Drops of God: The Link – Season 1 – Episode 5 – Recap

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Drops of God: The Link – Season 1 Episode 5 – Recap


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Hirozaku is missing and Issei his son just got the news, him and his dad are very close but Issei cant keep asking himself why is he on this competition with Camille, he starts to question what could be the ties between him and Alexander Ledger rather than been just his student and its here when he discover he was more than just a regular student, after his dad disappear and his family officially turning his back on him Issei feels very low, lost stamina, out of strength. The story of Issei is finally getting stronger and starting to take shape, took it five episodes and it feels great because at this point we know a lot about Camille and here role on this series and I knew at some point Issei part of the story will become important, will be given more screen time, this episode is mostly about Issei and his family different than the first four when he was just on the side lines been the great Sommelier he is and stepping over Camille on the contest but not given that much screen time as he got on this episode.

At the moment of writing this episode I already saw episode six and I think for the rest of the season Honoka is going to get trashed badly, on episode four we learn how she and Alexander became lovers and Hirozaku save her reputation at taking Issei as his own son, making everyone think he is the father of a Tomine Diamond, the father of Honoka son when actually Issei is Alexander Ledger son, Camille step brother and the second reason he is on the contest, other than Honoka and Hirozaku no body else knows, at least until now her father Noboru Tomine haven’t show signs he knew so the moment this goes out to light because it will, at some point Issei is going to reveal this secret and bring it to the press, at least for now he just discover the real connection between Alexander and his mother but doesn’t have like real strong proof he is Alexander son, who knows if Honoka even kill herself the moment this news go out, we have seen on most Japaneses stories how some times the characters commit suicide when their honor gets beaten so hard and that’s whats going to happen with her and unfortunately with Hirozaku too because lets not forget that even though he did a great thing at taking care of Issei he also lied to the Tomine family for many many years.

Camille is evolving, now she has been offered to take care of his father book, The Ledger Guide, a wine guide that in the series represent basically the bible of wine, if your vineyard, your wine, and the editor talks well about it, it becomes and automatic success, Luca owns 45% of the Guide, it feels they want to use Camille because of her image, because of her last name but not really because they believe she can do same or better than her father after all Issei is way better than her on the technique and knowledge but she has this rare talent for wine tasting.

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Drops of God: The Link – Season 1 Episode 5 – Recap - www.skiptvads.blog
Drops of God: The Link – Season 1 Episode 5 – Recap


Until now Luca has been too good of a friend to Camille as he was to her father Alexander but if we look back is a man who is all about business and money, for example how Thomas offer to buy a $10k bottle of wine and took Camille to the vineyard that was miles away but when ask Luca he said he cant and wont open a $10k bottle just to wonder and ifs, all this time he has offer Camille his help, his nephew and Miyabi but this will change soon when Luca stakes on the Ledger and the contest itself look at risk by Camille actions.

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Drops of God: The Link – Season 1 Episode 5 – Recap


Honoka seriously is so selfish, for her everything is in second place even her son and husband, she calls Issei to inform him that his father ran away and left behind his wallet, keys and personal things without saying he was going, even try to make Issei responsible for it after he mention they had this argument before he ran away but the truth is Hirozaku ran away because he couldn’t take Honoka rudness on how she treat him, they had a date and she never went, it was the drop that spilled the glass. During the argument when Honoka try to put this on Issei he clearly said it back “You are the one who always humiliate him”, it is about time that people around Honoka stops thinking she is this golden women just because she is part of the Tomine Diamond family and it starts with her son and husband, this is just the beginning, soon all the dirty cloth will be out.

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Drops of God: The Link – Season 1 Episode 5 – Recap


Different than Honoka, her father Noboru is a bad ass and said things to your face, this is the moment when Issei is no longer part of the Tomine family, his grand father tells him he now MUST WIN, he has his support as grand father but Issei been on that contest discredit the Tomine family because he is or was the future of his family and didn’t need to compete for a inheritance, he already had one, Issei been on that contest is an insult that his grand father wont take, at least that’s his perspective, I’m not saying its my opinion, competing for Alexander wine collection is a huge price, Issie could do it for that reason and not because of the rest of the money but still that’s his grand father point of view and he is officially out of the family, the press conference was just a PR move from the family since Issei was getting so much attention on the news. Imagine, your father is missing, your own mother doesn’t support you and is a lying bitch and now your grand father kicks you out of the family, with a family like that you needs enemies.

Drops of God: The Link – Season 1 Episode 5 – Recap - www.skiptvads.blog
Drops of God: The Link – Season 1 Episode 5


Issei is getting all the love on this episode, he is now getting a lot of screen time and we starting to learn more of him as a person not just what a great Sommelier he is and that his family has money but more about how he is, why he was so arrogant at first, lets face it look at his mother and grand father, Issei for sure inherit that attitude from them. With his father missing and all this troubles with the rest of this family plus the contest pressure he is very down and look for someone who can listen to him, he has to vent out and choose Yurika Katase a journalist who he has been talking to in the past to get the contest covered, when they start talking about his father missing he still have the idea he ran away because of the argument the had but Yurika as a journalist see things different, why disappear now? he must have a secret? this is when Issei took interest on learning how his parents met at the university and whats really their story, he knew they both study together and met Alexander, he goes to the university to get more information about it with the excuse he wants to throw a party for his parents and bring this professor too. He ask her to help him find his father and she agrees with the condition that she gets an exclusive interview, Issei agree and she did help him, at least got a clue where his father went after he took the train.

Drops of God: The Link – Season 1 Episode 5 – Recap - www.skiptvads.blog
Drops of God: The Link – Season 1 Episode 5 – Recap


I was so curious and excited about Issue story on this episode that Luca offering Camille the Ledger Guide was like Meeeh, btw Camille throw herself at Thomas and he reject her one night the got drunk, this was telegraphed from far away. Luca, business, The Ledger Guide, Luca and the publisher lure Camille to continue with the Guide but why putting so much pressure into it? they had her taste a wine her father like very much and Luca said its that easy just your opinion the wine you try but who knows if that’s really what will appear on the Guide after it gets edited, she doesnt look interested.

Drops of God: The Link – Season 1 Episode 5 – Recap - www.skiptvads.blog
Drops of God: The Link – Season 1 Episode 5


Issei kept his word and gave Katase the interview she ask for, on that interview he recognize how his grand father support is real and how he can understand one thing is family business and another thing is him supporting him as his grand father, at the end of the interview makes clear he will never take the Tomine Diamond family business no matter the results of the contests for Alexander Ledger inheritance, this was public strike one for Honoka. When Issei went to the university to get info on his parents and Alexander he got the name of Alexander translator, she is now old and very kind and knew the truth about Honoka and Alexander, Issei was talking about his father Hirozaku but for the translator it was a different man, it was Alexander and here when she slip and mention “….giving the class just for her” Issei was like WTF my father Hirozaku was a student, wasn’t he?

Mic drop….. she reveal the true story of how Hirozaku became his father but his biological father is Alexander, now a lot of things make sense for Issei.

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Drops of God: The Link – Season 1 Episode 5 – Recap CONCLUSION - www.skiptvads.blog

This episode was a blast from start to finish, it shows now Noburu really likes his grand son but has a family name to defend, Honoka house of cards is about to go down and Issei has no mercy to her, Issei is opening up and starting to realize he cant win this contest alone not with all this problems he is having at his family after all he is wining the contest and has a lot of tools and experience Camille doesn’t but all that stress generated by family problems might tip him over, Camille was basically irrelevant to this episode but the next episodes will be fireworks now that Issei might look at Camille different and become more friendly even try to get closer to her, this tv series is awesome so far 8/10 and how knows it could probably get a 9/10 with upcoming seasons.


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Episode 1: https://skiptvads.blog/drops-of-god-a-father-episode-1-personal-thoughts-2/
Episode 2: https://skiptvads.blog/drops-of-god-sky-earth-humans-episode-2-personal-thoughts/
Episode 3: https://skiptvads.blog/drops-of-god-duel-episode-3-recap/
Episode 4: https://skiptvads.blog/drops-of-god-foundation-episode-4-recap/

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Drops of God: Foundation – Episode 4 – Recap

Drops of God: Foundation - Season 1 Episode 4 RECAP - www.skiptvads.blog
Drops of God: Foundation – Season 1 Episode 4 RECAP


Drops of God: Foundation - Season 1 Episode 4 RECAP INTRODUCTION - https://skiptvads.blog

Camille didn’t exactly start this competition with the right foot but there is more to come, things between her and Thomas has turn a bit tense now that she has started to directly show her feelings for him different than what he has been doing so far, he shows just too much interest on her to win the contest and has been doing what ever he can from taking her for hours drive trip to find a $10k bottle for her to taste or go to Tokyo just because he can be of big “help” for her, Thomas is just avoiding the big question, does he feel anything for her or not?

Regarding the contest itself so far Camille is no match for Issei, he is well trained, has a lot of experience at least compare to her plus he is very focus, its a one man army that works like a very well maintained machinery, but there are a few events happening that can tip him over a bit from his mother and grandfather not approving him competing for Alexander’s heritance and now his father that just had enough of the Tomine Diamonds, he had enough of been beaten down and diminish by Honoka every time she wants when he has always been there for her. Obvious answers most of the time are not the best, at first I though ok Alexander thought he had no one to leave his heritance to so he took Issei like the son he never had and that’s why got him into the contest but its more complex than that and on this episode a lot is revealed, Issei never question this neither but he was actually trying to learn more about his “father” Hirokazu, Issei starts to peek into the truth about why he is really into this contest.

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Drops of God: Foundation - Season 1 Episode 4 RECAP - www.skiptvads.blog
Drops of God: Foundation – Season 1 Episode 4 RECAP


On this episode we will learn more about Alexander, how Honoka and Hirozaku became his students and how Issei end up as a participant of this great contest for the prize of probably the most value wine collection in the world, on this Tv Series. For this the series will show a younger version of this three characters, times when Honoka use to smile and a young Hirozaku for ever in love with her, Alexander as usual reckless and brave.

On the picture above there is Alexander on the left holding a wine bottle, Honoka in the middle and Hirozaku on the right, this picture is epic like they both competing for her but it was never a competition, Honoka and Hirozaku went to Phillip’s vineyard to taste rare wine and learn more about it, even meet young Thomas and that’s probably the very same table where Camille use to train with his father, back in the day there were some things that we build to last for ever like that table. Alexander was ask by Honoka to show them rare wine with character and he took the challenge.

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Drops of God: Foundation – Season 1 Episode 4 RECAP


Hirozaku was in Honoka’s for ever friend zone but he was always there for here no matter the situation, until this point of the episode there is not much to say about them other than that, he was next to her mostly where ever she goes, on 1991 after Alexander failed to graduate, from what I think it was a Professional Sommelier, he failed to present his Thesis after loosing control on his interview talking about how there is a Wine Monopoly in France, Alexander was basically force to look for a new horizon ending up giving Enology classes in Japan, guess who sing up as son as she saw the name on the board, Honoka sing up and Hirozaku follow.

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Drops of God: Foundation – Season 1 Episode 4 RECAP


Alexander was very passionate about wine and anything related to it, not every one is that passionate about something, for example I might be passionate about computers but I might not have the skill set to teach others what I already know, Alexander did take the time to elevate his students knowledge but his methods were not well seen among the University, until eventually Hirozaku ended up drunk at the University campus after one of Alexander after hour classes, he offer to take Honoka home but she refuse and tell him to go if he wanted, she was going to stay, the man had enough and was heart broken. It seems Honoka has always been selfish, we humans are selfish by nature but looks like Honoka have never hit rock bottom or needed from others so she didn’t put that much attention into those who surround her.

Alexander class was terminated after the incident with Hirozaku, the University decided it was because of Alexander methods of teaching after hours that students were setting the wrong example.

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Drops of God: Foundation – Season 1 Episode 4 RECAP


Drops of God: Foundation - Season 1 Episode 4 RECAP - www.skiptvads.blog
Drops of God: Foundation – Season 1 Episode 4 RECAP


Liar liar, pants on fire! Issei is looking for his dad, trying to figure out what really happen to him, the reason why he left since at first he thought it was about and argument they had. I previously mention how until Episode three it was all about Camille well its not anymore, Camille and Issei roads are starting to cross. With Issei investigating his father and mother past he stumble to a photo that shows his mother, father and Alexander together, but when he ask his mother Honoka, her answer was she have never been into wine, it was his father who ask Alexander for a photo. Honoka was in love with Alexander and eventually seduce him, they ended having an affair, Alexander was a wild soul so he goes with the flow until he got Marianne pregnant, Honoka felt rejected but Hirozaku was there for her, Honoka also got pregnant but so far it has not been revel if Alexander ever knew, at the end Honoka tells Hirozaku she was pregnant both knew who the father was and he took the baby, that baby was Issei who is now competing against his step sister for their father inheritance.
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FATAL ATTRACTION S01E02 CONCLUSION - www.skiptvads.blog

I cant expect less from a manga master piece like Drops of God, I like how things can be predictable but not everything is reveal at once, there are still parts to the story that haven’t been clear out, for the viewer we now are aware that Issei and Camille are step brothers but there still that part where they find out, how they going to react, I think both will take it easy besides they don’t hate each other although Camille feels insulted at some point that she is been put to compete with someone who is not family, Issei on the other hand looks very peaceful, the hot sauce is what will Honoka do when the truth is reveal, a many years secret that can hit the press and let her proud father know she had an affair got pregnant and not by her husband, for anyone who have read the manga none of this is a secret but I wonder what happens with the contest after they find out they are related. Alexander is clever enough and if he knew about it before he died I’m sure he set some sort of rules for this circumstance for the competition to continue, after all the contest is to really keep teaching Issei and Camille after he died.

A Small Light : Welcome to Switzerland - Season 1 Episode 2 - RECAP PREV Episodes - www.skiptvads.blog

Episode 1: https://skiptvads.blog/drops-of-god-a-father-episode-1-personal-thoughts-2/
Episode 2: https://skiptvads.blog/drops-of-god-sky-earth-humans-episode-2-personal-thoughts/
Episode 3: https://skiptvads.blog/drops-of-god-duel-episode-3-recap/https://skiptvads.blog - tv series divider

Drops of God: Foundation - Season 1 TRAILER - www.skiptvads.blog

Drops of God: Duel – Episode 3 – Recap

Drops Of God - Episode 3 Recap


Drops Of God - Episode 03 Season 01 - Introduction

After on Episode 2, Camille realize what really happen when she was a child, that after all she was the one responsible for her trauma against alcohol, its true that her father shouldn’t leave her alone with wine but he did told her plus she been training for him for quite some time and was aware of the rules, she was not ready yet to drink wine and been a child she decided to try it, it was too much for her body to take it, an entire glass of wine cause her a trauma that all of the sudden seems to be overcome all because of her desire to win the contest for her father inheritance, a trauma that lasted years gone because how excited she is but I wonder if its because of the contest? the inheritance? or perhaps its because of Thomas, there could be multiple motives that take Camille to this extreme decision, I say extreme because the moment she decided to drink wine again she was exposing herself not necessarily to death but serious damage, keep in mind every time she drank wine started to bleed from her nose non stop to the point of black out, there was also pressure from Thomas and his father Phillip who kept saying that just sniffing the wine wont be enough to win this contest against Issei Tomine who was trained by Alexander himself, she is probably facing a top notch sommelier.

Drops Of God - Episode 03 Season 01 - Episode Events


Drops Of God - Episode 03 Season 01


Now that Camille is finally tasting wine again she manage to identify the components or at least what she think the components are, at this point things are very uncertain, Camille just started tasting wine after many years of having this extreme reaction to alcohol, Camille identify the components of the wine she tasted at Tokyo as Mirabelle, blueberry, celery root, cacao, pencil, chalk, fern, clay, licorice, not a very common combination and to a certain point misleading but only Phillip knows this because he has tasted this wine before, a wine from 1986 from a Tourine winegrower called Andre Gigon who used an old grape variety no one has used since World War II, called the Lignage and he manage to both create a red and white wine who very often confuse people, Phillip and Thomas finds out all bottles were sold the last one five years ago at the time of the series at the modes price for $10k per bottle, Camille don’t have that amount of money to spend on a bottle even if she cold find one so Thomas takes the drastic decision to take Camille and pay a visit to Andre but they went bankrupt in 1996 so who knows if they still have any bottles around.

Drops Of God - Episode 03 Season 01


Thomas and Camille make the trip to find Mr. Andre Gigon, when they arrive their was no vineyard, after all they went bankrupt so it was all gone, Camille and Thomas had some time to chit chat during on their way to Mr. Gigon and out of no where Thomas asks Camille if she is seen some one, I think this question confuse her, to this point of the series its no secret she likes him but they haven’t had that alone moment to clear things out. When they arrive Mr. Andre Gigon was old and his son live with him, they seem to be alone and accept to talk to Camille, Gigon’s son talks a bit about how they knew using old grapes that no body knew about was key for the wine to be successful but they were a small company with limited budget for marketing and they didn’t produce large volume neither, at first selling bottles for 40 franks to latter on find out that the last bottles were sold for $10k USD a mind blowing reality, been successful but just too late for them, he and his father had to sell everything to pay debts and close the company. This trip was not so useful for Camille her success on the contest but at least she was explained that from the same vintage they could make either red or white wine meaning both having same aromas despite the color something that may confuse people and Gigon’s son also gave her a hint that the bottle she was probably looking for could be a Lignage, vintage 1987.

Drops Of God - Episode 03 Season 01


One Episode 1 Camille was not ideally pleased of how Luca receive her, he pick her up from the airport on a small white cargo bus and she judge him by his car but now she knows Luca is a baller, big boss restaurant owner but wont “open a bottle worth 12,000 euros just for could be” but Miyabi had an idea of who could open that bottle and then Camille would have to hustle out her way to taste this wine, one of Luca big customer is has reservation for that night and he is known to close deals every time he arrives so he has no weakens to spend large on wine, but the problem for Camille is that Mr. Matsubara never leaves a single drop behind, they going to offer him the bottle and if he agrees then at least Camille will have the chance to figure out how to taste it, Luca will have the bottle send out from Osaka to Tokyo and ready for Mr. Matsubara.

Drops Of God - Episode 03 Season 01


Miyabi who is Lucha Sommelier and Lorenzo his nephew are put in charge of Camille, to “train” her on how to serve the wine and take care of the table for the night without knowing they were wasting her time, Camille was told this ritual by his father when she was eight years old putting them to shame, what a troll Camille can be some times.

The night comes, Mr. Matsubara arrives with his client and Miyabi who is Luca Sommelier introduce Camille as the one in charge to serve Mr. Matsubara wine for the evening, everything goes according to the plan, from now on Miyabi and Lorenzo became part of Camille team to find this mysterious wine she tasted once for the competition, Camille was able to sneak a single drop of Mr. Matsubara wine but it was not, the bottle Luca had was 1990 and Mr. Gigon’s son told her she was looking for a 1987 which could make all kind of difference, Camille start feeling desperate feeling all her effort is a waste of time but then again Thomas comes to the rescue.

Drops Of God - Episode 03 Season 01


Remember this TV Series is based on the popular manga of the same name, at times the decisions and actions that characters take feel like out of a manga, some of them very extreme and laughable at, all it took for Thomas to go to Tokyo is heard Camille sad about the contest over the phone, was as when they went to visit Mr. Gigon for a $10k bottle, he took off with Camille like it was nothing.

Luca gave Camille full access to his cellar without limits to take and taste what ever bottle of wine she needs to and win the contest.



From now on we will see more of Lorenzo and Miyabi, a love story out of a manga, how silly Lorenzo is when it comes to Miyabi and how she clearly feels for him, starting to laugh at the silly lovely things he does for her like in this case they are at a Karaoke drinking to free their mind and help Camille, basically taking the rest of the night off and a break for this quest they are part of now.

Camille keeps getting this mix signals from Thomas, like when he ask her if she is seen someone, taking her to potentially buy a $10k wine bottle and now taking a flight to Tokyo just to help her, I think for at least 70% of human population that’s been way too helpful if there is not some kind of interest or benefit from this contest, besides Thomas is not getting anything from Alexander inheritance so why put so much effort on helping Camille?, he gets a called from his girlfriend and goes out of the bar to talk to her, didn’t look too excited to talk to her, while watching a rusty bike an idea came to him, it was not celery root what Camille taste it was the oxidation of the wine, they were totally off.

Drops Of God - Episode 03 Season 01


After spending the rest of the night trying to find that single bottle of wine it came to Lorenzo, the wine they looking for has to be a great wine over 2006, oxidation is key and only two wines with this characteristics could be the one Camille is looking for but Lorenzo said it would be better to identify what makes them different, its either a Cheval Blanc with classic maturation on new barrels or The Vega Sicilia Unico staying for at least six years in oak old barrels, so she basically screwed without the correct wine and trying to identify this on the fly, with no where to go or ask the day of the contest comes and Camille had it, Cheval Blanc 1999 but at the last minute change her mind for 2000, its worth mentioning that it took Issei just a few minutes to identify the correct wine and didn’t hesitate, he is well trained and has been constantly tasting wine for all those years that Camille didn’t, she could be talented but experience is on Issei side, although his family is not supporting him at all on this quest except his father, that side of the story for me is still not relevant enough but on next episodes its a side story that starts to pick up.

Drops Of God - Episode 03 Season 01 - Conclusion

So far this series is proven to have an awesome story, the manga is so popular so I was not expecting less than this, the story is getting better and better, seems like its that time of the year where very few action TV Series are release and most are drama series, Issei story so far is not that relevant but its starting to be, for now all I know is that his family is rich, he doesn’t want anything to do with it and its trying to create his own company as a great Sommelier. As I mention the story does have that funny way of doing things, where characters take crazy last minute decisions without thinking much about consequences and been able to leave everything behind.

Drops Of God - Trailer


Drops of God: A Father – Episode 1 – Personal Thoughts


Drops of God is an AMAZING TV Series drama, I love several things that get out of the classic tv series for example how its develop on different countries, three different languages through, at least during the first two episodes. If you like Drama TV Series you need to watch Drops of God
Its the story of Camille Leger play by Fleur Geffrier who to be honest I have never seen before but she is great, Camille is daughter of Alexander Leger a very strict man with a extremely high passion for wine and oenology the science and study of wine and wine making. Alexander started training Camille since she was very little, I really like how she builds up a world inside her mind, she organize all flavors and smells inside this world sometimes as she is going around the woods remembering how things smell other times running around an abandon building with all this compartments where she have all this information organize, on any story detail is king and Camille story has a ton of details when it comes to identify wine but there is one problem, at a very early age Camille took a full glass of wine to her head after she was left alone during a training session with a glass of wine, she ask her father when she would be aloud to drink wine Alexander said not yet and when she was left alone drank the entire glass creating a trauma, now she cant even have a drop of alcohol because she starts bleeding and some times blacks out. Her parents split apart when she was little, her relationship with her father was mislead and now he is dying, she goes to Tokyo to visit him but it was too late and now have to deal with entire funeral process and her father’s will reading that bring up a lot of surprises to her life.


8.4/10 on IMDB and 100% on RottenTomatoe, this series I think is going under the radar but is getting a very good response from viewers, but there is a reason for this.

Drops of God TV Series is based on the very popular Manga of the same name with 439 chapters on 44 Volumes, can you imagine if Apple+ brings in all this episodes, this thing is going to be eternal, the only fear I have if it doesnt meet the expectations of people who read the manga.

Drops of God, Fandom.com






This is Camille, story starts with her at a bar, she seems to be looking for someone and just ask a bar tender for a glass of water, when I started to watch this TV series I had no idea what to expect, it was new so I wanted to try it, I prefer this approach to avoid spoils and make it more interesting, it was after I watch the first two episodes that I did some research. I had no idea about her condition, she ask for water probably because she is not there to party or do molly IDK, a guy start talking to her about how he is a fan since 15 years old of her book and after some talking he offers her a shot, she refuse and he is ok took both shots but then tries to kiss her and spit a mix of vodka, tequila and gin into her mouth, this is her just after tasting alcohol, Camille pass out eventually wakes up bleeding none stop and gets back home.


Camille lives with her mom and tells her about her father, he is very bad close to die and send for her, her mom thinks he is manipulative but who would do that close to dying, Camille accept her father invitation to Tokyo and took a flight, Alexander is a baller, sends her a car to pick her up and then she flight to Tokyo on a private yet.


Meet Issei Tomine play by Tomohisa Yamashita
who I remember from Tokyo Vice another series I’m waiting on the next season but I’m not sure that’s going to happen.

Issei is Alexander most talented student, although on the manga it says its his step son but probably its too early to reveal that on the series, on the TV series he is the son of Honoka and Tomine Hirokazu, his mother very strict and his father a little bit loose but both very strict to their roots and family, Issei on the other hand is an entrepreneur exploring the world trying to build up a company around oenology and sommelier but more incline into sommelier a person who is trained professionally to identify wine and evaluate it, but he is too young, his family think its a waist of time, lots of obstacle for him to make his dream come true.


When Camille gets to Tokyo she is welcome by Lucas a good friend of her father who takes her to her fathers place to spend the night and the next day to the lawyer who will read the will, here she find out about Issei, describe by her father last words “his spiritual son” , Alexander net worth between his house and wine collection, the biggest and most value wine collection in the world, is around $155 Million USD but there is a catch on his will, he wants some one who could appreciate his lifetime work so he comes up with a test for Camille and Issei.


They have to taste a bottle of wine Alexander left for them to taste blindfolded and will have exactly one month to identify grape, estate, vintage, they both very familiar with the process, after a month they will taste it again, Issei has a huge advantage since he is well trained and constantly tasting wine when in the other hand Camille cant even have a drop of alcohol without passing out.

I laugh at this scene because at first she and her mother wants nothing to do with her father but now that she knows his father inheritance is over $150 Million she feels disrespected because she have to battle it out and is about to try wine that might kill her.



Camille taste the wine and her brain immediately explodes because all the flavors and her intolerance for alcohol, she have gift that we saw on the first scenes that she can identify many flavors and smells but lives with that trauma from the first time she had a glass of wine.


Camille gets so mad she tells Lucas to fuck off and wants nothing to do with her father inheritance, she just want to get over all this process and go back home. They go to her father funeral and cremation ritual that she knew nothing about, it was a traditional Buddhist burial, I hope that’s the term.



After all the ceremonies, Lucas takes Camille back to her fathers place and show her the private wine collection, here she finds a box with wine that her father had specially to drink with her when she turn 18 but that never happen because of their bad communication, besides Lucas insist she must see a video he left for her before he pass out where he explain how important she was for him, he accept was not the best father and ask for her forgiveness.


After watching the first episode I was hooked, I thought this was a season release, thought it was a Netflix series but it was Apple+, their format to release episodes is different and I prefer the weekly episodes so I was lucky they release the first to episodes, as I mention I really like the combination of cultures, the details of how Camille has this talent that she can identify flavors and smells like she has a huge library inside her brain with everything identify running around as a kid and the other hand the story of Issei who is trying to build up his own company despite of been from a wealthy family, he is very determine to succeed in his field but on this story its consider a waist of time.