Rabbit Hole : Episode 7 – Personal Thoughts


This is the first episode where the inception effect felt the most, through the entire episode John felt paranoiac having a hard time to figure out whats real and whats not, him and Valence after cracking Ben safe box were together for life, both have unique skills and John was good at identifying different possibilities to the point that he would have a great guess at what others where thinking, its kinda what Dr Strange did at end game see the different outcomes but in John’s case he was just guessing to identify probabilities, sometimes he fall into this mix of realities and even put words on others people mouth when they didn’t but its all on his head, most of this thought process was based on experience and always be prepare for the worst outcome, he cant tell the future, but during this process sometimes he takes it to the extreme to the point he cant identify whats real and whats not that’s when he starts falling into the Rabbit Hole and Valence was the one bringing him back to reality, in his absence Ben is the closest to Valence but John doesn’t trust him at all. For me its still not clear what Hailey wants or where she is coming from and now seems that the old guy with silver hair and no name is not Crowley as I thought, this episode was great, not the best of the season but still close to the top.



After they manage to pull the briefcase Senator Evers wanted the crew finds out its all numbers that could take them ages to figure out, they start arguing why did she wanted so bad the content of the briefcase, they thought there would be something more clear to the naked eye like a USB with a bunch of emails, photos or videos that incriminate her and this is when John starts to fall through the Rabbit Hole trying to figure out the reason why it was so important and what the numbers could mean but during this process same as when he was a kid starts to imagine people saying or thinking things they haven’t so its like he repeat the same scene many times in his head like a time loop but with different outcomes and sometimes this lead him to the truth and other times he gets lost in this case without Valence to pull him out, this is when he told Ben he is the one who want the Data Act to pass, but Ben never said that and its Hailey who pull Weir from the Rabbit Hole.


Homm #edisnotdead stays at the safe house with Ben as John and Hailey have other plans, well at first it was just John going after the possibility that Valence could still be alive since he was still getting chats on this online game they use to play, John was not sure about it so decided to go out without telling the rest this is when Hailey thought it was a good idea to go after him, see this are the things that get me thinking she got good intentions with John but then she does other things like hiding the fact she stole crypto from her previous boss, the story she find out about John on a dating app I still don’t buy it and on previous episode she was getting between Ben and John to the point telling John he doesn’t have to listen to Ben, I get Ben sometimes is too hard with John but he still his father and a fkn spy, their job is to be hard on others and trust no body. John is not thinking clear and goes out in plain day light because he thinks his link at the safe house is compromise, but the guy who I thought is Crowley already had face recognition cameras after John the moment he goes public, his data collection company already has a lot of power over the city with cameras and all kind of monitoring services at his disposal.



John goes to this electronics store to enter a chat session on one of the computers for sale, some one might do that to connect from a outside internet source although its not the safe option for many reasons but I think at this point it doesnt really matter, all eyes are on John the minute he goes out, on this chat session he continues the conversation with a user who is suppose to be Valence and starts writing on encrypted code, alpha numeric where a combination of numbers would give him the real message, the person on the other side wants John to betray Ben pretending that Ben is with Crowley, then John is given a very long message that he didnt have time to decode while on site or at least he didnt show it on camera. John figure out a guy from the shop is about to rat him out and police will be there any minute so decided to walk away from the store and Hailey found him, she called John a record the call to figure out where he was, this was very clever from her, it here when John explains how his method of figuring out things work but sometimes its too dangerous putting him on a spot he cant come back and usually is Valence who help him out to stay focus.


John gets rid of Hailey with the old trick of getting together into a bus and then he goes out at the last second leaving her trap on the bus so she goes back to the safe house, where Homm has figure out everything, same as he did before the guy is a genius with numbers and finds out everything is connected, he did it in a very short time but there were a couple of USB with all the data, don’t know how much data it could be but still he figure out that ll the numbers represent accounts that were connected receiving payments probably as bribes and who ever got this information would control everyone on the list, this was Crowley operation, Senator Evers wanted the information for herself not because she was been blackmail, Evers most likely work with Crowley but now she is dead so we will never knew what was her connection with the man.




After everything Homm and Ben explain to Hailey she still took the stupid decision to take the data to agent Jo Madi, I really don’t understand why she would do that if the real enemy or the ones shooting at John or trying to get him is not the Federals, they don’t even have a clue where he is at, its Crowley that is after him and trying to kill them all, when Jo Madi show the files to his boss he intermediately bribe her because he knows the magnitude if this data goes out, probably he is with Crowley without even knowing it, Jo Madi either is naive or she is in it too, asks for her old job posision and be the head of the task force after John, either she is obsess with John or at some point will do the right thing and help him out, I still believe at the end she could work with him against Crowley.




John picks up a package at his ex wife house that Valance schedule to send him before he died, it was this old stone he had at his office, at first John thought it was an encrypted message so he takes it his safe house but on the way the intern shows up again and takes him to “Crowley” or at least the old guy I thought it was Crowley, actually had a hinge he was but they never confirm his name, the guy is sitting in the middle of a plaza trying to brain wash John until he snaps and found a microphone on his ear, it was some one else watching them and telling this guy what to say. Obviously that brain wash session had some effect on John so when he gets back to the safe house with Valence package it takes it on Ben and had one of those paranoia episodes again thinking that Ben is with Crowley, John is not sure if to kill Ben but then Homm was playing around with the old stone inside the package and found a USB with Valence last message to John before he died.


After Valence died things between Ben and John were very turbulent because none of them knew why Valence kill himself and John always blame Ben for Valence death, on this video that Valence took with his cell phone before he died, Valence clear things out of John, it was obvious that Crowley had something over him but all Valence said he infiltrate Arda and he was going to kill John and Valence, Valence decides to kill himself but why not tell John and run away with him? what difference does it make him jumping out of a balcony to put more heat over John, not only Crowley wants to kill him but now the police thinks John killed Valence, everything started with the case Homm was working on that Ben and Valence knew about that’s why they kidnap Homm to safe him but still I’m not sure if Valence killing himself helps John at all, finally John makes peace with Ben for good and they plan to do what ever it takes to stop Crowley.

Hailey haven’t told everyone she gave all this valuable data to Jo Madi I wonder what will be John and Ben answer to that, on this episode a lot of information is reveled, things that were a mystery like why Valence kill himself, he did it to safe John since he was too comprise by Crowley knowing everything about his plan and no matter where he goes he would find him, its like having an infected computer sometimes its just better to get a new one but since you cant get a new body and transfer your conscience yet, he decided to end it but I still think he could have run away with John and figure out how to get Crowley, with Valence video we also confirm that Ben is on John’s side because there were a few moments that it wasn’t clear enough with Ben hiding things from John, also its confirm that the old man with grew hair is not Crowley just another of his employee. Great episode, I got no complains and never felt things were rush or too easy, loving this tv series, would give this episode an 8 / 10, based on IMDB there are two more episodes to go.

Drops of God: A Father – Episode 1 – Personal Thoughts


Drops of God is an AMAZING TV Series drama, I love several things that get out of the classic tv series for example how its develop on different countries, three different languages through, at least during the first two episodes. If you like Drama TV Series you need to watch Drops of God
Its the story of Camille Leger play by Fleur Geffrier who to be honest I have never seen before but she is great, Camille is daughter of Alexander Leger a very strict man with a extremely high passion for wine and oenology the science and study of wine and wine making. Alexander started training Camille since she was very little, I really like how she builds up a world inside her mind, she organize all flavors and smells inside this world sometimes as she is going around the woods remembering how things smell other times running around an abandon building with all this compartments where she have all this information organize, on any story detail is king and Camille story has a ton of details when it comes to identify wine but there is one problem, at a very early age Camille took a full glass of wine to her head after she was left alone during a training session with a glass of wine, she ask her father when she would be aloud to drink wine Alexander said not yet and when she was left alone drank the entire glass creating a trauma, now she cant even have a drop of alcohol because she starts bleeding and some times blacks out. Her parents split apart when she was little, her relationship with her father was mislead and now he is dying, she goes to Tokyo to visit him but it was too late and now have to deal with entire funeral process and her father’s will reading that bring up a lot of surprises to her life.


8.4/10 on IMDB and 100% on RottenTomatoe, this series I think is going under the radar but is getting a very good response from viewers, but there is a reason for this.

Drops of God TV Series is based on the very popular Manga of the same name with 439 chapters on 44 Volumes, can you imagine if Apple+ brings in all this episodes, this thing is going to be eternal, the only fear I have if it doesnt meet the expectations of people who read the manga.

Drops of God, Fandom.com






This is Camille, story starts with her at a bar, she seems to be looking for someone and just ask a bar tender for a glass of water, when I started to watch this TV series I had no idea what to expect, it was new so I wanted to try it, I prefer this approach to avoid spoils and make it more interesting, it was after I watch the first two episodes that I did some research. I had no idea about her condition, she ask for water probably because she is not there to party or do molly IDK, a guy start talking to her about how he is a fan since 15 years old of her book and after some talking he offers her a shot, she refuse and he is ok took both shots but then tries to kiss her and spit a mix of vodka, tequila and gin into her mouth, this is her just after tasting alcohol, Camille pass out eventually wakes up bleeding none stop and gets back home.


Camille lives with her mom and tells her about her father, he is very bad close to die and send for her, her mom thinks he is manipulative but who would do that close to dying, Camille accept her father invitation to Tokyo and took a flight, Alexander is a baller, sends her a car to pick her up and then she flight to Tokyo on a private yet.


Meet Issei Tomine play by Tomohisa Yamashita
who I remember from Tokyo Vice another series I’m waiting on the next season but I’m not sure that’s going to happen.

Issei is Alexander most talented student, although on the manga it says its his step son but probably its too early to reveal that on the series, on the TV series he is the son of Honoka and Tomine Hirokazu, his mother very strict and his father a little bit loose but both very strict to their roots and family, Issei on the other hand is an entrepreneur exploring the world trying to build up a company around oenology and sommelier but more incline into sommelier a person who is trained professionally to identify wine and evaluate it, but he is too young, his family think its a waist of time, lots of obstacle for him to make his dream come true.


When Camille gets to Tokyo she is welcome by Lucas a good friend of her father who takes her to her fathers place to spend the night and the next day to the lawyer who will read the will, here she find out about Issei, describe by her father last words “his spiritual son” , Alexander net worth between his house and wine collection, the biggest and most value wine collection in the world, is around $155 Million USD but there is a catch on his will, he wants some one who could appreciate his lifetime work so he comes up with a test for Camille and Issei.


They have to taste a bottle of wine Alexander left for them to taste blindfolded and will have exactly one month to identify grape, estate, vintage, they both very familiar with the process, after a month they will taste it again, Issei has a huge advantage since he is well trained and constantly tasting wine when in the other hand Camille cant even have a drop of alcohol without passing out.

I laugh at this scene because at first she and her mother wants nothing to do with her father but now that she knows his father inheritance is over $150 Million she feels disrespected because she have to battle it out and is about to try wine that might kill her.



Camille taste the wine and her brain immediately explodes because all the flavors and her intolerance for alcohol, she have gift that we saw on the first scenes that she can identify many flavors and smells but lives with that trauma from the first time she had a glass of wine.


Camille gets so mad she tells Lucas to fuck off and wants nothing to do with her father inheritance, she just want to get over all this process and go back home. They go to her father funeral and cremation ritual that she knew nothing about, it was a traditional Buddhist burial, I hope that’s the term.



After all the ceremonies, Lucas takes Camille back to her fathers place and show her the private wine collection, here she finds a box with wine that her father had specially to drink with her when she turn 18 but that never happen because of their bad communication, besides Lucas insist she must see a video he left for her before he pass out where he explain how important she was for him, he accept was not the best father and ask for her forgiveness.


After watching the first episode I was hooked, I thought this was a season release, thought it was a Netflix series but it was Apple+, their format to release episodes is different and I prefer the weekly episodes so I was lucky they release the first to episodes, as I mention I really like the combination of cultures, the details of how Camille has this talent that she can identify flavors and smells like she has a huge library inside her brain with everything identify running around as a kid and the other hand the story of Issei who is trying to build up his own company despite of been from a wealthy family, he is very determine to succeed in his field but on this story its consider a waist of time.

Dead Ringers: Episode One – Personal Thoughts


Similar to the 1988 Dead Ringers movie with Jeremy Irons playing the male version of the Mantle twins, I say Male because now we have the Female version of the Mantle twins with Dead Ringers TV Series, I never watch the movie didn’t even know it exist, I took interest into this series when the trailer came out, for me it was not clear because it really look like a cult with all the red uniform and women giving birth so I decided to start watching it out of curiosity.

I have only watch the first episode since its a season release I prefer to keep the traditional one episode a week, I find out about the movie when I check the score on IMDB which is solid since its not a series for everybody. Dead Ringers is very graphical and to some point disturbing not only because it shows images of women giving birth that is the main topic of this series, the Mantel twins are trying to change how women are seen and treat during this process, many things in life are evaluated based on society perspective, for many people pregnancy feels awkward, uncomfortable and for some a rough moment necessary to accomplish something bigger. I have two kids and got to say not every pregnancy is the same, in my case my wife was very calm and never had issues during the process, when your wife is pregnant at some point you will see her more beautiful than ever, this are hormones but that’s another topic, that’s they way in my opinion it should feel for everyone, enjoy the process until the day to give birth come but for other women getting pregnant might be a nightmare for both her and her partner, this is the impression most people get of the process and natural because humans are use to remember the bad things only most of the time. This wrong impression and the progress of giving birth making it more human, peaceful and cut down the amount of errors that end up ending lives is what the twins are looking for when they try to build up their own birth center with the most advance technology. That’s the impression I got from the series.



RTT: https://www.rottentomatoes.com/tv/dead_ringers_2023




The Mantle Twins, Beverly and Elliot, on the long hair Elliot and Beverly with the hair tied, that’s how you will difference them, works same for everyone who knows them in the series, they constantly team up and swap whenever one of them doesn’t like their patient or any specific situation, they each have different skills when it comes to communicating and handling certain situations.

Beverly is the most affected by how things happen in the hospital, constant delays, errors from both administration and some doctors that on the first episode let to death of a mother who just give birth, there are moments when she snaps because of all this pressure besides that they trying to get their project of the birth center funded, they asking for $16 million, for big investors that’s nothing but its not a amount of cash that you find in every corner.

Eliot on the other hand is more ruthless, she cares about the project too but takes things easier, she is the type of person that can see the world on fire and wouldn’t care much as long as she knows there is a way out, on the first episode it looks like she cares a lot for her sister although this is a twisted TV series, sometimes I feel like more than caring and loving her sister Beverly could be just a very important experiment for her since she cant hold babys, for some reason unknown they keep getting unattached to Beverly and end up loosing them at early stages.


Similar to the movie, the twins are constantly together, this is Beverly asking Eliot if she can go home, both at a club, while Eliot party and do drugs (cocaine) Beverly is studying a case and wants to go home, Eliot is constantly pumping on cocaine


Beverly is under constant pressure form their investors and sometimes she cant hold it to the point of start swearing and telling them to fuck off but when they answer back the same way she just shut up, Beverly have no skin and Eliot loves it, constantly laughing at the situation, the scene above there is Lara patient and investor, the woman in bed Niki who is Lara surrogate for the last six child and ask the twins to close the gap between this and her next son but then that makes Beverly nuts because its not the best for Niki or the child, both start arguing about it until Beverly snaps but then gives up and Eliot had to take control of the conversation, its hilarious every time this happens to Beverly.


First episode is all about introducing the main characters, start to explain their motives, problems, relationships and what the series is about.
Genevieve play by Britne Oldford, I remember her mostly from The Flash TV Series, at actress part of a TV show that Beverly likes end up as one of her patients, Genevieve is exploring the possibility of having a child, Beverly couldn’t handle her because she is bias, likes her and cant take her celebrity status so ask Eliot to swap who is more calm about it, after exams Eliot explains Genevieve that it would be hard for her to get pregnant but not impossible, not the answer she was looking for so gets mad and ask where is the closest bar to get wrecked.
Later on there is an incident with a patient who lost her child giving birth and Eliot felt so depress and guilty she had to go and ask Beverly to cover her, she wants to get drunk and have some fun so she goes to the bar next to the hospital to find Genevieve and get her for her sister, turns out it works, at first it was awkward for Genevieve but then agrees to meet up latter at night in a hotel where she is attending an event.


Latter that night, the twins had dinner with investors, on the left Rebecca on the right Joseph, Joseph is all about progress, feelings, the kids, etc for her is not about the business, Rebecca on the other hand is all about business and passion and give the twins a hard time saying that their pitch was soft and doesn’t trust the project, Beverly again as the most sentimental from the twins reacts emotional and snaps again, ending with fuck off after explaining how important their project is from a technical point. To this Rebecca answer with a fuck yes that’s what I’m looking for but she will be on their neck the entire time, money and family matters a lot for her and wont the twins fuck her, she is all about business.


After dinner, Beverly goes to met with Genevieve as Eliot told her to, they talk on the hotel bar, kiss and end up spending the night together at the twins apartment, the next morning Genevieve sees Greta in the morning and is confuse but Greta is the twins maid, then gest more confuse when she finds out Beverly has a twin sister, later before she goes ask Beverly if she been only with one of them, this make me laugh a bit because I think the twins have done it in the past for sure or will probably do it during the series or probably Eliot is so despicable that she might do it without telling Beverly, the possibilities are infinite.



This is a TV Series I’m sure I will enjoy despite the birthing images that I can stand but make me feel uncomfortable but for me the attraction of the series is the twins, how they handle different situations, they have an asset most humans don’t have an its to be someone else swap their lives in matter of seconds, switching from Eliot and Beverly as they see fit, that helps them a lot mostly Beverly to overcome obstacles in life. Then we have the investors who clearly dont give a shit about the twins, some care about the money, others about the tech and for example Lara cares about producing babies fast for some reason. I give it a solid 7/10 and will keep watching an episode every Friday.

Florida Man : The Realest Goddamned Place on Earth – Episode 1 – RECAP


A gambler over all then an ex cop, Edgar Ramirez from the epic Hands of Stone film plays Mike Valentine who currently working for a mobster he owns money while fucking his girlfriend on the side now has to go after her when she brakes up with Moss Yankov the mobster Mike owes money to.

Florida Man from my perspective is not a AAA TV Series although very entertain, so far I have only seen the first episode, this Tv Series is part of a nice group of release from last week that I was expecting. Mike has been working on his gambling issue going to meeting and staying away from trouble but at the same time putting his life at risk since he has been sleeping with his boss girlfriend, gambling is not a problem only related to money and casinos, usually people with gambling problems bring the to their regular life and Mike is taking risks every day that can even get him killed.

RTT: https://www.rottentomatoes.com/tv/florida_man






Mike addiction starts after he found a gold coin inside a fish, that’s weird but fish can swallow things, while fishing with his dad caught this fish who had a golden coin inside that I guess he felt it was his lucky day, that probably push him into trying to feel lucky again, that dopamine injection of wining got him for life.


This was an accident, Mike didn’t brake his leg.

Mike owes money to a mobster called Moss Yankov who agree to hire him to drive and collect but Mike is against violence, just intimidation, during the process some end up in violence even braking a leg like the guy on the screenshot who ran away from Mike thinking he was going to brake his leg, Mike has a good hard although his past actions do not back him up. Gambling got him to loose his job and girlfriend, leaving him alone and now having to deal with Moss life.


Here we have Iris, Mikes ex girlfriend who still works on the police force and now is an investigator, she doesn’t seem too confident and eventually ask Mike for help, she knows Mike is on Moss inner circle, Mike agreement has always been no body dies as he collects Moss money but its not for sure Moss kept his side of the agreement.


Meet Delly West, Moss girlfriend who he loves?? I’m not sure about it, she does look like a trophy girlfriend for him, the type of girl you don’t care about she is just too hot you need to have her in your shelf, not that I think that’s the right thing to do but that’s the mentality of a character like Moss.


Delly is a regular girl, yes she likes expensive things and might be superficial but she is tired of Moss business line, at some point for everyone money and possession becomes irrelevant and that’s what happen with Delly after Moss gave her a used necklace. Delly has been fucking Mike every time she gets tired of Moss just to get back at him but without actually telling him, there is revenge that stay silent for a while.




Delly runs away to Florida and Moss asks Mike to go after her and bring her back, she have been trying to get Mike on board to her plan but he didn’t want to , he thought it was too risky and he is just trying to get clean from gambling.

Delly once told Mike they both will never get away from Moss, they took something for him and now wont get away form him, then Mike answer not for ever.

She probably also took money or a big favor from Moss or his family and was force to keep with him, in the meantime as a Mobster girlfriend got use to nice things, expensive lifestyle but as anything in this world at some point you just want peace and silence, she knew with Moss she was not going to get that and decided to run away.


Mike goes back to Florida, he is from Florida, for sometime he has been trying to stay away from Florida, from this episode I can say its mainly because of his past life, he started gambling in Florida and his dad wasn’t the best, a corrupt police man now retired who is kind of a mobster himself.


Sonny Valentine, Mike’s dad, because of him Mikes is recognize around town and was able to pull a favor and locate her very quickly, a local police man who got his job because of Mike’s dad gave him the tip that Delly’s car has been spotted at a local car sales which lead Mike to find her. He found the place and act like he was interested on the car, inspecting the car finds a parking citation that gave him her possible location at Coronado Beach.


Mike gets to the place she was staying in and saw her get to a cabin with a man, after a few minutes heard gun shots to then find Delly laying cover in blood on the bed, he takes her purse and run away but the owner of the place saw him.


Mike starts his investigation, trying to figure out who and why Delly was killed, he is an artist at tricking people into think he is someone else and thats how he got the tip from the cop, now he goes to a local tv station and talks to reporter that could get him information about Delly because after the murder she cant be found, no news, no reports, they police cant find her body and this reporter got him a video of the ambulance where Delly body was suppose to be transfer, for Mike to find out there was no body on that ambulance.


The police now has a drawing of the man who was seen at the crime scene, although there is no crime if they cant find a body, shots were heard and a man was seen last time entering the cabin with Delly, an ambulance came in and pick her up but then no body knows where Delly is meaning even if someone help the police to identify Mike there is nothing they can charge Mike for.

Everything felt so strange to the point that now he thinks it was a professional job to disappear Delly, that’s the extreme way of killing someone, for that to happen there must be a motive and he is trying to figure out, obviously the first suspect is Moss who Mike confront over the phone but he denied it, says he loves her and would never hurt or kill Delly.

Mikes father also give him a hard time because he had him follow and the police approach him to give him a heads up of whats going on with Mike.


Turns out Delly is way smarter and as she was mention, she would never get away from Moss so she decide to reborn, fake her own death and have Moss know about it to be truly free.



Florida Man is just a story, it wouldnt be strange if its a novel, I havent research into it, I find this series very entertaining, the cast is not the best one out there but its enough to keep you wanting to know more about what happens to Delly and if Moss will ever find her. The story of Mike sound insteresting too as he kept saying he was running away from Florida, we part of it is because of his dad but what else is in Florida that Mike doesnt like that much, then we have that Mike will have to choose between his ex girlfriend Iris who he is still trying to get back with and Delly who is/was his boos girlfriend he been fucking on the side. I think the answer is obvious, Mike eventually choose Delly but ends up alone, the story will be interesting of what happens during that process and if he stays in Florida, his ex girlfriend is investigating Moss since she was assign to task force in the local police department, this investigation might get Mike involve and she knows it. Mike again gambling his life away now helping Iris to get Moss.




The Patient: Alan Learns to Meditate – A Rocket Pocket – Personal Opinion


Sam delves more deeply into the reason he entered therapy, but he encounters resistance from Dr. Strauss as he attempts to continue their sessions. A gathering sense of not being alone leads to a revelation about the house. Source

Each episode on this series is twenty three minutes long, I think that’s a great approach compare to other TV shows because if you somehow manage to get 100% of someone’s attention for that amount of time they you did a great job with the script and there is no reason why they wont keep watching the series, instead of spending more resource like time and money better just focus on that short amount of time, its like having a good espresso than a large cup mediocre coffee when all you want is to wake up. There is another factor that comes up on this episode, now that everyone knows what’s what, Alan knows he is captive and Sam that he is control there is a sense of dark humor that comes up on both sides and I couldn’t stop laughing at some one else pain, that’s inevitable.

On episode two of The Patient Alan is still in disbelieve of the situation that he is in, he denies to start therapy with Sam while Sam just keeps almost begging with good deeds like bringing food everyday, establish conversation, coming up with more revealing truth that he is a real serial killer and for what I can tell he is the author of more than one serial killer, I mean more than one serial killer because he is known for individual victims and victims under a patter like the John Doe killer. I mention there is dark humor on this episode as the cover of this post shows where Sam brings a box and put it on his lap while Alan is thinking GOOD LORD!!! who is on that box, but Sam answers back “Don’t worry its not a head” I couldn’t stop laughing to then Alan answer “Oh that’s a relief”, we will probably see more of this during the rest of the episodes.


But at a point in the episode Alan finally realize he has no other option, he is a well known therapist and now he is playing chess, he will have to figure out a way probably not to cure Alan from his twisted reality where he is God and can kill anyone that goes against his believes but figure out the way how either he can brake him or manipulate him so he can get out of his captivity alive. As Alan keeps having flashbacks of his wife, he remembers how he was trying to learn to meditate and in his current situation would help a lot.
Hunger is something that nobody can avoid, yes people can stay without eating for sometime against their will but if you have the choice at some point everyone brakes down, under captivity that’s the first sign of either two things survival or acceptance of where you are and the situation, when I saw Alan eating I thought ok he is going to take some action, his first decision was to open a lock with a plastic fork, really?? so smart to think he could pull that off and then the fork brakes so immediately realize that if Sam finds out he would be in trouble, this is the first time we see Alan analyzing what would be Sam reaction because until this point Sam was in full denial that he would have to interact with Sam.
Eventually Sam comes home and finds out about the fork, I really thought he would react with violence but he didn’t, calmly just explain Alan how foolish was that and that he wont be able to escape by using a plastic fork, Sam has experience killing people so he might have already kidnap a few so this is not his first rodeo.


After Sam asking many times Alan to help him with therapy he finally accepts and decides to move on, here comes some dark humor again, Alan explain him in short words that he cant be violent during therapy and that they both need to feel safe and then says “I don’t know what to do about that…” meaning he doesn’t feel safe, MF Sam only smiles at first, this is they guy that kidnap Alan I told him “I know this is not normal but its ok”


Sam doesn’t look like a violent guy so far, mostly looks broken, if I could take a guess his father was a very strict person that wouldn’t cut corners and hate people who did and thought the same to Sam as kid but then as Sam mention he use to beat him down every time he wanted specially if he has memories of that room where they are so there could attachment to the house, probably not the best place for therapy since it can bring flashbacks of how his father hurt him many times.


So they keep therapy sessions and so far Alan is just listening, I can tell Alan is a very calm and probably naïve guy because so far I don’t see any moves trying to manipulate Sam. Sam keeps talking about his work and how he had this episode with a restaurant manager who had a few violations to an inspection and the guy basically manipulate the system, cut corners to get his way and Sam hate him for that, he cant stop thinking about it, essentially he wants to teach the guy a lesson, Sam has dis obsession that things are either white or black and in his book if you don’t do things right he ends up killing you. Sam has been “trying” to stop and that’s tormenting him from the inside, somehow this time he manage so far not to kill the guy from the restaurant and now decided to seek or professional help of a therapist to stop feeling that way and stop ending up killing people, to make it worst as any other human in life he wants results in a matter of two sessions and start feeling its not helping, Sam is going to kill someone very soon, hope its not Alan.
Alan constantly heard someone walking while Sam was away so he figure out someone has to be upstairs, he kept asking until that someone came down, I guess is an old person as they went down with one of those metal things to move carbon while its on fire and was also walking slowly like he/she is afraid, Alan politely smile.

On this episode we see how the mind games begin, we still see Alan weak, no plan, no intentions to escape but to help Sam, I guess at some point that will stop because when Sam becomes violent, feels therapy is not helping and Alan wants to escape, how long it will take I don’t know but for sure this series is a rocket pocket, its short but kept you glued to the screen in those 20 minutes of suspense.