out of it but what got me is that it happens literally at the end of the world in the middle of nothing just mountains and ice all over the place, this series reminds me a lot to The Menu and Andy the character by Clive Owen gives me the same impression as Ralph Fiennes the Chef on The Menu movie. From what I can tell from the trailer there is this place looks like a hotel for a retire, probably no internet, no cell phone just to rest and disconnect from the world but its a setup and Darby the main character of the series a women probably on her 25 – 30 is in the middle and tries to survive, this is a mini series with seven chapters and start with the first two on November 14, nothing really special about it but the production seems good based on the trailer, has a good cast too with Alice Braga, Clive Owen, Edoardo Ballerini, few familiar faces. - tv series divider


Anderson Spider Silva
Air: November, 16, 2023

In Brazil MMA is a HUGE deal, on his prime Anderson Silva was a fucking beast, I remember some of his fights against Forrest Griffin, Vitor Belfort, Dan Henderson, he was so smooth and like to trash talk but at some point in time he had defend so many times his UFC World Tittle that it was like watching Max Verstappen win a race, you knew he was going to win. From what I can tell this is a mini series about how he became that great fighter, his struggles in Brazil growing up probably been bully by other guys until one day he discover that love for fighting, Anderon Silva was insane on the floor, trying to take him down was suicide mission because he would make sure you tap out, on the series it goes from when he was a kid to when he became the big star he is, sometimes he was a bit wild on his personal life but at one point in time he was at the top of the world so who could blame him, I love Anderson Silva, one of my favorite MMA fighters, this is going to be a great watch but don’t expect any Van Damme shit fighting making unreal moves. - tv series divider


Monarch: Legacy of Monsters
Air: November, 17, 2023

MONARCH is a no brainier for me, on top of that very recent there was a Godzilla movie, Godzilla Minus One at Japan, turn out to be a success based on critics opinion I’m jet to see it, I’m not a movie guy but the end of the year is closing strong even after the Hollywood Strike. The Monsterverse has never make it to TV and that is what this TV Series is about, collecting all that data spread across four movies and then develop the MONARCH story more than it already is, this is no mini series so we are going to get plenty of episodes, season one kicks in with ten episodes, from the start based on the first scene that was released past week we get a fight between a giant crap and a spider what we probably wont get is fights between the main monsters like Godzilla but that’s OK, with ten episodes I think its enough to develop the MONARCH story and have other monsters show up to destroy cities or after Godzilla, very excited about this one too. - tv series divider

I’m going to try to post the next day on some this series, MONARCH and For All Mankind are my two favorites out of this list but knowing me this will take some effort since some times I get busy at work or at home, when that happens I tend to not have enough patience to sit down and write content, I have been thinking on quitting my 8-5 one day but not now since I still need that income for certain plans, may be next year around this time I will reconsider since I really like writing content and if I could have the time to create videos that would be great too, I see some guys in Hive that post twice a day and on top comment others people post and are very active in Threads, all I can think is how the fuck they have the time but most likely they don’t have an 8-5, I’m not miserable but also not enjoy having the 8-5 I have at the moment, I though this post was going to be short but me talking about my job doesn’t help that much so I hope one day I might have the option to not have an 8-5 and still move on with projects without having to worry about my finances.


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Special Ops: Lioness – Sacrificial Soldiers – Season 1 – Episode 1 – RECAP

Special Ops: Lioness - Sacrificial Soldiers - Season 1 - Episode 1 - RECAP -
Special Ops: Lioness – Sacrificial Soldiers – Season 1 – Episode 1 – RECAP –


Special Ops: Lioness - Sacrificial Soldiers - Season 1 - Episode 1 - RECAP INTRODUCTION -

Same as it happen to me I’m sure most people will be HOOKED on the first ten minutes and will be asking for more gunpowder for the rest of the episode, Special Ops: Lioness packs a fucking ton of it plus tough to the nails women in action, between Joe and Cruz you will love to see them kicking ass left and right, on first episode we still don’t see any of the too in action yet.

This is a series I have been wanting to watch for some time now, as usual a bit skeptical if it would be good or not scoring 7s and 8s on sites so it obviously has to be good, I’m a sucker for war theme anything from movies to TV series, plus the undercover agent part that is very exciting.

Special Ops: Lioness as you guess is about women who go to war but not exactly to just shoot, it is a special operations program for women to get involve with female related to male targets, say they are after a man but know his daughter or wife are usually in contact then they send out a female agent to infiltrate them, become friends with them until they get enough information and if possible kill the target. This program is lead by Joe who recruit the members, it all sound easy like get dress well, become friends, gain their trust but the dirty and savage part is when their cover is blown and now Joe has to take the decision, will the agent get safe so it can be extract or is it time to cut loose ends meaning pull the trigger if necessary to not compromise the program. - tv series divider
Special Ops: Lioness - Sacrificial Soldiers - Season 1 - Episode 1 - RECAP EPISODE DETAILS -

Special Ops: Lioness - Sacrificial Soldiers - Season 1 - Episode 1 - RECAP -
Special Ops: Lioness – Sacrificial Soldiers – Season 1 – Episode 1 – RECAP –


Special Ops: Lioness - Sacrificial Soldiers - Season 1 - Episode 1 - RECAP -
Special Ops: Lioness – Sacrificial Soldiers – Season 1 – Episode 1 – RECAP –
Special Ops: Lioness - Sacrificial Soldiers - Season 1 - Episode 1 - RECAP -
Special Ops: Lioness – Sacrificial Soldiers – Season 1 – Episode 1 – RECAP –


The episodes starts with an attack to a CIA post, it was a very large amount of guys attacking but it almost didn’t make sense, not that they don’t explain the reason for the attack but how they were running forward and then to the sides I don’t know, once the shooting stops, adrenaline goes down and you re watch the scene you find it empty, but I have to say it was a great opening, in five minutes you had massive shooting, ak47 screaming all over the place, a FUCKING HAWG one of the most badass aircraft in movies and irl clearing the field and even a drone strike hitting the target. Once the music was over the story starts to unfold, even though it was a great opening I doubt this is how the series will be, I don’t think we are going to have this massive shooting on every episode.

Special Ops: Lioness - Sacrificial Soldiers - Season 1 - Episode 1 - RECAP -
Special Ops: Lioness – Sacrificial Soldiers – Season 1 – Episode 1 – RECAP –


First episode, time to meet main characters and their motives, basically what the hell is this story about, on the picture above is Joe women in charge of calling the shots on the field, I don’t think she is in charge as usually there is some one back at home moving the pieces but on the field she decides if you stay or go, on the first episode her undercover agent gets identified, Joe never check her for tattoos and seems she had a cross with a name on her side and it was seen by one of the women on the village, depending on where you at it can be a big NO NO since they are in middle east. Joe tried to extract her from the location but it was already too late for her, extremist found her and were about to cut of her head but Joe authorize drop a missile from a drone to safe her the pain and keep things secret as possible, desperate move for a desperate situation.

Special Ops: Lioness - Sacrificial Soldiers - Season 1 - Episode 1 - RECAP -
Special Ops: Lioness – Sacrificial Soldiers – Season 1 – Episode 1 – RECAP –


Next on the startup we got Cruz Manuelos, a women who is trying to make her life straight after making a lot of bad decisions, lives with her boyfriend who plays been gangster but she is over with that life, now works a honest job and is not into any of her bad habits, this creates a conflict been them and after an argument because she hits a girl inside the house, Cruz’s boyfriend hit her with a jab straight to her face.

Special Ops: Lioness - Sacrificial Soldiers - Season 1 - Episode 1 - RECAP -
Special Ops: Lioness – Sacrificial Soldiers – Season 1 – Episode 1 – RECAP –


Cruz wants to be over with her boyfriend and his old life so next morning she took vengeance, pack her things and wait for him to wake up to hit him twice in the face with a pan, the chase starts until they arrive to a US Marine recruiting center, she enters screaming for help until a big ass Marine steps in between her and her boyfriend. She felt safe with the Marine, she realize if she didn’t wanted to be abuse anymore one of her options was to become tougher, US Marines training will do that for her so she enrolls, top of her class, tougher than male recruits, faster, smarter, she was the full package, perfect asset to join the Lioness.

Special Ops: Lioness - Sacrificial Soldiers - Season 1 - Episode 1 - RECAP -
Special Ops: Lioness – Sacrificial Soldiers – Season 1 – Episode 1 – RECAP –


After a lot of reports, debriefs, interviews, Joe comes back home with two things in mind, first is go home spend some time with her family although is not that easy because she spends most of her time out of the country on classified missions meaning no contact with her family, comes back home and between her two kids her son is more sensible to not seen her for so long, her husband holds the fort while she is out.

Special Ops: Lioness - Sacrificial Soldiers - Season 1 - Episode 1 - RECAP -
Special Ops: Lioness – Sacrificial Soldiers – Season 1 – Episode 1 – RECAP –


Joe ended up recruiting Cruz, after all she is at the top of her class and Joe had to move fast, she needed another undercover agent, Cruz and Joe are not best friends, actually Joe doesn’t seem to like her that much, Cruz is now in my opinion over confident, been a Marine make her feel she has a lot of power and can conquer everything life throws at her but when your neck is at risk that’s when true stars shine, for her first task she did panic a bit.

Special Ops: Lioness - Sacrificial Soldiers - Season 1 - Episode 1 - RECAP -
Special Ops: Lioness – Sacrificial Soldiers – Season 1 – Episode 1 – RECAP –
Special Ops: Lioness - Sacrificial Soldiers - Season 1 - Episode 1 - RECAP -
Special Ops: Lioness – Sacrificial Soldiers – Season 1 – Episode 1 – RECAP –


Different than most common undercover agents that already know everything about their target all Cruz knows is her face, undercover name Zara Adid but she forgot the moment Aaliyah Amrohi ask for her name, the moment Cruz got into the car to get ready and meet the target she starts panicking and Joe had to calm her down, the hole idea of knowing nothing about the target is to lower the risks of getting caught and make the experience as real as possible, become friends, create a bond but with always in mind that this is just another job. - tv series divider

Special Ops: Lioness - Sacrificial Soldiers - Season 1 - Episode 1 - RECAP CONCLUSION -

This series so far is exactly as what the tittle says, a Special Operations team that work with Lioness, top of the class Female Marines who are fearless, tough and can still be a perfect lady, Cruz is not the most girly girly but she knows her way around. Cruz story feels a bit crunch but I guess the series is not about that, after all this is another Army theme TV series bringing in something different, its the first time I see this type of series based on a group of female Special Ops Marines, usually is the other way around and that’s interesting also how they are thrown into the water without knowing much about the target, the end goal is the same locate and get/kill the bad guy.

I wonder if this series will be big enough to get several season something like SEAL Team currently on its sixth season or something shorter like Six only got two seasons, I don’t see how a series with very few characters and no side stories could make it into a more than two or three seasons, I’m also curious of how much action we will get on each episode because it was five minutes of gunpowder and then the rest was a few japs, kicks, arguing and that was it, less than forty five minutes per episodes.

I give this first episode a solid 7.5 just because of what I mention, I think they try to buy the audience with all the shooting at the beginning but after that the action starts to soften little by little. - tv series divider

Special Ops: Lioness SEASON 1 TRAILER -

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Fatal Attraction: Caregiving – Season 1 Episode 8 – RECAP

Fatal Attraction: Caregiving – Season 1 Episode 8 – RECAP -
Fatal Attraction: Caregiving – Season 1 Episode 8 – RECAP –



Episode eight of Fatal Attraction brings multiple revelations from Alex wild imaginary world to the her real killer, sorry to spoil it for people who haven’t seen this drama series but Dan was never her murder, its shocking the reason why she was murder, Dan had way more reasons to kill Alex from been an abusive stoker, suspect of his mother in law murder, took his daughter not going to say kidnap because se was return but its close, so Dan or even Beth were the ones with true motives to end Alex’s live but they didn’t. The ending of this series felt a bit rush but I guess that’s the problem with most mini series, it does conclude some of the mayor questions, for example:

  • Did Dan killed Alex?
  • Does Dan wins the case?
  • Who killed Alex Forrest?

At the end of episode eight all this questions were answer and may be that’s what matters but there were some other situations that emerge left without resolution, from my point of view it sucks because I know there will never be a second season or additional chapters to this series so this subjects wont be resolved.

Another thing that also got answer is that Beth never stop loving Dan, on this episode that was confirm, there is a scene where Dan is so tired he fall sleep with his cloth still on and Beth enters the room and look at him, she was probably thinking how he destroy his carrier and family because of a mistake but I think it was on a good way, I believe that even though some one makes you any kind of damage good times are never forgotten, you can be mad at the present but the past was probably so good it helps you overcome the current situation, in their case Dan having an affair with a delusional women who needed professional help with her mental health that ends up dead right at the moment her short affair relationship with Dan has ended, Beth tells Dan she doesn’t need a judge to confirm he was innocent as his appeal was denied, the system would never let him win besides that they know he lied to protect his family and not been send to jail for life, Dan was the hero at the bureau so everyone was waiting for the day he gets in trouble to dog pile and get revenge, for some people its more fun to a hero died, even I enjoy it form time to time, its part of human nature. - tv series divider

Fatal Attraction: Caregiving – Season 1 Episode 8 – RECAP -
Fatal Attraction: Caregiving – Season 1 Episode 8 – RECAP –


In an attempt to reason with Alex before she was killed, Beth decided to meet her and talk to her with the goal in mind to make peace with Alex and make her go away but she had no idea who she was dealing with, at this point there was no going back for Alex, that ship has sailed and now she is living in a world of her own imagination, she even say she was pregnant when she was not.

Fatal Attraction: Caregiving – Season 1 Episode 8 – RECAP -
Fatal Attraction: Caregiving – Season 1 Episode 8 – RECAP –


I could tell probably how disappointed but probably relieved in some way Dan felt after his appeal was denied, he did his best effort to get it approve by doing proper investigation with Mike and contrary to what anyone may think he had support from people involve on all this mess that after many years support him like Beth and his daughter Ellen, he probably felt when you are told you are over qualified for the job and you were still the top performer from the company, at this point nothing makes sense anymore and the Alex case story began to faint, it was more about what will Dan do next?

Fatal Attraction: Caregiving – Season 1 Episode 8 – RECAP -
Fatal Attraction: Caregiving – Season 1 Episode 8 – RECAP –


Dan got promoted at the firm he was working at after got out of jail but seems he will have to live with people thinking and even asking how he killed Alex now that he is off the hook he probably tell the “true story” to those who ask for it but he was not Alex murder, there is a lot of people who doesn’t believe him including Earl and those who matter to him like his daughter Dan would still like to prove them he didn’t do it but his opportunity has vanish and will have to deal/live with it, feels like Dan gets bully about Alex murder every day.

Fatal Attraction: Caregiving – Season 1 Episode 8 – RECAP -
Fatal Attraction: Caregiving – Season 1 Episode 8 – RECAP –


This was probably one of the best moments on episode eight, Beth was just thinking out loud and ask if they should have Dan over for dinner, Arthur and Ellen look at her like WTF!!! then Beth ask if it would be weird, one thing is his ex wife and daughter having dinner with Dan but then including Arthur, Beth’s new husband after Dan got to jail, besides Dan knew Arthur and he also paid for a big part of the legal fees for Dan case, this moment did make me laugh.

Fatal Attraction: Caregiving – Season 1 Episode 8 – RECAP -
Fatal Attraction: Caregiving – Season 1 Episode 8 – RECAP –


The opening to what the writers would consider a big finale for the mini series, not sure if its the opening also for another mini series or something else, remember how Ellen was spying on his professor and Stella who was having a relationship with him, not sure if he was married but still, Ellen got Stella kicked out of school when she snitch on her, all this happen after Ellen have already try to convince her professor and Stella to stop seen each other on separate occasions. Stella knew it was Ellen so she confront her but Ellen looked very cold like she could not care less, I found weird why would she spy on them if she had no interest in any of the two unless she did.

Fatal Attraction: Caregiving – Season 1 Episode 8 – RECAP -
Fatal Attraction: Caregiving – Season 1 Episode 8 – RECAP –
Fatal Attraction: Caregiving – Season 1 Episode 8 – RECAP -
Fatal Attraction: Caregiving – Season 1 Episode 8 – RECAP –


Probably the answer everyone was looking for, WHO KILLED ALEX?? well after seven episodes I had no clue but only believe Dan didn’t do it because how he was presented on the series, the moment and motives he had to kill Alex and never did it but seems that Arthur decided to step in at the time either because of friendship, loneliness or love for Beth, at the time all Beth knew about Alex and her mother “accidentally” died, Arthur’s wife was dying because of cancer, Beth called him crying because was was frustrated from all the things going on with Alex, Dan, her mother and daughter, Arthur couldn’t control himself and decided to kill Alex to end Beth’s problems, seems he did a great job because no body knew he was the killer and after Dan goes to jail then he wants to tell the truth but it was too late, the damage was done and his lawyer told him to shut up if he didn’t want to go to jail because him telling the truth wont set Dan free.

Fatal Attraction: Caregiving – Season 1 Episode 8 – RECAP -
Fatal Attraction: Caregiving – Season 1 Episode 8 – RECAP –


Here the part that frustrates me, until the part where Arthur wants to tell everyone he killed Alex I think that was the right ending a classic ending, but this scene comes up, the time Alex took Ellen for a walk without telling her parents decides to give her a small brain wash speech, telling her how his parents were lying to her specially his Dad and she has to learn who to trust, like she could trust Alex and from all the things she tells Ellen I got no clue how we jump into the last scene.

Fatal Attraction: Caregiving – Season 1 Episode 8 – RECAP -
Fatal Attraction: Caregiving – Season 1 Episode 8 – RECAP –


I had this idea that it was possible Ellen was in love with her professor Richard but not to the point she would edit a bunch of audios of him to build up a scene where she could hear him saying how much he wants her, Ellen shows up at his apartment without him knowing not sure for what reason, obviously she wants him but to fuck? to kill him? to kidnap him and lock him down on the basement so only she could some how have him? the guy is shitting bricks he scared and who wouldn’t if a women shows up without permission without you giving her a key and have this look on her face. - tv series divider


The finale of this mini series was truly a surprise, the accusation and proofs against Dan were basically

* Lied about not been at her place
* His fingerprints at Alex place
* He knew Alex

To be honest there was not much, what really put him against the ropes is that he lied about not been at her place and avoid the hole affair situation, justice is not fair all the time, actually I would say that 80% of the time its not, Dan was just the perfect example, the perfect trophy, worst part is that those who were not directly affected and were his “friends” turn their backs on him, his boss, Conchita, the entire building that knew him for so many years but only his wife and Mike, who was like family; never turn his back and they in fact got directly affected, Alex killed Beth’s mother. Fatal Attraction does show you the truth about humans once your ass is on the line and can be affected, everyone turns their back no matter for how long they knew you, most of the time only family stick, not even friends.

I give this show a 7/10, I think score sell out score sites like IMDB and RTT gave it a low score because it didn’t stick to the movie story, they doing the same thing with anything that is a reboot example Dead Ringers, another great mini series and scores are very low.


A Small Light : Welcome to Switzerland - Season 1 Episode 2 - RECAP PREV Episodes -

Episode 1:
Episode 2:
Episode 3:
Episode 4:
Episode 5:
Episode 6:
Episode 7: - tv series divider


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