The Wheel of Time: Damane – Season 2 – Episode 5 – RECAP

The Wheel of Time: Damane - Season 2 - Episode 5 - RECAP -
The Wheel of Time: Damane – Season 2 – Episode 5 – RECAP –


The Wheel of Time: Damane - Season 2 - Episode 5 - RECAP INTRODUCTION -

From time to time there is that TV Series that I enjoy watching a lot, I do like fantasy theme TV Series although at a adult age not young kids discovering magic, for example The Magicians was a TV Show I enjoy same as The Rings of Power but I’m not a such a fan of other fantasy stories like Harry Potter.

Season two of WOT is in full force and introducing new characters or catching up with story lines is over, the fourth episode introduce its last main character with Selene now known as Lanfear, she was a mystery at first during the season but now she is pissed, not only now we know that she is a forsaken but we are starting to understand her interest to Rand, she is basically in love with him, he is too precious for him but she wants him to join her, she doesn’t want to force him this is why so far she haven’t hurt him, it will remain a mystery what she was going to do when she started channeling. Rand finally meet her real personality, Lanfear on his dreams, she is a dream walker, she can get into others people mind when they are dreaming without been invited, once she is in you are on her world with her rules and you can die on that world too.

On episode five we also get to know a bit more about Seanchan too, a city that looks a lot like Constantinople to be honest, Damane another term on their thong use to those women who can channel, they are not free they are leash by Seanchan and are use as a weapon by their controller or master in this case known as Sul’dam using a collar known as a’dam, all women who can channel including Aes Sidai are consider a marath’damane, an abomination of nature and need to be controlled, similar to how Aes Sidai think of men who can channel although they have this though because men who can channel usually go mad including the Dragon Reborn. - tv series divider
The Wheel of Time: Damane - Season 2 - Episode 5 - RECAP EPISODE DETAILS -

The Wheel of Time: Damane - Season 2 - Episode 5 - RECAP -
The Wheel of Time: Damane – Season 2 – Episode 5 – RECAP –


The Wheel of Time: Damane - Season 2 - Episode 5 - RECAP -
The Wheel of Time: Damane – Season 2 – Episode 5 – RECAP –


Moiraine got just in time when Selene was on top of Rand, she was about to channel after she tied him to the bed and Moiraine cut her throat but this was just a temporary solution and to loose her they had to pull a few old tricks like getting on horses and then leave them going into an opposite direction on foot but this was just to gain some time before Lanfear figure it out. Moiraine plan didn’t work as she thought because Logain was suppose to teach Rand how to explode his power but that never happen, now he is unprepared and Lanfear is after them, she also told him the truth, this is just starting and a higher dark power has been unleash.

The Wheel of Time: Damane - Season 2 - Episode 5 - RECAP -
The Wheel of Time: Damane – Season 2 – Episode 5 – RECAP –


The Wheel of Time: Damane - Season 2 - Episode 5 - RECAP -
The Wheel of Time: Damane – Season 2 – Episode 5 – RECAP –


Perrin finally gets some good amount of screen time, we already know he is a tracker but for some reason he is having a hard time to accept what he is, Elyas tries to guide him although he is not a big help since he is of the mind that the pack has to stay together and all Perrin can think about is his friends who have been capture by the Seachan Army, one of them Uno Modesta killed when he revise to swear loyalty.

Eamon Valda and the White Cloaks, children of the light, a blast form the past season one, Eamon torture Perrin because he is consider a monster, anyone who can channel is a monster for the White Cloaks, they have now take over the small village that Seachan Army and High Lady Suroth attacked.


The Wheel of Time: Damane - Season 2 - Episode 5 - RECAP -
The Wheel of Time: Damane – Season 2 – Episode 5 – RECAP –


When Perrin return to the Village with the intention of finding some of his friends or where they were taking, he free Aviendha who is a Maidem of the Spear, a great fighter that was capture by the White Cloaks and put on a cage, Perrin who has a great heart free her without knowing who she is but soon she show him her skills as a fighter, a fucking John Wick of the Spear putting down a good amount of White Cloaks when they surround them after Perrin free her, she is now in debt with him so she follow him where ever he goes.

The Wheel of Time: Damane - Season 2 - Episode 5 - RECAP -
The Wheel of Time: Damane – Season 2 – Episode 5 – RECAP –


The Wheel of Time: Damane - Season 2 - Episode 5 - RECAP -
The Wheel of Time: Damane – Season 2 – Episode 5 – RECAP –


Things start to unfold at The White Tower when Verin Mathwin gets back, there are rumors of Aes Sidai missing, she also went looking for Egwene and Nynaeve but they were no where to be found at the tower, she seek information on her two friends at the library who can get her more information about this reports, who got in and out of the tower but something is odd about the reports, like either someone fake the reports or use some sort of spell what they call a weave, in this case on Sheriam Sedai who wrote the report. This would only mean that there is a traitor between the lines of the Aes Sidai, someone join the dark power, one of her sisters.

The Wheel of Time: Damane - Season 2 - Episode 5 - RECAP -
The Wheel of Time: Damane – Season 2 – Episode 5 – RECAP –


At this point no body knows at The White Tower but the traitor is Liandrin, I have been thinking why she did it and there is only one answer, her son who is dying, she actually explain this to Nynaeve before knock her out and deliver her with Egwene and Elayne to High Lady Suroth by orders of Ishamael, Liandrin had some compassion for Nynaeve and before she left cut her ropes so they could have a chance to escape. This shows how Liandrin is not that bad but still a selfish traitor after all.


The Wheel of Time: Damane - Season 2 - Episode 5 - RECAP -
The Wheel of Time: Damane – Season 2 – Episode 5 – RECAP –


Verin Sedai caught Liandrin when she was coming back, of course Liandrin had alibi and brought some white asparagus to try to sweet Verin wiith but she already know something is cooking and is after the traitor, she doesn’t know yet Liandrin is guilty.


The Wheel of Time: Damane - Season 2 - Episode 5 - RECAP -
The Wheel of Time: Damane – Season 2 – Episode 5 – RECAP –


The Wheel of Time: Damane - Season 2 - Episode 5 - RECAP -
The Wheel of Time: Damane – Season 2 – Episode 5 – RECAP –


High Lady Suroth is just part of the army, she is not the one in power to dictate what their people do or not, in fact Ishamael is using her, High Lady Suroth doesn’t seem she can channel, nos sure how then they get to such high power probably just been part of a royal family. Ishamael was after the Horn of Valere and deliver it to the High Lord Turak who is commander for the Seachan Army, I dont know what is up with this people and long nails but it seems a symbol of high power among them, High Lady Suroth nails get trim because she disobey orders at invading land she was not suppose to but this was Ishamael plan all this time.

The Wheel of Time: Damane - Season 2 - Episode 5 - RECAP -
The Wheel of Time: Damane – Season 2 – Episode 5 – RECAP –


To calm down things and get on High Lord Turak good side, Ishamael not only offer The Horn of Valere as a gift but also brought a very powerful women, this was Egwene who gets put on a’dam, a very powerful collar and then a leach by her new master, I like this scene very much since Madeleine Madden did a great job at showing Egwene pain when she was put on the collar, it has some sort of power over those who can channel that makes Egwene scream in pain and put her on her knees without giving her any orders, just looks insane, also the way the collar turns into a half chest piece in a transformer way look so sick.

The Wheel of Time: Damane - Season 2 - Episode 5 - RECAP -
The Wheel of Time: Damane – Season 2 – Episode 5 – RECAP –


The Wheel of Time: Damane - Season 2 - Episode 5 - RECAP -
The Wheel of Time: Damane – Season 2 – Episode 5 – RECAP –


During the entire episode Moiraine and Rand were running from Lanfear until they got back to her home, at home was her sister and nephew who welcome both, Moiraine was running out of time and knew it was only a few days or hours before Lanfear find them, she once gave her sister an advice and that is to truly think if things are necessary, in this case means “Does Rand really needs to be protected from Lanfear?” even though he is not in control of his powers Lanfear would have kill him long time ago, been with Rand for three months and it was just fucking around, literally, so Moiraine throw him into the lion den, let Rand sleep so Lanfear can come to him that way they will find out her real plan, that’s the cover image for this post. - tv series divider

The Wheel of Time: Damane - Season 2 - Episode 5 - RECAP CONCLUSION -

There is really no excuse to think this TV Series is crap, its true that season two started very slow but it was necessary, even though the TV Series is not probably word by word close to the books they at least taking some time to not rush things, make it last as much as possible to develop the story at a pace that doesn’t feel they cutting corners like for example the Perrin story, it was about time his character get a bit more of screen time, same goes for Mat and I think they will on the next episodes, it cant be always Egwene, Nynaeve and Rand, so to balance things some episodes need to be a bit slower, for example episode five there was not much fighting but there was a lot of good drama and unfolding more of what Ishamael and High Lady Suroth want, that’s to take over Seachan, he is expecting Rand to join them at their city and be on their side too, WOT is just getting better and better.

I know I’m behind on this series but I love it and prefer to take my time to enjoy it, not staying up late during weekdays, I usually load up everything into my VR setup and watch all this TV Series on Saturdays when I stay home, relaxing.


The Wheel of Time: Damane - Season 2 - Episode 5 - RECAP PREV Episodes -

Episode 1:
Episode 2:
Episode 3:
Episode 4: - tv series divider

The Wheel of Time SEASON 2 TRAILER -

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Silo : The Janitor’s Boy – Season 1 – Episode 5 – RECAP

Silo : The Janitor's Boy - Season 1 - Episode 5 - RECAP -


Silo : The Janitor's Boy - Season 1 - Episode 5 - RECAP INTRODUCTION -

Episode 5 of Silo : The Janitor’s Boy really tells how the administration, sheriffs and judicial have different interest and agendas for the Silo, for their people, for the structure and the future. The entire plot about the internal conspiracy from why they are really inside the Silo and if the outside is really safe or not is very interesting but every time they mention how they are confine to this space and how its an eternal circle of people been born and die inside the Silo without really seen the outside world, without experiencing what is to be free makes me sad and claustrophobic, the Silo does look big and when they go through the apartments looks like small corridors of a small city within the Silo so its very big although you can go from top to bottom in a single day as they have mention before so compare to been free outside and travel to any country or place you want makes a lot of difference, you are still limited to planet earth but its way more bigger and you get to meet different people every day, see the world, the landscapes, different cities, been free is just more than what they consider free on the Silo, besides they are not really free as George Wilkins thought and probably discover the reason why there is a conspiracy and why they are all tricked into thinking the outside is not safe and how the Silo population is manipulated by those in high hierarchy charges like judicial or the mayor.

On this episode we also know more about Robert Sims from judicial and his ambition, at the end he tells Trumbull how hard was life for him as a kid, as the Janitor Son, his father was a janitor who was proud of his job and how important it was for the Silo despite of what other said but Robert as a kid probably didn’t think the same and grew up with that ambition of been important and have power to step over those who look him and his father over the shoulder, now as part of judicial he has got part of that power that he wanted but his ambition is bigger than that, Bernard is there to remind him he is in charge and not Robert, as an intern mayor, I think this intern position was all planed and we are soon to discover how they did it, there has to be a network of spies, mics and cameras around the Silo and probably secret passages, rooms and doors that aloud them to control and do things without people noticing. - tv series divider
Silo : The Janitor's Boy - Season 1 - Episode 5 - RECAP EPISODE DETAILS -

Silo : The Janitor's Boy - Season 1 - Episode 5 - RECAP -


It seems that the Mayor and Judicial always have plans to been steps ahead of the Silo sentiment, right now after the murder of the mayor and a sheriff people are scared to go out, kids to go to school, adults to go to work because they think a murder is loose out there and they could be next, after all there is not much room to run away, to prevent this chaos the mayor and judicial have come up with ideas to distract people, Sims idea (judicial) is to offer a holiday, Forgiveness Day although Bernard is more creative and came up with a celebration to commemorate Marnes and Ruth as an in love couple who were murder but the narrative is to talk about how great their last years together were, how much they love each other and on that day do things they “like” , for example having a race to the top in honor of Marnes, Robert disagree with the idea but Bernard idea generates a story, more than just giving a day off to the Silo and keep people thinking about a murder that is still out there, this two are going to clash in the future but Bernard is in charge, Robert cant step over him.

Silo : The Janitor's Boy - Season 1 - Episode 5 - RECAP -


As the clever man Bernard is, he tries to guide Jules around Judicial, not for them to be friends but to keep her alive, Im sure he already knows why she took the Sheriff job and wants her to also stay distracted thinking she can solve George murder case but at the same time keeping her away from the truth that might involve either him or Sims, keeping here running in circles but Jules is too smart to fall on that game, she is going to become a problem for Bernard and Sims.

Silo : The Janitor's Boy - Season 1 - Episode 5 - RECAP -


I would say that the first ten minutes of the episode was the interesting part where you have to analyze how Bernard, Robert and Jules think, how they react to each other, Paul Billings was there too but more like a compliance auditor since he knows so much the pact but the real talk and tension was between this all three, Bernard thinking he is the smart one on the room and have everyone figure out, Sims trying to step over Jules and Jules not giving a fuck about anyone and determine to discover what really happens with George.

This scene shows how Ruth and Marnes are buried together as a couple something that was just for married couples based on the pact but Bernard made an exception as the mayor, this was part of his plan for people to think about a couple in love and not about a couple with high hierarchy jobs murder, that was smart.

Jules gives a small speech that really reminds how sad is living within the Silo, how they are all trap without knowing why, how there a large population that knew Ruth as their only Mayor since they were born, this shows the monarchy and monopoly of politics within the Silo.

They are buried at a very low depth in a field of apple threes, everyone bites an apple an throw it at them because they will now serve as fertilizer for the apple threes and all those apples they bite are the seeds, the cycle of life and death within the Silo.

Silo : The Janitor's Boy - Season 1 - Episode 5 - RECAP -

Silo : The Janitor's Boy - Season 1 - Episode 5 - RECAP -


Its all about distractions, shining things and mirrors, but this time Jules caught it right, she front runs Judicial and got Patrick Kennedy under her custody without telling anyone else, few days after Ruth was murder Marnes visit Patrick as a suspect of his witch hunt and got his ass kicked, he was the last person to have an altercation with Marnes and now Judicial wants to incriminate him, Jules picked up that thought fast enough to safe his Patrick’s live but also putting her own at risk, she was going after someone with way more power than her, Sims, who mention at the first scene of the episode how he was visit Marnes the night he died to convince him to make Paul Billings Sheriff so he could have inside man of his own. Jules takes Patrick and then stay around his apartment waiting for someone from Judicial to show up and she was right, Douglas Trumbull a man who was mislead by Sims under the impression he was a candidate to be Sims shadow, he was doing the dirty work for Sims and when Jules caught him in the act of planting false evidence on Patrick’s apartment there was a chase that ends on him pushing Jules over the stairs railing where she almost fall, same as George died, it was an intense scene.

Silo : The Janitor's Boy - Season 1 - Episode 5 - RECAP -


After Douglas failed to plant false evidence on Patrick’s apartment, got discovered by Jules and failed to murder her after he got caught, it was evident that he was a threat to Sims, its here where Sims shows how drunk with power he is and his complex of been the Janitor’s Boy, he gives Douglas a pep talk about how hard was for him to be the Janitor’s Son and how after all the limitations he got to the point he is, even tells Douglas that he is going to be his shadow, the man smiles at Sims of happiness because it but Sims throws him to the bottom of the Silo, this shows how twisted and sick Sims is and he will anything to stay in his position of power, but I’m sure there is more to it, how he kills a man publicly and gets away wit it, there must be an insurance system that lets him manipulate the stories. - tv series divider

Silo : The Janitor's Boy - Season 1 - Episode 5 - RECAP CONCLUSION -

I got to say I really enjoy Episode 5 of the Silo: The Janitor’s Boy, there was a lot of suspense and the action scenes were intense, on this Episode Sims starts to become an important character of the story, I remember how I mention this before, we start to see how Bernard and Sims are the ones really in charge of the Silo, from the first two episodes when Bernard was introduce he look like a robot, never thought he could be so sleek, sharp and manipulative, how he came up with the story of Ruth and Marnes been in love to change the narrative around the Silo, Sims show his true colors manipulating Paul, Douglas and telling Jules straight to her face how he is going to work to get rid of her and send her back to mechanical. I still don’t know who killed Ruth and Marnes, going to watch the episode again if cant figure out then probably on the next episode they will figure out the murder.

Silo : The Janitor's Boy - Season 1 - Episode 5 - RECAP PREV Episodes -

Episode 1:
Episode 2:
Episode 3:
Episode 4: - tv series divider


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Dead Ringers – Season 1 – Episode 5 – RECAP

Dead Ringers - Season 1 - Episode 5 - RECAP -


Dead Ringers - Season 1 - Episode 5 - RECAP INTRODUCTION -

On Episode 5 of Dead Ringers a more raw version of the birthing center investors came up, its a selfish project where only Beverly thinks its for the best of women, Rebecca to make ton of money from wealthy women and Elliot to play GOD and experiment with their patients, this is the true reality around the birthing center.

Elliot for me has always been the star of the show and she is about to get on deep troubles, you cant play at been GOD without any compromises and repercussions, at some point in time her experiments will go wrong, she will be over confident and everything will blow up on her hands at once, part of her experiment is her sister Beverly, she is pregnant and the baby she is carrying is Tom’s without she even knowing it, that’s a time bomb for another day but on this episode Elliot meets a man Marion, Susan’s father who thinks the same as Elliot but in a more open and public way, in my opinion he only feed Elliot’s ego and got her to get curious with Marion’s daughter Florence at the moment she was giving birth, there is the double moral how Marion said it was ok to experiment and learn but when Elliot did it with his daughter then it was not anymore, after everything went down Rebecca, Susan’s wife, again make it clear for everyone, she is the BOSS and owns everyone for all the money she is putting into this project.

A new character is introduce, Silas Jordan a writer who is a bit wash out, after wining a Pulitzer he haven’t written anything worth it but in his own words, nothing has caught his attention but the twins fascinate him, because of how he looks at them and talk, mainly Elliot I think he probably going to try to destroy them and expose how Elliot is playing GOD with women child and Rebecca exploring them for money, this was very clear explain when at dinner Marion talk about a seventeen years old girl in the 1940s enslaved who had all kind of horrible problems to give birth and a Dr abuse of her, making her the guinea pig of his experiment, operating on her over thirty times in a span of five years without anesthesia, usually history is a lie, its written and tell in a way that benefits someone specific but its those who live it holding the truth, this girl most likely was force to this operations all for a Dr to experiment and learn from her. Now days this is illegal but still happens, there are parts of the earth where the sun don’t shine and its all darkness, Silas was against Marion and Elliot way of thinking and operate, he will enjoy exposing Elliot’s experiment. - tv series divider
Dead Ringers - Season 1 - Episode 5 - RECAP EPISODE DETAILS -

Dead Ringers - Season 1 - Episode 5 - RECAP -


After last episode the Mantel Twins are back together, Beverly was about to move away and had all kind of plans with her girlfriend Genevieve specially now that Beverly is pregnant but Elliot could not allow this, she is in love with her own sister and cant let her go so she revel to Genevieve how she got her for Beverly, that first day at the bar she was not kissing Beverly she was kissing Elliot, obviously that infuriate her because she ask them both if something like that have never happen with her and both Mantel said no, the most obvious thing happen the Twins are together again, sadly for Elliot not for long.

Dead Ringers - Season 1 - Episode 5 - RECAP -


The Mantel Twins and Silas arrive to Susan’s parents house, this scene was hilarious for me, seen two pairs of twins and btw Florence on the left is expecting to give birth quadruplets, the man on the right Marion, just look at his smile he looks like a twisted mind person, as I mention in the intro he openly describe some of his experiences with patients as experiments, his wife left him and no body give details on that, I think he actually experiment on her so they could have twins although they said Marion and even his mother were twins, that’s just me speculating none the less we don’t know the real reason his wife left him.

Dead Ringers - Season 1 - Episode 5 - RECAP -


At dinner Silas kept debating the safety, legality and morally right of the Twins procedures at the birthing center, he was hired by Rebecca to right an article to idolize the Mantel Twins work but he was very direct and open with his opinion and this is a moment were Beverly use that phrase she loves “pregnancy is not a disease” , Silas answer “Oh I’m going to fuck all of you so bad and make you eat those words” …between the lines.

Dead Ringers - Season 1 - Episode 5 - RECAP -


This one a very uncomfortable dinner for Beverly and Silas, Marion kept saying how back in the day it was experimenting with patients constantly, learning new things every day and sadly it was true, anesthesia was first used in 1946 for a medical procedure so before that it was all butchery some times and Drs like Marion love it, he sees things different, he thinks science first and then the patients, he knows Elliot does too and Beverly doesn’t, on this very first scene he talks about how he didn’t had the opportunity to experiment more often because lack of patients and use this expression “make do with um hmmm” is he referring to his wife? or daughters?

Dead Ringers - Season 1 - Episode 5 - RECAP -


Beverly leaves Elliot, this time is suppose to be for good and wants to get back with Genevieve, things really move fast for the twins, at the beginning of the episode she loved Elliot and at the end leaves her, all that talking with Marion made Elliot cocky and lead her to get curious with Florence after all four baby were born but the cherry on top was that Elliot brought to the world a twenty four week baby that no body knows she grew for four weeks before artificially get it into the mother body, when they were talking about it at dinner Marion open Beverly eyes when he said “She sees it like that….you don’t” referring to Elliot plus Elliot kept lying about it so Beverly only sniff the truth and decided to leave.

Dead Ringers - Season 1 - Episode 5 - RECAP -


Just when they thought everything was great because Beverly is pregnant, their dreams came true and now opening their second birthing center, this episode turn out to be a shit storm for the twins and when I thought it was over, the old woman Elliot bush over the balcony was not an hallucination, she was real only that in her way down she fall into the building gutter and didn’t fall, that’s why Elliot never found the body and thought it was not real. - tv series divider

Dead Ringers - Season 1 - Episode 5 - RECAP CONCLUSION -

I loved Dead Ringers : Episode 5 because for the first time someone said things as they are, Marion told to the twins how they are making progress in science, experimenting and improving, he knows Elliot is pushing farther than what the laws aloud and how Beverly didn’t want to acknowledge the cruel truth, also the first person to call them out is introduce, I’m talking about Silas, he will be a stone on their shoes when he starts to publish articles about the truth of the Mantel Twins procedures, both Marion and Silas change Beverly opinion about Elliot and their job so far, probably open her eyes and that’s why she left Elliot.

Dead Ringers - Season 1 - Episode 5 - RECAP PREV Episodes -

Episode 1:
Episode 2:
Episode 3:
Episode 4: - tv series divider


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A Small Light : Scheißfeld – Season 1 – Episode 5 – RECAP

A Small Light : Scheißfeld – Season 1 – Episode 5 – RECAP -
A Small Light : Scheißfeld – Season 1 – Episode 5 – RECAP


A Small Light : Scheißfeld – Season 1 – Episode 5 – RECAP INTRODUCTION -

World War II and the German occupation of Amsterdam is taking the best out of Jan and Miep, it starts to separate them as they try to do their best at keeping friends and family safe but Jan feels that his country needs him.

From the little I know from the book Margo and Anne are big part of it and on this episode we get more about Anne with Miep, how Miep not only keep them safe she also keep the girls hopes and dreams alive but there are stressful moments more now that Jan is getting sucked in into the resistance and this feeling that his country is calling for his service like he has an obligation to stand up against the abusement of the German soldiers against everyone but Miep has a good heart and always find the way to keep things balanced and the right words to give the girls hope that one day things will go back to normal and they will enjoy again their freedom and will have all this opportunities to be independent and in the case of this episode be in love and get married.

Its natural for humans to develop feelings when they are confined to the same space, it can go both ways either love or hate depending on how compatible are, in the case of Anne she is just too young and don’t know what love is same as she doesn’t know what is rejection and failure, things that anyone will experience through life as you get in love with someone until you find the correct match, Anne could be too intense some times and this tip over Miep in a moment of stress and bring her back down to earth in desperation of seen how her husband barely talk to her anymore and just disappear during the day knowing he might be working on dangerous missions for the resistance but to protect her cant give her any details, her worst fear is that one day Jan never comes back home.

Jan proves to the resistance how determine he is and committed this cause to the point that he is willing to kill enemies in cold blood, so is that the resistance members put him to the task and he pass, he is now a valuable asset who not only will do anything to protect his country but has also collected important intel for the resistance. - tv series divider
A Small Light : Scheißfeld – Season 1 – Episode 5 – RECAP EPISODE DETAILS -

A Small Light : Scheißfeld – Season 1 – Episode 5 – RECAP -
A Small Light : Scheißfeld – Season 1 – Episode 5 – RECAP


Anne has her first crush, her first love, she has a crush on Peter a kid living with them, the Van Pels son, but she is too young to know what is true love so this could mean nothing just that she is spending too much time with him on a very close space problem is that Anne doesn’t have the best communication with her mother Edith not because they cant stand together but Anne is too wild some times and doesn’t want to listen to her mother, she only wants to protect her, Miep gets put in charge by Edith, Anne’s mother, to control and guide Anne on this matter making sure that she doesn’t get crushed by deception when things doesn’t go they way she think love is.

It must be hard, crushing to be that age and not only get in love but everything, stay under lock down for so long, not been able to be a teenager, know more people, develop, expand their minds, live life, because a war they didn’t ask for and have no involvement prevent them from all this, confinement can turn the most fierce lion into a kitten.

A Small Light : Scheißfeld – Season 1 – Episode 5 – RECAP -
A Small Light : Scheißfeld – Season 1 – Episode 5 – RECAP


Jan is deep with the resistance now and Miep starts to feel that they don’t share anymore, Jan goes out comes back late and fall asleep, not because he doesn’t love Miep anymore but he has been blind folded by his hate against the German invasion to his country, Jan feels the need to do something important for his country and help defeat them, the problem is that he doesn’t see that this is bigger than him, bigger than a small resistance group and he should evaluate his priorities, without knowing he is moving away from his wife, anyone who is married or has been on a serious relationship knows that this type of conversations most of the time are the tip of the iceberg, this is the signal when your wife tells you “we never spend time or talk about….” red flag and needs attention.

A Small Light : Scheißfeld – Season 1 – Episode 5 – RECAP -
A Small Light : Scheißfeld – Season 1 – Episode 5 – RECAP


Miep is a very straight forward women, she doesn’t hide her feelings, she doesn’t hide when she doesn’t like something or some one, she is in your face all times but cant handle Jan’s silence anymore, she is afraid to loosing him and this is one of the many times she comes straight up and ask him to cut the bullshit and talk to her, she wants her husband back.

A Small Light : Scheißfeld – Season 1 – Episode 5 – RECAP -
A Small Light : Scheißfeld – Season 1 – Episode 5 – RECAP


Jan and Miep must be the most in love couple during World War II, since Miep is an immigrant to The Netherlands, she was considered undesirable by the Germans and her passport was revoked so her only chance to stay legally was to get married, she was desperate and didn’t want to leave Amsterdam, she ask Mr. Frank for his advice and it was obvious, marry the dutch, marry Jan. In Miep style she runs where Jan is working, fertilizing a field with manure, a shit field, there she ask Jan to marry him and explain him the situation too, they were both on the same plan but she thought he was fooling around with her to a point when she told him she can do better than him, it was all crazy but crazy love for each other. Big problem, they got married after her passport was revoked basically committing fraud but the judge who marry them didn’t notice the seal on her passport as in the last minute Jan distract him so he didn’t notice and get them legally married. This shows how close Miep and Jan are, no wonder why she is desperate to get Jan back and focus on their life and not on the war or the resistance.

A Small Light : Scheißfeld – Season 1 – Episode 5 – RECAP -
A Small Light : Scheißfeld – Season 1 – Episode 5 – RECAP


One night after having an argument with Jan after she found a pistol on his underwear drawer, Miep comes back and Anne as usual had an argument with her mother about what she feels for Peter, Miep that night had no patience for Anne and blew up, crushing poor Anne’s dream of love, telling her the truth of why she married Jan so quick and that love could fail her as its failing for her and Jan, latter Anne’s mother Edith talk to Miep and she vents out about whats going on at home. That night during the argument Jan told Miep they were going to execute a plan that was dangerous and he could never come home to that she ask him to don’t go if he loves her, Jan goes out anyway.

A Small Light : Scheißfeld – Season 1 – Episode 5 – RECAP -
A Small Light : Scheißfeld – Season 1 – Episode 5 – RECAP


A Small Light : Scheißfeld – Season 1 – Episode 5 – RECAP -
A Small Light : Scheißfeld – Season 1 – Episode 5 – RECAP


He had enough of the Germans and want to hurt them, Jan cant stand the soldiers on the street and how they treat Jews so he asks Willem the leader of the resistance group is working with to give him a meaningful task, he wants to hurt them, he wants to stop them so Willem comes with this mission to kill a important German soldier but it was a setup to see if Jan was for real willing to do anything for his countrymen.

Going back to the cover image of this picture, the night Anne was arguing with Miep a big explosion, it was the resistance who blew up the Civil Registry Office to get rid of all the records, names, address of their countrymen, Jews and immigrants so it was harder for the Germans to go after them, that night Miep could not find Jan and was desperate, Casmir takes Miep to the bar where the resistance hang out but everyone they ask for Jan said they didn’t know him, news came out that many have been arrested, killed and sentence to death but now news about Jan.

A Small Light : Scheißfeld – Season 1 – Episode 5 – RECAP -
A Small Light : Scheißfeld – Season 1 – Episode 5 – RECAP


Next day when Miep came to work, hopeless, desperate, devastated, there was a one word letter on her desk, it was in German, Scheißfeld, she knew it was Jan telling her where he was, when she got there the field was now full of flowers, the same shit field where she/he propose to get married, Jan didn’t go to the mission because she ask him but now has to lay low, many have been arrested that can snitch on him - tv series divider

A Small Light : Scheißfeld – Season 1 – Episode 5 – RECAP CONCLUSION -

What a great story, this is one of the best drama tv series I have seen, none of the episodes disappoint so far, the production is exceptional, the actors that do Miep, Anne, Otto, Jan are great, there is nothing I can say I don’t like about this series and this episode certainly is one of the best, from time to time you get this series like the Mandalorian where all episodes are a bomb, on this episode the story diverts more to Jan and Miep instead of the Franks and the war, we get more details about this couple, about their struggle, about how much they willing to risk for their friends and their love, incredible story, anyone who reads the plot might think that there will be a lot of talking about the war and the Germans but its not, this is the story of how a couple who fall in love during war and is willing to do anything to help those who are innocent and persecuted by the Germans.


A Small Light : Season 1 - PREV Episodes -

Episode 1:
Episode 2:
Episode 3:
Episode 4: - tv series divider


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